The Remember Podcast

Lynzi's Story: Why I Stay

May 01, 2024 Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan Season 2 Episode 23
Lynzi's Story: Why I Stay
The Remember Podcast
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The Remember Podcast
Lynzi's Story: Why I Stay
May 01, 2024 Season 2 Episode 23
Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan

Have you ever felt alone in your faith journey, grappling with the notion that your personal story might just be an echo in the void? Lynzi, the creator of the "Why I Stay" podcast, joins us to challenge this, illuminating the significance of each narrative in reinforcing our spiritual connections during the most trying times. With a tapestry of voices from Latter-day Saints worldwide, she underscores the resilience and solidarity found in shared testimonies, especially poignant during the isolating waves of the 2020 pandemic. This episode is a tribute to the strength we draw from each other's stories, offering a sanctuary of hope where we discover we're not just walking beside one another, but also with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Navigating the stormy seas of doubt and uncertainty can make staying the course of faith feel like an uphill battle. Through candid discussions, we explore how the act of chronicling spiritual experiences serves as an anchor, preventing our beliefs from being swept away by tides of forgetfulness. Lynzi's personal revelations about the peaks and valleys of motivation in podcasting reflect a journey many of us know well, where rediscovering a sense of divine purpose can ignite the embers of a waning passion. Her testimony is a fervent reminder of the larger mission we partake in, resonating with anyone who's felt the push and pull of a calling amidst life's chaos.

Concluding our session with Lynzi, we delve into the intimate dance of faith and adversity, where each step, whether firm or faltering, is part of a grander choreography orchestrated by Divine love. We share insights on visualizing the Savior as our constant support through every emotion, and the transformative potential of setting spiritual waypoints that guide us toward salvation and exaltation. Embracing Lynzi's journey, we invite you to join us in a celebration of divine guidance, recognizing that even in our trials, we are often lovingly carried by a higher power. Tune in for an episode that's more than just conversation—it's a beacon of light on the path to our divine potential.

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 The Inspiration by Keys of Moon | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Music promoted by 

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever felt alone in your faith journey, grappling with the notion that your personal story might just be an echo in the void? Lynzi, the creator of the "Why I Stay" podcast, joins us to challenge this, illuminating the significance of each narrative in reinforcing our spiritual connections during the most trying times. With a tapestry of voices from Latter-day Saints worldwide, she underscores the resilience and solidarity found in shared testimonies, especially poignant during the isolating waves of the 2020 pandemic. This episode is a tribute to the strength we draw from each other's stories, offering a sanctuary of hope where we discover we're not just walking beside one another, but also with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Navigating the stormy seas of doubt and uncertainty can make staying the course of faith feel like an uphill battle. Through candid discussions, we explore how the act of chronicling spiritual experiences serves as an anchor, preventing our beliefs from being swept away by tides of forgetfulness. Lynzi's personal revelations about the peaks and valleys of motivation in podcasting reflect a journey many of us know well, where rediscovering a sense of divine purpose can ignite the embers of a waning passion. Her testimony is a fervent reminder of the larger mission we partake in, resonating with anyone who's felt the push and pull of a calling amidst life's chaos.

Concluding our session with Lynzi, we delve into the intimate dance of faith and adversity, where each step, whether firm or faltering, is part of a grander choreography orchestrated by Divine love. We share insights on visualizing the Savior as our constant support through every emotion, and the transformative potential of setting spiritual waypoints that guide us toward salvation and exaltation. Embracing Lynzi's journey, we invite you to join us in a celebration of divine guidance, recognizing that even in our trials, we are often lovingly carried by a higher power. Tune in for an episode that's more than just conversation—it's a beacon of light on the path to our divine potential.

Follow Lynzi on Instagram 

Don't forget to follow us for updates and more uplifting content

 The Inspiration by Keys of Moon | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Music promoted by 

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Remember podcast. I'm your host, dallin Buechler, and it is so good to be back. I've got Michaela here with us and we have an awesome guest with us, don't we, michaela?

Speaker 2:

Yes, we have Lindsay today, who is the host of the why I Stay podcast, and so we're super excited to work with her and just have an awesome discussion about knowing why we stay at church and how we can get to that point, and so we're so excited to hear your story, lindsay, and just have a discussion for our audience, so go ahead and share your story.

Speaker 3:

All right. So in 2020, I was living with my family in Boston, massachusetts, and we had been living there for. Let's see how long was that, you know? Like four years, five years. And 2020 was, you know, the best year ever. I'm just kidding for me. I'm just kidding for me.

