The Remember Podcast

Piersons Story; Finding Hope Amidst Life's Crossroads

March 03, 2024 Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan Season 2 Episode 17
Piersons Story; Finding Hope Amidst Life's Crossroads
The Remember Podcast
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The Remember Podcast
Piersons Story; Finding Hope Amidst Life's Crossroads
Mar 03, 2024 Season 2 Episode 17
Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan

Have you ever witnessed a life turnaround that's nothing short of miraculous? Pierce's transformation from a problematic teenager to a motivational Christian influencer is a tale that echoes the power of redemption and the magnetic pull of a purpose-driven life. His raw recount of past escapades and the pivotal encounters that steered him back to faith sets the stage for this episode. Joined by my co-host McKayla, who shares her own dance with doubt, our conversation navigates the rocky road back to spiritual connection, highlighting the importance of aligning with those who uplift our journey.

Tackling negativity, especially when it's aimed at one's beliefs, is a delicate art form. Here, I peel back the layers on the strategy of combating hostility with compassion, inspired by my first mission companion's approach and the teachings of Jesus. I reveal a personal story that showcases the unexpected outcomes of responding with kindness to confrontational situations, providing a blueprint for listeners on how to handle criticism in a way that fosters understanding rather than division.

The episode wraps up with Pierce, a guest whose story illustrates a profound shift from chasing material success to cherishing the richness of family and authentic connections. Pierce's mature take on redefining success, managing social dynamics, and staying true to his values resonates with anyone questioning their life's direction. This heartening encounter is a testament to the significance of embracing change and the beauty of growing up with intention. Join us in this deep dive into personal transformation and the enduring quest for meaningful existence.

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The Inspiration by Keys of Moon |
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Music promoted by

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever witnessed a life turnaround that's nothing short of miraculous? Pierce's transformation from a problematic teenager to a motivational Christian influencer is a tale that echoes the power of redemption and the magnetic pull of a purpose-driven life. His raw recount of past escapades and the pivotal encounters that steered him back to faith sets the stage for this episode. Joined by my co-host McKayla, who shares her own dance with doubt, our conversation navigates the rocky road back to spiritual connection, highlighting the importance of aligning with those who uplift our journey.

Tackling negativity, especially when it's aimed at one's beliefs, is a delicate art form. Here, I peel back the layers on the strategy of combating hostility with compassion, inspired by my first mission companion's approach and the teachings of Jesus. I reveal a personal story that showcases the unexpected outcomes of responding with kindness to confrontational situations, providing a blueprint for listeners on how to handle criticism in a way that fosters understanding rather than division.

The episode wraps up with Pierce, a guest whose story illustrates a profound shift from chasing material success to cherishing the richness of family and authentic connections. Pierce's mature take on redefining success, managing social dynamics, and staying true to his values resonates with anyone questioning their life's direction. This heartening encounter is a testament to the significance of embracing change and the beauty of growing up with intention. Join us in this deep dive into personal transformation and the enduring quest for meaningful existence.

Follow Pierce on Instagram 

And see our updates on the show and other uplifting content 

The Inspiration by Keys of Moon |
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Music promoted by

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome back to the Remember Podcast. I'm your host, Dalyan, and it's a great night. We're happy to be here. I'm here with my amazing co-host, Mikala, and we've got a fantastic guest with us tonight. Mikala, would you like to introduce him?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we have Pearson Smith with us tonight and he is like a motivational I don't know how you say it like workout, Christian influencer or whatnot. Yeah, he likes to. You know, he's obviously likes to spread the word of God through that, which is really cool. It's a cool approach to do so. So we have him on and we're so excited to hear your story, pearson. So if you want to go ahead and share it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so I grew up LDS. I grew up in Logan, utah. I'm 19 years old. I grew up super close to the church, but I was the oldest child, so I was pretty rebellious, made a lot of dumb decisions. I actually ended up getting arrested, like my junior year in high school and just for dumb things, like I was just I don't know. I kind of lived like I liked to go party with like friends and liked that sort of environment. But as I moved out, I started to get a little what's the word I'm looking for A little farther from God, and so that definitely had a big impact on my testimony and that changed that like changed my life for a little bit and I was miserable, I was depressed, I was very unhappy, but then I started to. I met some people that kind of got me back on track and that started turning around my life.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, yeah, I can relate to that for sure, Not like in high school, but when I went to college there was some trouble there. So, first off, I want to ask like, what made like turned you to like wanting to share the gospel the way you do? Like, what made you want to start something like that and what gave you the idea?

