Ready Set Coach Podcast

Building and Scaling Your Coaching Team

Emily Merrell and Lexie Smith Season 2 Episode 88

This week’s episode focuses on how to build and scale your coaching team. Em and Lex discuss their own experiences with building their team - from their hires to their first fires, and lessons learned. They explore the pros and cons of different hiring structures and how to know when you’re ready to expand your coaching team.

Here’s what you’ll learn: 

  • Tips on when to hire your first team member for your coaching business
  • What indications come up that may alert you to needing to hire another team member
  • Their tips on when to start the process of hiring and how to go about firing
  • Best hiring practices and the importance of creating SOPs
  • How to set expectations and communicate with your new hire
  • The benefits and challenges of remote hires
  • How you can strategically continue to build your team as you scale
  • And more!

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Lexie Smith  

Hello, Lexie Smith. Oh, I just realized we're both wearing gray sweatshirts today.

Emily Merrell  

Wow you know I think if I could wear like sweatshirts professionally, wait, I wear sweatshirts professionally. I

Lexie Smith  

was gonna say don't wait. No,

Emily Merrell  

me. No, I I love sweatshirts. I don't know what it is about the thickness of a sweatshirt that really does it for me like a long sleeve can't do what a sweatshirt does. No,

Lexie Smith  

and it's loose and cozy and easy, breezy, beautiful, CoverGirl.

Emily Merrell  

And I think cozy is like my favorite feeling. Every single morning. I take Jackson up and I go, you want to cuddle and be cozy and he's like, Screw your mom by. But I love cozy little like feeling of cozy and like, did you ever make little forts when you were little that you could hide in? Oh, of course.

Lexie Smith  

They're coziness. Yeah, and we're both from colder climates originally or like climates that had cold seasons. So whereas I live in California now that's not as much a thing but being from Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. I grew up in like beanies and warm coats and blinkies and hot chocolate and fires.

Emily Merrell  

Hot chocolate is such a trigger word I like not trigger like a good trigger word for me in terms of like I see a hot chocolate on the menu and it I must order it.

Lexie Smith  

And now I say can I add shops?

Emily Merrell  

Like adds out the math of the calories there. Okay, but I wanted to ask you like Simon, were you the one who told me about the Discovery of Witches? Yes. I just started reading it.

Lexie Smith  

You did? Oh my god, that took two years.

Emily Merrell  

I'm sorry. You told me A Court of Thorns and Roses worth weighing like there was other books but I just started reading it. I'm very very rudimentary into it. I'm in like chapter two.

Lexie Smith  

Are you ready to keep going? I recall it was a slower burn to start. Maybe but it's mentally huh? It's just gone you it's good. I'm excited. Oh, I'm so excited. Yeah,

Emily Merrell  

okay, I was reading it and I was like wait before I like get too far in let me double check this is a the right book be yes. I have someone I can talk about the book with and I don't know if you've noticed that like, books are just that much more fun. Now when you have someone else to to discuss the twists and turns with versus finishing it and then you can't uncover you haven't finished the second fourth wing, right? No,

Lexie Smith  

but I'm making a lot further progress. Like I'm almost halfway through which for me usually it would take a month to get this far. Because I'm just so in the has also been sick and like prioritizing like going to bed early but then some like embedded eight and then I read for anyways too. Quick squirrel squirrel squirrel. I listened to True Crime podcasts. We all know this. And I consistently think about you know, what would be a podcast? That's fun. That's not business related. That could become a career. I'm just saying, Emily, if you guys if you guys want us to start like a fiction reading books, podcasts book club with him and Lex, I don't know, maybe that is we can go on tour one day, I'm just creating our next version of our life for us.

Emily Merrell  

Oh, I love that. You need to be A Faster Reader though not to like totally.

Lexie Smith  

Yeah, but if it was my job that's different there. That's

Emily Merrell  

fair. And then we could bring on the authors and we can interview them. Oh, so good. And we can put events together focused on the book.

Lexie Smith  

So guys, like if you want us to do this, like, you know, be so hard for us, but like, let us know.

Emily Merrell  

Like in sorry. Businesses close. Shutter Ready,

Lexie Smith  

set? Read Kotar Yeah. Ready? So it really works for everything. Um, but like in the community Ready, Set read. We had it with our first iteration, but yeah, yeah, yeah. But okay, so Okay, talking about like, the next iteration of our life brings me to, here we go the topic of business and thinking about your next iteration of your business. And when you go to scale your business grow your business. Usually you don't do that alone. So today, we're talking about building and scaling your coaching team.

