Cum With KC

Hoe For The Holidays

December 08, 2023 Kari Sanders Season 3 Episode 15
Hoe For The Holidays
Cum With KC
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Cum With KC
Hoe For The Holidays
Dec 08, 2023 Season 3 Episode 15
Kari Sanders

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Kari and Dr. Casey are talking how to Use the holidays as a time to fit in plenty of sex even when dealing with kids and family.

Mentioned in this episode:

Carla Renee Intimates
Nightshade Burlesque 

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Kari and Dr. Casey are talking how to Use the holidays as a time to fit in plenty of sex even when dealing with kids and family.

Mentioned in this episode:

Carla Renee Intimates
Nightshade Burlesque 

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this is the last month of the year. We're done. Like, this is it. We have worked pretty fucking hard on this show lately. Come on, Mr. Striped Shirt. Chime in. Stop. You're pausing and I don't know why you're pausing. You're the only one pausing here. Let's go. I was just getting a reaction out of you. It's fine. I'm just waiting on you, daddy. Slowly watching your face as you're like, Hey, motherfucker, talk. Come on. I will talk this whole goddamn show if I need to. I doubt that. Oh, sit back. Don't say a word. Okay. Mama's got this. Got it. All right. So for December, see that's funny is because now he's just going to do it out of spite and he thinks I'm joking. This is a whole show of Carrie. So, we have notes that we created at lunch today because we like to do this thing where we do a date day where we come up with like concepts and ideas and stuff that we want to talk about for the show. At this point, I just waiting to see the fucking cracks because. I ain't cracking. So calendar for December, what do we got going on? We have a couple's soiree last year because Casey doesn't like the word challenge. So this year I slightly talked him into saying, fuck it. We're calling it a goddamn challenge because it is a challenge. Go through and do these 12 days of Christmas with your partner and actually like secede and do it because we all have this, like, we go into December with like best case scenario, how we think the year is going, or I'm sorry, how the month is going to be. But if you are like us and you have kids and you have a stubborn husband, that's just sitting back and not saying anything, it can make. For December, really difficult. And, and so we have come up with a couple's calendar again, we're only doing it for the 12 days of Christmas one, because it's convenient too, because we tried the 30 fucking Christmas and it, we realized that was way too fucking much. So we came up with a 12 days and you still have minus I'm up. Go to our Instagram and on our Links in our bio, you can click on that. And there's like 10 different links at this point, but the very top one is a Christmas couples challenge or soiree or wherever the fuck we decided to call it this year. But it's your opportunity to put in your email address and then. Once we start the 12 days of Christmas, you will receive an email that morning. That morning is a new task for you and your partner to accomplish together. We have a bunch of different examples of the ones that worked last year. We have some that didn't work last year. So we're basically like solidating. Is that the word consolidating all of our best ones in the top 12 for, for Christmas this year. The next thing that we're about is that I'm going to talk about because you're just sitting here smiling at me. This is Carrie's podcast, by the way, this has not come with Casey anymore. This has come on Carrie with Carrie. And the next thing that we're going to talk about is December 22nd. Casey, what is. Oh, what cat's got your tongue? December 22nd is a show. Well, it is the burlesque show. It is nightshade burlesque, but it is not at the normal venue. Normal. When we talk about the show, it is the first Friday of every month. It is at Cicada in foot worth. That is not the case for this time around. They are partnering with tulips, which if you are a Fort Worth local, local, you know, tulips at this point. It is a bar in Southside Fort Worth. They are hosting nightshade burlesque December 22nd. We already have our VIP table with one of our two favorite people. But there are still tables. There's still seating available. You still can sign a show. And again, it is 22nd at tulips. You can go to night trade burlesque. You can go to our page. You can go to tulips. It really doesn't matter. It's pretty easy to find the show that we can not wait. To go to it's going to continue to stare at Casey while he says nothing. His level of stubbornness is my favorite, truthfully. Now, the next topic that we're going to discuss is a very close friend of ours. We're not normally competitive, but in terms of stubbornness, I will surpass you. Sometimes it can be hard to determine who's more stubborn. You or me. You did good, right? I had a few slip ups, but I mean, I'm not, I'm, I'm imperfect. Did you mention the fact that Shade before Christmas is going to have live music. No, no, I was doing my best at getting it all in there If you would like to wait, no, I had to go Okay, this was fun. Oh the calendar the couple's calendar. Yeah. Yes. I like the name