Tales From Helheim

Echoes from Beyond: Tales of Mexican Phantoms and a Childhood Brush with Darkness

May 13, 2024 The Nerdy Viking
Echoes from Beyond: Tales of Mexican Phantoms and a Childhood Brush with Darkness
Tales From Helheim
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Tales From Helheim
Echoes from Beyond: Tales of Mexican Phantoms and a Childhood Brush with Darkness
May 13, 2024
The Nerdy Viking

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Join us as we toss aside the podcast intro playbook, opting instead for some spontaneous chatter that's as unpredictable as Mother Nature herself—starting with an homage to the queens of our hearts long after Mother's Day has passed. There's something refreshing about breaking the rules, and that's exactly what we do, veering into a conversation that's sure to send shivers down your spine. We spin a yarn about Mexican phantoms that makes American ghost stories look like bedtime tales for toddlers, and tease a bone-chilling encounter with darkness in Sin City that blurs the line between the living and the otherworldly.

Things get personal as I recount a childhood memory so vivid and visceral it could very well be the origin of a new urban legend. This gripping narrative dips into a stark confrontation with evil, contrasting a legendary battle between light and shadow in the heartland of Mexico. We're not afraid to tread into the deep end, discussing the aftermath of trauma and the figurative demons that can haunt us just as fiercely as any ghost. By the episode's end, we've journeyed through a tapestry of terrifying tales, and in the afterglow of our dark odyssey, we invite you to lighten the atmosphere. Share your own spooky stories—perhaps with a twist of humor—to chase away the echoes of the eerie and unsettling truths we've unveiled together.

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Hello if there is something you like, dislike, or anything else you would like to share with us click on this and fan mail will let you.

Come share your stories with us or chat on Telegram

Join us as we toss aside the podcast intro playbook, opting instead for some spontaneous chatter that's as unpredictable as Mother Nature herself—starting with an homage to the queens of our hearts long after Mother's Day has passed. There's something refreshing about breaking the rules, and that's exactly what we do, veering into a conversation that's sure to send shivers down your spine. We spin a yarn about Mexican phantoms that makes American ghost stories look like bedtime tales for toddlers, and tease a bone-chilling encounter with darkness in Sin City that blurs the line between the living and the otherworldly.

Things get personal as I recount a childhood memory so vivid and visceral it could very well be the origin of a new urban legend. This gripping narrative dips into a stark confrontation with evil, contrasting a legendary battle between light and shadow in the heartland of Mexico. We're not afraid to tread into the deep end, discussing the aftermath of trauma and the figurative demons that can haunt us just as fiercely as any ghost. By the episode's end, we've journeyed through a tapestry of terrifying tales, and in the afterglow of our dark odyssey, we invite you to lighten the atmosphere. Share your own spooky stories—perhaps with a twist of humor—to chase away the echoes of the eerie and unsettling truths we've unveiled together.

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Speaker 2:

And what's going on? Everybody, we are back again for some shenanigans.

Speaker 3:

Wait, wait, run that shit by me one more time.

Speaker 2:

Hey, what's going on? Everybody, Welcome back. We are back again for some more shenanigans.

Speaker 3:

I don't like that. Why not? That was weird, that came off awkward it's very shenanigans we're gonna have to cut that? I don't know man, it just hit me weird, nope it just hits the ears weird it's the lazy version version of shenanigans. It's the lazy virgin.

Speaker 2:

Of shenanigans, the lazy virgin. Oh God so again well, not again because I haven't said anything yet, but yesterday was Mother's Day, hence the late release of this one. But happy belated Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.

Speaker 3:

What is it that fucking outcasts? All the mothers, the baby mamas, the baby mamas, mamas, yes.

Speaker 2:

And everything in between.

Speaker 3:

Sure yeah, everything in between.

Speaker 2:

Well, by that I mean, you know, like babies, mamas, mamas, mamas, mamas, mamas, mamas, cousins, sisters, mamas, mamas, mamas.

Speaker 3:

There's a little cousin who used to live down the street from me.

Speaker 2:

Right Little pookie.

Speaker 3:

Happy Mother's Day to all the grandmothers that have to take care of their children's children because they can't get their shit together Right. Them too, especially them, they play a big part in raising kids.

