The Remember Podcast

Breck's Story: Discovering Your Future

March 26, 2024 Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan Season 2 Episode 20
Breck's Story: Discovering Your Future
The Remember Podcast
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The Remember Podcast
Breck's Story: Discovering Your Future
Mar 26, 2024 Season 2 Episode 20
Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan

When life throws a curveball that shatters your dreams, how do you find the strength to create a new path? Breck, a high school senior and wrestling enthusiast, joins us to share his inspiring journey. From a determined freshman with state championship aspirations to a senior coping with an injury that ended his wrestling career, Breck's tale is one of resilience and faith. His narrative goes beyond the mat, delving into the emotional fortitude required to face life's unexpected challenges, and the solace he found in his spiritual beliefs.

Wrestling with the aftermath of relinquished dreams and the daunting quest for purpose, our conversation with Breck uncovers profound insights on coping with disappointment. We explore the role of faith in his life, providing direction when his athletic pursuits were halted. Breck's candid reflections on personal growth, embracing new opportunities, and considering the path of coaching illuminate the process of finding meaning in trials. His story is a testament to the transformative power of embracing adversity as a catalyst for self-discovery and growth.

As we wrap up our profound exchange, Breck opens up about the anxiety clouding his future, a sentiment many can relate to. His reliance on faith to navigate through uncertainty is both comforting and motivating. Breck's evolving perspective on life's unpredictable twists, potential coaching endeavors, and the anticipation of a religious mission, underscore the importance of staying receptive to life's possibilities. This episode unpacks valuable life lessons, affirming that each challenge we face prepares us for the next chapter, whatever it may hold.

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 The Inspiration by Keys of Moon | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Music promoted by 

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

When life throws a curveball that shatters your dreams, how do you find the strength to create a new path? Breck, a high school senior and wrestling enthusiast, joins us to share his inspiring journey. From a determined freshman with state championship aspirations to a senior coping with an injury that ended his wrestling career, Breck's tale is one of resilience and faith. His narrative goes beyond the mat, delving into the emotional fortitude required to face life's unexpected challenges, and the solace he found in his spiritual beliefs.

Wrestling with the aftermath of relinquished dreams and the daunting quest for purpose, our conversation with Breck uncovers profound insights on coping with disappointment. We explore the role of faith in his life, providing direction when his athletic pursuits were halted. Breck's candid reflections on personal growth, embracing new opportunities, and considering the path of coaching illuminate the process of finding meaning in trials. His story is a testament to the transformative power of embracing adversity as a catalyst for self-discovery and growth.

As we wrap up our profound exchange, Breck opens up about the anxiety clouding his future, a sentiment many can relate to. His reliance on faith to navigate through uncertainty is both comforting and motivating. Breck's evolving perspective on life's unpredictable twists, potential coaching endeavors, and the anticipation of a religious mission, underscore the importance of staying receptive to life's possibilities. This episode unpacks valuable life lessons, affirming that each challenge we face prepares us for the next chapter, whatever it may hold.

Don't forget to follow us for updates and more uplifting content

 The Inspiration by Keys of Moon | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Music promoted by 

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Remember Podcast. I'm your host, dallian, and I'm joined with both of my two amazing co-hosts. We've got Michaela and Tresden and we're super excited for the guests that we have today. We've got a young man that I'm going to let Michaela introduce.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we have Breck he goes by Breck, he um here with us, um, and he actually reached out to us and he wanted to share his story. He is still in high school, um, but he talked about how he? Um loves wrestling and his experiences with that and how his, his plans and everything kind of changed unexpectedly and I know we can all relate to that. And he's going to talk to us about priorities and how God's will can ultimately it does affect our lives and how we can adjust to that and turn to God and trust him. So, breck, if you want to continue, and share your story.

Speaker 3:

Awesome, awesome. Okay, I'll just start from the beginning. Pretty much I was a former high school wrestler. Now my high school wrestling career is over. I guess it really started my freshman year. I wrestled in eighth and seventh, seventh and eighth grade, but I didn't really take it seriously until my freshman year. I wrestled in eighth and seventh, seventh and eighth grade, um, but I didn't really take it seriously until my freshman year.

