Freedmen's affairs radio

It’s over for the Democratic Party 🎈 🎉🎊

July 02, 2024 Aaron von black Season 9 Episode 85
It’s over for the Democratic Party 🎈 🎉🎊
Freedmen's affairs radio
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Freedmen's affairs radio
It’s over for the Democratic Party 🎈 🎉🎊
Jul 02, 2024 Season 9 Episode 85
Aaron von black

Is it time for billionaires to pay their fair share? We kick off this episode with a hard-hitting look at America's tax system and the glaring disparities that allow the ultra-wealthy to skate by with low tax rates. Imagine the transformative impact of raising their tax rate to 24-25%—funding crucial programs like child care, elder care, and healthcare, all while addressing the national debt. We also critique President Biden's recent debate performance, dissecting his communication challenges and the public's mixed reactions to his handling of these pressing issues.

The conversation takes a fiery turn as we delve into a heated debate between former President Trump and President Biden on border security. Trump boasts about having the safest border in history, while Biden counters with data-driven evidence of his administration's initiatives to bolster border patrol and streamline asylum processes. This segment isn't just about who said what—it's about the broader implications of their policies, the economic impact of tax reforms, and the contentious format of the debate itself.

Our final chapters tackle complex social issues, from the Democratic Party's engagement with Black voters to the devastating effects of illegal immigration on low-skilled jobs. We spotlight a harrowing case of child labor and human trafficking, highlighting systemic failures that disproportionately affect Black communities. Wrapping up, we share a personal story about the wisdom behind parental protection and the importance of community support. This episode is a blend of critical analysis, heated exchanges, and heartfelt narratives—don't miss it.

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staying on their bumper 4 reparations

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Is it time for billionaires to pay their fair share? We kick off this episode with a hard-hitting look at America's tax system and the glaring disparities that allow the ultra-wealthy to skate by with low tax rates. Imagine the transformative impact of raising their tax rate to 24-25%—funding crucial programs like child care, elder care, and healthcare, all while addressing the national debt. We also critique President Biden's recent debate performance, dissecting his communication challenges and the public's mixed reactions to his handling of these pressing issues.

The conversation takes a fiery turn as we delve into a heated debate between former President Trump and President Biden on border security. Trump boasts about having the safest border in history, while Biden counters with data-driven evidence of his administration's initiatives to bolster border patrol and streamline asylum processes. This segment isn't just about who said what—it's about the broader implications of their policies, the economic impact of tax reforms, and the contentious format of the debate itself.

Our final chapters tackle complex social issues, from the Democratic Party's engagement with Black voters to the devastating effects of illegal immigration on low-skilled jobs. We spotlight a harrowing case of child labor and human trafficking, highlighting systemic failures that disproportionately affect Black communities. Wrapping up, we share a personal story about the wisdom behind parental protection and the importance of community support. This episode is a blend of critical analysis, heated exchanges, and heartfelt narratives—don't miss it.

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staying on their bumper 4 reparations

Speaker 1:

What I'm going to do is fix the tax system. For example, we have 1,000 trillionaires in America I mean billionaires in America and what's happening? They're in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2% in taxes. If they just paid 24% or 25% either one of those numbers they'd raise $500 million billion dollars, I should say in a 10-year period. We'd be able to wipe out his debt. We'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the uh, with excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with. Look, if we finally beat Medicare.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, president Biden, president Trump.

Speaker 3:

Well, he's right, he did beat Medicare, he beat it to death and he's destroying Medicare.

Speaker 4:

Greetings and welcome back. Welcome back to Freedman's Affairs Radio Freedman's Network. I'm your host, vaughn Black, and today today, july 2nd 2024, we're dealing with wisdom. That is, today's math is wisdom.

Speaker 4:

And wisdom, my friends, is the bridge between knowledge and understanding. That is the gap, that is the filament between the two, and we liken wisdom to water, because it refreshes and replenishes when you're around a person that is in possession of wisdom. When you around a person that is in possession of wisdom, there's always something refreshing and reassuring coming or emanating from that person, where it rubs off on you and and it reflects who that person is. And we also refer to wisdom as being the woman in our community, but that is a title that is earned. It is not given. That said, that said, we want to thank you. Thank you for tapping back in this morning for a short stay with us, and I opened up with the remarks from the last the presidential debate last Thursday.

