You Had Me At Eat
For just three letters, E-A-T is a loaded word for those with dietary restrictions. It's not as simple as just putting food on your plate when your fuel is plotting against you. Join former magazine editors Erica and Jules as they talk about everything gluten-free (and more) with food restrictions, and a life led well avoiding the food that hates you.
You Had Me At Eat
Episode 65: Death and Grief, Celiac is a Joke?!, and Gluten-Free Thanksgiving
Something on your mind? Erica & Jules would love to hear from you!
In this episode, Jules and Erica explain their absence from the podcast. With unexpected deaths in both of their families, the hosts talk about grief and grieving, and the importance of mental health during a crisis.
Jules and Erica also talk about celiac disease being the brunt of jokes, from gluten-free piercings to being called a pu**y - they're sick of gluten-free being a punchline. How do you move forward when people think you, and your diet, is a joke?
Jules teaches how to have a gluten-free Thanksgiving including the best recipes for gluten-free pull apart rolls and gluten-free pie. Having a Thanksgiving alone after an anxious election year and being gluten-free? They'll give you the permission you need to dine alone this Thanksgiving.
Tips for buying a gluten free bread machine, other favorite appliances and so much more ....
Congratulations to You Had Me At Eat for their win of the 2025 Gluten-Free Buyers' Guide Best Gluten-Free Podcast. Thank you for voting!
Jules's Gluten Free Thanksgiving ebook: https://shop.gfjules.com/collections/ebooks-books/products/gluten-free-thanksgiving-ebook
Jules' Gluten Free Bread Machine Reviews: https://gfjules.com/reviews-of-best-bread-machines-for-gluten-free-bread/
Jules's Gluten Free Pull Apart Dinner Rolls Recipe: https://gfjules.com/recipes/gluten-free-pull-apart-dinner-rolls/
Jules's Best Gluten Free Pie Crust Recipe & Tips: https://gfjules.com/recipes/gluten-free-pie-crust-recipe-and-tips/
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Jules [00:00:13]:
Hey. I'm Erica. And I'm Jules. Most people have at least one thing that they can't or won't eat.
Erica [00:00:19]:
Now we're definitely like that.
Erica [00:00:21]:
We started this podcast to talk about the gluten free food industry,
Jules [00:00:25]:
Like new products and some of the stories behind your favorite brands.
Erica [00:00:29]:
And living life with a specialty diet and also some important health care topics.
Erica [00:00:33]:
Since we're basically both broken inside.
Jules [00:00:36]:
You had me at eat.
Erica [00:00:45]:
Hello, and welcome to another episode of You Had Me at Eat. I'm Erica.
Jules [00:00:49]:
And I'm Jules.
Erica [00:00:51]:
And we are alive. We took a slight break. Some of us had a little MENTY B. Some of us had just slight mental breakdowns. It's cool. I won't name names. We're back. We have gone through what seems like 3 years worth of shit in the past 2 months, and I physically don't even know how to start this episode because there is just so much, where we left off, dear listener.
Erica [00:01:20]:
I don't even remember where we left off.
Jules [00:01:20]:
Well, you and Patrick were baking bread and everything was fantastic and life was good.
Erica [00:01:28]:
Jules [00:01:28]:
don't remember what it felt like. I don't I don't
Erica [00:01:31]:
know what that felt like either. So Jules, sent me a message a message that's like, here are the things we're covering today, and it's like death, illness, sourdough, pussies, bread machine, Thanksgiving. And I'm like, okay. All this does make sense, but it was just, like, such a great list of, like, wow. We have a lot to catch up on, and there are some really random things on here.
Jules [00:01:52]:
If you follow us, you probably know at least some of those things.
Erica [00:01:55]:
At least half of this.
Jules [00:01:56]:
There's some context for that. It's not it's not a But, yeah, we do have a few things to cover. But here, we apologize for being absent.
Erica [00:02:06]:
I don't. You know what? I don't apologize. I don't, I don't care. I I say if we're gonna have some mental breakdowns, I'm gonna take as much time off as I want. And I'm pretty sure that every listener here will say, go you go, girl. You get your mental health back.
Jules [00:02:24]:
That's right.
Erica [00:02:24]:
And it's, it's not there yet, but we're working on it.
Jules [00:02:27]:
No more. But I think it's important to say, like, not just skirt over the issue. Like, we we each had a death in the family and, really significant, and it really affected us. And they were unexpected and really tragic and sad. And that happens to everybody. And, you know, it's taken a while for me to even say those words without breaking down.
Erica [00:03:04]:
And I'm not gonna cry today because I've cried every day since we probably recorded your last podcast. Yeah.
Jules [00:03:11]:
Oh, yeah. Totally. I I absolutely have cried every day. Yeah. And, at least I'm sure, you know, you're you've been very public about what has happened in your life and, you know, with the death of JoJo and...
Erica [00:03:32]:
which, by the way, is a cat, and, Jules' is a a human being, but I also wanna say, like, it's okay to also grieve if you have pets and especially if they're just like family like he was to us.
Jules [00:03:44]:
Absolutely. Like, I mean, we You
Erica [00:03:45]:
have full permission to grieve just as hard as you would a human.
Jules [00:03:49]:
What I was just getting ready to say, like, I mean, I when I don't know. I I had a I've had pets all my life, and, my dad's a veterinarian. Like, pets are hugely important in my life. And when particularly with this, I I felt, you know, their their passings, various ones that I've had in my life, like, really have hit me hard at different stages. But, like, this one, I hesitate to even use the word dog because she didn't feel like a dog to me. Like and when she when she died, like, I lost it. Like, it was it was horrible. Like, I I was pregnant, and my I remember my mom, like, actually saying to me, you have to pull yourself together because you have You have
Erica [00:04:41]:
a baby.
Jules [00:04:42]:
Right that you have to take care of. Because I was like, I was ready to throw myself off a bridge. Like, it was you know, you can feel those feels as deeply as any other feel. And, I was right there with you with JoJo. Like, it it's it's hard. It's really hard. And, the problem was, at the same time you were going through that, I was also going through a death in my family. And so it was, like, really hard for us to be there for each other because it was hard to, you know, talk about it.
Erica [00:05:13]:
And I wasn't there for Jules
Jules [00:05:14]:
at all.
Erica [00:05:15]:
I wasn't there for any of my friends the past 2 months because
Jules [00:05:18]:
Erica [00:05:18]:
I have literally been on the road, like, every single
Jules [00:05:21]:
day since we recorded
Erica [00:05:22]:
our last podcast. So I had, like, 2 days home, and thank God he decided to throw a massive saddle thrombosis and fucking die when I was home or else I would have been I I would have been it would have not been great.
Jules [00:05:38]:
Erica [00:05:38]:
So I'm thankful that he did that. Mhmm. But, like, I haven't been around emotionally for anyone since then. Right. And I haven't been around physically. So now that I'm home and I'm around emotionally, it just feels like things are hitting all over again. And I feel like I can't be there for other people until I dealt with my own shit. It's it's, like, it's been hard because I feel like a bad friend, you know? But also, like, we're all kind of going through it.
