Simplifying Life Through Technology

CHT Realty

January 26, 2024 SoundVision LLC Season 5 Episode 2

On this episode of “Simplifying Life Through Technology,” Mark and Andrew sit down with Amy Clovis and Elisha Scott from CHT Realty.

"The market starts with mindset."

Step inside the world of luxury real estate and prepare to have your view on home technology transformed. Amy Clovis, the trailblazing 'rainmaker' of CHT Realty, joins us to discuss fostering success within her dynamic team, a captivating tale that intertwines with Alicia Scott's own journey into the fold. We dive into the relationship between CHT Realty and SoundVision and learn about the core values behind CHT Realty. We discuss where technology and real estate connections collide; The serendipity of a sale establishes a bond and the choice between small and mega teams prevails different futures for agents and clients alike.

Amy and Elisha walk us through the intricacies of integrated audio and video systems in the homes they sell, revealing the hidden benefits they offer in today's market. We explore interest rates and mortgage strategies, while offering a beacon of guidance for those feeling 'house trapped'. Tune in for insights that promise to recalibrate your real estate compass.

Join the conversation using the hashtag #soundvisionpod to continue the conversation beyond the episode. We'd love to hear from you!

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(704) 661-0241

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Speaker 1:

Hey, it's Andrew. Welcome to Simplifying Life Through Technology. Joining Mark and me in the podcast room today, we have Amy Clovis and Alicia Scott from CHT Realty. Today we'll shed light on the invaluable contributions technology can make to the real estate industry. We'll explore the fascinating connection between sound vision and CHT Realty. Whether you're a real estate professional or someone looking to navigate the housing market, join us as we uncover the synergy between technology and real estate. Be sure to listen to hear what service sound vision provides for realtors.

Speaker 2:

Welcome ladies, what the heck are you guys doing here? Who are you? Why are you here?

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm your realtor now, right.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how the relationship works. How does the relationship work?

Speaker 3:

So I run a team, I'm the rainmaker. Do not call me a boss, I am no one's boss, don't call her boss, call her rainmaker. I'm a rainmaker, so I run a small team here in the area, as you well know, mark and I met because I sold him an investment property and he told me that he worked with lots of different agents. That's true. He said no one will win me over. I said, oh, I will.

Speaker 1:

I love it.

Speaker 2:

But you do know that Zach and I are partners in that right. You met Zach and stuff.

Speaker 3:

So Zach bought the house.

Speaker 2:

He actually owns that house, that's right. But it was a joint effort. That is correct. That's right. That's correct.

Speaker 3:

So that's how we met. And then Alicia I have a very good client who's a bachelor, who happened to know Alicia from a past life and wanted to get back to the same neighborhood that she's living in. So she was selling the house next door to hers and she was selling a house around the corner, and the house around the corner didn't happen for us. So she said oh, he's heartbroken, isn't he? I said he needs in Cowan's Ford.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean? It didn't happen for us.

Speaker 3:

Somebody else came in, put an offer in and it really wasn't the right house for him.

Speaker 4:

Oh gotcha, adam you don't want this house. He thought he wanted it, but he was trying to make it work.

Speaker 3:

He was trying to take a round peg and shove it into a square hole, it wasn't working.

Speaker 2:

Again dudes, as my wife likes to say.

Speaker 3:

It was about the neighborhood and it wasn't the right house. So she says I have another one coming. How do we do this? I said make it an office exclusive, because we both worked at EXP.

Speaker 4:

But I really didn't. I went to the neighbors and knocked on the door and I said do you want to sell your house? Because I have a buyer.

Speaker 1:

Did you really do that? I did, I love that.

Speaker 2:

No kidding, yeah, hold on no one to hear this because this is a good story. Okay, so you literally went and knocked on the door cold call, Cold call.

Speaker 4:

I know them, Our dogs play together and I was like, hey, I know somebody that really would love your house and I think that they would buy it. Would you be willing to sell it? And the wife kind of got teary and she was like and I won't say any names and he was like, yeah, let's talk about it. And she was like I've wanted you to say this for so long. It was kismet, Like it was truly amazing.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh it truly was.