Speaker 2:

And happy Mother's Day out there to all those grandmas that are still taking care of their kids. Yeah, it's a vicious cycle.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it never ends, never shall. It's kind of like a record it will forever spin. It may not play sound, but it can be forever spinning. That's poetic not play sound, but it can be forever spinning. That's poetic. Now, if we could only find some justice for what I don't know, but then it could be poetic justice all right, settle down kendrick lamar I hate that guy. Yeah, you love him? No, all right he's a weird one.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, they all are, that is true, and I mean apparently they just a lot of them, prove that you go. Hey, man man man, man man man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man man man man. Do we have, do I have?

Speaker 3:

does we all have in store for?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Some poetic Beatles shit. There too I'm trying. He is we and she is we, and we are all one and we are all together.

Speaker 2:

We are Legion no.

Speaker 3:

Well, what do you have?

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure we're on two different wavelengths for this episode? We probably are, but uh, I'll let you go first on this one all righty, it's been a while something.

Speaker 3:

I've kicked it off it has been.

Speaker 2:

That's why, uh, I'm letting you get back into the swing of it I don't like that.

Speaker 3:

Uh, yeah, so for this episode I brought, give me a drum roll. Do we actually have an effect that does that?

Speaker 2:

we do, but I'm not close enough to the soundboard, I think it's just because you don't remember what button it is. Well I mean that too. I need to get some stickers, so oh yeah we gotta get like some label buttons yeah like give me a trump, give what is it?

Speaker 3:

give me a drum roll, it's just a weird funky. Like give me a drum roll, it's just a weird funky bass line yeah.

Speaker 2:

Give me a beat boy and free my soul.

Speaker 3:

Oh God, I brought Satan to the table this time.

Speaker 2:

Ooh, nice, nice. Well then, I guess, technically, what's Satan got in store for us?

Speaker 3:

What's Satan got to do with it?

Speaker 2:

what's saying, got to do, got to do with it and wdsd. What did satan do?

Speaker 3:

oh, no all right.

Speaker 2:

So for anyone that is, uh, extremely devout in their religious beliefs, maybe skip this episode. Come back next week or or skip this portion and check back in for my story in. You know like five, ten minutes or so, and it'll probably be switched up. So if you're extremely devout, please skip this one. If not, then join us in raising all hell. Pun intended, Don't you fucking skip me.

Speaker 3:

Trash back here. What do you think you're doing, don't you fucking skip me? Trash back here.

Speaker 2:

What do you think you're doing? Don't run out on me.

Speaker 3:

Where do you think you're going?

Speaker 2:

Are you coming back with milk, oh God. Daddy.

Speaker 3:

Too real. Too real, oh God. All right, so this one takes place in Mexico.

Speaker 2:

Ah, as all good creepy stories do, or Japan.

Speaker 3:

I feel like those are. I'm pretty sure I've made this point already before, but every time we watch like scary, like video compilations, it's either always like Mexico or like Japan, where everything is like really creepy Like American ghosts. Don't do anything for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're fairly mellow compared to mexican they're just like moving shit.

Speaker 3:

Mexican like full body apparitions and then fucking. The japanese ones are like those fucking terrifying faces. They look like they drowned. I hate that shit. Do those fucking freak me out?

Speaker 2:

yeah, straight out of, like the ring or fucking uh, what's, what's that other one? The grudge?

Speaker 3:

yeah, that worst one was still the one where, uh, they're like doing the tour of, uh, like the the real estate agents doing tour of that house in japan and then you see like a blue arm kind of like swipe at the guy's feet from like the bottom of a open closet oh yeah, he's like what was that? And then they look up and like there's a face, like from an impossibly tiny little closet space.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I remember that one.

Speaker 3:

If anybody finds that video, send me it. Send it to our Discord. I want to see this Well technically it's Telegram now. Send it to our Telegram. I want to see this. I don't know if that's an upgrade or a downgrade, but yeah, post and tag us in and we'll find it at some point.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we do have our subreddit, so you can find us on Reddit at TalesFromHellheim.

Speaker 3:

Do that, or find our TikTok at TalesFromHellheim.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Let me know what the name of the video is. I want to find this video again.

Speaker 2:

It will be found.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so enough of sight tracking. We do that a lot.

