The Remember Podcast

Cindy's Story: Harmonizing Health and Spirituality with Latter Day Health

May 22, 2024 Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan Season 2 Episode 26
Cindy's Story: Harmonizing Health and Spirituality with Latter Day Health
The Remember Podcast
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The Remember Podcast
Cindy's Story: Harmonizing Health and Spirituality with Latter Day Health
May 22, 2024 Season 2 Episode 26
Dalyon, McKayla, & Tresdan

Ever felt the yearning to transform your health and align it with a deeper spiritual purpose? Cindy, the visionary behind Latter Day Health, graced our show with her incredible narrative, from her teenage struggles with high blood pressure to her current role as a lifestyle medicine coach. Her profound insights into the rejuvenating blend of spirituality and health remind us that our bodies are indeed the most valuable gifts we possess, deserving of care that resonates with our family values and divine guidance.

Navigating through the Word of Wisdom, this episode uncovers the layers of divine health commandments that are as much about what we consume as they are about our connection to the earth and the nourishment it provides. We unearth the compelling link between physical health and spiritual clarity, discovering along the journey that the foods we eat can be a conduit to heightened spiritual experiences and service to our communities. Cindy illuminates how diet influences our preparedness to face life's challenges and our ability to serve, bringing God's plan for our well-being into sharper focus.

Wrapping up, we delve into the significance of self-care as an act of love that extends beyond ourselves, enabling us to uplift those around us. Cindy's initiative, Latter Day Health, beckons us to draw from both scriptural wisdom and scientific understanding as we navigate the complex tapestry of modern living. Join us for an enlightening exploration of health, spirituality, and the sustenance of our souls.

Follow Cindy on Instagram 

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 The Inspiration by Keys of Moon | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Music promoted by 

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever felt the yearning to transform your health and align it with a deeper spiritual purpose? Cindy, the visionary behind Latter Day Health, graced our show with her incredible narrative, from her teenage struggles with high blood pressure to her current role as a lifestyle medicine coach. Her profound insights into the rejuvenating blend of spirituality and health remind us that our bodies are indeed the most valuable gifts we possess, deserving of care that resonates with our family values and divine guidance.

Navigating through the Word of Wisdom, this episode uncovers the layers of divine health commandments that are as much about what we consume as they are about our connection to the earth and the nourishment it provides. We unearth the compelling link between physical health and spiritual clarity, discovering along the journey that the foods we eat can be a conduit to heightened spiritual experiences and service to our communities. Cindy illuminates how diet influences our preparedness to face life's challenges and our ability to serve, bringing God's plan for our well-being into sharper focus.

Wrapping up, we delve into the significance of self-care as an act of love that extends beyond ourselves, enabling us to uplift those around us. Cindy's initiative, Latter Day Health, beckons us to draw from both scriptural wisdom and scientific understanding as we navigate the complex tapestry of modern living. Join us for an enlightening exploration of health, spirituality, and the sustenance of our souls.

Follow Cindy on Instagram 

Don't forget to follow us for updates and more uplifting content

 The Inspiration by Keys of Moon | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Music promoted by 

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Remember podcast. We have an amazing episode for you guys today. I'm your host, Dallin Buechler, and I don't have any of my awesome co-hosts with us today. Michaela is not answering her phone, Tresden's not answering his phone, so here we are, rocking it solo today, but we have an amazing guest with us. Her name is Cindy. Uh, rocking it solo today, but we have an amazing guest with us. Uh, her name is Cindy and she runs an Instagram page called latter day hell, where she talks about these latter day uh principles, uh, that we've received um for the word of wisdom and how we can implement that into a healthy lifestyle. Is that correct, Right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, well, cindy, feel free to take it away.