Emily Merrell  

Dun, dun, dun. But lacks, you're a coach, and you're a business of one and the brand is all about your name. Why would you hire someone if it's all about you?

Lexie Smith  

Because you can't do all the things Emily? I

Emily Merrell  

think that's probably the like the number one objection. I've heard people say you'd like well, it's not so much. I mean, I'm only one like I'm one person, but I don't have products or I don't have things that I needed to ship off and everything's virtual. So like, I don't need to hire someone.

Lexie Smith  

Name one. I'll say seven figure business owner, who does it in a silo and has not a single one. And brother team name one. Oh, wait. Hmm, I don't know. You can't add Hello?

Emily Merrell  

Oprah Oprah she does it all by herself.

Lexie Smith  

She does it all by himself, Sara Blakely all by herself.

Emily Merrell  

You did you know that? Yeah. Like Weight Watchers, she lost all the weight all by yourself.

Lexie Smith  

Okay, so Emily, let's start here. One, what's a trigger? What's an indication that it might be time for you to make your first hire?

Emily Merrell  

Do you want to throw yourself off of a high building? No, I'm sorry. That was that was all.

Lexie Smith  

Oh, God, Please edit that. Okay. And were canceled.

Emily Merrell  

Daily Edit that up. Okay, an indication of when it's time to make your first hire is usually when you want to take a nap all the time. That feeling? No, no.

Lexie Smith  

I don't want also pregnant.

Emily Merrell  

No, maybe not. Maybe maybe the person pregnant but not. Or maybe. Oh my god, stop, hold on, Kelly start over. Okay, a good indicator of when it's time to make your first hire is that feeling of immense overwhelm, where you are feeling pulled in multiple directions at the same time, and balls are being dropped?

Lexie Smith  

could not agree more. I think another indication is when you start feeling or literally saying I don't have time.

Emily Merrell  

Exactly. But you do have time for Wordle connections. Crossword puzzles. I

Lexie Smith  

did Wordle for a solid month, and then I'm no longer doing it.

Emily Merrell  

Lexi, I made it to 320 days as a streak. And I messed up. So I'm on day 10. Again, it's like the most depressing thing. That's

Lexie Smith  

like getting your chip, your sobriety chip. Yeah,

Emily Merrell  

I felt like the wagon. I didn't miss it. I messed up. And it was the stupidest work anyway.

Lexie Smith  

You're only human, Emily. So if you're getting overwhelmed, maybe business is doing really well, right, you're getting more clients. And now all of a sudden, you don't feel like you have as much time in the day to do all the things and now you're feeling like oh, maybe there's actually a little bit of capital to support a higher. So if you're at the point where you want to make your first hire, what should a coach's first hire be?

Emily Merrell  

Typically, I think the first hire, and this could be controversial and you might feel differently. I think it's doing the admin things. So like a virtual assistant of some capacity, building your social media. And when I say building your social media, I mean, like creating any Canva graphics that you have. I found the admin tasks were the things that slipped through my fingers the most like, I would send promises and recaps after an event, and that became the bottom of the barrel. So like someone who can take the easy lifts off of your plate, that aren't, aren't necessarily really thought provoking ly challenging, but feel very tedious on your work on your workplace.

Lexie Smith  

Yeah, I don't disagree I I'd say it's a toss up for me. Some people might already go into business with a bookkeeper. But that was one of my first hires is getting a bookkeeper. And then it was a VA. And that's a common term, a virtual assistant in the coaching world, in terms of what that virtual assistant does, I do think that that really can depend on you, and what you're good at what you like doing, what you don't like doing, what type of coach you are, what type of programs you're running. For someone like me who loves making Canva graphics, that's not something I immediately outsourced. Something that I outsourced more was some of the Yeah, the back end kind of systems building tracking. I had them helped me with kind of production of things. So to your point, like sitting down and figuring out what are the time consuming tasks that should I get off my plate will allow me or will open up space in another area likely to serve as clients or to find new business. I

Emily Merrell  

would even challenge you to go a step further and write down all of your tasks. Because so many times we forget all the little things that we do from uploading a podcast or even posting on Instagram, or maybe you send the same email over and over and over to people. I noticed myself doing that too. I'm like, I literally should have just templatized this two years ago and still haven't. So writing that every single little task and kind of auditing, giving yourself a week to do it, and then circling the ones that you would be okay letting go of, and also would be an easy thing to delegate and to explain to a person that is not you. And so in that thinking, too, it's like, there are some, and then starting the ones that like need to be done by you. So for example, being a guest on a podcast, you are the guest on the podcast, like you need to be doing that one coaching your clients. At this point in time, if you were the coach that is selling the program, that is saying that you are coaching the program that is you. So just kind of creating categories of like, this needs to be done by me. And this is something that can be done by someone else. Perfect.