Speaker 4:

And you heard, you've heard the stumbling and bumbling and mumbling and hesitation from the current sitting, president Biden, and that has been the talk ever since that last Thursday. That has been the talk ever since that last Thursday. That has been the talk about that debate. Now, how bad he fared in that situation, and we're going to recap that a little bit. We're going to go into that, we're going to recap that a little bit and let's see can we find some more from that? Some of the highlights from that Hold. On just a second, let's turn to the issue of the highlights from that Hold on just a second.

Speaker 2:

Let's turn out to the issue of immigration and border security. President Biden, a record number of migrants have illegally crossed the southern border on your watch, overwhelming border states and overburdening cities such as New York and Chicago and, in some cases, causing real safety and security concerns. Given that, why should voters trust you to solve this crisis?

Speaker 1:

Because we worked very hard to get a bipartisan agreement that not only changed all of that, made sure that we are in a situation where you had no circumstance where they could come across the border. With the number of border police there are now, we significantly increased the number of asylum officers Significantly. By the way, the Border Patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position. In addition to that, we found ourselves in a situation where, when he was president, he was taking, separating babies from their mothers, putting them in cages, making sure the families were separated. That's not the right way to go. What I've done since I've changed the law. What's happened? I've changed it in a way that now you're in a situation where there are 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally. It's better than when he left office and I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do, with more border patrol and more asylum officers.

Speaker 2:

President Trump.

Speaker 3:

I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Look, we had the safest border in the history of our country.

Speaker 4:

All he had to do was leave it. All he had to do was leave it.

Speaker 3:

He decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions, insane asylum terrorists. We have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now. All terrorists all over the world, not just in South America, all over the world. They come from the Middle East, everywhere, all over the world they're pouring in and this guy just left it open and he didn't need legislation because I didn't have legislation. I said close the border. We had the safest border in history In that final couple of months of my presidency we had, according to Border Patrol, who is great and, by the way, who endorsed me for president, but I won't say that if they endorsed me for president Brandon, just speak to him. But look, we had the safest border in history. Now we have the worst border in history. There's never been anything like it and people are dying all over the place, including the people that are coming up.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, President Trump, President Biden the only terrorist who's done anything across the border is one who came along and killed three under his administration. Killed an al Qaeda person coming in and his administration killed three American soldiers, killed three American soldiers. That's the only terrorist that's there. I'm not saying that no terrorist ever got through with the idea they're emptying their prisons, we're welcoming these people. That's simply not true. There's no data to support what he said. Once again, he's exaggerating.

Speaker 4:

He's lying president and family. This this is, uh, that was a long night for uh, current president biden. Not that that uh, donald trump had a great night because, um, you know, when they did the fact checks about everything they found out, you know that he told some untruths or misinformation, he he lied on some things. But this is the thing, right, that I say with that, what politician doesn't lie? Joe Biden told a few lies up there himself while he was speaking.

Speaker 4:

And to further add salt to the wound, this whole, the way the debate was set up, it was geared to favor president biden, with the muting of the mics, no audience, and uh, you know it was just set up and to favor him because, trump, usually he's going to interrupt you while you're speaking. He's going to play to the crowd, and the left knew that and they said no, we don't want, we don't want an audience, a live audience there. We want to broadcast it over the, over the networks, and there will be. You know we're going to mute the mic so they can't. Even if he interrupts, you won't be able to hear it in the audio. So that was set up to favor President Biden. Now, during the course of of the debate, trump had made some statements about black jobs and this, and that Trump had made some statements about black jobs and this and that. Let's see, can we go. Let's see, see, can we go to some of the, some more of the highlights. Before I go into that, hold on just a second.

Speaker 1:

And since I've changed the law, what's happened? I've changed it in a way that now you're in a situation where there are 40 percent fewer people coming across the border illegally. It's better than when he left office, and I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers.

Speaker 2:

President Trump.

Speaker 3:

I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Look, we had the safest border in the history of our country.

Speaker 1:

That $2 trillion tax code benefited the very wealthy. What I'm going to do is fix the tax system. For example, we have 1,000 trillionaires in America I mean billionaires in America and what's happening? They're in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2% in taxes. If they just paid 24%, 25, either one of those numbers they'd raise 500 million dollars billion dollars, I should say. In a 10-year period, we'd be able to wipe out his debt. We'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID excuse me with dealing with everything we have to do with. Look, if we finally beat Medicare.

Speaker 4:

This was so pitiful.

Speaker 2:

This was so pitiful.

