The Daring Author

Ch42. If you aren't using AI to write your books why are you using it to market them

February 15, 2024 The Daring Press
Ch42. If you aren't using AI to write your books why are you using it to market them
The Daring Author
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The Daring Author
Ch42. If you aren't using AI to write your books why are you using it to market them
Feb 15, 2024
The Daring Press

When the lines between human creativity and artificial intelligence start to blur, where do we draw the line in the realm of authorship? As authors, we're guardians of imagination, weaving tales that resonate with the hearts of our readers. 

On this week's episode of The Daring Author podcast, Jenna tackles the fiery debate surrounding AI's role in writing and book marketing. Join me as I passionately defend the artistry that defines us, questioning whether AI-generated content risks undermining the authenticity and emotional connections that are the lifeblood of our craft. 

With a surge of AI-written books and marketing strategies on the rise, I'm calling on all Daring Authors to stand firm in the qualities that make us uniquely human. 

This episode delves into the integration of AI into book marketing and why it could potentially jeopardise the genuine engagement with our readers. Discover why I believe the emotional intelligence we pour into our social media content cannot be replicated by machines, and why your personal stories are the foundation of a devoted readership. As we navigate this digital age, let's remain irreplaceable in our creative pursuits and ensure our voices are truly our own.

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Show Notes Transcript

When the lines between human creativity and artificial intelligence start to blur, where do we draw the line in the realm of authorship? As authors, we're guardians of imagination, weaving tales that resonate with the hearts of our readers. 

On this week's episode of The Daring Author podcast, Jenna tackles the fiery debate surrounding AI's role in writing and book marketing. Join me as I passionately defend the artistry that defines us, questioning whether AI-generated content risks undermining the authenticity and emotional connections that are the lifeblood of our craft. 

With a surge of AI-written books and marketing strategies on the rise, I'm calling on all Daring Authors to stand firm in the qualities that make us uniquely human. 

This episode delves into the integration of AI into book marketing and why it could potentially jeopardise the genuine engagement with our readers. Discover why I believe the emotional intelligence we pour into our social media content cannot be replicated by machines, and why your personal stories are the foundation of a devoted readership. As we navigate this digital age, let's remain irreplaceable in our creative pursuits and ensure our voices are truly our own.

Book your complimentary discovery call here!
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Jenna Lee:

Welcome to the Daring Author podcast, the show that takes you behind the scenes of building a successful author business, bringing you inspiring interviews and information on writing and marketing ideas for your book so that you can build an easeful, empowering and profitable author business. I'm your host, jenna Lee, owner of the Daring Press, a virtual marketing and support agency where we help indie authors who are ready to take their author business to the next level with more ease, growth and time. You can find the episode show notes and a bunch of marketing resources at thedaringpresscom. Let's become Daring authors by diving into today's episode. Hello and welcome back to another chapter of the Daring Author podcast.

Jenna Lee:

Today I'm getting riled up and talking all things AI, and if you are not using AI to write your books, you should not be using AI to create your marketing, to market your book, and I'm going to go through why I believe that is the case. Now it is a big topic in the book world and the book community in terms of AI and authors that are using AI to write books in a rapid race and as well as cover designs, content, imagery, taking away from really our artistry and creativity. You know AI is a computer bot. It searches the internet. It collects data, it uses that to create the content and it is pretty scary. And I have a lot of arguments in my life with people that are using AI and it's a hot topic and I'm always a bit like, yeah, what is the point of being an author and writing a book if we are using somebody else to write that book? It takes away our creativity, it takes away the reason that most of us become authors and our imagination and that type of thing. If you are, you know in it to not necessarily write the book. You might have somebody else ghost write it or whatever, and using AI doesn't seem like an issue to you. That's completely fine. That's your yeah, that's your opinion. I'm not here to tell you any different, but I am here to share my opinion on the whole situation and specifically talking to the marketing perspective. Now I'm going to talk about ways that you can use AI in your marketing, in your book marketing, but I'm also going to share some reasons why I do not recommend using AI, chat, gpt, whichever tool that you use to actually write your social media copy and to actually create your book marketing content. You know it is.

Jenna Lee:

You can really tell when you go on social media and looking at social media posts, which ones are generated by AI I see it time and time again even posts in Facebook groups, everything like that you can tell it is not a human being. It is that that emotional intelligence is just not in the content, not in the words. There's a lot of emojis going on. There is just a lot of just not that human connection. Now, a reader will read your book because they want to feel that emotional connection to you, to your characters, to the plot, to the world that you are building. If you are not using that same, that same feeling and that same connection in your social media marketing and using that to market your book, you are not going to be able to gain a lot more readership, a lot more community and connection to your community If you are using AI and if there is not that emotional connection with your reader. That is what I believe is really that disconnect.