Speaker 3:

We in Boston things shut down like way hard compared to my family in Arizona, my friends here in Utah I would just like cry. Because we were not going back to church, we were not really going anywhere, not having friends over, no school for my kids and we were in a really unique ward in Boston where the turnover is just like crazy, because we were in the Harvard Business School family ward and also a lot of people who are coming to do their master's or like PhDs would come into our ward and a lot of people actually came in the fall of 2020. They were coming to do school, hoping that at some point it would open up and they were offering hybrid type stuff at that time, but we weren't going back to church and all through the summer, I mean it was just kind of like Zoom Sunday school and that was it, and I was ward historian at the time and my husband was in the bishopric and he, kind of on the sly, told me hey, we were kind of thinking about calling you to do like the ward newsletter underneath the ward historian thing. And I was just like no, please, no, anything else, I do not want to do that. And I thought like how could I use my gifts and my talents to keep people updated, bring people together? And I had been doing a self-love podcast from the end of 2018 till May of 2020. And I stopped because my podcast mentor told me do a podcast about something you could talk about forever and ever and ever. And I loved self-love and I love empowering women to like figure out who they are and forget about all the rest. And but it was just kind of coming up short. And then, in something I can only describe as pure revelation, it was a light bulb moment ding as pure revelation. It was a light bulb moment. Ding a podcast.

Speaker 3:

I do a podcast for my ward. I interview the people in my ward so that they can be known and share stories. Because 2020, people were dropping like flies out of the church and we saw the continuing effects of that as time went on, after people started coming back to church or they didn't start. You know, they stopped coming back to church. Once it opened up again and I just put my fingers down on the keyboard and, like literal pure revelation, I just started moving my fingers and the title of the podcast came, the format of the podcast came, all the questions that I should be asking came. I did not even have to think. I was literally just a vessel putting this pure revelation onto a piece of dock, a dock on the computer, and I did that for my ward for the rest of 20, that was probably November 2020 through 2021.

Speaker 3:

And then we moved away and I was only posting it on YouTube. We would make it unlisted so that it was kind of private. I would send it out on the ward email list and say, hey, if you want to listen to so and so episode, it's on YouTube now. And as soon as we moved away in the beginning of January 22, I had that like prickling in my heart like this needs to be a thing. It needs to be on Apple podcasts, it needs to be out there so that more people can hear it.

Speaker 3:

And I just had this image in my head, gathering millions of testimonies of Jesus Christ. Wouldn't that be so cool if I could just get them from people all over the place. And so I started, I began and I have just been interviewing people ever since. I really am passionate about this. I really could talk about this forever and ever and ever, because the gospel of Jesus Christ is real, like the way that the church of Jesus Christ has restored. It is real, it's true, and it doesn't matter if we don't believe it. It doesn't affect the trueness.

Speaker 3:

And so I am so passionate about this and trying to bring perspectives in so that if you're struggling with something, you know you're not alone. I think that's Satan's tools to think I'm the only one who's ever felt this way, I'm the only one these challenges are happening to, it's only me, I'm all alone. That's Satan. If we ever think about that, if we ever think that we can know immediately. That's Satan. And so my goal is to just bring voices from all over the world at your everyday Latter-day Saint, because we hear from the general authorities a lot and we love them and they're so amazing. But there's so many stories out there. We were talking about this, dallian, before. Like you love people's stories. I love people's stories. They're real, they're raw and they bind us together and they can help us bind ourselves to the Savior if we let them, if we can see oh, you know what? There is somebody out there doing the same thing as me. That inspires me, and I'm going to continue to stay, so that's why I do what I do.

Speaker 2:

I love that because that's like it's so funny, cause that's like our mission too, like Dali and I, like Dali mentioned before we went on, you know that he just loved listening to stories and people's stories on his mission and I love it too. And I think my favorite part, and like our church culture, is that people are more vulnerable. I feel, like like about things and maybe we need to be more vocal and I feel like one of the things that at least I can connect with others is by listening to them, listening to their struggles or good part times or whatever. Like. I'm just so like being empathetic is a huge attribute that I think we all need to obtain, cause that's how Jesus Christ is he's. He's not sympathetic, he's empathetic. He there and he and we need to be that for other people. And I think what can truly help us get through these struggles, get through these humps and stuff in the road, we need to have each other and being vulnerable and sharing our story, sharing the good times, the hard parts about it, but how you found hope in it, and like how you saw God's hand. It brings like so much comfort and you realize you really aren't alone, like, yes, you have heavenly father and Jesus Christ always by your side, but sometimes it is harder to realize that. Then you know, and everyone says there aren't as there, but sometimes it's hard to know that and that's why we aren't like. We're not here to be alone Like we have. That's why we have people, that's why we have church, to have those people who can guide you along back to Jesus Christ and heavenly father, and to know that there are people struggling with similar things or similar feelings. That helps a lot. And so that's why we started this is to have people remember that you're not alone, remember that Jesus Christ and God are relevant in your lives and they're there. And remember the good things. Remember the bad things, because they're always and no matter what, you'll get through it. And so I love that you started this because I feel like like what I mentioned before we came on, like there are so many people and we've all had those.

