Women Winning Their Way

Life Unscripted: How to Thrive When Life Throws a Curveball with Lori Marini

Clara Capano Season 2 Episode 7


What do you do when all of your plans fall apart?  Do you crumble or do you thrive?  This is what I talk about in this week’s episode of Women Winning Their Way with Lori Marini.


After building her plan for her business, Lori had to face the unexpected when told she had the BIG C.  In a moment her life ( and her dreams) changed.  Life can be unexpected.  Lori and I talk about


Developing grace and forgiveness for yourself when you have to pivot

Learning that asking for help is not weakness

Allowing yourself to make trade-offs

Learning acceptance


Life doesn’t always go as planned, but that does not mean you have to give up.  Learn how to THRIVE in the unexpected.  Lori will bring you light, inspiration and comfort in knowing you can face anything and do it with grace.




Take chances, make life an adventure, find those secret passageways.

– Lori Marini


Connenct with Lori here: 




With 8+ years of experience as a women's coach and group facilitator underlined by her own extraordinary story of overcoming, Lori works with groups, individuals, and organizations to amplify the joyful experience of thriving even during the hardest times. 


Lori is also an international bestselling co-author of "Women Who Boss Up" and the host of "Conversations with Courageous Cancer Warriors" Podcast. 



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More about the host: Clara is an International Speak, Award winning Educator, Best Selling Author and Host of Women Wining Their Way and Be Productive. She is the Founder and CHO ( Chief Harmony Officer) of Capano Speaking and Training and the creator of the CLARATY Success Method. With over 20 years in sales and leadership, her passion is in providing women in business work with key strategies so they can work with more intention and put themselves back in the driver’s seat of their life so they can create harmony between their personal and professional lives. Let Clara help you find CLARATY and help you create Success on YOUR Terms free from guilt, overwhelm and burnout. 



With the high demands of today’s world, working women are having a hard time getting it all done. At the Lioness League, we are a community focused on delivering straightforward strategies, collaboration, and training at an affordable investment. The Lioness league will provide you access to exclusive trainings around mindset, leadership and productivity so you can simplify success and open up more time, more money and more harmony in your life and business. I’m Clara Capano and I invite you to join the Lioness League and unlock your inner lioness. !


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