Poly Pocket Podcast

PPP #078: Killing Kittens Birthday Mansion!

Season 1 Episode 78

This week we review the Killing Kittens Birthday Ball.  Happy 18th KK!

Our journey begins with the  anticipation leading up to the event, and culminates with the night's unforgettable experiences. We share our stories, from pre-party chats to navigating the charged atmosphere of the party.

We caught up with old friends and had unexpected (and exciting) encounters with new ones.  We danced, we played and we managed to relocate our underwear (never taking that for granted)!

Join us once again for the flagship podcast of polyamory, CNM and, in particular this week, sex parties.

H&B x

Speaker 1:

Just to let you know.

Speaker 2:

You tired.

Speaker 1:

I am tired. B I do have to have my phone on Just because we've got some stuff going on at work and we're recording this at the wrong time of day.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we, just right, should we get on with it? Let's Hello and welcome to the Poly Pocket Podcast, the UK flagship podcast of polyamorism, CNM, sex parties and mosquito genocide We'll get. We'll explain some of that later.

Speaker 1:

The intro is just keep getting better.

Speaker 2:

Or weirder, which is also thematically appropriate. Hello, I'm Hunter. I'm your friend and guide to this journey that we're all going to go on together. Today, I'm joined as usual by Butcher. Butcher, I know you're tired, how else are you?

Speaker 1:

I mean, what do I bring to this party of you're the friend and guide.

Speaker 2:

Animosity and confusion. No, then angry football sometimes.

Speaker 1:

I got told at the weekend, by the way, that the football updates and scores are the best bit of this podcast and it's the thing that some people look forward to most.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate that question. Let me just ask you a subsequent question. There was no question, that's a statement Okay. Can I ask a sorry fair? Can I ask a question on that statement? Was this person trying to get into your pants?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you see the point I'm making. No. Absolutely not as it turns out, my knowledge of mosquito genocide was actually the root into someone else's pants. So you know this is. Polyamory is a broader church and we welcome all sorts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, on that note, there's also people that we don't welcome, like People who pretend that they're freely available.

Speaker 2:

But may actually not be, and might actually be married, but not necessarily tell everyone that's the case. You mean that kind of person? Yeah, that kind of person. Yeah, there's a word for that. There's several words that I'm going to use scoundrel for now.

Speaker 1:

A bit polite, yeah, anyway, that's not.

Speaker 2:

That's not the purpose of today. It wasn't the purpose. Anyway, we still have a stomachful. What do you bring to this podcast?

Speaker 1:

Grace and Humility. That's going to say beauty, but somehow, somehow, I'm still in your thunder, as if beauty is something that you can bring to a podcast when you don't record your face.

Speaker 2:

You have a beautiful voice. Oh, you have a beautiful soul and nails the match your underwear.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I did have nails that matched my underwear For the time you're wearing it. Yes, there we go. I walked for quite a long time.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually you did actually. Yes, you're on the way.

Speaker 1:

Worth that five pounds from Primarkt? No one would know. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

But, as I've always said with you, you could like you could wear a plastic bag and still be sexy as hell.

Speaker 1:

So Thanks very much.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome. That was actually a compliment, thanks. So this week we are talking about the Killing Kittens birthday ball that we attended on Saturday.

Speaker 1:

All grown up Big 18.

Speaker 2:

Up until now, of course, it was just like slightly quieter, but in talk about it because it's illegal when I was legal, it's fine, Yep. So now Killing Kittens has been running for 18 years now and this is their big bash. Yeah, To celebrate that. So let's start off with how about a score and then a why the score.

Speaker 1:

So Do you want to start with that? Or do you want to start with? Did we frequent the pre-party chat group or not?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's fine, let me ask you that then we were going to refrain from joining the pre-. I was going to refrain from the pre-party chat group because I wanted to test the utility of joining it versus not joining it.

Speaker 1:

And on the whole.

Speaker 2:

I did join it and I barely looked at it.

