Building Your Money Machine

Goal Setting Doesn't Work...Do This Instead!

Mel H Abraham, CPA, CVA, ASA Season 2 Episode 115

With the new year quickly approaching, we all start thinking about our goals, dreams, and resolutions. But when we look at the numbers, we see that most people that set New Year’s Resolutions don’t accomplish them. What’s even more surprising, almost no one gets to even write down their goals and make a plan to achieve them.

As you’ve heard me say before, goal setting doesn't matter unless you have a system, a process, and a framework for actual goal getting. So today, I’m giving you my framework so you can take those dreams out of your mind and actually make them a reality.

Instead of becoming another statistical point, I want you to have a different story next year. You deserve to not only go after a goal but enjoy the journey to get there. You deserve to have a clear plan to be part of the 10% that actually reaches their goals. You too can experience true richness in life.

In case doubt has been knocking on your door this year, I want to remind you that your dreams are worth it, your future is worth it. You’ve got this, I hope you enjoy this episode!


  • My Goal Getting Triad to set and achieve goals
  • How to move beyond setting your goals and actually make progress towards them
  • The difference between being content and settling and why it matters
  • Why you need to set micro successes to build progress and momentum





  • “The Entrepreneur's Solution The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans, & Freedom” -
Mel Abraham:

Well, this happens every year around this time of year. No, no, no, no, not all the partying and all the stuff in your face with all the goodies from the holidays. But New Year's resolutions goal setting all that stuff. And the here's the thing, the statistics show that a lot of people will fall off the wagon, literally only 9% of people that set resolutions ever make it successful. And 83% actually never even set any goals. Why is that? Well, in this episode of the affluent Entrepreneur Show, we're going to talk about that because the idea here is this goal setting doesn't matter unless you have a system and a process and a framework for goal getting. And I'm going to give you that framework on how to get your goals and make them a reality. So look forward to seeing the episode. And welcome to this episode of the affluent entrepreneurship. This is the absolute Entrepreneur Show for entrepreneurs that want to operate at a high level and achieve financial liberation. I'm your host, Mel Abraham, and I'll be sharing with you what it takes to create success beyond wealth. So you're gonna have a richer, more fulfilling lifestyle. In this show, you'll learn how business and money intersect. So you can scale your business, scale your money, and scale your life, while creating a deeper impact and living with complete freedom. Because that's what it really means to be an absolute entrepreneur. Welcome to this episode of the affluent Entrepreneur Show, and this one, we're going to talk about goal getting not goal setting, too often we're sitting back, as we get towards the end of the year, and we start setting goals and we go through goal setting workshops, and, and everything. And we've got smart goals and a smart goals and, and core strengths and all that stuff, all that stuff is great. But it doesn't get you to the goals. If you just look at the statistics. It's crazy that 180 3% of people don't even set goals. And yet, what ends up happening is that even if they set goals Harvard did a study and even if they set goals, I'm just going to look at it so I make sure I get it right. 14% have a plan. But their goals are unwritten. Okay. 3%, only 3% have written the goals down. So I wonder I'm just curious, do you set goals? And if you set goals, do you do them in writing, because here's the thing that they also found is that 14% That actually have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. 10 times 10x and the 3% with written goals are three times more successful than the 14% that have goals. So imagine this by having goals first, you're 10 times more successful by writing them down, you're three times more successful man, that's 30 times if I do the math, right. Okay. But my point is, is this is that, too often we stop with goal setting. And we don't have a process for goal getting. And I think that what we're really looking for is not the goal itself. But the progress towards the goal. When we talk about financial independence, when we talk about financial freedom, yeah, we will set the number out there. But the number isn't as important as the journey to the number who we become the richer lifestyle, the deeper impact and the complete freedom See, see it's not about the destination, because frankly, even if we set that financial freedom number up, we may actually not make it. And so if we're not enjoying the journey, if we're not on the right aligned journey, if we're not in a process of progress, then what's the goal worth? And so how do we turn around and make that happen? Here's what we're gonna do, I'm gonna walk you through what I call the goal getting triad, I'm going to walk you through a process that I've used, I think going back to college days, when I started studying for the CPA exam, which is a four day exam without calculators, that it helped me kind of set some things in motion. And so all of my big goals are built around around this goal getting triad, so it allows me to navigate through that. So we're going to walk through this and I'm going to give you the kind of the process that you can use to not worry about just goal setting, resolutions, any of that type of stuff. But how do you actually make progress towards those goals and achieve the goals? How do we actually raise the probability of success even greater than the statistics that I've shown? And I think that The way to do it and the way that