The Remember Podcast

Rachel's Story; Spiritual Growth Amidst Global Crisis

October 22, 2023 Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan Season 2 Episode 8
Rachel's Story; Spiritual Growth Amidst Global Crisis
The Remember Podcast
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The Remember Podcast
Rachel's Story; Spiritual Growth Amidst Global Crisis
Oct 22, 2023 Season 2 Episode 8
Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan

Meet Rachel, a service missionary, writer, and mother who discovered her passion in the wake of a global crisis. In this heartfelt conversation, we journey with Rachel, as she unfolds her path of self-discovery, stirred by a world on pause due to the pandemic. We learn how slowing down allowed her to nurture her spiritual development and unleash her writing prowess. Rachel’s tale intertwines with our own - a testament that from challenging times, unforeseen opportunities and self-growth can bloom. 

The dialogue deepens as we venture into the realm of hard truths and spiritual gifts. Rachel enlightens us on the process of crafting gospel topic study guides, a venture that led her to a profound understanding of her divine identity and spiritual capabilities. We explore how embracing individuality and fostering a positive outlook can bring blessings to your life and those around you. Tune in for an episode brimming with invaluable life lessons, spiritual insights, and personal experiences.

Follow Rachel on Instagram

The Inspiration by Keys of Moon |

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Music promoted by

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Meet Rachel, a service missionary, writer, and mother who discovered her passion in the wake of a global crisis. In this heartfelt conversation, we journey with Rachel, as she unfolds her path of self-discovery, stirred by a world on pause due to the pandemic. We learn how slowing down allowed her to nurture her spiritual development and unleash her writing prowess. Rachel’s tale intertwines with our own - a testament that from challenging times, unforeseen opportunities and self-growth can bloom. 

The dialogue deepens as we venture into the realm of hard truths and spiritual gifts. Rachel enlightens us on the process of crafting gospel topic study guides, a venture that led her to a profound understanding of her divine identity and spiritual capabilities. We explore how embracing individuality and fostering a positive outlook can bring blessings to your life and those around you. Tune in for an episode brimming with invaluable life lessons, spiritual insights, and personal experiences.

Follow Rachel on Instagram

The Inspiration by Keys of Moon |

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Music promoted by

Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Remember podcast. Good to be here. Good to be here. I'm your host, dallin Bueller, and I am alone, just kidding. We have an amazing guest here, but Mikaela is not here, unfortunately. She's got family in town. Well, unfortunately for us, fortunately for her, she's having an amazing time. She tells me all about it. But we're happy to be here, myself and our amazing guests we have with us. We have Rachel with us and she has an awesome Instagram page. She's a speaker. I haven't heard her speak, but this is actually my first time eating here and so we've already laughed about that. But, rachel, it's good to have you on and I'm excited to hear your story. Go ahead and introduce yourself.

Speaker 2:

My name is Rachel Rene Tucker and I'm excited to be here. I love recording podcasts with people and I always leave feeling like I've made a new friend, so this is great. This is great fun for me. I am a mom of four. I live in Southern California, I taught seminary early morning seminary for five years and was recently set apart as a service missionary, so I am really excited to be doing that right now. I write a daily devotional on my Instagram account, which is seeking underscore diligently, and I have written two six-week gospel topic study guides for women. One of them takes a deep dive into divine identity and purpose and the other talks about becoming a woman of God. So those were kind of a big part of my work projects the last couple of years. I hosted a women's retreat in April called the Arise conference in Arizona and hoped to be able to have another one this coming spring. So that's kind of the quick overall.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Well, that's a lot more than I knew about you. That's awesome. Yeah, you do a lot of amazing things. I get excited because a lot of those things that's like Mikaela and I we talk like for hours and hours about what we want this podcast to become, where we want to go with it, and a lot of the things that you do are exactly some of the things that we want to do. And so, like, just tell me about how God's brought you to being able to do and for taking these opportunities that you've been put into. I guess.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's interesting. It kind of started early in 2021. We just had COVID, you know, and especially in Southern California, my kids didn't go to school for a full year. We did a full year of school at home. Everything really really shut down here and as hard as that was, in certain ways it was really good for our family. It kind of forced us to slow down and focus on really important things. And then it was really good for me personally and spiritually because I was really able to prioritize my scripture study and I missed going to the temple, so I kind of focused on my spirit and other ways. Now it's just a really unique experience because I wouldn't have done that had I not been sort of forced to.

