The Affluent Entrepreneur Show

How the Top 1% Earners Accelerate Their Wealth (It's Not By Getting a Raise)

April 20, 2023 Mel H Abraham, CPA, CVA, ASA Season 2 Episode 136
How the Top 1% Earners Accelerate Their Wealth (It's Not By Getting a Raise)
The Affluent Entrepreneur Show
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The Affluent Entrepreneur Show
How the Top 1% Earners Accelerate Their Wealth (It's Not By Getting a Raise)
Apr 20, 2023 Season 2 Episode 136
Mel H Abraham, CPA, CVA, ASA

When we think about the wealthiest people in the world, we often assume that they got there through hard work, determination, and maybe a lucky break. While these factors certainly play a role, there's another key factor that often goes overlooked: smart financial strategies.

So in this episode, I'm gonna let you in on the real deal. We'll talk about how diversification, risk management, and taking a long-term approach can help you grow your wealth. And don't worry, I won't just be throwing around empty theories. I'll give you ten practical tips you can actually use to level up your money game.

So get ready to take some notes and put these strategies into action. Your future self will thank you for it!


  • 10 strategies to accelerate your wealth growth
  • Leveraging multiple income streams for long-term wealth growth
  • How tracking your numbers can change your financial habits

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

When we think about the wealthiest people in the world, we often assume that they got there through hard work, determination, and maybe a lucky break. While these factors certainly play a role, there's another key factor that often goes overlooked: smart financial strategies.

So in this episode, I'm gonna let you in on the real deal. We'll talk about how diversification, risk management, and taking a long-term approach can help you grow your wealth. And don't worry, I won't just be throwing around empty theories. I'll give you ten practical tips you can actually use to level up your money game.

So get ready to take some notes and put these strategies into action. Your future self will thank you for it!


  • 10 strategies to accelerate your wealth growth
  • Leveraging multiple income streams for long-term wealth growth
  • How tracking your numbers can change your financial habits

If you liked this episode, you'll love these ones:

Take this free quiz to see where you are on the path to financial freedom and what your next steps are to move you to a new financial destiny at  

The Basic Affluence Number Calculator:
7-Day Money Plan Workshop:
Affluent Entrepreneurs Private Facebook Group

Instagram (@melabraham9):
Facebook Group:

“The Entrepreneur's Solution The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans, & Freedom” –

Mel Abraham  0:00  
Have you ever wondered what are the top 1% Do of the wealthy to accelerate their Path to Wealth? Well, in this episode we're going to dig in, I'm going to give you 10 Things that you need to think about to accelerate your path. Well, welcome to this episode of the African entrepreneurs show. Let's get going. Cheers. This is the Affluent Entrepreneur Show for entrepreneurs that want to operate at a high level and achieve financial liberation. I'm your host, Mel Abraham, and I'll be sharing with you what it takes to create success beyond wealth. So you can have a richer, more fulfilling lifestyle. In this show, you'll learn how business and money intersect. So you can scale your business, scale your money, and scale your life, while creating a deeper impact and living with complete freedom. Because that's what it really means to be an affluent entrepreneur.