I've seen to do it, because I've experienced it for decades, is you actually have to have a goal getting process in conjunction with the goal setting process. So I'm not going to talk about how you set the goals necessarily, I'm going to talk about how you get the goals once you have them set. So we're gonna jump to the iPad here. And we're going to really kind of hit on some of these things of what does it take to get gold getting in place, because if we don't do this, right, if we don't do this, right, you're gonna find that your success is spotty, you're gonna wonder why in one month, you're doing great and another month you're doing not so great. And by the end of the year, you're kind of mediocre, I don't know if you've ever felt that I know, for me, I've been in those spaces. And when I found myself here, it really was a result of me not using the goal getting processed, that I didn't have a process in place that I'm on top of and working through. The other thing that happens is that when you start to fall off the wagon, when you start to not get progress, or not to see the progress or not measuring the progress, is you start to lack drive, you start to kind of give up, you start to just settle and I'll be honest with you, I just finished a launch, I just finished the launch. And during the launch, I'm notorious for just picking up the phone and calling people just to chat just to talk just to see what they're doing, how they're doing, whether they're clients or not clients, if I have their number, I'll literally pick up the phone and call. And at first it blows them away. It messes with their mind. But more importantly, it allows me to connect and connect with them. And the thing that I found, especially this year, is in the conversations because of the turbulence because of the uncertainty because of the economy where it was and maybe you're feeling this too and I know that I've felt it a few times during my life. Because I'm I'm not exam just as human as you are, I still have the fears, I still have the challenges. It's not a straight line. But I heard a lot of people that are willing to settle, to accept their current life to accept their current circumstances and say, Well, this is just my love life. I don't buy that, that that saddens me if we're going to be willing to settle. Now I'm not saying not to be content. Okay, I'm content. I'm happy, blessed. But I'm never gonna settle. Never gonna settle. And so, I think that when we start to get to a point where we lack drive, we are willing to settle and I have this belief. Maybe I'm idealistic, I don't know. I feel like when my toes are on the edge of that grave, when they're about to put me in, I want to be absolutely freakin exhausted. I want to be sweaty, I want to be dirty. I want skin knees, I want dirt under the fingernails so I can look back and go. Yeah, I did it all. I lived it fully. And then Sam good to go. You know, one of the challenges for me as I was diagnosed with, with cancer, what's one of the was one of the huge drivers for me, I said, I I love life too much. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. Not that anyone's ever ready. But, but to have that kind of passion, that kind of love, that kind of desire, that kind of drive. I think that's what really starts to move us forward. It's not this an insatiable lack of contentment. It truly is about growth and experiencing. It's why one of the core critical outcomes of the affluence blueprint is a richer lifestyle, which has nothing to do with wealth. It has to do with how we feel and how we experience life. And I just want each and every one of you to I want to be your champions to experience everything in life that you want to, to not settle to not give up. Because here's what I know that even if you only get half way towards your goals, or 70% of the way towards your goals, it's farther along than you would be if you didn't try for the goals. See so if we don't get this right, you know you are you're in a situation where you have lack of drive and and that starts to get you to stew in pessimism and you're sitting in pessimism which it's like this pollution in your system that just breeds more pessimism more negativism and, and we can't grow in that place. We got to come from a place of gratitude or appreciation desire, everything. And I'm not saying that I'm not always this happy, you know, passionate, inspired being none, I'm, listen, I'm human, I have my moods, ask my wife, I have my times my struggles, you'll hear more about him, you'll hear more about him. You know, it's not, it's never been a straight line for me. But what has never been, what has never been an option is giving up. So I don't want you to give up on your dreams. I want to champion you, I want to support you, I want to challenge you, I want to push you I want to give you a hand up, I want to give you a kick in the rear when you need it. Because your dreams are worth it. So if we get this right, here's what's going to happen we get this right all sudden you see a gateway to success, it becomes the entry point to make that happen. And and that gateway will put you into hyperdrive. And instead of being in a situation, when you lack drive, I mean, you're ready to go you're excited every day, or most of the days to make it happen. And in the end what really starts to goes you have a knowing you have a knowing of your outcome. See, I don't know if you know, but as I got diagnosed with cancer in June of 2019, I had my first surgery in July of 2019. I had a second surgery in August of 2019. In those surgeries, they removed two tumors, two tumors, one was seven and a half centimeters. I then went through a series of treatments. And I went through my treatments, multiple series of treatments. And in December, they said you're clean, you're clear, you look good. All right. So December of 2019, I feel like I'm on cloud nine, we beat we beat cancer down within six months. And it was it was good. Then