Limitless Outdoors

Podcast #006 | “Dog Eat Dog” | Colorado Mountainside Podcast Midhunt | Limitless Outdoors

November 16, 2022 Limitless Hunting Season 1 Episode 6
Podcast #006 | “Dog Eat Dog” | Colorado Mountainside Podcast Midhunt | Limitless Outdoors
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Podcast #006 | “Dog Eat Dog” | Colorado Mountainside Podcast Midhunt | Limitless Outdoors
Nov 16, 2022 Season 1 Episode 6
Limitless Hunting

Justin and Brian discuss the ups and downs of OTC rifle hunting and being successful in Colorado----

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Special thanks to:  Weatherby Rifles , Eberlestock  , Outdoor Edge Knives  , Trijicon, & Basemap GPS


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Show Notes Transcript

Justin and Brian discuss the ups and downs of OTC rifle hunting and being successful in Colorado----

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Special thanks to:  Weatherby Rifles , Eberlestock  , Outdoor Edge Knives  , Trijicon, & Basemap GPS


#backcountryhunting #basemap_huntfish #hunting #weatherbyinc #eberlestock #outdooredgeknives #trijicon

hey everyone hope you are well and we are trying something new here at Limitless Outdoors we've been doing some podcasts but we want to start doing some uh where we're out in the field and today I am joined by really one of my best friends uh Brian Lanham he's on the board for Limitless Outdoors the board of directors for Limitless outdoors and everything lined up for us to do an elk hunt today yeah that's great or this year in Colorado so Brian you wanna start off with a couple things about yourself maybe how old you are how long you've been wanting to kill an elk well I can't tell you how old I am I'm too old now no I'm 57 and uh live in Oklahoma with my beautiful wife Jackie we've been married for 37 years and uh High School sweethearts have two children there and um I'm an elder at our church there in Oklahoma and we several years ago started this Men's Ministry called a beast feast and you've probably heard of them there's a lot of them around the country but um man we've just have really hit a niche in our community and it's just been hugely successful to bring a lot of men to the Lord and so we always look for speakers and one year what I don't know four or five years ago yeah um a friend of mine said man you got to watch this guy's videos he's crazy good you know and so uh I'll watch some of these videos and he and I got on the phone together and we just kind of started a relationship to the first friends and brothers in Christ and then he came and spoke at our event and uh yeah man just been uh been really blessed to be around you and see the work that you do and I just love it likewise it's been awesome yeah it's been good it's been so I mean what an incredible day we've had we don't want to give away the video too much you'll get to see this go down we took two bulls within an hour of each other from the same spot yeah saw what we what else do we see well yeah so we we saw a lot of mule deer which we see up here all the time we we saw elk cows other smaller Bulls and we saw Bighorn Ram that just uh it's just crazy how it just walked so walked right into US never in the wildest dreams in this area would I think we would see one but it was really really a magical day like you said we

