You Had Me At Eat

Episode 41: Gluten-free road trips, gluten free in college, does Subway charge more for gluten-free, and gearing up for season 2

Season 1 Episode 41

Something on your mind? Erica & Jules would love to hear from you!

In this episode, Jules shares highlights (food lowlights?) of her recent roadtrip to the North Carolina Highland Games, where she discovered the gastronomical disappointments of a gluten-free road trip with no advanced planning. Jules "everything in moderation" Shepard steps out of her comfort zone to try fast food, and then holds Subway accountable for an up-charge on their gluten-free salads (aka "no bun bowls"). Erica also gets fired up about bed and breakfast owners not accommodating gluten-free guests with reasonable substitutions.
Jules and Erica pivot to the positive to give details about how to utilize the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), access the college disability office and dining services, and otherwise be prepared for going to college when you're gluten-free.

You Had Me At Eat Podcast will resume with season 2 in late August 2023.

Gluten-free in School with GF Jules

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Erica [00:00:13]:

Hey, I'm Erica.

Jules [00:00:14]:

And I'm Jules. Most people have at least one thing that they can't or won't eat.

Erica [00:00:19]:

Yeah, we're definitely like that.

Jules [00:00:21]:

We started this podcast to talk about the gluten free food industry, like new.

Erica [00:00:26]:

Products and some of the stories behind.

Jules [00:00:27]:

Your favorite brands and living life with a specialty diet and also some important healthcare topics.

Erica [00:00:34]:

Since we're basically both broken inside.

Jules [00:00:36]:

You had me at eating. Hello.

Erica [00:00:47]:


Jules [00:00:48]:

Hey, what's up?

Erica [00:00:49]:

Welcome to you have me. Hello.

Jules [00:00:52]:

What are you doing there?

Erica [00:00:53]:

What are you doing? Hey. It's gross. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be in Arizona. I don't want to be anywhere. I want to be in bed. What's going on, Jules?

Jules [00:01:05]:

How are you?

Erica [00:01:05]:

It's 115 here. It's literally melting. It's horrible. It's gross.

Jules [00:01:11]:

I'm so sorry.

Erica [00:01:12]:

What are you like around there?

Jules [00:01:15]:

I mean, it's pretty hot here. I think it's, like, in the upper 80s, maybe 90 here. And I'm pretty miserable because it's humid, so that does make a difference. But I'm enjoying the indoors right now.

Erica [00:01:32]:

It's, like, physically impossible to even I went to go get a water bottle that I had in my car, and I went out, and I'm like, this is miserable. And it was like, 10:00 a.m.. And I'm like, God, I hate the summer here. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. But then I have to remember that winter is perfect and I shouldn't complain about anything. No natural disasters.

Jules [00:01:53]:

How long is the misery in Arizona? I need to know this because my daughter's moving there soon. So how many months does this misery persist?

Erica [00:02:06]:

I don't know.

Jules [00:02:07]:

I'm going to experience it for myself next month when I drive her out there, and I'm going to be like, I can't breathe.

Erica [00:02:13]:

This is due. What's weird and wild is that the summers are, like, starting in June, we can start having the monsoon season at any point in time. So it can either be a very hot 115 and very dry, or, like, here it's been 110 and very muggy because it's the start of the monsoon season, and we had this cricket or grasshopper infestation, so it was, like, disgusting outside. And also when you walked outside, just, like, grasshoppers were just, like, on you nonstop. Very weird. And then it can be, like, just pouring and hailing. Like, you don't know. It's a crapshoot of a season in Arizona, but for the most part, it's pretty gross from, I'd say, June until October, but the really gross months are July and August, and then September starts to get better. But I guess it depends on how wet the monsoon season is. I don't know. We haven't had rain yet, so it's still just really gross out and I don't know. It's all horrible. It's all horrible, and we all hate it. Everyone hates it. Nobody likes any of this. But then we stay because it's so good during the winter. It's like, I truly understand why snowbirds come here in the winter because it's fantastic. And I truly understand why everyone leaves every weekend to go up north to like Flagstaff or Sedona where it's like 80 degrees every weekend because it's miserable. It's going to be like 118 or 120 on one of these weekends coming up. And I'm like, I'm not prepared for that.

Jules [00:03:52]:

None of that sounds pleasant.

Erica [00:03:53]:

You go to the grocery store and it's like, I'm sweating. Going to the grocery store, it's like, dude, this is not cardio. This is silly.

Jules [00:04:03]:

Moderation is like my middle name with everything. I want moderate temperatures, I want moderate moisture, I want moderate I only want like one or two glasses of wine. Moderation everything. I don't want these extremes. I just can't deal with the extreme.

Erica [00:04:25]:

Jules, moderate moisture, Shepard, that's what I've heard about you. Anyway, it's just freaking gross. And I sleep at like 03:00 P.m. Every day because it's too hot to do anything else. You can't even just like you can't even be here. And we just pray that our AC makes it another day every day. That's all of what summer is. And it's horrible and it makes me not want to blog, makes me want to do anything. So we're alluding to this, but we are taking a short break in our podcast.

Jules [00:04:59]:

Erica can take a very long take.

Erica [00:05:01]:

A month long nap to get ready for season two of this podcast where I promise I will bitch less about the weather and about my hot flashes.

Jules [00:05:14]:

We have to look forward to.

Erica [00:05:16]:

So gross. Anyway.

Jules [00:05:18]:

Yeah. So we're going to take a little tiny break. We'll be back at the end of August.

Erica [00:05:23]:

Yeah, we just got to launch season two then.

