The Remember Podcast

Becca's Story; Becoming Undaunted

February 12, 2024 Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan Season 2 Episode 15
Becca's Story; Becoming Undaunted
The Remember Podcast
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The Remember Podcast
Becca's Story; Becoming Undaunted
Feb 12, 2024 Season 2 Episode 15
Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan

When life feels like a relentless tide pushing against our deepest fears and anxieties, how do we find the strength to stand firm and grow? Becca, the heart and soul behind Becoming Undaunted, joins us to recount her profound journey of gaining confidence through her faith in Christ. Her story serves as a testament to the transformative power of combining spiritual fortitude with earthly resilience.

This episode unfolds a series of candid reflections on embracing discomfort, a state that often beckons personal growth and a fortified divine connection. Whether it's the nerve-wracking act of extending a loaf of bread as a gesture of faith, or finding solace in prayer amidst the chaos of life's tests, Becca's narrative spotlights the beauty in our brokenness—much like a fractured crayon that continues to color the world vibrantly. Her experiences weave through the challenges of upholding one's faith against external skepticism, highlighting the courage it takes to 'hold your space' and the grace of self-acceptance in an ever-shifting social landscape of a faith community.

Our conversation culminates with an exploration of church leadership through the lens of human imperfection, stirring an awareness of the need to cultivate our own spiritual resilience. We discuss how facing trials can build a testimony that is uniquely ours and how navigating cultural elements within the church can lead to a more inclusive and loving environment. 

As we close, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join Becca's journey on Instagram, @becomingundaunted.
 And if you haven't yet, make sure to follow us @remember.podcast to weave your own stories into the rich tapestry of faith and perseverance that defines our collective experiences.

The Inspiration by Keys of Moon |
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Music promoted by

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

When life feels like a relentless tide pushing against our deepest fears and anxieties, how do we find the strength to stand firm and grow? Becca, the heart and soul behind Becoming Undaunted, joins us to recount her profound journey of gaining confidence through her faith in Christ. Her story serves as a testament to the transformative power of combining spiritual fortitude with earthly resilience.

This episode unfolds a series of candid reflections on embracing discomfort, a state that often beckons personal growth and a fortified divine connection. Whether it's the nerve-wracking act of extending a loaf of bread as a gesture of faith, or finding solace in prayer amidst the chaos of life's tests, Becca's narrative spotlights the beauty in our brokenness—much like a fractured crayon that continues to color the world vibrantly. Her experiences weave through the challenges of upholding one's faith against external skepticism, highlighting the courage it takes to 'hold your space' and the grace of self-acceptance in an ever-shifting social landscape of a faith community.

Our conversation culminates with an exploration of church leadership through the lens of human imperfection, stirring an awareness of the need to cultivate our own spiritual resilience. We discuss how facing trials can build a testimony that is uniquely ours and how navigating cultural elements within the church can lead to a more inclusive and loving environment. 

As we close, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join Becca's journey on Instagram, @becomingundaunted.
 And if you haven't yet, make sure to follow us @remember.podcast to weave your own stories into the rich tapestry of faith and perseverance that defines our collective experiences.

The Inspiration by Keys of Moon |
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Music promoted by

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome back to the Remember podcast. I'm Dalyne, your wonderful host. I like to think I'm pretty wonderful. We have an amazing episode coming to you guys today. We're joined with with Tresden and Makayla. We got the band all together and we have an amazing guest today, Makayla. Would you like to introduce her?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we have Becca. She has an Instagram page called Becoming Undaunted and we came in contact with her through Instagram and her goal is to share how helping people find confidence in Christ and being resilient through all things, and so we felt like what she her goal is would be amazing and have our audience here, what she has to say about that and her story, along with her goals too. So we're excited to see what you have to see. Let's see what you have to hear, what you have to say there. You go here what you have to say, becca, so go ahead and take it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you so much. I don't know why I got so nervous. Normally I'm, like, not super nervous with this, but I am so excited to be here. So yeah, so my name is Becca Obang. Obang it's like oh and a bang. My husband's family is from Ghana, so that's where it comes from. Everybody's like has a really hard time pronouncing it, which I don't know why. I guess it's kind of hard. But yeah, so it's Becca Obang, if you're looking on social media wondering how you pronounce it.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, I have my page which is called the coming undaunted. I came across the name like years ago. Kind of everything's come in chunks and pieces for me. I knew I wanted to do something inspiring and motivational. Like I just kind of had that in my blood.

Speaker 3:

I just love talking about things that I'm passionate about, and I remember reading the scriptures and I remember coming across the word undaunted and I had no, I had heard, you know, like in like I don't know, just in life you kind of hear the word daunted or undaunted, but I didn't really know what it meant, and so when I looked it up, it says to not be intimidated by difficulty, fear, setback, failure or disappointed. And I was like, oh, that's good. And then the Lord just led me to the word becoming, because we're always constantly learning how to not be intimidated by difficulty, fear, setback, failure or disappointed. And so I just felt like, even if you've covered that in one area, there's always another area that's being thrown at you, whether it's in school. You finally learn a concept and then you go on to the next unit and then you're like dang it, I don't know any of this, or you know whether or not it's like a faith topic where you're like sweet, got a solid understanding and testimony of this. And then you're on to the next thing. You're like I don't know about that one, that's kind of messy, you know. And so it's kind of this. You're always in that wrestle. And so I love the word becoming, because we're not perfect yet, but we need Christ to help us to become undaunted.

Speaker 3:

And so, you know, years ago I knew I wanted to do something. I knew I love talking about the gospel, I, yeah. And so it was kind of like what do I talk about? And I realized like I lacked confidence so much Like in, I think, junior high, my best friend's mom was just like I don't. I didn't even realize that you talked until you came back from EFI one year and I was like, oh yeah, like I talked and she's like what changed? Like how did you go from like being this super shy girl one week and then the next time I saw you like you were super bubbly and outgoing and I was like I just felt the spirit that week and like it just changed me. And I remember being 14 and I couldn't really comprehend why.

Speaker 3:

And you know, fast forward, I go to serve my mission. I'm in New York city and that is not a place to be shy or have soft shell, because I was like somebody like so sensitive, like I would just cry if anybody said like even if I like I don't know, like I'm Canadian, I say sorry for everything and I just feel bad if I do like the slightest thing wrong. And so going and jumping into Harlem, new York, that was like the place that toughened me up and like, when I look at those 18 months, I developed such an incredible confidence. And I look back and I'm like, oh, it's because I learned, you know, what it was like to have a relationship with Christ. And so I started realizing all of these moments where I started to have more confidence, or I was able to just kind of be more myself and and find the person I always knew that was in me. I started looking back and realizing Christ was kind of connected in all of those pieces. And so I was like, okay, I really want to talk about confidence.

