Tales From Helheim

Ghostly Apparitions and Abandoned Spirits: Unveiling a Haunted Shelter and a Family’s Desperate Flight

June 23, 2024 The Nerdy Viking
Ghostly Apparitions and Abandoned Spirits: Unveiling a Haunted Shelter and a Family’s Desperate Flight
Tales From Helheim
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Tales From Helheim
Ghostly Apparitions and Abandoned Spirits: Unveiling a Haunted Shelter and a Family’s Desperate Flight
Jun 23, 2024
The Nerdy Viking

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What happens when the past refuses to stay buried? Join me on a spine-chilling journey through two of the most unsettling supernatural experiences I’ve ever encountered. First, we revisit my childhood days in a decrepit shelter, a place once part of an old institution, where the ghostly figure of a young girl with braids and an antique dress made her presence known. From unnerving nocturnal noises to the heart-stopping moment in the basement when a spectral game of hide and seek commenced, this tale will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Next, experience the torment of a family haunted by inexplicable scratches and bruises, forcing them to abandon their home and most of their possessions. With the ever-present dread that their toys and belongings might be cursed, the family uprooted their lives, carrying only what was essential to escape the unseen menace. Listen as we unravel the emotional and practical challenges of such a drastic decision, and reflect on the stark choices we all may face when confronted with the unknown. This episode is a stark reminder of life's unpredictability and the paramount importance of prioritizing safety over curiosity.

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Hello if there is something you like, dislike, or anything else you would like to share with us click on this and fan mail will let you.

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What happens when the past refuses to stay buried? Join me on a spine-chilling journey through two of the most unsettling supernatural experiences I’ve ever encountered. First, we revisit my childhood days in a decrepit shelter, a place once part of an old institution, where the ghostly figure of a young girl with braids and an antique dress made her presence known. From unnerving nocturnal noises to the heart-stopping moment in the basement when a spectral game of hide and seek commenced, this tale will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Next, experience the torment of a family haunted by inexplicable scratches and bruises, forcing them to abandon their home and most of their possessions. With the ever-present dread that their toys and belongings might be cursed, the family uprooted their lives, carrying only what was essential to escape the unseen menace. Listen as we unravel the emotional and practical challenges of such a drastic decision, and reflect on the stark choices we all may face when confronted with the unknown. This episode is a stark reminder of life's unpredictability and the paramount importance of prioritizing safety over curiosity.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back. I hope you're ready for another episode of Tales from Hellheim.

Speaker 2:

Today will be a solo story kind of day. I was around five or six at the time and we were moving to a different province. We didn't have a place yet, so we were staying at a nearby shelter while looking for one. I forget where the shelter was, but we were told it had been transformed into a shelter after someone decided to make use of the abandoned building. We were told it was half of an institution or something, years and years before I was even born. Anyway, we had a strange room, I'd say it was about 8 by 9 foot room with a heavy metal door and two bunk beds, one on either side of the room. The bunk beds had metal framing and seemed a tad bit unstable and the mattresses were hard and the floor was concrete and not even a tiny window in sight. But we didn't complain because it was temporary. We were the only ones living in a room on that floor. I remember very vividly that my sibling and mother were in the kitchen preparing food for the shelter, as it was their turn. That was part of the agreement to stay there. Plus there were at least 40 other people. It was two to three floors and had a basement.

Speaker 2:

I remember going to bed early because I was really tired. So my mom opened the heavy door and let me in the room. I turned on the light and waited to climb into the ladder to get to the top of the bed before saying goodnight. She then turned the light off and I snuggled in the blankets, but I couldn't fall asleep. So I stared at the ceiling. I don't know how much time had passed, but then I heard the bunk bed on the other side of the room creak, as if someone was climbing up the ladder into that bunk bed right across from mine. And since my older brother was the one who slept there, I spoke thinking it was him, and he somehow quietly snuck in the room to not wake me up. So when I heard the creaking stop, indicating that someone was on the mattress across from me, I said hey, aiden, you didn't have to sneak in, I can't fall asleep Only to get no response. This was unusual for him, since he'd usually say something right away, either to tease me or to help me sleep. However, I got no response, just the sound of the sheets rustling a tiny bit. I assumed he didn't hear me, so I spoke louder Hi Aiden, did you guys finish the food. Yet no response To this.

