Observation Station

Conspiracy Theories

November 07, 2023 Episode 58
Conspiracy Theories
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Observation Station
Conspiracy Theories
Nov 07, 2023 Episode 58
Prepare for an exhilarating journey into the heart of the most gripping conspiracy theories that have emerged in the digital era. We're peeling back layers of fear and confusion fostered by the pandemic, unmasking the origins and impacts of these theories while dissecting the science behind electromagnetic fields, 5G technology, and public health data. Feel the pulse of one of America's most tumultuous days as we navigate through the chaos of the US Capitol riots - contrasting narratives, online propagation, and the ensuing investigations. But, amidst this seemingly dark narrative, we find light, gratitude, and lessons learned from a turbulent year.

Our final stop takes us to a place of reflection and farewell. We contemplate on the chain of events from the past year and their profound impact on our lives. Together, we wade through the sea of conspiracy theories birthed in 2020, unraveling societal implications and strategies for dealing with our present predicament. Here, we invite you to rejuvenate your spirit, stay safe, and keep your head high. Remember, your voice matters - so don't forget to like, rate, review, and share our journey with a friend. Buckle up, the truth awaits you on the Observation Station!

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Prepare for an exhilarating journey into the heart of the most gripping conspiracy theories that have emerged in the digital era. We're peeling back layers of fear and confusion fostered by the pandemic, unmasking the origins and impacts of these theories while dissecting the science behind electromagnetic fields, 5G technology, and public health data. Feel the pulse of one of America's most tumultuous days as we navigate through the chaos of the US Capitol riots - contrasting narratives, online propagation, and the ensuing investigations. But, amidst this seemingly dark narrative, we find light, gratitude, and lessons learned from a turbulent year.

Our final stop takes us to a place of reflection and farewell. We contemplate on the chain of events from the past year and their profound impact on our lives. Together, we wade through the sea of conspiracy theories birthed in 2020, unraveling societal implications and strategies for dealing with our present predicament. Here, we invite you to rejuvenate your spirit, stay safe, and keep your head high. Remember, your voice matters - so don't forget to like, rate, review, and share our journey with a friend. Buckle up, the truth awaits you on the Observation Station!

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Speaker 1:

Do you ever lift your head up from your phone, look around and think to yourself my God, everything is weird. Well, we do a lot. This is the Observation Station, a unique, entertaining and hilarious podcast. If we observe it, we talk about it. Anything and everything, anything and everything. Let's get weird and let's have some fun. This is the Observation Station and now your host, tommy Heights.

Speaker 2:

Greetings, trude Seekers and welcome to Observation Station. Today, we're piercing through the veil of recent history to scrutinize the conspiracy theories that have taken root in our digital age. In the next 15 minutes, we will dissect the most compelling theories that have emerged since 2020, examining their origins, their impact and the truth that lies beneath. So the first one, which has deepened really all of our hearts, is COVID-19. Whoa, what a time. I mean start with the global confusion and fear that accompanied the pandemic's onset.

Speaker 2:

So I remember, when I was at work, what happened. It was March of 2020, and people were like saying, hey, it's time to go home, we need to pack up everything. We all need to start working from home. So if you need to grab your laptop and work stuff, just take it home. And I'm thinking what the hell is going on? Why is this happening? This is super weird. You're turning on the TV and people are panicking. No one wants to talk to each other because of the COVID. It was like, oh my god, if I get too close, I'm going to spread COVID. I don't want to be causing an issue by being with somebody and inadvertently killing them. It's like, oh my god, A lot of things have happened since 2020.

Speaker 2:

A lot of things it's almost like it feels like a lifetime. Everything that's happened since is like three years. I cannot believe how much has happened where, in a condensed amount of time, it's just conflict, ups and downs, economy. Everything that has happened unprecedented, especially now with the high mortgage rates 8%. Some people are actually reported. If I was watching one of my favorite YouTubers and he's saying that and you don't quote me on this but he's saying that some people that are selling their homes are so desperate to sell that they're actually putting up a certain portion or paying I don't think it'd be the full amount, but a portion of the buyer's mortgage just to get out of the home. People are getting desperate. There's nobody that can even qualify if they don't have near perfect credit score.