Speaker 3:

And so I was reading all of these, you know, self-help books, and everywhere in the self-help books they give you every tip, every secret sauce. You know, look in the mirror every morning, tell yourself this. You know, write in your journal this, get up at 5am and do this. But like, none of them tell you to bring Christ in your life. And so I just kept realizing like they have all these amazing insights but they're missing like the key element that's actually helped me find confidence. And so I wanted to like create a space for that, for people to say like, hey, like you can find confidence and you can do all those tips, but it will only get you so far and you'll feel like you're still not getting to where you want to be, because you need Christ to be a part of your story. And so, yeah, like that was really daunting for me to stand up and say that, because there's cancel culture, there is you know who knows what commenting on getting up and talking about that.

Speaker 3:

So I was really nervous and hesitated about sharing that message for a while, but eventually I brushed it off the shelf and just started to share it. And even now I think, like when I was on both TikTok and Instagram, when I looked up like the hashtag like confidence in Christ, confidence in Jesus, confidence, you know, with like all the different ways that you can write it, it was like a hundred or less or like just like not talked about it all. I'm like, come on, like there's got to be way more people talking about this, but like I noticed that there's actually not a lot of people talking about how Christ can give you confidence. And so, as I've been thinking a lot about my content, of how I want to share it, I just kept coming to an absolute blank. Like I'd sit down and I'd be like, okay, I'm going to create content, here's my content calendar and it'd be like nothing.

Speaker 3:

And so there was one night back in October and I really liked to pray when I start my content calendar and I remember praying to be like, hey, I have my father, I've got nothing. Like I feel like I don't know I'm saying like a lot, you guys. I just felt there was just this like what's the word? Like emptiness or like blank space or writer's block I guess would be the best way to describe it like content block, writer's block, kind of the similar thing. And I remember praying to be like I know that you can help me. I just don't feel like I'm really creating the content that would make people feel like yeah, let's follow Christ.

Speaker 3:

And in that moment I came across this random rabbit hole of this guy named Jia Zheng and he did what's called rejection therapy, where he did a hundred days of being rejected. And I was like I could totally use that in my life because I'm not getting out of my comfort zone. I really like to be comfortable. I'm a mom with three kids and get just stuck in the house all day, so I don't really do much other than I mean I do a lot, but not in that realm, and so I didn't really know how to approach it. But I just felt like the Lord was saying you need to get out of your comfort zone and do a challenge like this.

Speaker 3:

And it's kind of funny because when I sit and look back at these videos, or every time I'm posting and editing these videos. There's one where I'm literally like sorting for a world record. That was one of my challenges was to beat a world record, and so I had a can of alphabet soup and I'm trying to alphabetize them to beat the world record which I did beat, by the way. But like I'm just like why would he ask me to do this? You know, like, how does this tie in with confidence in Christ? Like I'm literally sorting alphabet soup. Like I'm gluten free I don't even eat it. Like why am I doing this? Or there was another one where I had to knock on a stranger's door and ask them who built their house, cause I thought it was really nice. Or get up on a stage and with a live band and start singing, and all of these.

Speaker 3:

Every time I'm like how, like why would you ask me to do this? This, like, a lot of times doesn't seem like it connects, but through this hundred day journey, I've realized that he can do so much more with me going and doing these challenges. I've learned that as I step out of my comfort zone and as I become indented becoming indented is really a fancy word of faith, like you know, like not being intimidated, not having fear it's faith that's. You know that's really what you're trying to do. And so every time I'm stepping out of these comfort zones, it's so nerve wracking before leading up, I'm so anxious, like I can't do this. Who am I?

Speaker 3:

People might think I'm weird, like you know, when you think of those things, whether it's like a 14 year old boy and you're asking a girl to dance and you're so nervous and it's like, oh, like, who am I to ask this pretty girl to dance? Or who am I to ask them out on a date All of these different thoughts in my head I get so anxious. But when I push past them and when I jump in and do it, I feel so much happier. A lot of them. I'm connecting with people and I am like, why don't I talk with people more often? Why am I just always feeling like I can't look at them or smile or like hello, bye, or just not even interact with all the people around me? But when I take a moment to interact, it's like, oh, my gosh, this was amazing. Like I feel like this high and this energy and for the rest of the day I feel lit up, I'm on fire.

Speaker 3:

Like every time my husband sees me he like knows if I've done a challenge, because I show up with a different energy. But I've realized that all of that is helping me say yes to when God asks me to go do something you know. Or it's like go halfway across town and go drop off a loaf of bread. Well, it's like oh well, she'll think that's weird, all of those promptings that we get all the time that he's telling us. I realized like wait, that's like the challenge, I'm just doing it in like a hundred days, in like a public setting. But it's literally like helping me become more resilient to do the things he's asking me all the time and I can do it with confidence because I don't think I'm weird or I don't have to think that like they're gonna think I'm some strange, crazy lady. But it's like no, I have confidence in God and know that he's asking me to do that and I can say yes.

Speaker 3:

And so it's been this crazy whirlwind of doing these silly, ridiculous challenges that have helped me come closer to him than ever before, especially when it's like I'm so nervous, like that's when you're praying so hard. You're like I have to do the challenge. I don't want to do this, like what am I getting myself into? But then I feel him and he's right there, and he's like it's okay, I'm right here, I'll help you with it. And so I've found him sorting, found him with me sorting alphabet soup, getting up on the stage, calling people on my phone. I had to do like phone roulette, where you have to, like, go through your phone contacts and stop, and whoever it is, you have to call them. And it was like 11 o'clock at night and I found him, though, you know, and it's just been so incredible to me seeing how, when we put ourselves out of our comfort zone even if it's going to go play a basketball game with people you've never met, you know To you it might seem like, oh, why should this be out of my comfort zone?

Speaker 3:

It's so small, it's not that big of a deal. Why am I struggling with this? It's okay, it don't have to compare it with anybody else. It's what you're working through, and so, whatever it is that you are feeling, you know, maybe you are feeling shy or nervous to come to church alone because you don't know anybody, or you feel left out, or you feel out of place when you get out of your comfort zone.