Jules [00:05:26]:


Erica [00:05:26]:

We got 40 episodes. Isn't that wild? 40 episodes and then we're going to launch season two with, I think, 40, episode 42. So I'm very excited.

Jules [00:05:35]:

That is exciting. Yeah, I'm jazzed really excited.

Erica [00:05:40]:

Got to put her jazz hands on for everyone today.

Jules [00:05:45]:

No, I am excited. We have so much good stuff to talk about. But before we take a break, we have some stuff to talk about today.

Erica [00:05:54]:


Jules [00:06:02]:

Yeah. So I I just wanted to I.

Erica [00:06:07]:

Think you saw oh my God.

Jules [00:06:08]:

I would briefly touch about like, my weekend, which was relevant to the listeners for a few reasons. But this summer a lot of people are me taking some trips. And we've already talked about my trip overseas and how easily managed with planning. So I planned and looked ahead. And Paris was great for eating gluten free. I took a road trip, which would seemingly be a lot easier, but it was like out sort of in the boondock, middle of nowhere, middle of nowhere USA. And I didn't plan and I was just so busy. Normally what I do is make my favorite road trip muffins. I make them when I fly. I make them when I drive, it doesn't matter. I always make my muffins. I just make a batch of my muffin mix, and they stay fresh for like, five or six days in a Ziploc bag. I eat them for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner.

Erica [00:07:07]:

That's the problem, Jules, is while your muffins are fantastic, sometimes you forget to eat regular food and you just eat your muffins, which is one thing I know how to yell at you for in the past.

Jules [00:07:18]:

I know, but they are there in the event of not finding regular food. That's the point. And then otherwise, I'm just stuck eating, like, bars all the time, which I also pack with me all the time, which is fine. So I normally have my muffins, I have some fruit, and I have bars that's my like, just in case food.

Erica [00:07:36]:

It'S not real food, but yeah, it's sustainable. It gets you through.

Jules [00:07:42]:

It gets me through.

Erica [00:07:43]:


Jules [00:07:44]:

So I forgot to leave time to make the muffins. And so on the way out the door, I just grabbed like, three bars and that was it, because we didn't have any more bars either. And I don't know, I was just in a big hurry, and I didn't plan, I didn't look ahead, whatever. And I wasn't in charge of this trip.

Erica [00:08:07]:

I can tell.

Jules [00:08:09]:

Yes, I can tell. A little bit snuck up on me. But anyway, so driving six or 7 hours to get to our location, we get to this teeny, teeny tiny little town in North Carolina and there's only one restaurant still open when we got there, which I had found in my research in the car and it was like a little hole in the wall bar, whatever. And I expected I was not going to find much. What are you going to do? But it was open and I hadn't eaten all day. So I looked on the menu and it had a salad. Like, well, that's what I'm relegated to because what else am I going to have, right? And the salad options were you could actually get grilled chicken or grilled tuna on top of the salad. I'm like, that's actually a pretty good option. So I asked for that, and she was like, oh, no, it's either grilled chicken or tuna salad on top of the salad, even though that's not what the description was. It's like, okay, well, I don't eat chicken. And otherwise the salad is just like lettuce and horrible lettuce, not like good lettuce. Like iceberg lettuce and a couple of other things. I don't eat. I don't eat cucumbers. I don't need onions. And it has think tomatoes and egg. That was it. So it's like, okay, well, I guess I'll get the tuna. Not my favorite choice, but can you tell me what else is in the tuna salad? Is it just tuna? Because I don't really like tuna salad either, but I just wanted to make sure.

Erica [00:09:55]:

I love tuna salad. Okay, but good. Not this tuna salad. No.

Jules [00:10:00]:

She's like, no, it's fine. It's just the tuna and whatever else that they normally put in tuna salad. I'm like that's. Cool. Can you just check for me and make sure that it's just the normal stuff that they put in tuna salad? Like, we're all on the same normal stuff page? And she said, Fine. And she went back and checked, and she said, you know, it's really funny, but they didn't send us the normal tuna salad this time. So this is one of those restaurants that doesn't make their own anything. They order their tuna salad as well. Anyway, the tuna salad that they sent them had breadcrumbs in it. What kind of tuna salad has breadcrumbs.

Erica [00:10:36]:

You posted that that tuna had breadcrumbs. I'm like, what are they serving? I was like, I don't understand.

Jules [00:10:45]:

I don't understand either. Mystifying but thank goodness. I mean, I would have noticed when they brought the tuna salad up that it had breadcrumbs. I would think, but you don't know.

Erica [00:10:54]:

I mean, the last time I got someone gluten and it was not on purpose that I obviously on purpose I took someone to this hotel restaurant eatery that I had eaten before, and they had always been so good. And she got a patty and it had breadcrumbs in it, and she ate it halfway through. And I'm like, just to confirm and like, oh, yeah, that one has breadcrumbs in it. I'm like, oh, great.

Jules [00:11:25]:

That's the patty with the breadcrumbs.

Erica [00:11:26]:

Yeah, great. That was awesome. So, yeah, I mean, it's just like and I was eating I remember when I first went gluten free, I was eating turkey burger at my favorite place. It was called deluxe burger. I was eating it all the time. All the time. And I went in there one day, and I had just asked, what other gluten free things there? And I realized that the turkey patty was not on the menu. And I'm like, Wait, why isn't this on the glute free that has breadcrumbs in it? And I'm like, for how long? For, like, a year. For a year. And I was also eating regular, traditional Quaker Oats, just like the rolled oats all the time, I think my first year. And I was also eating fries fried in the same fryer, which is not as bad as eating actual gluten, but still, like, oh, my first year, I had no idea what I was doing. Oh, it's great.