has seen a lot of elk the last couple of days this is just the third day of season but uh we got it done today well we um you know this we're hunting at 10 000 feet right now you come from what's your elevation 600 600. tell us how was that first day I mean it was hard on me but I've been hunting up around 8 000 feet a lot yeah well you know I like to think I'm in shape but this place will humble you really quickly that first day we we did what it was about seven miles yeah seven it's about seven miles from the trailhead into camp and uh I honestly thought I didn't know if I was going to make it um I just couldn't I just could not get enough air in me to keep going but but uh you know just slow and steady wins the race and So eventually eventually we got in there and you get acclimated a little bit as you know and and uh still not easy but uh man the scenery around here is just it's breathtaking you get to see God's creation first hand and it's uh it will take your breath away that's for sure and being my first elk hunt um I mean I'd done one other elk hunt but it was a walk-in and we didn't have any success but uh this was this was everything I'd ever dreamed that an elk hunt would be it it was magical it really was well we started me and my brother started hunting elk I guess it had been four years ago here in Colorado and my brother was actually guiding in Southern Colorado at the time and it had been a lifelong dream if you've watched any of our videos on Colorado you've heard me talk about how will Primos really hooked me when I was young I mean yeah waiting for those DVDs to come out um and just putting them in and watching all the action they had in September and uh it just I don't know you're just imagination goes wild when I think of elkan I think of Colorado right that's what I think of and um like this place doesn't disappoint the vistas are I can't show you too much otherwise you'd start figuring it out and you'd be like one of the other 18 Hunters that we were up against in here but um yeah I don't know it's just such a it's such a special place and I just think uh think of how many people have wanted to come out here and haven't come what would you say to somebody that's been thinking about it a long time man I I don't know I it's a humbling place and if you don't know what you're doing or with someone that knows what they're doing and and you're not in top physical condition you can't do it you just can't do it and and you know one of the things Justin I've told you of a lot is the people that watch your videos I'm not sure they realize that the stuff that you guys do if not a hundred percent it's high 90s it's all DIY over-the-counter I mean I know you do some draws in Idaho and and I think you got to draw on Arizona yeah but like this tag right here is just an over-the-counter yeah I mean it's just you know we went to Walmart and we bought a tag well so why not why don't you like okay so here would be something helpful for people because people ask me all the time can I go hunt with you and they think they're going to get an automatic elk right so what was your anticipation or expectation of what you thought it was going to be like versus was it harder or easier than you thought it was going to be no it was harder physically it was harder um you know going up and down these elevations because I guess for me the exposure I'd had to Colorado before this was not this up and down I mean we we what did we gain 2400 feet in elevation on that first day yeah and um man that was just it was just incredible and then you know you're going up and down these things all day it's not like you just you know I do a lot of whitetail hunting in Oklahoma and do a lot of stand hunting and it's not like you park in one place and stay there we're we're running and gunning and and looking for uh for the action and so Justin had to had to slow down a little bit and make sure I stayed up with him but he he took he took good care of it would there be anything else that you would do in preparation in hindsight now well we were talking we were talking yesterday I think it was it's hard to simulate altitude it's hard to simulate the terrain unless you have it in your area in which I don't but um you know really it's just the physical part to me when you get here and see the beauty it it makes it worth it but uh man there's a lot of times when you're just thinking I'm not sure I can I can go up one more of these today yeah but you do and and that's what I admire about you and and your brother and well Brenton came back to Camp last night dry he was puking all the way back they put in such a big day he killed the bull yesterday we're actually all tagged out by day three yeah four Bulls but it's not I don't know it's it's it's see I think from the outside it seems like it's going to be a gimme and easy but you just they make it work they make you earn it yeah I mean the success rate I think is nine percent of the unit that we're hunting here well that's the thing that's all you need to know is if the success rate in this unit is single digits and you come in here and you know four guys kill bulls that's really all you need to know about these guys they know what they're doing and it's it's really the work that they put in I mean they work Non-Stop and uh it's just incredible I've had just the best time my body's gonna hate me for it for a few days but uh man I I'm just blessed to be here and and to have some Bulls on the ground and and to see some of God's handiwork so I wanted to talk a little bit about because whenever I'm out in the mountains I don't know how it is for you guys that are listening uh but when I'm out in the mountains the Lord really speaks to me you know throughout the Bible uh we see Moses out in the wilderness we see David he grew up out in the wilderness as a Shepherd we see Jesus always going out to Into the Wilderness um spend time with the father just getting alone and um when I'm out here it's funny how the situations that you're in it's kind of what Jesus did with Parables right he was he was trying to describe something that people couldn't see by what they could see right and when I'm out here I see these illustrations of what God is doing and for me and I wanted you to maybe share some of yours too but for me my biggest takeaway was actually this morning and uh I was gonna I was going to ditch Brian because I wanted to I really wanted to make sure that I got an elk down and the Lord was just speaking to me this morning just saying no you need to stick with it and um but what he showed me through that was it's more blessed to give than to receive