Jules [00:06:07]:
You can't. But the the only thing that I'll say about what I have gone through on the personal death in my family, because the only reason why I'm saying it now is I think it's important to be said, is that I have a very, very, very, very close loved one who took his life. And, it has been devastating for our family. And I will just say to any of the listeners, you know, if you have anyone in your life who is you know, has mental health issues, you have to take them very, very seriously. Not that our family didn't, but, like, you have to to, go to whatever lengths you have to go to to make sure that, you know, you've tried to get them the help that they need. And then, you know, if that means that you have to get therapy yourself in order to support them, and certainly after something horrible like this happens, you have to do it because mental health is not something that is well understood in our society. It's not taken seriously enough. And, you know, it is what it is, but it's it's a horrible tragedy when something like that, which you look at, you feel like it could be avoided.
Jules [00:07:28]:
Right? But it's it's an illness just like breaking a leg or cancer or whatever, then it has to be treated that way. And right now, I'm going through another one because my poor sweet nephew is has been in the ICU in a hospital for a week and a half now. And so I've been out of town trying to support my brother with all of that. So it's just been like, ah. You know? And then you go, oh, I have a job. I have other people who are relying upon me too. And I you know, Thanksgiving is coming.
Erica [00:08:02]:
Like And honestly, like, let's be real. This happened at one of the most anxiety ridden times in our lives. Mhmm. And so there's just this been chronic underlying anxiety for months leading up to the election because we're all very concerned as someone who are big advocates for healthcare. We had a lot of concern going into the election and even more concern after
Jules [00:08:27]:
It's not been alleviated.
Erica [00:08:29]:
And so for us, like, honestly, I've been having some some mental issues since then. Well, before then and also since then. So this, the death, the layer on of the chronic anxiety that comes with an election year when you're literally fighting for your life and health care has just been, unbearable at times. And talking about mental health, I mean, there has been times where I have reached out to friends and I'm like, I actually, like, really need to talk to someone that doesn't live in my house. And like, let's all talk about therapy and how we're moving forward with our own therapy. Yeah. So that's really hard. And it it it's not hard enough with the death.
Erica [00:09:09]:
Right? You gotta layer on all this other stuff and then like concern for, I don't know, your fellow man. So that's been really, really difficult. So to be fair, like, I have not wanted to record. And I have not wanted to share anything because I've been very vocal on my Instagram about how not well I'm doing. Yeah. And so to like, say that out loud is hard, but also to like move forward from that is very hard. It's very easy to just wanna crawl under your bed Yep. Forever.
Erica [00:09:40]:
And that's what depression tells you is the best. Right. But that's not what actually is the best. So we're here doing what we can only do, you know, just like what's the work through every day. Right. I could just take small baby steps of grief and loss and anxiety and depression and anger, especially recently anger, and, like, what we can do to turn those emotions into something where we can move forward, but also, like, how we can make the world a better place.
Jules [00:10:10]:
Yep. And and that's, I think, why we're going ahead and recording this podcast even when we don't really feel like doing it is to make sure that, you know, we're letting people know that, you know, we're all human. We all have these times in our lives. And, you know, we support each other. We reach out. We get therapy. And it is, it's Okay, and it's needed. And, you know, if we can be a resource to you as well and tell you how we have found ways to get through these hard times.
Jules [00:10:44]:
But, you know, Thanksgiving coming up, I think it's especially important for the gluten free community for us to be there, and supporting our community, our loved ones, and, compatriots and gluten free. So we're here, and we're gonna talk about that a little bit today as well and give you some more resources and tell you how we deal with Thanksgiving, the food holiday of of our year, and anxiety that comes with that. Yeah.
Erica [00:11:18]:
If it wasn't hard enough, let's throw in the holidays.
Jules [00:11:21]:
If it wasn't hard enough.
Erica [00:11:23]:
Families with mixed political backgrounds, and so that's I'm just gonna remove myself from holidays this year, which, by the way, is an option just to lay it out there.
Jules [00:11:35]:
Make your
Erica [00:11:35]:
own turkey, make your own pumpkin pie, sit by yourself, enjoy the holidays. It's going amazing.
Jules [00:11:40]:
In in my, Thanksgiving ebook, which is this huge, like, 90 page ebook, and granted, 49 of not of those pages, but more than that of those pages, there's 49 recipes. What's the rest of it? It's how the heck to deal with Thanksgiving. And part of it is you may just want to be by yourself or just have you and one other person or whatever. And how do you make these recipes small? And what do you do with leftovers? And, you know, how do you embrace that idea? Because maybe that's what's right for you this year, and that's totally fine. And it might be because you're new to gluten free. It might be because of your politics. It might be because you're not in the mood. And it's totally fine.
Jules [00:12:27]:
And it's you really especially this year, self care is just really important because we've all been through a lot. Even if your guy won the election, I I am I venture to say that you have stress because there are people in your life who you have either alienated or they've alienated you or there's stress in your family or you don't wanna talk about something or they wanna talk about it or whatever. We we all are in our little silos to a certain extent, but you're not exclusively in your silo. Like, there's a guy in my neighborhood right down the street who flies all of these flags that are so obnoxious. Like, if it was just, you know, saying whose candidate was or whatever, that's fine. But he says all of these cuss words on his flag. He says, like, all of these other things on his flags ever. He has banners across his driveway.
Jules [00:13:26]:
He has things in the grass. He has lights. He I mean, like, dude, we get it. That's impressive. You're fake. Like, why do you have to be that way? Like, just say who your guy is. Like, you know but so it there is always this stress. Right? And so if you don't wanna be around other people at Thanksgiving for whatever reason, there are ways to manage it.
Jules [00:13:51]:
And when you layer in dietary restrictions, like gluten free and other things, that just makes it even harder. So it's okay if you don't feel like it. And I have I have lots of ideas for making your Thanksgiving smaller. And I think Friendsgiving this year is gonna be bigger than ever because
Erica [00:14:09]:
So important.
Jules [00:14:10]:
Because families, you know, they they say friends are the family you choose. They say that for a reason. And this year probably more than ever because there's been so much tension this year. And I hope people do come back together and, like, find their common denominator in their families, but some people won't.
Erica [00:14:30]:
Some people are a lost cause. Yeah. They're not gonna name names. Okay.
Jules [00:14:33]:
Erica [00:14:33]:
don't listen to the podcast anyway.
Jules [00:14:35]:
That's right. But but in in the name of hope, I hope that most families don't, like, completely separate over this. Of course. But, you know, this year might just be too raw. So if if you're looking for some of those solutions
Erica [00:14:51]:
your emotions be raw, not the turkey. Ew. Ew.
Jules [00:14:55]:
What they all say. Ew.
Erica [00:14:55]:
Stuffing in your turkey.
Jules [00:14:56]:
Anyway That's that's a famous phrase too. I forgot about That's what they say.
Erica [00:15:01]:
That's what they say.
Jules [00:15:02]:
They're really looking for those tips though in my Thanksgiving ebook.
Erica [00:15:06]:
Before we get into any of this, may I just say on the la on the, like, second to last podcast that we did, we had, like, made a joke that I was going to go to South by South by Southwest. Jesus Christ. I was going to supply side west
Jules [00:15:21]:
Oh, right.
Erica [00:15:22]:
On Halloween. And there was
Jules [00:15:23]:
a Right.
Erica [00:15:24]:
Right. Bet that I that we would dress up. And I said that I was gonna dress up as Taylor Swift, but I bet my CEO wouldn't. And since she listens, she was like, well, challenge accepted. And she dressed up and we were 2 different eras of Taylor Swift, and it was magnificent.
Jules [00:15:44]:
That's awesome.