Speaker 3:

To me that's like raising your hand saying Lord, like I am here, I'm standing up, I am putting myself in a spot where you can come and comfort me, you can come and help me, you can show me your hand because I'm doing the work. You know, faith without works is dead. I love that. There's that action, that you have to do something. And so becoming undaunted to me is stepping up to the plate and not sitting back. You're not being complacent, but you're like showing up with enthusiasm and a resonance that when you walk in the room people can feel it. You're not this timid person, but as you build up you're like you know what I'm showing up. I'm showing up for the Lord and I don't care what anybody else thinks, because I love him and that's what matters. And you get a fire that's lit within you and you know what. Sometimes it's a wrestle. Sometimes you have no idea. You know what it's gonna look like, or maybe it fails and you are a laughing stock, but you know what that's when it comes to find you.

Speaker 3:

And one of my favorite things is one day my husband and I were playing with my daughters and she was like two and she was scribbling with a crayon and it snapped in half. She was like throwing a legit tantrum, like hands on the ground, you know, just screaming, and he comes up to her and he rubs her back and he goes sweetie, broken crayon, still color. And I was sitting there. I'm like, does he even know what he just said? Like, and I was like just crying. I'm like, oh, that's so beautiful, broken crayon, still color. And that's like me and the savior, like I'm the broken crayon and I'm of worth even when I'm broken.

Speaker 3:

But he can, like, come and melt me back down and take all of the different colors from all my brokenness and melt me down and remold me into this beautiful crayon. Like, do you even know? Like what you just said? And so you know what, even when you're stepping out of your comfort zone, when you're showing up at church, when you're giving a lesson and you have, you know, feel like the least qualified person in the room, when you're wrestling in the scriptures, not wanting to follow one of the commandments, but when you say, you know what, I'm gonna go and I'm gonna do this, and even if you stumble and fall and just completely smack yourself straight on the face. You might be a broken crayon, but you can still color and the Lord will help mold you back together. And you can even take like a crayon and hammer it down and have all the little broken pieces.

Speaker 3:

But when you get a piece of paper, even if you push your finger down, that crayon's still gonna color.

Speaker 3:

So you can literally be an absolute morsel of a crayon and you're still gonna color and you're still gonna bring beauty and you're just gonna make everything so much prettier. But you have to add that pressure in order for it to color. So it's gonna be a little hard and it's gonna be a little uncomfortable, but you gotta step out of the comfort zone in order to feel him. And so that is like my soapbox of just how I got to where I am, what I'm passionate about speaking on and just why I think that people need to step out of their comfort zone, even if it's something just literally has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ. But every time that you step out of your comfort zone, in my opinion it builds your resilience and confidence to come closer to Christ and more confident to do what he asks you to do when the call is there. So that is my little soapbox. So let me know what your thoughts are.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely legendary. I beat president to it. Sorry, but I got some thoughts I wanna share. Absolutely amazing. Like we could just end the episode here and like that was wonderful and I love the like you still need to add pressure to the crayon in order to color. Gosh, beautiful, beautiful, wonderful. That was a oh, couldn't say it any better. So, everything after this, any of our listeners like just click off now, cause, whatever I add, do it Like that was the high of the episode, right there. Thank you so much for sharing that.

Speaker 1:

This goes along with so much of my life. Like, honestly, when I was a kid I was this shy, weird nerd kid that like nobody wanted to talk to and I would just, like you know, hang out in the shadows and like I was content with that. And then like, oh, I don't even know what happened. I think one day it just snapped in my head. I was like this, this sucks, like I gotta get out of this. And I signed up for the football team right then, and there it was eighth grade, signed up for the football team, got absolutely destroyed. But I was so uncomfortable and I it stretched myself. And then, like, right after that, I joined the soccer team because I could run for a long time. I wasn't fast, I wasn't, you know, strong or anything, but I could run for a long time and so I could keep up with everybody and like everyone's starting to get exhausted, but I kept going and like, like I felt like that was great and it was stretching me. And then, like I signed up for cross country, like I was stretching myself constantly and those were some of the times of my greatest growth was when I was stretching myself.

Speaker 1:

And, like you know, you hear the analogies of, like you know, how do you work out a muscle? Well, you have to break the muscle down by working out and then it becomes stronger, right? But I don't know. There's so many, so many things that we've heard but, like you've said, like nobody's really connected that to the savior as much. But I love and these guys didn't connect it to the savior, but I love this YouTube channel that I saw growing up. It's called yes, theory and they've I don't know if they make as many YouTube videos anymore. I stopped watching YouTube videos but like their message stays the same and if their message was seek discomfort, stretch yourself, learn to love, you know being uncomfortable and I was like this is what I need to do and so, like, ever since I was a kid, like, I was just constantly doing that. Like, even when I was a little kid, it was the weirdest thing I used to walk. What is it when your toes are out?

Speaker 3:

It's like pigeon footed or something Bowling or yeah. I think, pigeon footed. Yeah, pigeon foot.

Speaker 1:

And I was like, well, this doesn't look right, let me straighten my feet. And so I just did it and like bam, like now I walk with my feet straight. Like it's the weirdest thing. You can change so much about yourself so quickly, as long as you desire to make the change. And like I think about all of my life, like I've done so many things where I've tried to stretch myself and make myself uncomfortable, like I love public speaking now, because I went on a mission and I spoke and talked to everybody, rejection doesn't feel like rejection anymore because, like I've been rejected so many times that it just bounces right off. It's like yeah, whatever, like worst thing they could say is no and they say no. I was like all right on to the next one.

Speaker 1:

If you can learn to be self-resilient, self-resilient, self-reliant or resilient enough that you can let those things just bounce off of you, there's so much power in that, so much strength in that, and that comes from exercising your agency and the proper and the best way in order to become that. We had an episode was it our last episode that we recorded where we talked a little bit about agency and we referenced one even further back. But if you can choose. You can choose to be happy by choosing to do the things that bring happiness, choosing to make yourself uncomfortable by putting yourself in a situation that requires growth. I know that the greatest, most wealthiest people came from people that chose to do something great with their lives, gave themselves purpose and stretched, and boy did they stretch. And oh, there's just so many, so many amazing things about the philosophy that you teach, the things that you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking while you were talking, like some of the greatest apostles, like especially when Jesus was on the earth, how uncomfortable would it have been to stand before your peers and to preach and to have rocks thrown at you, so much so that you had to run away for your own life? How difficult was it for Nephi to stand up to his brothers? How difficult was it for President Nelson, when he was in the operating room performing a procedure that he had never done before, that no one has done before? How uncomfortable would that have been for him? And yet the Lord came to him and gave him a vision of what he needed to do to perform that miracle of a procedure. I don't remember the story exactly, but it's a cool story.