Speaker 3:

Well, he's right, he did beat Medicare. He beat it to death and he's destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in. They're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single handedly destroy Social Security.

Speaker 3:

As far as the abortion is concerned, it is now back with the states. The states are voting. In many cases, it's frankly a very liberal decision. In many cases it's the opposite, but they're voting and it's bringing it back to the vote of the people, which is what everybody wanted, including the founders, if they knew about this issue, which frankly they didn't, but they would have everybody wanted brought back. Ronald Reagan wanted it brought back. He wasn't able to get it. Everybody wanted it brought back and many presidents had tried to get it back. I was the one to do it and again, this gives it the vote of the people and that's where they wanted it.

Speaker 3:

And just one second. He said we killed three people. The people we killed are al-Baghdadi and Soleimani, the two greatest terrorists, biggest terrorists anywhere in the world, and it had a huge impact on everything, not just border on everything. He's the one that killed people with the bad water, including hundreds of thousands of people dying and also killing our citizens when they come in. We are living right now in a rat's nest. They're killing our people in New York, in California, you in a rat's nest. They're killing our people in new york, in california state, in the union, because we don't have borders anymore.

Speaker 1:

Every state is now a border I went to the world war ii cemetery, world war one cemetery he refused to go to. He was standing with his four star general and he told me. He said I don't want to go in there because they're a bunch of losers and suckers. My son was not a loser, was not not a sucker. You're the sucker, you're the loser.

Speaker 3:

President Trump. First of all, that was a made up quote. Suckers and losers. They made it up. It was in a third rate magazine that's failing, like many of these magazines. He made that up. He put it in commercials. We've notified him. We had 19 people that said I didn't say it and think of this. Who would say I'm at a cemetery or I'm talking about our veterans because nobody's taken better care? I'm so glad this came up and he brought it up. There's nobody that's taken better care of our soldiers than I. Have to think that I would, in front of generals and others, say suckers and losers. 19 people that said it was never said by me, it was made up by him, just like Russia. Russia. Russia was made up. Just like the 51 intelligence agents are made up. Just like the new thing with the 16 economists are talking. It's the same thing. 51 intelligence agents said that the laptop was Russia disinformation. It wasn't. That came from his son, hunter. It wasn't Russia disinformation. He made up the suckers and losers. So he should apologize to me right now.

Speaker 1:

Four-star general standing to your side was on your staff who said you said it, period. That's number one. And number two, the idea, the idea that I have to apologize to you for anything along the line. We've done more for veterans than any president has in American history. The crimes that you are still charged with, and think of all the civil penalties you have. How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for doing a whole range of things, of having sex with a porn star on the night while your wife was pregnant? I mean, what are you talking about? You?

Speaker 1:

have the morals of an alley cat, I didn't have sex with a porn star and the idea that he's talking about all this being fabricated. We saw with our own eyes. We saw what happened on January 6th. We saw the people breaking through the windows. We saw people occupying his own vice president.

Speaker 1:

Look, there's a reason why 40 of his 44 top cabinet officers refused to endorse him this time. His vice president hasn't endorsed him this time. So why? Why? They know him well, they serve with him. Why are they not endorsing him? And, by the way, with regard to prescription drugs, one company agreed that they would reduce the price to $35, which I was calling for one voluntarily. I made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company, cannot have to pay. And, by the way, those 15 Nobel laureates you talked about being phony those 15 Nobel laureates, economists, they all said that if Trump is reelected, we're likely to have a recession and inflation is going to increasingly go up. And, by the way, worst president in history 159 presidential scholars voted him the worst president in the history of the United States of America.

Speaker 3:

What do you say to voters who have concerns about your capabilities to serve? Well, I took two tests cognitive tests. I aced them, both of them. As you know, no-transcript. He challenged me to a golf match. He can't hit a ball 50 yards. I think I'm in very good shape. I feel that I'm as in good shape as I was 25, 30 years ago. Actually, I'm probably a little bit lighter, but I'm in as good a shape as I was years ago. I feel very good. I feel the same. But I took, I was willing to take, a cognitive test and you know what, if I didn't do well, I aced them, I'd be happy to have a driving contest.

Speaker 1:

I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six and, by the way, I told you before I'm happy to play golf if you carry your own bag.

Speaker 3:

Think you can do it. He's a six handicap of all.

Speaker 1:

I was an eight handicap yeah.

Speaker 4:

Now see, right then. And there they had their mics on together.