Speaker 1:

I think you wrote all the two sentences, I think so I think I posted one picture.

Speaker 2:

No, no, that was the other group. No, I didn't. Yeah, that was the other group.

Speaker 1:

Two sentences yeah, and I think I posted about 10 sentences and a roll call.

Speaker 2:

And that was it. Thanks for doing the roll call.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome. I'm quite proud of myself actually.

Speaker 2:

I'm proud of you too. Thanks, well done.

Speaker 1:

But also really happy with as someone said to me last week, how I protected my energy around it, because I had some concerns and some worries about who may or may not be going. As it turns out, they weren't going or didn't go, which made life f*****g tonne easier.

Speaker 2:

Just for everyone's clarity, we're using the standard measurement to f*****g tonne there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a well-known metric. It's about three and a half whales. Because everything is measured in units of whales Three and a half whales or three and a half whales is as in the mammal or the country.

Speaker 2:

The pseudo country?

Speaker 1:

yes, Suddenly see a decline in the numbers.

Speaker 2:

I eventually I'll work my way north in the North of Amazon. You've done that already. I know she's fine.

Speaker 1:

But yes, so taking that into consideration, I would give Sasse Knight a very solid.

Speaker 2:

Can't have half schools, whole numbers only.

Speaker 1:

Nine out of 10?

Speaker 2:

I would agree. I said to someone earlier on it's eight and a half and I realized I should round up to nine. It was like what could I change? What would I want to change? Faster back cue, that's it, but that is it.

Speaker 1:

And I must say credit where credit's due country mansion did not go well for us, alongside a number of other people.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to give any context to country mansion? Just for anyone who's not like.

Speaker 1:

Well, if anybody would like to go back to that episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's in January, kind of just say it's called a review of country mansion. It is called a review of country mansion in Brigham. See what I did there. You should work in marketing.

Speaker 1:

That's it Greatest. It's a great good naming thing.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure that's what it's called anyway. But here we go. But she's now looking at a phone, trying to remember things that she wrote and hold music.

Speaker 1:

There we go. Mixed reviews are summary of country mansion's Jan 23. There you go. So yeah, credit where credit's due. New venue different sort of processes put in place.

Speaker 2:

A bigger venue A bigger venue. Just in terms of square footage made a big difference.

Speaker 1:

I mean it helped for us because We'll come to that bit, but yes, it just a much better pick. They take it on board. Certain aspects around, travel to and from just lots of little bits toilets there were toilets.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the amount of toilets and just all of those basics, because if you don't do the basics well, the rest might as well not happen. I'm just talking business terms here, you are, or life terms generally. So always do the basics. Yeah, that information was clearly on boarded and I couldn't be happier for that, because we do really like KK and they've helped us massively in our journey and you want to see people that you like doing well and being successful.

Speaker 2:

Indeed, On that note of people that you like. Did anyone from KK possibly invite you to pre-drinks?

Speaker 1:

Not quite invite, but told me where they were. They may have been pretty high up in the KK world.

Speaker 2:

They may have been and apparently they were there, but we missed them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everybody else saw them, but then we even talked about taking the kids to park run the next day. But I texted that person and said someone threw a really good party last night and basically not left the house yet. So I was like thanks.

Speaker 2:

Let me say who the person is, can't we?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I feel like that's like a bit like look at me, Well, look at me.

Speaker 2:

I know who MSA is.

Speaker 1:

I'm never actually a married person.

Speaker 2:

No, but we occasionally chat with her, which is lovely. She's very generous at the time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, she is.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, that was kind of cool. But yeah, people we know got photographs with her and we completely missed her. We were doing other things.

Speaker 1:

I've seen pictures of her from the night looking absolutely fantastic. How we missed. It's peon me, but anyway. We spoke to everybody else that worked for KK bar her.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's move on to that, because that was the nice thing about it all. So you were saying it starts at eight. We got there for about what? 20 past eight, Half eight, yeah.

