First Ascent Podcast

Balancing Your Physical and Mental Game with Joel Unema

Jay & Lee Episode 119

Joel Unema is on the pod today for an insightful talk about training, mindset, and even finger skin care. Joel is a 5.14 trad and sport climber, v14 boulderer, a route developer, a coach for ClimbStrong

You’ll hear Joel’s thoughts on the importance of route development for a community, why a climber’s identity should be focused on effort instead of talent, and great tips for how to approach your personal training plan. 

Plus, you’ll hear about Joel’s very effective finger skin care routine! 

If you’re interested in training with Joel, visit ClimbStrong

Follow Joel on Instagram

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Do you have a listener question or a topic idea? Let us know at @firstascentpod on Instagram! Jay can be found at @jayknower


The information expressed in this episode is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended as, nor should it be interpreted as, informational or instructional.