Observation Station

World of Creative Minds

December 05, 2023 Episode 61
World of Creative Minds
Observation Station
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Observation Station
World of Creative Minds
Dec 05, 2023 Episode 61
Imagine if you could unleash the power of your creativity, using it not just to dream, but to turn those dreams into reality. That's exactly what we're exploring on the latest episode of Observation Station podcast. We're on a mission to demystify the workings of creative minds, marveling at how these geniuses don't just see the world for what it is but redefine what's possible. We're talking Steve Jobs, JK Rowling, and other legends who've defied norms and transformed our world. Our conversation is not just about celebrating their achievements, but about understanding how they made the impossible possible and how you can, too.

Coming to the lighter side of life, we also bring a whimsical exploration of holiday spirits and the motivation they inspire. We're sharing laughs, joy, and a whole lot of inspiration that will have you embracing the holiday spirit and spreading happiness around. The podcast concludes with a look at how creative minds have brought phenomenal changes in our world, from the birth of the iPhone to the rise of giants like Amazon. Remember to share the love (and the podcast) with your friends. We promise you a good time filled with positivity, laughter, and the reminder that with a spark of creativity and an open mind, anything is possible. So tune in, keep the joy flowing, and let's keep making this world a weirder, more wonderful place together.

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Imagine if you could unleash the power of your creativity, using it not just to dream, but to turn those dreams into reality. That's exactly what we're exploring on the latest episode of Observation Station podcast. We're on a mission to demystify the workings of creative minds, marveling at how these geniuses don't just see the world for what it is but redefine what's possible. We're talking Steve Jobs, JK Rowling, and other legends who've defied norms and transformed our world. Our conversation is not just about celebrating their achievements, but about understanding how they made the impossible possible and how you can, too.

Coming to the lighter side of life, we also bring a whimsical exploration of holiday spirits and the motivation they inspire. We're sharing laughs, joy, and a whole lot of inspiration that will have you embracing the holiday spirit and spreading happiness around. The podcast concludes with a look at how creative minds have brought phenomenal changes in our world, from the birth of the iPhone to the rise of giants like Amazon. Remember to share the love (and the podcast) with your friends. We promise you a good time filled with positivity, laughter, and the reminder that with a spark of creativity and an open mind, anything is possible. So tune in, keep the joy flowing, and let's keep making this world a weirder, more wonderful place together.

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Speaker 1:

Do you ever lift your head up from your phone, look around and think to yourself my God, everything is weird. Well, we do a lot. This is the Observation Station, a unique, entertaining and hilarious podcast. If we observe it, we talk about it. Anything and everything, anything and everything. Let's get weird and let's have some fun. This is the Observation Station and now your host, tommy Heights.

Speaker 2:

Hey there, listeners, welcome back to the Observation Station. I'm Tommy Heights, and today we're diving into the fascinating and often unpredictable world of creative minds. We're talking about the geniuses and visionaries who see the world not for what it is, but for what it could be. Fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen. We're about to embark on a journey into the minds that innovate the world, inspire and turn impossibilities into realities. Well, when we think about creativity, big names come to mind, like Steve Jobs with his sleek Apple designs, or JK Rowling, who whisked us away in the magical world of Harry Potter. These are the people who didn't just think outside the box, they redefined the box. Today, we're not just celebrating their achievements, but also diving into how their minds work. What makes them tick? Let's find out, first up, what is creativity? It's like a superpower to connect dots that others can't even see. For example, if someone's colorblind and you see the rainbow, they might just see black and white. It's about inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, having fun, doing it all the whole time.

Speaker 2:

As Maya Angelou famously said, you can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have, and that's the beauty of it it's limitless. So take it onto yourself to say that this world now, with the internet, can help you become anything that you want to be. There is no way of saying I can't do this, I can't do this. Start getting resourceful. Stop having it where you say I can't do this, this, this. Stop with the shit. You can do what you want. You have the internet, you got YouTube, you got chat, gpt. You have everything out there to tell you this is how to do it. One, two, three, four. And if you say you don't have time to read books, then I don't know what to do with you.

Speaker 2:

Let's not forget about collaboration between creative minds. The best ideas come off of bouncing thoughts, brainstorming, so that your mind is on a creative mode, of trying to muster up new ways of thinking and firing off certain synapses. The famous example is Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, or Woz. This is the duo that started Apple and it's a testament to the power of collaboration. We're talking about a trillion dollar company. Don't be afraid to share your ideas and build on others. That's where the magic happens.

Speaker 2:

Anybody that goes and says what an iPhone is to somebody I mean I say 100 years ago, because that's always a good just everyone says well, it doesn't even matter if it's 100 years ago. We didn't even have cell phones in the 80s or something. But I'm just trying to give it like an extreme example. If you went 100 years ago and told these people what a phone, that was a cell phone or something like that. First off, cell phone is not even a concept to these people. Though the explanation to these people that don't understand what a cell phone is is that you take a metal piece, a plastic piece, solder it together and that thing can do whatever you want. It's like ordering food.

Speaker 2:

Internet. What's internet? So the world has come so far from having it where you're just driving a horse and then you have a car, then you have a plane. It's like the whole time, creative minds had to keep going. If we didn't have people like Elon Musk to have Tesla, spacex, all these different things, jeff Bezos, amazon let's figure out some other people I mean you could say Henry Ford so much has been given to us by the people that have just pushed the limit, beyond even belief, of what is possible. So when some of these people say, oh, I can't believe there's billionaires, look at what the hell they created for us. These people make our lives so much easier.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, with Amazon or things like that, people that don't understand taxes say oh, these companies, they've never turned a profit. Let's see here, if you really are that smart about taxes which I know you're not, because that's why you're spewing this garbage why would a company favorably not want to turn a profit on paper when they do their taxes? Hmm, let's see, duh, you know these people have to wonder why is it that wealthy people don't pay taxes? Because they actually are smart, know how to use assets and depreciate them. Now, look, I'm not a CPA here. Go to your CPA. But there's small things of how to create from the dust on the wind. Basically, for you to be resourceful is where two sticks can create a fire. It can create whatever you wanted to do if your mind works hard enough. I know that's an extreme example.