Lexie Smith  

Okay. So you've figured out there's, you know, a set a core set of 10 tasks, that would be phenomenal to get off your plate, and you want to try this whole VA thing or assistant thing? What do you do? Where do you go? What do you need to know to make that first hire?

Emily Merrell  

I think first knowing your budget, knowing how much are you willing to spend on this person? And do you want to hire someone in America? And do you want America? Do you want to marry someone? Do it outsource your marriage? Do you want to hire someone across seas? So for example, like an American hire could be 2025 bucks an hour versus someone in the Philippines could be anywhere from five to $10 an hour? So I think knowing what to priority for you there? And then also knowing Do you want them to be? Do you want them to deliver things at like a certain time? Do you want them to be available online on certain dates? Do you want them to? Yeah, do you want them to speak English and like be forward facing on camera with clients, things like that, like kind of those parameters.

Lexie Smith  

The one thing to guys to know. And when you're thinking about your first hire, you need to kind of decide if you want to do it more of a as a contractor. Or if you want to bring someone on as an employee, as a W two, bringing on your first w two has a lot more strings attached. And we can talk about that. But typically, you would hire a VA as a contractor or a 1099. Based on where they live, that's also going to dictate the paperwork you need. It's going to dictate your contract. I just one of my PR assistants. She's nomadic. And right now she lives in Puerto Rico. And I've been paying her through Gousto. And Gousto just yelled at us that we're not allowed to have contractor from Puerto Rico. So we just had to off board her. And now we're reconfiguring her contract and invoicing. So you also need to figure out, you know, those kinds of back end things but but generally speaking, if you're going to hire a contractor, who has some level of experience, they should have that setup. So this is how you pay me this is when you pay me. So again, I also learned this is a this is a big one I learned. I think it can be really attractive to go overseas. And I think depending on the task and the individual overseas that can work out. However, I've also gotten what I've paid for yeah 100% So I now my girl she lives in Puerto Rico, but she's from New York, she's American and you know, she costs more than the the first set of VAs I hired but she's she's worth it.

Emily Merrell  

tenfold spending my first VA I found for a program called Byron Hi Byron and so they matched you and I had a contract that I could pay credit card you know paid Byron and then Byron would pay it to the assistant and so I think my first contract was like 20 hours a month with this particular person. I Fun fact, Lexi and this is we'll we'll go into the learning parts and like best practice parts, but I never in our like two years of working together with her. I never got on a zoom with her once or heard her voice. So

Lexie Smith  

that is I'm going to say a mistake to avoid one on one.

Emily Merrell  

Yes, yes. Yeah, yes. It was also she was based in the States but I felt like every time she would message me we would be on Slack together. And she like Sorry, we my my brother just overdosed and like we're picking up his body at the morgue I was like,

Lexie Smith  

Oh my god. So it got a little

Emily Merrell  

it's hard sometimes when you're managing someone and you're paying hourly and you're like, oh my god, I have compassion but I also have my tasks that need to be done. And we can talk about that and the

Lexie Smith  

VA management the VA something to guys to know contractor versus W two w two meaning in house. You can't actually legally dictate the hours of a contractor to 99 Meaning you can you can have a handshake deal with them like I'd love for you to be online from like now. I'd attend. But if that becomes a requirement, now they have to become an in person hire. So there are some intricacies to be aware of and to be mindful of these are all things that we highly suggest up and out in the interview process. So I'm a big believer in hire slow.

Emily Merrell  

Why do you say that? Lexi? I'm so curious. Oh, gosh,

Lexie Smith  

I've seen so many fail. I mean, even before entrepreneurship I was involved in hiring in the company has just been in management. And it can be really easy to feel like you're in a dire situation where you need someone now and the first good candidate that walks through the door, you bet all your eggs on. But But in all your eggs that fast without properly vetting can lead to a lot more of a headache down the road. Yeah, Holy, moly, Robbie.

Emily Merrell  

And I think both of us have had the experience of hiring assistants in some capacity that have just completely missed the mark, and have disappointed in terms of their time management, their life management, expectation management, quit before they've started, you know, all the all the fun little experiences of life, but going back to finding them so you can find them through different systems, like I mentioned, Byron, or there's different. There's kind of like wrangler groups of VA organization. So if you typed in like VA, and what your needs are, and you could probably match the match to something. There's also incredible Facebook groups where you can post your VA needs, and then get pitched like a few interviews that way.