Speaker 2:

You know crises in our life where we're like oh, why am I here? Why do I go to church? And there's. There is a moment, there is going to be a morning, if you haven't already, and probably multiple days where you feel like, if you haven't already, and probably multiple days where you feel like, why, why am I here? And you need to choose right. You have to choose if you're going to stay and even if you fall away, you always have that choice to come back.

Speaker 2:

And is also super important because, like who I don't know who said that, but general conference talk this past general conference oh my gosh, I can't remember who said it, but he was saying how the world is going to try being loud and lower our voices, our testimonies, but we need to be louder. We need to share more and more and not let others bring us down, because some of those times you're going to feel that weight of the world on your shoulders, weight of the negativity and the doubts and everything that it can affect your faith. If you're not firm, it will affect it. And so knowing why, the roots of why you're here, like those small, simple things, remembering the little things that built your testimony when you grew up or when you became a convert, you know why and that is so important those reasons will definitely push you through and be able to share your testimony louder. And so I love that you have that platform for people to do that, to share, and that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

And your story about doing that for your ward oh, I bet that was so helpful for so many people and I bet that definitely brought your ward together, because COVID was hard and I feel like that really affected everybody worldwide of, like, okay, now what? Like how are we going to continue this? And and if we took advantage of that and the way you did or you know, my family, like your families, took advantage of that and really like, solidified your foundation and the and seeing God's hand in it and really trying it, and seeing God's hand in it and really trying it, like you, like it helps. You realize there's so much more that we can do and technology is so powerful. It is the tool that we can use to bring God back into everything and share His word even further. And so so many different things. But this is awesome. I love this topic and I know that a lot of people. It's something that everyone struggles with and so it's something we need to discuss.

Speaker 3:

Definitely. I was thinking while you're, you know, bringing it back to the, your podcast, the remember podcast. The themes that I've seen over and over again are just the fact that, like these, things need to be remembered. If you don't record your, your spiritual experiences, you will lose them. They will leave you. It's just so important to write it down.

Speaker 3:

I, like, cannot stress it enough, and I I don't do the best job of it, but I know that I have to keep up on this. This is something that's a part of my everyday scripture study, because the remembering is the only thing that's going to help you stay, because there will be times where you all the evidence, all the weight of the world will be completely stacked against you and unless you can go back through your journal, through your phone, wherever you keep it, and see how the Lord has been there, you're going to forget and you're going to think it's all made up. You will You'll think that you were just a crazy person back then. So that's my shout out for your guys' platform we have to remember why, and we have to remember the Savior in all of these things that we do.

Speaker 1:

I say this every time. I listen to everybody speak, but I love this conversation. It always is good. We have amazing guests that come on this podcast and and the connections that we build it's amazing. I don't know why, but as the two of you were talking, I've been getting kind of emotional and I don't cry a whole lot on this podcast. So it's kind of weird to me, and especially with, like we're just talking, like we have very similar themes, things that we talk about, we have invite guests on our podcast and we have the very similar missions and I don't, I don't know really why it's. I don't know. It's so interesting because I've been kind of kind of struggling with the motivation for the podcast. Right, and we were talking about this a little bit earlier.

Speaker 1:

It's so easy to let things get in the way you know life. Uh, like I just started a full-time job and I made the decision to quit school and to move into that, into the workforce, to quit school and to move into that, into the workforce, and so now my time is being taken up by that and I have less time for this, and I wouldn't even say I have less time with this, I'm just tired from the day and so I don't want to do this. And, as the two of you have been talking, it's just like this renewed, like like God put me here for this and maybe not for this. Like this isn't my end mission, but this is going to lead me to my mission. This is part of the process and so for a moment, like it just I don't know, I feel like I need, I needed to share that because it's kind of just in my mind right now.

Speaker 1:

But the I'm just kind of getting chastised by the Lord, as, as we're talking, as I'm listening to you guys and I don't know I I it's hard to hate being chastised by our Heavenly Father, but like, sometimes it can really be tough. But I really do love when the Lord speaks to you. It kind of puts you back into check. You know, you kind of get full of yourself. You kind of start to do whatever. He comes and reigns on your parade, throws your plans out the window. He comes and reigns on your parade, throws your plans out the window.