Speaker 2:

All right, so my name is Cindy. I'm a health coach and lifestyle medicine coach. I specialize in reversing chronic diseases through lifestyle changes that make a big difference in our lives, because a lot of diseases out there are actually lifestyle diseases that we can actually overcome just by changing what we're doing, or what we're eating, how we're moving, how we're sleeping, even, and the stress that we deal with. So, so, yeah, what? What more do you want me to say? I'm sorry, I'm a mom of five, almost six kids, um, and we try really hard to be healthy and take care of our bodies because of the, the gift that it is from our Father in heaven, and you know he's put together this amazing plan for us on how to be healthy, and so that's what I try to teach people through what I do every day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, awesome. How did you we've talked about this before we hit record but how did you come to, or how did you find this purpose in life to share these things that you've been, that you talk about and you help people with?

Speaker 2:

things that you've been, that you talk about and you help people with. So so when I was 16, I was actually job shadowing with some nurses and it was a really slow day, and so they were like, why don't we just take your blood pressure for fun? And um, I was with a friend when we were there and I really took her blood pressure and everything was fine, it wasn't a big deal. And then they took mine and there was like this look of horror on the nurse's face and she told me that she was very concerned about my blood pressure. I never knew the numbers, she never told me, um, but it made me really scared to realize that I was just this teenager dealing with high blood pressure and I didn't know where to turn. I never told my parents, I never went to the doctor or anything. You know like teenagers just don't go to the doctor because of blood pressure or anything like that. I kept very much my own health concerns to myself and it really made me want to help people overcome these things if it was possible. So I started doing that myself.

Speaker 2:

I went to college in exercise and sports science and became an exercise specialist and that's what I wanted to do was help people with chronic diseases, and there's lots of studies out there, tons and tons about exercise and how it can, you know, help with diseases. And I that's what I did. I helped people, I put together programs and, and they never actually like things improved for them but they never actually overcame them, and that bothered me a lot, but I was happy to see that there had been improvements. So after a while I found out that I was pregnant with twins and I had to quit my job because of it. But when they were born, we found out that one of them had heart failure heart failure and the other one had an extremely rare disease that was like 2000 people worldwide that deal with it, where he could not fight any bacteria, like the food he ate, dirt all of those things could be very life threatening to him, and so I spent a lot of time.

Speaker 2:

I basically became a doctor myself, um, because I had to deal with these kids that were on death's door and, um, you know it was. It was a real struggle, not knowing if they would pull through or, um, if the slightest thing would cause them to die. It was a really awful place to be and they actually miraculously both kind of overcame these issues and got a clean bill of health after about three and a half years. And got a clean bill of health after about three and a half years and by that time I was pregnant with my daughter and when she was born she was perfectly healthy, which was kind of freaked me out. I had not yet dealt with a perfectly healthy baby. Like what are you supposed to do with a healthy baby? You don't take them to the doctor four times a week, you know.

Speaker 2:

So, um, at that point I recognized that I was living with a lot of fear about this baby. You know, I I I wanted her to stick around with my boys. It was different because they there was always that chance that they might die right, there was always. You know there was all these hospitalizations and you know we were constantly going to the ER. They knew my face. I just walked in and they're like, oh hey, come on back.

Speaker 2:

And, um, it was so different with her that she didn't need all of that help and I honestly felt out of control with what her life was going to be like. And I remember holding her and being in fear of how I might lose her. Like what if she ended up with cancer or something like that? And I had to say goodbye and the thought of that scared me and I'm sure a lot of it was just PTSD from what I had dealt with with my sons, but I wanted to know what I could do to save my daughter from anything that you know my sons had been through, and so I prayed to Heavenly Father almost every time.

Speaker 2:

I held her. You know, I want to keep her. That's what I would say. I want to keep her. What can I do to make sure that she doesn't suffer like my boys suffered? I want to make sure that I keep her here. And I was led to through some interesting ways. Um, to the word of wisdom. Um, as I was, I had started following this like this yoga teacher and she did this. Um end day vegan challenge and I had done nutrition classes, plenty of nutrition classes, and I was always told in those nutrition classes that being a vegan was not healthy, that you didn't get the nutrition that you needed and things like that. But I decided, you know like I can, I can do this for 10 days.