of soiree. I my reasoning for not Challenge is I love saying this when you were being mute, by the way, that was my favorite continue at all. My, my, my disdain for the word challenge is I feel like it's just used by so many people. And the reality is, is I don't want it to anyone to be like, Ooh, this is going to be a challenge. It's going to be for us to do. I want it to be like, no, this is something we want to do because. It's something we can not have it be so hard for us to do that. We have to refer to it as challenging. Yes. Or the flip side of it and realizing that it is a fucking challenge to be in a relationship and put these aspects first. It is a challenge. It's the fucking holidays. Holidays are not about us. Holidays are about everybody else. So I love the word challenge because this is the first time that it maybe actually is a challenge to put you and your partner first. I consider it an opportunity. I still fucking consider it a challenge. I love your sweet bird, like, chirping perspective. Bird chirping? Yeah, like, like, light shining on your beautiful, beautiful perspective. Mine is like, no bitch, we gotta get this shit. We have to do it. It's a challenge. We do it. But maybe that's just the way, maybe that's just the way we both. It's really view it as that things like this for you are a challenge and fine. And for me, it's just the ease of the relationship. That's so cute. But that ain't you, baby. Anyway. Yes. If you can go to the link in our bio on our. To sign up for a mailing list, which will get you automatically entered for the 12 days of Christmas. Keep in mind, we've already said this before. If you participate and show it to us all 12 days, you're going to be entered for a gift basket, a come with Casey gift basket, which is going to have some of our favorite tricks, fun shit. Yeah. For, for, for you to have fun in the new year of 2024 or the next challenge, far as nightshade before Christmas. I'm excited about that one, dude. I cannot wait. I love that. They're having at a bigger venue. This is one of our favorite. So this is, as just so everybody knows, this is supplemental to. Their usual show they still have their usual monthly show the first Friday of every single month at the cicada and Southside Fort Worth This is an additional one. Then this is gonna be a blast plenty of tables plenty of GA still available I think there's even a few owners box tickets still available, which is that sounds like fun But they're gonna have a great fucking awesome show. It is the nightshade before Christmas. It is December 22nd at tulips I think it's doors at 7 show at 8. Yeah, come join us If you show up and you say that you came there because you heard it on come with Casey, we'll buy you a drink. Yes. Which is the complete opposite of what I was about to say. I was about to say, buy us a drink. That's just me being a little greedy. No. The next thing that we were going to talk about before you came into my show was, I forgot, this is come on, Carrie. What was that title? Oh, no, that's what it was. So I think that's what it was. That's what it was. Have way more viewers. I don't know if it would be the right crowd, though. It would not be anyone that we would want. The next thing we're going to talk about is our dear friend, Carla. We talk about her all the time. We do, and we talk about her for different reasons. Today, we are not mentioning the fact that she's a phenomenal photographer. We're not mentioning that. We're mentioning the fact that not only is she so passionate about her work, shut up, shut up. You sound like one of those old Pepsi ads. That's like, we're not going to talk about how the crisp flavor and cool refreshingness of this crisp flavor from now on. I'm sure you can call her anything. She gives you consent to call her. That's very true. So Chris Flavor works at Lovers it is, it is a sex shop called Lovers. And, and what I was trying to say is I love the fact that she makes. What she does to the next level. Like, yes, I'm a Boudoir photographer, but not only that I'm going to work at a sex shop, I'm going to be helpful for you to not only make you look sexy, but I make it feel sexy. You have a question on dildos. You have it on vibrators on lube. Like she is so fucking helpful. Again, this is Carla. She works at lovers. We're going to be posting a picture of her and tagging her work location. We're going to be doing that this week. And then the day that the episode actually aired. So if you're listening to this right now, head over to our Instagram CWKC underscore official and look at the posts that we are going to be making for her. I love that we're not only giving you information on like how to Feel sexy, but this is a girl that can help you look sexy too. So let's allow that allow, allow that I'm so congested right now. It's not even funny. Exactly. It is not letting my words come out the way that I want them to. Today's episode for another episode of come on, Carrie. Yep. Shut up. Sorry. It's a movie quote. If you don't get it, that's fine. Today's episode is actually called hoe for the holidays. It's called hoe for the holidays because I came. You actually did. And that is one of the things that like y'all don't maybe hear or realize that all the clever titles of the episodes come on Casey or come from no, he does