Mel Abraham  0:52
Welcome back to this episode of the Affluent Entrepreneur show this one we're going to talk about, what are the top 1% people doing to accelerate their wealth? I mean, there are things that they know that things that they're doing, the funny thing is that you might find they're not that complicated. And they're not that sophisticated. Yeah, they can get into complex investments. But that isn't actually the way they build their wealth. All right, so let's talk about some of the key elements that drive the acceleration of wealth. All right, and the first thing to do is to say, Well, what does it take to get the wealth? What does it take to build wealth? There's four things and I talked about this in other episodes, but it's called the Four wealth drivers matrix that we have to actually master to drive wealth. If we, if we manage these four things, we can drive our wealth. All right. And so I'm going to jump to my iPad, we're going to we're going to draw this out. And let's get going for those of you that are listening, we'll make sure that we hook it up in the show notes, and make sure that you got what you need to make this happen, too. But let's jump in the first thing is this, that we start to get in this game of wanting to build wealth, we want financial freedom, we want to be able to do the things we want to do. And I think that our wealth actually should be man, measured, not in dollars, but in time. And that was ask yourself, how much time of mine do I own? How much of the moments can I control? How much of that? How much do I have choice? That's the reason we want the money is so we can do things because we get to do them instead of we have to do you know, people ask me what my when are you going to retire, you don't need to do this, and I go, I'm never gonna retire because I'm doing what I want to do, I get to do this, I get to serve you, I get to talk to you, I get to, to help you, I get to see your dreams come alive, I get to see you creating legacy, I get to see you free. To me. That's my currency. And I'm like, let me add it. Let me help. That's what drives me. So I don't really see me ever really retiring, I see me just continuing to do what I love to do, I want you all to have a get to life instead of a half to life. And so here's what we do is that the wealth drivers matrix, the very first thing is to understand is that our income, the amount of income we generate, becomes really important. It's the it's the catalyst of everything. But it's not just the income generated. It's what we do with the income, how much we're spending, how much we're keeping. And the second piece is this idea of the savings rate. Okay, these two elements are probably two of the most important elements that will drive your wealth is how much of that income is being saved. Now in the wealth priority letter, we start to talk about 20 to 30%, depending on your age, or stage of life. And I know that sounds like a lot. But the fact of the matter is, unless you're willing to make wealth creation and investing a priority, financial freedom isn't around the corner, we have talked about the this idea of the wealth creation curve, where it is a curve that's flat for a while and then it hockey sticks up. And there's this flat line, this flat line that you you are stuck in for a little while and it's yours. It's not like days, it's not like months, it's years. And the problem is is that most people don't have the patience to eat up the wealth flatline. I did it. I screwed up. I cashed out of the market, I cashed out my 401 K, because I felt it wasn't growing, I could do something else. I spent it on a trip to Japan. I mean, it cost me millions in the end, when I the couple times that I jumped out, because one of the things that we know happens is that if we get in the market and we stay in the market, and that market can be stocks, it can be real estate, it's staying in the investing game. Long term, we get to a point where we have accelerated growth. The problem is that when we get in and out in and out, start and stop, start and stop, we actually go to the beginning of the flatline again, and we have to start the whole thing over. Okay, whole thing over. We don't want to do that whatever For our income is remember wealth creation is, is about behaviors about habits, it's about choices about decisions, it's less about money. So the question is, do you have the behaviors, the habits, the choices, the decisions that the wealthy do? If not, let's give them to you. Let's start doing just like going to a gym. There, you can go to the gym, and there's this dude, there, that is like six foot six, he's massive. And he's got all the weights on it. And he's, he's lifting it. Okay, he's doing great. And then there's someone that's just starting out. And he's lifting the smaller weights, they