Speaker 1:

About that Bit of a queue outside. But again they recognized that pretty quickly and went right come on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they started pushing through. It was cool, and then we just bumped into a bunch of people that we know in really short order, which is which is lovely.

Speaker 2:

And also for some of them, we just kept on bumping into them. We couldn't help but bump into them, which is hilarious. Then we got to the bar. There's three bars cocktail bar, wine bar and a bar. But there was there was queues at the store because everyone got in and that there was an entertainment which we also missed. Too busy talking. We were too busy talking, but we had a friend who saw it up close and said it was extraordinarily good and said that the, the entertainment was what?

Speaker 1:

One of our friends got very involved in the entertainment Apparently, so Would you count? I'm not going to call no, just in case, people recognize and put two and two together.

Speaker 2:

But yes, apparently the rules were stated multiple times yeah, not to them, not to them, no, but people nearby the entertainment, according to this friend, they saw it all up close. We didn't and said that it was such good entertainment it would have been worse, the price of entry alone just to see it. It was that good, which I'm very disappointed I missed it. Oh it sounded really good. Yeah. But it's okay, we got to see the performer close later on.

Speaker 1:

So you know, just like I know, I know.

Speaker 2:

Getting too excited. Yes, the memories. So yeah, amblerone for a couple of hours or so, actually in a couple of hours. We went with some friends. We met up there. Playrooms opened at 10 or the playrooms are up the stairs, basically. So everyone was locked downstairs until 10 o'clock and for some reason this information passed us all by until about half 10. And it was like, oh, the room's open. We shot it up a stairs, didn't we?

Speaker 1:

And we realized that most people were in a state of undress and no one was queuing at the bar anymore.

Speaker 2:

Suddenly it got on that maybe everyone had gone upstairs, which I think is basically when you stripped off, isn't it? Yes?

Speaker 1:

I shimmied out of my dress with Mr and Mrs Mosquito.

Speaker 2:

That's going to stick there, isn't it? Sticker, mosquito stick or bite there we go and we toddled off upstairs and had a little bit of fun, didn't we?

Speaker 1:

Mr and Mrs Mosquito, who now entered the room.

Speaker 2:

Well, actually they'd entered the house because they had been at our house beforehand. Because we live so close, we had a miniature pre-drinks at our own house. Literally, the drive from our house to this venue was about seven or eight minutes which is wonderful and lazy, so I didn't drink.

Speaker 2:

I drove there and back Very convenient. They popped over and we also had Silver Fox and Easily Brews with us as well. So, mr and Mrs Mosquito, I'm sorry. Silver Fox and Easily Brews they're lovely, we talk about them a lot, so I'm going to talk about them.

Speaker 1:

I haven't talked about them that much until recently. No, I suppose not.

Speaker 2:

What are you trying to say? I'm just trying to say I'm going to the newbies because there is novelty interest.

Speaker 1:

Are they too wholesome these days? They're too wholesome for this community.

Speaker 2:

They're ascending with their halos and their polyphilic. Hear that, you two. So, mr and Mrs Mosquito, I've met him for a drink in London and got on very well, which is kind of like we had a little four-way chat group for which he's very chatty and she doesn't say a lot, intermittently very chatty.

Speaker 1:

It's not like we talk all the time.

Speaker 2:

And then in person. She doesn't stop talking.

Speaker 1:

In person. He talks a normal amount and she doesn't stop.

Speaker 2:

Literally, Literally the hearts and core to that one later. So we got chatting, we found out what everyone does and, without going into too much detail, she has a keen interest in Mosquitoes and their potential elimination and we got into the details of what she does and one of the things I found out and this will become relevant later is how many speeches of Mosquitoes are there. And it turns out there are four and a half thousand speeches of Mosquito and only four or five of them carry malaria.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so everybody remembered that fact, that fact.

