Conversations with Kathy's House

Episode 19: When You Have to Travel For Brain Surgery

Gerry Steele is a Kathy’s House ally and healthcare communication professional. For more than a decade, she's had the privilege to share the experiences of individuals going through life-changing medical journeys and learn from their courage and wisdom.

Alyssa, Jackie, Jen and Dr. Dan Heffez, neurosurgeon with the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin health network, join us on the podcast. The same diagnosis brought them to Milwaukee for brain surgery at three separate times. Chiari Malformations are lower brain abnormalities that can affect a person is any number of ways, from headaches to dizziness, weakness, anxiety and depression. They compare stories, provide insight into their medical odysseys, chat with their doc (no medical questions!) and remind us all of the importance of support and never giving up. The gals also recommend Chiari Malformation Support Group on Facebook.