Speaker 2:

I became a little bit worried that something had upset him, so I sat up and turned my head toward the bed, hoping that I would be able to comfort him if he was upset. I barely got his name out of my mouth when I realized it wasn't him, but a dark figure, some girl around my age at the time. She had two braids and a puffy old-fashioned dress. She had been sitting criss-cross, staring and pointing in my direction. Of course, I got so scared I couldn't scream, thinking if I did I'd be harmed in some way. So I stayed quiet and hid under my blankets.

Speaker 2:

A few hours later, my mom comes in and turns on the light, with my siblings behind her. I saw the light on so I automatically assumed someone was in the room and I was safe. So I shot up out from under my blankets and quickly climbed down the ladder and hugged my mom. She asked me what was wrong, since I was still shaking, but me, thinking that the girl was still in the room, waited till the next day when we went on our morning walk to explain to her what had happened. Day when we went on our morning walk to explain to her what had happened. After explaining what had happened, how I couldn't sleep and heard someone go on the bunk bed across from me, thinking it was my older brother, and then seeing the girl with braids and a puffy dress. That was just a pitch black figure.

Speaker 2:

My mom was horrified. But just to be sure it wasn't my imagination, she went asking people in the shelter about a supposed ghost, giving no detail about what I had told her. This lady, we'll call Courtney, told my mom yes, there is a spirit roaming and it takes the form of a girl and has two braids and an old-fashioned dress. She used to visit me every night but suddenly stopped when you guys moved in. We were the only children in the shelter, so that might have been the reason, I don't know. My mom replied to Courtney Well, my daughter saw someone with that exact description you just gave me and at first I thought it was just her imagination or something like that. Anyway, courtney then walked away. Things were pretty quiet after that. I had seen something run in the corner of my eye every once in a while, or hear the sound of knives sharpening when no one was in the kitchen and occasional sounds of screaming from the basement when no one was down there. However, it was a family room you could book.

Speaker 2:

One day our family had booked it. There were kids' toys, colored maps, wooden tiled floors and a TV. We were watching the Land Before Time and I looked on the dark side of the room in curiosity and there she was, standing in the middle of the dark side of the basement. She ran around the corner, the basement was in an L shape and we were using half of the L side of it. Anyway, at this point I'm more curious about her than afraid. I kind of thought she wanted to play, since she was in the toy section of the room, so I followed her, thinking it was a game of hide and seek. I stood up from the couch without a word and my mom asked me where I was going, but I didn't answer. I just walked into the dark side of the room, which to her was strange since I had a fear of the dark. Back then, as most kids do, she was confused why I would go into the darkest side of the basement where the light didn't reach willingly. She followed me and I entered a dark closet. I started looking around frantically and kept asking when are you? Don't you want to play with me? Is that why you keep running around me? I asked over and over questions along those lines. My mom obviously was concerned, turned on the lights and picked me up, turned off the TV and brought me and my siblings upstairs. She asked why I was acting the way I was and, according to her, I said she wants to play.

Speaker 2:

After that, ma and the rest of my family started getting scratches and tiny bruises. Mysteriously, within a week, my mom found a place and we moved there, leaving our toys and stuff behind, believing the spirit could have possessed them to follow us. We only kept a few things of clothing, some money, food and IDs. We bought new stuff at the store and lived on the other side of town from a shelter. Now the question is what would you do in that situation? Now the question is what would you do in that situation? Would curiosity peak your interest and you'd go trying to explore the realm of the unknown? Or would fear take hold and set in and cause you to run in terror, or just avoid that place like the plague? Always be safe in everything you do, because you never know what can happen, minute to minute, second to second, even day by day.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Encounter With Ghostly Child at Shelter
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