Speaker 2:

It's not a big deal, you know, so I started this challenge and on like day five I recognized I felt so good, I had so much energy. And it was amazing to me I was. It blew my mind, having had these nutrition classes, and I was in complete shock. Like this is not how this is supposed to be. I should be feeling more miserable, right? Because I'm not getting the nutrition that I need.

Speaker 2:

And I became so confused at that point it was like am I? I have been taught a specific way, but at this point it didn't feel right. At this point it felt like I was confused. You know, I didn't know where to turn, a lot like Joseph Smith, you know where. He just had no clue. And so I, for months, I just sat in this confusion, not sure what to do.

Speaker 2:

And it finally hit me like why don't you ask God? And so I thought that was the weirdest thing. Like why would I ask God about what I eat? That's just, that just sounds so ridiculous. Like food, is food right? So I I prayed to him to know. I was like what diet out there is for me? What diet is right? Is any of this right?

Speaker 2:

And I got this very strong answer to read my patriarchal blessing. And in my patriarchal blessing it talks about learning more about the word of wisdom so I can be more successful at it, which I always thought was weird because I felt like I was being successful right, like there's the whole tobacco, alcohol, coffee stuff, like I was not involved in any of that at all, and so it really confused me. As I read the word of wisdom I recognized there are all of these verses that I had never given any acknowledgement, I'd never acknowledged them in like my whole life really. So that really led me to that. And as I started to study the word of wisdom more deeply, I also studied the science that backed up the word of wisdom and I found through that that there was so much that we can do for our health. You know, I didn't have to worry about my daughter anymore or my sons or or really anybody as long as I was following the word of wisdom and that's what the science says. So that's kind of my story.

Speaker 2:

From there I really just followed the word of wisdom on my own until I felt a strong push from the Lord that I should share this with other people, that you know there are people out there who feel that they're doing everything they can for their health and they're not getting where they want to be, whether it's weight loss or, you know, high blood pressure or heart disease or high cholesterol all of these diseases that actually come from lifestyle and the way that we are treating our bodies. You know, it's a gift from God. God loves our bodies and he wants us to take care of them, but it's almost like people are naive about it. There's so much confusion, like I was dealing with, even though I knew nutrition and exercise and had taken these classes in college, and, um, I feel like there's just a lot of people that are confused and lost. I know I can't imagine people who follow the word of wisdom, but they still have to take, you know, but they still have to take, you know, five, six, seven, in some cases, 20 medications every day. That, just that isn't the way the Lord wants us to live, and so I felt very strongly that he pulled me into this to help people, because I had such a desire to help people overcome these diseases. So that's that's kind of where all this came from.

Speaker 2:

I started, maybe three years ago, doing this coaching people and helping them to be able to overcome their, their diseases, to be able to overcome their, their diseases. And it's been amazing, the journey that I've taken people on. I've had people who have been, you know, diabetic for 25 years be able to come off all of their medications Like that's. That's amazing to me to watch this, to watch like our bodies want to heal themselves. God made our bodies so that they could heal themselves and every time I have a client that's able to overcome these diseases, it's just. It just strengthens my testimony of the word of wisdom so much more.

Speaker 1:

That is awesome. I was just reading a little bit of the Word of Wisdom, trying to give myself a refresher. It's been a long time since I've read it and you were kind of saying that earlier. Well, you didn't say this exactly, but it's not something we read all the time, right?

Speaker 2:

exactly, but um, it's not something you, we read all the time, right? Yeah, yeah, it's more of like an afterthought in church, where it's like yeah, the word of wisdom, whatever it's, like you know the tobacco, coffee, wine, alcohol, this and that yeah

Speaker 1:

like, yeah, there's, there's so much more to it than all of that and and I love that, and I don't know I uh this is bringing me back to we uh recorded an episode yesterday actually with this awesome lady.

Speaker 1:

Uh, she's a fitness coach and, um, she had a lot of physical um things going on with with her pregnancies as she was trying to have children, and you know the things that she was experiencing should have killed her, but she was prepared for those things because of the way she was taking care of her body, and so we talked about, you know, being prepared.