Speaker 2:

It happens. Every episode Like AIDS, oh no, we're definitely cutting that one out. It just happens and you live with it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so mine takes place in Mexico, which I'll tell the story, and then I'll tell you like a little like background story, that I heard about this as well. So, it takes place in Tijuana, mexico. Tijuana, mexico Ah, at a donkey show. No, by far. I don't want to shut on tijuana, but tijuana always has like the worst shit going on there well, this, uh, this might prove your point oh yeah, it really does.

Speaker 3:

So it's about this girl named maria, which I don't know if that's a real name or not or if somebody was just throwing a fucking real mexican name out there right yeah, it's about a girl named maria and she was a party girl. She used to like to go out and fucking party for like three days straight, four days straight, and then come back sleep and then fucking go party. So you have to drink. She likes to fucking do drugs and all that shit um yeah.

Speaker 3:

So this takes place one night. So she goes out and she's partying for like two days straight already and she tells her friends, like I'm tired, I'm going to go to sleep, I'm going to go home, I'm going to bed, and then she's like I'm going to take one last shot. And her friend convinces her. It's like, well, it's the start of like of the weekend, like why don't you just go home with like the rest of us and we're gonna get a couple hours of sleep? And then we're gonna hit it again. And she's like all right, fuck it, do it. She goes home and to get some sleep, and her mom's telling her, like trying to convince, like no, no, no, don't, don't go out. Like it's good, it's, uh, what's referred to as semana santa, which is like the start of like, like Good Friday, like Easter Friday and all that shit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So basically it's like the really religious holiday, like the super religious weekend for like Catholics and some Christians.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So her mom's trying to convince her like no, don't go out. It's like stay here. It's like go to mass with me tomorrow and then you can do whatever you want after that, but just please don't go, just stay with me here and let's go to church tomorrow. And she tells her mom like oh, yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure. So she goes to her room, she takes a nap and she wakes up a couple hours later and she sneaks out and they go to this place it's called the Aloha Bar in Tijuana.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, a Hawaiian named bar in a Mexican city.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, dude, there's a lot of that. It's more for, like, tourists kind of.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they do it for like tourist attractions. So would you, if you're an American, would you rather go to like a sketchy part of Mexico and go to a bar called the Aloha Bar, like Cesar Chavez's Patron, mega Drinks?

Speaker 2:

That one.

Speaker 3:

Fucking? Of course you would. I don't even know why the fuck I asked. I knew that was going to be the answer.

Speaker 2:

You should know I may look white, but I'm more Mexican. On the inside, yep.

Speaker 3:

But so she goes and she's hanging out with her friends and she's like drinking and they start like fucking partying and whatnot. And this like really handsome, like man comes up and he's trying to like flirting with her and he's just like being all fucking oh, what's up baby? Oh, come on, baby. He's being like real fucking, like Love me, baby. Pretty much he's being like really forward and like hitting on her and she likes that, I guess.

Speaker 3:

Yeah so forward and like hitting on her and she likes that I guess. Yeah, so they start dancing and from her recollection they uh she loses track of how many dances, how long they've been dancing for, but she like, and all the fucking dancing, all the drinks on the flirting and all that shit. She realizes that there's nobody on the dance floor and that everybody's just kind of like staring at them like like in horror.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And she's like what the fuck is this people's problem? She keeps dancing. And then she like, the more she dances, the more she realizes that everybody not like metaphorically, like everybody is like looking at her. And they're looking at her like in horror, like what the fuck is she doing, like what the hell?

Speaker 2:

And she finally realizes why she's dancing with a corpse.

Speaker 3:

No, she looks down and the handsome man has goat legs.

Speaker 2:

Oh God.

Speaker 3:

And then she looks back up at his face and it's like distorted and demonic and he starts laughing crazily and then she passes out. When she wakes up she's in the hospital and then she finds out that the nightclub like caught on fire and then a lot of people died in that nightclub and to more like her friends accounts. What they had told her was that after she passed out, the guy that she was dancing with started laughing like crazy and then he ran into like one of the back rooms and then after that, the fucking place caught on fire. Oh Jesus, so a bunch of people fucking died there, like one of the back rooms, and then after that, the fucking place caught on fire. Oh jesus, so a bunch of people fucking died there.

Speaker 3:

And it was said that after that, uh, like nobody in her family would go near that place, that it's supposedly haunted or whatever. Yeah, then, um, because they burned down, so they rebuilt over it and every time somebody tries to open a business there, it something happens, like the people go missing or the fucking they just leave Cause they say they they hear like screaming during the night and nobody's ever been able to run a business there.

