Ready, Set, Renovate!

Officially Ready for Another 100 Years

June 23, 2023
Officially Ready for Another 100 Years
Ready, Set, Renovate!
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Ready, Set, Renovate!
Officially Ready for Another 100 Years
Jun 23, 2023

At last!  The remodeling of this iconic Pendleton SC home is complete.  The home has been part of the Pendleton community for well over 100 years, and officially ready for another 100 years.  
Getting to his point was no easy feat as project manager Sam Parkinson explains.  In this final installment of a year long documentary, Sam expresses the excitement of finishing and finishing strong!  His efforts culminated in a stunning home, with so much of its original character restored.  Sam shares a tinge of sadness as he talks about releasing his "baby", but its an emotion quickly eclipsed by the homeowner's joy.  This journey is well worth hearing!   

Show Notes

At last!  The remodeling of this iconic Pendleton SC home is complete.  The home has been part of the Pendleton community for well over 100 years, and officially ready for another 100 years.  
Getting to his point was no easy feat as project manager Sam Parkinson explains.  In this final installment of a year long documentary, Sam expresses the excitement of finishing and finishing strong!  His efforts culminated in a stunning home, with so much of its original character restored.  Sam shares a tinge of sadness as he talks about releasing his "baby", but its an emotion quickly eclipsed by the homeowner's joy.  This journey is well worth hearing!