Speaker 1:

Look into his life Anyone who's listening. He is an amazing man. He's done so many amazing things. But how amazing is it that when you find yourself in the most uncomfortable position, that is when the Lord will work with you. It's when you have nothing more than to rely on the Lord that you can do some of the greatest things, that you can progress with your life, that you can grow, you can stretch, you can improve.

Speaker 1:

And how uncomfortable would it have been to fall on your face at the foot of an olive tree and have the weight of the world, the weight of the sins of the entire world, those who have lived before and those who will yet live, and those who live now. How uncomfortable would that be to experience and go through the performing of the Atonement? Jesus Christ did that, and I know for a fact that that is why we can grow. Because of his discomfort. Our discomfort has meaning. It's because of his discomfort that our discomfort stretches and grows us. It's because of him and I love the way that you put it to well, I don't think you put it this way, but I love the message that you're portraying that when you're in discomfort, you can look to him and he will heal you. He will help you grow. I love that so much, trezzan. Go ahead and share your thoughts.

Speaker 4:

Okay. So the first thing that came to my mind and you really missed hitting on this, dali and is when Becca said what was shared with what her husband said about even a broken crayon can still color Dude. That's an awesome t-shirt right there.

Speaker 3:

I'm playing in on that.

Speaker 4:

Will we do that? That's super cool. That's such a good message just to have around. It's something that some people look at and be like huh, that's really cool, Never thought about that. And then there's some people that will ask those questions about it and it just gives you an opportunity to share.

Speaker 4:

But the next thing that was really just kind of prevalent in my mind is something that I used to struggle with when I was younger. I always thought it was super silly, Like in football, like through high school. I was not a big fan of the church at all in any way whatsoever, but we'd always have prayers before football games. Just because it's Utah and a small town, so we can do stuff like that, but we'd have prayers and I'd be like this is the most trivial thing to bother a supposed God with. Really, you think, with all the stuff that's going on in the world right now, he's going to care about our football game, Like really. And then, yeah, I just had that mindset with me even as I started going to church and started to learn these things. I still had that within my mind. But I've realized something later and it's you touched on it with your experience, with the challenges that you do. It's just simple stuff. How does this relate to Christ? But every little thing that you do, if you find any reason to let God be a part of it, if you find any reason to let the comfort and the light of Jesus Christ be present in whatever it is you're doing, that's absolutely what they want.

Speaker 4:

Like, it's just something that was so silly to me back in the day to, like, you know, pray for a big test or you know, just pray for something that it's like oh, like, I've got the facilities for this. I'm not going to try to, you know, make the big guy do something that you know I easily can manage. Like, why would I waste this time with that? But now I realize, oh, it's not that I'm, you know, wasting time. It's such an awful way to think about it. I am including my God and I am including my Savior in my life. I am doing what I can to let him be more present and as I do that and as I keep those prayers going forward when these challenges get harder, the things that I pray for stop going like, oh, like, Heavenly Father, please help me pass this test. Heavenly Father, please, you know, make this date go well or whatever it is, it starts to become.

Speaker 4:

Heavenly Father, give me my next challenge, Give me the next thing that I need to work on, and I hope you become more self-reflective, because you have somebody in there with your life and you, you know, almost crave that growth that you get from such an experience, just keeping yourself open. And you start to grow and it feels great and you're blessed and you want more of those blessings. You want to let Christ and God be more of a private part of your life and so, as you do these things, you decide oh, you know what, now I have the confidence to do these things. Give me more, Give me more. Let me do more.

Speaker 4:

Let me just take this stuff head on, and it's a really cool thing that came from such a, you know, backwards way of thinking that you know, I think it's really cool that there's a lot of people that you know kind of teach that from a very base level.

Speaker 4:

You know, it's like the very primary thing You'd be like oh yeah, if you got something that you're struggling with or something you want to do, pray to God about it, and it's literally that simple, Like it's. That's why those are, you know, the first things that you're taught is because it's literally that simple, and I came in time where I was like, oh, like, why do you that? But it's also something that's very overlooked is how simple it is, and sometimes we just need to resort back to simplicity and just take that and be like you know what. I am here on earth to have this mortal experience, but this mortal experience is everything to build the celestial part of me. So why not give that everything that I can do, everything that I can give it every single toolbox by opening up the toolbox? That is our Lord, and so that's the biggest thing that I got from that was you know, there's a lot of little things that we know how to do to build that confidence. We just have to put it into practice.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

So this is so funny because literally yesterday I was kind of experiencing I don't know. Yesterday was just a hard day for me and I was just struggling like mentally, like I don't know, my husband works a lot and so I'm home alone a lot and I'm this year I'm trying to, you know, grow my relationship with Christ and make use of my time and not just sit around and I don't just try and keep myself busy, but also finding implementing Christ in my life daily. And another one is well, the reason why is because I want to learn who Christ is in my life too, and what I've been struggling with lately is having faith and trusting my heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and their plan. Because I stress a lot. And it's funny because yesterday I was, you know, having a hard day, like I mentioned, and I was just kind of sitting and you know I turned on a show and just, you know, trying to pass the time until my husband gets home and I'm like what am I doing? Like I can do a lot more with my life right now, like I don't need to be saying like there's so much I can do, and I realized I haven't gone to the temple in a while and I normally like going with my husband and stuff and like why am I not going by myself? I have so many opportunities just to go, it's not that far away from me.

Speaker 2:

And so I decided, you know what, I'm going to get up and go to the temple. And like before that too, like I had like multiple promptings throughout the day like go to the temple, you should go to the temple, or like you know, like having those thoughts, and I've always been like man, maybe I'm kind of like you know, I've always had an excuse and I'm like this is horrible, I need to go, like let's just go, why not? And so I got up and I went and I didn't have a session. You know, I go to the bountiful temple and usually it's really packed and they ask that you have an appointment. But I was like you know what, whatever, and I was just going to be like, okay, I'm going to go to do an initiatory session, or that's pretty quick, you know. But I was like, no, I'm going to go to the endowment and I have a hard time with that one because it's longer. And I was like, no, I'm just going to go do it. And so I was there a little early, so it was like 30 minutes before the next session would start, and so I was sitting there and I was reading my script.