and um so often this world is all about promoting yourself and getting ahead you know doggy dog world but Jesus taught a model of leadership that was servant leadership right right and um it's so easy to get caught up you know we see in Romans chapter 12 that we are not to be conformed into this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and this whole world this world and all of our life leading up to this point tries to bring us into that Conformity to the world but the word for transformation in the Greek in Romans 12 is metamorpho which is where we get metamorphosis from so it's a total it's a radical transformation when we give our mind to Jesus and we allow his word to guide our thoughts you know and the idea of being more blessed to give than to receive is just crazy but then today the Lord just kept laying that on me and we come down here and you shoot a bull and then we're sitting there and we're like maybe we'll give it a little bit more time and just see because there's a lot of tracks and all of a sudden my big freak bull comes walking out yeah and I shoot that and it's just such a sweet kiss on the cheek from the Lord yeah where like we can't out give God which is the radical crazy cool thing it is and um so that was that's been a big huge takeaway from me just to because the world like I'll just say it one more time the world is dog eat dog you got to get yours you need your picture on Facebook and Instagram and all of that yeah but Jesus taught us to serve others if we want to be the leader of all we need to be a slave to them you know we need to wash their feet and um whether that's friends whether that is your wife whether that is your kids laying down your life to give them some of these opportunities right like I've killed yeah dozens and dozens of bulls right um and this is your first one and just the Lord kind of just brings you back sometimes on those things where you start getting the ambitious for yourself yeah it's it's funny you say that because not funny but it's it's God you know when we were making our way in here this morning I was you know going up and over up and over and uh going through you know knee deep snow going through the going through the brakes and just Downs everywhere and it was just brutal getting up up to Elevation where we're hunting and and um you know I don't know I just had this whiny spirit in me you know like really but then you know the Lord spoke clearly to me I I just felt and I shared it with Dustin not long or Justin after I shot the bull and um you know I just I just felt convicted that I was here for the wrong reason I was I was here for selfish reasons for selfish gain you know just to get me a bull and to and to be able to do this this trip not for reasons that it really glorified God and and so I was just a little broken in that moment and just asked for forgiveness and just asked that you know whatever I do is for the glory of the Lord you know it says in Proverbs there's a great verse it says that many are the plans in a man's heart but it's the purpose of the Lord that shall Prevail oh and so you know anybody I'm not going to say anybody but Justin could you know he could be a you know he could be an Outfitter or uh or a or a guy that put a TV show out there to to Garner you know Fame but that's not what he does is because there's no purpose in that other than self-gain and what I appreciate about Limitless and what I've been able to see behind the doors uh in in in the closed room meetings is that he Justin is authentic the ministry is authentic and it has a purpose so now when you have a purpose and it's for the Lord now you're onto something now there's an anointing there's a provision there's favor and all of those things just start to take shape doesn't mean it's perfect doesn't mean it all works out every time but it means that God's going to honor a heart that has a purpose that's that's venturing out with a purpose for him that's so cool yeah yeah I can't get over I just can't get over how