Speaker 1:

I kind of I am so very grateful for that, those moments, and like sitting here and thinking about that and I started to think about all the things that I'm grateful for and the things that are going on in my life and I like this is very off topic, sorry, no, it goes, goes, go with it but so many of the blessings that I have in my life right now, I think, come greatly from this podcast, and not from the podcast, but from who we talk about on the podcast and we talk a lot about each other, a lot about this and that, but we talk about our Savior and so I'm just going to bring it back home. That's why we started this podcast is to remember our Heavenly Father, just like the both of you have been saying it. It's so important to remember our Savior, to remember Heavenly Father, to remember the power that the Holy Ghost carries in our lives. And we have the podcast, a similar podcast, the both of us called the Relevant Podcast. It's actually the Relevant Podcast, called the relevant podcast. It's actually the relevant podcast and we're the remember podcasts. We had a lot to laugh about about that, but it's funny. You start with remembering, you remember how it's relevant and then you remember that's how you choose to stay or that's why you choose to stay. And I just kind of like, as we were talking as well, like I made that connection with all of these podcasts.

Speaker 1:

Each one of us are here for a reason, doing what we are doing, and you know we're just making do with what we've got, whether it's donated equipment, stuff that your mom bought you when you were 12 years old. We're doing what we can with the equipment that we're given, and God is making so much out of it. I don't know where I'm going with this. I don't really have a destination in mind, but I'm just filled with so much gratitude right now for the things that we're given, the things that we are blessed to be doing and the inspiration that we're able to give to others.

Speaker 1:

We had someone reach out to us not too long ago asking us hey, I want to start a podcast. How do I do that? And I'm like, I don't know. I'm still making it up as I go. I don, I don't know anything Like there's so many things that I wish we had to make it more professional, like we just record on Zoom, same.

Speaker 1:

But it's not about doing it perfectly, but it's about doing it. And even if it becomes mundane, even if it's like, oh, I don't want to edit this episode, like even today, I had my girlfriend edit an episode for me because I really didn't want to do it. And you, just you have those days, no matter what you're doing in life, whatever your mission is and I think I'm talking to our listeners right now, I think I'm talking to our listeners right now Whatever you're doing, whatever you feel called to do it's not sunshine and rainbows all the time. Movies have a habit of you know, you've got the montage with the music in the background and they're doing you know they're I don't know cutting off a barrel of a shotgun. I watch action movies.

Speaker 3:

I was like wait a shock. Okay, yeah, all right, yeah, cool, yeah, we're here. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That's where my brain was going. I was just watching a pretty sweet show similar to that, but like everything you see and you see this on social media you see the highlights of it all. You don't see the mundane work and whatever you're going to do, it's going to suck, it's going to be difficult, but if you push through it, you will reap the rewards. If you go to the gym every day, you will become strong. You will become the desired weight that you want, whatever it is. If you put in the work, good things will come. And it's the same with the gospel. These principles align so perfectly. It's like God is the perfect creator and he created everything, and it all works pretty much the same. It's all similar.

Speaker 1:

The principles of the gospel relate to the rest of the world in so many many ways, and I think that's why I stay is like I see that and it all fits together for me, and so I just I don't know, I'm just filled with so much gratitude and thank you. I just want to say thank you to all of our listeners, thank you to our guests. We're not ending the episode here, but I'm just filled with so much gratitude. So thank you everybody. And I do want to ask Lindsay how do you get through those tough moments when you really don't know if you want to keep going? Because I've just confessed to everybody I have those and I've been going through one of those recently. But what do you do to get through those?

Speaker 3:

be here and talk to you about this. But I'm glad I'm talking to you now because if we had talked a few months ago I would have been in the middle of my 13th crisis of I don't want to do this anymore. I was giving my upfront speech about. This is why I do it and I get really jazzed. And then I shut the computer and I get back to my real life and it's just like so much weight and I kind of describe it to the people that I complain to In the movies, if we're going to talk about movies the bad guy has somehow chained up the hero and they've got their arms like down, chained to the ground and they're standing there and they're just like trying so hard, all their might, to just like burst out of there.

Speaker 3:

I feel like every time I sit down to do an episode or the day before I'm interviewing somebody, it's just like so much weight behind me that I'm just like dragging and then I'll pray and I'll ask Father, please help me, be excited about this, like reignite me. And then I come through it and it's like a fog is lifted, it's like that bursting of the bands thing and what I realized is it's Satan, it is literally the adversary, because I know I'm called to do this thing Cause my friend asked me, like is this a pivot point? Like is this the Lord, kind of telling you, like, oh, you need to switch something? And I thought I thought to myself, no, it's. I know I'm still supposed to be here, still supposed to doing, supposed to be doing this. I have no motivation, I have no internal drive at all and I think Satan plays on that. He really wants to stop us.

