Land Speed Legends

The Legendary Chad Howey

Allison Dean Episode 15

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Today I have THE LEGENDARY CHAD HOWEY! Chad’s love for land speed racing begins with his Grandpa Roger Howey’s ventures racing various cars in the 50’s in California at the dry lakes & Bonneville. Grandpa Howey’s land speed career ended in the 70’s when he decided he was going drag racing. The drag racing circuit is where Chad developed a need for speed. In honor of Grandpa Howey, the Howey’s eventually returned back to Bonneville with his old belly tank for the 50th Anniversary of Speed Week. This is just the beginning for Chad as he moved on to building and racing a Ford Probe in quest of 200 MPH. He was deployed to the Middle East before he could obtain the record he was seeking. Chad took a break from land speed racing and began working on a couple of motorcycle projects with his sons. But land speed racing came calling again, literally, when he received a call from THE
LEGENDARY DALLAS VOLK asking if he would like to come help with a rebuild of a
modified roadster they were going to run. Currently Chad crews on the 590
modified roadster and is building a rear engine modified roadster with his
daughter Emily. Get ready this is going to be as gratifying as watching your
backyard engineering set a record!