Speaker 2:

In that situation and early in January of 2021, I was really wanting to find a study guide, like a gospel study guide that utilized the scriptures and conference talks. As I was thinking about this, one Sunday morning, the spirit told me really specifically I only have a handful of times in my life where I can remember really feeling directed by the spirit like right. Then, you know, and I felt really strongly like why don't you just create one? Why are you, why do you keep surfing the internet trying to find one, when you could just make one. And I started to realize through that process that I had the gift to be able to write and that I really, really enjoyed writing, and it's not something I had tapped into until then. I mean, I was 41 years old, you know, and I'm discovering this gift that really in the last two and a half years has kind of changed my life and I think it's a great testimony to the fact that when you get older and you age, the Lord doesn't stop putting opportunities in your path and you don't stop growing and achieving things. So that was great.

Speaker 2:

I started on this study guide kind of right away.

Speaker 2:

I started an Instagram account and my Instagram account was kind of a means to an end to sort of promote this study guide and in the end it kind of flipped and was backwards.

Speaker 2:

Like the study guide is something nice that I did. But really what I love is writing every day on Instagram and it's just really fulfilling to me and I've found a lot of joy digging through the scriptures and also finding connections between the gospel of Jesus Christ and my personal life, and so I do a lot of writing that way and I really feel like, you know, weird way, this was kind of a mission call that started. I've made a lot of new friends online and I have a handful, a large handful of people who follow my account, who are not members of my faith, and even close friends of mine who are not members of my faith who follow, and every now and then they'll ask me questions and it's just such an easy way for me to be transparent about my beliefs without sort of forcing it down anyone's throats, you know. So I've just found a lot of joy and a lot of purpose in that and I really feel like the Lord led me to that specifically.

Speaker 1:

It's awesome that actually sounds. I'm not saying we're the same, but it sounds pretty similar to my story with how we started the podcast. I've said this a couple of times, so for our listeners that have listened to every episode you know the troopers this might sound repetitive, but when I thought about starting this podcast, I was just searching for podcasts. I was listening to the Follow Him podcast by John, by the way, and Hank Smith, and that was great and I love that they had guests come on and kind of like lead the episodes. But then, like I always just kind of felt like I was missing the part that I enjoyed about my mission, which was hearing people's stories. You know, and I served in Southern California, actually in San Bernardino, during.

Speaker 2:

COVID, you were running in store to me Was I. Yeah, we're in there. I'm in the Riverside mission.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I snuck over there a couple of times, but we snuck over to the Bass Pro Shop once or twice.

Speaker 2:

I won't tell Okay.

Speaker 1:

I'll probably just get a slap on the wrist for my mission president now, but that was the part that I loved so much about being a missionary was people just bent Holy smokes. They just tell you everything about their life the good stuff, the not good stuff, like everything. And I loved hearing their stories and hearing or seeing how God has played a role in their lives. And I was like I remember like digging through all these podcasts, I was like I can't find anything that was like like that. And then the thought popped into my mind we'll just make it. I was like what Me? Like this tech savvy or not tech savvy at all farm kid in Northern Utah, Like I can't do a podcast, but like here we are and we're doing this and I get to hear people's stories.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing. And it's awesome how God will just take. You know, like I just wanted to listen to a podcast, Like that's all I wanted to do, and God just took that and he's like, well, just like here's the rest of your life, Like bam, Like here's a little adventure for you to go on. And I think that's exactly what you said right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, cause it's I mean truly I was looking for. I was looking for a study. I didn't know exactly what I want and I wasn't finding it. And that's when the Lord was like hello, you could just make this and actually you would grow a lot in the process. So kind of the same story and I think a lot of times that's how he works.