Speaker 1:

We pulled up DNC where it says prepare every needful thing, and so my brain's kind of going there with your message Message is there's so much that we can do to prepare ourselves to last a long and healthy life by how we maintain ourselves and what we eat and how we act. I think, on her side, the lady we recorded with, we talked more about how to be physically active and maintaining our bodies, and this is great, because now we're talking about what we're ingesting into our bodies bodies and I don't know if you're big into the homesteading thing, but I really love the idea of growing my own food and being and this probably sounds really hippie or whatever term you want to use, but being one with your food, you knowing where it comes from yeah, yeah, absolutely knowing where the energy, um, that you're putting into your food is coming from as well, and like just being part of the whole cycle of it all.

Speaker 1:

And this is what our ancestors did, and you know when, in biblical times, people lived according to the law of God and, in fact, in Jerusalem they lived according to the laws of God.

Speaker 1:

It was like if they, if somebody, faltered just a little bit, man like punishment was there. So they live to the laws of God, the laws of God, and so I'm sure they were eating about as healthy as you possibly could, especially at the time. It's like, you know, our Heavenly Father knows our bodies. He made them, he knows what is good for us, what is not good for us, and he will give us the instructions, the principles to apply to our lives to help us live long and fulfilling lives, help us live in ways that we can create and grow and become like Him, and I think that's the message of this podcast. What it has been is we need to remember our Heavenly father, remember our savior, so that we can continue to focus on them and grow to be like them. We need to be alive to do that, and the lord gives us that ability through these? I don't know. I need to read this more and I need to. I need to focus on it a little bit more, I think yeah.

Speaker 2:

One of my favorite quotes actually comes from Ezra Taft Benson, and he says that God never gave a temporary law, you know, and that includes the affects our soul. And so, um, I really I recognize this in myself when I'm making sure that, um, you know, I'm not, I'm not perfect. I won't say that I'm perfect. Um, I do alter on occasion when it comes to eating, especially while I'm pregnant and you get cravings for the most ridiculous things. But I have noticed that when I am following the word of wisdom to the best of my abilities, not just the don'ts but also the do's, you know, eating fruits and vegetables and, um, meat sparingly and focusing on grains and things like that, um, I receive revelation so much better. It's, it's the craziest thing. And I've also had clients of mine that have been members of the church say the same thing. They're like what is this? This is amazing.

Speaker 2:

So, recognizing that, and even, like you know, when you have a temple recommend interview, they ask do you follow and understand the word of wisdom? Because it's something you really understand and follow, and I think you know. Before I got into all of this, I always thought, yeah, of course I do, you know. But now when I hear that question, it's so different. For me it's like, yes, I understand it, I have studied it and I've learned it. It's it's brought up multiple times in the temple as well. You know how we're taking care of our bodies and and it's.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing to me when I think about what Ezra Taft Benson said about how that which affects our stature also affects our soul absolutely and you know, as you're talking, it made me think about the amazing clarity like I'm just putting things together now, so, like you, you can probably see what, like my train of thought as I'm talking, I I very well, or I very often think by speaking, and so I'll probably bounce around quite a bit. But it's interesting, as you were talking, I was thinking about how, like, like I love soda, I love Mountain Dew and like I haven't been drinking it much like anymore, and like it's a good thing for sure, but sometimes I'll just like I'll have a, you know, a can or two of Mountain Dew. Or I love root beer, barge root beer that's really good, but like, especially the Mountain Dew, the more caffeinated one, like I get the jitters Like I've never had the jitters before from soda. Get the jitters like I've never had the jitters before from soda, but now, like, having been, uh, not consuming it as much as I have previously, like just one can will give me the jitters and it's like I can't think clearly and and so, like, if we're not eating the in the right ways, our brains are actually like just scattered and all over the place we, we have sugar rushes, you know, um, there's. There's all these ways that our, our food affects the way that we think. Um, you know, there's a lot of like depression and anxiety that can come from different foods and such.

