God's Loving Sacrifice Podcast

How Moral Relativism Challenges Christian Values / S2E41

June 16, 2024 James Marcrum Season 2 Episode 41
How Moral Relativism Challenges Christian Values / S2E41
God's Loving Sacrifice Podcast
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God's Loving Sacrifice Podcast
How Moral Relativism Challenges Christian Values / S2E41
Jun 16, 2024 Season 2 Episode 41
James Marcrum

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Is lying just a harmless part of everyday life, or does it erode the very fabric of our society? This episode tackles this provocative question head-on by exploring the prevalence of dishonesty in business and politics through a personal story about a botched Amazon delivery. We contrast moral relativism, the belief that right and wrong are subjective, with the absolute moral truths in Christianity, such as the Ten Commandments. Reflecting on how even Christians sometimes fall short in areas like idolatry, honesty, and Sabbath observance, we examine the importance of maintaining a spiritual mindset and living according to biblical principles.

As we dig deeper, we unpack the relationship between coveting and morality within the Christian context. Many individuals, particularly college students, feel a sense of entitlement to wealth they haven't earned, echoing the biblical definition of coveting. Through personal anecdotes involving church charity, we discuss how moral relativism is seeping into modern churches and potentially undermining Christian values. By reflecting on passages like 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 and Jesus' teachings in Matthew 22:35-40, we ponder whether avoiding coveting could prevent other sins and question if one can truly be loving while adhering to moral relativism. Tune in for a thought-provoking exploration of these pressing moral issues.

My website is https://www.godslovingsacrifice.com

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Is lying just a harmless part of everyday life, or does it erode the very fabric of our society? This episode tackles this provocative question head-on by exploring the prevalence of dishonesty in business and politics through a personal story about a botched Amazon delivery. We contrast moral relativism, the belief that right and wrong are subjective, with the absolute moral truths in Christianity, such as the Ten Commandments. Reflecting on how even Christians sometimes fall short in areas like idolatry, honesty, and Sabbath observance, we examine the importance of maintaining a spiritual mindset and living according to biblical principles.

As we dig deeper, we unpack the relationship between coveting and morality within the Christian context. Many individuals, particularly college students, feel a sense of entitlement to wealth they haven't earned, echoing the biblical definition of coveting. Through personal anecdotes involving church charity, we discuss how moral relativism is seeping into modern churches and potentially undermining Christian values. By reflecting on passages like 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 and Jesus' teachings in Matthew 22:35-40, we ponder whether avoiding coveting could prevent other sins and question if one can truly be loving while adhering to moral relativism. Tune in for a thought-provoking exploration of these pressing moral issues.

My website is https://www.godslovingsacrifice.com


Hi, this is James from God's Loving Sacrifice. I'm here again today because mom's voice is still not ready to record. However, she is feeling much better and would like to thank you all for your prayers. Before we start today, I want to let you know that there are going to be several scriptures on this podcast today. Unlike mom, who reads the entire scripture, I like to paraphrase.


The question we will be covering today is why is lying so easy to do today? Last week, mom was waiting for a package from Amazon and when she checked on the delivery of the package, it was marked attempted delivery but no secure place to put it. Mom had been home all day and has several cameras showing street and front door views. There was no amazon truck captured on it, and it is the only street going through her entire neighborhood. So if they had even been in her neighborhood, she would have seen it. So why was the delivery not done? Well, probably because the main road has a detour, because they're upgrading it, and it would add a large amount of time to be able to go through the detour to get to her house. So if they had shown the truth, then it would have shown that the driver was either being lazy or didn't really have enough time to make her delivery and be on the schedule that they're forced to give.


Why is this kind of lie an everyday thing? Businesses accept it, and not only accept it, they seem to prefer it. Why do we vote for politicians who knowingly lie to us every day? I think the reason is moral relativism. What is moral relativism? Moral relativism is what is being taught to our children today in school. It is that there is no good and evil. Just because a person sees something as being wrong, they can't say that it is wrong because they only see it as wrong because that's what they're taught. They're taught that it's wrong. Right and wrong is a social construct, and just because you see it as wrong doesn't mean it is wrong. You do not have the right to judge another person's action because you haven't lived that person's life experience, because you haven't lived that person's life experience.