all of them, the title of the episodes. I've always admired how clever you are with those. And sometimes we actually come up with like the tiles of the episodes before we go into like the topic of the episodes. That's because you are responsible for the visual aesthetics of everything we do, which is fucking phenomenal. Yeah, I am responsible for all of the linguistic aesthetics. Yes. And that is another reason why we work. So well together, but I love that you had come up with a point of like being a hoe for the holidays. Yes. That's a great fucking point, which really does the point to, to, to like stepping out. If you're normal for the holidays, be a fucking. Like if you are partnered and fuck up, like we always get so hyper focused on everyone else for the holidays, what this person wants, what this person needs, who can I help? What do my fucking children want? Like, those are all great things, but like, when are you going to step aside and ask, what do you and your partner want? For the holidays. And what do you and your partner need for the holidays, Casey? Oh, I'm, I'm just, I know I'm entangled listener today. I'm entangled in your words. Let's continue it. You're the one that came with this episode. Come on, babe. Do you want to know why I came up with this? Yeah. Okay. You just said it. You said it in part. I'm not speaking for you is, is yes. Be a hope for the holidays. Carrie said something that kind of drew me. And I was like, yes, that actually. Well, is it? Yeah, we spend all of this time doing for other people. We spend all of this time doing for our kids, doing for our parents, doing for our family, making plans, making sure we're in the right place at the right time. Every one of our days tends to get filled up. So, yeah, our calendar when I got to do this, everyone else I've got to buy for, I've got to attend, I've got to do this and we, we start to ignore the intimacy in our relationship, whether you are in a committed monogamous relationship or a committed open relationship or you're single or whatever the fuck you are. We start to sacrifice sexuality. We start to sacrifice our intimacy in favor of things we deem more important in the time. So we're making an invite to everyone to hoe it up for the holidays and hoe for the holidays. And one of the main reasons why we're saying that, like, this is the time of year to be your sexiest as one is the end of the fucking year, like in the year off on a high note, you know, we are. Two individuals that get bogged down between our work schedule and our family schedule and everything else, as busy as this time of year can be. It's actually a time that family is together the most. We do our kids, we do the advent calendar, but we, this is like much more elevated and this is much more extensive because we call it an advent calendar. Yeah, it's, it is. We have days where we, every day we do something with the kids. So we have this like, string of stocking, string of stockings that's labeled one through 25 and each day there's, there's a, an event in there, which in all honesty, like we created this advent calendar. Way before we challenge and it five, six years and it kind of stemmed from it though, because this time of year, in all honesty, we, we have kids that are busy. We understand the lifestyle, but this is a time of year that things. Do kind of get to slow down. If you're similar to us, this is we like eat out less. We do more things at home. It's cold. It gets dark early. We're in together. So we decided to do this advent calendar with the kids. And I do understand as busy at this time of year as it is, it is a time for. And so what we're really wanting this episode to, to do truly is just to break you into the idea that not only can this be again, like we had said for our friends and family and kids and fucking whatever, but let this then be for us, what. Do together. What activities can we do together to make us feel closer? Ones that I wrote down was cooking together. Yeah, we talk about that often. We all, we come across people who don't really have that ability. One of them is a good cook. One of them is not, or one works really late and the other one, you know, doesn't has been home for two hours and prepping and doing everything. So for situations sake, we're going to paint this hypothetical picture in which you have the time to get it done and you both, you know, at least know how to use a fucking measuring cup. At least, at least, but it's a, it's a good way to bond a little bit. It's a good way for you to learn how to work as a team. Some, it's a good way for you to even work through frustrations whenever you are inevitably in the kitchen and one of you is getting. The other one, because they're either not doing what you told them or you feel like they're telling you too much what to do. So let's take this real fucking personal. Casey is the cook in the household. He understands measurements and temperatures and like devices like and fucking seasoning, right? Like he fucking excels. What he doesn't excel with is cleaning. He fucking did it. But the thing is, the beauty of it, is that's okay. What if the fact that he is the fucking chef, he is the talent in the, in, in, in the kitchen. And I am the one that. Puts all the cans in the trash and, or cleans them out and puts them in the trash