Erica [00:15:46]:
And it was the worst expo I had ever been to. Yeah. It was so boring. That's boring. So brutal. So lame. We got maybe, like, 3 smiles, and one person wanted to take a picture. And, like, there were, like, 4 other people dressed up, and one of them was, like, a cat with just, like, the cat nose and whiskers on the face.
Erica [00:16:04]:
And I'm, like, come on. And we were, like, oh, yes.
Jules [00:16:09]:
No. You're not the only person I heard that, from about supply side. And the only person I've heard who said that supply side was good this year, and I don't know if it's always this way, said that it was good because of the after parties. So
Erica [00:16:23]:
Well, yeah. It's in Vegas. But I know. It's just, so dumb.
Jules [00:16:27]:
It's kinda bad. Like, it
Erica [00:16:29]:
Anyways, I was happy that we went and we dressed up, but never again.
Jules [00:16:34]:
But Are they gonna have it on Halloween next year?
Erica [00:16:36]:
No. It's the day before Halloween. I'm like, that's still too late. I don't wanna deal with this. Anyway Who
Jules [00:16:40]:
does that? Bad.
Erica [00:16:42]:
No. No. So so for the people that do listen to the podcast, yes, it happened. And, yes, there are photos, and you can, let that.
Jules [00:16:50]:
Was there an exchange of, money or anything else because of this bet? No. Okay.
Erica [00:16:57]:
Just the sheer pride and joy of knowing that we had enough machismo to be like, I don't really care. Let's dress up. I
Jules [00:17:05]:
like it. I like it a lot.
Erica [00:17:07]:
And we both got home in time for trick or treating.
Jules [00:17:10]:
Good. So Good. And Matt dressed up?
Erica [00:17:13]:
No. He didn't dress up at all? No.
Jules [00:17:17]:
Wait. He went from wanting to buy a golf cart to not dressing up?
Erica [00:17:21]:
Yes. Okay. We we ended up at having, like, far less trick or treaters than we want, but he was not dressed up. And, he did dress up for his Orangetheory Halloween class. He was captain orange theory. It's really cute. He, like, had an orange theory flag that he used as a cape and dressed in all orange. It was great.
Erica [00:17:39]:
That he did not dress up. So I think we're gonna save the doom buggy idea that we had with the golf cart for next year.
Jules [00:17:45]:
Erica [00:17:46]:
2025. You
Jules [00:17:47]:
have to invite my daughter because she is officially obsessed with golf carts.
Erica [00:17:53]:
It's such an Arizona thing.
Jules [00:17:55]:
She was obsessed with golf carts when she's ever since she's been, like, 12 or something like that. So She picked a very
Erica [00:18:01]:
new state to be in.
Jules [00:18:02]:
You've seen her Instagram. Right?
Erica [00:18:04]:
Jules [00:18:05]:
Still, what it says about golf carts on it.
Erica [00:18:08]:
So weird. Yeah.
Jules [00:18:09]:
Yeah. Well, weird in a very endearing way.
Erica [00:18:17]:
Okay. What else do you have to talk about? Oh, are we onto moving on to sourdough and how Sure. The myth that won't die?
Jules [00:18:24]:
Yeah. I rep you saw I reposted that video that I shot where I was like, hey, science. Sourdough is not gluten free. Go figure. Yeah. I love that. So, for those of you who haven't seen, once again, there is a lovely brand out there that is saying that their sourdough a 100% gluten sourdough. In fact, it includes extra gluten in the ingredients, that they're saying that it's gluten friendly.
Jules [00:18:55]:
And they even say it's good for celiacs. Love that. Your doctor recommended sourdough, that it is somehow rendered gluten free due to fermentation and overnight, like, magic. And Tricia Thompson from gluten free watchdog tested the loaf, not that anyone's surprised. And as a friendly reminder, less than 20 parts per million is considered safe for celiacs. And this loaf was over, what, a 140,000
Erica [00:19:30]:
Yeah. Per million?
Jules [00:19:33]:
Love that for you. Yeah. I think you should definitely be getting, more and more people sick by spreading that word. I think that's great.
Erica [00:19:42]:
And just like the sign like, the science behind it isn't there, but it's like just a perpetual myth that won't die that, one, if you have a gluten containing sourdough starter but use gluten free flour, that's safe. It's not safe. That is on every single gluten free sourdough Facebook group, dear God, almost once a week. You can just see it's like I have a gluten containing starter. I just wanna make sure that I can make gluten free sourdough out of it. It's like,
Jules [00:20:05]:
oh, sure.
Erica [00:20:07]:
You're an idiot. What?
Jules [00:20:08]:
What did I say
Erica [00:20:10]:
that lovingly, but stop it.
Jules [00:20:13]:
You you know what? You're a better person than I am for going on to those Facebook groups to begin with. Like, I think I would just go, like, yeah, I know at any time on those groups.
Erica [00:20:23]:
Yeah. It's, it's it's bad, but, like, also, thankfully, there's, like, some smart people in there. And I try not to really delve deep in the Facebook groups, as you know, my my existential dread that comes with being in Facebook groups. But, for me, it's it's that myth and then the myth that, sourdough occurs any gluten. So gluten containing sourdough is safe for people with celiac disease. And then also, like, the that's like the eating sourdough in Italy is different than the yeast. And, like, again, it's not no food is different in the US.
Jules [00:20:54]:
Love that. Mhmm. Yeah. The whole thing is like that there's some fairy dust out there somewhere that people believe in that makes it's it all comes down to people believe what they wanna believe. Right? And and that's Yeah. And to get
Erica [00:21:09]:
it, like, if I mean, if I didn't know about fermentation, I would be like, wait. I don't get it. This is made like, I I I understand it's a lack of knowledge when it comes to to these kind of things, but it's like, but that's your job now is to become educated
Jules [00:21:26]:
Erica [00:21:27]:
Like, with this disease and stop believing in fairy dust magic. So if, like, it's not also I'm just tired of telling this story. I'm tired of it.
Jules [00:21:37]:
If you think about it, like, every day, how many more people go gluten free. Right? So I think we're we're gonna be stuck telling this story in perpetuity. Forever.
Erica [00:21:46]:
Mhmm. Great. Yeah.
Jules [00:21:49]:
Forever, never, Ahmed. I love
Erica [00:21:51]:
this story.
Jules [00:21:54]:
Erica [00:21:54]:
Today, I posted about this piercing studio that's next to the coffee shop that we go to. And it came out today, and there was a sign that said gluten free piercings available. And I'm like, I'm gonna lose my ever loving shit right now. I'm like, I hate it so much. This was not funny 10 years ago when people were doing this. It's not funny now. Why is this all coming back around? It just felt very like is is it 10 years ago again? Because people think that this shit's funny and it's not. And and then people are on my Instagram being like, it's just a joke.
Erica [00:22:26]:
I'm like, but it's also not a joke. Like, it's it's stupid. It's not even funny. Like, it's like the people that are like, oh, that guy is super racist, but, I mean, it was a joke. And I'm like, yeah. But it's, like, not it's all rooted in something that you think is, like, the truth. Right?
Jules [00:22:42]:
Well and and then you see where it goes and why it's not funny. Like, you and I are, like, not personally offended by it. But it's, like, what happens is that then people take that kind of stuff, and they roll with it. And they think that you and I being gluten free or any of these other people who go to a Thanksgiving dinner and, like, I'm sorry. I can't have that because I'm gluten free. They think they're just being joke. They think they're just being joke or whatever. And that they're just on some bandwagon, and they're asking for gluten free piercing now.