Speaker 2:

I just looked at the scriptures and I opened it and as soon as I opened the book, it was like the pages I needed to turn to, because I've been struggling with faith and struggling with, like you know, having feeling God's presence in my life and everything, and so it was an ether. It was ether 12. It was most beautiful chapter and I was just like, okay, whatever. I started reading it and then I was like, oh my gosh, and it just got better and better and it talks about faith and this is so funny because this is exactly what we're talking about today and I don't know. So I'm going to kind of pick through it. But it just talks about how, and I just wanted to. I think I'm going to try to. I think that this is good news in my life. Let's see 100, 100 at Speedw islands just the meaning of faith and how, because of faith, so many of our prophets, the people and the scriptures were able to work miracles or get the things accomplished that they needed to, because they had faith in Christ and because of their faith, christ was allowed them to do things that they didn't even think they could do, which is so beautiful.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to read verse six. It says and now I'm wrong, I would speak somewhat continually things I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen or for a dispute, not because you see, not for you receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. And when I read that I was like, oh my gosh, I've heard that verse multiple times like oh, yes, yes, faith is, you know, something that you hope for and you don't really see. But the last part is it says you for you receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. And I just kind of set me back. I was like man, like I'm kind of having that little like faith crisis right now, or you know, people say that, but this is important and, like you said, like becoming undaunted or implementing that aspect in your life of having faith and finding confidence in Christ is through the trial of your faith, like you need to have these struggles in order to see the goodness of God in your life and to see what he can do with you and you find more value and more purpose after, after having struggles and by implementing faith into that. And then that just talks about how you know the prophets they were able to, you know, accomplish so much through faith.

Speaker 2:

But I want to go down and it says something about making weakness weak things become strong. And that's what you were talking about, becca, about how there's so many things in a life where we feel like we're not like capable of or like we're like oh, this is like have any more people think about which. I struggle with that too, like I overthink and I'm anxious and I'm shy and too, and I have that struggle too. But having faith in Christ, that you know he can do this for you, like he, he will help you get through this. And practicing those little trials, practicing getting out of your comfort zone, you will see your strength through that Like that. It's like getting out of my comfort zone or stressing and all that stuff. Those are my weaknesses and I even prayed yesterday. I was like man, like, help me make these little weaknesses, like stressing or the doubts, help me. Help me make this into a strength. How can I find strength in this? How can I make this into something good and make it something useful.

Speaker 2:

And after I read this first, that's when I realized that he can make it possible. And it's first 27. It says and if man come, men, come on to me, I will show them their weakness and I will give unto men weakness that they may be humble, and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me for it. If they humble themselves before me and have faith in me, then I will make weak things become strong unto them. And I just thought that was so beautiful because in the previous episode we've talked about how God loves our character, not our comfort, and I. That's just stuck with me.

Speaker 2:

You know, like he, he loves us, but he doesn't want us to stay where we are. We need to grow. He and he will help us, but we can't accomplish those things, we can't get to our, to the divine potential that he wants us to get to, without practicing our faith and without taking on those challenges, like you've mentioned, without you know. We need to do these things in order to see the goodness of God in our lives, to see how he's in everything, and to gain that confidence when I'm struggling with doubts, when I'm struggling with the things I'm stressing with.

Speaker 2:

If I implement, you know, like the things that are hard, if I get, make those hard things, those weaknesses in my life, and I implement God into those things and try and not sit back and be complacent and be like, well, whatever, and try to make use of my day and like go to the temple or reading the scriptures or praying, implementing God in my life and the things that I normally don't, I will find his strength and I'll find that I have so much more potential than I really see for myself and I just think that's beautiful and their whole concept that you're talking about is just awesome. Like I want to do that. Those challenges too, because I just want, I want to get and I just want to see myself as you know how many fathers sees me. Sometimes I have, like those insecurities or whatever, but I I want to find confidence and I want to find peace and before you even came on, we were talking about peace and how we can find that in our lives and even and we were even talking about how stress and the mental stuff that goes on in the brain can impact our lives so much and it's not and the only way we can overcome.

Speaker 2:

That is, like Dalyan said, like choosing happiness, choosing to become more than we are today, choosing to overcome and choosing to make our weaknesses, choosing to take our weaknesses and bring them to God and allowing him to make those our strengths. And all of these things are choices, and I've realized in the past couple of years that there's so much power and choice. There's so much power that we hold with our ability to have agency. It's all up to us to choose Christ in our lives and it's up to us to see his goodness, because it's not. It's a two way street. It's not. You can't just expect God to keep throwing things at you if you don't do anything with it. It's like receiving a gift If he's not going to give you a gift or something like that can help you if you're not going to do anything with it. Right Faith without works is dead. You've got to do the work. You've got to have that pressure in your life to get to where you're supposed to be and for God to show, to show his love and his mercy and his abilities in your life.

Speaker 2:

So I just think this whole topic is beautiful and how it resonates with exactly everything that I am experiencing right now and how much confidence I see in you and how I'm like I want to be like that too and I want to start doing these things that you've mentioned, because you exude that like that, you radiate that confidence.

Speaker 2:

Even then you're trying to do this challenge like I just see it in you and it's beautiful, and I wish the viewers could see this confidence that we see on the R screen because it's just beautiful and I hope that everyone can find this confidence in Christ too and finding confidence when they go to church.

Speaker 2:

And I kind of want to like shift the topic a little bit, because we've had a lot of people asking about how they can find their place in church and finding confidence in the gospel and finding faith. Because I find that in my life too, like you know, going to church and having those doubts, having Satan just throws so much at my in my brain because I overthink and it's like it's like in a disease, almost, like it impacts my life so much that I can't find that peace. So how I want to turn this question over to you, becca how can we, as individuals, find confidence in Christ when we're in church? How can we help those around us feel there's that they have a place in church, even with all these people, you know, who don't belong, who oh my gosh, my words who aren't a part of the church but don't believe in what we believe and throw all the stuff at us that make us doubt or make us feel man, am I really in the right place? How can we find confidence in where we are and with Christ?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, that's a fantastic question and one that definitely needs to be talked about a lot. I had that happen a lot when I was in New York. I remember people came up and there was one time where I had, you know, my name tag on and somebody looked at you know the part that said Christ, and he came and he spat on my cheek and everybody on the train was like looking at me of like, what's she gonna do? You know? And there's something that my husband and I talk about. It's called holding your space or holding your peace. So you have to cling on to what you know and keep it there. You can't let you know.

