Sleep Unplugged with Dr. Chris Winter

#114 - Inflammation and Sleep: I’m On Fire

Chris Winter

We have touched on inflammation as a central pathway connecting sleep disorders and dementia (episode 99), injury (episode 70), pain (episode 48), and cardiovascular disease (episode 35). In this episode, we shine the spotlight directly on inflammation and learn how it is connected to sleep. In this episode we will:

  • Examine the reciprocal relationship between inflammation and sleep
  • Understand how cytokines play a role in the inflammatory cascade, but also in sleep regulation
  • Learn the circumstances that tend to raise cytokine levels, including sleep deprivation, sleep disruption, and excessive sleep
  • Explore severe situations of sleep deprivation in animal models and learn how the resultant "cytokine storm" is virtually incompatible with life
  • Follow the link between inflammation and chronic diseases, including dementia

Produced by: Maeve Winter


Thanks for listening and sleep well!

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