Speaker 2:

The present natural transmission arguments citing the studies, expert opinions and the geopolitical tensions involved, like the CDC and Dr Fauci, which seem to be credible at the start, because you think to yourself okay, these are appointed by our government, which that really put the colors out there to say, hey, this is not something that I want to be saying that I can go around and say that sounds correct, because the longer that it went. It's like, well, this doesn't seem so much right. It seems more like just where they're treating people like sheep. So I mean, you make out of it what you want. It's over now. It's not going to be coming back here. I mean it's like the flu always be here, but it's not going to be where people aren't immune to that.

Speaker 2:

So the next thing is 5G technology fears. So I had it where the people are telling you people at work and you're just kind of overhearing the conversation. They're like, oh my God, 5g is not good because it's gonna be frying everybody's brains and what it sounds like, oh God. So trace the introduction of 5G technology and the subsequent emergence of health related conspiracy theories. So analyze the claims of 5G's connection to the pandemic, the science behind electromagnetic fields and public health data. So there's a lot of different things that they say oh well, this is causing cancer. Da, da, da, da, da. Well, you have to explore the societal impact of these theories, including you know, they vandalize 5G towers and try to have it where the technology is getting cut off, so communication is not being able to be transmitted, so that confusion and chaos can happen.

Speaker 2:

There are people that just want the world to burn in front of them and they wouldn't mind everybody going down with them. A lot of that going on right now, especially in the world that we're in right now, it's just unbelievable. The kind of madness. That's why a lot of times I don't even turn on the TV anymore, because it's like, well you know, is it just gonna be where people are just getting murdered? The weather, some guy talking about his dog and how it really is a good companion, and he's rescued him from the shelter before commercial, and they come back from commercial break and then it becomes where it's the other half of the weather, the sports, and you get back to any conflicts overseas, which are always just terrible. And then you get back to it and it's like, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

And then let's talk about, you know, joe Biden. It's like, oh God. Or it's another thing, about downing Trump. I have to tell you this is going to be one heck of a debate. If Joe Biden plans to be getting up there and trying to say that he's going to be a qualified candidate as a president. The guy can barely stand on a podium. I mean, geez, what are we gonna do out there? So I mean it goes down to those US Capitol riot theories.

Speaker 2:

So you recap the January 6th 2021. You set the stage for the various conspiracy theories that followed and you delve into contrasting narratives from different political spectrums and how they were propagated online. So the discuss of the investigations outcomes that have attempted to clarify the day's events. So many people have their take on it. I try to stay out of that one.

Speaker 2:

It just seems a little bit kooky to me about all the different angles of saying, hey, I mean, there had to be something that didn't, you know security-wise, wasn't executed and who knows what's going on. It's just like anything that's happening nowadays. You think of all these serial killers that are out there like how could it happen? How could no one see it? It's like my, if somebody saw it, I don't think they'd have it where you know I would say, in good conscience would allow that to happen. Where there was a guy in, I think, maine, massachusetts, one of those, and he went to the bowling alley and shot 80 people and killed, I think, 18. Don't quote me on the state there, it's up North, but you think to yourself what more can happen where this, just every day, is just like what is going on and sometimes because you see these flash banners with all the news on there that does oh, you know so and so is dead. It's like the boy who cried wolf.