Speaker 3:

I think a lot of it was. I just realized how big of an impact I could have on others and I figured that why would I try and have like a negative impact on the world when I can influence people in a positive way, set like a good example and just lead by example? So that was one of the key factors in that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so what I mean? Okay, so my story, at least with and relating to you, is like I in college, like I grew up in Texas, so I grew up with like a bunch of different religions. But when I came up to Utah, I went to Utah State too. I was in Logan and obviously it's not like it has some diversity to it. But of course it's college, you're going to meet some people, and so I got associated with some people that weren't the greatest influence, but I started doubting everything that I grew up knowing, even though I grew up with diversity, I felt like this diversity was harder because it was a trial of my faith and actually putting my standards to use. But I started doubting everything, and the culture up here is so different too, and so like I felt I don't know, I just felt so lost, and so I like one night I decided, no, like I'm so confused I'm not getting anywhere. So this is so dumb of me. But I was like you know what I'm going to do, everything that I grew up learning, and I'm like not going to do it. I completely did a one-eighth, did everything I knew I wasn't supposed to do and I was listening. Do not do that. Please don't learn by example.

Speaker 2:

Because I was so far away from God and his inspiration. I just felt like Satan was getting ahold of me and pulling me down and I had chains around me and I felt like I was in a rabbit hole and like in the darkest. I felt like I went into a black hole, almost, like everything that was good was gone. My sight was foggy and I had no idea I was worse, like my doubts was nothing compared to the feelings that I felt then, and so, in order for me to get back to that, I had to literally like I had to step away from everything. I actually left Utah and went home and I had to restart and go back to my roots, go back to my family and really understand where's my place and what do I believe.

Speaker 2:

It got to that point what do I believe, and so, at least for me, I had to go back to what I knew as a kid, like, yes, god is real, I know that, but what's after that?

Speaker 2:

What are the things I grew up learning? And so I had to start that trust process of like trusting God and I'm still in that process right now like learning how to trust Him right and doing those things that you know that allow you to gain a relationship with Him. Going back to church with God the scriptures is hard but, like, as I started pushing forward, I started seeing the light and seeing and feeling the spirit and I had to pray for strength and confidence and it was a long process and I'm I feel like I'm still in that process. But so what I'm getting at is like what you mentioned it. Like you said, you started turning your life around and you started realizing what were the things that you did, and what advice do you have for people who may be going through it, like through those things, through going through maybe struggling with faith, struggling with what they believe?

Speaker 3:

Gotcha, yeah so. So I was big into like party groups. I would help, I would help throw some of the biggest like parties here in Utah and I just kind of it kind of just like hit me. It was kind of a slap in the face that I realized that the people that are going to those parties are most likely the people like people that I don't want in my future, not because they're bad people, but just because the the pastor, the path that they are headed is, it's a little. It's it's kind of the opposite way of me and you are who your friends are.

Speaker 3:

So that was definitely a slap in the face and just seeing myself and some of the some of my relatives that I was living with just kind of go off the deep end, that kind of that kind of just set like a bar and a guideline for me. That like it was just kind of a reality check that I needed to start getting my life together and get back on track and set some goals and try and get closer to God, and so that definitely tested my faith. But I think in the long run that strength of my testimony a lot.

Speaker 1:

I love that a lot, actually, because it it always amazes me, and so I served a mission and I found a lot of people that were. They called themselves X, most X Mormons, or Jack Mormons, you know whatever tomato tomato, but these people, or they, had some of the most Crazy stories, but it was the, the people that had left the church and then came back. Those were the strongest members, the strongest testimonies that I've ever witnessed in my entire life. It's amazing what, what happens when somebody loses faith and loses their testimony and then and Then, all of a sudden, god finds them and brings them back. It really is amazing, because Suddenly they went from, you know, just being one of the many sheep in this huge field, this herd, to being out on their own being.