Lexie Smith  

Yep. Honestly, go into the ReadySet. Coach community, we have a in search of channel, that's a whole community of coaches who probably have vas, you can ask, because referrals can be really powerful going to you. So my current VA, I did a job posting it was part time contract, and I put it out on to indeed, and circulated it as like legitimate job post, which was great. And that's how she found me, you can go through your university. It just again, depends on if you're looking for some someone that's part of a VA agency, or you're just looking for a candidate who's interested in being an assistant, and they happen to be virtual or not. You can also hire someone locally, I have a client who has a local assistant. So it's legitimately assistant. Yeah, my

Emily Merrell  

mom, my mom keeps pushing back and being like, well, I want someone local, want someone who can like help me, I have so many things printed out like, right, like, why are you printing everything out? That could be emailed that can be faxed, or she said the word fax here that I think can be emailed. So yeah, I think that that's a good question. So then in terms of management's and like training the VA lacks, do you have any best practices that you

Lexie Smith  

Yeah, I'm going to share three of my things that are like non negotiables now that I wish I had done, first and foremost, get on a Gosh, dang, like over communicate that first 123 weeks over communicate, get on zooms, make sure you guys are not just communicating via email or slack, it's so easy to, to cross a wires. While you're doing that. My second piece of advice is have them document everything, every piece of training, because likely if this is your first hire, you don't have that have them document when you're teaching them how to post on your Instagram, have them write out the steps, these are going to become your first set of SOPs that should that hire, leave by way of choice or by way of your choice. Now your next hire training them is going to be so much more efficient because you have that process documented. And then third, while you're over communicating and documenting processes, I think it's so so so clear to have very set expectations. Now, as I mentioned, legally, there's some things you you can and can't do with a contractor. But making your hire know, what you expected by one is key. So hey, I expect these three items by Friday, like getting deadlines clear over communicating having it written somewhere so that everyone's on the same page. Huge. I'll

Emily Merrell  

add to that in terms of SOPs, adding there's different ways that people learn and retain information. So I always love a step by step guide for the individual but I also create a loom like this is why we do it this way. And this is me doing it so you can see what it looks like. So then there's two options for them. And then if they have any questions that really they have exhaust stead trying it on there. Yep,

Lexie Smith  


Emily Merrell  

Can I also add blacks in terms of communication? And I really screwed the hoot. Do you say Swedish? It's the pitch and like I was the hoopoe to be the Bucha, which sounds really dirty actually,

Lexie Smith  

probably is.

Emily Merrell  

Yeah. Okay. Well, anywho, I feel like I really messed up at that, at that point in my time with the early with the early Bas, and that we would email we would slack, we would Trello. And we were kind of like this hot mess Express where my VA wasn't, wasn't anticipating hearing from me in one particular place. And I've since solved that with my my VA style where I only communicate them via slack. And so like Slack is our home base for communication. If I have sent them an email, I will slack them and say, Hey, I sent you an email about this, can you please respond to it? So then everything is there, and everything is communicated that way versus like, Hey, I added things to your Trello board. So they know to go to Trello versus feeling like they have to check all of the platforms for secret messages for me.

Lexie Smith  

Yeah, I think that's really key. We do that too. For live communication, we have clickup and automations. And set procedures that comes a little bit later in business. What I also just do want to talk about because guys, this, this is something I went through a little over two years ago. Now, if you do decide that your first hire is something you want to do as a W two in house, I did learn some things in this process. Um, first and foremost, you need employee insurance. So you need to pay for workers comp, so call your insurance person and get that scope. That's just something you have to do. Also, depending on where they live, there's going to be different taxes and paperwork. So my first in house hire my first w two at the time lived in Washington, DC. Well, Washington DC requires different taxes and different paperwork. And me registering with them, even though I'm a California based business. So it's something to be mindful of. And overseas, I haven't done a W two overseas yet, but I imagine that'd be even more complicated. So consult professionals, it's easier to quote unquote, wing hiring contractors, when it comes to W twos, getting an official payroll, you know, Gousto and, and making sure all the regulations are up to date, all that kind of fun stuff. Also, payroll taxes and understanding that if you set someone's salary, I'm just going to pick an even number 100,000, that you're going to be paying them more than 100,000. After taxes. That was something also I didn't understand like, oh, I want to pay this person this salary. away after taxes, I'm actually going to be paying them this much. Even though they're only taking home this much. It just gets a little bit more intricate. So definitely consult with the professional.