and, and, and like cleans the 50 dishes he uses because he can't use the same dish for cooking. There's no problem with the fact that I consider myself like his sous chef. Understand you and your partner strength in the kitchen. Don't have to type a personality is trying to cook a time. No utilize your time together and understand your strengths and your weaknesses. My weakness is I can't cook for shit, but I'm good at cleaning. That's going to then be my focus. You can both be in the kitchen at the same time and not feeling like there's too many, what are they, what was the too many chiefs? None of Indians. Like, yeah, that's one way to put it. That is a thing to say old school in that phrase. And I still love that phrase. I'm just saying, don't try to have too. Big energies go in there and cook at the same time and maybe understand that one person can do the cooking one person can cleaning one person can do the cooking and one person can be setting the table and doing stuff like this is your opportunity to just be together. And that's what we want you to focus on is just being together. Saying this because you and I have been in the kitchen and we both tried to be chiefs and we were fucking butting heads instead of me realizing, Hey, Casey's actually the better cook and let me just take a step back and help him where he needs the help versus. Me trying to like be that energy to whatever. Right. So that is one aspect that y'all can do together. Is, is, is cook together. The other thing that I was going to say, which is just helpful all the way around, all the way around any household is then clean together. If it is our dinner together, you'll, you'll done the stuff. Everything's cleaned up. Take that last like 15 minutes together and just clean up together. Oh, one of the good ones. We talked about this the other day is I had seen a reel of mine where it was it was a family that had said. They set an alarm on a nightly basis and so they, they go, they cook, they eat all that kind of stuff. Everybody leaves everything. But as soon as that alarm goes off, every person commits to their given chore, whatever it is, and they do that thing right then and there every night when the alarm goes off. So it becomes, it becomes a Pavlovian response, right? So now it's like, I hear the alarm go off, I go do my thing. That might be taking out the trash that might be cleaning the kitchen. That might be wiping down the counters. That might be whatever the hell it is, but it's something that you can do. It's a, it's a great way to remain organized and it's a great way to avoid a lot of conflict. Because let's face it this time of year, we're going to find times or situations where we're frustrated with each other, but I guarantee you. Keeping a space clean and organized and focused together is the number one way to like, not have arguments along the way. The other point that we really want to say, how else can we hold it up for the holidays? Just cooking together ain't hoeing it up. So let's hoe it up. No, that's fair. I mean, you can fucking put on just a cutting, a cooking smock only. Wait, hold on. To make it sexy. Hold on. What? Did you just call an apron a cooking smock? I, well, cause I'm thinking hairdresser or something. I color smog, like cutting cake. I love it so much. I call this as an apron, right? It's a fucking apron. No, it's good. I know. Now it's not, it isn't. It is an apron. Now it's a cooking smog. Put on your sexiest smog and get in that kitchen. But yes, there are ways that you can make cooking. Very sexy. Put the fucking kids together or to bed. I'm so sorry. Put the fucking kids to bed and make cookies together. Like spray some whipped cream on your dick. Sure. Yes, absolutely. There are ways to make cooking sexy. Roasted marshmallow. Toss it in your asshole and eat it out. Wait, are you eating out of your own asshole? No. That's, I mean, the way, commas, commas help. I would let the marshmallow cool down first though. Before you shove it up in your asshole? Yeah. Alright, so the next one is create your own advent calendar. Now, why the fuck would you create your own when we are just telling you to send in your goddamn email and we will create one for you? Whatever doesn't matter. Create your own advent calendar for you and your partner. It's just setting a goal or a, a better mindset before bed. This is what we're going to do before bed. If you join our advent calendar, we have so many ideas. Well, yes, yes. You're getting our best 12. You want more fucking ask at the last year? I made 31 days of it. Okay. You have so many things that you can do with you and your partner, but if you, if you don't want to join our email list, that's totally fine. Sit down with your partner and say the last days before Christmas in 12 or 10 it doesn't fucking matter any days that you want to sit down and set something aside for you and your partner. Do that together, but create something for just you too. It's a great way to feel closer. It's a great way, way to feel sexier. It's a great way to share. Maybe part of one of your advent calendar is, is to share a fantasy that you've never shared with them before. What we're looking is to getting you this time of year, closer to your partner and not feeling for they, because what ends up happening every time this year, again, as