Speaker 3:

Let's not act like children. Right then, and there they had their mics on together. Let's not act like children. President Trump, we're going to do it. Let's not act like children.

Speaker 4:

Right then, and there they had their mics on at the same time. So you got to pay attention to all these things because you start seeing the bull crap. Right then, and there they had their mics on at the same time. Where they were able to, you were able to hear the audio from both mics. You were able to hear the audio from both mics. So these moderators and networks play games, these kind of games, to hype this stuff up. So, but, let us continue. We're going to hear the rest of this and we're going to stop and talk for a minute.

Speaker 1:

What your numbers are when this election is over. Let's see. You're a whiner. When you lost the first time, you continued. You appealed and appealed to courts all across the country. Not one single court in America said any of your claims had any merit state or local none. But you continue to provoke this lie about somehow there's all this misrepresentation, all this stealing. There is no evidence of that at all. And I tell you what I doubt whether you'll accept it because you're such a whiner the idea if you lose again, you accepting anything. You can't stand the loss. Something snapped in you when you lost the last time.

Speaker 4:

Okay, that'll do it for that. We heard enough of it. Everybody saw, most people saw the debate, so many millions around the country, around the world. Everybody saw this and I got, I got to tell you it doesn't look good Really, to be honest with you, it's over for the Democratic Party. It is over.

Speaker 4:

They are in panic mode and I want to speak on, before I go into the rest, to the panic mode thing about the democrats. I want to speak on it. Uh, this didn't have to happen. This didn't have to happen. I'm gonna tell you why in a second.

Speaker 4:

Uh, I want to bring attention to I'm not going to play that part of the clip, but I want to bring attention to uh, president trump's former president trump's black jobs comment. He was talking about how they set the illegals in here and they're taking away black jobs from, from blacks and from, uh, brown people. You know, uh spanish people. I'm not concerned about the Spanish part. I'm not really concerned about the black part and if I offend anyone I apologize in advance, but I'm being honest and that's what we're about up here. But he said that and what he alluded to. Now, trump is not the brightest or sharpest knife in the drawer. He's not the brightest bulb in the room, right? So what? What I got out of that was now you hear everybody talking about well, that was a slap in the face to black people. What was there ain't no such thing as a black job? What that meant was he was talking about the people at the lower end of the scale, unskilled jobs that illegals come in and make unavailable to our lower scale uh employment. Um, community or society, that, that is it. That is a thing that exists in our community Well, in all communities really, but we hold the larger number, uh, in terms of statistics when it comes to, to, um, those type of jobs. Now, I'm not talking about the uber and the delivery jobs. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about, uh, less skilled jobs. You know, you go in some of these places and and, uh, you got people checking people at or the accountant people are directing them to, to where they got to go. These are lower skilled jobs, lower scaling jobs, and they're right here in new york city, where I reside, they are expediting work permits for the illegals. That is happening right now. There are lobbying uh right now for that, for expedited uh work permits. So that's what he was talking about, but you know people like to.

Speaker 4:

It was really just more of the same of the democrats trying to cover for the poor performance. Now back to it. You heard, did these, these pundits, joy reads? Van Jones was about to cry again. He was talking about how painful it was to watch the the debate and he was sitting up there, you know, sniffling, and it looked like he's about to cry. You know he's, he's, he's one of those crying negros. But uh, yeah, and then, uh, you're rolling martins and them. They were holding panels before the debate talking about what needs to be done by this, by biden, and this and that, and after debate, after the debate, you heard nothing from that camp, roland's camp, about the debate, nothing, absolutely air silence.

Speaker 4:

I've been looking for the videos where he, you know, may, may have went to do some commentary on it or break down, break it down and try to nothing, absolutely. This is why this is how come? You know that all of them are full of crap, every single one of them. And I've been shout out to my man, mike mccray, I've been arguing with him. Well, we've not arguing, but we've been having discussions about this uh, upcoming election and he's from that baby boomer. He's of that baby boomer era. He's older than I am, I'm Gen X, but he's under that mindset. You know you got to vote Democrats because that is that is our best alternative right now. That's the best choice we got. And I'm asking him how? How is it that? Well, trump and them going gonna be a dictator and you know they, they subscribe to these scaring tactics and, uh, saturday past I spoke, I called into Jason Black's broadcast on the Black Authority and I spoke to him about that and he gave shout out to Jason Black. He gave the most profound answer to all of the scaring the Project 2025 and all of this here you hear about. He's going to be a dictator, he's going to go out for revenge and all of this. Well, if that is the case, biden is in power right now. Currently he is the sitting president. He has a doj, a department of justice.