Jules [00:23:12]:
Right? They're being ridiculous. And that's why next on our list Pussies. Pussies.
Erica [00:23:19]:
Stop being a pussy, Jules. I wonder if this is gonna actually make this an explicit Probably. Episode.
Jules [00:23:26]:
Well, it didn't make it it it didn't make it explicit when the person posted that on my YouTube.
Erica [00:23:32]:
Oh, that's messed up.
Jules [00:23:34]:
So I posted a video of how to make gluten free pull apart rolls for Thanksgiving on YouTube.
Erica [00:23:40]:
Like, the best recipe ever.
Jules [00:23:42]:
It's pretty innocuous. I'm like, hey. Here's how to make gluten free pull apart rolls for Thanksgiving, la la la la la. And the very first comment is, we eat gluten in our house because we're not pussies. I'm like, oh, okay.
Erica [00:23:58]:
You should be so lucky to be a vagina, you piece of shit. I hate that. I'm like, okay. Well, don't be a dick because nobody wants to be a penis. Anyway, it's just so I hate that that's, like, their comeback. And I'm like, vaginas are strong?
Jules [00:24:14]:
Yeah. I know.
Erica [00:24:16]:
You don't even know. Anyway, so I hate that.
Jules [00:24:18]:
Even happen, how that turned into that. But so, anyway, I started laughing out loud. Like, first of all, I'm I'm in the hospital lobby when I read this. I'm in my little corner, and I'm laughing. I'm like, people probably think I'm loony or something. And then I just sat there, and I thought of it. I was like, why why did you even see my video? Why are you watching gluten free videos? Like, none of this makes any sense. But so then I put it on Instagram, and I was like, anybody got a good response for this or whatever? And it was just that made me laugh even more because I loved seeing people's responses.
Jules [00:24:57]:
Of course, I didn't respond to this person. I was never gonna engage with that person. And someone reported the comment, so you guys took it down. But, anyway, I'm like, really, people? Really? But it's that's that's a commentary on where society is today, that people feel that they can just make some sort of comment like that behind the veil of social media.
Erica [00:25:19]:
People are just really emboldened to be complete assholes. And to be fair to actual assholes, which do a lot of heavy lifting on the body. Like, I wish that there was a better word to just describe, like, the worst of the worst that are just now so lovingly emboldened just to spread the worst shit on the planet and just, like, just leave comments to be like, oh, okay. I'm like, you're right. I'm such a pussy for having a genetic autoimmune disease.
Jules [00:25:47]:
Erica [00:25:47]:
Thank you so much for sharing that. Thank you so much for sharing this comment with me. I was unaware of that until you came in here and told me this.
Jules [00:25:56]:
Erica [00:25:56]:
Oh my god. I'm so lucky. Thank you so much. Please like and subscribe. I love your commentary.
Jules [00:26:02]:
So it was funny because Jeff says, well, I wonder then if people who have, like, a peanut allergy, if they're just being pussies too because they are avoiding peanuts. Like, I wonder why no one's ever told them that.
Erica [00:26:13]:
Oh my god. We should just tell we should just be proactive and just be like, listen. I just this is where I am in the world right now. I'm just like, no zero talent for this. It's just so ridiculous. So, between that, the sourdough, the pussies, and the gluten free piercings, I'm just like, wow, it should just why am I even alive on this planet? This makes so much sense right now. Oh my god. Who broke me? Like, it's like the people that are like, well, there weren't gluten free or food allergies when I was a kid.
Erica [00:26:44]:
I'm like, it's because it's who all died. Like, we're pretty lucky right now. Like, Jesus Christ, but whatever. So and and then speaking of food allergies, I was just at the food allergy conference, and I I met so many amazing gluten like, new new food allergy and gluten free bloggers. And I'm just, like, thank you for just, like, consistently not taking shit from people because, like, we didn't know how to deal with that as early stage bloggers. Mhmm. And I think they're doing so much better about it now. And I think, like, they really have good head heads on their shoulders.
Erica [00:27:19]:
And they really like, I think they've got it, you know, good. I think they are better at managing this stuff than us that that we were just like, wait, what? And now of course, we're like, Ugh, gross humanity. But I think there's I think people are the younger people are better apt for understanding the Internet and just Yeah. Humanity goes there. Well, they're
Jules [00:27:42]:
they're nourished. I guess they're they don't care. They're just kinda like, meh, whatever people people are jerks.
Erica [00:27:48]:
Yeah. They grew up with Snapchat in high school. That's like that makes them pretty tough people.
Jules [00:27:56]:
That's true.
Erica [00:28:01]:
Tell me about bread machines, Jules. You've been testing some really interesting ones.
Jules [00:28:06]:
Erica [00:28:06]:
So in between all, all of our meltdowns, you have been bread machine testing.
Jules [00:28:11]:
Yeah. Well, in all fairness, I did, I did get most of the testing done before this craziness started. I just didn't get a chance to share any of it. So I finally went back and, you know, I have that big post on gluten free bread machine reviews. And The
Erica [00:28:28]:
most comprehensive bread machine review post ever.
Jules [00:28:31]:
Yeah. It's it's been a labor of love, that's for sure, over a course of many years. But I have I have what's been affectionately referred to in my the corner of my kitchen as a graveyard of bread machines. And, anyway, I there are great bread machines out there. The problem is they're very expensive. And so there's been a clamor, if you will, for people to people have been asking me to find affordable bread machines for them. And so I went back and I retested the Cuisinart, which I had completely panned because it had a homemade setting and, was able to program, after multiple tries, a homemade setting on the Cuisinart that actually worked pretty well. And the Cuisinart's, like, 167, $170 kind of machine.
Jules [00:29:23]:
So it's a mid range ish machine. So it it does a decent job on the homemade setting. So I went back and redid that review with the homemade program in there. But that being said, I also found, this other bread machine that I really like for under a $100. And you don't have to program it, but it does have a homemade setting on it so you can program it. Now what I haven't had time to do in all of this is to play with the program settings on it. But it's called the Vevor, brand machine. They have a couple different machines, and so I only tested 1.
Jules [00:30:00]:
But I was really, really happy with it. It's it's not as great as, like, the Zojirushi that you can just rely on and count on. And every time, it cranks out, like, solid, really good gluten free loaves. But Is
Erica [00:30:13]:
this, which one is this? The 15 in 1 or the 19 in 1?
Jules [00:30:17]:
The 15 in 1 is the one that I reviewed. And you can see in my gluten free bread machines post, you can see the the exact one that I reviewed. And there's also a coupon on my site that they've given me for my readers. So if you go to the link that we'll post in the liner notes here, then we'll we'll drop that there and you can see it. But for $99 or $98 or whatever and the coupon as well, you can get this machine. And it's it's a smaller machine than the Zojirushi. It's not as small as some of the other ones, but I I I'm happy with it because it takes up a smaller, you know, footprint, has two windows on the top. It's got a gluten free setting that works.
Jules [00:31:01]:
It has a programmable homemade setting. It cooked the bread all the way through. You know, it doesn't have it's not perfect. It's got a, like, a 4 hour setting. So, like, the Zojirushi will cook your bread in 2 hours and something or other. So, you know, there's there's some other things in there that you need to consider, but, you know, just knowing that, you need to, you know, take that into consideration. Couple of the other things about it, it's got, like, a long loaf pan like the Zojirushi. It has 2 paddles like the Zojirushi.