Speaker 1:

You know, we like to think of ourselves as independent, right, we don't have to rely on anybody else, and so we, as our Heavenly Father sheep, we run off and we do our own thing for a little while, but it's, it's, it's scary out there. You know, I myself, like I've, I'm not the oldest kid, I'm not the oldest in the family, so I've had many Examples of what to do and what not to do. I'm the fourth of five and I'm so grateful for those examples. I've got one brother it looked like he did everything right, he was the oldest one. And then I've got another brother that it looked like he Did everything wrong and it's funny because after he graduated he's got a very similar story to you. He had the wonderful opportunity to get married in the temple and he is like doing so good in his life now because he's come back to the church.

Speaker 1:

But Just going back to those sheep, when our Heavenly Father goes and finds us, when we're broken, when we're lost, when we have ran away from him which we chose to do, and I think everybody in their life will have it a moment where we choose to run away from our Heavenly Father, it's it's seeing him chasing us that warms our hearts, because he left the whole fold to come and find us and he, like when the. I've seen the spirit touch people's hearts in that way and it is that is what makes the transforming effect. It's not anything anyone else can do, but that like I'm gonna kind of bounce around a little bit here, but that's the, that's how the our Heavenly Father chases us, is through other people and, just like you said, it was your friends, right the, you kind of started to find better people to surround yourself with, and and that's what One of the many reasons I'm sure that brought you back right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I definitely think I still love all those, all those friends, but I've definitely had to kind of part ways and find some some people with similar standards to me. So but yeah, still still love all those friends, still care about them. So what the best for them?

Speaker 2:

but a lot of them aren't willing to give up those certain things and so yeah, I've been reading lately well, like just doing my studies, but Lately I've been reading about and this is like what I've been kind of struggling with too is like how important the church it like is in my life, but like how, how it is true and how it is the church is Christ, because you see so many people on the internet who do bash on the church and I'm sure you get that on your post too, but it's like how, how can we find it for ourselves?

Speaker 2:

How can we find that truth for ourselves? Right, and I've been reading and it's so funny because I've been thinking about it and all the like chapters and stuff that I've been reading has been about the church and the restoration and how how the world will be, because it's like talking about the last days and how we need to liken ourselves with God and and know the fruits of the late like of the labor of the church, right, no, no, the goodness, and you can find God in it and find the truth. Right. And, as we've been talking, we're kind of talking about kind of the ways of the world and how that takes place of the world and how that definitely can deceive people, how the pride and you know, even sometimes the things that like Partying, drinking and like a lot of people think that's like like fine and sure it can be fun, but it also isn't, doesn't bring the spirit and and it's not things, it's not something that really can Bring us closer to God. In a way, it honestly is like it's a fog or it's something that it puts a wall in front of your face, that it's just a different type of happiness, but it's how to explain it, but it's it's not. It is a great, I don't know how to explain it, but it's just not godly in a way. It's not something that brings the spirit and it I don't know. But Anyways, I made second Nephi, chapter 28, and then some verses about it, talking about what, what we can do to Overcome the world, and it says in verse 26 Trumbuleth lest he shall fall.

Speaker 2:

Well, be unto him. That shall say we have received with the word of God and we need no more of the word, for we have enough. For behold, let's say at the Lord of Lord, god, I will give unto the children of men, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. I'm blessed are those who park in unto my precepts and lend an ear unto my council, for they shall learn wisdom. For unto him that receiveeth, I will give more. And from them that shall say we have enough, from them shall be taken away Even that which they have. And then cursed is he that puteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men. Save their precept shall be given by the parapholegos, and then it just goes on saying how, and God saying I will have my, I'll lengthen my arm out and I'm there and I'm merciful, right, and so that, basically, is talking about and I've gone through that, like you know, like trust, like almost trusting the arm of flesh, trusting men more than God, and turning unto the things of the world and finding happiness and finding truth in that, rather than finding truth and happiness in God.