Jules [00:12:24]:

Well, I think most people are like that when they first go gluten free. They have no idea how much gluten they're actually getting. And unfortunately, there's a lot of people who don't react and know that they're getting meat. Yeah. And so they're like, oh, I'm doing fine on this diet. And they don't realize that their internal damage is still there and that their body is still under this gluten.

Erica [00:12:53]:

I only knew because my arthritis was so bad and my anemia was so bad still, and my reflex is really bad and my gastroparesis is really bad. And then we started to realize that once you actually removed all of the gluten, then it's like, oh, okay, back to normal. But I didn't know. I thought it was how good it can be.

Jules [00:13:17]:

Yeah, freaking turkey.

Erica [00:13:18]:

Freaking everything with breadcrumbs in it. I don't understand.

Jules [00:13:23]:

Well, one time we have this favorite Thai place we used to go to all the time, and I always ordered the curry because I had gone through my whole spiel with the waitress, like when we first started going there, and like, yep, curry is fine, curry is fine, curry is fine. And then we got a different waitress this one time and I explained to her my situation. I was like, And I would like this curry. She's like, you can't have that. I was like, Why? It's what I always get. And she's like, they put crushed white bread in that curry to thicken it. I was like, what are you talking about? She's like, oh, yeah, they're curry. They thicken it with, like, white bread. They just crumble it up in the curries. And I'm like, are you hot?

Erica [00:14:01]:


Jules [00:14:02]:

And she's like, oh, you didn't know that? No, I did not know. This was like ten years ago when we were eating at this other restaurant. I'm like, You've got to be kidding me. I mean, I walked through this whole thing with them anyway, whatever. And then I got another waitress another time. She's like, we don't do that. And I'm like, I don't know what is happening here, but I'm not eating any of that. I don't care if one person said you're doing it, one person said, you're not doing it. I don't know what's wild.

Erica [00:14:33]:

That is one of the weirdest things I've heard.

Jules [00:14:36]:

Really weird. Really weird. But so my adventure didn't stop.

Erica [00:14:40]:


Jules [00:14:43]:

So then we went to the Highland Games.

Erica [00:14:46]:

So weird. Whatever.

Jules [00:14:48]:

Oh, come on.

Erica [00:14:49]:

Caber tossing or whatever.

Jules [00:14:52]:

Yes, it was so cool. Did you not see my story of the dude lifting up that?

Erica [00:14:57]:

No, I didn't. No.

Jules [00:15:00]:

It was so cool.

Erica [00:15:01]:

I know.

Jules [00:15:01]:

So the North Carolina Highland Games are not to be missed. They are really cool. I mean, it was quite an adventure. I recommend it highly to anyone who's.

Erica [00:15:09]:

Just packed your food in advance, pack.

Jules [00:15:13]:

Your food, a single thing there, there was a shortbread stand there that was selling shortbread, obviously, and they said, oh, we have gluten free shortbread. And I was like, do tell. And I went and talked to them for a bit and she was like, oh, yeah, but it's made in the same what did she say? We use different mixers, but it's made in the same area as the gluten shortbread. And so there's flour absolutely everywhere, so I wouldn't recommend it. And it was the owner. I was like, Why? I appreciate that. Okay, because she was giving out samples, so I can't tell you whether it tasted good or not. But she said, if you want to special order it, I can make it for you in my house in a cleaner area where you wouldn't have the contamination. I was like, I can probably just make that myself.

Erica [00:16:11]:

That's cool that she offered. But yeah.

Jules [00:16:15]:

What I wanted was some shortbread there at the Highland Games where I'm hungry. But thank you. I appreciate you telling me, though, that it wasn't like that. But then when I posted something about it, I had several different readers tell me that there were some other gluten free options there. There was like another, which I missed because I kind of didn't really go into the food section very much. But there was another booth there that I guess there at various different Highland Games that they had some gluten free stuff where a lot of their stuff was like naturally gluten free or whatever. My situation is a little trickier too, because I could probably go get a turkey leg or something and I wouldn't eat that, but somebody could. You could just eat the meat, right? But I don't know, maybe that is a safe bet. I'm not sure. Anyway, so then we went to this other dinner that was preordered dinner, very fancy dinner. And I had explained to them in advance about my dietary restrictions and get there, and of course couldn't have any of the appetizers. And the dinner was completely paid for. Again, this is not my weekend. Thankfully, this was taken care of by someone else. But I felt bad because it was like a three course dinner that you can't have. Course, I got hardly anything and it was all paid for, but no appetizers. And the salad, which was supposed to come gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian salad. And it was a salad that had ranch dressing all over it with bacon on top. And I was like, Excuse me, is there any way I could just get some lettuce? And they were very accommodating. Brought me back a salad that I could eat, which is great. And in the course of that, I started talking to the waitress. And the waitress happened to be the mother of the head chef. And she said, oh, well, which thing did you order? And so I talked to her about that, and she said, well, you can't have the mashed potatoes because they have cream in them. I was like, no, I cannot. And she said, well, do you just want extra asparagus? Absolutely, I'll have the extra asparagus, although I'll be hungry because all of those had pretty much asparagus. And then they were going to give me some a little bit of fish, like just pan seared fish, which is fine, I'll take that. But it wasn't going to be a lot. So that would have been all I had, had pretty much that whole day was going to be like a little bit of pan seared fish and asparagus. I should have brought my muffins. I know this, but I know better. But anyway, she came back a little while later and she says, do you eat risotto? And I was like, well, yeah, as long as it doesn't have any dairy in it, I'm good with the risotto. And she said, oh, well, we have risotto and it doesn't have dairy in it. That would be lovely. Thank you. So I ended up having risotto and asparagus and pan seared fish.