April of 2020 comes around, you know we got hit with the pandemic in March, I had a live event that I was going to do but we pivoted and had to turn into virtual because of the pandemic. People weren't traveling and all of that. So we flipped it to Virgil, I do my event. And I finish on April 23, of 2020 April 24, I go in for my next checkup my next scope and scan. And as I'm laying on the table, and he's doing the scan, I hear my surgeon I hear my surgeon say, well, that's something it's not something you want to hear the surgeon say. And he says there's another growth in there in the bladder, and we need to go in and take it out. What there was was two more tumors that either that were missed or grew. So here I was, in a situation where I thought I was clear and the the rug got rain, just yanked out from under me. I started to spiral again, just the fear, the the thoughts of of what it could mean the possibility of losing my bladder, all of those things came rushing back in a moment and all of that scare the hell out of me. And I was in a dark place as we were getting ready to do the surgery and schedule it and everything. And I happen to have a conversation with a friend who said to me, he says you You don't sound good. And I said I don't feel good. I'm really scared. It's this is this the the the path that I have for the rest of my life where I'm going to have this constant Oh, it's back. Oh, it's back. Oh, it's back. And I still I still have that fear today. You know, and I'm two and a half years clear. There's just that lingering fear. But there's something different. So he asked me a question. He says if you knew if you knew the outcome, how would you show up today? This if I knew the outcome I would show up owning the outcome. And he says well what do you think the outcome is? I said I'm gonna beat this thing. I'm gonna beat this cancer do you really know that? It's I don't know that we ever know this is no in your soul. Do you have that that belief that inside of you this knowing and I said you Do I do? Just what are you willing to do to make it happen? I said, whatever it takes, whatever it takes. See, when we come from a knowing when we come from a knowing of the outcome, we will step into what it takes to make that happen. And I started to think about what he said. And I said, Okay, so what do I need to do today to move me closer to that outcome? What do I need to do tomorrow to close that account? Because I know what I'm what the outcome is, I just don't know what each day is going to hold on the process to that outcome. That's something that will unfold each day, as we talk to the doctors as we go through the treatments as we go through the surgery and all of that. And as it unfolds, it gives me more information to make more decisions to do the next thing for the next day. I thought about I said, this happened to be around cancer, but it's actually no different than just life. So we have an idea of what we want our outcome of our life to be, don't we don't you? I do. We just don't know how we're gonna get there each day. And each day we take a step, that step gives us more information. So we can process it, and we can make another step. But in the knowing that every step that we make is towards the goal that we set. And I think that when you come from that place, and when you get this goal getting ripe, and you come from places, knowing it makes it easier to start to walk that path. Now the question is, what do you need to know to make this happen before we get to the triad? And I think that there's a couple of things that you need to know. And the first is this is that micro successes are the key. Okay. When it came down to the cancer, yeah, I wanted, I wanted to completely wiped out. But I knew that there was a process. How was going to change my diet? How is it going to change my perspective? How is it going to change my mindset? How is it going to increase my strength and my vibrancy? What do I need to do to get through the treatments each day, all I had to do was take one step and put another step in front of it, and celebrate the day and celebrate the success. See, it's it what leads to big successes, is the stacking of Microsoft successes on the way. And too often we're looking at the big goal, and we never celebrate the progress to the goal. And so when we talk about goal getting, what we really need to do is make sure that we have these micro steps that one we can build on and layer on and stack on to get us to the big success. It's the very reason that in the athletes blueprint, when we when we do the visioning process, we start at 10 years, and we bring it down to five to one to 90 days to action steps. So we can build into the micro successes, the celebration, the progress, the understanding that we've made progress towards the goal. The other thing that I think you need to understand is that micro successes are the key, but also blame builds walls. See, when I got diagnosed with the cancer, the first thing I did was start to look for something I did to deserve it. Something I did that caused it someone someone something outside of me that I could then rest on and say, That's the reason I don't know for you. You might look at something in your life and God will God forbid that it is cancer or anything like that. But you might look at it and start to look outside and say it's their fault, you know, when the Ponzi scheme hit, it would have been easy to blame him and say he did it to me. See, the problem with blame is we never reflect on what our ability and responsibility is. I was responsible for getting into the Ponzi scheme. I had the ability to move forward in the cancer. But I would not have made that decision. If I placed blame or I found blame. Blame will create walls. And so it's time for us to look at things and say love our pathway to goals to getting an achieve Living and success and financial freedom are well for a great relationship. It happens in