Speaker 2:

I was talking about spiritual gifts at a conference recently and it occurred to me when I was preparing my remarks that a lot of times we're drawn to certain things maybe that we're not good at. You know, I am not drawn to calculus. I don't care, I don't, I don't, I don't have any desire to do calculus, like that's not my thing. But I am really drawn to, like the guitar I've always wanted and I can kind of think around on it, but I'm not very good. And like in the back of my head it's always on my list, right, like yeah, yeah, yeah, one of these days I'm really going to nail the guitar, you know. Or like getting my Spanish really perfect.

Speaker 2:

I got a bachelor's degree in Spanish and then, you know, we moved away to grad school and I never used it. And you know, use something that goes away and for a long time getting my Spanish back has been high on my list. It's been something that's interesting to me, something that kind of doesn't leave my mind right, and I think that those things that we are interested in, the things that continue to surface kind of on our bucket lists or whatever, I think a lot of times the Lord puts those things in our paths for us to explore and discover that they are part of our story, they are part of our spiritual gifts. You know, I just think it's really miraculous, because I'm sure that was never on your plan to start a podcast, that probably didn't really occur to you, but you're doing great things and you followed that prompting and you're discovering gifts you didn't know you had.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, I appreciate that, and it is like I'm a really slow speaker. When I edit these episodes. I have to listen to all of it and, like me talking, there's always a gap between each time I say a word and I'm like, oh my gosh, it sounds like everybody else talks so fluidly, so smoothly, and I just sit and think like through all of my sentences. You can see me thinking through my sentences. It's kind of funny actually. So I wouldn't say speaking is one of my strengths, but it's something that I've grown to love doing and it's awesome to see how the Lord uses our maybe not our strengths, but our interests, just as you were saying. I think that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

So I was going to say maybe your strength isn't like the speaking part as much as it is the loving part, because what you love is people's stories. I saw quote once and I can't remember it exactly, but it essentially said once you really know someone's story, it's almost impossible not to love them. And I think, if that is a spiritual gift right and to me it sounds like that is your spiritual gift and maybe Makayla, she's the part that's like whatever, but it sounds like that's the whole point of this podcast right Is to hear people's stories and when you hear them, you love them, and so I think that's a gift. I think that's a gift that you have.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, I just feel like I'm getting buttered up today. It's okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to ask you for something here really soon, though I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's understandable. Well, thank you, thank you so much. I haven't actually thought of that aspect of it, so I'll have to, you know, think about that a little bit more. That's, that's Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm getting something out of this. This is great, okay, but I did want to go back to something that you were first talking about.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned in 2021, when COVID, you know, hunkered us all down and we were all, like many of us were, you know, searching the depths of our soul for, you know, understanding and and a sense of purpose. You know, covid was hard on so many people and in so many different ways, especially and you talked about how, if it wasn't for that experience, you probably would have never, you know, this path would have probably never come your way, and so I don't know. That's something I just wanted to talk about for a second Because, like, it's amazing how God uses the world to influence us to solve problems, if that makes sense, because you found a problem. It's like, hey, like I have a need and I don't see the book that I want. I want you had a desire to look into yourself, to to research and to to study with the help of a study guide, and you couldn't find a study guide. Now you found a need, and now you've filled that need, and so it's amazing how God can influence that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I think I think it's really true and I think that, as hard as that time period was for people, that that process of being forced to just slow down, everybody slowed down, nobody went anywhere. You know, I think that was really valuable time for me and it allowed me to set up a really good morning routine. It allowed me to really study my scriptures in a way that I hadn't for a really long time. You know, with four kids at home and everybody's trying to be on Wi-Fi and you know just sort of start to lose your mind a little bit. I started walking every morning and I had done marathons and I had been a weight trainer for a long time and I'm like I just nobody can come.

Speaker 2:

I got to, I got to take this time. I just needed a minute by myself, right? And so I started these morning walks in addition to my regular exercise and they became so precious to me. I loved that time by myself in the mornings, alone, outside, and it's something that I still. I do it every morning. I walk every morning. Every now and then my husband asks if he can come and I say no, because I just need, like that is my time and it's really become sacred time. It is probably not something I would have started doing. There were a lot of aspects of that time between 2020 and 2021 where it really helped me evaluate what was most important and what I really had lost sight of and needed to focus on. So, yeah, Definitely.