Speaker 4:

If these things were true, if they were true, why aren't you doing anything about it? You mean to tell me you're waiting to get re-elected to address it? You're going to address it once you're reelected, even though you're currently sitting in power. You're not going to say anything about it. You're not going to do anything. You're not going to move on or put pieces in place that will prevent this, while you have the power to do so. So you mean to tell me you're going to wait until you're reelected? You can't do anything until you're reelected. This is how dumb and silly. Well, this is how dumb they think we are for the most part, but this is how silly a lot of us are. We buy into the scaring tactics to the fear, fear mongering, because that's all it is.

Speaker 4:

Oh, if Trump back in office, he's going to be a dictator. He's going to, he's going to set us back in chains. He's going to put it like Joe Biden said that time Y'all going to put y'all back in chains. I'm on my secondary system, so I can't. I don't have the sound pass to play everything. My first system went down again. I don't have the sound pass to play everything. My first system went down again. But anyway, yeah, you mean to tell me you got to wait till you reelected before you do anything about that, to put pieces and matters in place that will prevent this from happening.

Speaker 4:

If this is the case, if he's going to do away with the constitution as it currently is, they're gonna. They're gonna change all of the the term limits. They're gonna. You know, project 2025, which is a, to my understanding, a 900 page document from the uh rnc, uh rnc think tank. Uh, that the Republicans group, some groups that you know, they go in and do these think tanks and they came up with this document, project 2025. But you in power now so you can do things. You got congress, you got a department of justice. You don't mean to tell me you're not going to do anything about it until you're reelected.

Speaker 4:

This is, this is the stupidity. This is the stupidity and people fall right into it. But you notice whenever you ask them can you expound on that? Can you explain your position? They can't. They will change the subject. They will get preoccupied with something else. They will skip over. Oh, I got a phone call, I got to go over here. Never want to talk about that when you corner them into reality, because that's the thing Most of us don't want to deal with the reality of things. And the reality of things is this would not be happening. Of things is this would not be happening.

Speaker 4:

I've never seen a party ignore its base black people, foundationals. The freedmen of the united states are the base for the democratic party. And what have you done? You have have totally, totally ignored your base. I've never seen that. Take note from Trump Not that I'm a supporter of his, but take note from him. He panders to his base all the time. Whether he's lying to them or not, he still panders to them and he makes them feel like they want to go out and represent him or back him or or support him. No, not the democrats, because you know why. It's like the old saying goes why buy the cow when the milk is free? You understand, and this is the way they feel about the black vote. They have totally ignored the black vote.

Speaker 4:

You've had three and a half, or just about three and a half years to put some things together that that would encourage us to stay loyal to to the party, loyal to your agenda, and you did nothing. You did nothing. Oh, you gave us Juneteenth that we were already celebrating. Oh, yeah, you put Katonji Brown Jackson in the Supreme court, the woman who has vehemently went against black people. You put her in the in the high court. Right, she's a black woman that don't identify with us at all. Right, thanks for thank you for that. You're doing. You know, uh, you're, you're doing their infrastructure. When you talk about you, when you ask them what are they doing specifically for the black community, well, you can't say. You heard Steve Harvey.

Speaker 4:

What is that Big double lip bozo the other day with him and kamala harris, see y'all y'all talking about uh, uh, not vote. How you gonna expect somebody to give y'all reparations and y'all ain't gonna vote. They ain't gonna give y'all nothing if y'all don't vote next time. You ain't gonna get nothing next time. They've been telling us next time for the last 60 years. And this country fired Negro from Cleveland. I believe he is Big, double-lipped, goofy, dumb, dopey-looking dude. I can't stand that dude. I can't stand him. I shouldn't say I can't stand him. I don't know the dude personally, but I can't stand what he represents.

Speaker 4:

You standing up telling black folks y'all stop asking for that reparations. Now we got to get our hand vote, are you? Man? Stop talking to us. Man, all of these people, leave us alone. You know what you Democrats need to do Give the putting the big plush hotels who you give these fifteen hundred dollar a month debit cards to so they can buy groceries. Go talk to them. Who you, who you give nine month rent or pay their rent for nine months to give them a leg up. Go talk to them about voting. You come into us, for Don't leave us alone, man, all of y'all, just leave us alone. You didn't want to be bothered the last three and a half years. You didn't want to be bothered. Now you're coming around talking about the vote.

