The Daring Author

10 Social Media Post Ideas to Promote Your Book and Engage Your Audience

June 01, 2024 The Daring Press
10 Social Media Post Ideas to Promote Your Book and Engage Your Audience
The Daring Author
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The Daring Author
10 Social Media Post Ideas to Promote Your Book and Engage Your Audience
Jun 01, 2024
The Daring Press

Ever found yourself staring blankly at your social media, struggling to figure out what to post about your book? I’ve been there too, and today on the Daring Author Podcast, I’m here to help you conquer that challenge with 10 impactful post ideas. From the excitement of a book cover reveal to the allure of behind-the-scenes glimpses, these strategies will spark your creativity and make content creation a breeze. Plus, learn why a call to action is essential for every post to maximise your marketing efforts.

We’ll also dive into how tools like Canva Pro can streamline your content creation process and discuss how collaborating with a writing coach can simplify selecting teasers from your manuscript. Whether you’re a solo author or have a team, these actionable tips will help you create, schedule, and roll out engaging social media posts that not only look stunning but also effectively promote your book and captivate your audience. Listen in and get ready to elevate your book marketing game with ease and inspiration!

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever found yourself staring blankly at your social media, struggling to figure out what to post about your book? I’ve been there too, and today on the Daring Author Podcast, I’m here to help you conquer that challenge with 10 impactful post ideas. From the excitement of a book cover reveal to the allure of behind-the-scenes glimpses, these strategies will spark your creativity and make content creation a breeze. Plus, learn why a call to action is essential for every post to maximise your marketing efforts.

We’ll also dive into how tools like Canva Pro can streamline your content creation process and discuss how collaborating with a writing coach can simplify selecting teasers from your manuscript. Whether you’re a solo author or have a team, these actionable tips will help you create, schedule, and roll out engaging social media posts that not only look stunning but also effectively promote your book and captivate your audience. Listen in and get ready to elevate your book marketing game with ease and inspiration!

Book your complimentary discovery call here!
Discover what social media platform is right for you
Download 50 content ideas for authors

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Daring Author Podcast, the show that takes you behind the scenes of building a successful author business, bringing you inspiring interviews and information on writing and marketing ideas for your book so that you can build an easeful, empowering and profitable author business. I'm your host, jenna Lee, owner of the Daring Press, a virtual marketing and support agency where we help indie authors who are ready to take their author business to the next level with more ease, growth and time. You can find the episode show notes and a bunch of marketing resources at thedaringpresscom. Let's become daring authors by diving into today's episode. Hello and welcome back to another chapter of the Daring Author Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Today I am sharing if you are struggling with what to post on social media. I have been there. I have struggled with like, oh, I need to post, but I have no idea what I want to post on social media. I have been there. I have struggled with like, oh, I need to post, but I have no idea what I want to post, and then I just don't do anything. So I'm going to share with you today 10 post ideas for promoting your book on Instagram or Facebook, and you know these are justball ideas that can really help you to get super clear and be inspired. I think once we know what type of content we need to create, then we can open up Canva, open up Canva Pro, photoshop, whatever it is that you use and start creating and have fun doing it. I know when I get in spurts of, you know, being inspired and know what I you know ideas that I want to sort of create. Once I've got the idea, I can get really stuck in Canva Pro creating that and it feels really good because then I've created 10 new social media posts, I've scheduled them and then they're rolling out effortlessly and I felt really good in that creative process. You know you might be doing this yourself, you might have a team that support you with this, but I just wanted to inspire you today with 10 ideas that you can use to, yeah, be inspired and to create content.

Speaker 1:

So number one is super, super simple book cover reveals. You know, tease your book covers with some images. You can roll this out with teasing a little bits at a time or you can just roll it out with a full cover reveal and share the blurb and pre-order as well. If you're doing a cover reveal, I always like to have the pre-order link. Have a call to action somewhere where they can actually go. If you're doing a cover reveal without any call to action, I find it's just a missed opportunity for marketing. Now, if you don't have pre-order up, I would recommend sending them to your email, know, signing them up to there, or some type of call to action that allows you to leverage on that. You know all the eyes that get on your cover reveal, whether you're sharing them in other people's Facebook groups, in your readers group, on your Instagram, your TikTok, wherever it might be, you know or if you're doing a book promo through a company, through a PR company, if you have a call to action link, at least you've got somewhere for them to go. Otherwise, in my personal opinion, it's a bit of a waste of time. All right, so cover reveal.

