The Affluent Entrepreneur Show

Wealth By The Decade - Roaring 20s

July 05, 2023 Mel H Abraham, CPA, CVA, ASA Season 2 Episode 149
Wealth By The Decade - Roaring 20s
The Affluent Entrepreneur Show
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The Affluent Entrepreneur Show
Wealth By The Decade - Roaring 20s
Jul 05, 2023 Season 2 Episode 149
Mel H Abraham, CPA, CVA, ASA

We're diving into the first installment of our special series, Wealth By The Decade, where I'll be sharing with you valuable insights and strategies to build wealth at every stage of life.

As we all know, the twenties are all about living fast and making memories, but they’re also equally important in setting the tone for your financial future.

This episode discusses the crucial elements to consider when building wealth, especially during your twenties. I explain the fundamentals of wealth creation, including the wealth triad and stages of the financial liberation journey, as these concepts apply to all ages and stages of wealth creation.

So, if you want to know how to capitalize on the opportunities and challenges of your 20s, and pave the way for greater wealth and prosperity, don't miss out on this episode!


  • Wealth creation's four stages towards financial liberation
  • Effective management of income and expenses
  • Consistent steps towards financial liberation

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“The Entrepreneur's Solution The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans, & Freedom” –

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

We're diving into the first installment of our special series, Wealth By The Decade, where I'll be sharing with you valuable insights and strategies to build wealth at every stage of life.

As we all know, the twenties are all about living fast and making memories, but they’re also equally important in setting the tone for your financial future.

This episode discusses the crucial elements to consider when building wealth, especially during your twenties. I explain the fundamentals of wealth creation, including the wealth triad and stages of the financial liberation journey, as these concepts apply to all ages and stages of wealth creation.

So, if you want to know how to capitalize on the opportunities and challenges of your 20s, and pave the way for greater wealth and prosperity, don't miss out on this episode!


  • Wealth creation's four stages towards financial liberation
  • Effective management of income and expenses
  • Consistent steps towards financial liberation

If you liked this episode, you'll love these ones:

Take this free quiz to see where you are on the path to financial freedom and what your next steps are to move you to a new financial destiny at 

7-Day Money Plan Workshop:
Affluent Entrepreneurs Private Facebook Group

Instagram (@melabraham9):
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“The Entrepreneur's Solution The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans, & Freedom” –

Mel Abraham:

This is the Affluent Entrepreneur Show for entrepreneurs that want to operate at a high level and achieve financial liberation. I'm your host, Mel Abraham, and I'll be sharing with you what it takes to create success beyond wealth. So you can have a richer, more fulfilling lifestyle. In this show, you'll learn how business and money intersect. So you can scale your business, scale your money, and scale your life, while creating a deeper impact and living with complete freedom. Because that's what it really means to be an Affluent entrepreneur. Hey there, welcome to this episode of the Affluent Entrepreneur Show. This is the beginning of a special series. And you know, often I get asked, you know, what do you do in your 20s, your 30s 40s 50s 60s? Why don't we do depending on your stage or age in life. And the reality is that you can't figure out your wealth journey, your the things you should be doing with your money, if you don't look at it from the context and the construct of where you are in your life, how much time you have left, and those kinds of things. So I decided to create a special series called wealth by the decade. And so I'm going to walk you through some of the key elements that you need to consider as you start to look at your wealth depending on where you are in your life. Now, before you go jumping ahead and say, Well, I'm not in my 20s, or I'm not in my 30s, or I'm not in my 40s. And skipping those parts of the series, there's some valuable elements that build on each other, going through the whole series. So I'm going to invite you to go through the absolute whole series, no matter what your age is, no matter what decade you're in, you know, it can also help that maybe you have children or grandchildren that need to hear some of this stuff. So I want you to go through all of it. And, and take the notes, I'm going to walk you through a couple of things. Each decade, we're going to talk about the theme of that decade, we're going to talk about the focus for that decade, we're going to talk about the priority for that decade, we're going to talk tactically about what you need to do for that decade. And then we're going to talk about some cautions, what are the things you need to watch out for in each decade, this is gonna be powerful, this is going to be incredible, I think, because it's it's one of the things that I get asked most often. But before we do that, I want to set up kind of the whole idea of wealth creation, at least the fundamentals, because no matter what your age, or stage or whatever decade you're in, this applies. And so I want to talk about the wealth triad, the wealth drivers triad, and, and what are the stages, the what I call the journey, the financial liberation journey, so you understand where you might be and what to do. So in order to do that, I might actually jump to my iPad and, and walk through some of the some of the things that I think we need to bring into, into bear. So here's the thing, when we jump, when we start to look at this, and we start to look at what drives well, because this is going to impact everything that you do is that there are truly three wealth drivers that we can have that drive things. And so the first and this is the thing that most people think that they need. And that is this, it is all about money. And I get it. We need to have money, we need to have income, we need to have money coming in to make that happen. But if you watch him for any length of time, or if you've seen some of the work that I've done, it's not the money. That's the sole contributor to building wealth. Look, we want wealth not because we want wealth. Now some people maybe but not me, I want well, so it allows me to get behind the causes to move my missions forward, to create a movement to have the moments in my life and to control those moments. Maybe you're the same way. The reality is, is that the reason we want money, money as a result, it is not a purpose is to fulfill a purpose. It could be to take care of our children or grandchildren to get behind the movement. It could simply be to sit back and say, I just want to control my life, whatever it is, there's something beyond the money. And so although money has the is a necessary ingredient to building wealth, it's not the only agreement because we can have lots of money coming in. And if we have lots of money going out, we're not building wealth. So so that's the one ingredient The first ingredient, the second ingredient that that we need to consider is time. And, and that is this is that, and I hear this all the time, you know, people that are younger, they're in their 20s, or 30s, or even their 40s and say, I got time, I got time, or I hear people that are in their 50s and 60s and say it's too late, I don't have time. Well, the fact of the matter is time is what it is. It's, it's a factor we can control we are either we are at a certain age and stage in our life, period, end of story. But I want you to hear this really clearly. It is never too early to start. Okay, it is never too early to start building wealth, time is the greatest lever, you have to creating wealth. So the earlier start, the easier it is, the less money we have to bring in. You know, it goes back to my whole Emily factor when we talked about my granddaughter being born. And the fact is, is that if all I did was put away, you know, 100 bucks a month$20,000 over 20 years, and just did that she'll have 1,000,006 By the time she was ready to retire. And it's because time did the heavy lifting 20,000 to 1,000,006. If we started at 30, or 40, or 50, it's a little bit of a heavier lift time is the greatest lever when it comes to your wealth building. Now that that also means this the best time to get into the investing game, the best time to get into the wealth creation game is now if we didn't do it yesterday, then now because here's the thing, if we don't get into it now, then it's just going to shorten the runway, and it's going to make it a bit more difficult as we get older. Now it doesn't mean it's impossible. Okay. It just means it's more difficult. So why do the heavy lifting let time do the heavy lifting for you? So money, time. And number three? Number three. That nasty word, discipline? Let me tell you this. This is the place where I think a lot of people fall off is the discipline. You know, there's a study that was done 10,000 millionaires, it was done in the literally the majority of those millionaires. They weren't like entrepreneurs. They