Erica [00:19:18]:

So the risotto would then just be cooked in the traditional broth.

Jules [00:19:22]:

It would be broth, yeah.

Erica [00:19:24]:

Isn't usually chicken broth.

Jules [00:19:26]:

It usually is chicken broth. But at that point, I was like, not going to ask. I was just like, I can't this.

Erica [00:19:32]:

Tastes like a dead animal. I'm just going to go with it.

Jules [00:19:34]:

Yeah, I couldn't. I mean, I just was like, I can't go there right now. I never have chicken broth, ever. But at that point, I was like, this woman is bending over backwards for me. And I was like, not going to.

Erica [00:19:52]:

Chicken the fish of the land.

Jules [00:19:58]:

But it's possible that it was vegetable broth. And I did tell her that I don't eat meat, and the choices were this chicken or this fish. So didn't take a long oh, my God.

Erica [00:20:12]:

Anyway, that wasn't that's not even the end. You literally have more to share from that.

Jules [00:20:17]:

Yeah, I have so much more. Anyway, okay, we're staying at a bed and breakfast. So the first breakfast, they had eggs and sausage. And I don't even remember what else was there, but I said, can you tell me if is there anything else in the eggs? Because some cream put pancake batter in the eggs. Or sometimes sorry about that. Sometimes people put pancake batter in the eggs or they'll put cream or other things like that. And she said no. Nothing. It's just eggs and cream. So I couldn't have the eggs. And so I said, I don't want you to get any trouble, but just if it's possible tomorrow, could you make some eggs?

Erica [00:21:02]:

Just cream?

Jules [00:21:03]:

Yeah. Or just an egg with no cream in it. Because I can't have the cream, can't have dairy, and I can't have any gluten. I don't want you to make anything special. I'm literally buying just some eggs. So the next day I felt so.

Erica [00:21:19]:


Jules [00:21:24]:

There were no eggs the next day. There was a very special oatmeal bake that they had made come on. For the whole table. Like, everyone got this oatmeal bake that they had made with oat milk and oats, obviously. And then they had turkey sausage, and then they had some potatoes with cheese on top.

Erica [00:21:50]:

I would have lost my shit. Jules, I don't know how you keep calm in this situation. Like, Hi, I just want one egg. That's it. Do you have fish? Do you have anything. Can you give me a vegetable with just oil? I would have just lost it.

Jules [00:22:05]:

I felt so bad because it was.

Erica [00:22:07]:

Like no hard feelings. It's a BNB. I don't care. I don't care. You paid money to have them feed you. And if they can't, they can't. But you have to just be like, listen, hi, I just want one egg. I'll even go back there. Do you have a pan? I just want a vegetable and I want an egg. That's all. These people have to be understanding or at least accommodating. We are such a large percentage of people vegan, vegetarian, special diet, dairy free, egg free. They have to understand. If they are running anything with food involved, they have to get it. They have to at least understand. Oh my God, I feel so bad.

Jules [00:22:47]:

For these people when they go out of their way and then you can't eat it. And then obviously they dished it up and put it in front of me. So it's not like I was like, no thank you. I'll leave it in the casserole and someone else can eat it. It was already dished up on my plate.

Erica [00:23:00]:

That's your first problem? Feeling bad about other people?

Jules [00:23:04]:

Well, I'm Southern, so that's like a thing for me. I just automatically feel guilty. And that's, again, my problem. Just like I forgot the muffins. I also feel guilty about everything. Yeah, well, you know what I don't feel guilty about? Do it all the time is talking badly about Subway, which is what I'm going to do now because I am very irritated at Subway. I never eat fast food. I never eat like that kind of stuff at all, ever. And then we've already gone over the fact that I did not prepare well for this trip. So we had another 7 hours home the next day after, I guess what, didn't eat breakfast. And so we're in the car driving home and my companion wants to stop for Subway.

Erica [00:23:57]:

Who's this person?

Jules [00:24:01]:

My best friend Monique.

Erica [00:24:03]:

Does she like Subway or was it just like the only thing in the wild?

Jules [00:24:06]:

No, she loves Subway. Well, it was also Sunday and I ordinarily would cave on a road trip like that. And I'd be like, I will go for some Chick-fil-a french fries. Default Chick-fil-a. I never do that. And on a road trip, it's kind of a fun thing to do is go for the dedicated fryer french fries from Chick-fil-a and then I get like a lemonade or something. It's just so like my guilty pleasure road trip food.

Erica [00:24:36]:

Which is so funny because your guilty pleasure is just my Tuesday night. I eat those fries like nonstop. I don't care. I love fast food. I grew up in fast food. I don't mind it. I wish I could eat more of it. But yeah, I get Chick-fil-a pretty regularly for being such a liberal. I do get Chick-fil-a more often than I probably should. But it's here. There's a dedicated French when I want French fries, I go to, like, two places, and that is the quickest and easiest. So I'll get it before I do bottle baby kittens. So I'll get the drive through, and then I'll eat it in my car.

Jules [00:25:12]:

What do you get besides that? Do you get anything besides the French fries?

Erica [00:25:15]:

French fries and the grilled chicken with an allergy order? Yeah, and then I love their unsweetened iced tea because it's just plain black Lipton iced tea without any shenanigans in it. And I get, like, the giant, giant one. Great.

Jules [00:25:29]:

Yeah. I like their diet lemonade, which is I know it's so bad for you, but I like their diet lemonade.

Erica [00:25:36]:

I also like their kale. Their kale salad. Their kale salad is great. I get their kale salad all the time.