Speaker 4:

This is not that generation. This is not the civil rights generation. This is not the baby boomers. This is not the silent era. These are gen x millennials and the z lineals. And the z lineals don't want to hear nothing. They don't want to hear nothing.

Speaker 4:

None of you, nichols, are talking about nothing. You can keep your jim clyburn fish uh, annual fish fry. You can keep all that. You can keep hillary clinton talking about a hot sauce in a pocketbook. You can keep kamala harris talking about her fake collard greens that she ain't never cooked and talking about kwanzaa, which don't have nothing to do with us.

Speaker 4:

Kwanzaa's came. Kwanzaa was was founded by a government rat. From what I understand, karenga, I don't have nothing to do with us. We don't care about nothing, about no kwanzaa. At least I don't. Maybe you do, I don't. But back to it. Go talk to those people. Leave us alone, leave us out of it. You didn't want, you don't want to talk about nothing. And then they're gonna tell us well, y'all how you gonna expect to ask somebody about doing something just for black people? Well, you do something just for the Asians. You created the COVID-19 bill, right, crime bill. You created that specifically for certain people, specifically LGBTQ+, specific legislation for them. And then when it come to us, you're going to tell y'all, y'all can't ask for nothing just for black people.

Speaker 4:

Now, man, if you Negro, negro, ninja, ninja, it's two Ninja Ninja, it's two cats. Man I got some choice words for, if I ever see them in person. That one is Jim Clyburn out of South Carolina, that congressional whip, jim Clyburn. I got some choice words for that dude and for Steve Harvey, if I ever see them. Two cats in person, either one of them. Well, jim Clyburn is an old man. I would never lay hands on him. But Steve Harvey, you know, man, you say you're Cleveland dude and you about it, you about it. Now, I can see what you're about, but it shouldn't get into that. Let me not. Let me not give that kind of energy off here, because we can do things without the um, the input of violence. But I'm just saying I got some choice words for both of those, those cats I won't even call them gentlemen, because they're disgrace, both of them. Both of them disgrace traitors and I can't stand them, can't. I can't stand what they represent, but anyway, anyway, family, yeah, this would not be happening, but you didn't want to do anything, you didn't want to even talk.

Speaker 4:

When Biden had a chance, right after the election, he had a chance. He was told he had a virtual Zoom meeting with the Congressional Black Talkers we call them Congressional Black Talkers, the Congressional Black Talkers and the NAACP, the Do Nothing Negroes and Al Sharpton and a bunch of them and he talked to them. People Like I did a whole program on that and he talked to them. People like I did a whole program on that. He talked to them. People like he was Denzel Washington in training day when he got to that part and he said y'all gonna do this to me, y'all gonna do this, it to me. I run this place, y'all just live here. He was talking like that to those, to those people. Remember that scene in training day with Denzel says shoe program and all that. That's how vine was talking to black folks, but family.

Speaker 4:

Like I said, they would not be going through this if they would have just even just the crime, the crime bill. They could have started with the crime bill after the george floyd riots went up around the country, around the world. Actually you would think they would say, all right, let's put some legislation together and and try to rectify some of this. They flat out said, no, it ain't happening. Like roland martin and jim cliburn told us about reparations, y'all ain't happening. Like Roland Martin and Jim Clyburn told us about reparations, y'all ain't getting it. Little ham sandwich head Roland told us y'all, let them Republicans get in. Y'all ain't getting nothing. And Jim Clyburn was so bold he said hell, no, you'll never get it. You'll never get it. That's what Jim Clyburn said. That was the tone these dudes spoke in.

Speaker 4:

Rowland is another one, if I ever seen him.

Speaker 4:

But I wouldn't even say nothing to Rowland because he let a little teenage dude just punk him. You remember that a couple years ago back in North Carolina, some situation was happening in North Carolina and he went out there trying to cover the story live and all that, and them young cats ran rolling off the block, told them man, get up out of here. We ain't listening to nothing you talking about. You ain't talking about nothing. Get out of here, beat it, get off the block now, pack your stuff up and get out of here. So it wouldn't make sense for me to say nothing to that little dude. Now pack your stuff up and get out of here. So it wouldn't make sense for me to say nothing to that little dude man, because he, he, he's soft as cotton, you know. But our family, we want to draw your attention to something. Hold on, are we going to take a little break here? I'm going to try to find a story that I want to share with you before you, before I let you go and give me one second.