weren't, you know, mega entrepreneurs that sold their companies for hundreds of millions of hours. They were wage earners that consistently and persistently put money away over time in their 401k in their investment accounts, everything and they ended up becoming millionaires over time. Discipline is one of the greatest catalysts to building wealth. Here's the thing. Remember, I said wealth is not about the money, it is a behavioral issue? Well, discipline is about your behaviors, if we don't get in the game early, or if we don't get in the game. Now, whatever the age or stage you're at, and stay disciplined in the game of wealth creation, then what happens is you make money, you lose money, you make money, you build wealth, you lose wealth, you build wealth. But what happens is, it's an up and down and you don't necessarily get ahead. So when you have the three key ingredients of money, time, and discipline, things shift for you. Now let's look at what happens when you have these things in place. Because if we truly have money and time, what it gives us is leverage. It gives us leverage, that time does the heavy lifting now I don't have to be feel the burden of putting so much away time we'll do it. I'm going to give you some numbers as we go through each of the decades here, okay. Now, when we have money and discipline, in other words, the discipline of our spending, the discipline of our earnings and the discipline of our investing, we have money coming in. We have money going out and we have money staying home, hopefully, and it's the money that staying home what we do with that that starts to create the wealth building the money machine that's going to give you the freedom the wealth machine that gives you the freedom to choose to have the option to work because you want to not because you need to to be able to decide whether you're going to take a project on or not to decide that you're going to take a month off, like, like my son and his wife are doing and go to going to Portugal, we're going to join them, you know. So those kinds of things and, and what that means is that when you manage your income, your inflows and your outflows effectively and what staying at home, you're creating margin in your life, but you're doing it from a financial standpoint also. And so this starts to really drive things. Now. When you have discipline, and time, what happens is you start to create habits, and those habits give you consistency. And this, this, my friends, this is the key. These are the three wealth drivers, when we start to understand how to manage all of these. And time is always going to be defined as now. It's never too early. It's never too late. It's now. Okay, so hopefully this makes sense to you. Now, there is there are stages to go through. And I've had so many people that say, you know, what, you know, what's my financial freedom number, okay, what's my fine number, my fire number, what all that stuff. And sometimes those numbers can get really large, which means that they feel so far away. And so you're, in many cases sitting back saying, I don't think I'd ever get there. But I want to, I want to, I want to bring something to you, I want to give you kind of this, the four stages, the four steps you have to go through, because let's face it, whether you're in debt, or whether you have hundreds of 1000s of dollars or millions of dollars. If we need to get to$1,000, we pass through $100. If we need to get to 10,000, we pass through $100, then that$1,000 than $5,000. And we get to 10,000. If we need to get to a million, we have to pass through the 100,000, the 10,000 100,000 500,000 to get there, realize that it's a journey. It's not a destination. And there are there are milestones in this journey that I call the financial liberation journey. And I think that when you start to understand that, all I'm trying to do is get to the next milestone, then I'll worry about the next milestone. And then the next, when we turn around, say I gotta get to 5 million. If that's the number, it feels lofty, and unreachable, and, and impossible. And so too often, we stop, we stop, all we need to do is put little milestones and say, Oh, I'm on track, I'm doing well. And then before you know it, your discipline, your money, and your time, get you to the 5 million and you go, Gosh, how'd I get here? Well, you got there by moving through the four stages of the financial liberation journey. So let's look at because here's the thing, when we talk about the financial liberation journey, and this is this is this is financial liberation, this is the journey, the path. And and so, here's the thing, we have to move through each of the stages, and you might find yourself in one of these stages, and none of them are good, bad or indifferent. It just allows you to understand where you are, what your focus is, and what to do next. And so, hopefully, that this will start to make sense to you and give you some, some some ways to look at it. The very first stage that we have to pass through that that $100 if you will, is is what we call what I call financial stability. And what is financial stability? Financial Stability is when you have enough assets generating enough income that it actually covers your necessities. I mean, and I mean necessities that mean that means the roof over your head, the food that you're eating, your medical, your transportation, your shelter, your clothing, the the necessities, the bottom rung of the of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Once we have that, that's that's the stability. Those are the things that we need to take care of. Now all of a sudden you say I'm stable, my my necessities my survival is covered. Okay. And if we have our survival covered, it gives a level of peace of mind, we know that we're okay. Now, it may not be the lifestyle we want, it may not be the lifestyle we, we have currently, but at least we're not on the street, at least we're not in debt, at least, we're not struggling to just survive. So we need to get to that stability line first. And so if you're in debt, or you're struggling, you're living Check, check. There's some things that we need to do to get some things dialed in. We'll talk about those decade by decade. And then because then once we get to the stability stage, we can move to the next stage. And that next stage is what I call financial security. And financial security, if if financial stability is your necessities, financial security, is your current