Emily Merrell  

Start a business they say it's so fun. They say.

Lexie Smith  

The Canadian and you just came out.

Emily Merrell  

Oh, yeah, I did. It's cracks me up. I Yeah. Well, there's so many tangents so I will refrain from going on. But I think that is a really, really good point Lex to like, there's different ways and I think don't, don't rush into it. Don't hire someone because you feel obligated to hire someone. I think I think a contract employee is a great, great way to both offer yourself autonomy in the relationship make it easier to sever if you choose to sever it. And also in this generation, I feel like a lot of the VAs and the people that I've I've met and worked with, they work with multiple people, like you're not there everything. It's like a polyamorous business world out there. And so just locking them in for your needs. Isn't it isn't necessary in this day and age?

Lexie Smith  

Yeah, I think it definitely depends at what point you're scaling to. So let's talk a little bit about Okay, so we have our VA, like, what might our next hire B. And one theme I want to bring up here is generalists versus specialists. So something I've noticed, usually early on, there's two routes you can go if you identify like clearly everything you need a social media base, then maybe you you hire specialists, off the get go like someone who specializes in that. If you really need a little bit of help and everything, it's could be a generalist. As you scale, you usually find more needs for specialists. So if you have your general VA who's helping you general admin, and you decide for example, okay, now I really do want to help more help with social media. Now your next hire might be a specialist and that specialist can be a lot of different things. It can be a consultant, it can be another VA, it can be As an agency, although that's going to be significantly more expensive, but we're getting a little bit more categorically specific as we scale.

Emily Merrell  

I think that's a really good point. I'm, I'm, I'm trying to reflect back on my journey, everything feels kind of muddled at this point in time. I think the bookkeeper, the bookkeeper and accountant were like, definitely, to your point, one of my, one of my very first hires, but then in terms of virtual assistant, and then and then I would say, I don't know, I was gonna say marketing agency, I think was my big next hire personally. But I also brokered a really like, sweet deal that worked for

Lexie Smith  

my budget. Yeah, but to the point specialist, right, it was a specialist.

Emily Merrell  

And what I needed at that point in my life was I needed, I needed that naggy mom to kind of like, clean my house and tell me how to get the nooks and crannies. And so like, they really set me up in terms of getting on a cadence with writing emails, and sending emails and like revamping some of my branding and revamping kind of like the love I felt for my business. And I needed that outside support. And I think I did it for that I did it for a year and a half. And then I felt I felt strong enough to do it on my own.

Lexie Smith  

Another common hire for coaches is what we would call kind of like the step above of VA, which is an OBM, an online business manager, an online business manager is a really common hire for a coach that's starting to do well. And I like to think of them kind of like as an operations manager. So someone who you're gonna pay more for them than a VA, because they just have more experience and they're really going to take on basic, yeah, you're an operations manager role, which from the coaching perspective, when you start to think about the things you can outsource, that's one thing that as you scale more definitely can be can be baked into a team.

Emily Merrell  

And I like that you put the name to it, because I feel like I've had OBM to an extent in my business. But they were, I think I called it like I made up a title for them, you know, or they came in in some capacity. But yes, and OBM and OBM is so hot right now in terms of like what you've seen in the in the world. There's even if you're someone who, maybe you're listening to this and you are a virtual assistant, you're like, whoo, I want to like uplevel my virtual assistants life. I know, there's like OBM certifications out there and different programs. But yeah, they're kind of like a project manager in a virtual assistant had a baby.

Lexie Smith  

Yeah, yep. I've also seen what are some other common hires we've seen for for coaches as they scale? Um, oh, sales

Emily Merrell  

closers. And I think that's an interesting one. And we've talked about that in other episodes. I think it's a little it depends on you your personality if this is something that you want, but yeah, sales closers would be someone that comes in and when a lead is hot, they get on the call they close it and then tee up Lexie to be the coach.

Lexie Smith  

Yeah, the like sales, closer business development arm. Absolutely. That's very common. I'll just put marketing is another common one. The other one that I've seen, and I experienced it, the first time I purchased a group program. The coach I hired as my business coach hired other coaches to help us with other areas. So she specifically had hired a life coach to help deal with the therapy therapy side of coaching. Because that wasn't, yeah, that wasn't her cup of tea, and she let us know, she goes, I'm a business coach. This is my zone of genius. I'm going to show up and I'm gonna mentor you. And here is my I don't remember her name. Here's Callie who's on my team. And she's a certified life coach, and she's who you're gonna go to, for all all the impostor syndrome and stuff that's coming up. I actually thought it was really brilliant, because that is so much like so much mindset stuff comes up in the coaching process. So for her to be able to focus on scaling and delivering what she did best. That was her hire.