Speaker 5:

This one's going to blow your mind even in today's world. A white couple who enslaved black adopted kids charged. 63-year-old Donald Ray Lance and 62-year-old Jean Kay Whitefeather, a white couple from Sissonville, west Virginia, are back behind bars after a judge revoked their initial bond and raised it to $500,000 apiece More than double the amount they faced last year when police arrested them on charges of locking their adopted black children in a barn and forcing them to work as slaves. A couple was ordered to reappear in court on June 11th, more than eight months after each posted a $200,000 bond following their arrest in October. We're right on the heels of Juneteenth. I don't know why they were out to reappear in the first place. You're going back to slave days. Some people maybe need to be locked up pending adjudication here, and you know I don't like to lock people up, but some people they do. Apparently, those are the allegations.

Speaker 5:

Police were conducting a wellness check at the Cheyenne Lane home October 2nd 2023 when they were shocked to discover two of the couple's five adopted children living in deplorable conditions. Children had been padlocked inside a ramshackle storage shed on the back of the property, which had no working lights or water. Do you understand why? I don't think they deserve bond. The police showed up and this is what they say. They discovered News. Children were identified only as a 14-year-old boy and a 16-year-old girl. Third child, identified as a nine-year-old girl, was confined to a loft inside the main house, away from the presence of the adults, isolated from her other siblings, police said.

Speaker 5:

According to reports and a black star filling in more, at the initial court hearing in October, lance and Whitefeather pleaded not guilty and Kanawha County Circuit Judge Mary Claire Akers set bond at $200,000 an inch Too low, that's too low. Couple made bail in February, were released to await trial. They remained free for several months, but in May a grand jury indicted the couple on more than a dozen new charges, most serious being human trafficking of a minor child, which prompted the judge to revoke the lower bond ordering the couple held in lieu of a million dollars. Along with human trafficking and neglect with serious risk of bodily injuries or death, I don't find the bond to be sufficient, akers told defense attorneys during the second bond hearing.

Speaker 5:

Upgraded charges included alleged use of a minor child, enforced labor, child neglect creating a substantial risk of serious bodily injury or death, as well as false swearing, potential civil rights violations based on color, race or ancestry, a substantial risk of serious bodily injury or death, as well as false swearing, potential civil rights violations based on color, race or ancestry. According to documents, deitman suggests that three of the five adopted children were black and that the human rights charges stem from those children being specifically targeted and forced to work because of their race. Police reported that a small RV toilet seat was placed in a barn for the children to use at the second.

Speaker 4:

I just wanted to pause it right there. I just wanted to pause it because this talks directly at those people the Candace Owens, the Larry elders and folks like that that that get up there. You know, candace Owens, the Larry Elders and folks like that that'll get up there. You know Candace, with her preppy little self shaking her head and telling us black people, you just need to move on. You just need to move on. You weren't slaves, racism doesn't exist and you just need to get up off your ass and work hard and stop being a victim. You're perpetual victims, you're. That's the this is directed directly at, at folks like that. Let's get back to it.

Speaker 5:

In a hearing, whitefeather described the barn as a teenage clubhouse and claimed the children weren't locked in. However, neighbors disputed this, stating the children were forced to do farm labor and weren't allowed inside the residence. According to the indictment, I think we know who turned them in. Thank you, amen. Thank you. When rescued 16-year-old girl told deputies they had been locked in the barn for about 12 hours, having last eaten at sunrise. According to Deputy HK Burdett, the children couldn't exit, requiring deputies to force entry inside the Wow, I'm going to keep going. Inside they encountered a disturbing smell and intense heat due to poor ventilation. According to court papers, both children appeared feral, dirty, reeking of body odor, while the boy had opened sores on his bare feet. Children told investigators they were forced to sleep on a bare concrete floor, no mattress, no covers. You see the picture. That's evidence shown during the court hearing. Police remained at the house for three hours before Lance arrived home with an 11-year-old boy. When authorities checked the home for other potential victims, they found the nine-year-old holed up in a loft. Lance was placed under arrest About an hour later. Whitefeather returned home, guided deputies to another six-year-old girl who was visiting with another couple from their church. I can't stand church. I say Just a little detail, church.