Speaker 1:

I think Absolutely, and it, like it, really depends on the person. A lot of times as well, I think. But it's our Heavenly Father wants us to to never be a slave to anything. And when I was on my mission I understood the word of wisdom wasn't there as laws. You know, do this and this and this. It's there as recommendations to keep yourself out of slavery of one way or of one sort or another, because we can become such slaves to so many different things. I would not get rid of soda, like I just loved my Mountain Dew. I would buy it by the case. I would drink it by the case. I loved my soda. But now the money that I'm saving, not drinking soda for one thing, that's great.

Speaker 1:

But the clarity that I have, I can think so much better. I've been able to ponder so much more. I think so deeply a lot of times about spiritual things, about my Heavenly Father, about my Savior, and I have these amazing epiphanies, these amazing things just pop into my brain. I'm like, oh my gosh, this is awesome. Just exactly with what you were saying about receiving revelation.

Speaker 1:

When we're eating so much better can I feel like the veil gets a little thinner, the clearer our minds are the veil. I think the veil might be, you know, put there on our own accord sometimes and and I love that. That's awesome. It makes me want to just go buy a homestead, buy a bunch of land and grow my own food. Just that much more.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness, some days I really wish I could live way back in the day when we didn't have the distractions we have today. We didn't have processed foods like we have today. Oh, I'd say life is so much better or would have been so much better back then. But, like I think I, I'm also a little bit lazy and that there's something to be said about. That is, these days things are just at our fingertips. Like I just door dashed. I shouldn't admit this, admit to this on a Sunday. So yesterday I door dashed, yeah, I bought some food and had it delivered to me because I was lazy and I didn't want to get up and go grab it. But you know, way back in the day when that wasn't an option, when we didn't have smartphones. Um, not only are you eating calories when you're you know you're making good and healthy food, but you're burning calories as you're working to make it like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

it's really cool to see how, all of well, everything that god, that God has planned, everything that he created, it all fits together so perfectly to make us healthy. And then when we start to, as mankind, we start to alter some of those things, it really does a number on our health.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I love what you said about convenience and I think that's what most people you know. They're kind of on these epidemic proportions and so we think that this is normal to be living this way, and that you know our ancestors didn't die from diabetes or heart disease until they started eating in a way that our bodies aren't meant to right. They were, they were dying of, you know, high fluid fever and, and you know germs and things like that, rather than you know they didn't have to take medications to stay alive. I'm not saying anything against modern medicine. Obviously it saved my sons. Like that's not what I'm here for. But there is another way. Absolutely. God never meant for this life or anything that we're going through to be convenient. Really, he gave us commandments because he loves us. He gives us trials so that we can become more like Him. He never. I don't think. I mean this is a plan of happiness, but I don't think it's a plan of convenience that we're supposed to be following. Right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, I had a thought and then I got distracted in my thoughts with something else, but it was a really good thought. Yeah, it's gone, it's out of here, but yeah, I love that. I think, yeah, I really don't think I've ever heard of anybody dying of like I don't know. There's a lot of diseases that, like, we've developed names for over the past hundred years because they didn't exist. And you could also argue well, they probably just, you know, collected a bunch of different things under one name of something and or however you want to explain it, or they didn't live long enough to have issues. But then you go to, you know the scriptures, and noah lived for how many years, and, um, adam lived for like almost a thousand years or something like that. I don't know. But there's so many good principles here. Um, oh, there's my thought. Okay, there we are all right now.

Speaker 1:

Now we'll take this food deserts. Right, you've heard of a food desert. This is something that I learned about about two years ago I think I was in a nutrition class. Actually funny enough. Uh, so I live in Logan, northern Utah, and Logan is like a huge food desert. It's crazy to me because I never thought I've struggled to find food, but like actually some poor communities and stuff here in Logan, like they struggle to get food, and I think this goes back to the convenience thing we've. We as a people have become so reliant on grocery stores and on things providing food for us that nobody grows their own gardens, or if they do, it's like a very minuscule, like oh, I got one tomato plant, yay, and nobody. Like, if the food industry failed and you know, it just collapsed, which we kind of saw that a little bit in COVID right at the start of that if everything collapsed, a lot of people are going to starve, collapsed. A lot of people are going to starve and they won't be able to provide for themselves, whether it's and this is getting a little off topic from just eating divinely, but I feel like it's something to talk about a little bit more. Maybe I'm just trying to convince everybody to buy a homestead, I don't know, but but you know, a food desert is a real thing and people can't provide for themselves when there's nobody there to provide for them, and I think that that's a huge issue and that's not something that God wanted for us either.