Speaker 4:

And so then she and I talked and I was like okay, come look at this house.

Speaker 3:

So in the middle of all this, she's like in panic mode on the phone with me one day and I go. What is wrong?

Speaker 2:

You sound so upset this is the buyer's agent and the seller's agent talking together, that's right.

Speaker 3:

So she says I don't know, I'm on a team and they're not helping me and they're taking half my money. And I go whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop, who's team are you on? Explain the situation to me. And I said do you want to be on a team? Well, yes, but I don't think this is the right team. I said, well, we can't cross lines here, but, sidebar, that can you do lunch tomorrow. And in the meantime I laughed because my client, before he knew this other house was available, said to me you and her, get her, she will be good with you and you will be good with her. And he was right. I said, well, she's on a team and he goes, steal her. You can do that, Amy.

Speaker 2:

That never happens in our industry ever.

Speaker 1:

So you did. Yeah, she did how long ago was this she didn't steal me.

Speaker 4:

She saved me.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow, wow, Wow.

Speaker 3:

Hi, it's a one-wise. It's about three or four months ago, june, june.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so she gave her notice and Tell me how a team works now at EXP, like how many people are involved and what's the structure?

Speaker 3:

So it can be as many people as you want. I don't want a mega team because I feel like you lose something. That's what she came from. So basically she had somebody taking 50% of her pay and not doing anything for her. I think that's wrong. I think it's corruption.

Speaker 2:

When you say mega team, just to give me a perspective, is that 10 people, 100 people? What are?

Speaker 3:

we talking about Could be 10 to 100. We had, we had over 30.

Speaker 2:

Over 30. Yeah, just give me idea, Okay got it.

Speaker 3:

So typically, in dollars, that's anybody producing 40 million or more, which is kind of crazy, because we're close to that and we're nowhere near.

Speaker 2:

But 40 million is the group of 30. Is that?

Speaker 3:

correct. Yeah, which is not much production really. So we're a small team Currently right now, there's three of us. There's Alicia, myself and Kelly, who was my mentor and I took the business over three years ago, and then we have some administrative staff.

Speaker 2:

Okay, very cool so.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a big throw bodies at it. It's got to be the right people right time. If they don't work, I cut them loose. I'm not a micromanager. I'm a very I'm a free spirit. You either want your dreams to come true or you don't. I'm here to help facilitate. I like that. I'm happy.

Speaker 4:

Listen to that powerful and empowering. Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Nobody can make you work hard. You have to love what you do or love the people you're with. I told Amy the other day. I said I told my husband my husband works for Spectrum. You guys met him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're just talking.

Speaker 4:

And I said you need to meet somebody. I would like for you to meet an Amy when, if Amy said, look, real estate's tanking or, after all, estate, let's go do this I'd be like, okay, let's go. What are we going to do next?

Speaker 2:

So one of the things that we do as a service is actually just telling Kevin is we work with a lot of realtors, as you can imagine from the sound vision side, and one of the things that we hear a lot is you'll go into homes that are one, two, three, four million and it's common in this area, right, and there's these systems in there and if you just do the math you know a $2 million house is going to have $100,000 audio video Something and you guys have like no idea.

Speaker 2:

The inspector really has no idea and the seller has no, and the seller has a lot of times no idea, or?

Speaker 3:

doesn't want to say been in the house.

Speaker 2:

So we actually do a free service where we will go to your home, kind of like an inspection. But if you have a home where you're like man, there's a bunch of stuff in here I don't really know what it is Can you just like come and look and a tell us if it works or not? I would be. What is it worth? Like, is it worth ten thousand, a hundred thousand, five hundred thousand? What is it worth? That's pretty Powerful on either side, whether you're selling or buying.

Speaker 3:

So we do that for a realtor had no clue and that's great to know, because we sell value and, to your point, there have been homes that I've sold, where they had no idea and I had no idea, so we were guessing half the time. Sellers don't even understand how to work all that stuff they put in a home like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, put it in because a builder said hey, if you're gonna build this level of house, you should have somebody come in and do x, y and z, and they don't even know how to use it and they don't know, like I had a client they were the seller and they had a pool and they had all this equipment you know, tvs and Sound and they were like, what should we leave?