Speaker 2:

So it's very weird, Cause it's like what, what entity, demonic presence, anything like that, like why would it prevent that?

Speaker 3:

I don't think it's to prevent it. I think it's more to just kind of keep up like the legend, because if it was the devil and people died in there, you're going to keep the souls trapped in there. That makes the most sense, just so people would be like, oh the devil, the devil. Just to kind of keep relevance.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just so people would be like, oh the devil, the devil, just to kind of keep relevance. Yeah, and the story about that was when I was little. I remember my mom and my aunt telling me that story too, but it was uh, at the casino that's down here that supposedly that happened, but at the casino, but it didn't catch fire. That it was just uh, it was back, um, it was fuck. I want to say maybe like early 2000s. So I was still like a little kid, yeah. So I'm pretty sure they told me just to freak me out. But then their version of it was the guy had one goat hoof and one chicken foot, huh, and then they're dancing and that that lady, she like passed on. Then she ended up having a heart attack and she died oh, jesus, so that one went quite a bit further yeah, yeah, so that one took everybody, huh, yeah, but I always thought that one was weird.

Speaker 3:

I always thought about this story, like from time to time I'll have to ask my mom.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember if it was a personal story or a story she heard from a friend, but about seeing the devil in uh vegas. At this point it kind of just but about seeing the devil in a Vegas.

Speaker 3:

At this point it kind of just sounds like it's the devil's MO wherever they're fucking people are like fucking at a casino or a dance, just kind of sitting and having fun.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, just going ape shit.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, he's like let me fucking ready these motherfuckers up real quick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, basically that's I mean. If you think of, you know, god is supposed to be peace and devil's supposed to be chaos oh yeah, that checks out.

Speaker 3:

But I had, uh, I had another thought when I was looking the story up, because I was like I wanted to find the whole thing. I came across this little, other little story. It's like real short, so where my dad he's originally from, it's called thing we need damn, that was a good story I know the end my dad is the devil uh no, for where he's from his thing.

Speaker 3:

We mean, it's like I think we've shown you pictures of it and it's like all like greenery and like it looks like just a giant natural, like national forest yeah so it looks like that, but there's a place called la rodilla del diablo, which means the devil's knee, and they call it that because there's like a little waterfall and it leads into this giant stone and it has like this weird looking like indenture into it yeah and the story was that, uh, that the people used to travel through there, uh, to kind of like get goods from one time to another, and that the devil would hide there and he would scare them and fucking nobody would pass there.

Speaker 3:

So one day, um, a priest like I'm gonna handle this, and he went down there. Then he starts like he starts going at the devil was like firecraft compels you and god intervened on his behalf and he scared the devil so much that he ran and he slammed his knee on that rock and he left that indenture in there huh, that's.

Speaker 3:

That's an interesting take on, uh, how that happened yeah, I was like this is crazy, but I thought it would be a good story to add on to the end of this one yeah, it's, it's pretty intriguing.

Speaker 2:

It'd be uh I mean, you know what they say if, if jesus was supposed to be real, then there's nothing saying the devil can't be or the antichrist exactly, and for you guys that skipped through my story, I am very hurt and it was.

Speaker 3:

It was a good so mean how could you?

Speaker 2:

all right, what do you got then? I guess for mine I will give the warning. Now this could be a trigger warning for a few different things. I'm not quite sure. I read a little bit of it, not fully, so just be prepared. I rarely think of this moment, typically only about once a year. That day is on my birthday.

Speaker 2:

See I was born in February and on my fifth birthday, something happened that I wish I could forget all about. It was an early morning on a particularly colder day. I was with my younger brother, who just turned three. At the time, and for the sake of privacy, we'll call him Joe. Joe and I were watching TV, and I was staying at my mother's house At this time. My parents were indeed divorced. The divorce had an effect on me, but I got through it with the right help. After Joe and I watched TV for a few hours, him and I had some on my birthday cake.