Speaker 1:

The second one is really looking at behind the scenes glimpses. You know sharing teasers. Now, whether you know, I find it quite difficult and quite hard sometimes to really take out teasers from my book. And what really helps me and supports me with this is my writing coach will. She reads my work before we catch up on a Zoom call and I go through and she'll share feedback on, you know, areas I need to improve. But she'll also comment on areas that she really loves, like, oh, you know, I love this or this is really good, and I'll copy and paste those type of teasers into a Google Doc so that I have got them ready to go.

Speaker 1:

Because if I'm opening up Canva and I'm like, okay, I need to do a teaser, it's so time consuming and a waste of time going through the manuscript looking for a particular teaser. Like if you're going through the whole book, yeah, it's hard to really pick out those juicy good bits. And another way to do this is, you know if you have beta readers or alpha readers, as they're reading through your book, really mention to them if they can pick out any teaser points that would be really useful and they can highlight them for you. And then you can copy and paste them into a Google Doc so that when you do go to create teasers, you've got them all in a Google Doc and you can copy and paste them into Canva Pro and get an image that goes along with that. And that way you are ready to go and you are not wasting any time. You're being proactive, proactive, productive A lot of Ps, you're being productive in your time, so that would be a really good behind the scenes glimpses.

Speaker 1:

You know, even sharing photos of from your writing process. You know, going through when you're writing, even setting up your tripod with your phone on there and recording yourself writing. It's gonna be to be weird but, honestly, just ignore the camera and just do your thing. You know, if you want to share videos of like, recording yourself being like, okay, here's where I'm at with my writing. Here's what's happening.

Speaker 1:

I have actually recently created a channel on Instagram that is for behind the scenes writing and I have people join there that want to hear and see what's happening behind the scenes and I'll share videos. I'll write updates with how many words I've written that day, like weekly updates, whether it's cover reveals, whether it's pre-orders, teases, and I find that close-knit community that really actually they join you don't't. You know you can't add them to it that it's their choice to join and they want to be there and I find that is very um, very engaged in very engaged audience, because they get to see who's behind the book, they get to see what's happening, what the writing process looks like, and take them along the journey of that and don't be shy to show your face or if you don't want to show your face, you can, you know, create some videos and upload videos and create a reel of you know it might be a rant, like somebody else writing, or you know there's a lot of aesthetic pleasing videos and you can write, you know, put some text over the top of writing updates, whether it's like I've written this many words this week, or might be sharing a teaser over the top, or it might be sharing, you know, a writing struggle that you had this week or a scene that you really loved writing, like, honestly, the possibilities are endless with that and just have fun and, yeah, see, see where that might take you, even looking at some research tips. Um, you know if, if you've had to go somewhere on a holiday and you're feeling really inspired and a story has, you know, sparked from visiting something I visited. I went to a circus the other day, cirque du Soleil and I felt so inspired and like story ideas just come up and you know sharing that in my readers group and like, yeah, things like that of like, so that your audience and your readers can really connect with who you are and come along the journey with you, all right, the next one would be like some character profiles, which I've seen lately be really engaging for readers and they love it. Like you know, introducing key characters with some images, some quotes of, like you know what they like, what they look like, their personality all of that to bring them and tease them into wanting to pre-order or buy your book. You know, teasing them and sharing the characters so that they can fall in love with them as well and really spark their interest in the book.

Speaker 1:

We can also look at even some author Q&As are really good so you could put up a poll on your Instagram stories and, you know, ask me a question type style and see what you get back of. Like you know, if they've got questions about a particular story you've written or side characters, or you know what inspired you and whatever that might be. Just open up that, open up that conversation and open up that and your readers will feel called to. You know, ask the questions that they really want answers to. Or you might be in your readers group and there's, you know, the same question happening and you know, utilizing that and repurposing that onto video, repurposing that onto, you know, a photo, whatever might be. Just don't be afraid to repurpose that content.

Speaker 1:

We can also look at some book giveaways, which are always good to really increase your engagement, to really get some new followers, to really just burst that engagement level with a giveaway. They're always good, you know, whether it's a physical book, whether it's eBooks, whether it's ARCs, whatever it might be, this is always a good way to really create some hype and to create more views and really just extend your reach a lot further. So there's some I don't know if I actually did 10, but that is what I recommend when it comes to you know, marketing your book on social media. I hope you have enjoyed these tips and let me know if there's any more that you you know that you have seen or come up with yourself. I'm always eager and keen to hear you know what you're doing in terms of marketing and, yeah, I will see you in the next chapter.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to the Daring Author podcast. If you loved this episode, don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review, and if you are ready to grow your author business with the support of the Daring Press book in your free discovery, call today, before places fill up. We'll see you in the next Daring episode.