Speaker 3:

My freshman year I I uh for, for lack of better word I stunk, I I was not very good, I mean, I I won a grand total of two matches my freshman year, and and so, and I did not like losing at all. I hated losing and no one likes losing, but I really, really, really wanted to win. And and I did not like losing at all. I hated losing and no one likes losing, but I really, really, really wanted to win. And that I got a ton of motivation from being embarrassed. And just because it was a sport I loved too, you want to get the things you enjoy. And so after it was actually because it was during COVID, and because it was during COVID, the season was actually in June. It was a weird thing that summer I decided I was going to be, I was going to place at state my senior year wrestling. I was going to get top eight in the state, which is placing and I was going to dedicate my life to it for four years. That was my goal. And so, right then and there, first thing I needed to do was get better at wrestling, and the second thing I needed to do was gain weight, because I was really, really skinny. And so I lifted a ton, ate a ton and trained a ton in the off season and I, I did that all throughout the off season.

Speaker 3:

Sophomore year, I was a little better, um, but junior year was when I really started winning most of my matches, cause I did the same thing. I went to camps. I went to a camp in Montana. I went to a camp, uh, in an hour away from where I live. I went to multiple camps. In between that time and junior year, uh, I finally started winning matches and that feeling was awesome and I tried to. I didn't end that season the best way, but I tried to carry that momentum, excuse me. I tried to carry that momentum into senior year, and senior year I, uh, it was the same thing. I was just relentlessly training, lifting, I was improving everything. It was. It was exactly what I wanted and I was. I was making sacrifices, but it was. It was still like it was. It was worth it. It was fun because I knew I was progressing Right.

Speaker 3:

And my senior year I actually went to the summer, in between senior and junior year, I went to a 28 day wrestling camp. It was four sessions a day in iowa, um, and I came back and just so much better and it was riding that high into the, the senior year. And then I, uh, in practice I tore my labrum at my shoulder. Um, and if you don't know what that is, the the explain explanation I heard from somebody else's uh, think of like a tennis tee and your ball and socket joint within your shoulder is like the ball and when you tear your labrum it's like the tennis tee is chipped. So you're, the ball and socket joint can't rest, um, and it's very and it's not a huge debilitating injury, but for sports and lifting weights it is. And so that was very, very frustrating, extremely frustrating, but it was a huge faith-building experience because I was asking the Lord to build my patience and get me ready for a mission and because of all the responsibilities I had at the time during the season I was team captain I still had this desire to to accomplish my goals. Um, and I'll I'll just straight up say my teammates were really annoying, the freshmen especially very annoying, and it was hard to be patient, but it forced me to learn that, that patience. And so I still wrestled with the injury.

Speaker 3:

Um, and, like the last month this season, wrestling just really really really clicked. Um, and I, I, uh, I was just on an absolute high with my career. Um, I, I won a tournament and then I got second place at districts and then third at regionals and I qualified for state and I was ready to go accomplish this goal. Uh, and I was so excited and so confident in myself and, and everybody, everybody supported me and everybody, all the coaches were like let's go do this, you've been working your entire life for this, let's go get it done. Um, so we're, we're at state. State is a two day tournament, so we had to stay in a hotel and because, as a wrestler, you, you cut weight right. I was wrestling at the 157 pound weight class. Um, to put it in perspective, during the summer I weighed 187 pounds, and so I was. I was cutting quite a bit of weight to make my weight class um, which I would not say is recommended, but I uh.

Speaker 3:

I did it because I did it, because that's what you do. When you, uh, when you want to achieve these, you just do what has to be done, and so obviously I dieted and all that stuff. And so, when we were at the hotel, we bring a team scale because there's multiple kids on the team that are cutting weight. Um, there's only two that we brought to state that were actually cutting weight Me and this other kid that was. He wrestled at one, 90. Um, and the other two boys we brought or three actually, they weren't really second weight. Um, we bring this scale and in the night before I'm, I'm, uh, I'm a pound over, which is fine.