Speaker 2:

That's when my mom and her new boyfriend she cheated on my dad with came out from their room. She told him and Joe that she was going out for a few drinks. At the time I didn't think much of it, besides the fact that it's only 11 am. Either way, they went out for a few hours and nothing eventful happened. Joe was getting tired, so I put him into bed. Another hour. After that, it ended up being around 8 pm. I was wondering where my mom was, but then I heard a car pull into the driveway. But then I heard a car pull into the driveway After I turned off the lights and got myself into bed. I ended up getting back up and going in the kitchen when the truck turned off and someone kicked the door open. This scared the living hell out of me, but I managed to stay quiet as I grabbed the house phone off the wall and dialed 911. When they picked up, I told them what was happening and then I went into my mother's room and grabbed her handgun.

Speaker 2:

I never was a good shot. This was something that me and my uncle would often go do, and he would go over self-protection and firearm safety, and he would go over self-protection and firearm safety. I walked out of my mom's room to see him turning on the lights. I see the intruder was my mom's new boyfriend and I was still waiting for the cops to show up because he was an aggressive drunk. But when he turned the light on in my brother's room, I saw he had a weapon. He had his own handgun and I panicked and I ran down the hallway for what felt like forever.

Speaker 2:

I reached my brother's room. When I walked in, he had a pillow over my brother's face and his gun pointed right at him. Without thinking, I pulled the trigger, not just once, I pulled it six times and I closed my eyes. As I did it, my main thing was hoping that I didn't accidentally hurt my brother. After the sixth shot I go and check on my brother and he was okay but reasonably scared out of his mind.

Speaker 2:

I managed to hit my mom's boyfriend four times out of the six shots. He died in the hospital later that night and my dad got a restraining order on her, so I haven't seen her in years. I have grown up a lot since then and have officially been working on stuff in my own personal life. I still am traumatized from what happened, but therapy for a few years after wasn't cheap, but it was very useful. Now, eventually, the cops showed up shortly after with my neighbor who had happened to be a marine veteran. He got discharged after an injury. I am thankful for having been able to defend myself, but I always wonder if there's something I could have done differently in the end.

Speaker 3:

Shit that was fucking heavy yeah, that's uh.

Speaker 2:

That's why you know, like even me with the kids, like I, I waited a while to bring them around. You know my wife now. But just because they're, you never know how people are going to behave or act and you know they can seem like the nicest, most mild person and end up being a fucking murderer like you never know yeah, but at the same time, it wasn't just him, was the mom as well yeah, yeah, she was a fucking, a trash panda and a half. You know what Happy.

Speaker 3:

Unmother's Day to her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she definitely. She doesn't deserve it.

Speaker 3:

Jesus Christ, that was fucking. I don't know how, in an episode that covers that story and then the devil, yours happens to be the fucking scarier story, what the fuck.

Speaker 2:

Right, but I mean that does. It shows you that you know you always want to be careful, especially if you have kids who you're bringing around them, because, uh, once a kid is gone, there's no bringing them back yeah, that is there's a harsh trauma that you don't want to live the op on that.

Speaker 3:

One really fucking got there in the nick of time yeah, very much so, very much so shit. Well, that's a. That's a lot to reflect on, right. This episode I'm not gonna lie, that bummed me out, dude.

Speaker 2:

That episode made me sad damn but while you guys all reflect, I'm gonna go help Duffy here, kind of cheer up.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna need therapy after this episode. That was a dark one the devil and the child murderer two lessons to be learned do not go out on a holy weekend to go do ho shit and don't leave your kids alone and date abusive fucking pieces of shit yeah, those are the best lessons to come I'm gonna just be walking around after this fucking episode my hands on my head going. Y'all want to talk about my alcoholic father? We need something light in the mood right, we'll get through this, we'll get that was okay, guys, that was it for this week yeah, that's.

Speaker 2:

Uh. That's the episode when I said it's true stories good or bad, mostly bad and terrifying, but you know yeah, I don't think I've ever heard a good scary story.

Speaker 3:

We'll have to find.

Speaker 2:

Everybody learned a lesson right a wholesome scary story We'll have to find everybody to learn the lesson right A wholesome scary story. One might exist somewhere, but not on this podcast.

Speaker 3:

No, if you guys have wholesome scary stories, fucking send them our way, Cause I need them. I need some fucking therapy after this.

Speaker 2:

Right, well, I think, uh, that's all I have.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that seems to be it for this week. Thank you.

Late Mother's Day Shenanigans
Echoes of the Devil
Reflecting on Dark and Terrifying Stories

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