Observation Station

Celebrating the Holidays

January 09, 2024 Episode 62
Celebrating the Holidays
Observation Station
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Observation Station
Celebrating the Holidays
Jan 09, 2024 Episode 62
As the frost of yesteryear melts away, we're here at the Observation Station to stir the coals of introspection and fan the flames of lively debate. Have you ever wondered why the promises we make to ourselves often flicker out like forgotten candles? This episode tugs at the threads of that curiosity, unfurling a tapestry of personal anecdotes that journey from the wintry cheer of Chicago to the sun-soaked solitude of South Florida. Observing the transformation in holiday traditions becomes a metaphor for the evolving nature of community and the individual's quest for connection amid a sea of misinformation and fleeting gym fads. Listen in as we cast a critical eye on the reliability of government promises and champion the unsung hero of personal accountability.

Cruising through life's highway often feels like a relentless pursuit of leveling up, seeking purpose beyond the cycle of bill payments and adulthood's sobering responsibilities. This episode navigates these universal challenges, offering insights into fostering resilience and self-improvement that mirror the progression of a well-played video game. Touching on the cautionary tales of sudden wealth, we underscore the significance of developing a sturdy financial backbone. We invite you to join us in rejecting the seductive lull of victimhood, instead embracing the rich diversity of life's missions—be they spiritual, personal, or a blend of both. Embark on this enlightening journey as we listen to our gut instincts and map out the route to genuine happiness and fulfillment.

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As the frost of yesteryear melts away, we're here at the Observation Station to stir the coals of introspection and fan the flames of lively debate. Have you ever wondered why the promises we make to ourselves often flicker out like forgotten candles? This episode tugs at the threads of that curiosity, unfurling a tapestry of personal anecdotes that journey from the wintry cheer of Chicago to the sun-soaked solitude of South Florida. Observing the transformation in holiday traditions becomes a metaphor for the evolving nature of community and the individual's quest for connection amid a sea of misinformation and fleeting gym fads. Listen in as we cast a critical eye on the reliability of government promises and champion the unsung hero of personal accountability.

Cruising through life's highway often feels like a relentless pursuit of leveling up, seeking purpose beyond the cycle of bill payments and adulthood's sobering responsibilities. This episode navigates these universal challenges, offering insights into fostering resilience and self-improvement that mirror the progression of a well-played video game. Touching on the cautionary tales of sudden wealth, we underscore the significance of developing a sturdy financial backbone. We invite you to join us in rejecting the seductive lull of victimhood, instead embracing the rich diversity of life's missions—be they spiritual, personal, or a blend of both. Embark on this enlightening journey as we listen to our gut instincts and map out the route to genuine happiness and fulfillment.

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Speaker 1:

Do you ever lift your head up from your phone, look around and think to yourself my God, everything is weird. Well, we do A lot. This is the Observation Station, a unique, entertaining and hilarious podcast. If we observe it, we talk about it. Anything and everything, anything and everything. Let's get weird and let's have some fun. This is the Observation Station and now your host, tommy Heights.

Speaker 3:

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. The New Year's is here, 2024. I've been away for a little bit here. I am back to observing Now in the New Year's resolution style of saying we've got to kick off this year, correct. The podcast has now hit. This is now the 62nd episode.

Speaker 3:

I want to really go on from the last episode where I teased the holiday cheer. I feel like I can kind of cheat and say well, new Year's resolutions were kind of still in the holidays, and if we're still in the first week where 99% of people have already passed up their resolution and said there's already 2025 right around the corner, so hey guys, welcome back. Glad you guys made it. We are happy to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and that is the grand society that we play a part in. Now that we come into 2024, we can now seal 2023. Everything about that is gone. It's the past. Nobody needs to worry about that anymore, unless you have debt that's carried over. Sorry about that.

Speaker 3:

Students. Yeah, I mean, look some of the people. When you talk to them about the holidays, it can be a time for cheer. Sometimes it's actually sad for people. They tell you well, I don't have anybody to go and celebrate these holidays with. That's not always the best feeling to be having that conversation. You may want to help that person out and just send your prayers to them, but at that point there's nothing else to do. Look, I am trying to show empathy. The more that life goes on, a lot of opportunities presents itself. Then you go. Okay, where do I need to put my focus on? That's exactly why a lot of TV watching has been cut out of my itinerary. Everything that's on the TV now just seems to be pure filth, not even informing you of proper stuff beyond the weather the weather you can get on your phone either way. The news is not even informing you anymore. Now, when you get onto these websites, you don't even know what's real and what's not.

Speaker 2:

It's like oh my God. People are in debt. Christmas is going to be a nightmare for families with no presents under. That's like what's going on here.