Speaker 3:

I went to bed, woke up and I was, I was underweight. The scale said, um, I was, I was 0.7 under, so it's actually 159 pounds because of the two pound alone. So I was, I was 158.3 pounds, um on the scale and I was like, okay, whatever, I'm easily going to make weight, I don't have to worry about it. We get to the dome which is where state is held it's called the Tacoma dome in Tacoma, Washington and uh, we get in late and we had to hurry up and warm up because we, our team, ended up getting in late and so I didn't have time to go use the restroom or anything and I wasn't worried about my weight because I was already 0.7 under and I hadn't drank anything since then. I get on the scale at the tacoma dome um, not worried at all. And I get on and I'm 197, no 157.4, which means I'm overweight, and they allowed me to challenge. They have four different scales. They allowed me to challenge and check on all the other scales. So I check on all the other scales 0.4 over, 0.3 over, 0.4 over 0.3 over, and once the the stage, you can't go leave to go to the bathroom or anything. You're there, you just got to weigh in and what happens happens. I end up missing weight and there's nothing I could do about it, absolutely not, and it didn't make sense at all. I was, I told coaches I was on weight this morning, I didn't drink anything, I didn't eat anything, I didn't eat anything and my career just ended, my high school career just ended, after I worked my entire life for this, and something happened. We have no idea Now. We know Now we know. In the moment we had no idea.

Speaker 3:

We went home later that day after state and we checked the scale. We brought two scales. One was correct and the one I used was a pound under what it actually was. It wasn't calibrated and it's just completely random how that happened. There's no explanation for that and because of that I missed weight at state, and there's a million different things that could have gone differently. But I mean, I thought I was on weight but the scale was wrong and so there really wasn't anything I could do about that.

Speaker 3:

And so, yeah, so then I sat there, I decided to stay and support my teammates because they're my boys and it was obviously I had a good time with my boys, but it's devastating because it was my. It was my entire life, um, and I, I sacrificed the time to get to that point and uh, yeah, it just sucked, sucked a ton. Yeah, it just sucked, sucked a ton. And that whole week after state was just a mess, a mess. It was a mess Because I didn't know what was next.

Speaker 3:

What do I do now? I have these plans to go wrestle in college. I had these plans to play some state. I had all these plans and this thing kind of just happened and there's nothing I can do about it. I can think about the what ifs all day, but at the end of the day there's nothing I can. I can't go back and change anything, and so I had to learn in that moment, in that week, I had to learn how to just let go and trust in the Lord. There's a big big thing, trust in the Lord, and a part of me feels like I wasn't even. It wasn't part of the plan. Obviously it wasn't, because it didn't happen.

Speaker 3:

There's a really good scripture I have. I think it's Deuteronomy 32, three or 32, two, can't remember the exact scripture. Basically, it states that that the, that God, the Lord, is just um, the nature of God is just um, and he's the ultimate judge, and that that he. That he brought peace to my mind because it made me think this is not something that was fair, you know, um, but God is just, and so if I just have trust in him, then he'll.

Speaker 3:

He's got the steering wheel. So I, I, I need to just have faith and trust that that this will all work out, because God is a just God and as long as as we follow him, he's not going to. He's not going to, he's going to provide for us, and so that that really settled my mind. And since then, life has been awesome. Um, life has been pretty sick. I've been really, really busy, uh, you know, doing lots of sports to do an MMA, having a ton of fun, um, and there's a. There's also kind of like a weight is lifted off of my shoulders because I put so much pressure on myself to accomplish this goal and now it's just done. So that's another part of it. But yeah, yeah, that that's. That's pretty much my story so far that's awesome, dude.

Speaker 1:

I well, it's not awesome that that happened, but yeah you get what I'm saying I know you mean, yeah, that's, that's awesome that you're able to have that, uh, that outlook on especially something that that would mean so much to you. I'm going to try to relate to you a little bit. I never did any wrestling or anything like that and I was never good at anything enough to go to state level. But one thing that was huge in my family is I come from a farmer background and there's a club in most schools called FFA Future Farmers of America. Yeah, and like my family, we live and breathe the FFA. It was like, well, not quite a religion, but like we were very, very much involved with that club and the things that you can learn from that and the way that the structure of the club works is you have a chapter, it's called a chapter and you have a chapter president, secretary and several other things.

Speaker 1:

But everyone in my family was the chapter president. Like all my older siblings were the chapter president. I come, I'm the fourth of five kids and so the three older ones, they were all chapter president. The youngest she was a chapter president. I wasn't and like I was preparing my whole life for that. My whole high school career I quit all my sports that I was doing I was playing soccer and running cross country. I quit all that so I could focus on the FFA and make chapter president, and I botched it. I totally screwed it up and that's devastating.