both have the same habits. They're both showing up at the gym. They're both investing in their health. They're both investing. And so my point is, is this is that I don't care where you start, I don't care if you're at the gym, and you're using the light chrome weights to start and get the habit, or you're been there for a while and using the big weights. And you're and you're pounding it out. The fact that I care about is that you actually are building the habit that you build in the discipline. So whether it's $5 was $10, whether it's $15, I want you to start doing that. And I want you to go through this. With that, with that in mind. And so when we look at this idea of the four wealth drivers, the question really is okay, I'm going to generate income, and how much of that income am I going to put in to my savings am I investing, and I'm going to say 20 to 30%. Minimum. Now, you got to go through what we call the wealth priority ladder, if you've got destructive debt, if you have no liquidity, if you have no peace of mind fund, we want you to go through that we'll hook up that episode, what to do with your cash in here. So you could have a recipe to follow to make that happen. But I want you to push the savings rate as much as possible. And for now, you can just put it in a high yield cash account. I can get you can get over 4% For now, but it's just a temporary parking place unless it's liquid money you need. Until you find the right investments you want to go into the third piece of this for wealth drivers matrix that drive your wealth is investments, what kind of assets are you going into to invest in that are going to give you returns returns meaning what they pay out. Now, the idea is that we want higher returns, but higher returns come with a cost come with a price typically higher returns come with risk. So you, you if you want 20% returns, you take it on a lot of risks, you could lose it all. So you understand that. And then the fourth piece of what drives your wealth is time. This is about getting in early, actually it's getting in now. Because it's the one thing we can't control time. I can't change what I did in the past. So I can I can beat myself up all on set. But saying I should have started I should have should have should. It doesn't help me. So let's forget the past. Let's start now. And let's start building the habits. No reason to beat yourself up, I made bad decisions, I lost money, I wiped out 1/3 of my net worth in a Ponzi scheme. I've done some debt fix, I lost a little bit of money in the market last week, because I've made a bad investment. It wasn't really a bad it was it was a good investment. But it went against me. Oh good. You know, it's part of the journey. But I'm not sitting there, beat myself up and frozen. Because when I get frozen and I don't go stay in the game, I end up losing even more money. Alright, so I think it's important for you to understand and the wealthy the 1% understand this. They understand these four things that I need to increase my income, okay, I need to increase my savings rate. And I need to increase my returns on my investments without taking on too much risk. And so there's a whole idea of risk capacity and risk tolerance, I did a whole episode on that we can hook it up in the show notes. To help you out on that to allow you to understand that I want to push the returns up without taking on inordinate risk. I want to push my income up my savings rate up and time is now and when they understand that they go, Oh, okay, now I gotta get in the game. That's what they kind of the mentality, the mindset they come at it with, and they know that it's a long term investing game. And that over the long term, your your velocity of growth will continue to grow. But it takes a while to get going. And once it gets going and starts to accelerate, it will continue to accelerate this is when your dollars. Your money is working harder for you than you did for it. It's when you're your money is making more money for you than the efforts you're putting out in the world because you did all the work and it's now in what we call money momentum. Okay. So what are the things that they do? Let's go some specifics and I'm gonna walk you through 10 things that they do that can accelerate your wealth. And I want you to use this as a checklist as you're going through it. And first, the first piece is this. They know their why. There's actually a study that was done on 4000, millionaires, Harvard did a study 4000 millionaires, and it was it was a study on happiness and money. And it was really a study more about happiness, what made them happy. And one of the key elements there, it wasn't that they made the money. But it was one of the top impactors on their happiness was how they made the money, the purpose, the mission, and everything behind it.