Speaker 2:

And I'm a primary teacher and we talked about there this week like eternal happiness and temporal happiness. You know, you have the things that bring you the temporal happiness, the temporal joys, even truth, almost like the opinions and truth of men that can bring you happiness, that, but can also bring you the pain and the feelings of a natural man, and once we die, those things will go away. But what will bring you salvation and mercy and truth and happiness is turning to God and finding, finding your way through him. Because I don't know where, like I had a small glimpse of it and went through my actions and choosing the world instead of God and that was not in any way enjoyable.

Speaker 2:

I felt like I was in hell, almost, like I just felt so lost and so unguided, like I realized then that I needed God in life and I needed him and I needed his gospel and I needed to turn to his gospel and to his truth and love because without it I I don't know where I'd be and I and I'm so grateful that I was born in that, like this church, and I'm so grateful that I have the gospel and I know God and I know that he does love me. And I don't know that's just my experience and that's what I'm kind of getting from this conversation is that Finding our faith and finding your place and turn away from those things of the world, god will bless us and he will bless us more and we will be more confident in what we believe and what we stand for and in our discipleship with Christ if we continue to overcome our sins, to overcome the natural man even though it can be hard, if we will be more blessed and find that eternal happiness that he can bring us.

Speaker 3:

So back to the negativity thing. Actually, I've definitely noticed, especially in my comments, there is plenty of people that they love to hate on the church and they don't really argue as much. They just tell you that you're wrong, that they're not willing to listen. But I've noticed that it's always the people that are unhappy with themselves and it's just always the people that are just not doing too well in life. And so I've noticed that if I respond to those comments with something positive or just even something simple, as like Jesus loves you, sometimes I'll answer the hate comments with that. It's a lot better than trying to react and get a reaction out of those people who just have a lot of hate in their hearts.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Actually, I haven't talked about my mission for a long time but I just keep thinking of stories from my mission. So if this gets annoying you can tell me to shut up. But there was an experience that I had on my mission. So first off, let me preface with my trainer, my first companion. He was an amazing man. I love him to death. I haven't talked to him in a long time. I should reach out.

Speaker 1:

But one of the greatest things that he taught me was that when you get into we called it bashing when you get into a place where you know it's very tense and it leads towards bashing and being very aggressive, throwing scriptures at each other, Don't just respond with love. Encourage them, you know, express how amazing they are for how passionate they are about what they believe, or something like that. Pick the good out of what they're doing. And that stuck with me my whole mission. And I remember this experience.

Speaker 1:

I was serving in a YSA word at the time and we were at a volleyball court with the whole ward and we were playing games and stuff and this guy just out of nowhere, just starts yelling at us. More specifically, me and my companion just saying trying to get the members. He didn't know they were members, he thought they were just people we were talking to, but he was just tearing into us and tearing into them, telling them like, hey, like, don't listen to these guys, they're going to lead you astray, Like straight down to hell. And it was interesting because we started talking to him. Like.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, hey, dude, what's going on, you know, like being as cheerful as I could, even though like he was kind of bugging me, but like it was interesting because he was kind of taken back and he started like fumbling his words and like the, we started like talking about the, the gospel, a little bit, and like what we believe, and then he would say what he believed and and what he was talking about like didn't make any sense. He had no idea what he was saying or what he was talking about. And I'm not dogging him, it was just interesting to see how, like he was so prepared for a specific circumstance, but we didn't, we never gave that to him, and so he was so underprepared for a good circumstance and he left completely like I don't know. I like to hope that he left that discussion with a whole new understanding of the church or a whole new outlook on it, because we didn't fight back. It's amazing what happens when we do that and that is when, if we, I think it's so easy for us to get wrapped up in our own egos.

Speaker 1:

I know, like when I see people post something spiritual on their stories or something like that, and I look at on the comments and people are just bashing and screaming and yelling with their words because it's a comment. They're not actually screaming, but I like get this like pride, just like it comes straight to the forefront of my brain. It's like I need to respond, I need to tell them what they're doing wrong. But that is such a self-righteous and an evil thought to do, because I don't think I mean, jesus had a few instances where he was very firm in what he believed and, for instance, you know, throwing tables around at the temple, but he always acted in love first. And I think that and I love your example of what you were saying you were doing it's one of the hardest things to do to act in love first, but it's.