Jules [00:31:28]:
It's really powerful, and so it mixes really well. I I just for under under a $100, I I just don't think you can go wrong with this machine. And so I was really excited to add the video review, which is now on YouTube, waiting for people to make pussy comments on it, and it's now also on my on my reviews post. So you can see the full review of the pros and the cons. There are cons, and there's a way that you have to use this machine to get it to work right. But I think I figured that out. So if you're looking for a great bread machine for under a $100, This is my new pick. Okay.
Jules [00:32:09]:
And I also did the darker crust. Because if you remember the T fal that I used to travel with for all the shows that I loved, the T fal machine would make a nice crusty crust on the outside of it, which I loved. I have not found a bread machine since the T fal that actually makes a crusty loaf. Bread machines tend to make a soft loaf, like, crust on it, like the. In part, I think because there's a lot of humidity in that small space, and it just hasn't they just can't get crusty. This one got crusty, and there's a choice of, like, dark or light crust. I chose the dark crust, and it actually was, like, you know, crusty loaf on the outside, which I personally like. But But if you didn't want that, you could choose the light crust and you know, or you could use another machine like the zeduri sheet.
Jules [00:32:55]:
It has a very soft, like, wonder bready kind of crust on it all the time. You can't get a crusty crust off that. But, you know, some people don't like a crusty crust, so there's nothing wrong or right about that, but it's just a feature.
Erica [00:33:08]:
Man, I'm on their website. It's really interesting. I they have a lot of other products
Jules [00:33:14]:
that I just see. Do. I when I did I did, an outdoor, gluten free fest here in Baltimore a few weeks ago, and I borrowed a friend's tent to do the the fest. And the tent was a vivore tent. And I was like, wait. What? The bread We have this
Erica [00:33:33]:
is like the, the fry machine at In N Out where they just put the whole potato in and then you do that big Oh, cool. Like a giant slot machine. They have one of those, and it's like a $160. And I'm like, do we need this?
Jules [00:33:45]:
I know. Right? I'm thinking about the holidays. Mhmm. Yeah.
Erica [00:33:50]:
Jules [00:33:50]:
I've been totally adding it to the gift guide. I'm like, this is I'm all in on this machine for the holidays. Okay. You know
Erica [00:33:55]:
what I'm like?
Jules [00:33:56]:
The Zojirushi, you can probably give that to your kids. Like, it's it is a solid machine. It's gonna last. It's great. Yeah. No idea the longevity of this machine. No idea about any of that kind of stuff. But I'm telling you, for under a 100 per bucks.
Jules [00:34:10]:
It works great. Now if you want a machine that you can just sort of push the button and walk away, which this machine is not, and you'll have to watch the video to understand exactly what I'm talking about. But if you want that kind of a machine and you don't wanna pay the full Zojirushi price, I'm still completely sold on the Panasonic. Okay. Chef Patrick, for example, was here baking with me, as we were talking about earlier, and he was here when I was doing the the vivore testing, and I also was using the Panasonic. And he really liked the Panasonic and went out and bought the Panasonic. And he he keeps texting me every day. Look at this this look at the look at this, you know, loaf.
Jules [00:34:50]:
This is beautiful. Whatever. He's loving the Panasonic. And it's, like, a $100 cheaper than the Zojirushi. And you can literally, you know, throw your bread in there, push a button. You can smooth the top if you want to. You don't have to. It's a great machine.
Jules [00:35:05]:
That's the one that I end up using at my house as much as any other machine. So, anyway
Erica [00:35:13]:
It's awesome. Yeah. Look at you doing doing all the hard work for everyone.
Jules [00:35:17]:
Well, it's just I get really sad when people email me and they're like, oh, I bought this machine and my bread never turns out and you're
Erica [00:35:24]:
like, I can't help people
Jules [00:35:25]:
out. I know. I told you that. You have this, it's the machine.
Erica [00:35:28]:
Yeah. Yeah. Or also like, let's be fair. You have the best bread mix on the planet, so, like, you also have to buy the right mix. Like, you can there are so many gross bread mixes out there.
Jules [00:35:42]:
Erica [00:35:43]:
is true. Honestly, honestly, I have used a Zanzarushi on a really terrible bread mix
Jules [00:35:51]:
Erica [00:35:52]:
And it failed because it's a horrible bread mix. So you also have to, like, be cognizant of it. And while I'm on the subject, may I may I say for best, bread mix, you are the winner of life for mixes. And so every year, they have this amazing gluten free buyer's guide. It's now called well, yes. It's from the guided buyer. And,
Jules [00:36:22]:
We had Josh on....
Erica [00:36:24]:
We had Josh on our podcast. And this year, Jules was dominated for many a things, and she won in almost all of her categories. Jules swept it this year. She's she's the best blog.
Jules [00:36:41]:
That I don't even have this book yet, so I'm this is like, news to me. I'm very excited about this. Thank you for
Erica [00:36:48]:
Gluten free cutout cookie mix?
Jules [00:36:51]:
For the holidays.
Erica [00:36:52]:
For the holidays.
Jules [00:36:53]:
Just interesting. Flour. Yay. Best flour.
Erica [00:36:59]:
Truly is the best flour. Best cornbread mix.
Jules [00:37:03]:
Also something that everyone needs for Thanksgiving.
Erica [00:37:06]:
Best original cookie mix. So your cookie mix, one for best cookies. Best cake mix, which I will absolutely agree. It's the cake we have for our wedding.
Jules [00:37:17]:
That's right. We did. We made those cupcakes. So good.
Erica [00:37:20]:
And then of course, best bread mixes.
Jules [00:37:22]:
Erica [00:37:23]:
Number 1, Jules. So it's it's saying a lot, you know, that it's like, okay. That's fine. We think it's the best, but also the other people have voted. Other people are just like, I will never once use it. You'll never use another one again, which I think is just goes to the fact that it truly is the best bread mix. But with that, you still, you know, you can bake it in a frickin thing in the oven. Right? Like, you don't you can make it like you can do anything with that bread mix.
Erica [00:37:50]:
But if you want to use a bread machine, make sure you're reading and learning and getting the right one. Especially if you use other mixes that aren't GF jewels, like, because you're gonna need a good machine.
Jules [00:38:00]:
Yeah. Yeah. It's I mean, every recipe comes down to using good ingredients and good recipes, obviously. But if you're not using a good machine and you're not using good ingredients, like, it your foundation
Erica [00:38:16]:
such a waste. I wasted so much money on bread mixes.
Jules [00:38:20]:
Erica [00:38:21]:
So much money. Yeah. And just really terrible bread machines. So I'm very happy with my Zozarushi. That's the one that I always recommend. I know it's expensive, but for us, it's like, you gotta make that commitment, right, to yourself and be like, listen. I will use this and I will make bread. And then it's like, okay.
Erica [00:38:36]:
Well, this is totally worth it.
Jules [00:38:37]:
Yeah. Well and that's what I said to people. They're always like, well, which one should I buy? I'm like, I can't make that decision for you because I don't know what your lifestyle is, and, you know, and I don't know what your budget is. And, you know, if you're gonna bake bread once a week in your bread machine
Erica [00:38:51]:
Oh, yeah.