steps, but it doesn't happen in a straight line, we're going to stumble, we're going to fall, we're going to screw up, we're going to have setbacks. The question is how you respond to them. And what the message is that it's telling you. The third thing that we need to know and understand as we move down this road is this positive expectancy is going to help you move through this. So what do I mean by that? This is really all about me looking at and say, I am expecting a positive outcome. I'm not going into something with trepidation saying, Oh, this works. And, well, I'll try it. Because what happens is that is different, we are playing a game of curiosity with the anticipation of not losing versus playing the game of curiosity and going into something with a knowing and with the expectation of a positive outcome. When we approach them with the expectation of positive outcome, we actually approach it differently. With more fervor, more commitment, more ownership. That's what starts to drive us. So if all we're doing is listing out a bunch of goals on a page, and we don't connect to them, there in lies the very reason we're not getting the goals. Because goals, setting is this sterile exercise, if we're not careful, that says, Alright, I went to the goal setting exercise now they'll magically manifest. Oh, they're not, they're not. So let's talk about the triad. Let's talk about what it takes to really walk through this, the goal, getting try it and the process to make that happen. And there's a couple of things here that I want to highlight. as we as we move through it, there's, there's three primary elements of the triad. And the first is this idea of the goals must be personal, and must be personal. Here's the thing is that if they're not personal, if they're not personal, they're not connected to you. They're separate from you. But when we make them personal, we are connected to it, there is a reason for it, there is something internal to us that is driving us through it. When we make them personal. Our desire goes up. So you think about this. When you ask a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? Do they tell you one thing, or they tell you a list of things? See, because children, they have this expectation, this personal kind of look at that view of themselves of possibility. And for some reason, society poisons us with mediocrity, they educate the desire out of us, we need to bring it back in. And the way you bring it back in is making sure that the goals that you're setting are truly personal to you. There's you're connected to them. And there's two aspects that help help with this is that the first is that this idea of positivity, okay. positive expectation is how we think about the goals. If we come at the goals with this idea if it when I set my goals, I set them but then I start to put these these reasons next to it. If I come at the goal, saying this would be nice. Well, that's not a goal. That's an interest. Interest don't come to fruition, unless it's by happenstance. Now I want a goal. I want something that is as if a rope is tied to me and it's tugging me along. It's pulling me into it. And so one of the things to do is this is that for every goal for every goal you set, I want you to write 123 emotionally compelling statements about the goal. Why is it that this goal is so important? Why is it do you want this and if they don't tug at your heartstrings, if they don't tug at your soul, then they're not emotionally compelling enough, or possibly, the goal isn't that important, which is totally fine. Just be straight with yourself. So when we start to move through that you It starts to give us steps in, in getting to the goals. So first things first, as you do your goal setting, I want you to write 123 emotionally compelling statements around each goal. It's why in the in the, in the athletes visioning process, the way the process we walk through, is to connect it to you emotionally to connect it to your desire to connect it to something bigger than just something on a page. Okay? The second aspect of personal is that you need to have patience, listen, let's face it, there are things that you can't control, I can't control what's going on in the stock market, I can't control what's going on with the with the economy, inflation, interest rates, I can't control a bunch of things around me. But I can control some things. And so we need to look at the things that I can control that you can control, and control the controllables. And we have to find fortitude, and flexibility to move through those things that we maybe can't control. And as they present themselves, we got to look at and say alright, that was a an obstacle, that was a wall that has a door in it, we just didn't hit the door, we got to find the door. And so one of the things that we do when we set goals, and I do planning for folks, when I'm working with businesses, or entrepreneurs, or folks with trying to build businesses, or wealth, is we start to look for alternatives. So knowing that things can happen, and it's not a straight line. But the key is that if I know alternative ways to get to that same goal, then I've already thought about possibilities and options before I hit any obstacles. Now, there's a chance you don't hit a lot of obstacles, and then the alternatives didn't matter. But what you want is the alternatives and the options before you hit an obstacle because then it makes it easy to maneuver, pivot or do something different. It's the very reason that when I do stock trading, when I do anything with respect to trading, or even investing, I know the exit. Before I know the entrance, I know what I'm going to do. If it goes against me, I know what I'm going to do. If it goes for me, we plan it out and build it out. And then we have the patience and the fortitude to stick with it. So back in 1990, he was 9697. I heard he had three discs in my back herniated three discs in my back, I was having