Speaker 1:

It takes a lot of humility, taking that pride that first comes and taking that and just setting it to the side and then stepping back and reevaluating the situation. And I know that skill has blessed me in so many ways, whether it's talking about the gospel or talking about some other topic. For instance, I read a lot of finance books and so I get super gung ho talking about, like, investing in myself and building my commerce, life and all that stuff, and then, like, I have all these opinions about that and I just want to shout them at people, but it takes some so much effort to step back and be like, okay, this is what these people need, this is what I need, and I need to do what Jesus would do in that instance, and I love that that's what you're doing. You're a great example of it.

Speaker 3:

It definitely just catches them off guard because I don't know like the natural man's always expecting a reaction if they say something controversial or just anything negative. They expect a reaction of someone trying to clap back. And I think when they don't get that reaction and they get someone that says something kind or compliments them, they just don't know what to say. Every time after there's been a few comments where they'll just go after me, they'll say something hurtful and I'll give them a compliment and then I'll have tons of replies underneath of people saying that they're not even LDS but they just followed because of the reaction alone and I figured that just kind of leading by example and my positivity towards others and just being like a genuinely nice person, it goes a long way.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, it really does, and it's amazing how these principles carry into so much of our lives. There's that phrase God. What is it Like? God's work is one eternal round, or something like that. I don't know, I totally butchered that, but I think it's interesting because the symbolism of the oval I know that's used in the temple a lot because God's plan is one eternal round and it encompasses all, all things. And God created the earth, he created the mechanisms of life.

Speaker 1:

I firmly believe that he was a scientist, he's the best scientist but not only did he create the systems that make up ecosystems and life in general, but he created the emotional systems, the social systems, the way that we respond to one another, the way that we react to one another.

Speaker 1:

He created all things and he's in charge of it all. And so, like something as little as the primary answers, if we take them truly to heart and practice them as often and as strongly as we can, it has such a greater impact in the business world, in our social circles, in all the other aspects of our lives, and it's super cool. And I think it's interesting when, when we do have these arguments or discussions with people, that kind of like leads more aggressively. The first thing people do is to revert back to what they know and what they're comfortable with and and like I was just thinking about that as you were talking and it's sorry my my mouth's talking a lot faster than my brain is- oh yeah, but it's how do I, how do you say this, when, when we revert back to what we're comfortable with, or you say something to somebody that they don't quite agree with and they go back to what they're comfortable with.

Speaker 1:

I think it's a beautiful example of what their lives are Because, like, where you're comfortable is where you spend most of your time. Right, and I love the talk. Or it was a BYU devotional, I believe, turned into a conference talk by Brad Wilcox titled His Grace is Subfficient, and he talks so much about how we're not trying to earn heaven by our works, but we're trying to learn how to be heavenly. We're going to go where we feel comfortable, and I think about how we were talking about friends earlier and about these people that we talked to. When, when the person reverts to what they're comfortable with, that's a window into their lives, right, that's a window into the type of friends that they have. Like, my friends oftentimes think exactly the same as me, right, because I'm collecting people that I like to be around. I'm going to talk about things I want to talk about with the people that want to talk about the same things, and so I just I I feel the need to to really push the importance of finding the best friends that you can.

Speaker 1:

I am so grateful for the people that are in my life, for the friends that I have, because they encourage me to be better, they encourage me to be the best person that I can be, and I've met and been around a lot of people that don't have that or they themselves aren't looking for those types of things, and I it's.

Speaker 1:

It breaks my heart to see them and watch them as their. Their lives kind of just start to fall apart a little bit. As you were saying, you said you're 19, right, yeah, so it's a lot of life experience for a 19 year old, but I I'm so incredibly impressed by the things that that you said and and we've talked about, because if you can learn these things as a 19 year old, or if you've already learned these things, as it's so obviously shown, your life is going to have such an amazing impact on so many people in your future Like I I can't even express how how much a I don't know just how amazing that is. I use the word amazing and wonderful a lot, but I really need to work on my vocabulary, feel that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I oh sorry, I don't mean to cut you off, but I just want to share a quote.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what I found it, but it's in my notes and I just in my notes I have just a bunch of random stuff that I think are cool and I put them in there.