Speaker 4:

and I was like, oh my gosh, I don't know. The house they were moving to had the same situation. They didn't know either. It would have been great to bring you guys in and for both of them and be able to know how to navigate that, because they didn't know and we didn't know.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment to engage with us. Use the hashtag sound vision pod on social media, drop a comment, share your thoughts or just let us know you're out there. Fire up those social media accounts and hit us up with hashtag sound vision pod. That's sound vision pod, and let's make this a podcast community. We can't wait to hear from you. I.

Speaker 2:

Always ask realtors two questions. One is the current state of the market, like your expertise on what the current state of the market? Because I know a Lot of our listeners either have real estate from an investment point of view or clearly they have a nice Personal residence. And then the second thing is what you guys see from our world. You know we're just talking about it a little bit, but how important is the stuff that we do to your clients, whether from a selling perspective or buying perspective? So let's start with the market. What do you see right now?

Speaker 3:

The market starts with mindset, and that's both on the agents part, the buyer and the sellers part. So great point.

Speaker 3:

Currently our markets fine. In our office we run a 95% referral-based business, so we're touch and touch and touch in. So even when rates are high, prices are high, we're still receiving business. I think rates are starting to drop. They dropped a little last week, yeah, the week before. You know fed saying they're not gonna raise them again. You never know. Speculation is they'll drop into next year and 2025. We're gonna see what we saw two years ago no inventory and 30 buyers every half this is putting you on the spot, amy.

Speaker 2:

But when you say, drop next year, what?

Speaker 3:

I think we'll see high Fives. Yeah, maybe mid fives. Maybe, depending upon your credit and liquid assets.

Speaker 2:

That didn't come and what do you think about Sort of being house trapped now, where there's a lot of folks out there that have a ton of equity and Refied down to two, three or four, let's say something under five? There's a ton of houses out there and mortgages that are two, three or four and feel like man, I like can't sell because the money's so cheap. Is that a thing?

Speaker 3:

So it's really Date the rate, marry the house. Here's the thing Rates are gonna come down. If you're sitting on a ton of equity and you need your cash, you know everybody's situation is different and there's death, there's divorces, there's you getting married, you have to move, you have to relocate because of work. There's different situations, right, so every situation is different. I shouldn't say never, never, say never, right, but I don't think in our lifetime we're gonna see 2.29 again 2.1. I saw 1.99 come across my desk in 2020, 2021. I don't think we're gonna see that again, right? So I would really say to people the lowest is probably gonna get is in the fives.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

If you need out one out. You found your dream house. You have to move. Go ahead and do it. Date the rate, marry the house refi. I'm gonna say the same thing I said a year after year I can't guarantee that the market's gonna stay strong. Is it is right now, for another five years? I can't, and that's how you control. You're still Selling it in appreciation right here.

Speaker 2:

You know, Lisa, what do you think about the stuff that we do?

Speaker 4:

I mean, so here's what I would say about your original question when do we see you fitting into this? I think that as we roll in to interest rates coming down and it's gonna be Sellers market, you could be a separating factor, especially in the luxury market, if you're looking at $2 million houses. But one has sound vision through it and we can speak to it because we're educated and at which we need to be. We need to know what your stuff is and we need to be walking through the house saying, oh my gosh, this is what this is.

Speaker 2:

That's where we can add value to what you do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for you, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 4:

It is yeah, and I think as a package deal we can make this house look better or if we're helping them compare.

Speaker 3:

Knowledge is power. So if that's not Absolutely so, it's the same in marketing, as I'm sure Mr Scad here knows, if you know what's in a home and you can market and speak to it you're selling it to somebody who's looking for those qualities or those criteria.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's how we sell to builders, because there are a lot of builders around here that are very, very good and they're building essentially a product in a price point. Call it $3 million. Okay, cool, but what's in that? How do you get to $3 million? What things go into that? And so, as you pointed out, we should a separating factor. We try to tell folks even as simple as a network and networks nowadays have, at least in our world, are kind of the fourth You've got electrical, you've got plumbing, you've got HVAC and networks like the next thing. You can't have a house certainly not with seven numbers on it that doesn't have a network. And so one of the things that we've done to separate ourselves here is we literally have a network engineer. So cybersecurity isn't just a word here, Like our passwords are crazy.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they're crazy. No one could guess them. You know like 16 digits long. I would bet money.