Jules [00:25:43]:


Erica [00:25:43]:

Yeah, it's fantastic. It's, like, doused in, like, a vinaigrette or a vinegar like a vinegar heavy salad. So the kale gets all not really intense. It massages the kale from the inside. That's the science.

Jules [00:26:00]:


Erica [00:26:01]:

Well, really good.

Jules [00:26:02]:

Unfortunately, we were traveling on a Sunday.

Erica [00:26:04]:


Jules [00:26:05]:

So this was not an option. And it was hilarious because I happened to see because instagram and all those things are so insidious. I'm sure at some point in the car, I said something like, if only it wasn't Sunday and we could eat a Chick-fil-a. And so something came up on my Instagram. Some guy had posted something like, Chick-fil-a needs to hire a bunch of atheists to work absolutely. Sunday shift. Yes, but anyway, because we didn't stop at Chick-fil-a, we stopped at Subway. And normally I would just get my other guilty pleasure travel food, which is baked Lays, which Subway has. But I was like, you know what? I should be really good because I haven't eaten anything all day, and I won't eat anything the rest of the day. And instead of just eating a bag of baked Lays, which is not food, I see on the board that Subway has turn any sub into a salad. So I'll just get a salad, like, with tuna on it, and they have tuna salad, which, again, not something that I would ever gravitate to, but it does have some protein in it. And so I was like, okay, I would like to get the tuna salad, please. Can you please change your gloves? Can you wash all of your utensils? She's like, yeah. So she did the whole thing, and I literally got lettuce, spinach, some peppers, and I think that was it. And then, like, tuna. And I got my bake lays. That was it. And she rang it up. It was like, 1389. I'm like, what is this? If I had gotten the sub, it would have been 589 plus the chips. Like, what is happening here? She's just like, well, there's an upcharge for the salad. What? Excuse me. I didn't get the bread. Why are you charging me extra when you get less.

Erica [00:28:11]:

That's so wild.

Jules [00:28:14]:

I'm not sure that I think that this is the right approach. I was livid, and I think that that's a really wrong thing to do, and I'm not happy about that. I mean, you got to be kidding me. Like, seriously, you literally didn't give me the bread and you charged me extra?

Erica [00:28:39]:

I got to look this up.

Jules [00:28:41]:

I don't get it. Anyway, so then I went home and I thought, maybe this is just like a subway on the side of the road thing. And so I did the same thing here for my local, put in my address. Did the whole thing.

Erica [00:28:56]:


Jules [00:28:57]:

And that's what I posted in my reel was, like, the difference in the price.

Erica [00:29:00]:

Yeah, they offer no bready bowls. That's what it's called.

Jules [00:29:05]:

Super cute, right?

Erica [00:29:07]:

If it was.

Jules [00:29:07]:

Anyway, same price. It's not the same price. And they don't give you a choice. And by the way, she gave me way too much food. There's no way I could have eaten all of the tuna that she put in that bowl.

Erica [00:29:19]:

So listen, you're either going to complain.

Jules [00:29:22]:

About not enough food well, no, it's not like they say, would you like the small salad or the large salad? Like, they say, do you want a six inch or a twelve inch? They just say salad. So you're paying for whatever, even if you can't eat it. That's like if you go to Subway and you say, I'm sorry, there's no choice, you have to buy a twelve inch sub.

Erica [00:29:46]:

To be fair, this no bready bowl of tuna looks like twice the amount of food that you would get on.

Jules [00:29:54]:

A traditional sub, because it's all lettuce.

Erica [00:29:58]:

Tuna, lettuce, finished tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, black olives, red onions.

Jules [00:30:03]:

But that's all the same options that you can get on your sub and cheese. But yeah, you can get that on your sub. It's all the same options. You pick whatever you want. It's exactly the same thing as a sub, only you say, no, I don't want this, I don't want this, I don't want this. Whatever. I just did it. I promise. This is like I walked through the same line that they walked through with their sub.

Erica [00:30:24]:

Yeah it's $10.29 for a tuna thing. And I think the online exclusives, because that's what people go to Subway for, is there.

Jules [00:30:36]:

Well, okay, here's the other kicker. I got so sick after eating that, and when I got home and I told my husband that I had done that, he was like, you did not eat the tuna and eat all this stuff from Subway without making them go back and get like, a fresh thing of tuna in the back. And I was like, well, they made them change their gloves and their knives and all that. Now I get the tuna there all the time. And they take the scoop even if it's clean. And they touch the bread, and then they put it back into the tuna. I was like, oh, God, I'm such a moron. I can't believe I didn't make them do that. But I never eat at Subway. I don't know these Subway shenanigans.

Erica [00:31:22]:

But, yeah, I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you.

Jules [00:31:27]:


Erica [00:31:28]:

I don't want to burst your bubble, and I am in no way defending Subway for anything, even though I love Subway more than anything ever. You love subway is my favorite place to eat at before I went gluten free. I still like when I but also, like, when I did my challenge and could go back eating gluten, I had Subway, and I'm like, this is not as good as I remember it.

Jules [00:31:51]:


Erica [00:31:51]:

I was obsessed with Subway. So I know Subway in and out. I ate it all the time when I worked downtown, I went and walked to a Subway all the time. I will tell you. And again, I don't want to be that person who's like, I'm going to stick up for Subway. I don't want to be that person. But I will tell you, comparing pricing, the salad is the exact same price as a foot long sub.

Jules [00:32:17]:


Erica [00:32:17]:

Not the six inch at all, which is, of course, what we would eat. We would not eat a foot long sub. My God. No. So, of course, when they make a salad, they should give you the option of a six inch salad or a foot long salad.

