Money is Not Your Problem

Ep.20 Unveiling the Vital yet Underutilized Aspect of Achieving Our Goals

Madeleine Strasburg

Welcome to the third and final episode of our three-part series on Goals.

In the first episode, we delved into the significance of having a compelling reason that drives us to persist even when faced with obstacles and a lack of motivation. We discussed the power of focusing on the person we aspire to become, as opposed to short-term and isolated projects. By anchoring our goals in our identity, we substantially enhance our potential for continuous progress.

We stressed the importance of forming the habit of consistently defining and working towards our goals. This habit, where one goal's completion ushers in the next, acts as a catalyst for our growth journey.

In the previous episode, we explored the four stages of goal-setting that we can follow to attain our ambitions and shape our identity:

1. **Imagination or Dreaming**
2. **Planning**
3. **Execution**
4. **Progress Tracking**

We emphasized the significance of not skipping steps or altering their sequence to maximize the likelihood of achieving our desired outcomes.

There are two types of goals we can set, always keeping in mind that our objective is personal improvement:

1. **Habit Goals** - those daily-life incorporations we desire.
2. **Achievement Goals** - specific accomplishments we aim for.

In this final episode, we'll delve into the most pivotal aspect of success regarding goal achievement and ongoing progress.

Often, people lack a structured system for tracking their progress. Failing to do this regularly and with frequency results in forgetting goals, neglecting necessary adjustments (time, resources, steps, tasks, motivation), and neglecting whether the goal remains relevant or essential. Worst of all, they fail to acknowledge and celebrate incremental successes. These small victories trigger dopamine release in the brain, reinforcing positive associations with actions, even when challenging, thus keeping us on track.

We recommend:
1.  Daily Review
2. Weekly Review
3. End-of-Goal Review  (for Achievement Goals) or Scheduled Date Review (for Habit Goals)

What we focus on,  grows.

Regularly review your goals, and watch your progress accelerate.

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