a hard time walking, the easy thing to do, which is what they recommended was, hey, let's go in, we'll do surgery. And we're going to we're going to shave the discs away. And that was eight millimeter herniations. Right in the spine. And then I started to ask the question I said, so if you shave it away, is that the problem? The compression? Yes. And I said, okay, but if you shave it away, does that solve the compression? You're not really, you know, we can do some other things. And so what happens down the road, say five years, 10 years, so Well, at some point, you'll probably have to fuse the vertebra. No, that didn't happen. At that time I was in my 30s. I said if I'm starting down the pathway to fusing my vertebrae, then what am I in for? I'm physically active, I want to stay active. He says, Well, the likelihood of you solving this without surgery is very, very small. I said but there is a likelihood, right? It's possible. So great, that I'm gonna go that path. That was a long road, nine months of pain, nine months of not sleeping of acupuncture nerve conduction studies, traction, epidural injections, all kinds of things. But as I sit here today, never had surgery. I'm active, continue to be active, healed, and fine. And no, no fuse vertebra, but here's the deal. About six months into it. I remember laying in my bed in pain, struggling and saying to myself, maybe I just need to give up and do the surgery. And I was going to wake up that next morning and I was going to call the doctors and say let's schedule the surgery. And for some reason when I woke up the next morning and said wait a second. You have never quit anything before. Why we do it now. Why we Quitting now. So I went to the doctors instead and said, what more can we do to solve this? What else can we do? How do we hit it with more, because I made the decision that I knew my outcome. And I was going to do what it takes three months later, I was not completely mended, but I was back, working out doing the things that I wanted to do, and everything. But it was this patience, it was this fortitude. And it was the flexibility to make that happen. So as you set your goals, what you need to look at is that if I'm going to create the compelling statements, we now need to also create some alternatives and options. So we know other ways to achieve those goals. And not just one way we can have a goal where all the planets have to line up for to make make sense, because those goals are gonna be really hard to accomplish. Okay, so I'm gonna look for options up front. That leads me to the second pillar of this, and that is this idea of perseverance. Look, some of your goals are going to be 10 year goals, especially when we start talking about wealth, building everything that's long term goals, Selvaraj short term goals, but one of the thing that is going to be important is the fact that you're actually going to need to persevere. When you start to look at the data, when you start to look at the statistics, after six months, after six months, only 46%, less than 50% of the people that set any kind of goals or resolutions are still on them. And by the end of the year, only 9% has accomplished anything, or stayed with their resolutions. That's a problem. And the problem is is the goal, the problems, the perseverance, and and underneath that problem, perseverance are two things, two things. And that is this. When they set the goal, they didn't understand the why they didn't understand the purpose. They didn't realize what it takes for them. What is the reason? When people come to me, especially when we start talking about money, they'll come to me, and they'll turn around and say, I want to make a million dollars. Okay? Why that's an arbitrary number. Yeah, it may sound good, it's around numbers, why not? 10 million? Why not? 100? And why do you want the million bucks. Because if we don't know the why we can't move through it, we need to remember one of the first principles that I teach in the financial space is why before how and how much, I don't care how, how much you want to make. I don't care how much how wealthy you want to be. Because I do know this, if you don't have the why behind it, if you don't have the purpose behind it, if you don't understand the real purpose behind it more than what I want in the bank account, then it doesn't matter what the number is, it could be 100 bucks, and you will make it. So when we set the goals, and we add those emotionally compelling statements, they should also attach to an emotionally compelling, why, why is it so important for you to achieve that goal. Now when we do that, now, all of a sudden, again, we've got this tug rope that is pulling us along. And then for me, the goals have to be attached to a passion. I hope that you see my passion for doing what I'm doing. Because this is the thing that drives it. This is the thing that brings me joy. This is the thing that heals me from the cancer that brings the value of the cancer, I have a passion for and a passion to see your dreams alive. I see if a passion to see if I can help you make those dreams come to life. And in order to persevere, when we can attach it to a why and when we can bring our passion to bear on it. Perseverance is the byproduct. That leads me to number three, number three is practice. See, the idea is that too often we think that this has to be a perfect process. There was a study back in 2016 2017 Italian study that was done with entrepreneurs, 116 entrepreneurs they brought in, they wanted to start a business they were going to teach them how to start a business and run a business and they split them 50% of them went through the normal training of business training starting a business minor business. The other 50% went through the same training but they added a training on and that added training on was teaching them how to think more like a professor or scientist how to think in a way that their strategy was a thesis their