Jules [00:38:52]:
It's totally worth the investment. You know? But if it's not gonna be something that you're gonna use all the time or you don't have a a space for it or, you know, you don't have the budget or whatever. So
Erica [00:39:03]:
Oh, yeah. You've gotta have space with the Zojirushi.
Jules [00:39:05]:
The Zojirushi is big.
Erica [00:39:06]:
It's a big mama.
Jules [00:39:07]:
It's a mini oven. So and that's part of the reason why it works so well. That's one of the reasons why I think a lot of the other smaller ones that I've been testing don't work. Like, they don't even cook all the way through. I just think that the the heating part of it isn't big enough. Like, the it's just a small little thing, and it just doesn't work. So
Erica [00:39:27]:
We, we really had to we are rethinking our kitchen because we're planning on redoing it. Yeah. But I just replaced my 2 air fryers because I had a convection oven and an air fryer. The convection oven can also be an air fryer, but, like, it only cooks certain things certain ways. So I got the Ninja Duo and I'm not like a I love Ninja. I also got the Ninja Creamy to make ice cream. It's not gonna be like a nightly thing Yeah. Thing, but it's cool when you get the right recipe.
Erica [00:39:55]:
But I got the Ninja Duo which has the 2 different portions. So you can open all the full oven or just the top part of the oven. And then one's a convection oven, one's a toaster oven. And we're we're liking it so far. It's not my favorite piece I've ever had, but we did have to combine having 2 large things into one other Right. Large thing. Because you can only have so many things on your countertop. You gotta, like, just pick what is most important to you, and we use probably a toaster oven or an air fryer every day.
Erica [00:40:26]:
So that's gonna be the one that hangs out. And then so Zoroshi goes in the closet with the ninja creamy to make ice cream Yeah. Our rice maker, like all those other things. So Yeah.
Jules [00:40:35]:
I mean, I I mean, that that Cuisinart, combination air fryer toaster oven because we only had so much space. And so that's our toaster oven, and then we have the air fryer feature
Erica [00:40:48]:
on it. Mhmm.
Jules [00:40:49]:
And, you know, that's you you do. You have to make decisions. You don't have an an you know? Well, most people don't have, you know, unlimited kitchen countertops.
Erica [00:40:58]:
I would love unlimited kitchen countertop space. I would have so many things plugged in. It would be great.
Jules [00:41:03]:
I know. Just get one appliance to the other. Yeah. Yeah. It would be great. But, yeah, the surgery sheet is not fitting on anyone's counter with, like, with a permanent spot. And let's see.
Erica [00:41:13]:
Honestly, we have the Opal ice machine, and it is just as heavy as the surgery sheet. Yeah. I know. Okay. That weighs every day.
Jules [00:41:19]:
But you do. You and you use it multiple times a day. Like and that's not what you're gonna do with a bread machine. So that's just part of what you have to figure out. I mean, this this is so true. She's a monster, but it might be worth it depending on, you know, your lifestyle. Anyway, check out all the reviews at the review post. And if you're just looking at, like, how do you use a bread machine or what recipes can I use or whatever, I also have a separate post just on that, like, on how to use bread machines and, for gluten free and, you know, bread machine tips and also just baking gluten free bread tips and, like, all of that stuff is just additional resources that are all free on the website? So just type that in at gfjewels.com.
Erica [00:42:02]:
Jules, I'm a mess. I don't know if I'm gonna have Thanksgiving. We haven't made final decision yet.
Jules [00:42:08]:
I haven't either. Christmas. I said I had time to think about it. Like
Erica [00:42:12]:
I got a turkey 2 months ago and put it in my freezer because it was one of those deals on ButcherBox. And then when it delivered, I'm like, oh my god. Who bought a turkey? And, like, oh, I'm the worst person. Like, past Erica is just think so highly of future Erica and future Erica is always disappointed in herself. So now I have a turkey. And I'm like, why do I even why did I even need a turkey? That was very silly. So now I have a turkey.
Jules [00:42:38]:
How large is this turkey?
Erica [00:42:41]:
Like, not small. Like, how many not big.
Jules [00:42:44]:
How many people would eat this turkey?
Erica [00:42:47]:
I mean, I don't know.
Jules [00:42:49]:
How many did it serve at Thanksgiving?
Erica [00:42:51]:
Oh, shit ton. A metric shit ton of people. No. I think it's like one of their smaller turkeys. I think it's like less than £10. But still, I mean, like, that's a lot for 2 people.
Jules [00:43:02]:
So, I also
Erica [00:43:05]:
really like, we love freezing turkey. We love doing turkey pot pie for later. So we we like having leftovers, but probably not this much leftovers.
Jules [00:43:14]:
You're lucky you've got enough freezer space. I only have one small, like, freezer.
Erica [00:43:18]:
I didn't. I have a chest freezer and a freezer, and I had to throw things out.
Jules [00:43:22]:
Oh, jeez.
Erica [00:43:25]:
Okay. I have so many regrets in life, Jules, and this is just one of the
Jules [00:43:29]:
But I would put the turkey on the low end of those regrets. I think you can get Honestly. Move fast that in your next therapy session.
Erica [00:43:38]:
And then I bought a turkey, and I didn't No.
Jules [00:43:41]:
No. And now it's just in
Erica [00:43:42]:
my freezer. So yeah. So I I don't know what we're doing. So now I have to find a way to use this turkey, but I think we'll probably end up making it for something. I also the only two things I need to make, 1, the turkey, the actual physical turkey so I can get it out of my freezer and use the freezer for other things and too is my turkey cake.
Jules [00:44:01]:
Oh, you you have to make your turkey cake.
Erica [00:44:03]:
Annual fondant turkey cake.
Jules [00:44:05]:
Mhmm. It's the only thing I have to do. Pictures of the turkey bread that Haley's been making the last couple years, she uses my bread mix, and she shapes it into the shape of a turkey with the little It's
Erica [00:44:17]:
so freaking cute.
Jules [00:44:18]:
Yes. It's so cute. It's really cute. I know. Anyway yeah. So that's that's kind of a fun thing to do. But one of the things that I I just posted a video on this too. I'm sure I'll get comments, but it's, how to make a homemade gluten free pie crust and put it in the freezer.
Jules [00:44:37]:
So you could be doing that right now for your pumpkin pies or your pecan pies, like, you know, your 1 crust pies, and put them in the freezer now to reduce your stress before Thanksgiving so that all you have to do is make the filling, you know, the day before Thanksgiving. And pies are better made in advance anyway because the flavor sets in and, you know, the spices for the pumpkin pie, they infuse the day before, and they're they're much better. It is so easy. And they're so much better than those, like, frozen pies that you get in the store.
Erica [00:45:12]:
Oh, no. Those are horrific. Yeah. Those are very bad.
Jules [00:45:15]:
This this is the kind of thing. Like, I get so sad on behalf of other people who think that, like, those frozen pie shells or whatever, the gluten free pie shells are where it's at? Because that's what it
Erica [00:45:28]:
I really like is. I like to raise gluten free for what they are. Mhmm. And I'll give it to them. Katz are horrific. It's just not good at all, even though they're individual servings and sometimes I'm just that desperate, but the pumpkin pie is very, very bad. The apple pie is okay, but nothing I would want to bake. And I love making pie myself, but it's I will probably not be doing it this year.