Speaker 1:

That was like six years ago for me, and so I look back now and I see why it happened.

Speaker 1:

It happened because I'm not supposed to be my brothers, I'm not supposed to be my brothers, I'm not supposed to be my sisters, I'm supposed to be me, and God had, like he knew that, like whether whatever happened, like maybe I could have been the chapter president and life would have been hunky-dory, but I messed up and God created an experience for me to learn and that has, honestly, it's played a huge part in my life and I've been I kind of I've held a lot of resentment about that, a lot more than I thought I did until like a year or so ago, and finally I could just, like you know, like it happened, what's done is done, but I see how I'm building up my individuality from it and, um, it was, it was amazing for me, and so that's just my half stitch effort to to relate to you and relate to your story, because I'm sure that was absolutely difficult to be working so hard for something, yeah, for what seems like so long, and then, like, you don't even get to try, like, and I think for me that that would be the killer part, the fact that, like you, you just stood in on a scale and they said, sorry, like you can't, yeah, yeah, that would be, that would be absolutely devastating, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so I want to ask you, um, so, obviously, like, you shared that scripture and you, you talked a little bit about how, um, you know you were putting trust in the, the Lord, that he has a plan, and whatever happened, you know it was God's plan. But what are you? Let's see what changes have happened in your life since then. Like, like I, I assume, because you're in your senior year, this, this wasn't that long ago, right?

Speaker 3:

no, this was literally less than a month ago yeah, um, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what changes are you making, or have you made or that you plan to make in the future, after this instance?

Speaker 3:

So the first one is I realize that scriptures make me happy and bring me peace, so I've just been reading more scriptures. I guess that's the first major thing I'd say. I actually have a challenge with my bishop to read the Book of Mormon in six weeks. That was one of the things we did we came up with after I was all depressed for a week Because that wasn't the only thing I don't want to get into my personal life. That wasn't the only thing that went wrong. There was a lot of other little things that I also had to figure out, other little things that that I also had to figure out, um, and so it was like my life kind of all fell apart in like two weeks, uh, and so, yeah, I've, I've just had more enjoyment reading the scriptures because I just feel peace reading them.

Speaker 3:

My mind is, when my mind is tormented, I, uh, I can just read. I can just, I can just read, and I have to read anyways, cause I got to read like 10 chapters a day, um, and I'd say. The second thing is I've learned a ton about, uh, letting go and being able to just say I need to stop trying to control this, because Heavenly Father has control of it, and the best thing I can do in the moment I'm thinking of the song from Frozen 2 where she's stuck in the cave and she's singing about doing the next best thing, the next best thing right now is to just come closer to God and trust him, being able to trust him, having that that uh relationship become closer, and and one that is to to set me up for life, but to also that's to prepare me for my mission, which will be huge Um, be huge um and yeah, so, yeah, I'd say those are the major things I'd say that have changed yeah, I can relate, at least in the sports world like I was knocked off my feet too.

Speaker 2:

I literally was like I played soccer and I got hit in the face with a ball and got a concussion and everything. And it changed and like I was stubborn and I was like no, like I want to, like I was getting towards like varsity team. It was my sophomore year and so you know I was like ready and I wanted to progress and everything. And it was right before the season was starting and I got a concussion. I was like no, like I want to keep going, and like I didn't do the protocol that they had. So I made the symptoms worse and I got like I don't know secondhand, like symptoms, and I just made it prolonged. And then I went and played again but then we started playing games, like the games, and the season started.

Speaker 2:

Then I got hit again and then like I got hit in the face like three times and I swear to god the same dog, like this is not happening, you know, and and it was hard because it wasn't only like the emotional pain of, like you know, but it was also physical and, like I did, had to go through like I had to see so many neurologists and see so many things because, like I was, it affect me and my whole world changed, right. And high school you never, you know, that was your plan, like that's what you always knew. Like I've always played soccer, I've always I thought that was, you know, gonna be my next couple years. You know, I don't, I didn't, wasn't planning on playing in college, like you, and so that's different, right, but we have our plans and we have the things that we know or think that that's going to happen in our lives, right, and so I can definitely relate to that. And it sucks because, especially when you go through that and you work so hard and you put in that effort and time, and then all of a sudden it's gone, like it's just stripped from you, right, and I wanted to continue and everything, and it's, you know, you can, you're in your last year, right, but there is so much more and, like I, and that thing too, like I don't, I had no idea what I was going to do. I was like, well, I guess I'll try on this. And the best person to rely on is God, because he has all control and I mean, you have your AC and you can do what you feel like is best. But he also is the best guide, right. He has the steering wheel, the master, like the author of our lives, right, and he, he can guide us to the best destination, right. And that's what I had to do, and it took time, and I had to rely on my family and friends and I learned a lot about self-love and learning about my potential and the other things that I had. And it was just a way of God stepping me back and seeing the full picture and saying, look, you have so much potential in all these other areas and there's so much more in your life that I want you to learn right now. Now, especially since you're about to like planning on going mission Like this is the best opportunity to focus on yourself and your relationship with God, and I love that you're doing that.

Speaker 2:

And I have a scripture. It's 2 Nephi, chapter 32. And I have a scripture. It's 2 Nephi, chapter 32. And it talks about the scripture is talking about. You know the words of Christ and how, turning to the scriptures, like you are, and turning to him, how he can guide you. And so I'm going to read, let's see.

Speaker 2:

I'll read verse 3 to 5. It says angels speak by the power of the Holy ghost, wherefore they speak the words of Christ, wherefore I said unto you feast upon the words of Christ, where we hold the Christ with all things that you should do, wherefore, now that, after I have spoken these words, if you cannot understand them, it will be because he acts not, neither do you not knock, wherefore he are not brought into the light but must perish in the dark. For behold again, I say unto you that if he will ever enter, if you will enter in, by the way, and receive the holy ghost, it will show you, until you unto you, all things that you should do. And so I think that is so relatable to what we're talking about. Right, like you know, when we're put into that dark, when we're confused and lost and we're like what the heck is going on, like I had a plan, and there will be multiple instances in your life where you think you have a plan and God's like nope, and switches your head in the other direction. He's like this is where I want to be.

Speaker 2:

And you know and me I had to learn that being stubborn does not help and you need to be humble and realize okay, there, what is God trying to teach me? And it's kind of cool because I was talking to my grandma yesterday and we're kind of talking about you know what like just struggles in life, and she's so wise and saying you know, whenever a struggle comes up and you know, I either procrastinate or I like to be in control of things. Right, I, at least I do, like I like having control, and when things don't go my way, I like, I'm like, oh my gosh, what's going on? Right, I freak out, and especially when you have a plan or a vision of what you want to do, when you have a plan or a vision of what you want to do and it doesn't happen, you need the best thing to do is to sit back and talk to God and pray, and I mean, I'm working on this too, but obviously he is trying to tell you something. Obviously that's happening, for maybe and like maybe, you didn't do it to yourself and it may have happened to you.

Speaker 2:

There's circumstances where people use agency and it affects your life, and that's not fair, but there is your agency to choose. Okay, what is God trying to tell me, though? Like what can I do about this situation? What can I learn and how can I turn to God and realize that he is my strength and he is my guide, my light, in all circumstances, no matter how big, no matter what it is, no matter what happens? How can I trust Him in this situation and lean onto Him, because he wants you to in everything. He wants your availability, he wants Him to be available in your life and you to realize that, and so this is like a great opportunity to realize. Okay, what do I need to do? And realize what you, what your goals are, and your next goal is going on a mission.

Speaker 2:

My next goal, at least, was going to college and figuring out my life, and that was a couple years after that, but I learned so much about it and I was so confident in myself and I learned so much about God's love in that time, and it helped me prepare for the next chapter of my life, which is college, and I had all these other stuff going on, but yeah, I just. Struggles are very interesting and you can learn so much. And Dallin actually said this a couple weeks ago and I thought it was so cool, I wrote it down. But he said that your greatest trials can be your strongest testimonies, but only if you allow it right. So this trial may be big right now, but it can also strengthen your testimony, but only if you allow it and you are. You're doing those steps and God sees that and he will enable you to grow and become a person that you don't expect to be and it'll help you. So this is awesome. I'm so excited to see where where the road takes you.

Speaker 3:

Awesome. Thank you, that means a lot.