What does this mean to a Christian life? How does a non-believer look at the beliefs of a Christian? To study this, we're going to look at the Ten Commandments and how a non-believer would see them. We're going to get started. Some ways a non-believer see that is that there is no God before themselves they are the most important thing in their lives. But most Christians most but not all Christians believe that God is the center of their lives. Those who call themselves Christians but do not believe this are not what they say they are and they make all the others look bad.


Romans 8, 5-8 says that those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live their life according to the spirit, their thoughts are towards things of the spirit, for the carnal mind is death and the spiritual mind is of life and peace. Because of this, the carnal mind is an enemy of God, and you cannot please God with a carnal mind, only a spiritual mind. Number two should I make no idols? Number two should I make no idols? Well, except for football players, singers, actors or influencers, you get the point.


There's always something that you can put above God. Christians, you're not off the hook on this either. Have you ever been a fan of someone who has committed a crime and that action completely changes how you feel about them? If so, then you may have had an idol and just didn't know it. Let's take, for instance, an actor that you really like. In his career. He has done many good things, opened charities, reached out to minorities and, overall, lifted a great many people up. But there is a perception that he has been caught on camera kicking a dog and you no longer watch him or listen to him. Because of that, all the good that he's done has been erased.


God says about this in Matthew 15, 7-9, putting me above all else, when actually you're putting the commandments of men above all else. Three this commandment is about keeping your word. Many non-believers only keep their word as long as there is something in it for them. Look at marriage today. That is a promise. If you cannot keep your word, no one will or should trust you. Christians, you're not off the hook on this either. Divorce within the church is at an unacceptable level. We should be setting an example. In Leviticus 19, 11 through 12, it says you should not steal, deal falsely or lie to another. You should not swear by my name falsely, nor should you profane the name of your god. I am the lord number.


Four remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. Outside of believers this is not even even thought of, but even believers have issues with this. So there is conflicting beliefs about the Sabbath. Originally, the Sabbath was, I believe, friday night through Saturday night, which would be considered the last day of the week. However, after Jesus was crucified, this changed. They wanted it to be the beginning of the week showing the resurrection of Jesus, and Paul was the first to give this example In Acts 27,. He took on himself to speak up until midnight at a gathering of christians before he was ready to leave the next day, and this happened on the sunday. And then, in first corinthians 16, 1 through 2, it goes back and tells the church of galatia that they should do that also and also that they should gather up things and lay it aside so that when Paul does come in, they don't have to do these gatherings. And I believe this is talking about things set aside to be used to feed Paul and others. This is about charity work, but you enrich the church so that you can help others. And then, when there are times that a great study like Paul coming in to teach the church, you set aside that gathering in so that you can listen and learn, so that you can listen and learn.


Five honor your father and mother. How many times today do we hear about how terrible everyone's parents are, hating your parents is being taught in schools and colleges. Matthew 15, 3-6 discusses that even the Jews of that time didn't follow this commandment. Due to tradition, we're still having issues following this commandment. Christians, do not show your kids love. You do not keep people who would teach them hate away from them, and if you do not do this, you are just as much at fault as nonbelievers.


You shall not murder. The hate people have today is off the rails. People call for the deaths of people that do not believe like they do. If you have committed this act in your mind, then you have committed the sin. Matthew 5, 21 through 22 reiterates this. It says you shall not murder and whoever murders is in danger of judgment. But they say that if you have hatred for your brother paraphrasing then you have also committed murder. Christians, why do people believe that we hate them? I'm not saying blindly accept their sins, but do not treat people with disdain. If they have needs, we should be filling them. We should also be telling them of their sin, because if we don't, we are allowing them to go to hell.