Speaker 2:

The first one, the four and a half thousand. That is an important number. It will get me late later, so anyway, that's at the start of the evening and then we. So we now go to the playrooms. The playrooms were just going back to the venue. There were great big rooms, I'd say each. I want to comment if it's two or three playrooms and two like BDSM rooms.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, because we only played in one room.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that's what I mean. So I think there's like three big playrooms. I'd say each room must have easily held 50 people. So there's a lot of people in a room having sex or watching them have sex, or taking off clothes or finding clothes, as usually happens in one of these things. But the rooms were I see I've got one, sorry. The rooms were well laid out, well stocked, they were just light enough that you could see what was going on, and like Country Mansion, where sometimes it went pitch dark and then all of a sudden became a little bit like sketchy because you didn't know exactly who was doing what. But also they were quite well soundproofed. So the first room we walked into there's a room full of people having sex. It was really quiet.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure if that's just because people were being quiet. There was a few definitely louder people than others, yeah for sure.

Speaker 2:

But also, I've realised that I saw nearly a trip to say is, the only criticism I have is that the music downstairs was excruciatingly loud.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and.

Speaker 2:

I think the main thing is when you go from that to the playrooms. It suddenly felt really quiet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is just one of those small things and it's a great, but we were trying to have conversations in rooms away from the entertainment and because of the sound system, the way it's been set up, literally you couldn't go anywhere where you couldn't. You could hear anybody's talking normally, apart from outside in the cold. Yeah those are the choices. You know, again it's. I reckon they did it again put on another event there. It's such a tiny tweak. No, yeah, totally Okay, and ultimately did it really ruin anything?

Speaker 2:

Apparently not, for reasons we'll start to get into. So we're into the, into the playroom and we stopped playing. It's all good.

Speaker 1:

And we started playing with Mr and Mrs Mosquito as well. I'm sure she won't appreciate it. I'm sure it should be, ms Mosquito.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you do do good. I know all the pressure.

Speaker 1:

I think you've nailed it. I'm trying to impress Mosquito, at least.

Speaker 2:

Mosquito, she'll never talk to us again.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think she will. Probably. It's getting her to stop.

Speaker 2:

But you're playing with him, I'm playing with her and we were playing as a four initially. Yeah, we were.

Speaker 1:

I was playing with her a bit. It was all a bit kind of yeah, Bit of fluid, lots of fun yeah.

Speaker 2:

And he's. He's lovely and really really nice guy. She's gorgeous and wearing a very slinky dress.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And incredibly slinky underwear underneath it as well, which is probably kind of found out about the four-way fluid Chanigans. And at one point you're more with him and I'm more with her, and she stops everything and goes how many speeches of Mosquito are there? I was four and a half thousand Come here. And then she started to literally devour me. It was like, oh god, I did no idea that was a line that would get you like late. So that was very funny.

Speaker 1:

And him and I, I think at this point, just lost it. I mean we she'd said something earlier in the evening several times that I just cracked him and I up and then I think it was that point the pair of us were wetting ourselves.

Speaker 2:

I kept on trying to get, as I kept to put my finger to her lips and then I was covering her mouth and I realized it gets a bit dodgy so I thought I pretty much just would not stop.

Speaker 1:

But it was so entertaining and it was so sweet and she's just so her own person, which you know what in that sort of situation, she fucking owned it. Man, I just loved her for the sheer Harness. Harness, like this is who I am. Take me or leave me. She's great yeah, so we took her yeah.