Speaker 2:

Everybody had to start from somewhere, even though maybe your inventions, like Thomas Edison, where people said why do you quit just doing what you're doing? All this junk doesn't even work. You've done this a thousand times. Why do you keep doing this if every time you just keep failing? You know it's kind of funny. He says with his curiosity, ask questions and you seek the answers. You gotta keep the openness to learning. I mean, remember, creativity thrives on knowledge. You give yourself permission to explore. Fail, try again. So Thomas Edison said I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. And that's the spirit of a true creative mind. With the lights that are in your house right now, thomas Edison was the guy who helped you do that, where you'd be using a candle.

Speaker 2:

I mean, look at all the things we've been given in our life just by people saying, hey, let me make it where the world will make a better place out of the inventions that I give to them the internet. I don't know who really created the internet, but that's another thing. That just explaining the internet to people, it's like it's unbelievable. Even to this day I cannot believe that we have the internet Every single day. I just pinch myself to say there's no way. I remember when I was a kid with dial up, to think man, this is the move. Here. You have a AOL where you got mail. Now we have it where you're texting an XYZ, just texting. Even when I was a kid I had a Nokia. Every single text you had to hit the keypad three, four times for K, four times for an exclamation point, whatever it is. Now you're cracking text here using voice notes. I can't believe how far we've come. So the whole thing is to be bold.

Speaker 2:

Tony Robbins always is talking about the most resourceful people will be the ones that come out on top. There's nothing that's more true than that. When you live in a first world country like the United States, we have everything. Even if you fall ass backwards, you still have ways to go back because the government is there to help you. When you go to a third world country, people think, oh well, I'm gonna have it where I have the same luxuries in the United States. Saying it, this is like your first time traveling outside of the United States or you're used to going to first world countries.

Speaker 2:

Whatever it is the minds that come out of the impoverished countries, all these different people that make it into the pro leagues of sports and different ways of making money like starting companies and whatnot. These are resourceful people. You look at the immigrants that, just like I'm from El Salvador in lineage, because my mother left during the war. These are people, a lot of them. When they come from war torn backgrounds or are forced to leave. That is when you have it, where the fire comes out of the person like ashes from, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. This is where you know I have a privilege of coming from the United States, living a good life, just like a lot of people do, when I can sit here in air conditioning and say all this nice stuff.

Speaker 2:

Everybody doesn't have the same privilege as I do, and the whole thing is when the nose hits the grindstone to say I don't have a choice to do. This choice or that choice need to get resourceful. How can I get a mentor, somebody to bounce some ideas off of them so that you have somebody to say, okay, I need a second opinion on this way of thinking, so that somebody that has been successful in this field can help me out by giving a perspective as a professional. Hopefully you're consulting with professionals. If your mentor is, you know, in and out of jail, maybe that's not a good mentor. Not saying that. That's how you know people have it. All the time you have to assess who am I asking Sometimes when people say, oh man, that's too expensive, that's too this, that's too that, that's too this, why would you ever pay for that.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, well, let's see this person's mind. Everything is a lack. I will never have enough money. Only the wealthy people are crooks, because there's no other way to make that kind of money. How are you gonna do good things in this world if everything is a negative, every single thing? Now I just wanna have it where somebody is creative enough, where I know Elon was having it, where the boring tunnel how it's going to supposedly alleviate traffic? We need something like that in South Florida because the traffic out here is terrible. I mean sometimes to get off of an exit two, three miles, the GPS will show 2.5 miles, 30 minutes. I don't even know how we've come to this point in our lives where there's this much traffic in South Florida. When I first moved here in 2015, it was not even nearly as close with the whole world. It feels like. I know it's in season now too. But please, creative minds, if you hear the observation and you're a listener and you're observing out there the traffic, please come, try to do some planning. Help South Florida out, make it easier for everybody that comes and visits, also for spring break, holidays, whatever. It is okay. So that's a wrap for today's adventure into the minds of the creative people in the world, but don't go too far.

Speaker 2:

Next episode we're getting into the festive spirit. It's December. Right now we're coming in with an episode celebrating the holidays. We'll explore unique traditions from around the world, share some stories, maybe even spill some secrets on how to make your holiday celebrations extra special. So tune in for a dose of holiday cheer, tommy style. All right guys, thanks for joining Again. I am glad to have everybody that listens to the observation station, each person that listens. It really just gives me more motivation to pop out these episodes, that I can get better and better each day, because my mind is going to be as creative as the people I talk to on these episodes. So, all right guys, well, holiday spirits, bring them next time you listen in, so I'll have it where I gotta have, that cheery spirit. So, all right guys, take it easy. Stay safe, keep the smiles going, brainstorm, do what you need to do and when you come up with that trillion dollar invention, make sure that you had the inspiration from the observation station. Don't forget your boy team money. All right, take it easy.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to the observation station. We find everyday life and everyday situations hilarious. We hope you've enjoyed the show. We know we had a blast. Make sure to like, rate and review, and be sure to tell a friend about the show. That would help too. See you next time on the observation station.

Exploring Creative Minds and Innovation
Motivation, Inspiration, and Fun