expenses that your current lifestyle expenses, if you will. And so if I look at it, and let me just throw some numbers to it, if my survival, my rent, or my mortgage, my medical, my, you know, my food, my clothing, transportation, let's say that that was $2,000 Okay, so I would need to generate enough income $2,000 If I did that, then I am at the Financial Stability line. But that's just the necessities. What about things like Netflix, and many patties and, and other luxuries? And, you know, and the gym membership, and all those those things? Those are lifestyle expenses. Those are lifestyle expenses. They're not necessity not get it, you might say to me, Mel, it's necessary. I get it, all right. But the reality is they're not. But those are lifestyle expenses. This is where we have to get to for Financial Security where we can support our current lifestyle. Hopefully this makes sense. So our current lifestyle is then supported. Now we have financial security, because now we sit back and say, I can keep living this lifestyle without having to worry. And so if our necessities were were $2,000. And let's say that, in order to continue our lifestyle, including the necessities, it's$5,000. That means that I need$3,000 more. So financial, your financial security is a total of$5,000, which is the 3000 for lifestyle, and the 2000 for financial stability. Now, we're doing well, now we're at the security line, now we know that our current lifestyle is safe. That leads us to stage number three. Stage number three is financial independence. So stage number three financial independence is where we have enough income being generated to replace 100% of the income that we currently have. So let's keep with the numbers $2,000 For necessities, another 3004 for security, so that's a total of 5000. But let's say you're earning $7,000 a month. Well, financial independence replaces the income that you have which is $7,000 which allows you to pay for the expenses that are necessities and lifestyle and have money leftover, okay, and have money leftover. So, so financial independence here is replacing the income and let's say that that is $7,000 Okay. So, that is the financial independence line, which then leads us to this last place, which is what I call financial freedom. The financial freedom is when we have the opportunity and the ability to fund our what we call an affluence vision. And when I work with people in the affluence blueprint, or with my one on one clients, we create the vision for their life, the ultimate vision. So this is the the lofty goals that allow allow you to do the things you want to do get behind the machines, the movements and do things without concern. This is the big, the big kahuna, the big number that you're looking for. So it supports everything. So you're completely free. You can live life on your terms the way you want. Okay, that number could be anything. But we have to figure it out too often. We don't know what our target is. So we just keep running. I did that. And so the idea here is this is that to understand that this is a journey that requires you to go through stages. And it's not just you jump up to financial freedom. So when we do this, and when we look at the stages and the decades of our life, we start to look at it through these eyes to understand that I'm going to be whether I'm at the stability stage, or security stage or independence stage or freedom stage, we're at different stages, totally fine. The fact that you know what stage you're at allows you to know what the next milestone is. Okay. So that's the financial liberation journey. And I think when you look at the three wealth drivers, and the journey, now you understand some of the elements that come into play with building wealth. All right. So with that, let's jump to the decades. So the first thing I want to talk about is the 20s. Okay, for some of you, including myself, it may feel like a long, long time ago, but let's talk about this. And I'm going to talk about each decade in a couple of different frames. One, what should your theme of the decade be? To what is your focus? Three, what is your priority? Four, what are the tactics to put in place? And five? What are the cautions? So when we look at this, we're going to talk about the roaring 20s. And as we start to look at this, listen, here's what the theme is for the roaring 20s. Just so so we look at it, it's really about clarity. That's the theme. Because the fact of the matter is, in our 20s, I let me I don't know about you. But I was pretty well clueless in my 20s. I didn't know what I didn't know, I didn't I but here's the worst thing is I actually thought I knew more than I knew. I thought I knew at all I had the world by the horns. And so the theme here is about getting clarity about your direction, what your your values look like what you value in life, what you want life to be like, and really start to understand it. This is a place where we can get moved by our peers by comparison by the things that are going on, on and if we don't have that clarity, it can lead us astray. I mean, I mean, these are our college years in many cases. And I've watched, you know, them offering credit cards to college students that happened with me. And also we find ourselves in debt, we take on a bunch of student loan debt, this is a place where we can get ourselves in a whole lot of trouble. So with that, clarity is the theme. What should your focus be? And so when we talk about the 20s, I think our focus is is in a couple places, and this you'll see repeated throughout the decades. But the first thing is to understand why. Why do you want anything? You know? are we chasing our dream? are we chasing someone else's dream? are we chasing our parents dream? are we chasing society's doing what the media says social media says? Clarity is important. Now, to understand why you do these now, the wild probably changed this is you're in your 20s Okay, so the focus though is to get clear on your why. And the second focus is to start building and educating yourself, I get it you might be in school, you might be starting off a career, and it might be a career and I don't know, engineering, it could be in medicine, it could be an art, it could be teaching. In other words, it may not be in in the financial realm. But if we're truly going to take control of our financial destiny, the best time to do it is early on. Remember time is one of the drivers and the best way to do it is to get yourself educated. So