Emily Merrell  

Oh, my God, Lexi, you should hire we should hire one of those. Right?

Lexie Smith  

Or that's another thing like different collaborations, like if you're, you know, a career coach, maybe who specializes in helping people determine what their next course of action is there a higher where you bring in an executive coach, because that could be another level or layer of your business. That might not be the best example because, but maybe the business and life coach is the best example. But you can hire other coaches to help facilitate other arms of your business. I

Emily Merrell  

mean, we completely are laughing. I'm laughing at myself because we didn't say this at the forefront. Probably the first hire of a coach is a coach. Yeah, for sure. Yeah so that that goes without being said in terms of like helping you support helping support and also vet and navigate as you bring on these hires like having another sounding board to be at a coach betta group program Viet something at some sort of container to to make sure you're not doing this alone. I want to also add Lex in terms of additional hires, oh my god now my brain just like completely went, Oh, podcast person.

Lexie Smith  

If you're Yeah, if you end up launching a podcast in that I would say like falls in the marketing, depending on how you evolve your your business. Like you go heavy on social and maybe you hire social team. If you have a podcast, you hire a podcasting team. If you decide you really want to go heavy on writing, maybe you hire a copywriter, copywriters, another one kind of across the board to your

Emily Merrell  

web designer copywriter. Basically having a coaching business, what we're trying to say here isn't so far off than having a product based business, you're just the product. And there are some aspects of the product that need to be refined and it's can be hard to refine when you are your own product. And do what do you think next?

Lexie Smith  

I think that, yes, I agree with the second half. I think it's very different hiring journey.

Emily Merrell  

But yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. I mean, you're not sure if you saw me tweaking out. But I wanted to say what was the last thing I was gonna say?

Lexie Smith  

Everything you can't do it. Like you don't operate in a silo?

Emily Merrell  

Yeah, you don't operate in a silo, you need support. You're the goal is to expand. The goal is to not necessarily you don't have to be the only chef cooking up the thing. So you can have a team. You can have people. I mean, we've seen coaches that have had like CFOs, we've had seen coaches that have met right CMOS, like have grown and scaled in such a capacity that they've they've other people operating more of the bigger components. Yeah.

Lexie Smith  

And actually a member of our own community, I'll give her a shout out just wass was getting to a point in your business, where she needed to hire. She's a career coach, and you needed to hire more career coaches to service all the business that was coming to her on the corporate side. And she found Ashley Rudolph in our community, and now they're working together, which is amazing. So huh, yeah, yeah. So there's, there's lots of hires to make. One thing I do want to note. This is just, I think this is transferable across any industry. Be wary or be mindful of how many hires you collect, the more people you hire, the more you have to manage and all of a sudden, you might realize that your job is more management than anything else. You know, a true when I was a true CEO is are true. See, oh is really just people managing all day. Now coaching, if you want to make sure you still have time to coach, just be mindful that if you're going to keep growing your team that I think that director of ops or having someone to buffer you Yeah, is really

Emily Merrell  

important. Yeah, I think that is a really, really, really, really good thing. And it can be really easy for you to see a problem want to hire out, see a problem want to hire it out, without giving yourself the time or the space to see if you could fix the problem. Without that

Lexie Smith  

doesn't always solve your time, you're just now going to be spending your time hiring and training and managing and hoping they don't quit before you have to go through it again. So hiring isn't always the answer to saving time.

Emily Merrell  

Amen. to that. So let's see, what's the homework then with this?

Lexie Smith  

I think the homework were will differ based on where you're at in your business. But I think it's just you know, think about it. If you were going to make a hire right now, what would your next hire be? What questions do you have? You know, what, actually, and that's your homework, send us any questions you have, post them in the community, like let this community of coaches be a resource for you for people like me and I, you know, I have a team of six like there's someone in the community, I'm sure who has a larger team than that, like let this community guide you and support you and you don't have to do this alone. Amen.

Emily Merrell  

Sister, join our church. Join our cult theater world girl. Yeah. It's our dream guys. We want to be called leaders one day, so here we are enjoying it.

Lexie Smith  

Yeah. the ReadySet cool podcast. Yes.

Oh, man. Okay, bye