Speaker 3:

Have you ever had that time where somebody comes into the room with a really bad attitude and you're like life is great and then all of a sudden it's like energy just shifts and you're like, okay, I was having a great day, like, if you are married, that's probably up into you. Where all of a sudden, like your spouse or your significant other if you're not married is not having a good day, and then now, all of a sudden, you're not having a good day and it's because you didn't hold on to the peace, and you know the comfort and the good, you know energy that you had within you are allowing it to take over. I think the same concept can be said where you have to hold on to. You know, your testimony and your belief, despite what anybody else thinks. I think that we have to cling to what we know and tune out the rest, hold on to our space of what I do know. And what I do know could be one sentence of I believe in God, I believe in Christ. It can be the most simplest things, but if you know that that is true, you need to cling on. You know what else comes your way, what else comes to shift your bow or, you know, rock your bow. You can at least say you know what. I'm holding space for this thing. Nobody can come in and touch this. I am clinging on and as we go through building our testimony, hopefully we can add, you know, a drop to each thing you know. Maybe I'm working on my testimony of Joseph Smith and maybe that's the area that I'm working on holding space, believing you know. If that's true, I think it doesn't have to be everything all at once, but we're adding little drops to our own personal reservoir of what we know to be true and are protecting that space where, no matter what anybody else says, it's a it's you know a God thing between him and I and nobody else can come and rock that boat. So I think that'd be.

Speaker 3:

Step number one is like making sure that that foundation is untouchable, and that sounds really hard. And like, how do you do that when, like, somebody will like say something and it makes you start doubting something that you are already, like so sure of? And, second of all, it's okay, like you don't have to have it all figured out, you don't have to arrive yet. That's, we're not at the arrival point yet. We're on the journey and sometimes, when we compare our testimony to somebody else's, we might say, well, they're so solid, or you know she's so confident, or you know she has no doubts. I have a ton. We're comparing our journey, our middle or our beginning, to somebody else's end. Maybe they've worked years on coming to understand that and we are not recognizing that yet. So stay in your lane. You can't, you know, look to somebody else and think, wow, like they've got to all figured out.

Speaker 3:

I'm doubting, you know, like I'm horrible or bad or not good enough. Or, you know, insert all the things that Satan will tell you. You know, stay in your lane. You're here, you care.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes, like for me as a mom, I feel like a bad mom, but when I look at it I'm like I actually probably was a pretty good mom today, but Satan's kind of coming in inserting all of the reasons why I'm not a good mom. But the fact that I'm worried about being a good mom shows that I'm probably a good mom because I care that I'm not. You know, I think the same thing is about, like our faith. It's okay if you're worried about it, because that shows that you care about it. That like if you weren't worried or nervous or self-conscious or wrestling with it, would you care about it, you know. So, like in my mind, there's got to be something that's keeping you there because you're wrestling with it. There's something, there's a little spark inside of you that's making you feel like maybe you're not good enough because you want to be, and so hang on to that little tiny spark, even if it's little.

Speaker 3:

So that's like another thing as far as like trying to figure out the balance of not offending or not being offended or not feeling welcomed, or that dance, you know of just that tiptoe egg shell, of just wanting to feel accepted, wanting other people to feel like we're accepting them. It's such a dance. But for me, I just bring it all back to love. I love my savior and I trust that if I cling to what he's telling me to do, which is to love my neighbor, to love the Lord, that I'm doing my best. And if not, and if I said something that maybe wasn't what that person was expecting or what they needed, I can cling to the gift of repentance.

Speaker 3:

But I think, as we shower people with love and you know, I feel like there's so many people online saying just such rude things or like, just such. Like Karen answers I'm like come on, like let's just be nice to each other and just like create an environment where we can share the struggle. We can say I'm struggling with this and that's okay and making it, you know, an atmosphere where we don't have to be perfect all the time, we don't have to feel like we have it all together. But if we're vulnerable and saying, hey, I've struggled with that too, or hey, you know, I felt lonely at church, maybe I can look for somebody day who's sitting by themselves, maybe I can text somebody who wasn't there, making them feel like they were noticed, like what little things can I do to help spread more love in? You know my ward, my congregation at school, you know wherever I'm at, like I want to be a bubble of love, and that stems from the savior. And so I don't know if any of those things like answer that question, but I just think that you need to give yourself Like a big pat on the back and a sigh, like if you're trying to get to church, if you're thinking of going to church, like that's awesome, that's awesome. The next step is do it go and you know if you didn't talk to anybody. Next time, you know if you were just there, that's awesome. That's step number one. If you were wrestling with your doubts the whole time, it's okay.

Speaker 3:

And I think sometimes we feel like we just have to have it all figured out and that we have to have all the answers, and that if it's not all completed yet, that you know we're failures. But that's not. That is not what it means. And so something that I like to share is that throughout anything that I'm going through, like literally anything, like if I'm in the doctor's office sitting there like I always pray and ask help me find the story in this. And so, like it could be an analogy, you know, maybe I'm in the doctor's office and I see something, and then the Lord brings like an idea of like, oh, you know, this could happen. And so what's the what, what is the story and what you're going through? You know you're still in the story. Your story's not finished being written yet. So don't just put the period on and be like, yep, that's the end. No, you're still writing your story. So bring Christ into your story and tune out everybody else.

Speaker 3:

And when you focus on your story and writing, letting him be the author and finisher of your faith, and you're in that, you know, book in that story with him.

Speaker 3:

It will be so beautiful.

Speaker 3:

And when you look back you'll be like, oh, I needed to wrestle with that because it helped me, lead to this person, which helped bring this conversation, which brought this person into my life, which brought this blessing.

Speaker 3:

And when we're so zoomed in and trying to take the next step, it can be so hard to just like chill for a second and realize like, oh, I'm doing so much better. So to anybody struggling in any capacity. Your story is still being written. Your savior is there, helping you, and with him you cannot fail, and one day you'll look back and realize that is exactly why he didn't let me have that answer right away, and he needed me to struggle and he needed me to wrestle, because part of it is you're coming out of your comfort zone, is facing those things in the mirror that are hard to look at, that are hard to admit, and when you can do that, you're able to allow the floodgate of him in and help you to be able to keep going forward. So yeah, I'm not sure if that answers it, but those would be my thoughts to anybody going through that.