Jules [00:32:31]:

A six inch salad, because that's the.

Erica [00:32:33]:

Amount of toppings and stuff and crap that's on there. Right. But that is the exact same price, 1029 in my area as the footlong tuna sub, as it is for the no bread e bowl. But you're right. They're giving you a foot long sub worth of stuff, which I remember. I could only eat a six inch. There's no way if someone gave me a foot long sub, that I would.

Jules [00:32:53]:

Be like I think that and that's interesting that that's the pricing where you are. But where I was at the place in Virginia, it literally said on the board, salad plus whatever it was three something, whatever upcharge.

Erica [00:33:07]:

Gross. Gross. Yeah.

Jules [00:33:09]:

I think there's different pricing, different places.

Erica [00:33:12]:

But regardless.

Jules [00:33:15]:

Anyway, whatever, it's criminally offensive.

Erica [00:33:18]:

Criminally offensive side eye that this would be as much as a footlong, because that's unnecessary. That's so unnecessary. I totally understand. And again, by no means am I sticking up for Subway, but I will tell you, it's a foot-long pricing. And I think what's difficult is that I have a substance place near me called Ike's, and it's really good, and you can either get an allergy or preference on the bread. They change everything. They're really fantastic. And I get a foot long, and it is like $15, $15 or $16 for a foot long sub. And I had some gluten free bread. Yeah. And it's, like, made by one of the bakeries this year that does food service. And so I know the bakery is a local bakery, and I totally trust it, and I think it's great. And all the celiacs that either have no problem, but I posted that and everyone's like, it is so gross that it's $20. And I'm like, it is really when Matt and I order and we get delivery sometimes even though it's right down the street because we're lazy, it's like $40. It's $40. And I'm like, this is yeah. I am willing to pay that price because if I want a sub sandwich, there is no other place that I would trust everyone's like, oh, I go to Jimmy John's or Firehouse. And I'm like, I do not trust them as much as these people do.

Jules [00:34:39]:

And you're paying for peace of mind at that point?

Erica [00:34:41]:

Yes, and I'm also paying for bread.

Jules [00:34:43]:

Which I would never that salad at Subway.

Erica [00:34:47]:

No bread, no peace of mind.

Jules [00:34:55]:

I'm still not feeling well.

Erica [00:34:57]:

Did you throw it up or did it go out the other end?

Jules [00:35:01]:

It definitely went out the other end.

Erica [00:35:05]:

Well, I was curious. If you do a road trip for 7 hours, I'd be a little dicey to try Subway. Even just the salad jewels. I would have probably stopped at a gas station to just get hard boiled eggs.

Jules [00:35:22]:

EW. But that's gross. That's nasty. That's like gas station sushi.

Erica [00:35:27]:

No way. No way. It's like airport hard boiled eggs. I go to QTS. They're across, like, the country. And I did something for gluten free More magazine about dining out at gas stations where Matt and I went on a road trip and we just ate the stuff that you could get at gas stations. There is so many better things at gas stations than people think.

Jules [00:35:46]:

Sea stores have gotten a lot better. Ethyl sells at Sea stores now.

Erica [00:35:53]:

Someone really wants to get a hold of you. I'm recording a podcast. I'm talking about Subway right now. Guys.

Jules [00:35:59]:

Hello. Why do I have a landline anymore anyway? I don't understand.

Erica [00:36:04]:

Sure. Small business.

Jules [00:36:06]:

Oh, that's right.

Erica [00:36:09]:

It's actually subway calling. They've caught wind.

Jules [00:36:16]:

Are you the lady who's complaining about the salad prices?

Erica [00:36:19]:

The one store that's in the middle.

Jules [00:36:20]:

Of yes, I am.

Erica [00:36:21]:

Of charging for salads. Well, I'm really curious. I really want to go into my subway, but I also don't really want to go into my subway because then I feel like I would just go in and be like and then leave, and they'd be like, yeah.

Jules [00:36:39]:

Well, it's not worth it. I'm never going in the subway again.

Erica [00:36:41]:

I feel like that's a good mantra, just to be like, no, I'm not going into the subway today. I don't know if you remember when we first went gluten free. 20 12 20 10 20 09 did you remember when Subway was testing their gluten free rounds? I ate there all the time.

Jules [00:37:04]:

I did, but they never tested it near me.

Erica [00:37:08]:

Yeah. Well, I also didn't really understand cross contact back then, as we just talked about. But, yeah, I was so excited for them. But thank God we've got places like Ikes or even Jimmy John's or whatever. Jersey mics.

Jules [00:37:23]:

Jersey Mike's.

Erica [00:37:24]:

Yeah, jimmy john's. You can make it a salad, too. I am very curious now, if it's the same I'm assuming that the same price at Jimmy John's to make it a salad. The unwitch, whatever. Do you have a Jimmy John's near you?

Jules [00:37:39]:

I think we do have Jimmy John's around here.

Erica [00:37:41]:

I've still never been, as we've recounted.

Jules [00:37:45]:

Like, I don't eat out at fast food places. There's just nothing for me there. That's mine. I don't eat meat. I don't eat chicken. Okay, what am I getting at a sandwich shop? They don't have bread restaurant. I don't eat dairy. I'm not getting, like, a cheese sandwich. So what am I getting? Yeah. Baked Lays.

Erica [00:38:09]:

Baked Lays.

Jules [00:38:11]:


Erica [00:38:12]:

Lunch and dinner.

Jules [00:38:14]:

Sure. I think I'll just go make some more muffins. That's what I'm going to do.

Erica [00:38:17]:

Oh, Jules, I'm sorry you had such a horrible time.