Speaker 5:

You know it's very interesting, like you guys are talking about all this stuff and I'm like trying to relate, because back in high school I, you know, I did like everything, but I didn't necessarily like it was just some kind of something to do, like to make up for, like I was sad, but like it wasn't like an actual like sadness. It was like you're in, like you're a teenager and you're in high school, so you're sad type of sadness, right, but I was like I didn't know what it was and I genuinely thought I was just bored and so I started doing everything and like, I did like literally like everything, like speech and debate, football. Um, I wrestled for a second wasn't for me, which is like almost sacrilege, like, given the town I'm from right, but I was like I did that, um, you know, it's just like a bunch of different.

Speaker 5:

You know, I I did literally everything, but like I didn't have enough care, just because I was like enjoying so much in it that I was like, oh, I wasn't you know the most bummed out if I didn't, you know go to state, if I wasn't playing, like if I wasn't starting, and anything like that, and I was like I was kind of wondering like what's the moment where I felt like everything was like stripped from me, and then I realized I had so many of them, like if anything went wrong, I was like, oh my gosh, this was absolutely stripped from me. And it's funny because, like I didn't have anything where, you know, was it like? You know, I didn't have a scale that was wrong. I didn't have any accident happen that kept getting me hit in the head that prevented me from being able to do the things I would. So I kind of had the opposite experience where everything that went wrong was my fault, and so I had to take accountability for a lot of things and I was just not an accountable person, which is, you know, talking, talking to me today like I would have hated the trezden that I was, you know, six to ten years ago, like I just would have been like, oh my gosh, this dude just sucks, he can't take responsibility for anything right. And as I looked at like towards everything, I kind of like realized the first thing that stuck out that I was like you know, this was taken away from me was when I went to put in my mission papers, because everything went so well, I was going super good. Then I go and I talk to my state president. He's like yeah, man, you're not ready. And I was like dude, what do you know? So I had to wait and I was like dude, this is like, this is absolutely unreal, because there is no like logical reason. But now I'm to a point where I realize everything that God does it's because he has a plan. And everything that has gone wrong in my life most of the time if something's going bad in my life it's my fault, like most of the time, you know, at least 90% of the time if something's going bad in my life it is my fault. But then there's that 10%, and that 10% is so much worse because you don't have a reason for it and you never have a legitimate reason for it. Why does this happen to me, but it relates.

Speaker 5:

I don't typically talk too much about my mission just because there's a lot of awesome experiences that I have there and I want to use that to propel the things that I have going forward. But there was this one key moment on my mission where I just woke up and I had this epiphany and it was just the revelation that without darkness there can be no light and vice versa, without light there can't be any darkness. All these things, and I realized there's always an equal and opposite, and every single thing that we do. And if anything bad happens to you like if you're putting it like I said, 90% of the time something bad is happening to you, you probably caused it.

Speaker 5:

Like there's obviously different situations where that's not the case, but 90% of the time, like I'd say, it's fair to wager that it was your fault, right, but it's, you know, it's just another learning experience. It's one of those trials that can be one of those strong, you know, one of your strongest testimonies is Galleon said. But the thing that was really really key for me was every experience that I get to have in this mortal part of existing, every experience that I have is either going to bring me closer or further from God, but I am so blessed to have the knowledge of what comes next. I'm so blessed to be able to have read the Book of Mormon and see how that book ends, to read the Bible and read how that book ends and know that I can be on the winning side and because of that, anything that happens in my life that is bad is good.

Speaker 5:

It's simply anything. Anything that is bad is just another lesson and lessons. Something that I can learn and grow from is inherently good. Anything that is good is from God. So God's not out here just like sabotaging my life or making anything. You know he's not trying to make me suffer, but if there's something that could happen that'll make me better in the long run, why wouldn't God? Let us have these experiences, for us to be able to go to him and be? Hey, what do I do to get through this? And a lot of the times it's just as simple as going to God and saying, hey, what's going on? And either you'll get your answer or you got to be patient, you got to be diligent.

Speaker 5:

And it is so awesome just to realize that I have the everlasting effect on what happens in my life.

Speaker 5:

It gives me so much faith in the agency that we have as human beings here on earth, here, living in this dispensation.