Speaker 1:

It's moments like that that you can really just ponder and let your mind just race. I think that's a good thing for people to do, that a lot of people don't do, especially these days. And you know, today, actually, in one of my classes at Utah State, we talked about a lot of things. So I'm in this class it's called a social entrepreneurship class and we talked about what it would take to be an entrepreneur and solve like a social issue, and one of the social issues that we talked about today was mental health, more specifically, about like suicide and what leads people to things like that, which is terrible, and we've talked a little bit about that on this podcast before. But we talked about mental health and I realized, you know, like people, a lot of people struggle with mental health today, but I feel like it's because we hold on to like emotions and things like that and we let our minds race all the time or we're always like focusing on all these things and I don't know. We're just constantly going and going and going.

Speaker 1:

The world moves so much quicker today than it did 50 years ago, 100 years ago, and mental health wasn't that big of an issue. It always has been an issue Like we see in the scriptures. You know, I think Job was struggling with some mental health issues, but those mental health issues were always solved or it wasn't like the main issue like we point or we make it out to be today. And I think a lot of that has to or comes from the fact that people don't just sit and think and just like feel their emotions for a minute and then, you know, try and control them and move on with their lives. But taking that second or minute or hour, whatever amount of time you have available, and just kind of meditate on things, meditate on what's going on in your life, and kind of I don't know when I sit and think about what I want to do with my life, where I want to go with my life, that's when the Lord comes and speaks to me.

Speaker 1:

It's not when I'm praying, which is funny to say, because a lot of people you know they receive answers to prayers. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've received answers to prayers as I was praying, but it's always comes, or almost has always come, when I was meditating, and I love meditating, I love pondering throughout the day. I'll take a minute, pop in some earbuds and like I don't even hear the music because I'm just like my mind races and I just think about everything, every aspect of my life, and I can just that's when the Lord comes, and that's been my experience at least.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I think that the world is so loud and not just loud but busy and people feel like if they take a minute or heaven forbid, an hour, it feels indulgent or it feels lazy, or they feel like they should be doing something. And I think we've lost that connection to ourselves because we don't allow ourselves to just sit for a minute to think, to be quiet, to tell everybody my door is closed, you can knock in a half an hour, you know it feels indulgent and I think that is the adversary's way of distracting us from feeling the spirit and receiving personal revelation. And it's a good distraction because everybody falls for it. Everybody thinks they should be doing something at all times, they think they should be busy all the time.

Speaker 2:

And I love to read and I hadn't read a book for probably five years and one night I was telling my husband I'm like man, I just miss reading. And he said why aren't you reading? And I said, well, it just feels lazy, like I would never turn on Netflix at 2pm, I would never do that, that would be so lazy and indulgent. And he's like reading is not the same thing as loafing on the couch and watching Netflix. I'm like, yeah, but it kind of feels that way and he's like that's all wrong.

Speaker 2:

You got to just read a book, just let yourself read a book, and it just feels indulgent. But I think we got to get away from that mindset Because when we are busy all the time, we can't hear those things, we can't hear those promptings, we can't feel the spirit in the same way. And when we allow ourselves quiet and space and time, it's almost magical what can start to happen? Just the impressions that we get and the clarity that we receive. But it takes acting and you know, some people have a hard time being still and being quiet. It's an uncomfortable thing for them to do, but I just think it's so important.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, and I also think, having those hard conversations with yourself. You know, when we say hard conversations, everybody knows what the hard conversations are. It's, you know, talking about the struggles that we're going through in life, like really going through, and I've noticed that a lot of people just shove them to the side, like I'll focus on that when it gets closer or whatever. But I don't know, I'm a prepare every needful thing kind of guy. I'm probably going to have a food storage, like you wouldn't believe by the time I, you know, be able to buy my own house and such. I'm the type of guy that, like I want, I want to have cows so that I can, you know, have my own milk instead of buy milk. I want to have grow my own crops. I'm a prepare every needful thing kind of guy. Basically, is what?