Jules [00:38:22]:

I had a great time at the Highland Games and everything. Like, that stuff was great. Luckily, I was not traveling for the food this time.

Erica [00:38:30]:

If you were, I'd be sad that you went to Subway.

Jules [00:38:35]:

That's true. That would have been a very disappointing choice. Yes. Anyway. Yeah. So all of you who are traveling this summer for holidays, do your homework. Don't do what I did. Kids yes. And if you're road tripping, then don't worry about it. You can pack a cooler full of deliciousness. And I even actually, half the time I'll travel with my bread maker and just throw one of my bread mixes in and I make fresh bread on the road.

Erica [00:39:04]:

That's wild to me. That's a lot.

Jules [00:39:06]:

I've done that so many times. It is hilarious to do it in a hotel because everyone in the hotel around you is like, where's that amazing smell coming from? Yeah, I know. It's very funny. But then you have fresh bread and you don't have to do anything. You just press the button and it's ready in the morning. Or it's ready when you come back home from wherever. And it's awesome. You can do it, like when you.

Erica [00:39:34]:

Get to someone's house, too, because then.

Jules [00:39:36]:

You'Re not worried about using their pans or their kitchen or whatever. It's very handy. I've also traveled with my bread machine on airplanes before. TSA is hilarious because they're like, what is this? Is this like some sort of a bomb? No, it is not. But remember all those shows for the magazine? I always had to travel with my bread machine and checked it on the airplane because I never want anyone abusing it in luggage.

Erica [00:40:05]:

I didn't know that. I thought I just assumed that you checked it. I check everything.

Jules [00:40:15]:

Because I don't want, like the if you jostle the lid too much, then it doesn't seal properly. Wow.

Erica [00:40:28]:

I want to show you one thing before we move on.

Jules [00:40:34]:

Speaking of babies, do I have pan envy?

Erica [00:40:41]:

It's a Silpat, brand new.

Jules [00:40:43]:

It's got to be 14 inches.

Erica [00:40:46]:

My head for reference. And it's a twelve piece cake pan, but it divides it easy, so you can take it out of it. And then there's like twelve individual pieces.

Jules [00:41:00]:

Of cake for those of you who can't slice cake evenly.

Erica [00:41:05]:

I don't know the purpose of it. I just really wanted to test it to see what it was like, and I got it and I'm like, this is huge.

Jules [00:41:12]:

Huge. Yeah. You're going to need at least two recipes worth of cake for that.

Erica [00:41:17]:

That's what we just talked about. I think it's too big.

Jules [00:41:20]:

My gfJules cake mix is a double cake mix, so you can use.

Erica [00:41:26]:

That anyway, so that's that. I love Silpat. They launched years ago. They launched their muffin tins, which is basically just the Silpat material, which is that silicone that's oven safe, and you can just pop your muffins right out. You don't need any muffin tins or liners. Yeah, so it's great. And I love still pat, other than this was delivered and opened in my office where there are cats, so there's just cat hair everywhere because it's like a magnet for cat hair, which is part of the fun, I guess. Yeah, part of the fun. So, yeah, very rarely do I get I don't really get deliveries in the summer, but this was a fun delivery that I wanted to show off. It's the Silpat, I guess. Twelve piece cake liner. So I would show you what its real name is. But the whole containers, the whole package is in French, so Jules would have to.

Jules [00:42:28]:

Should have been sent to me. I could just read it on air. That's all right.

Erica [00:42:32]:

Oh, no, there is English kind of.

Jules [00:42:36]:

Without kind of, yeah.

Erica [00:42:38]:

Sans phalate, sans BPA and sans peroxide. So, yeah, I guess I just eat wash before first. Use up to 500, especially if you're.

Jules [00:42:49]:

Erica, when you open in your office.

Erica [00:42:50]:

Seriously. So gross. Do not use how about you bake.

Jules [00:42:54]:

A cake and show us that next time?

Erica [00:42:56]:

That's what we'd like anyway. Yeah. So we're going to make some cakes, make some cake.

Jules [00:43:03]:

Sweet. The other thing I wanted to mention just before we hop off for your extended nap is that I and I'm sure lots of other people are in the mindset of getting kids ready for back to school already. I can't believe they just got out of school. But if your kids are going to college, like my kid is going to college, you have to be sort of thinking about this stuff right now. So if you have a kid who has celiac disease or food allergies, then they qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act to actually get special services at their college or university, as long as.

Erica [00:43:56]:

It'S not reasonable accommodations. Reasonable.

Jules [00:44:00]:

As long as it's not a church based university.

Erica [00:44:03]:

Although, let's be fair, because I talked about the ADA a lot, and I actually just did a presentation. If it's a faith based university, there's a good chance that they receive at least some public funding. So it doesn't really matter if it's I used to think that it was just like faith based. Okay, you're off the table. There's a great chance that they get at least a little bit of public funding. And if they get a little bit of public funding, they have to be compliant with ADA. And even if they don't, why would you ever want to go to a school that's not like, oh, we're going to be ADA compliant. We don't believe in disabilities here.

Jules [00:44:33]:

Sorry, we're not going to do this for you. I know. So the reasonable accommodations we're talking about would be like if your kid is living on campus and they are required to have a meal plan like my kid is, then that means that the meal plan must take into account their dietary restrictions and so they can't be forced to pay for a meal plan that can't eat at doesn't have food. Can't eat. And that's what the various lawsuits were that established this as precedent. So what that means for you as a parent or for a kid who's going to school, is that you need to be reaching out now to your college or university, if you haven't already, get in touch with dietary services and introduce yourself. Make your needs known so that you know which dining halls are the ones for you, and you can start establishing what meals you want or where you're supposed to go or when. Different schools have different things. Like some of them won't say, this is the one cafeteria that you will go to, or you're going to have your own special room with a special key and has special food in it. There's all kinds of different things, but you need to make sure that you understand what you have access to and that they know you're coming.

