People First: A Lotus People Podcast

Episode 1: Intuition, setting boundaries and saying yes to opportunities with Laura Hopes, Founder @ HopesConsult

Sinead Connolly Season 1 Episode 1

My guest today is Laura Hopes. Laura is a serial entrepreneur with multiple businesses under her belt. She is my Lotus People co-founder, a yoga teacher, a consultant, a strategist, a thought leader within the recruitment industry in Australia and, also, my best friend!

I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. Laura and I have had 12 years of practice for this, and we easily could have recorded for another three hours. Enjoy! 


Follow Laura on HumeScope website, Hopes Consult website and on LinkedIn!


If you'd like to get in touch, email us on

This podcast is hosted by SEEK's Recruitment Leader of the Year, Sinead Connolly. The podcast is sponsored by award-winning recruitment agency, Lotus People. For more information about Lotus People, visit or follow us on Lotus People's LinkedIn page or on Sinead's LinkedIn page.