Speaker 1:

I'm saying I love that and so, like, I'm constantly thinking ahead of like and creating a plan. I didn't think I did this. This is actually a new thing for me. I used to. I used to think I was always just going through the like, going with the flow or whatever, but then I realized I was going with the flow because I had a plan and the plan was happening, and so I didn't know this. But I'm a planner. I just plan far in the distance. I'm terrible at like, planning out my days. That's bad. I'm bad at that. But I can tell you what I'm going to do next year, because that's what's going to get me, you know, further on my plan. And I've noticed that so many people don't think about things like that. They don't take the time to meditate on life and where they're going with life. Yeah, and I think that's hindering God's influence on them as well, and that was a huge thing for me is like well, I need to think about this more, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I love that. It's totally true.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're kind of going off on a little bit of a tangent, so we're going to let's rope it back in, focus on you a little bit more and tell me about this, this study guide that you have. So you said you wrote it towards, or directed towards, women, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's a six week, but I have two of them and they both kind of follow the same pattern. They are six week gospel topic study guides and each week kind of covers a different topic. So, like in my first guide, it's all about divine identity. So week one is identity, like a divine identity. Week two is divine worth. I can't remember the exact order right now because I'm not looking at the book, but there's divine spiritual gifts, there's divine agency, there's divine potential and divine destiny. So each of the six weeks covers one of those things and I have either a conference talk or a BYU speech in there with a set of scriptures that correlate and then a handful of questions for each day to read those scriptures, read the talk, answer the questions. So yeah, it was kind of a labor of love, but I really think that it's important to take a deep dive into who we are, understand our potential and how much we're loved and trusted.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, and I know, having taught a couple of lessons in my life. The teacher almost always gets something or much more out of it than the student. So tell me about how your life has changed, or like how your mind has changed as you've tackled writing these books.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're totally spot on.

Speaker 2:

Anytime someone prepares a lesson or a talk or anything like that, they always walk away, in my opinion, more fed and nourished than the people who hear their lesson or their talk, no matter how good it is right, because you're the one doing this deep dive into this study, I feel like I was really able to appreciate myself more and recognize some of the spiritual gifts that I had that aren't big and flashy, that I kind of always just been like, eh, you know, not a big deal, but all spiritual gifts are a big deal.

Speaker 2:

You may not be the most extroverted person, but maybe you're a really great listener and maybe you save someone someday by just being a person that was a soft place to land and a good listener. There are so many spiritual gifts that we've been each, each of us have been given, and I think it's really important to learn what those are and how to use them to bless our own lives and also the lives of other people. So that's just one example of something that I kind of gained from that experience was I kind of walked away with a deeper appreciation for my uniqueness, and there are even things that for a while I didn't love about myself that I realized are actually really beautiful gifts, so it was great that aspect I really appreciated.

Speaker 1:

I had a conversation last night. This is always what happens Every time we record one of these episodes. I had a conversation the night before, like literally about what we were talking about, and it's cool to me because I think that's how God works in my life. But I had this conversation with someone and we're talking about spiritual gifts and or not even spiritual gifts. We were talking about strengths and this individual.

Speaker 1:

She was telling me about how she's always been told that she's too nice. She's way too nice and people are just going to walk all over her and, first off, that's a terrible message to tell anybody. So if you tell somebody that, directed to our listeners like, stop being too nice, is not a fault, it's not a bad thing, it's a very good thing. And yeah, we just talked about how she's always seen herself as being way too nice. She's like, oh my gosh, why am I doing this good thing for this person again? When have they done anything like this for me? And then she's like, well, hang on, I'm getting a lot out of this, these good things that I do, I'm getting so much out of it. That's like being too nice is.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a great spiritual gift, it's the gift of giving, it's the gift of loving, and I think in the laws of the universe and I've also noticed that the laws of the gospel affect the laws of the rest of the world, the world of finance, the world of basically just the world, everything. You can take the principles of the gospel and just throw them in there without the gospel, and they still apply. And part of that is the giving. When you go through life constantly giving, you will receive even more than you gave, and I listen to a lot of finance books.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of my guilty pleasure. That's part of me preparing every needful thing right. I'm like I want to be financially stable so that I can provide for my family, and so this is what I'm doing to do that. And it's funny because in almost every single book that I've listened to and I've listened to a lot, all of the most wealthy individuals one of the biggest things that they say to do in order to become wealthy is to give, to give, give, give. And then it comes back to you because that's the laws of the universe. And so I think that that's amazing, and I wanted to share scripture I'm sure I've shared it before on the podcast, and so again for our old, reliable listeners coming back, this is probably going to be repetitive, but it's Doctrine and Covenants, section 46, verse 11 and 12.