Speaker 5:

During the latest bond hearing, kanawha County prosecutors argued that the couple's original cash bonds were likely obtained through trafficking profits, pointing to the fact that the couple produced the $400,000 bond despite a lack of obvious means to do so. Should be no bond. In this circumstance they're a threat. At the same proceeding, lance and Whitefeather claim they possess no income or assets, raising questions about the source of the funds for their bond. Kanawha County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Christopher Trevanya characterized the money posted for the couple's release as contraband directly or indirectly used or intended to use to violate human trafficking laws. Seize it, seize it, just seize it, don't give it back. Early February the couple sold an 80-acre ranch in Tenescott, washington for $725,000. Days later, whitefeather's brother, marcus Hughes, posted two bonds for $200,000 to release the couple from the South Central Regional. Jail Vonyak said they have since sold the Sissonville home where they were arrested for $295,000. The court seized all funds.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, all right, family we're going to leave that story right there. But that was. That was about that West Virginia couple that adopted five black children and had them living under slave conditions working as field hands around the property doing farm work. And field handwork Wouldn't allow them in the main house and field handwork wouldn't allow them in the main house. They stayed in a shed outside with no mattress, no pillowcase, no, nothing on the floor, no bathroom, no toiletries, no cosmetics to care for themselves or anything. These filthy white couple here from West Virginia, uh, conawaka, county west virginia.

Speaker 4:

Now I know most of you thinking well, vaughn black, that's. That's a a isolated incident. You can't really say this. No, this is going on. The statistics show it. These white folks are adopting these black children. These people are sick family. They're sick folks. This is how they get off. This is a fantasy for them doing this. These are demonic people and this is not an isolated incident. This happens a lot. Now we have to change this family and I'm talking to the foundationals and the freedmen. We have to change this.

Speaker 4:

You got people out here that get. You know, some people get on drugs or whatever. They have children and they can't handle them. They get in in the streets or get lost. Whatever happens, we don't know. There's different scenarios and different cases and the children go up for adoption Families.

Speaker 4:

We got to get back to being families again. When families there were people that couldn't handle the children, the other family members would take them. Other people in the family would take them and raise the children up. That happened in my family Several times. It happened where a family member couldn't, for whatever reason, couldn't raise the child or care for the child properly, and so the family would pitch in and get in there and get those kids and if it was a bunch of them, maybe one or two would go with this cousin or auntie or relative or brother or sister or whatever, and another one would go with this one. But they all knew they were brothers and sisters and whatnot, but they just lived in different households and we got together holiday times or whatever family reunion times. We all got together and they knew, everybody knew what it was. We got to get back to that family and stop letting these people adopt our children. We got it. We got to start adopting in our own families. And then, you know, I grew up with some cats that were adopted. I grew up with and we used to do that. We used to adopt children. You know, now people are doing it for the money. They're doing it for the money now, but whatever reason, black children, don't let them stay in these places where these white families can get to them, because they're not going to care for them like we would care for them.

Speaker 4:

You see this abuse going on. You see this abuse going on. You see this, and it's just not. This is not isolated this. There's statistics behind this.

Speaker 4:

Even when I was young, going to school, and I had white buddies or whatever that out, classmates or whatever like that.

Speaker 4:

We were cool at the you know kids.

Speaker 4:

We don't.

Speaker 4:

You know, we don't know certain things and you know it's all right to have a white buddy or whatever classmate, a friend, schoolyard friend, and sometimes they would invite you over to their house and I remember my mother.

Speaker 4:

Every time I would call home and mock it.

Speaker 4:

I'd go over to my friend's house.

Speaker 4:

I had a good friend, george, and my mother would never let me go. She said now George can come over here. They would never come because of the neighborhood we lived in. They were afraid of it, but my mother would never let me go, never. She said you're not going, and I couldn't understand why. I would get mad and I couldn't understand why. And she would always say one day you, you'll know why. And now we're here. At that time, we, we understand it. Now, family, that's going to do it for us pretty much today, that's going to do it. Thank you for coming back and tapping in and, uh, my folks out in Colorado, texas, thank you so much for you guys out there, for the listeners, thank you so much. We're going to leave you with words of Malik respect life, love justice, cherish freedom, treasure the peace. Y'all go in peace and keep the peace and come back and we're going to create some more stuff and we're going to grow together and I can't wait to talk to you again signing off farm black.

Fixing the Tax System and Immigration
Border Security and Political Debates
Democratic Party's Neglect of Black Voters
Child Labor and Human Trafficking Charges
Lessons of Life and Community