Speaker 5:

Everything that I do, everything that my life can be and will be, is a direct consequence of my actions, and it is such a beautiful and freeing thought to realize that if I want it to be good, it can be good, and so, even when we have these situations, even when we're in this 10% of the time, where something bad just happens to us.

Speaker 5:

Oh my gosh, is it not amazing to see there's the sucky thing that I'm going through right now. What are my blessings going to look like on the other side? So it's just that's one thing that I've really been making sure to remind myself if I have to. But I'm at a point now where it's been so ingrained in my DNA that it's something I wish I could share with every other person. If I could take agency away for just like you know, one minute, I'd just give everybody that exact same experience, that exact same thought, and the world would be a perfect place. But I don't have that ability. But I do have the ability to adjust what I can do. So it's a huge blessing to be able to do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, thank you, thank you, I think everybody. Once you gain a testimony, all you want to do is share it, and once you learn something about the gospel, all you want to do is share it, and and so I think it's awesome. Unfortunately, not everybody can know that, but I think it's awesome that you can share that with me, because it means a lot and with all the viewers.

Speaker 1:

It means a lot and with all the viewers yeah, breck, I'd love to, I'd love to shift gears a little bit. Well, it's kind of along the same lines of what we're talking about, but I want to talk about, like, your direction, because, like the theme of this, uh, this episode kind of feels like, um, kind of just feels like we're talking about a shift right, a shift in your direction, because in your story, you had this overarching goal, which is, if I listen correctly, it's to wrestle in college, correct? So that's the goal, and going to state, competing in state, that was going to allow you to achieve that goal in wrestling in college. Yeah, and now, maybe that might not be feasible. And so how do you feel about your direction? I just kind of want to get some of your thoughts about it. What are some of your worries, things that you're stressed about and maybe things that you feel really solid about?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a good question. I'd say my direction. I could still probably wrestle in college if I really wanted to, but my direction has shifted to, kind of and this is a prayer I had answered a long time ago it's really come true. Now is I'll make up that mind, that choice, on my mission, and once I'm done with my mission I'll really know if it's worth it to wrestle in college. And I have colleges I want to go to, but there's, um, a college I will only go to if I end up wrestling in college. But if I don't have wrestling, I'm not going to go to that college. And so, um, my path is to focus on mission next, and then I will receive a revelation or whatever of what I should do after.

Speaker 3:

I'm kind of a future warrior. I've always been a future warrior, you know, always it's my biggest fear. There's a movie, the Pursuit of Happiness, and I've never been a future warrior, you know, always it's my biggest fear. There's a movie of the pursuit of happiness, and I've never been able to watch the full thing because it just bothers me so much because I, I can't. That's like my worst nightmare.

Speaker 3:

Uh, I, I'm a massive future warrior and I think the lord. I've seen multiple times how the lord has like um in my patriarchal blessing and like other things, like the Lord is like. I see you, I understand that you're worrying about this and that means a ton. I'd say my direction has also changed because it it kind of made me realize that wrestling isn't life. It was my life and now that it's over I'm like I realized like there's so much more enjoyment to life than just wrestling and wrestling. I'm sure in the future I'll coach and stuff. More enjoyment to life than just wrestling and and wrestling. I'm sure in the future I'll coach and stuff and I'm going to make my kids wrestle and all that stuff I'm sure I'll have wrestling in my future.

Speaker 3:

Uh, I believe, um, I believe I, my direction is I will be able to teach people, and so I have no doubt in my mind that that someday I will be a wrestling coach and I will um be able to share lessons that I've learned, because I honestly think I'm a better uh coach than I am a wrestler. In many ways, uh, and so, yeah, that's another way my direction has changed. I guess worries, um, let's see. Um, I guess a large worry I've had is that I'll get home from my mission and just be like be stuck for a year. But I don't, I don't, don't really think that's going to happen. I don't know. I wouldn't say I'm worried. I wouldn't say I'm very, very worried, to be honest, um, not as, not as worried as I think I I would be. I kind of, when you have a testimony I've seen it in my life so again, the testimony there's, there's this confidence where you're like nothing can go wrong as long as I'm trusting in the Lord. That's how I feel. It's like a confidence, I'd say, in Christ.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I like that a lot. As you were talking about how you're feeling about your future, there's a scripture that came to my mind and it's in Doctrine and Covenants, section 88, verse 119. And I'll just read it real quick. It says organize yourselves, prepare every needful thing and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.

