The Daring Author

You Didn't Come This Far Just to Come This Far: Staying Motivated in Your Writing Journey

The Daring Press

What keeps you going when the writing gets tough? 

On today's chapter of the Daring Author Podcast, I share the mantra that has been my guiding light: "You didn't come this far just to come this far." From overcoming writer's block to facing personal hurdles, this quote has been a constant reminder of the hard work and sacrifices that have brought me to this moment. Tune in to hear how this powerful message has fueled my motivation, helping me to stay focused and continue striving for greatness, regardless of the challenges that arise. Together, we'll reflect on the milestones we've reached and the passion that drives our creativity. Writing is not just a means to an end—it's a therapeutic and empowering journey. This episode is a celebration of our achievements and a call to maintain the dedication that has brought us this far. 

Get ready for a motivational boost that will reignite your passion for writing and remind you that your journey is far from over. Let's continue to build our empowering and profitable author businesses together!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Daring Author Podcast, the show that takes you behind the scenes of building a successful author business, bringing you inspiring interviews and information on writing and marketing ideas for your book so that you can build an easeful, empowering and profitable author business. I'm your host, jenna Lee, owner of the Daring Press, a virtual marketing and support agency where we help indie authors who are ready to take their author business to the next level with more ease, growth and time. You can find the episode show notes and a bunch of marketing resources at thedaringpresscom. Let's become daring authors by diving into today's episode. Welcome back to another chapter of the Daring Author Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Today we are going to be talking about this motivational quote that I heard from one of my mentors and that I'm reminding myself every single day. When you know I'm feeling like everything's a bit hard, I might be feeling overwhelmed or just like not motivated to do anything, and this quote is. This quote is you didn't come this far just to come this far. Let that sink in. You didn't come this far just to come this far. And you know this can come in many forms. No matter how you take it, how that lands for you, just take it in. Take it in. You just take it in, take it in. And for me personally, what this means is that throughout my life, all of the things that I've done, all of the things that I've achieved, you know the obstacles that I've overcome, the sacrifices that I've made, the shit things that I've been through, you know, to get me to where I am today. And whether it's your career, whether it's education, personal growth or any area of your life, you've invested a lot of time, a lot of energy and a lot of passion to reach to this point. And the journey doesn't stop here. Right, you didn't come this far just to come this far, okay, and yeah, there's so much power in that Like for me reminding myself. It just brings me back to that energy and it brings me back to that motivation to keep going, whether it's to keep going in the book that I'm writing and to just, you know, keep going and you know I will get there. I've been through so much and you know I will be able to reach the end, no matter what's sort of coming up for me that's stopping me. There might be a bit of writer's block. There might be a bit of writer's block. There might be a few ego, things that are coming in. You know, and that will always bring me back to that, that motivation behind it.

Speaker 1:

And you know you've in our lives, like we have gone through so much, and you know the risk that you took to get here. You know, did you make all those efforts and sacrifices just to stop now? Or did you do it because you really want more, because you know you're capable of even greater things? You know deep down that you are passionate about writing. You are passionate about being creative. You are passionate about expressing yourself through your words. It's your therapy, I know. For me it's my therapy. I'm not going to tell you it's your therapy, but it might be.

Speaker 1:

You know, every milestone you've reached so far was once just an ambitious goal that seemed far off, like when you started, you know, writing your first book. Did you think that you'd ever write a book? Or was it like so far in the future that you didn't even think that it was possible and then you achieved it? Or whether you are in the starting point and you really want to write a book and it feels like such a big, stretchy goal and far off in the distance. But you will get there, you will reach that end point and then you'll be like holy shit, I did it.

Speaker 1:

You know, every milestone is a stepping stone and you didn't come this far just to come this far. Right, you made it a reality through consistent effort. You, you got up every single day, you wrote your words, whether it was 100 words, whether it was 1,000 words, whatever the case may be, you were working towards that every single day, every second day, every week, every month, whatever it may be. You know, think of the. You know the new and the bigger milestones you can unlock by continuing that habit with the same intensity, every single day, week, month. You know, do not let those voices of you know fear, try to convince you that you've gone far enough that are going to hold you back, that are going to just stabilize you in this, in wherever you are today. F that, f that, like, honestly, you have so much potential inside you waiting to be unleashed, like, make that courageous choice to like, strive for more, grow more and really just refine what's possible for you, because you didn't come this far just to come this far. There is so much more for you in this world, in this life. Every single day is a new day to make amazing choices, to make amazing decisions, to go even further and push yourself and just feel bloody good about where you are, who you are. You know, like you are only you.

Speaker 1:

There is no one in this world who is you, who can write the stories that you write, who can tap into the characters and create characters that you do. There's no one exactly the same. All of us writers are different in different elements. Yeah, we might write the same genres. We might write the same. You know types of characters. We might write the same tropes, but they are unique to us and in our head and in what we create and imagine.

Speaker 1:

And how beautiful is that? You know, like you've already defined the odds and like exceeded expectations to come this far. That's a proof that you can go even further than where you are now. Aim high and you know, in closing I'll repeat again, you didn't come this far just to come this far. This is just the beginning. Thanks for listening to the Daring Author podcast. If you loved this episode, don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review, and if you are ready to grow your author business with the support of the Daring Press book in your free discovery call today, before places. Fill up. We'll see you in the next Daring episode.