we said, it's, it's a fucking family, it's kids, it's. Like events that we have to go to. It's fucking plays that we have to go and we're not feeling close to our partner. People tend to neglect their D because they deprioritize it in favor of the events they have going on. Not saying that like we don't get it. We're saying we fucking get it, but here are ways to elevate. Your life this month with your partner exclusively. Here's here's some good ways to repress. Yeah, that relationship during the holidays in a way that's not going to cause you too much stress. It's not going to be something that forces you to participate whenever you are not feeling it. You get to do it in your own time. Yeah. It's not, we're not sitting back and saying, Hey, make sure that at eight o'clock tonight, this is where you're at and what you're doing. No, we're going to give you tasks that you can complete that are of your own free will anytime during that day. Just make sure at some point during that day gets done. If you're a scheduler, schedule it out. If you're a, somebody that likes spontaneity, then great. You can toss it in wherever you find the time, plan that drama, draw from a fucking hat. Like you can be spontaneous and not feel so like bogged down and like the, like scheduling structure, have all of your different ideas in a fucking hat and pull it out that night. There, there are ways to activities without feeling like. This is just, I knew this was going to happen. I don't want to do this anymore. You know? The other thing that we had said was to set up a date at places with a Christmas theme. There are so many locations and there's so many fucking locations now. I mean, I feel like every year I'm hearing about another place and another place that just like decorate themselves out for Christmas. It's what a lot of restaurants and bars and other places have to do nowadays to keep people coming in during the holidays because people want to experience some level of holiday spirit. And so whenever they get to experience that by going to their favorite bar or restaurant and there's presents everywhere and decorations, it's like a Christmas pop up bar. You can literally go to Google and search your town and Christmas pop up bar and you're going to find something. There's another good one though. If people are on, whenever you hop on Instagram, go check out a Fort Worth love list. If you're, if you're a local to Fort Worth and you're listening, check out Fort Worth love list. They tend to have a lot of good entries that are about different restaurants and bars that are doing Christmas. What the fuck are you doing? Why are you blowing bubbles in your drink? Okay. I'm so sorry. Case was making a really valid point. I'm just blowing bubbles on my drink. Because I five sometimes. Okay. Anyways. Yes. I love the finding a pop up bar in your local city. There are so many out there. The other thing that you can do is set up a romantic shoot with you and your partner romantic or sexy or erotic. I don't give a shit that, but it's so easy. Okay. Everyone has a tripod and if you don't have a tripod, every fucking body at this point in your life, if you don't own an, an iPhone or a cell phone tripod, get on Amazon and order one right now, like 20 bucks, even less than that, order yourself a goddamn tripod and one. Night, one fucking night before Christmas ends, tie your bitch up in lights, take pictures in front of the tree, put on a Santa hat and have some sex, take some video of it. It's not that hard. Is that your official advice? Tie your bitch up in lights. Tie her up with consent from her. Like do it. Including being called a bitch. With consent from her, but like set aside time to not only feel sexy with your partner, but film it, graph it, send it in, send it to us. It doesn't matter. But like the, the point is have a fucking good time. Partner this time of year, whether you can set up a tripod and, and take these pictures or take these videos, it's just for y'all even fucking better have something for you to look back at the next Christmas, or I'm, I'm so sorry, the past Christmas we're like, Oh, look what we did. Like, look, what fun that we had. You can do these things with your partner, setting up a date night with them again, at some fun, unique. Christmas place, whatever setting up an advent calendar. So you have the ability to do something with one another every single night, making these requests super realistic. It doesn't matter. It's just the fact that you are really focusing in on what you can. Partner fucking cooking together. Again, there's no wrong answer. The whole point is to, to be a hoe for the holidays. Be there with your partner, be there for your partner. What are some other ways that we can be hos for the holidays? Cause we're, we're giving a few things and you see a few of these coming up on our advent calendar. Probably there's, you know what, let's see, what would be a way that I could hold it up that I think that could be held up for a holiday? Surprise me with you being a hoe, you know, like, I'm like, I didn't expect that. Like I walk out in a banana hammock and a butt plug. I was more thinking like, like a Santa hat with like the whipped cream over your dick, like they did in that movie. Which one are you talking about? You're talking about not another