Erica [00:45:51]:
Although oh, wait, maybe I will because I think I have some leftover peach pie filling from
Jules [00:45:59]:
love that peach pie filling. Yeah. You should totally do it.
Erica [00:46:03]:
I mean, it's not very Christmassy, but I don't really care. Thanksgiving y or whatever.
Jules [00:46:07]:
Add some pumpkin pie. More like Pumpkin spice
Erica [00:46:12]:
peach. Pumpkin spice peach. Don't be doing that. What else should we be making?
Jules [00:46:25]:
So, yeah, I would do that in advance. I have instructions for how to do the pull apart rolls in advance as well. But if you watch my video that I just put up I went ahead and put it on Instagram. I was putting I was sending people over to YouTube to watch it, but then I was like, I'll just I'll put it on Instagram. But you can also see it, like, from the pull apart rolls recipe if you want to. You'll see how fast that recipe is to make, and they're so much better, like, just fresh out of the oven anyway.
Erica [00:46:51]:
Are they, have yeast in them? Are they
Jules [00:46:57]:
They have yeast in them. But I have another recipe on the website for yeast free dinner rolls if people are yeast free. And then, of course, there's always biscuits. People love biscuits. And there I have 2 great biscuit recipe or 3 great biscuit recipes on my website, that are biscuits are always yeast free. So that's easy enough to do. And then you could do bread sticks, or you could just do baguettes, or, you know, any other kind of bread that's really super easy. Something nice about the baguettes, which you could use the bread mix for, is that that's so easy.
Jules [00:47:35]:
Just throw it in a bowl, you know, mix it up with the oil and, water, and you just literally shape it because it doesn't even need a pan. Bake the 2 baguettes out. So easy. And then it's just you slice them. So it's not hard to do at all It's not hard to do. As a bread for dinner, and people love it. What I just encourage people to do, especially with the breads and the pies, because they're not difficult to do, but people think that they're difficult to do. Mhmm.
Jules [00:48:05]:
So I tell people, do it this week and or next week as a dry run. It's great because you get to eat it now. Right? And you get to share it, but it'll make you so much less stressed before Thanksgiving to know, oh, baguettes. I just made those. I know how to make those. Those are easy. It'll be perfect. Or I know how to make that dinner roll recipe because I've already made it.
Jules [00:48:28]:
Or I I made pies last week. It was so much easier than I thought. I'll make pies. You know? So if you're doing it for the first time on the day before Thanksgiving, you're gonna be very stressed about it. I promise you, you're gonna be stressed. It'll probably work out fine, but you're gonna be stressed. And the whole idea about Thanksgiving is why be more stressed than you have to be? Yeah. So
Erica [00:48:50]:
So okay. But if we're gonna order your product and get it in time for Thanksgiving, when is the last day? Like, now?
Jules [00:48:58]:
I don't know when the last day is. I mean, it obviously depends on where you live. We ship from Baltimore. So the closer you live on the East Coast, you can probably order I would say Monday would be next Monday would be the 25th would be like, I would wouldn't order after that. But if you live on the West Coast, I don't know. You might not wanna order after this, like, Friday, this 22nd. Just, you you know, the
Erica [00:49:35]:
The fact that you just whip those dates out of your head is wild to me. I'm like, wait. I'm literally looking at my computer like, what day is it today?
Jules [00:49:41]:
Yeah. Oh, no. I didn't know I even
Erica [00:49:43]:
the date just like, is today Saturday? I have no idea what is going on.
Jules [00:49:47]:
Believe me. Like, a couple days ago, I did not know what day it was, and I would not know what day those were except this is my birthday. So don't give me any more credit than you have to. I literally would not know because I didn't know it was November until someone told me. So I've lost 2 months of my life. See the beginning of this podcast. So, Checks out. Yeah.
Jules [00:50:09]:
Checks out. Anyway so yeah. And and I'm sure when we ship, you get your product within 2 to 3 business days, but I just wouldn't want the stress of you not, like, winning it. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's that's what I worry about for people. And then, again, like, you should be trying this stuff now and making it now. So you if you think I'm gonna make the bread for Thanksgiving, order 2 mixes. You can make one now and make one for Thanksgiving so that you're like, oh, I know that that's great, and it's not a problem. And it only takes me 10 minutes to make it and, you know, so that you can factor that in to what you're doing.
Jules [00:50:47]:
That's all. It's and it's literally, Thanksgiving should be about the people you're spending it with, not about the stress that it takes to make the food. So
Erica [00:50:57]:
But it always is.
Jules [00:50:58]:
So, honestly, just
Erica [00:51:00]:
try. Just try hard because it's always going to turn out to be stressful regardless of what you do. But you know?
Jules [00:51:07]:
I know. So this is why I I try to have and then in the Thanksgiving ebook, I have, like, the countdowns. Like, if it's 6 weeks ahead, this is what you should do. 3 weeks ahead, 2 weeks ahead, 1 week ahead, 3 days ahead, like, so that it helps you picture these are the things that I need to be getting done. But you're right. Like, if you're ordering ingredients, my flour or mixes or anything else that you'd need to be ordering off the Internet, you know, then you need to be doing that now. And and my products are available on Amazon as well. So sometimes people find that they get their shipments faster through Prime, but sometimes not.
Jules [00:51:43]:
You know? It just depends. Because sometimes I go on Amazon, and I look at my own products, and they're like, yeah. It'll be delivered, you know, 2 weeks from now. I'm like, why? Like I cannot We supply Amazon. Why do you have it? So It's very weird. It's so weird. But anyway so, yeah, I just I'm all about preparation so that you reduce your stress. And you can have anything you want.
Jules [00:52:06]:
Like, I I make all of my, like, grandmother's casseroles, my mom's favorite casseroles. Obviously, I make pies. I make bread. You know, all of those things because it's very easy to make them when you have the right ingredients or the right, you know, recipe or whatever. And most of those things, I hardly change the recipes at all. I'm like, why would I change a good casserole Yeah. If you can just make a few substitutions here and there. So
Erica [00:52:33]:
Oh, man. I just have to make it. I just have to pull the plug. Pull the plug? I just have to pull the
Jules [00:52:38]:
Please don't pull the plug.
Erica [00:52:39]:
I don't pull the plug. What a depressing episode. I have to pull the trigger. Well, it's also depressing on what I'm going to do. I have to make a decision on what I'm going to do because I just I need to decide I need to decide my money now, so I'm less panicked the day before going.
Jules [00:52:57]:
What is your favorite side dish for Thanksgiving?
Erica [00:53:01]:
Potatoes. Which potatoes? Mash?
Jules [00:53:03]:
Just I
Erica [00:53:04]:
don't care. I'll make instant potatoes as long as it's a potato.
Jules [00:53:07]:
Like just like a Yes.
Erica [00:53:08]:
White potato. And then, I really like making my own cranberry sauce. Yes. The one with the blood orange zest in it. And then I really like, no. That's I think that's it. That's all I want
Jules [00:53:25]:
to do with the potatoes and cranberries. You know what I do? I put the cranberry sauce on top of the white potatoes. I don't like gravy. Right.
Erica [00:53:32]:
I'm out. Yeah. So I don't I don't know what I want. I want I think I want to do something. I always like, oh, I want to do something fun. And then I always like that was too much for me to to do. Intentional Foods that top 9 free bakery, restaurant is doing a premade thanks giving to buy. And I'm like, do I just do that?