Speaker 3:

And that's how you can kind of know that the thing that you're doing is a good work is if you feel that antagonistic, negative energy just weighing you down, holding you back, making you feel apathetic towards whatever your calling is, like you were saying whatever it is, name it, it's Satan, and just say you know what? I still don't feel like doing it, but to shove it back in Satan's face, I'm just going to get up and do it anyway, and I have found so many times that the power and I have found so many times that the power rushes in as soon as you get your bum into gear and you go and you start to work and you can pray. You can pray for that, you can pray for the excitement. Again. You can pray for the fire and also pray for the stamina to get through the mundane, because I realized in any work, like you were saying, there's going to be stuff that's just dead, boring or inconvenient and that's your test. It's like are you going to walk away? And maybe that's your religious life right now too right, maybe somebody who's listening is thinking I don't feel the fire.

Speaker 3:

I remember I used to feel it, but like it's not doing it for me anymore and I'm just ready to kind of walk away because my life is good. I'm like looking around, my life is filled with fun things. You've got a new job, I've got five kids, I've got a business project that I'm trying to start. I've got a new house. You know a baby I had eight months ago. Like my life is filled with good things.

Speaker 3:

Like do I really need to keep going with the why I Stay podcast? Do I really need to keep going with the Remember podcast? Do I really need to keep coming to church? Like if it's not lighting me up anymore, if it's not like hitting the dopamine centers and the adrenaline like it did when it was my new baby project, do I leave? Like, am I okay to leave now?

Speaker 3:

And the truth about our modern life is that so many things are so instantly gratifying that we really need to seek out opportunities to do things that are mundane and steady. And just day after day, you kind of do this log and that's our faith, like that's our obedience and dedication and faith, just saying I'm going to show up for this even though I don't feel the fire. And, father, sometime in the future I pray that you will bring me back to that fire again. And he does. He does it all the time, but only in the time that he knows is right, and only if you continue to put in the work. That's faith, that's faith in action, and I feel the same way as you and I think there's a lot of people out there who might be feeling this way as well. We just got to keep trudging, really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that reminds me of a quote or someone I heard in sacrament meeting like a couple months ago. He said the Lord loves your availability more than your capability. And like I love that and it stuck with me because I'm like you know what? Yes, sometimes you don't feel capable, sometimes you're asked to do things. Sometimes going to church is hard, sometimes doing a podcast or doing a job or being a mother or whatever, sometimes that is so hard and sometimes you don't feel capable or enough, or that you can't do it anymore because you just have so much on your plate. But that's not like God isn't asking you for that. He's asking just for your availability to be there, just to be all in. And I honestly like sometimes, that's like lately, I feel like, oh man, like I've been slacking, but like at least I'm aware of that.

Speaker 2:

And you know, sometimes you just kind of like there's a point in my life where I had a crisis and I was like, no, I'm not going to, I'm just going to. I chose to do everything opposite of what I've ever known, you know, and immediately, like my world flipped and I just went down a rabbit hole and I was not all in. I was all in in the world. I was like the opposite of all in and I did, I went all out and because I just I you saying got the best of me, my doubts got the best of me and I was like I give up, I can't do this anymore. I felt like I was just I don't know, I just I couldn't see it, I couldn't feel that burning that you said and I gave up and that was the worst decision. Like I mean, I've learned so much from it and I'm grateful that I have the knowledge that I gained from like because of that experience. But I don't want, like that's not good, that's not the best, you know like I don't want people to feel that way, I don't want people to have to go through that and I know people do and I did it and it's hard. But the Lord isn't asking God isn't asking us to, you know, be perfect, be to accept like, like the instant gratification. He's not like. That's not why we're here. We're here to learn, we're here to grow, we're here to realize that there is a reason for everything. And and some people think but why like? This doesn't seem like a good reason. Why would this be a reason that I have to go through something like this in my life? Why would? Why would I have to go through this much pain? Like what reason is that? Like it feels unfair and I know people turn away from God because of that. And that's not why there is.