gracious God is even I mean because even walking with the Lord a long time you're an elder in the church I'm I'm a pastor and you think about some of the things that we're just sharing here that are going on in our hearts even as we're yeah as we're walking it out and not only I think of First John 1 9 you know if we confess our sin he's faithful to not only forgive us but to cleanse us right and there's this in Romans 5 it says not only do we have peace with God we have access to him and God is so much more than just forgiving us for things and it's just so cool to see when I say gracious I mean we don't deserve a thing we don't even deserve to be alive you know but not only does he forgive us of our stuff he doesn't hold it over our heads all of a sudden he turns around and sends some Bulls out our way I mean it's just yeah you know those those things are just so sweet and when you see that you know Romans 2 4 says it's the goodness of God that leads us to repentance to churn from our way it's the goodness of God yeah and um you know it's not God being mean or backhanding us isn't keeping us in line it's his goodness that's just drawing us to him and wanting us to we want to just be more like him yeah it's just all Grace right none of it's none of it's merited none of it's earned it's God's favor it's God's grace and that's what's so cool about living a life for the Lord is that yeah you know life's still going to have ups and downs but it's how you get through those it's different and what I've seen in my life and raising kids and and um you know the the ups and downs like these mountains they don't go away just because you accept cries but what changes is how you get through those things you have confidence you have faith you have a piece you have a hope you have an assurance that's promised to us from him and if you if your faith is is grounded in that and you walk it and you believe it um you know this whatever happens is this world will never um you know eternity is always going to Trump that it's always going to Trump that and and that's that's our end game I mean this is not our home and God's blessed us with the years that we have on this Earth however many they are and um but you know we just look forward to spending an attorney with him and um maybe we can kill bulls a lot more often I don't know what it's going to be like but it's going to be good it tells us we can't it's gonna be amazing but uh yeah so man um you know we've had a we've had a a good relationship over these years and I I wanted to ask you a quick question if you don't mind yeah go for it so um with Limitless you know a lot of the people I talk to you know that we explain the ministry to them and they think well that's cool but here's the deal I don't know and this is not to pump you or anyone else up but you know we're known it it tells us that we're known by our fruit and so the fruit of the ministry is what's important um if if we didn't have fruit then we we probably just don't have a Ministry yeah but if you don't mind I mean share about how that happens because you were telling me earlier about the team that you have that works with people yeah who reach out yeah so we have I think that's that's one thing that Jesus was awesome at he built teams right and he always involved people in the ministry um and so there's all these people always contacting us wanting to get involved in the ministry and here's something that our vision behind Limitless Outdoors is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the hunting community and to see them connected to Jesus the local church and the discipleship relationship so that when people are connected to Jesus the church and A discipleship relationship we feel like that's a win and so you all if you've ever watched any of our stuff you hear me talking about the first mile yeah and that's a resource so we're on The Pursuit Channel too you know and we're sending out 70 to 100 of those a week to individuals not to mention the churches that are using them for discipleship um so with these we don't want to one of the things Billy Graham really struggled with was how do we follow up with these people yeah how many you know people are giving their life to the Lord but how many of them are still walking with the Lord down the road um and you know what there's been a ton of godly people that have tried to solve this problem this is our this is our approach to it right that the Lord's done um so we we get this first Mile and we send it out to people but when they request them we actually follow up with every single person that wants to be followed up with um that requests the first mile of whether that's for prayer whether they have questions and so we have this awesome team we have right now we have 16 people I think is the number it kind of it's changing uh people are coming in and out depending on the season of their life how much time they have but we have 16 people uh following up so everybody that sends an email and says I need to be followed up with or I have a question about something we try and we try our best to follow up with them yeah um and so yeah we're sending out 70 to 100 a week and we send them out absolutely free I've always believed that the gospel is free for people I don't know it's just something the gospel's free and I don't ever want anything to come in the way of that so that's been an awesome thing and we're actually um haven't talked about it too much publicly but we're about to start first mile discipleship groups uh where you can be you'll be able to sign up for them soon um and you'll be one of six people in a group where you're going through the first mile on a zoom meeting so yeah you'll have interaction so whether you're a new believer or whether you're just interested in who Jesus is yeah finding out more that's going to be an area that we're gonna yeah really Branch into so important you know to to take that next step because you know you can put the gospel in front of people or an example in front of people but then um who knows what happens next and so I mean I appreciate what you guys do with that because I know we sent out this past year uh out of Oklahoma we sent out I don't know 350 or yeah 360 first miles something like that so it's a great resource a great tool yeah it's awesome it is so I just want to I think we'll probably wrap this up here and we got to get hiking back to Camp the sun's starting to get low you can see the Shadows on us but I want to encourage you just the thing that the Lord just been putting on me here and I think it will apply to some of you out there is you know it is more blessed to give than it is to receive and I want to challenge you maybe you've been walking through life and you've been selfish uh you heard from both of us we were both our hearts were just poor yeah really this morning um but that's where I always you've heard me say it a million times it does not matter what you've done it matters what you do now that's right and the second you turn in the book of in the book of haggai this is my last in the book of haggai uh it's awesome the people had come back to Jerusalem because they'd been away in captivity yeah they come back but they they were building their own lives they were building their own houses and they weren't rebuilding the Temple of the Lord and the Temple of the Lord was where the presence of the Lord was right and God rebukes them yeah but they instantly churn and he says you watch this before before when you were disobedient you would go to get wine and there'd only be half you'd go to get grain and there'd only be half of what you needed and he says the second you you start laying those stones yeah you're going to be blessed and that's the truth the second you say Lord you just confess that to the Lord yeah and you give it to him um that's right God's gonna start God he just does that's that's the way he is and so I just want to encourage you with that if you want a resource we have the first mile it's absolutely free you can go over to our website request that uh be looking out for our first mile discipleship groups that are coming up and um it does not matter what you've done your next step doesn't have to look like your last step your next day doesn't have to look like your last day your next year um just come to the Lord whatever you need to do to get right with the Lord today and we want to if we can be a resource to you in that we want to be so God bless you all and thank you for watching yeah all right look for this uh hunt coming up soon