Speaker 2:

And so a lot of guys that do audio video have to do networks, because everything that we do sits on a network, but they don't really know how to do networks, and so we've invested in many things. But that's one of the things as a differentiator. So not only are we saying, hey, mr Builder, when you're building this level of home, you have to have this kind of stuff in it, because it's expected. You know, we've got guys that are doctors and they have to have certain things for HIPAA laws, and we've got financial people. So we really feel like partnering with you guys as realtors is a key thing, because you are the voice of so many buyers and sellers I mean, that's what you do and so we really feel that it's important to partner with you guys.

Speaker 4:

And there's so many people working from home and sometimes that's the number one question Can I work from home? How's the internet?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's another thing. Who's a provider? Yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we gotta make sure that people know how to get in touch with you, and we'll get to that in a second. But, andrew, what are our fun questions?

Speaker 1:

Who is your favorite band or artist? Who is your jam?

Speaker 3:

True story. My very favorite song is Air by Bach.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, oh wow.

Speaker 4:

I'm so the opposite, mine's probably. Mama's, don't Let your Babies grow up to be Cowboy. Really, two boys and my daddy was a coal miner and a fireman, and I grew up in the country and we were country.

Speaker 2:

Are you from?

Speaker 4:

West Virginia? No, but my parents lived in West Virginia and Is that coal miner?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

I won't tell it on air. I'll tell you guys the story later. Yeah, I was actually born in Kentucky, but I grew up in Charlotte. I'm, as Charlotte native, as you can get.

Speaker 2:

Nice, very nice. And what's your favorite movie? Step Brothers.

Speaker 1:

Mine's White Chicks.

Speaker 4:

Oh my God, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Make it my way downtown Walking fast in the morning. Let's go, oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, amy, please save us. I could pull the movie. Please save us, amy.

Speaker 1:

Don't get me into White Chicks, Beth. I honestly don't know.

Speaker 2:

Do you watch Christmas vacation every year?

Speaker 3:

With my nephews.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

What's yours?

Speaker 2:

I have numerous favorite movies. It kind of depends on the genre, but if I had to absolutely pick one, it'd probably be Rocky or Rocky II.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yes, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And please.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to give a plug for Sly on Netflix. Oh, we just watched it. Is it not incredible? Yeah, we just watched it.

Speaker 2:

It was not exactly what. I thought it was very good he was moving out of the house, the whole thing of moving out of the house and like wrapping stuff up. I didn't quite get that, but I was very excited to see that because I'm a huge Sylvester Stallone fan I am too. I love him.

Speaker 4:

I thought it was good.

Speaker 2:

If we have customers or people that are listening that want to get in touch with you and your team, how do they do that?

Speaker 3:

So they can do that by email, telephone and they can reach us via Instagram, facebook and Google my business page Fantastic.

Speaker 2:

It will put all the actuals in the show notes, but give us the phone number for people that just like to listen 704-661-0241.

Speaker 3:

Again, that's 704-661-0241. And you can reach us at amy at chtrealticom or escott at chtrealticom.

Speaker 4:

We are CHT Realty because we care, we, care we help and people trust us.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the core values. Yes, love the core values.

Speaker 4:

And we earn it.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you guys very much. It's super fun. We appreciate you coming tonight.

Speaker 3:

This place is amazing. Yeah, it's awesome. Thanks for having us Everybody come and check it out, can people?

Speaker 4:

come here and check it out and I appreciate you embracing Alicia when I was available today.

Speaker 1:

Drop by. You can make an appointment. Visit our website, come see Andrew. Yeah, absolutely, I'm happy to help. Thank you for joining us. You can learn more about Sound Vision at soundvisionlakenormandcom. You can follow us on Twitter at soundvisionlkn. Find us on Instagram and Facebook at soundvisionlc.

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