So part of this is going to be you know, listening to podcasts are shows like mine. Stay with me on this journey. So we're on his financial journey together. This isn't about you becoming a financial whiz per se, but At least having enough understanding that you're empowered. And that you can take control of your own financial destiny. So it could be watching shows, episodes of podcasts, books, taking courses and trainings, everything to to start to understand and learn more about money, how money works, how investing works, the basics of it, and everything. The focus here, so if we have the focus one on why the second focus is on education, the third focus is getting on your feet. You're just starting out, this is all new to you. I remember when I came out of college and got my first job, and I was in my 20s. And they handed me this like HR packet. And I had to choose my doctors for the first time my, my investments, I was lost. It hit me like a ton of bricks going, Oh, it's real. Family life? Oh, no, though I'm on my own. So finding your direction is a focus. And then the last focus, I think, in the 20s is this idea of what do you want your life to be about? What do you want your life to be about? At least now, it'll change. You know, you meet someone, you get married, you start raising a family life shifts, you know, when I had a son, and now the grandkids, you know, wife, all things, things will shift and change. But for now, in other words, the focus is about being intentional with what you're doing with your life. So that leads me that if we understand the focus, that leads me now to the priorities, what are the priorities you should have? First off, and I can't hit this enough. Don't wait. When it comes to your wealth creation, don't wait. Time is now on your side. For every dollar you put away at 20 years old, at 25 years old is it's 20 years old at times, when you by the time you retire, the magnification effect of time is astronomical. Okay? But watch what happens when you put $1 away at 20 years old. It's magnified by HDX. By the time you retire, if you wait five years, and you put it away at 25 years old, it's only magnified by 44 times. Now, this is still a huge number, but that five years, almost cut it in half. My point is is that even in your 20s started the game. Okay, so your priority is to start the behavior of wealth creation. And that could simply be $5 a month,$5 a week, $10 a week, you're building muscle, but putting away so if you're employed in an in a company that has has a 401k you get in the 401k as little as you have to, but you get in the game. So priority number one, don't wait. It's you don't have time, use time to your benefit. Priority number two, priority number two. live below your means. live below your means. And I know that you probably have heard that. But here's the place where we start to get ourselves in trouble. We come out of school, we get our first job, we want to feel good about ourselves, we go and spend on some crazy car that we probably shouldn't be buying and now we have these four or 567 $100 car payments or more then we're buried with debt on something that's going to depreciate and, and and now we have a problem. We're living check to check for a lifestyle that we're creating for what so we need to get used to living below our means and taking the difference and investing it in our future. That means that that we're gonna put money away on a regular basis. So the way you do that is making sure that I got income in my investing as a priority and then I build my lifestyle. Okay, you got nothing to do. You got no reason to impress people or do all that live by your own intent. Okay. The third priority here is, is moving from a job type of mindset to A career and future type of mindset. What I mean by this job is transactional, I'm going to give you time so I get a check. It's not building of a life, a career, a calling, or, or something greater. In your 20s this is the time to start looking at how do I transition from a job mentality transactional mentality to a growth mentality, expansive mentality of building a career of future a calling? That you love coming to each and every day? Okay. Those are your priorities. Okay, those are your priorities, get in the game, and everything. So what tactically should you be doing? So tactic number one, okay? Is this is that when we talk about tactics? The first thing is, I need you to get your, your what we call a comfort fund. And peace of mind fund in place. This is going to, this is going to keep keeping you from from crashing and burning. If something happens financially or something happens with it. This, this starts out at $1,500 or one month's expenses. That's, that's the comfort fund. I want you to get to start six months expenses. But I'd love it to grow to 12 to 18 months. I know that's going to take some time. But this is what's going to give you peace of mind. The pandemic didn't show us anything, it showed us that it's time for you to get this in place. So if something happens, job loss or something, you have the ability to navigate and navigate that. Okay. The other the other thing that I want you to look at, is I want you to start putting 15 to 20%. into investments. Build the muscle early. This is the tactics, these are the things that are going to start to drive everything. And I want you to make sure that in this process, if you're working for a company that matches max out, Max the employer match, if they match 5%, at least you're going to get that in there. Max the match get the free money. I know that there's a whole lot of people say oh, don't don't worry about that, don't worry. I want you to understand something. If your employer is willing to match the money you're putting in that's like them putting $20 bills and$100 bills on a table and you walk them by not picking it out. I don't think you do that if I sat back and started counting out some hundies some Benjamin Franklin's for you and said go ahead and take it and he said no, I'm good. But in order for you to take it, you got to match it. It's free money, why wouldn't we do it? Okay. So get your comfort and peace of mind fund in place, get yourself investing 15 to 20%. into into accounts, if you can put it in a Roth we, you know, I've got other trainings specifically on Ross, max out the match. And then make sure that the investing is going into low cost ETF or index funds. So you're not paying a ton of fees, or target date funds, at least