Jenna Lee:

And yeah, you can go on AI and create 10 social media posts within one minute, not even a minute. 15 seconds, 13, 30 seconds. I've trialled it and I've seen what it produces and it is just, yeah, rubbish. It is not. There is no human connection to it I'm. If I was reading that and I was scrolling through, you know whether it's TikTok, whether it's Instagram, facebook, I would just go past it because I'm not connecting a lot of people.

Jenna Lee:

And especially going into 2024 and over the last few years, what I've seen is people really want to connect with the author behind the brand. They have read your books or they're interested in your books and they really want to connect with you as a writer, who you are personally, who what you do, you know, on your weekends for fun. They really want to connect further than your characters and your books. And if you're using AI to generate content, how are they going to connect to you as a human when those words are not yours? It is collecting data and words from a lot of different things on the internet and, yeah, it is just not going to connect and convert into paying readers and growing your community as well. So, even if you are, even if you are adamant, I'm going to give you this tip on using AI to really help you Just edit the shit out of it, add your human touch to it. You could create a piece of content and you know that's fine using AI. But if you are doing that process. Edit the shit out of it, add your personal touch to it, make it human, add your emotional connection to it, because that's going to be a way that you are going to connect and convert and create and grow your community.

Jenna Lee:

I'm going to also share ways that you can use AI in different ways in terms of how it can help you within your author career so it can really help you. You can ask it for content ideas, which is really really useful. I know sometimes I'm sitting there and like, oh, what type of posts should I be posting? What should I write? Like you know, you just get stuck sometimes. So you can ask AI to you know what content ideas that are really popular at the moment for readers, what are readers connecting with? And AI is going to be able to answer that for you because it is a data driven program. It is like if you would search that into Google. You're going to get your results. So using AI for that is a really great idea. But you can also ask it for ideas to market your book. So you could ask it okay, give me 10 ideas on ways to market my book and it will produce that for you Another great way that I'm seeing authors using AI is to really help research.

Jenna Lee:

You know it can research influencers, bookstores, libraries so you can collate a list Instead of doing this manually I've done this in the past manually Googling bookstores in your country, in your city, wherever you are, and it generate you having to look up and then manually write it out. You can use AI to generate, okay, list out all the bookstores that are in Melbourne, australia. That's where I am. So I'm using that for an example and it's going to list out in like 15 seconds all of those bookstores that are there and that can really help them. You know, moving forward to reaching out to those bookstores in that way and that is really really helpful and really reduces a lot of time. You could ask it for libraries. You know the top 10 book talk influences in the US at the moment and it can generate that for you. So that's another great tip for using AI. So that would be my advice in terms of using AI to market your books Highly recommend that, if you are using AI to market your books, that you are really editing the hell out of it and, yeah, making it human, giving it that connection to you.

Jenna Lee:

Now, if you're putting like, just as a bit of a side note for you, if you are putting your book into AI and telling it to create, you know, 10 teasers from this book, you are giving AI the data of your book and it can grab that data anyway from like. If you've got it uploaded on Amazon, apple, whatever program that your book can go on, it's AI can correct, collect that data and is using that data to create content and stuff for other people. Which is so maddening. And I think the scary thing about AI is that copyright and the whole legal argument about it, because no one has the answer to that at the moment and no one has the answer to OK, well, how is it? Is it like it's using my data to create content? Is that not copyright? If you've got your book copyrighted and no one knows the answer to this and maybe it will come you know AI is quite new in terms of how like it's trending the last few years and how people are using it. So we don't know the answer to that, and you know people using AI to write a whole book and stuff like that. Yeah, it just scares the shit out of me.

Jenna Lee:

So that I'm going to sum it up and keep it short and sweet on this episode and hopefully you've got some great tips on. You know how to use AI to market your books and why. I don't recommend using AI to market your books fully, but I have. I have hopefully given you some great tips to the in ways that you can use AI to help support you to market your books and you know AI is great tools to assist you with those things that I was talking about, like research and stuff like that. It can really help with that. But, yeah, hopefully I've given you a little bit of inspiration and yeah, if you are looking at marketing your books, you can outsource this as well. And, you know, get people to bring out teasers, content that is really going to connect and convert your clients, really sharing what's in your book, really connection to the characters, sharing those teasers, sharing scenes, whatever it might be. And if you are using AI to create a social media post, it's not going to have the same connection and the same voice your voice as a storyteller, your character's voice. It's just not going to have that. It's not a human. So, yeah, going to leave it at that. Hopefully you found some tips.

Jenna Lee:

Let me know if you do have any questions around AI and what it looks like, and I'm sure I'll be doing more episodes around this topic. But I felt really inspired this morning. I was listening to something and it really sparked this conversation and I really wanted to share it with you on the podcast. So let me know your thoughts and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter. Bye for now. Thanks for listening to the Daring Author podcast. If you love this episode, don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review. And if you are ready to grow your author business with the support of the Daring Press book in your free Discovery Pool today, before places fill up, we'll see you in the next Daring episode.