Speaker 2:

God is the ultimate author. And like roadmap master of our lives. And like, if we can't trust him, that like he has it under control and just turn to him, just keep going, just keep walking, just keep hoping and praying and having faith. Like faith is just knowing without seeing, knowing without feeling, sometimes knowing without understanding, but like knowing at the end, like that's why we came here to, to fully understand the power and the mercy and the love that God has for us, understand the power and the mercy and the love that God has for us and that requires us to be all in, to keep doing the things that are hard, to keep accepting the things that may happen in our lives, accepting callings, accepting our passions, the jobs and the roles that we have in our lives, and trusting that it'll work out. And you know, and like what you've said, like and I felt that way, like with the podcast, like oh my gosh, I have so many other things I need to do, like school work, like I have to take care of the things at home, you know and it's like it doesn't feel relevant.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't feel like, you know, important or but that's what's going to happen sometimes in our lives. Like, sometimes we're not going to feel like it brings up the instant gratification that we need at that moment. But we, putting in that effort and like I, get into those ruts where I'm like, oh my gosh, I don't want to do this anymore. I'm like I have better things to do or I'm not motivated to do it. But then when I see the results, the rewards and also the blessings that come from it, it's like I'm not doing it to to become famous. I'm not doing it.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing it to teach, to bring the love and the mercy and the hope that God could give to everybody and to unite people and to feel that, because we are all created by his love and we need to feel that like that's it's just without it I know what it feels like without it and to see how I can help people and to see like and how it's changed me. Like it's been a slow process but I'm so grateful for it and it's something. Yeah, sometimes I just feel like I don't, like I feel, don't feel motivated, but I'm still going. I'm still doing it because I know that God has a greater purpose for this and that, no matter what it's, it's helping me understand my God, understand God and my savior more than I ever have, because I'm hearing other people and I'm giving people the opportunity to share and for me to be put in that position that I may not be comfortable with or it may not feel like I'm wanting to do it, but the Spirit always works its magic and I always learn something.

Speaker 2:

And so those who are struggling, like right now, who have a hard time going to church, having a hard time knowing what's next I know what that feels like. But keep going, be all in and understand and know that God is not expecting you to be perfect, he's just expecting you to be perfect. He's just expecting you to be there, because if you're not, how is he going to help you, like he's always there, but if you don't reach out, if you don't accept the blessings and the gifts that he wants to offer you, it's a one way, one way like thing. It has to be both ways and it's hard, but you have people around you who know physically, who are here with you, that know and just keep going and you will feel those blessings and see them and you will feel the love that God has for you in his time and in the time where you will understand that that's when you needed it the most.

Speaker 2:

And I don't know, I'm just going on a rant, but I just that whole, this whole topic is just so important and I know so many people in my life that have or may be struggling with this and it's just I don't know, it's just so crucial to like just step back and to not go faster than you can handle. Don't run faster than you can. Just sometimes you need to walk and take it in and be aware, and that's the best thing sometimes. So, anyways, but what advice do you have, lindsay, for those who are struggling with that? Like I know you kind of talked about it, but what would you say to someone who may be really struggling with their faith, to the point where they don't know what to do and to find the why of what they're saying? What would you say to them? I kind of shared, but what would you say?

Speaker 3:

I would say well, I'm taking a moment because I'm trying to say what the Savior would say. I just had adult state conference, the adult session, state conference, the adult session, and, um, he said president Eyring was at BYU one time and they were trying BYU Provo and um, when he was a commissioner, commissioner of education, and they were trying to solve a really difficult problem they had been chewing on for months and the time had come, it was time to figure it out. And he said he sat back and everybody was kind of getting heated a little bit, they were going back and forth and he'd sat back and he thought, okay, you know, if I think about the Savior, I will. The Spirit will come to me, you know, and I'll be able to hear what he has to say through the Spirit. So he leaned back and he was thinking about the Savior and he was thinking about the sacrament, and then he was able to say everyone be quiet, like I've got it. And they all agreed that that was exactly what it was. And so I'm taking a moment because I know what I would say.

Speaker 3:

But man, like I just see the image of the Savior. He was a real person, he really did exist on this earth. Right, I just have a vision in my mind of him opening his arms and literally just beckoning us, like I do to my little boy. He's eight months old, he's crawling, and I just say come here, buddy, come here, and he lights up and crawls as fast as he can toward me. And we're not always the happy little child, sometimes we're the sad one, sometimes we're the angry one, but he is there for all of it. He just opens His arms and he says come. I had the image in my mind the other day when I was on a call with a group of women I really love and respect and they were talking about how the Lord is there for everything, everything that we go through. And I had another image in my mind coming, like when you're just so angry and you're so confused or so just distraught, he wants you to come and pound on His chest. He just wants you to make fists and come and just pound on him as you sob. He wants that. He wants you to come and grab his hands and spin in a circle when you're excited about something. He wants you to come and sit next to him on a bench. You know, maybe he'll give you a little back scratch when you're just feeling so tired, like I just need a rest If you're struggling. I would ask do you want that? Do you want to feel that again? The reason why you're here now in the church or listening to this podcast is because you've got a little desire. It might be just a small mustard seed, but it all comes back to what we want.