Speaker 2:

Everything that you're seeing on the internet at some point is something that you get desensitized from looking at because all it is is just trying to have a shock effect on you. So if you're watching all of this videos that are, you know, 15, 20 seconds long to have supercuts on it that's going to seem where I mean, that's something good, something bad. Or if a person is talking, it could be taken out of context. Lots of times that's what happens is, with this edited world that we can have right now, somebody can have a sentence and have it where it's cut off, but somebody edits it where it's seamless and it looks like the person just is saying it completely in a sentence, without the pauses or other context behind the message that is being said to the crowd and it makes it look like the person that could be a bad person. Or if the person that's editing has a bias towards you know, whatever political bias they have is where they will make it, where that candidate has an unfavorable image to the public, and well, it is what it is. It is what it is.

Speaker 2:

I feel, as if it's going to be that these debates are going to be just the Donald Trump and Joe Biden debates, that there's literally nobody's even talking about anybody else. There's nobody. I mean you can talk all that you want about this stuff, there's nobody that's going to be coming close to Donald Trump. I know that somebody oh yeah, watch, just watch. I mean look this whole, this whole world right now as a whole. You don't want to get political, but at a certain point you want to stay in the understanding of saying that the commander in chief needs to have the wits about them. You can say, hey, maybe I don't like the way they talk to somebody, but they really don't even know what day it is and you're not just like trying to joke about it. You know it's like. It's like you're in a retirement home talking to somebody. Where are they? What's going on? Yeah, so I mean, look, here's how I figure here.

Speaker 2:

The thing is is that we're going into 2024 here. Soon. Ai, as I've said in many episodes before, is going to take over. You can say as many conspiracy theories as you want about AI, but we really don't even know the full capacity at any I mean space of the imagination of what's going to be here, even like next, the end of next year. Since last well, sir, I mean since. Well, yeah, probably think last November is when the chat GPT program came out so that it was open source for the public to use. From that day on, I swear that innovation has. Just it's so exponential that the mind can't even conceive how far that we've come as a society with these programs.

Speaker 2:

So, making it where technology a lot of times does have it, where people that don't understand it will say oh, the robots are going to take over the, we're going to lose our jobs. What, why? Why would somebody want that when they don't have any more human touch? Some people don't want human touch anymore. Some people just want to buy and get the stuff and not have to deal with people. You have to be in the way of where the consumer wants to purchase. That's why a lot of times, people don't want to go and buy a car or buy perfume or clone or whatever at the mall because they're just constantly getting chased and followed around by the represent. Oh hey, how are you? You know, some people just want to have it where they're like okay, I like that, I want to buy that or take a test drive, whatever it is. So from there it's like okay, well, let's, let's figure it out here. What do we need to do just to make things happen?

Speaker 2:

So well, let me conclude here with the reflection on the power of the narrative and ease with which misinformation can spread in our hyper-connected world. So just reiterating the importance of critical thinking and the need for rigorous fact checking in the face of sensational claims. So encourage listeners to approach such theories with both an open mind and healthy skepticism. Always have it where you just keep yourself to be a free thinking person and your life will be so much better. And I wanna have it where this is gonna be a good. Definitely brings back memories of trying to get good deals.

Speaker 2:

So the next episode is gonna be about Black Friday and the madness behind the discounts. So I'm gonna say that the psychological trickers behind the consumer behavior and the economic frenzy creates each year we're gonna be talking about some times when I remember when, like the PlayStation was coming out, tvs were getting used as weapons. I mean I was seeing some people like taking the corners of the TVs, like fighting people with those big 55 inches. It was crazy. So you know, hey. That being said there, I just wanna say I'm so glad with people joining the observation station here and bringing such support to the podcast itself. It's gonna be getting better here, trying to get a little bit more organized with the scripts, but we'll always be taking suggestion from my listeners. So, hey, take it easy, stay safe, have the good vibes going, everything's gonna be all right. And keep your head up. All right, bye-bye now.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to the observation station. We find everyday life and everyday situations hilarious. We hope you've enjoyed the show. We know we had a blast. Make sure to like, rate and review, and be sure to tell a friend about the show. That would help too. See you next time on the observation station. Joy Rel GRÜNEN.

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Observation Station's Gratitude and Farewell