Speaker 1:

And I love that scripture because, especially in circumstances like this, you're in such an amazing space to shift your life Wherever God leads you to shift, whether that's continuing on the same path, um, or shifting to do this completely other thing, or completely different other thing. And like you mentioned, uh, before we hopped on the, the podcast, that you're starting a youtube channel and that that could be fun and exciting and that might lead to something great. Yeah, like there's, there's so much opportunity ahead of you that you don't even you are completely unaware of. And, like I, I just think back to when I was in your shoes, like about to go on my mission, um, just graduating high school. The future that I thought was for me is not what I'm doing right now. Never in my life did I expect to to be part of the, an amazing podcast like this, and to meet people like such as yourself. God will bring so many wonderful opportunities to you, um, especially because you have you're in this place where you can see those opportunities and I love what you were saying about this is you're going to let yourself come to that conclusion of where to shift or what to do on your mission and maybe even after that, you're not really going to worry about it till then, because that's preparing. You're going to prepare your house spiritually.

Speaker 1:

I think of my house as my body. I don't really have a home. I live in an apartment with like five other roommates, and so I don't really feel like I have a home. It's the college life, you know, it's the greatest, but my body is my home, and so, to prepare every needful thing and to establish a house of god, I establish my testimony, I establish my safe space with my heavenly father and my savior, jesus christ, and then he can guide and direct me and like I gosh, dude, like you're in for so much, uh, so much in your life, and I'm like, like michaela was saying, I'm excited to see it. Um, me too, dude, because there's just so many cool opportunities. I have learned over the the past few years and I'm only 23, I'm not old but you're my brother's, oh really well, you could probably, he could probably say something very similar.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, like life, life happens. Life makes you change, makes you adapt, makes you grow. And I have come to love that journey, like for the people that, like they have their plan and they have lived that plan to a T, like I do not envy those people, because to me there's so much excitement that comes from the uneasiness, the uncertainty, much excitement that comes from the uneasiness, the uncertainty, and there's so much faith that needs to be involved in order to get through those moments. And I have come to learn to love those moments, those moments of uncertainty and moments that I need to trust in my Heavenly Father. And I can see already that you're moving towards that direction as well, and it's so fun and so exciting.

Speaker 1:

Life has so much to offer that I had no idea was even an option when I was in high school or middle school, whenever I created my career plan that you do in school or middle school, whenever I created my career plan that you do in school.

Speaker 1:

There's so much to our futures that we don't know about yet, but God knows and he's going to lead us and guide us so that we can collect enough information that we can make the decisions ourselves of who we want to be, where we want to be, what we want to be, and so much of that comes from the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. I'm excited for your future, breck, and I think now's a great time to close, unless anybody has some final thoughts. Well, breck, it's been an amazing pleasure to have you on and to hear your story, and I'm so sorry that that happened, but I'm so excited for the person you're about to become, on your mission and for the rest of your life mission and for the rest of your life, and so it's amazing to be a part of your journey, even if it's just a little bit and for a short while. So thank you so much, and do you want to give that?

Speaker 3:

YouTube channel, a shout out. Oh, it's called the Brain Power Diet. So far we have like 140 subscribers. You know just a little plug.

Speaker 1:

Well, we'll send some of our people your way.

Speaker 3:

Awesome, awesome, thank you. It means a ton. You guys are awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's been an absolute pleasure and thank you so much to our amazing listeners for sticking with us on this episode and for hearing Breck's story. And yeah, if you're not following us already, make sure to follow us on Instagram. On our Instagram page we post a lot of uplifting content and you can find updates for our podcast. There are also links to our Etsy store. We're working on a Shopify store. That's kind of my fault that it's taken so long, so, but we're, we got some cool things coming with, some more merch and such. But yeah, also leave us a review on on the podcast. We love to hear from you guys and we love feedback. So give us a review, give us a follow, do all the good things and we love you guys so so much and remember him.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, thank you.

Wrestler's High School Career Unexpectedly Ends
Overcoming Disappointment and Finding Purpose
Learning From Trials and Faith
Navigating Life's Shifting Direction