Speaker 3:

And in this state conference, one of the girls who gave a talk said my dad was my bishop as a youth and he invited us all to our house one time to do a devotional and he said what's your million-year goal? You know, we set five-year goals. We set 10-year goals, 50 years. He said what's your million year goal? He said you've got three options. You've got exaltation in the celestial kingdom. And then he went through the others and he just said hint, hint, you want exaltation. So what does that mean for your 50-year goal? And what does that mean for your 10-year goal? And what does that mean for your five-year goal? And like that's the question.

Speaker 3:

Like ask yourself do you want salvation and exaltation as it is dictated in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Is that something you're interested in Because there's nowhere else in the world, no other religion, that really promises everything that our church promises. And so if that piques your interest and you think, hmm, actually I do want that, I do want that close relationship with my Savior and I do want to become like Him Whoa, creative power, like unlimited, yes, please, if that actually lights you up and suspend all your struggles and all your disbelief, just put that aside for a second and ask is this something you want? Then you know what the answer is. You know what you got to do. It's completely clear. There's a covenant path. You can walk that path. You have the power, you have the choice, you have the agency. Go, walk. That's a power Like, while Michaela was talking, the saying God can't drive a parked car, right, when we plop down and we say I don't get it, I hate this, I'm so upset, I'm so frustrated.

Speaker 3:

What about this and this and this and this? There's nowhere you can go, there's no momentum, there's no power. Right, your decision to move forward is the power that connects you to that heavenly power and allows you to come and get the answers and the support and the answers really the answers that you're looking for. So I would say remember your Savior, imagine Him in your mind as he truly is and decide do you want this?

Speaker 1:

That really is beautiful. Thank you. This is always the case the every episode that we record it. It's really what I needed to end that moment and you know, this has been really what I've needed, um, today and lately. I just kind of want to add to what you were saying, gosh. I love the putting things into perspective looking at your million year goal and then like what does that mean for your 50, your 20, your 10 year, your five year? What is, what are you going to do tomorrow that's in line with that millionaire or million year goal?

Speaker 1:

Gosh, it really is nice when you can put things into perspective like that and it helps you sort out the fluff of life, because there there is so much fluff and the the driving a car can't steer or drive a parked car. I feel like the cars that we are driving in life are manual or standard or whatever you call it, because there is so much going on constantly. But there's so much that we need to do and I don't mean this in like a lofty way, but kind of putting myself into check a little bit. This is me speaking to myself. There's a lot more that we need to do in order to let God more easily navigate us, easily direct us. It's doing the mundane in order to be led to the great. I should put that on a t-shirt. Jeez, that was good, I would buy that. I have a few scriptures and we're kind of going a little long, so bear with me here I'll be quick. So this will be kind of my a little long. So bear with me here I'll be quick. So this will be kind of my closing remarks.

Speaker 1:

But as we were talking, it made me think about Alma the Younger, when he went to a place called the city of Ammonihah. And this is in the Book of Mormon. This is Alma, chapter 8. And he goes to the city and he, he starts to teach them and they reject him. They reject the teachings of the savior jesus christ. And so it says in verse 10. It says, nevertheless, alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with god in mighty prayer, that he would pour out his spirit upon the people who were in the city, that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance. This is a holy desire. He wants so much to bring these people into the fold of god. But the people I'll just paraphrase the next good bit the people rejected him and they kicked him out of the city. They actually like kicked him out. And so he's like well, you know, I'll dust my feet off and I'll leave. And so he leaves the city and in his journeying he's weighed very heavily. He's very sorrowful for what has happened for the people of Ammonihah and he feels like what he is doing is wrong and that he should turn back. And what really solidifies it and it would solidify anything that I'm doing? An angel appears to him and tells him what are you doing, dude? Like you got to go and teach repentance and baptize converts. Like come on now. And you know Alma's like well, they rejected me. And the angel persuades him a little bit further and I love what it says in verse 18. I'll just share this one line.

Speaker 1:

He returned speedily to the land of Ammonihah. Alma is a much better man than I am. I'll tell you that because I have a tendency to really drag things out, but I love that. The scriptures and you have to put this into perspective, because the scriptures were on plates of gold they had to be carved into each sheet of metal. Every single word, every single letter had to be carved expertly into these sheets of metal for it to be legible, for Joseph Smith to read and translate it, and they include this part. He returned speedily. It kind of puts everything in the scriptures into perspective. There's so much worth in every verse because it was so expertly inscribed into these plates. And he returned speedily to the land of ammonihah and this is where he met amulet, and amulet plays a huge role in the next several chapters until you know the end of alma's teaching.

Speaker 1:

Alma found his companion that helped him then convert hundreds, thousands, so many people. I love the book of Alma because he is such an expert teacher. Him and Amulek. They work so wonderfully together and I feel like that's such a great message to to each and every one of us is when you hit the mundane, when you're going through it, just keep going. The Lord is with you. He's probably carrying you.