Speaker 1:

My brain's really working on the be therefore prepared mentality right now. I also spoke in church a week ago and that was the topic that I was talking about, so this is really in my brain. But I think we as people, we as members of the church, especially we as christians, need to be so prepared with our health, with our you know well-being, our strength, as well as the food that we are partaking, our food storage, with preparing every needful thing and when we prepare it's amazing how this happens. You prepare for one thing you don't have stress over that anymore because you were prepared and you're relaxed now that you can find peace through your preparation and that's something we talked a lot in the last episode as well is protecting your peace, and you do that by your preparation, and I have loved this conversation because it's making my neurons are firing so much.

Speaker 1:

I'm just connecting all these different conversations, episodes that we've had. This has been wonderful for me and maybe you can go back and listen to our last one. It's not published yet, but it will be soon, but there's so much that God has given us to be able to prepare ourselves in order to best do His work here on the earth, in order to, and honestly to, do our own work to live a life that we would love to live, a life filled with joy and fulfillment, nourishment yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I've heard stories of people and this breaks my heart because, you know, I know that these people have prepared so much and they want to serve, but I've heard of people being turned away from temple opportunities or missions or whatever because of their poor health, and that just breaks my heart, that there are people out there that want to serve the Lord but they aren't able to right there's. They have not been taking care of their bodies in the way that you know and I don't blame people at all, because this stuff is, it's not taught, and the way that we talk about the word of wisdom in the church, it's kind of like this you know, it's this afterthought, like oh, you know, word of wisdom, we're doing that one again this year, so, um, but I think about you know, you're talking about being prepared, and I think about Christ when he comes again and what's it going to be like when he sees us as these people who are suffering from the disease that we could have overcome if we had taken better care of our bodies. You know what's it going to be like? Is that how we want to meet him? Is sick and hoping he'll, you know, heal us or whatever, or should we be able to be in his service this entire time and being able to focus on that and preparing ourselves for his coming and, you know, being healthy, showing that we have taken the utmost care of this body, this gift that he has given us? You know it's not ours to decide what we do with it, it's his. Everything he gives us comes from him, including our bodies.

Speaker 2:

So, um, that is something that really pushes me is, you know, serving others, being in a place where you can do the service, because there are so many people that want to, but they're not in a place where they are healthy enough. And what happens, you know, in like, in this preparation, you know things are going to get crazy before the second coming. And if we think about COVID, where people were struggling to get their bare necessities met, including medications and things like that, what would it be like if we didn't have to rely on medications, right? How much would that change things? Because medications, for the most part, are not something that you can just store away in food storage and hope that you never have to use them let's see, I let my thought run away again.

Speaker 1:

I uh, yeah, I'm not doing too good at keeping those around tonight, am I? But am I? But we, we really are so truly blessed, um, to have the knowledge that is given to us. And then, and I, we, we really take it for granted. I take it for granted, um, we don't search the scriptures the way that we probably should. We don't study these revelations that were given to Joseph Smith, to all these apostles that we've had even since Joseph Smith, the prophets and apostles. There is so much available to us to allow us to live such good, such honorable, such amazing and long, healthy lives If we seek to understand them, if we do as the scriptures say, to feast on the words of Christ. There's so much available to us to help us better prepare ourselves in order to better serve others.