Jules [00:53:57]:
Except you have a turkey.
Erica [00:54:00]:
I mean, that turkey will have to be used. I really need to figure out what I'm going to do with that.
Jules [00:54:05]:
Maybe you could take your turkey to intentional foods.
Erica [00:54:08]:
Like, Can you
Jules [00:54:08]:
make this? Make it for me.
Erica [00:54:10]:
I'm not doing anything with it. I have made mistakes. They are doing ham, like a full ham that you can get. I'm like, dang, you guys like, I don't. Well, it's
Jules [00:54:20]:
a it's
Erica [00:54:20]:
an animal. I'm so sorry. But like their mashed potatoes and their whatever. Like, that's always so good. And I love getting their kale salad mostly just because I like getting a giant version of their kale salad. So I don't know. I do have to make a decision because I should probably think about what I need to do soon. And think about ordering the £5 of fondant that I'll need to decorate the turkey.
Jules [00:54:41]:
Yeah. Yeah. You're gonna need to get that pretty soon.
Erica [00:54:44]:
I love that tub. Thankfully, it's at Michael's. So the gluten free fondant is at Michael's and it's at the cake decorating store.
Jules [00:54:51]:
What brand is it? Or
Erica [00:54:53]:
what brand is it? It's Satin Ice.
Jules [00:54:54]:
I don't use Oh, yeah. Satin Ice.
Erica [00:54:56]:
Mhmm. Yeah. Wilton's so sketch with their ingredients.
Jules [00:55:00]:
They're so annoying. Why won't they say yes or no about being gluten free? It's very annoying, that Wilton brand.
Erica [00:55:06]:
And satin ice is like, this gluten free and vegan. I'm like, great. Awesome. Love it. So easy.
Jules [00:55:11]:
Erica [00:55:12]:
So I gotta get that. And then I have all the colorings, thankfully, but I have to remember to not use the one that makes you poop green because that is such an unpleasant experience.
Jules [00:55:22]:
Only you, Erica. Because the
Erica [00:55:25]:
I bought oil based colors and I'm like, this is the best colors. It's so beautiful. Mhmm. But then you're like pooping colors and it's not great.
Jules [00:55:35]:
Erica [00:55:37]:
So I will I will hopefully not do that, but I bought a whole bunch of new colors. And then oh, oh my god. Totally forgot to tell you this. I bought so much melting chocolate because Supernatural just came out with gluten free vegan melting chocolate in all different colors. They they announced it and I bought it in all colors. Where did
Jules [00:55:56]:
you get it?
Erica [00:55:57]:
The what their website. Oh, I had to buy it online because I was like, I I can't risk that.
Jules [00:56:02]:
I need to try this. What is what's it made from?
Erica [00:56:05]:
I don't know. Magic? I haven't even looked at it.
Jules [00:56:08]:
Oh, Fairy Dust again. It's Fairy Dust.
Erica [00:56:10]:
But as long as it's, gluten free and vegan. Okay.
Jules [00:56:13]:
I need I need to know about this because the rice milk white chocolate stuff doesn't melt very well for me as a melting chocolate.
Erica [00:56:22]:
Yeah. So I have to think of something to do with this melting chocolate. So now I'm like, what do you like cake pops? Cake pops?
Jules [00:56:29]:
Yeah. That and that's that's the first thing that people always think of, but you could also dip pretzels in the melting chocolate. I love sprinkles
Erica [00:56:37]:
on top
Jules [00:56:37]:
of the rings. Your heads with those. I love that for Christmas. That's a great So
Erica [00:56:43]:
what's interesting is these are natural colors. So I'm like, we'll see how those go. Yeah. But, you know, supernatural is always super good
Jules [00:56:49]:
Erica [00:56:49]:
With their stuff. So I'm really excited
Jules [00:56:52]:
for that. So I'd have
Erica [00:56:53]:
to make something for, holidays.
Jules [00:56:56]:
I'm writing this down. I found a a great new product too. Yes. They actually sent this to me. I don't remember anyone from PR reaching out to me on this, but I, in all fairness, could have just I don't know. Who knows? But, these are so good. It's called Nemi or Nemi cactus sticks. Have you seen these?
Erica [00:57:24]:
Absolutely not. I have no idea what you're talking about. Nope.
Jules [00:57:26]:
Okay. Well, I'll tell you how good these are, that they came in, and my non gluten free, non vegan son ate half of the box before I got to them. And he doesn't like stuff like this. He eats, like, crap. And these were really good. So they're this is Mexican limes. This is churro cinnamon. I thought I'd be with that one because it was churro cinnamon.
Jules [00:57:50]:
But, anyway, they're vegan grain free, 6 grams of protein, 4 grams Is
Erica [00:57:56]:
it nopales? Like, what nopales? Like, is it made with prickly pear?
Jules [00:58:01]:
No. It has, it's got interesting stuff in it. It's got amaranth, cactus powder
Erica [00:58:09]:
Jules [00:58:09]:
Hea protein, flax, chia, spirulina, turmeric, dates for the cinnamon one. Anyway, very clean label, and, I ate an entire bag of one of these things when I was driving back home from the hospital yesterday, and I didn't feel bad about it at all.
Erica [00:58:41]:
Well, what a what a delicious episode this has been full of tears and laughter and so many swear words that I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to list this as explicit. My apologies for your tender ears. Yeah. So many tender ears listening. You know? My apologies. It's all on me. I'm sorry. Although if you've never, seen Jules say the word pussy, you actually get to see it here on video, and I think I'll just make a loop of it.
Erica [00:59:07]:
And then it'll just be, like, what I fall asleep to at night every night.
Jules [00:59:10]:
I did say it multiple times, so you probably don't even have to do a loop.
Erica [00:59:13]:
Great. This is good.
Jules [00:59:15]:
This is good. This is great.
Erica [00:59:16]:
This is why, by the way, we're an award winning podcast.
Jules [00:59:20]:
That's right. We won.
Erica [00:59:22]:
So you know. Number 1 again. So there
Jules [00:59:25]:
you go. Thank you for voting for us to your listeners.
Erica [00:59:27]:
Seriously, thank you because this makes me feel good because our business cards say 2024 number 1 podcast, and I think I'm gonna have to get another one and be like just Sharpie and, like, and 2025, just so you know. We did good. So congratulations, Jules. You deserve it.
Jules [00:59:43]:
Oh, yes. And and back at you, my dear.
Erica [00:59:46]:
Thanks. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of You Had Me and Eat. Hopefully, we will stop having mental breakdowns so we can continue to, have this podcast and usher you through the best time of the year or the holidays with the best, most delicious food, and, we can be your emotional support gluten free friends.
Jules [01:00:06]:
That's right. We're here for you. Yes. We all need we all need that. So, if we can be that for you, we will be that for you. Yes. And if you if you have recipes that you want, us to talk about, please write in and let us know, and, we can highlight those in anticipation of all these wonderful food holidays that are coming up.
Erica [01:00:25]:
Absolutely. Have a great night, day. Yes. Goodbye.
Jules [01:00:31]:
8 parts, 5 parts, all those things.
Erica [01:00:33]:
Goodbye. Bye.
Jules [01:00:37]:
Thanks for tuning in to You Had Me At Eat, the number one voted gluten free podcast in the country. Remember to like and subscribe, tell all your friends, and we'll talk to you next time.