Speaker 2:

I have this quote that I saw and it kind of goes in hand of what we're talking about right, like there's going to be opposition, like good and evil, there's going to be things that we agree in, things that we don't. But it talks about. Let me read it and then I'll talk about it. It says Heavenly Father wouldn't have given us two ears if he, if he, didn't want us to hear opposing opinions, and he definitely wouldn't have given us a heart if he didn't want us to love each other as he loves us. And so, like there is opposition in all things right and with the truth, there's going to be those that maybe not believe in it, or there's going to be people that you know there's going to be that opposition when we share. There's going to be people that don't believe like, or people that maybe have their own beliefs, right and honestly. Like we said, like God has given us a heart, he's given us two ears, he's given us the knowledge and he's given us a heart and what to do with that right. Are we going to share our knowledge, share what we know, share what we're comfortable with, out of pride, out of defense? Are we going to share out of love? And that's what I've, kind I've been trying to do and my parents are a great example of this of just being loving and accepting of all people and especially living in the South, there's a lot of different religions and I have, like I've been to different churches. I've been to different like Bible studies and, honestly, like it was pretty contentious just because, like they would talk about the LDS church, and I've had to stand up in front of a bunch of older people when I was like 16. And it was really intimidating, but I had to stand up for what I believed and afterwards they were all like impressed and thanked me, even though they maybe not believe it. It was still an opportunity to share out of love and I definitely felt the love of God when I was sharing.

Speaker 2:

And, like we've been talking about, like when there's contention, like I have a hard time, too, with my emotions, like I should share them and I express them, and when I do not agree with something or I'm stubborn if I don't. If I want to have my way, I will get it. There's comes a place when we're talking like religion is such a tender topic and it makes sense that people would want to defend their beliefs or also do it as in a way that maybe I don't know like, and there's a lot of people like I've read comments too and go through and see what people are saying. But there's a lot of times that people do it in a way that maybe not how we would, but it's their way of showing their love or concern and it also is a way of being like no, I'm right, and I like what Dianne was saying almost self righteous, because you know what you know and that's the truth. Right, and that's what I was kind of talking about earlier. There's the truth of men, the precepts of men, but the ultimate truth is with God and you can find that within the good of it all and with the love, and that's and that's how we can share.

Speaker 2:

His truth is by obtaining the attributes that God has, and I like to think about the chosen and how, like just because it's just, it makes it more personable with the doctrine and like his disciple, his life on earth and how he would approach people, especially when they didn't believe he was Jesus Christ or didn't believe he was the Son of God to save everyone.

Speaker 2:

And he would do it out of love, and he would.

Speaker 2:

He would be stern sometimes but of course, like you know, he would, but it wasn't out of sterness, of like being prideful or saying like no, I am God, like he did it out of love and in a certain way, where he showed himself that he was the Son of God, but not in a way of like hating on them or bashing on what they believed. You know, he just showed them and he did it in a way that I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying, but either way, we need to accept the opposition but turn to God, to and be an act, obtain God's attributes and just love them and serve them and be kind, just like you have. And I feel like that's the best response, because they don't expect it and when you're contentious, you want to defend and you want to fight back, but sometimes, as I've learned, that's the best way to do it and that can lead to worse outcomes, and so I don't know. But yeah, this conversation has been really cool and much needed, for me at least.

Speaker 3:

As well.

Speaker 1:

So before we, before we end, I do want to ask you one more thing, because I feel like there's a part of your story that not a lot of people talk about. Well, maybe not your story specifically, but here's people story, people who have stories similar to yours. There we go, there's an aspect to it that not a lot of people talk about, and so you had a huge group of friends, right, your party friends. How how was it leaving? Maybe not leaving is the best word, but changing focus from those types of friends to a new group of friends, to a new type of, or a new life, so to speak. What type of? What did that look like? Because I know a lot of people could, would often go to someone that's looking to change and to grow and they're like no, that's not who you are and try to pull you back. So what? I don't know. I just kind of want to hear a little bit of what that was like for you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so definitely a lot of it like like my language, because my language being around those types of people got bad and just like my actions and I would get, I would get lazy, and so I definitely think switching my friend group like around my language got a lot better. I was more like, more focused on unlike my future, but more focused on like the key values. And the other thing is like, when I had those those types of friends, I was so focused on money and making as much money as possible and then kind of switching friend friend groups I definitely noticed more of like, because everyone, when someone says success, most people think of money, most people just think, oh, you're successful if you make millions of dollars and whatnot. But my mindset switched from success being like the core values of like having a family, getting married in the temple, just I don't know, just having like a loving, loving family. It's like my idea of success now instead of instead of just like the financial part.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I love that. Do you feel like you're old? A group of friends. They tried to pull you back into what they're doing, or do they still do that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they still are. There's a few that have kind of started to get better, but most of them still are so focused on finances or I don't know just going to parties seeing how many girls they can get, Just the things that aren't as important in life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how do you handle that when they reach out to you to try to get you to go and do those things?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I would never just tell them that I think that they're wrong or whatnot. I'll kind of just be like I'll make, like I don't know, kind of sudden comments like yeah, I'm not going to meet my future wife at a party. There's honestly no reason for going. Like just, I don't know, bad environment. Nothing ever goes well at a party. There's always some sort of issue and there's just fights. And yet I just I'll kind of make those sudden slide comments and try and try and get them to switch their ways, but most of the time, most of the time they don't listen. So I just try and lead by example when that happens.

Speaker 1:

I love that and that goes back to you know, the conversation we were having is not throwing our beliefs at them or throwing our standards in their face like virtue signaling. I know that's a phrase that gets thrown around, but I think I'm very impressed with you, man.

Speaker 1:

Like this has been amazing to get to know you and to see how mature you are, especially for 19 years old when I was 19. Well, I was on a mission but, honestly, like you probably had me, you probably are more mature than I am now, thank you, but it is. I'm very excited to see where your future takes you and it's been an absolute pleasure to have you on and for our listeners that are listening, because they're listeners. Pierce is standing on the temple grounds right now and I wish we well, I'll have the video recording, but I wish we had a way to post that, or I wish we did it, because it's awesome to see the temple behind you and it's an amazing, amazing place.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, have you? You probably haven't done endowments yet, have you Not yet? It is a wonderful, wonderful thing. I'm excited. I love the temple, I love, love the endowment, because we learn so much about the creation and they've made a lot of changes to the endowment recently as well to focus more on the Savior, and I love it. Such an amazing opportunities to learn about Him and His love for us, and so it just makes me giddy that you're there. And what temple is that?

Speaker 3:

It's the Oram temple.

Speaker 1:

The Oram temple. It is beautiful.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Well, thank you so much for coming on. Pierce Michaela, do you have any final thoughts?

Speaker 2:

Nope, this is an awesome conversation and much needed, for me at least. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you as well. Thank you for having me on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, same same. It's amazing how it just always happens. It's always what we need. But thank you so much again, pierce, and thank you to our amazing listeners for sticking to the end of this episode. Oh, and real quick, pierce, give yourself a shout out. Where can our listeners find your page?

Speaker 3:

On Instagram. Pierce Smith List no spaces.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Well, go check out his page. He's got some awesome videos. He's super good at actually editing his videos. I was very impressed, better than anything I could do, that's for sure. But, yeah, go check out Pierce's page and, if you haven't followed us already, check our page out. Michaela does an amazing job managing that. It's at rememberpodcast and we love to hear from you guys, so, and we love to hear your stories. So there's a calendar on our Instagram page. I explain this every time, but I'm terrible at it. I should write up a script.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, take it away, Michaela.

Speaker 2:

So we have a link in our bio. You can find the merchandise you can find how to sign up for if you want to share your story. You can also find the church website and many other stuff. But go ahead and look at that if you want to. Awesome, we need your reviews. We love it. We love your feedback. We want to know how we can make this more personable to you. So leave a review on Spotify, on the Apple podcast, anywhere that you can. That has this listening platform where you can listen to podcasts. But go ahead and do that. It's awesome and we love to see good feedback and if we have that negative feedback, constructive criticism, is awesome. So go ahead and do that and, yeah, we feel grateful for your support.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Thank you, and thank you so much. Remember him.

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