Speaker 1:

There's so many people that I know that, like I've got a. He's one of my best friends at the moment. He will, he will give everything to help somebody and he has given everything. Like that man is sometimes just just so poor and I'm like where'd your money go? And he's like well, I gave it to this person, I gave it to that person. I'm like what are you doing? Save some money for yourself and like I just want to, you know, choke him out a little bit because he, he's so selfless and it's like man, like you gotta take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. And I don't, I don't think that's selfish, I think that's, that's healthy, I think that's a a good thing to do now.

Speaker 1:

Don't just you know, close everybody off until you're so well off that you can help somebody, like no, that's not what I'm saying at all, but there's. You know, when you're training to save somebody from drowning, you're taught this Save yourself first and then you can save someone else. Get out of the water so that you're not at risk of drowning before you pull the other person out. Or when you're in an airplane and you know they're crashing, you know everything's shaking and the mass drop down. What do they say? Put yours on first and then look to help others. You can't help others when you're not, you know, when you're dead.

Speaker 1:

Basically, the one of the best ways to serve more people is to live a longer life, and that takes diligence, that takes a lot of work to help maintain your own body. And you know I firmly believe that and this episode has been a great reminder of that Our Heavenly Father wants us to serve others. There's Mosiah 217. Let me tell you these things that you may learn wisdom when you're in the service of your fellow beings, you're only in the service of your God. I'm shocked. I still have that memorized. That's awesome, but that we are in this. When we are in the service of our fellow beings. We are in the service of our God, and our first friend, our first neighbor is ourself. We need to make sure that that is maintained.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Jesus Christ himself said love your neighbor as yourself. So he never said love your neighbor only, he wanted us to focus on ourselves as well.

Speaker 3:

that's that's deep right there that is deep.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that. Well, um, I know your life is uh. We were talking a little bit before and you mentioned how crazy your life is right now and I won't keep you too much longer, but this has been an awesome episode. I'm really really trying to develop a healthy relationship with the things that I'm eating and and trying to find a way to live long enough to serve a lot of people, and so this is this has been an excellent reminder of those things that I can do, and I'm sure our amazing listeners that have stuck towards the end they are going to really appreciate the things that you have shared on this episode today. And feel free, cindy, to take a second second. Give yourself a shout out your Instagram page. Where can our listeners find you to see more and learn more about what you have to offer?

Speaker 2:

okay, yeah, so, um, you could go to my Instagram page and latter day health. Um, I do have some links on there, um to I have a free word of wisdom webinar where I go a little deeper into the scripture and science that backs that up. Um, you can see results from some of my clients if you want. Or, um, what I teach people about it's um, I will be starting up a new program focusing specifically on the word of wisdom coming soon. We'll see how soon. I'm going to have a baby in two weeks, so that changes things a little bit, um, but if that's something that you're interested in, if you have issues with weight loss or getting off of medications, if you're dealing with chronic diseases and you don't want to deal with those anymore, feel free to reach out to me and we can see what we can do to get this program started and moving. So I'm really excited for it. It's new and it's it's going to be great.

Speaker 1:

New and improved right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Well, thank you so much, cindy, for for joining us today, and uh, thank you so much for having me. It's been an absolute pleasure and thank you again to our amazing listeners. If you haven't followed us on Instagram already, where are you at? Our Instagram page is at rememberpodcast, and that's where we post updates on the podcast we post. Michaela does an amazing job of posting really uplifting things and she just does an amazing job with the Instagram page. We're lucky to have Michaela on the team.

Speaker 3:

I agree she does.

Speaker 1:

She does a great job. Also, make sure to leave a review on basically any of the platforms that you're listening to this podcast on. We would love to hear your guys' feedback. We look forward to hearing from you guys. We are constantly looking for ways that we can improve this audio quality things like that. Whatever your thoughts as listeners are, whatever you want from us as well, we would love to hear your feedback. And yeah, thank you so much. Remember him.

Speaker 3:

The Thank you.

Word of Wisdom and Lifestyle Medicine
Word of Wisdom Power
Impact of Diet on Spiritual Clarity
Preparing for Food Deserts and Health
Living a Healthy, Selfless Life
Promoting Podcast and Seeking Feedback