You shall not commit adultery. Well, this would be seen as what two consenting adults do is none of your business. It's fine for people to step out on their spouse. What business is it of yours? Christians don't like sex and are such prudes Christians. This is your fault. The Bible talks about sex in the Old Testament and because we have made it a taboo to talk about sex in church, where it should be taught, it's now being taught in schools and it's being taught more of mechanics and how-to instead of how-to on the spiritual side. Matthew 5, 27 through 28 says you have heard that it was said in those of old you should not commit adultery. But I say that whoever looks upon a woman with lust has already committed adultery in their heart. Hebrews 13.4, however, says marriage is honorable among all, the bed is undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. And as a side note, if you go to Proverbs 5, 19, I believe all believers and non-believers should read this, because it actually would point out that the Bible is not such a prudish book.


You shall not steal. You can't judge them. It is due to them being poor. They're only stealing to eat. How does it hurt anyone? The insurance will cover the cost. Is your stuff more important than that person? Actually, at least one of these points is reasonable In Proverbs 6, 30-31,.


People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold. He may have to give up all the substance of his house. In other words, if he is stealing to feed himself because he is starving, he has still got to pay for that. He should still be punished, but you shouldn't degrade him if he's stealing because he is starving. Again, christians, why are we letting this happen? Why are we not holding our neighbors up to a higher standard? Why have many of us stopped being charitable the way we used to be? We should not allow anyone to be starving. This being said, hunger is not starving. We also should not enable the slothful by giving in to their every demand. Hunger is a good motivator to get people to try to better themselves. Help them better themselves when they are hungry and feed them when they're starving.


Thou shalt not bear false witness to thy neighbors. People say this man is evil. I can't prove it, but I can make sure he goes to jail. And this happens to so many people every day. This isn't just one person, this is oh, look at this YouTuber. He said something that I completely disagree with. I need to call the boss where he works and have him fired. I need to ruin his life so that he can't even earn a living to eat.


Bearing false witness is mentioned several times in the Bible. It is mentioned in Exodus 20.16, exodus 23.1, psalms 27.12, proverbs 6.19, proverbs 14.5, proverbs 25.18. What bearing false witness is is harmful. It is looked at as wicked, it is called a weapon and it is lies that harm others, and it is lies that harm others, christians. This is not only about lying. This is about lies that are used to directly harm someone or build yourself up at other people's expenses.


You should not covet, they would say. Eat the rich the haves only have due to what they take from the have-nots. Many people today believe that they deserve the money that other people's labors has earned. This is, by definition, coveting. I believe that charity that I used to see in church as I was young is not present today. Charity is the best way to counter these beliefs, not just sharing money, but time. Many people who believe the above are college students. I believe that moral relativism is seeping into our churches Once that well is tainted.


How do we expect the world to resist these teachings? 1 Corinthians 10, 1-13 basically says the children of Israel were with Moses under a cloud and fire of God. They heard the word of God. They were given the Ten Commandments by God, yet through all that they broke every commandment that God laid down and died without seeing the promised land. This is a warning to those who are Christians today and during the time of Paul, lest they stumble and fall.


So how do we bring all this together? God's laws are the basis of Christian morals, but what is the basis of God's laws? Many believe God is a wrathful, petulant child. But let's look at what Christ said about those laws. In Matthew 22, 35 through 40, it talks of the Sadducees sending a lawyer to try to test Jesus and saying Teacher, what is the greatest commandment? And Jesus said to them you should love the Lord, thy God, with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang the laws and the prophets. So let's bring this all together.


These were the laws that were based on the love of God. You should have no other gods before me. You should not make idols. You should not take the Lord, thy God's name, in vain. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. And the love of others is. Honor your father and mother. You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor and you shall not covet. Now, in my mind, you shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor and you shall not covet. Now, in my mind, you shall not covet. Should probably be ahead of some of these, because if you didn't covet, you probably wouldn't do the rest of these, because a lot of these are based on wanting what that person has. So if you're not living your life according to the morals of God, can you really say that you're a loving person? If you live your life based on moral relativism? Remember the basis of your life and your morals is nothing. Nothing good has ever come from nothing without God.

Lying and Moral Relativism
Christian Morality and God's Laws

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