when you start out. It's easy, it's diversified. And we can get more complex later, we can get more nuanced later, but at 20 years old, we don't need to do that low cost ETFs index funds, target date funds. Okay. And I have some training specifically on that. And I'll make sure that we hook it up here. And then this last tactic is I want you to put it on autopilot. That means that when you get paid, a portion is going to build the emergency fund automatically it automatically transfers to a high yield cash account, okay. When you get paid that 15 to 20% is automatically going into the 401 K Roth or whatever it is. And is is out of sight out of mind. And you have in the process. When you make that that move to that it automatically gets invested into ETFs or index funds or target date funds. If they allow that. If not, you're going to have to manually do it on it. anyways, I want you to make it as easy for you to do it. So you don't have to think about it. And these are the tactics that at 20. That's all. That's all I want you to do. Just to start out if I can get you to get your, your comfort and peace of mind fun and place your investing on a regular basis, you're maxing out the match, you've got ETFs and a diversified portfolio that's been started to be built and it's on autopilot. You're doing good. All right. Now, what are the hazards? What are the cautions that you need to have in place in this decade? The first one is I want you to be aware and be aware of memes and get rich quick. Okay, you're gonna hear all of it. The meme stocks, the trends, crypto all that stuff. Oh, put it all in there and you got to make a killing yet. You might, you might or you might get killed. The game stops they MCs the meme stocks. Okay, that stuff flies up and it flies back down. You know, Bitcoin went to 69,000 down to 19. Last two thirds of its of its value, if that's what you're trying to do. That's speculation. That's gambling. I'm sorry. What we're talking about here is a long term game that is sustainable wealth, no matter what is going on in the economy. And as much as Kryptos may have a place it's not where you bet your whole future as far as I'm concerned, not yet. Not yet. So beware of memes, beware of the of those types of trends or things that haven't proven themselves out completely. It's easy to get caught in the in the flow, it's easy to sit back and say oh my god, they made a killing I'm missing out on missing out FOMO starts to get into play. And obviously you jump into something and it tanks. Okay. The second caution is to beware of destructed debt. Let's destructive debt. Now I'm not one that says that all debts a demon. I'm willing to use debt but I need to use it properly. It needs to be productive it destructive debt is when we are financing our current lifestyle because we can't afford a current lifestyle. And others we're putting it on credit cards, we're putting it on loans we're putting on on equity and equity like that. You are robbing your future, to live a lifestyle today that you can't afford. Let me repeat that. You're robbing your future, to live a lifestyle day today that you can't afford. And, and this is a challenge, especially twins. I remember my brother and I when we were in college, and we were just coming out of college, we started to get we got a store credit card and we went to a mall. Those are places where he used to go shop instead of Amazon. We went to a mall store to store and apply for cards. And we got the stack of store credit cards and got ourselves in trouble. Because we didn't understand it. But we put ourselves into destructive debt. And it started to destroy our future till we could get out of it. So I want you to be aware of that. And number three caution, is keep it simple. Keep it simple, don't overcomplicate it, you don't need complex investment strategies. You need to keep it simple, make it easy, make it automatic, and just get in the game. That's what I want you to do in this decade of your life in the 20s. If you've got kids, maybe you're not there, if you got kids, I want them to listen, I want them to get in the game. I want to make it easy for them. Think about this. My son's wife, 32 and 30. They've got one child, one child on their way. And at that age, they already have three homes that are multimillion dollar net worth. Why? Because they got this. They got time on their side. They started early their discipline, and they're doing the work. They're gonna hit 3536 3738 Whatever. They're gonna be set for life. They're not going to need to work again, they will. But they will because they want to not because they need to. That's what I want for you. All right. So I hope this makes sense. Listen, one more thing. What does it take for you to make a million dollars at this age at this stage, on average, age 25. All I need you to do is start putting away 150 175 Maybe$200 a month away and keep doing that. It'll get you there. But the bottom line is you got to get in the game. Alright, I hope this helps. I look forward to seeing you in the next stage in the series where we get to talk about the 30s this is the messy middle. Ah that's a fun one. All right. So Let me know how you what you thought about this. Let me know if you have any questions and let's keep you moving forward through the ages and stages of life because financial freedom is your birthright. Let's give you the pathway to claim. All right. And listen, if you want to go deeper on some of this money stuff and in everything, actually have a free training that I'm gonna give you access to actually, it's not free, but I'm gonna give it to you for free. If you go to You're going to be registered for a special live training that I'm doing coming up, but it's also going to give you my 10 days of money momentum training for free. All right, my gift to you to keep you on the pathway to financial freedom. Let's make it I'll see you the next episode. Cheers. Thank you for listening to the affluent entrepreneur show with me your host Mel Abraham. If you want to achieve financial liberation to create an affluent lifestyle, join me in the affluent entrepreneur Facebook group now by going to and I'll see you there.

Wealth driver #1 - Money
Wealth driver #2 - Time
Wealth driver #3 - Discipline
Four stages to reach financial milestones
The financial liberation journey
The roaring 20s and the importance of clarity
Don’t wait to create wealth
Live below your means and invest in the future
The top hazards to avoid in your 20s