teen movie or varsity blues? Not another teen movie. Not another teen movie. Varsity blues was, she had it. No, I know. I was thinking about him. No, I was thinking, you're right. Not another teen movie is whenever he has it on him and then walks away and there's a banana sticking out of his ass. You're so right. You're so right. Could you even get a banana in the ass? Is it? No, I bet you could. I bet you could. It's just going to like dissolve in. I feel like that would be like, that's like a reality show challenge. It's just going to become mushy. Stick the banana in the ass without breaking it. So mushy. Anyways. It'll be less. I'm pretty sure it'd be mushy. Anyway, stop it. I now I can't think of anything about banana and asshole. What was the point? We're talking about how to hold up for the holidays. What are some other ways we can hoe it up? I mean, there's a lot of ways. Send your partner a video of you masturbating. I mean, that's, you know what people don't talk about enough of. You know what people don't talk about enough of is Okay. Oh, I've never seen you go on a rant on here. Well, cause I've seen a lot of it lately is that do spouses enjoy. So as a penis owner, does a spouse enjoy getting video of their partner masturbating and coming? Why would they not? Exactly. Why would they not? It's not talked enough. It's not talked about enough. Okay. More guys should be waiting on camera. And sending it to their spouses. I want to see you come all the fucking time. I want to see it. I want to hear it. I want to know that it's happening. I want to send you porn. I want you to come to it. I want you to send it to me. Really? Yeah. That, that is a curiosity because I'm now hearing more and more about it online where people are like, Oh, I want to see, I want to see a video of you. I want to hear you moaning. I want to do that, but I feel like it's not talked about enough. So that's a question that I have for penis owners is are you jerking off on camera and sending it to your spouse? I don't think people are off. I don't think enough. Okay. So you want to figure out how to hold up for the holidays? Busting out on camera. Record it. Moan into the camera, but do it though. Like I get what you're saying. Like it's, it doesn't happen enough. Like he say it. No, like. Just a fucking nut on camera and, and have audio, have audio on boy out there that will send a coming video without just bullshit. It's absolute bullshit. That's we want to hear self conscious or being like insecure about their own thing. Like they don't want to be on. They don't want to be on camera being like. Well, don't make like, like, like a fucking turtle video. You can't stop it. You are aware that you're being recorded. You know how to make yourself sound coming. There's, there is no, in my opinion, there's no problem. If you're sending somebody a video to, you know, Elevated a little bit. And also at the same time, like men literally want the audio on. That's it. We just want the audio. It's send a video of you coming with the audio on. If I don't hear your hands slapping your dick, I'm not even gonna like. And on that note, you know what? Make sure you have lube because that's going to enhance those sounds too. Exactly. If you're using lube. They don't wanna hear like the, of just your hand given like the, of the actual lube going on. Jesus Christ, Jesus fucking Christ. You like my sound effects? God damnit, I fucking can with you. But it's, it's good because. And in actuality, as the, we want to hear that you want that we want, or we want to be, I don't want to say give them permission, but I want to see, we'd be privy to the fact, right? We want to understand from you. We want the affirmation that, Hey, I, this turns me on. Yeah. So let me flip the script real quick from a guy perspective or penis owner perspective. What would, do you want in a video of. A girl masturbating and sending it to you. Like, what do you want to see? So that being fairly subjective, I can only give my personal to this things that I like to see whenever I receive a video. You masturbating. Toy play. Okay. Always is always a yes. Yeah. Both close up and far away. Okay. So I want to get good, like good detail, but I also want to see like everything. All of it. Yeah, exactly. And then yes, the, the audio I want the, I want the noises. I want the penetration noises. I want the playing off noises. I want the moaning. I want. You do achieve orgasm during that time to know that you do that you did. Yeah, and if you're a squirter bonus, yeah, but I can't make myself squirt. I can't do you can do that. Perfect practice makes perfect. That's true. That's true. I can teach you, show me your ways. Jedi show you how it's you showing me how to make myself squirt. Just show me how to make someone else squirt. I don't care about myself. I don't care about that. It's what I have you for now, accepting applications. Carrie wants to learn how to make a girl squirt. If you would like me to practice on you, please shoot us a message. Here's the message. But in all, I'll see you on another episode of Casey, don't you fucking dare because you have ended this episodes and you have never let me end one and I'm fucking anyone right now. Exactly. I am anyone on come with Casey. I am your host, Carrie Sanders. And I'm Dr. Casey Sanders.