Vital Times: The CSA Podcast

An Interview with Brendan Carvalho, MD, FRCA

Dr. Ludwig Lin and Dr. Ronald George Season 1 Episode 6

Welcome to the latest episode of the CSA Podcast, Vital Times. Dr. Ron George interviews his friend, mentor, fellow Obstetric Anesthesiologist, and a highly engaged member of the California Society of Anesthesiologists, Brendan Carvalho, MD, FRCA, from Stanford University. Dr. Carvalho is Professor and Chief of the Division of Obstetric Anesthesia and the Vice Chair for Faculty Development at Stanford University School of Medicine. 

He is a Past-President of SOAP, the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and during his tenure on the executive he started the development of the foundation for the SOAP Centers of Excellence designation: 
This was created to recognize institutions that demonstrate excellence in obstetric anesthesia care and to set a benchmark of expected care to improve standards nationally and internationally. You can find Dr. Carvalho on Twitter @CarvalB.