
#28: Amos & Heather - If You Want to Change the World...Go Home and Take Care of Your Family!

Amos & Heather Kittelson

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Heather shares her journey of transitioning from a full-time career to becoming a mompreneur. Hear her courageous decision to resign from her job last summer to focus on her family and children, and the emotional and spiritual challenges that came with it. Alongside Amos, they openly and vulnerably discuss the struggles they've faced in the past six months.

Through this episode, Heather explores the difficult process of transitioning from a mom in survival mode to a mom with intentionality, delving into the fears and obstacles she encountered along the way. The couple shares the importance of self-reflection and self-growth, even when it means facing the uncomfortable truths in the mirror.

The podcast also discusses how different upbringings lead to different parenting styles, emphasizing that we often resort to what we know. Parenting is described as the hardest, yet most rewarding, investment in life. The hosts share their personal experiences and insights, validating the joys and challenges that come with raising children.

Lastly, the episode explores the detrimental impact of comparison, especially for women and moms. Comparison is portrayed as the thief of joy and peace, reminding listeners to focus on their journeys and embrace their unique paths.

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of "Fortitude," and get inspired to navigate the complexities of motherhood and self-discovery with intentionality, growth, and grace.

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