Speaker 1:

We've shared that poem of the man walking on the beach and you know there were two sets of footprints and then there was one and he's like where were you, god? And he's like I was carrying you. That is almost always the case. The Lord is aware of you and he knows you, he knows me and that's why he sent Lindsay here to chastise me with the spirit telling me to get my butt in the game. She didn't say it, but God did.

Speaker 1:

But the Lord is with you, to all of our listeners. He loves you so, so deeply. He loves you so much that he sent his son, his only begotten son, to die on the cross for you, and he wanted someone to learn what that love was like, and that's why he told Abraham to take his son Isaac up into the mountain to sacrifice him. That is what our Heavenly Father had to do for us, and he wanted at least one mortal soul to know what it felt like, and so he told Abraham to do that. Thankfully, he didn't have Abraham do it, but Abraham was willing, and that's all our Heavenly Father needed to know. There is so much love in the gospel, so much love in the world, so much love in the universe because of our loving Heavenly Father and His loving Son, jesus Christ. And I think I've shared the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants before, but and I had it pulled up and then it just disappeared. But in Doctrine and Covenants before, and I had it pulled up and then it just disappeared.

Speaker 1:

But in Doctrine and Covenants I think it was section 122, when Joseph Smith is just kneeling down. Everything's working against him. He's in Liberty Jail. He's in the basement there the worst living conditions he's probably ever experienced. He's been there for about six months and he's asking God, god, where are you? And that's when he receives the most amazing revelation. That I think it's all amazing, but this one hits home Because God says I am here, I am with you, and all of these hard things will be for your experience and will be for your good. Going through this mundane stuff, whatever it is, it's going to make me stronger. It's going to make me the person that I need to become.

Speaker 1:

When you put a piece of metal into the forge, you pull it out. It's hot, it's glowing red. You got to beat it with a hammer in order to shape it and turn it into what you want it to be. This life is the forge. It's a fiery furnace. It sucks and we're getting hammered and we're getting hammered. But our Heavenly Father is the craftsman. He knows what he wants us to be and he's doing such an excellent work. He is the master, and thank you so much, lindsay, for coming on and for the spiritual chastisement. Thank you, michaela, for joining us as well. It's always a pleasure to have you and thank you to our amazing listeners for sticking to the end of this episode. Lindsay, if you would like to feel free to take this time to give yourself a little bit of a shout out, tell everybody where they can find your podcast.

Speaker 3:

So my podcast is the why I Stay podcast and it says with Lindsay Clyde. Because there are a lot of people doing stuff that's called why I Stay and honestly, I was kind of jealous about it at first, like I think I was number two or three of like doing this name or like why we stay you know was also one. But I realized the other day, like God is just asking, he's sending down inspiration to a lot of different people. A lot of people call them their podcast, maybe the remember podcast or whatever. He's trying to reach people, right. So if it's my podcast that's going to reach you or your friend or your mom or whoever you need to send this to, I would love to have you listen.

Speaker 3:

The why I Stay podcast with Lindsay Clyde. It's a bright blue teal with a yellow sun in the middle with an explosion of orange, because the gospel makes me feel like on fire bright blue skies and fire all around. That's how I feel about the gospel. So find me on YouTube and Spotify and Apple Podcasts and on Instagram at why I Say Podcast. And thank you guys so much for this opportunity. While I was listening to you, I just felt the Spirit. I felt God say to me through the Spirit Dalyan, you are a good boy, michaela, you are a good girl, like he loves you guys, and he's so grateful for the work that you're putting in, and he just cherishes you on the days that you feel like you don't want to do anything and the days that you feel like you're on fire. He just cherishes you no matter what. So, thank you and, listeners, I know he feels the same about you. So thanks for having me on. It's been a pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, it's been, oh, it's been such a pleasure and for our amazing listeners. Make sure, if you haven't already followed us, follow us on Instagram at rememberpodcast, and that's where you can find all of the links to all of the amazing things that we have, and we would love it if you guys would leave a review wherever you're listening. There's so many places that you can find our episodes, so leave us a review. We love to hear your guys' feedback and if you want to share your story, go ahead and DM us or there's a calendar that you can get scheduled on. We love to hear your stories, just like we have so thoroughly enjoyed Lindsay's story today. So thank you so much to our amazing listeners. Our Heavenly Father loves you. Remember Him, him, thank you.

Strengthening Faith Through Stories
Staying Faithful Through Challenges
Staying Faithful Through Adversity
Trust in God Through Struggles
Discovering a Relationship With God
Finding Purpose and Divine Guidance
Divine Love and Appreciation