Speaker 3:

A lot of the times when I was a kid, christmas was so much more fun, I feel like, than now. It's just like I don't even know, because back in the day when I was in Chicago, it was more like a white Christmas. I'm here in South Florida. You don't need to necessarily have a white Christmas to have a Christmas per se, though as my young age I remember that when we were kids it'd be fun because people would be going out and having fun with family, talking with your friends, going to the sledding and I know you can't do sledding here, like I said, it's not snowing, but over here no one even seems to be outside ever talking to each other, and if you ever get too close to somebody they all act like, oh, what's this guy doing? Or something like you just want to say hi.

Speaker 3:

So different times. You know a lot of the times back in the day you just go up and say, hey, merry Christmas. I'm gonna say Merry Christmas. People just kind of seem more distant with each other. It's not the same as when I was a kid where you just kind of be freely throwing that. Okay, hey.

Speaker 2:

Merry Christmas, sir. Hey, how you doing Merry Christmas?

Speaker 3:

And it's just kind of you do your own thing, but you know it is what it is. So, on from there, we have 2024. Who knows what the resolutions are. When you, it's almost like spring break for me. When I go to the gym. In the first couple of weeks I treat it as almost spring break.

Speaker 3:

When I'm in Florida, here, I don't even want to go out. It's kind of like, why am I going to go out when there's no machines that are going to be able to be used? The people that actually are here don't even know what the heck they're doing, and they're sitting there on their phone just pissing around, just on the TikTok or whatever. And you're thinking, god, what the hell this guy I mean, I've seen some people sit on these machines. I swear to 15 minutes just sitting there straddling the machine. And you don't want to be like rude and be like yo get the hell off this machine, you know, but trying to that's another thing. With the New Year's resolutions it's like let me think how many other machines there are. But man, if it's been like 15, 20 minutes and the dude's been on there, now other people are kind of like what's going on with this guy.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, though, when it comes to these New Year's resolutions, how are you going to implement them? That is the big deal. Is this something that you're just saying? Well, hopefully, what's with this? Hopefully, shit, get it done. All these people are just talking about I hope this, I hope that, I hope this. Good for you, good for that. Oh my God, I just can't wait to these people just get just punched in the face with all the reality. It's oh, man, when this economy takes a shit, I swear these people are going to be having it where. Every time you see that, these people just say, oh yeah, well, the government it treats us badly now, but at least we're gonna get Social Security and some, you know, you're gonna really trust the government to really take care of you.

Speaker 3:

Everything that the government does it's in its best interest, for its own, and whatever it's doing it it's self-interests. So these are the things that I try to help people and say let's be free thinking. Right now, we're getting into an era where people are getting consumed by what the news is saying more and more and more as its Propaganda towards them to say, oh no, I have to listen to what this person says and I have no right to be be a free thinker or or a free American. These are the times now to get smart. If you are coming into the year of 2024, let's make it something that you're going to not regret in 2025 by just being blind of what's coming. So we have it. Or now the chapter is being switched from last year to this year, a Fresh book to be put forth with your pen and this paper.

Speaker 3:

What story are you gonna write for 2024? These are the things that you need to take into account. It cannot just be year after year after year of the same shit. You you're gonna say to your kids hey, you know, daddy's getting better and then when the kids actually get smart, they're gonna be like daddy's the same or worse there and they might say it's better if it is a little bit better. But I mean, it might just be out of pity to say, hey, you know you, at least you're doing something. Get out of the comfort zone. Now is the time. It was the time last year was the time the year before. If you just give up on it, just stop right now, don't. Why would you put yourself through the pain? You're just, you're just gonna keep putting yourself to say I'm just gonna try to just live comfortably Comfortably is a comfortable until something really bad happens financially, and it's not even that something planned. Even if you're the best saver and you have everything just down to the penny, there is something that's gonna come at you that's a six thousand dollar expense and punch you right in the who. You know the hoo-ha, and then you're gonna be like whoa, I wasn't expecting that. No, you were not. No one expects that.

Speaker 3:

That's why the whole point of making sure that not only yourself or your family is taking care of where is it that the the vulnerabilities of your setup or situation? If it's, it's individually, is it as a unit with the family? Is it with friends? How is it that you need to improve? It's kind of like a video game. There's skills that need to be moved forward in the proficiencies.

Speaker 3:

If communication may not be your strong suit, athleticism, going to the gym may not be your strong suit, at least try to go there. At least try to have it where it's like okay, what am I going to do to make things incrementally better? It's not going to be from zero to a million by overnight. And if somebody's going to tell you it's zero to a million overnight, the lottery is the only way. And you know what? The lottery? Most of the winners go broke and that's not something that you just have it where. You're just saying that and people go oh, you know, you're jealous. Take a look at it, look online. These people have never had the money before to even be understanding what this is supposed to be with fiscal responsibility. They just boom. Nowadays it is very, very easy to be spending a lot of money extremely quickly. And ask gamblers that are in the high rollers stakes room Look.