Mel Abraham  10:53  
The why to all often we, we will come out and say I want a million dollars, I want 2 million, I want 10,000,100 mil whatever the number is, it's just a number. It's arbitrary. Why are we even asking for it? The question is why? Because we want a big bank account. It's that's that's not a strong enough. Why? Because trust me, you're gonna get hit with challenges, you're gonna get hit with setbacks, you're gonna hit with obstacles, no, this is the motivational part of the presentation, but you're gonna get hit with it. That's just what life does. And if your why isn't strong enough, you will make the choices that you need to make to continue got going. Okay, some of you may have heard me talk about this, too often, we want too much. And we will too little. And you're saying what, I think that when we say I want this, it is a weak, fuzzy goal. Because it's easy to say I want and when you don't get it, you say well, I want it it will, will kick it down the road, maybe I'll get it later. But when you will something, when you turn around and you say I will do this, I will lose weight, I will get healthy, I will conquer this, I will learn this. That's a declaration, a declaration declarations of commitment. And when you make that kind of declaration, and that kind of commitment, your body and everything starts to get congruent with that pathway to make that happen. I think we need more wills in our life, and less wants. And when we do that, we start to, to see that path to start to grow. And that comes from the why. And so the first thing is that they truly understand their why. The second is that they track their numbers. I was talking to one of my one of my masters clients, and recently and she said, you know until you had me start tracking the numbers, I had no idea. And to the point where she thought they were really far off from their ultimate goal, their ultimate freedom number and I started doing math for them. I said, Let me let's just do some Ralph, what I call cowboy math, okay. And I started doing math, and I said, you're literally based on your numbers and the timeline to get there, you're literally only a couple $100,000 away. And my gosh, you could just see the stress, attention, tracking your numbers, does a couple of things. One, it lets you know where you are. Now, sometimes that can be ugly. But we're better off knowing how ugly it is. So we can fix it, too. It lets you know if you're on track. And three, it lets you know if you've hit your target. And from that we can make adjustments and we can make decisions and we can make changes. But if we're not tracking our numbers, if we don't know what's coming in, what's going out where it's coming in from where it's going out to how much is growing, what kind of if we're not tracking the numbers, we are we are a ship without a rudder. And we are prey to whatever winds take us whatever current takes us. And we could find ourselves in the rapids we could find ourselves on the rocks. Okay. So we got to track the numbers, the top 1% track the numbers, they look at them. Now we have scorecards, and we have, you know, cheat sheets that we work with our clients that allow them to track their numbers on a regular basis, every month, every quarter. So they know the metrics they know the things that are going on. The third is that the top 1% work from a cash resource plan. They're very deliberate with what they do. And when I say cash resource plan, some people might think it's a budget. I know it's a job description for every dollar that comes in. I want every dollar to be assigned a job. I want every dollar to know this one's for the mortgage. This one's for for our Oh, this one's for utilities, I want every job to every dollar to have a job. Because unless we give it a job, it doesn't know what to do. It's like bringing a bunch of employees in, say, I got no job description, I'm not going to give you any to dues, I'm not going to give you any goals, I'm going to let you do your thing, here's what we want to do we want to grow, grow 20%, you think it's going to happen? Hello. And if it does is coincidental, and it's not something that can be replicated. So we need to be very deliberate, the top 1% are very deliberate, they have a plan. And they know specifically what they're doing with that plan. And they, they work the plan, okay. Number four, they front load their investing, they understand the impact of compounding the impact of time, okay, that they can front load the investments and let the time go. So they're going to invest as much as they can upfront, to allow time to take off, because we got to eat up the flatline. Until we get to an acceleration, see your wealth, compounding will start to accelerate at an exponential rate. But you got to be in the game for a while to do that. So the sooner we get in, and the more we can put in at the beginning, the easier it is down the road. So we start early, we stay in, we stay off and we increase as much as we can. That's what they do they front load their investing as much as possible. Okay. And then, along with that, number five, is they keep their fees down. Now I want you to hear something really clear. They're not paying fees, that don't give them value. What I am not saying is that you don't not to get an advisor, don't pay an advisor. Because I have a whole team, I pay him a regular fee. Yes, Could I could I do it on my own? Absolutely, I can do it on my own. Okay. But having the sanity check of a team, having them do some other work for me to to do stress testing of my portfolio and the plan and do all that is valuable to me, I have advisors that I'm able to go to Yeah, cos I don't see those fees. as unimportant I see them as important. Plus, it's, it's a place for God forbid, something happens to me that my wife can go to. Okay, so the idea is to keep fees down, but to not try to eliminate all fees if you're getting value from those fees. Okay, when when I talk about fees, you know, if I'm looking at a mutual fund, with a company that has a fee structure or an expense structure of, you know, one and a half percentage points, or even two percentage points, and I could get the same kind of investment for point 2% We get rid of it, we get the same kind of investment as an ETF or an index fund at point 2%. We get the same, same benefits, but we have now have lower fees, which means that more is going to me. But what I'm not saying is that, that you have no advisors and you have no team, I have attorneys, I have wealth team, and I pay them happily to be by my side. Okay, number six, number six, huge. They automate their investing, they get in the game and they say, Look, I need to remove as much friction from the investing process as possible. And so they automate it. If I know that I'm investing 1000 bucks a month 1000 bucks a month without without question automatically gets moved over to that account and gets invested. By automating you remove friction from the investing decision. If you don't think it works, why do you think they gave you credit cards? Why do you think you can take your phone and just tap and buy is because the marketers understand that the more Frick, the less that they can get friction out of the buying decision, the more you're going to buy? Think about it. Have you ever bought anything on on Instagram swipe up by? I did. That's how I ended up with a $900 coffee maker that has an app ago. This is cool. 300 ollars in shirts, what the heck, because the friction wasn't there. But for some reason, there's a whole lot of friction and investing. If we got rid of the friction investing by automating it, you would see that you would invest more you invest more consistently, you would invest more often and your wealth would grow faster. That's what the 1% do. They create it on an automated plan. Okay.