Speaker 4:

I think a lot of what you hit on. I love everything that you said because that is everything that I went through going to church, like I didn't grow up with it and, like I mentioned earlier, like throughout high school, like like I'll be perfectly candid I like hated the church like organized religion as a whole. I was like, oh man, like that's all, like whatever causes all the problems, whatever. But like the church of Jesus Christ, the Lattes, saints, like all those like pesky Mormons or whatever, I hated that. Like it was like something that I absolutely despised. And then it was like it was really weird. Like I don't know, actually don't know that I've shared like the transition of that. I've definitely, you know, spoken about transitioning that, but like what kind of happened is? I was on this like whole journey of faith. After a while, like a lot of stuff was kind of going downhill and then I've actually just got a knock on my door, which is really funny. This doesn't ever happen. I don't think I've like ever been interrupted. I'm going to take like two seconds to mute myself, but anyway, that was really funny. I'm at my parents' house right now. So this is I don't think I've ever hopped on while I was, you know, with other people.

Speaker 4:

But while I was on this journey of, you know, being around like faith or like you know what's going on, what's the meaning of life, what's how did everything come to be? I started going through like everything except for the church of Jesus Christ Elad de Saints, because I knew like, if you know anything else I knew or didn't knew, I knew that that was not it. And then I went right back and all the questions I had were answered by the gospel as taught by the church of Jesus Christ Elad de Saints, and I was like, okay, that's kind of weird, that's kind of funny. And then I realized I was like a lot of the problems that I had stemmed from people and a lot of the problems that I had stemmed from, you know, like a disdain for organized religion. Any man-made institution is going to have insane amount of flaws. I mean, you look into, like you know, the history of the church or the pioneers. There are some awesome stuff. There's also some really dark stuff, like that's deep in there, just because people make mistakes, and it's all stuff that you know, if you're aware of. It's not anything that has anything representation of our faith or what we believe. And the one thing that really helped me and you know I make the mistake all the time just because it's how we speak about it. It's how you know the church speaks about it, but there is a difference between the church and the gospel.

Speaker 4:

The church itself is an institution and for a lot of the people who struggle with you know, going to church or wanting to belong, you got to look at yourself and you got to think of the reason why you're going to church. Why do you go to college? Why do you go to class? Why do you go to anything that you're doing? Why do you go to work? The reason that you're going there is for yourself. Initially, the reason that you're going there is to learn, it's to grow. If you're going to your job, it's so that you can get money or it's for you to learn. Most of the time when you go to these places, you have no idea who the heck is there with you. But as you build the communities and those things, like Becca was saying, that's part of you taking that first step and then the next one and the next one and doing everything that you can to be that bubble of love. But your initial jump into that whole sphere, especially with going to church. You're not going just to be accepted by all these people around you. You're not going to be accepted in some crowd. You're not going to find some friend or social group. I mean, you definitely could be, but the things that make those social groups the best are the things that come from emulation of Jesus Christ and the things that make your testimony stronger are the steps that you take to go there and to learn and to do everything that you can to become one with God.

Speaker 4:

I am a staunch believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ because every single time I have a question or a doubt or anything, it just gets turned up on its head and I'm like wow, that was really silly. And me to think every single time. And I've even gotten to the point where, if there's something I don't understand I saw a meme a while ago and it's just like that picture of Joseph Smith and he's got aviator sunglasses on and it just has to deal with it and I was like you know what that's? It Like that can be my answer to everything, because if I don't know the answer to it, I can just deal with it because I can just ask God when I die. I can ask God through prayers If he's not going to answer that in this time, because he's going to answer in his time I can answer that when I see him next. And that's something that I think a lot of people disconnect is institution from what the gospel is.

Speaker 4:

And then, as you start to get into that, the next thing that you do is like you were saying Becca, you think that you have to arrive, you think that you have to arrive and you completely forget about the journey. And that was another huge struggle that I had. Like you know pretty much word for word how you gave your advice to somebody going through those things. Those were the things that I struggled with and I had really no way to turn to it. I just had friends that were getting ready to go on their missions and they were so much happier than me and I was like, how do I do that? Like I just got to do, like was the world going through the same stuff? Why are you doing it so much better than me? And I had an awesome Bishop His name's Bishop already. He's a state president now.

Speaker 4:

This dude like absolute salt of the earth and you shared a scripture with me and I'm going to share it real quick. It's in Doctrine and Covenants. It's Doctrine and Covenants, 10, verse four, and it reads do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you, but be diligent until the end. Now there's a word in there that says enable you to translate. I always redact that because translate, you know. The context behind it is Joseph Smith is freaking out because he's super anxious. He's like hey, god, I just want to, you know, finish the translation. Like you said, this is pretty important, but I'm dying here, I can't do it. And God's like hey, take it easy, don't push yourself beyond what you're able to do, just be diligent. And that's all you have to do is be diligent. That word translate can go to anything any struggle, any trial that you have.

Speaker 4:

Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to Be diligent until the end. And that is something that has kept me from so many different things that have just torn at my faith and just picked at these little things and given me so many issues is I've realized that my relationship with my heavenly father comes from my efforts. It doesn't come from those around you. But if you need those people around you, a lot of the times you got to be that one to initiate them, as everybody's willing to help, and even the people that you might not think will be, maybe what they need is somebody to ask for help, to kick them into gear, and it's just this circle that keeps on going. You can't be helped if you don't let people help you, and so, like I said, the importance of that verse is being diligent until the end.

Speaker 4:

So if you're struggling with that stuff, if you feel like you don't belong, if you feel, like all the different things that we have to feel, especially within a church, that so Christianity as a whole is just looked down upon by the modern world and there's a lot of things that just come about it all the time, and so it's really hard to keep that faith in tune with everything that you need to be and still fit in. But you don't need to. You can be yourself, and when you're an individual and when you put forward that effort to do the things you need to do, that you want to do, to know your heavenly father, as long as you are diligent, he will give you the blessing that you need. He will put the things in your life that you need to have happen for you, and that's something that I encourage every single person to sit, ponder and pray on and talk about. As a church, it's something we need to talk about is the difference between the gospel and the things that we need to do and the things that we need to do to be accepting accept those people, but the things we need to do individually, because we do have a responsibility for our own lives, and that goes for everything. So if you're struggling with any of that, please message our Instagram like.

Speaker 4:

Just do it. We're more than happy to answer, and there's a lot of questions that we won't have the answers to, but there's a lot of questions that we will. But one thing that I know each and every one of us can answer is that God loves you, and I'm sure that we can all testify to that. I know that I can testify to that, and as long as you just have that little inkling, everything else is so much easier. It's just cake. Just act on that. Take one day to act on it, then everything will fall into place. It'll be hard. It'll be harder than you think you can take, but God will never give you a trial that you can't handle.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We're pretty close to an hour and we don't want to take too much more of Becca's time. I'm sure some little kids need to get put to bed here soon.