Erica [00:45:49]:

Yes, the it's all on you. So disability services and I walk through this example at my university because I wasn't gluten free when I went, but I'm just curious to see how they're doing. So disability services like, hey, we handle Ada for people who are visually impaired or hearing impaired or deaf. If you have a question about dining, actually see the second D, which is dietitian, and the third D, which is dining services. So disability dietitian, dining services. And sometimes they're all wrapped up together. Sometimes they're three separate. So it really just depends on what school it is. And they're like, hey, you contact the dietitian, and she'll meet with you and say whatever you need to do, no worries. But, hey, are you gluten free? Are you food allergy? What's your deal? Here's a whole list of things that you can eat at. So there's this place called True Balance at ASU which is free from the top allergens. So that would be a great place, but it's like, well, if I just want gluten free what dining halt has what. And that's a great thing that dietitians or dining services can walk through with you. But if you're at a university and you are required to have a meal plan and you haven't checked it out already, you got to do that because you don't want to go your first day and expect that someone will have something for you. You've got to put the work in now to know or your first few days if you're at a place and you're like, listen, I thought they could accommodate me, but they can't. That's when disability services can really help you as well, right?

Jules [00:47:20]:

And you also need to check out what can you have in your dorm room, what are you allowed to bring your own microwave or toaster oven? Or what can you bring with you? Because that'll also help you to know what kind of meals you can prepare for yourself in your own dorm room or is there a kitchen in your dorm? And if so, then maybe you want to bring your own pots and pans or bring other things that you can help to make your own food. So these are the things you need to be thinking about now, not in August when you're frantically packing up your last minute things and heading out the door. So that's why we wanted to raise the issue now instead of when Erica wakes up from her nap at the end of August and we resume our podcast. But there is a ton of information in an article that I have on my website called Back to School Gluten Free. And I'm also going to be adding another article that's just dedicated to college information. So look for those at We'll drop the links in the podcast to the ones that drop now and then be supplementing with the link to the new college one when it's up. So keep checking back for that and reach out to us directly if you have questions. We are happy to answer any questions and to help you navigate this. These waters can be a bit murky, especially if you're a first time college student. But again, it's on you to make your needs known and don't be shy about it because you have a right to special services and they're there for you for the taking.

Erica [00:48:47]:

Yeah, and I always say you don't have to let disability services know that you need something. You don't have to if you want to survive college and be like, I can do this on my own, that's great, but they're not going to accommodate you unless you tell them that you need accommodations. And why wouldn't you take what so many people have fought for, for years, since the 90s, when ADA was established and the Lesley University lawsuit. All these people are fighting for you, and you deserve to use what has been precedent for you and given to you by all these people working so hard. You've got to let someone know. And if you are starting school and then all of a sudden you realize that you can't eat here. You needed a separate room because you absolutely need to have a kitchen. Or this is how it works. You have to let dining services know. You have to let disability services know. There are the people that are going to help you through this. There are people in place to help you out. So why wouldn't you take those accommodations? Or why wouldn't you take this help or take this assistance? It's available for you.

Jules [00:49:57]:

Right. And honestly, university dietitians are some of the nicest people I've ever met. So you want them to be your friends. They will do everything that they can to help you.

Erica [00:50:06]:

Absolutely. So definitely, if you haven't already, I just talked to a bunch of kids that are thinking about it in the future, so it wasn't such a necessity to do it now. But we can talk about it in August. About the college searching. And what is that like when you look at a website and see how you can tell? So we can talk about that after we get back from the break. But it's always interesting seeing how things have changed over the years and seeing how magical it is that so many people are working so hard to keep campuses safe and having it be an inclusive dining experience to where you don't have to eat by yourself in your dorm room the whole time.

Jules [00:50:49]:


Erica [00:50:50]:

And I'm really excited for your kid because where she's going has some great options.

Jules [00:50:54]:

Yeah, me, too. I can't wait to see it. I haven't been there yet.

Erica [00:50:58]:

No, I'm excited to tour the campus with you guys.

Jules [00:51:00]:

I know. All right, well, everybody have a great rest of your summer and don't do what I did on my road trip.

Erica [00:51:08]:

Don't do that. Don't go to Subway, guys.

Jules [00:51:10]:

Don't do what I did. Don't do it.

Erica [00:51:12]:

What's your mantra? I'm not going to Subway today's. Not today. Subway.

Jules [00:51:20]:

I love that mantra.

Erica [00:51:23]:

You guys have a great break. Jules I'm so excited we'll be hanging out together on our break because we can't keep apart from each other, and I will be hopefully more aligned and centered and a normal human being once we return. For all of you.

Jules [00:51:42]:

I'll be good after the monsoon season.

Erica [00:51:44]:

Oh, no, it'll be peak monsoon season, so I can't wait. It's going to get wild. Maybe there'll be a hailstorm. It's going to be exciting. You never know. Welcome to Arizona. Jules it's going to be great.

Jules [00:51:56]:

All right.

Erica [00:51:56]:

Thanks so much for joining us today. On an episode of You Have me Eat. Stay tuned for season two, coming out at the end of August.

Jules [00:52:11]:

If you like this episode, make sure you rate it on your podcast provider.

Erica [00:52:15]:

And subscribe so you don't miss any of our episodes.

Jules [00:52:18]:

You had me at eat.

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