Mel Abraham  19:57
Number seven, they know that they're going They get their money working harder for them than than they did for you. Okay. So what that means is this is that they're going to keep their money at work, they're not going to park in an 8.2% savings account. Now, let's be clear. If it's for your liquidity, in other words, it's your peace of mind fund, as we call it, our emergency fund that has to stay liquid, its job, its job is to give you peace of mind and to preserve your liquidity. Its job isn't to make you wealthy, its job is to keep you from going broke. Okay, different jobs. So the other dollars are there to make you wealthy this one is to keep you from going broke, that we don't put in the market that we typically put in a high yield cash cow, you'd get over 4% in a cash account right now. Okay. So I want every dollar working for me, but I want it to do the job that it's meant to do. If it's meant to give me liquidity, I'm going to put it in a high yield cash account, if it's meant to build wealth, I'm going to put it in the investments based upon a cash resource plan and an investment plan. Okay, that's how we do it, we get our dollars working, they're just not sitting somewhere in a mattress or in a savings account not doing anything for us, our dollars must work harder for us than we did for them. Okay, number eight. Just like they understand the power of compounding the top 1% Understand the the detriment of destructive debt, and they avoid destructive debt. They do not finance consumables, they're not if they're going to take on debt, they use it for productive reasons. In other words, I'm going to take on debt that is going to increase my net worth, or it's going to increase my cash flows and wealth. Okay, meaning that I might take on debt to finance a piece of real estate or an equipment that's going to increase my profitability or my my capacity. But I'm not going to do it to finance luxuries. If I can't afford to pay cash for the luxuries. I'm not going to do it. That's what the 1% do, they start to understand how destructive debt could be if we get into that game where we're financing a lifestyle that we can't afford to pay for today. Okay, that then leads me to number nine, top 1% realize that multiple income streams are important. multiple income streams are no longer a luxury than a requirement for you pandemic prove that out. Even if you're a job and a job with a salary, having additional income streams gives you more security. Having additional against an income streams gives you more peace, having additional income streams accelerates your ability to build the money machine to give you the financial freedom. So your job is a is a get two job and not a half two job. That's the thing that I think we need to do is we got to start thinking about how can I create additional income streams. Now, mind you, the wealthy understand that some of these income streams will take their effort, but the majority of the additional income streams they want to be leveraged. Now some people will call it passive, I don't call it passive, none of your income. And none of your your wealth is passive because it is a relationship. And when we take a passive perspective to a relationship, the relationship withers and dies. So I say it's leveraged. In other words, how much time are you spending with it? My one on one work, my consulting my mentoring, that is that is not leveraged, that's me. My investments, my real estate and all that stuff that's leveraged it, I put effort in once or twice or a little bit, but I get multiples of a value back. So my dollars in those are working far greater for me than I did for that for it. That's the beauty of multiple streams of income plus, it gives you the peace of mind that if one stream of income goes away, your lifestyle still is intact. That's the thing that we need that for, it's the thing that will give you the more security than anything else is that you have multiple streams of income and you can live your life on just one or two streams of those income. That takes a while to build it. I totally get it. But once we have a bill, that's the beauty. That's what allowed me to financially not struggle during during my cancer, I could shut my businesses down. But because we had all these other streams of income, that were not tied to my effort, we were fine. We didn't drain savings, we didn't sell assets we didn't. We didn't do any of that we're finally at a machine. I want the same for you. And you can have the same it may take some time. But you're going to have the same we just gotta get you in the game with the right strategies, right tactics, the right tools to make it happen. And the last thing they understand, ooh, they understand that they got a partner in life. That partner is the tax man or woman however you want to look at it. And so they spend a lot of time understanding what does it take to minimize taxes? And let me be really clear, I am a CPA. So I'm not telling you to avoid taxes, tax avoidance is illegal. Tax minimization is legal. So they understand the tax code, or they have advisors that understand the tax code and say, Look, if every dollar of income potentially is going to get hit by a 20% 30% 40%, sometimes 50%. If you're in California, tax, then it makes sense to try and figure out the methods to legally reduce your taxes. So you can keep that 50 cents in your pocket. Yeah, that accelerates your wealth, because you got more money working for you. But rather than then sitting back and saying, hey, oh, well, taxes are taxes, no, use them to your benefit. And understand it. So the top, the top 1% Understanding these they know their why they track their numbers, they have a resource plan or a plan for every dollar that they're using. They front load their investments, they keep their fees down, they automate their investing, they get their money to continually work for them and work harder for them than they did for it. They avoid destructive debt, they build multiple streams of income, and they use the tax code to their advantage to minimize taxes. That's what they do. And that's what you can do. Alright, I hope that this helps you. I hope that you found this value. Go through it as a checklist. Start putting things into play. If there's things that I can do to help you support you on this journey, do me a favor, reach out to me, I have a hotline, where you can go to ask Mel You can submit your questions. We can get them on the show, we can get them answered, I might even bring you on the show. All right. And get them answered. You're not alone in this financial journey. You're not alone. We've got a community for you. And I've got you all right. Let's make it happen. Let's work together. I got no investments to sell, you know insurance to say I just want to sell you on the fact that your dreams are within reach. So until we get a chance to see each other and another episode of the affluent entrepreneurs show, as I always say, always, always strive to live a life that outlives you. Cheers season. Thank you for listening to the affluent entrepreneur show with me your host Mel Abraham. If you want to achieve financial liberation to create an affluent lifestyle, join me in the affluent entrepreneur Facebook group now by going to, and I'll see you there.

The four wealth drivers matrix
10 things to do to accelerate your wealth
Know your “why”
Track your numbers
Use a cash resource plan
Front load your investing
Keep their fees down
Automate investing
Keep their money at work
Avoid destructive debt
Have multiple income streams
Minimize taxes