Reverse the Slavery Curse

Are African Americans Cursed?

Paula Holland Season 1 Episode 1

Black Americans as a collective are at the bottom of every socioeconomic measurement. There are many racial groups in the United States who have been dealt with by the ruling class unfairly and marginalized, even at a criminal level. Most have been compensated for the suffering and losses with resources in the form of land grants, cash payments, and special laws that were passed in their favor. This, however, has not been the case for Black Americans. Did you know that beginning in 1619 through 1965 there were 70+ laws that were passed specifically against Black people that prevented them from living in designated areas, learning to reading & writing, working in certain professions or even owning weapons for defense? While most of these laws were overturned, there has never any effort to adequately compensate Black people for losses that they and their ancestors incurred in terms of wages, land ownership, loss of life and more.  It’s been a common practice to blame the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the ruling class for the woes of Black Americans, but did you know that the Holy Bible speaks about the lowly position that many Black people are experiencing today? For the answer to that question, stay tuned for today’s podcast.

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