Speaker 3:

They're probably partying, eating cookies and who knows what. They're probably loving life right now.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe we'll keep you a little longer, but oh, so many good things have been talked about tonight. This has been a wonderful episode and it's all right with everybody. I'd love to share a few thoughts before we close, and I've heard so many stories and it breaks my heart every time we've had some guests come on and tell these types of stories of someone in the leadership in the church typically bishops that said something or did something that really offended the individuals, and that happens so often. It's happened to me. I think every single one of us have had an experience where a bishop or a stake president, someone in leadership, did something that really just rubbed us the wrong way, and I think it's so easy for us to forget that those people are human. They've been called to be a bishop despite their issues or despite their ability to be perfect, and I think we need to respect that and make sure that we treat our bishops and our stake presidents with love and respect and that we take into account the things that they say. But I'm with anyone who has felt wronged or hurt by their bishop. I'm with you, I've been there. But they are called of God for a specific reason, and that's reason might not be to help you but to help them. I know that happens all the time.

Speaker 1:

I think about my life, on my mission, a lot of the people that were put in leadership positions, which are zone leaders or district leaders those were always the people that I liked to the least, which is kind of funny and probably shows a lot about me. But I think those people, they needed the experiences of leading and I think becoming a leader in the church and in life it takes a lot of humility, but humility typically comes by being made humble and maybe that's what that experience is for any of you. When your bishop or someone offends you, maybe that's God trying to make you humble. I like to look at those experiences as like I just like something happens. I take a step back, like, hang on, that was wrong. I feel abused. Right now I feel very uncomfortable. And then a light bulb clicks in my head. I feel uncomfortable. Well, this is a great time for me to grow, so flip it. It takes a lot of effort but you can flip any situation into your favor and if it's a great opportunity for you to grow, it's a great opportunity for you to help someone. And maybe what that bishop needed is for you to explain that to them. Like, hang on, bishop, I feel really hurt from what you said. Let's continue to work through and talk through the thing that we just discussed and then you'll end up leaving the situation. Rather than being hurt and offended by the church, you might just be feeling the exact opposite. You might feel loved by a bishop who loves you enough to sit and talk to you, even after he accidentally offended you. Because I know as a leader, it's so easy to just like just run. It's like, oh, I just messed up, I need to get out of here and run, but if they're willing to sit and talk with you, that's a great bishop.

Speaker 1:

There's there's so much, so many things about the culture of the church and the things, things about that that we've talked about on this podcast many, many times. And you know there's a lot of bad things about the culture and there are a lot of good things. I love castles. Castles are the greatest hands down. I love castles, but especially funeral potatoes. Anyway, side point, side note, I think I I can so clearly see the church throwing out that culture that Utah has developed, that huge populations of members in one place just naturally develop. The church is just trying to throw that out and Nelson is just trying to throw that out, and now you see that with come follow me with the talks that they're giving.

Speaker 1:

I know other help elder fallen talked a lot about the culture of the church. Many times they're trying to get rid of the toxicity that comes from human nature, but it will always be there and we need to be prepared for it, and I love what's part of Becca's mission is to build resilience. That is such an important aspect to life is to build your resilience and that comes from you choosing to build your testimony, not letting someone else build it for you, just like the pressure needs to be put into the crayon to draw. We need to act and do things constantly in order to grow and to move and to press forward. I think there needs to be a little bit, or I.

Speaker 1:

It bugs me a little bit when we say we need to just bring things to God and I know that like that's what we do, that's what we have to do, but like it doesn't end there, and so, if you humor me, we'll go a little bit past that and then we'll end the episode. But when we bring things to God, we're not giving it to him, we're not dropping this heap of our problems at his feet and saying to deal with it Like I'm done, we're setting it down gently. He's kneeling down with us as we go through each little thing and we're talking together how we're going to get through it. He helps us get through it. We start to fix something.

Speaker 1:

I'm a very mechanically minded individual. So say, I bring a car to God and I'm like this ain't running, help me fix it. He's not going to fix it for me, he's going to tell me what to do, like, oh, have you tried changing out the starter? It's like no, I didn't even think about that. Boom, change out the starter, crank, it still doesn't start. Dang, we might have a compression issue, we might have a fuel issue, we might have, like all these different things, all these different issues that we might have, and God will point you and direct you to fix it.

Speaker 1:

He's trying to make us like him. That's his mission. For, behold, it is my work and my glory to bring to pass the eternal life of man. We are his glory, we are his work. He's not trying to control our lives by, you know, giving us all these blessings and you know, I feel like God doesn't really know what we're going to choose. But he knows us enough that he knows what to be prepared for when we make a decision, and he lets us make those decisions. He's letting us grow and stretch ourselves. He's not making the decisions for us.

Speaker 1:

That's something that I've been thinking about all my life, and especially lately is the power of our agency. It is the literal power of God and it is what allows us to become like him. He is what perfects us. The Atonement cures us of our failed decisions, cures us of our mistakes, but we make the decisions. So choose to keep the Lord in your life, choose to let God prevail. Thank you so much, everyone for coming on this amazing episode. Thank you, becca, for joining us today, mikaela and Tresden it's always a pleasure to have you guys here and, becca, would you like to give your page a quick shout out before we close?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just the app becoming undaunted. So, pretty straightforward. You can find all of the challenges and stuff that I talked about there and, mixed with all those challenges, I talk about Christ in my story. So, yeah, come join me in that space.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. This has been a great episode. I am so excited to hear some of the comments from the people that listened to this episode. It has been an absolute treat to have you. Yeah thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

It's been a pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and for our amazing listeners. Thank you so much for your love and support for sticking to the end of this episode. This is a long episode, but I think, oh, oh, this is a good one. So I'm grateful for anyone who made it to the end of this. And, if you haven't already, follow us on Instagram, at rememberpodcast. At our Instagram, you can find several different links to our merchandise, our podcast, to the calendar to sign up. And if you have a story, sign up and come and share it with us. We'll reach out to you schedule a time to meet with you. We love it when our listeners come on. It's some of our favorite episodes are when people that listen to our episodes come on and tell their story. So thank you so much to our amazing listeners. And choose to love, choose to keep God in your life, choose to remember him.

Finding Confidence in Christ
The Power of Stepping Out
Finding Comfort and Growth in Discomfort
Finding Strength and Growth Through Faith
Holding Onto Your Faith and Beliefs
Navigating Offense, Love, and Self-Acceptance
Church Leadership and Building Resilience
Instagram, Merchandise, and Listener Stories