Speaker 3:

When it comes down to this, everybody has a mission in life to their own perception of what it is that God or whatever person they believe is their higher power. If they believe there's no higher power, then it's up to that person Individually. I feel like there has to be something above us bigger. We weren't just put here coincidentally. That is something that I feel as if, if you're going to be looking at finding a purpose, what is it that you wake up in the morning to do, if it is literally just to pay your bills? I mean, what existence do you live? The bills are gonna be there today, tomorrow, the next day, and that's the existence you're gonna do is just be a worker bee for the rest of your life, not have anything to even really live.

Speaker 3:

For so many times where you have a less than ideal situation, where you're doing chores or something like as a young kid, and you have it where your parents are saying, hey, you need to do this, you need to do that, and you're thinking, man, wait till I get out of here and do my own thing. And then you get to that age where you get out, you do your own thing. From there it's like, oh my God, all these responsibilities, oh my, this is so much work and I have to actually start paying bills. And even after 18, some people even give up. That's the funny thing is, like right after high school, when you're choosing your colleges, some people don't even want to get into the workforce because they're like, you know what? I'm giving up? It's all downhill from here.

Speaker 3:

Funny enough, that was something that when I was, I had to think it was my 21st. Yeah, it was my 21st birthday and I was at a red lobster. It wasn't like a birthday dinner thing, but I was just telling the lady yeah, you know, my birthday's coming up here, I'm gonna turn 21. And da, da, da, da, da, just making conversation with this kind of like, probably like a 30 something year old waitress or something like that, because of the remark that she said, I'll tell you why. And I said I guess the only really the next thing I'm looking for is 25, because that's when I could pay lower car insurance. So I was just cracking a quick joke and she's like, yeah, you know, I guess so, because I guess past 25, it's kind of like all downhill from there. Well, okay, well, thanks.

Speaker 3:

How was that even supposed to have a positive response? You're like, yeah, you're totally right. I mean it'd be weird because I just turned 21,. What am I supposed to say? Yes, I have nothing to look forward at a few years. But then even the weirder thing said. I said I don't know. You know who knows? And she's like man, maybe it's just me, my life, I was like I'll be back with your drinks.

Speaker 3:

Like oh my God, this is totally depressing, though some people live in that perpetual victimhood. They actually like that if that's the way that they communicate with people, if they feel like somebody's trying to correct them while giving solutions Like no no, no, no, no, I can't do those solutions.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's gonna be too much work. And I have this and this problem, that problem. You could literally have it where they're, like, I'm so broke. You could give them a million dollars, like, no, no, no, I don't need the million dollars, I don't want your charity, oh, I'm gonna do it myself.

Speaker 3:

It's like dude, are you serious? You see, are you serious? But everybody, like they said, is a good older. It is true, to each their own. The sun's always gonna come up, go down, come up, go down again. We're gonna have it where, as I was saying, we gotta have it where we're free thinkers.

Speaker 3:

So just because I think something may not be correct, you know, it's not worth fighting a lot of people for what's right and what's wrong, especially when people are talking about all this crazy stuff on television about what's a boy and what's a girl and all this other stuff. It's like what are we doing, you know? But I mean, look, figuring out what it is that in your heart, makes you happy. That is what it is all about. The gut feeling is what makes it where. It guides you Past. That you know it's just speculation. So, all right.

Speaker 3:

Well, I do want to put a teaser for the next episode, but I think I'm going to try to come up with a little bit of an itinerary and see if I can brainstorm some creative ideas, so that it's kind of a fresh take to observation station to see what kind of news and things that have been coming out right now, improving the channel a little bit here and there, taking some people, like you know, tell me some listeners and friends say, hey, you need to add a little bit more of this. Take out this, don't talk so long about this. I feel at the point here I still haven't hit 100 episodes, but I really, like I said, I'm always glad for anybody that listens to my channel. The observation station is here for only the listener, the observer, that's you. From there, look, it's all going to be okay.

Speaker 3:

As I mentioned all the time here, sometimes we all have bad days, bad weeks, bad months, but let's not make it a bad year Before make it a good year. We're here, come on, let's do this. Take it easy, everybody. I'll see you on Friday, peace.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to the observation station. We find everyday life and everyday situations hilarious. We hope you've enjoyed the show. We know we had a blast. Make sure to like, rate and review, and be sure to tell a friend about the show. That would help too. See you next time on the observation station.

Observation Station
Finding Purpose and Improving Life Skills