Speaker 1:

And it says for all have not every gift given unto them, for there are many gifts and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. To some is given one and to some is given another that all may be profited thereby. There's a reason why giving is the law of the universe, because and it goes back to the great commandments the commandment one love the Lord that God will commandment to is to love thy neighbor as thyself. And in Mosiah 217, it says when you are in the service of your fellow beings, you're in the service of your God. So God's purpose is one eternal round. Everything affects everything. It's all connected. But the reason why we have gifts, the reason why we have skills, is so that we can give to those around us. It's so that we can uplift others, so that we can just make the world a better place. We can create heaven on earth by giving. And then you go into Zionism and, oh my gosh, I could just talk about this for a minute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that. It's totally true, and I think it's interesting how everybody's gifts are so unique and personal to them and yet they're all useful. They're all useful, right? Somebody who's a great musician and blesses people with music, that's a beautiful gift to give. Somebody who's really good with children, whatever it is, all of those gifts that are given to us are given to us for a purpose and they're all useful and they're all meant to, like you said, help other people.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, I wish I was blessed with the gift of a soothing voice you know be able to sing yeah. I definitely do not have that, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

it's amazing to me how many people and you mentioned it as well People need to discover their spiritual gifts.

Speaker 1:

And there's so many spiritual gifts that, like, if I continue down the path that I had planned out, when I was 16 years old, I decided I was going to become a woodshop teacher and that's what I wanted to do for my career.

Speaker 1:

And so all of high school is like I'm going to be a woodshop teacher and then my mission and told everybody I'm going to be a woodshop teacher because it just made so much sense and I could tell you all the reasons why I was going to do it and it still makes sense. But now, like, that's not what I want to do. My plans have changed and my journey is changing and I'm going down a different path. If I didn't allow myself to discover new gifts or the gifts that I didn't know I had, I would still be down that same path to become a woodshop teacher and I wouldn't be able to do all of these other things that I find so much fulfillment in, as you were saying, with creating your books and doing all of your speaking. I'm trying to remember all the things that you said you did.

Speaker 2:

That's most of it, and writing.

Speaker 1:

That was the thing I was trying to remember was writing. But there's all these things that you find so much fulfillment in that you never knew you would Never would have occurred to you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's true, and it takes some time and it takes some effort to find those things, but it's so worth it. It's totally worth it, because then we grow into the person that God knows we can be and who he needs us to be.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I think so many people put God in a box and says like God, this is the world that you can have effect on. Other than that, it's up to me and it's like okay, sure, do what you want, do what you love to do. You have your own agency, but God's still going to fiddle here and there and God has an impact on our lives as a whole. He will lead you, he will direct you and you won't even know what's happening. He's kind of sneaky that way.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's funny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, we're getting a little bit long and I've definitely learned a lot from this conversation, so thank you so much for coming on, rachel.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I've enjoyed it very much, so thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and feel free to give yourself one more shout out for your Instagram page and all of your wonderful endeavors.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my Instagram is at seeking underscore diligently, and you can find a link to my study guides on my Instagram page.

Speaker 1:

Awesome and for our listeners. If you're not following us on Instagram, I don't know where you've been, just kidding, it's at rememberpodcast. We love to have guests come on and share their stories, just like Rachel, and that's where. That's where we meet. People is on our Instagram mostly, and so if you go to our Instagram you can see we've got a I think that's how we got it. We've got a link to a calendar. You can sign up, you can DM us, whatever works, and we'd love to hear anybody's stories if they're willing to share. We love stories. But thank you so much, rachel, for coming on, and thank you for our amazing listeners for sticking sticking to the end and remember him.

Podcast Guest's Personal Journey and Purpose
Slow Down, Reflect
Hard Conversations and Spiritual Gifts