strategy was I apotheosis, and when they took it to market it was to test the hypothesis and not To make sure that they were right. It was simply to get more information to do that, here's the data. A year later, those that were taught the way of thesis and hypothesis had 40 times greater revenue than those that didn't. And those that had the hypothesis training, the scientists training came at it. And they said that they were two times at least two times more likely to pivot based on new information, because their egos weren't in the way trying to prove it. All right. So that's why I say that it is a practice on the path to your goals. It is something that you're putting in place as a thesis. As I passes, and you're gonna be moving and adjusting and tweaking. Remember, I said that the days will unfold day after day after day. And based on information, you'll make better decisions, but you've already created alternatives in setting the goals, because we need those options. So now you have the flexibility to make that happen. In order to do this, effectively, we build a plan. And the way I build plans is I start long term. So I have the bigger vision, I bring it to midterm, so I understand some of the big, the big rocks I have to conquer, I drop it down to a year, so 10 years, five years, one year, then I break that into 90 day increments, 13 week sprints. And from those 13 weeks sprints, then I look at the very minut action steps, and what the expectations of those action steps are. That becomes the plan that I test, I hypothesize, and I keep moving, and we stay in process. And then the second part of practice is people. I surround myself with those that understand my vision, those that understand my values, those that understand my desires, those that will hold my feet to the fire, those that will not say yes to me, just because they want to be like, they will say yes to me, because it's the right thing to do. And they will say no to me, because it's the right thing to do, they will give me a hand down to help me up when I need it. And they're gonna give me a swift kick in the rear end when I need it. To have a group of people around you that can facilitate your journey to your goals is huge. It's the reason you get coaching. It's the reason you have mentors. It's the reason you get into group programs or mentorship programs, or masterminds, because now you have a common group that are moving towards their goals together, the goals may be completely different, but we are on the journey together. And we're moving through that. Here's what we know, when you start to use the goal getting triad, it will accelerate your path to the goals, because you have a process that keeps you in motion keeps you in progress. Here's what we know that when we get when we get the personal piece, right and the perseverance piece, right, you ultimately know what you're gonna do. And when we get the perseverance piece site and the practice piece, right, you ultimately know what you're going to have. And when you get the practice piece, right, and the personal piece, right? You ultimately know who you're going to become. When we start to work from this triad, you will see that your goals will take a life of its own. Because it is not some sterile list of things that you would like interests that you want on a page that you did one day before New Year's Eve. But it is something that you breathe, you breathe life into it. Because you connect it to a purpose you connect it to why you connected viscerally to the outcomes in a way that start to drive to you know that micro successes are the key that you're going to layer those moments on top of each other, to live the process of progress versus waiting just for the destination. When you start to focus on goal getting beyond goal setting. That's when things will change. At least they did for me and they do for my clients. I hope that this gives you a pathway to get to your goals faster. Get to your goals more consistently than you've experienced in the past. If you've never set goals before it's time to set them. If you've set goals before it's time to get them and if there's anything that I can do to help you to make that happen financially, business wise, whatever it is Please, please, please reach out to me. This show is about you. The reason I do this is for you. I'm here to support you. I'm here as a champion and cheerleader. I'm here to lift you up to kick you when you need it. Okay? In a good way. If you've got questions, if there's anything that I can do, please, please reach out to me, let me know. And in the process, you can ask the questions, I'll bring them on the show, I might even bring you on the show have conversation with you. The idea here is this. All I want to know is that I'm moving you forward one step at a time. So you're on the journey you are meant to be on, that you're living the life that you are here to live with the unique gifts that you are given, and that you're never ever going to settle for something less. And that by the time you get to those later days, you know that you lived it fully, that you live that richer lifestyle, like we talked about in the athletes blueprint that you had the deeper impact and that you lived with complete freedom. And if I can do anything to support that journey, please reach out. I'm here for you. I am your friend. I will coach you, I will mentor you I do whatever I can to make it happen. So until we get a chance to see each other another episode, another show are on the road as I'm speaking. As I say, always, always strive to live a life that outlives you. Cheers. See you soon. Thank you for listening to the affluent entrepreneur show with me your host Mel Abraham. If you want to achieve financial liberation to create an affluent lifestyle, join me in the affluent entrepreneur Facebook group now by going to mele forward slash group and I'll see you there

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