Speaker 2:

Very entertaining human being and I'm impressed with Mr Mosquito's I don't know what to say about it. She's like living with that 24 seven. She knows this. So he's like what it may sound like I'm thinking on her, I'm not. She knows exactly what she's like and she revels in it a little bit, but he's very tolerant of her being her, but also it's incredibly endearing because of how her she is. Yeah, I don't know if we're not doing any favors by describing this. She's lovely, she's gorgeous, she's very, very smart, so intelligent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and can't stop showing off about how intelligent she is. In some ways, that's why you two got on. I think actually there's not much to put two and two together, at least during sex. I stopped talking about Mosquito's. Not anymore, it turns out she did not, so that was fun and I had little. Oh, then there was a interesting interlude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, kind of broke up the dynamic a bit and that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is, I get it. I don't know like call anyone out, but I probably need to call something out. So as, yeah, let me try to try and remember the flow here. So you were playing with Mr Mosquito, ms Mosquito was using a like a toy on you and this other lady, just sort of like, came along, took it out of her hand and started holding the toy against you and then started getting involved and I was on the outside of this game like there's a woman and a man and they're obviously together, obviously a couple, and there'd be no conversation and they just, but they she came in with a lot of bluster.

Speaker 2:

Bluster is a good word for it. I was going to say like authority, but without actually doing any of the work that you sort of meant to do, like we all have to. If anybody's not gone to a KK party, there is like, effectively, a set of contractual terms and conditions, which is consent is always informed and approved consent, you will follow the rules or else. And all that got skipped over and she got more and more involved and her male friend and I were on the edges of this. Mr Mosquito was, I think, underneath all this and didn't really move anywhere or do anything about it. It was quite funny.

Speaker 2:

But eventually this other gentleman leaned over to me and goes is it okay? But he asked me if it was okay for his female partner to play with you. And I looked around you are asking the wrong person, the wrong question, and I just had to make it very clear she should be asking butcher. That that's how this works. This has to be informed. Because, said I can't give consent on butcher's behalf. Oh, okay, you kind of got it and I don't know, did she ever? She did eventually get that, didn't she? Yes, she did.

Speaker 1:

And you know we did go on to play a bit, but it's one of those things that I think that's the first time in a long time that I didn't really know how to handle the situation, because I was quite keen to play. That sounds like the most ridiculous thing I'm going to say in my life. I was quite keen to play with Mr Mosquito.

Speaker 1:

It does sound kind of weird, but there we go, here we are. So you know, him and I were having a really good time and we to the point that you and Ms Mosquito thought that we were already having sex and actually were questioning whether we were using a condom or not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I passed you on because I thought well, if you're not, yeah, you need one in the next few seconds. Like literally seconds.

Speaker 1:

And literally.

Speaker 1:

I opened it, said to him it's probably best if you put this on, just because the position that I'm in and then because of this other couple sort of being involved, I think he kind of lost his train of thought and kind of went I need to pop to the toilet and you know, just the moment was sort of taken from us because of this interference, and I think a lot of it happened behind me as well. So I didn't really cotton on to what was going on. So I don't know, I kind of I went with it because she was obviously very keen and I didn't find her unattractive or you know, I've she was an attractive woman, but I just felt like, yeah, I don't know my, I didn't own that situation enough.

Speaker 2:

On reflection, Same here, but then again it was this. You don't know, it's a very delicate situation where there is a lack of words in environments where you know this is why you do the informed consent thing, though like easily, okay, so let's pop that one for a second. Let's skip forward a bit and let's play the other summary that we got into, which worked very well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then we'll come back to this one, if that's okay, because it's instructive. Should we say yes. So a bit later on, this is all happened. We moved on, we've gone for a drink, gone for a wander yeah.

Speaker 2:

But if I'm talking to a bunch more people bumped into a couple that we kept bumping into over like 15 minutes or so, and then you and I wanted some time together. So we went back up to the playroom, went to the exactly the same place we'd been in before and you were you and I we had a nice time.

Speaker 1:

It was great.

Speaker 2:

We were getting slightly frustrated. Talking about it again and as we've been playing with your wife is weird, isn't it? We were having sex and we had doing it for like 10, 15 minutes or so. It was lovely, it was very, it was all very exciting.

Speaker 1:

Well, because I think you said to me what do you want right now? And I was like I want you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was like that's great Cause that's what I want as well. It was just you looked amazing, felt amazing. We were in a room full of people having sex.

Speaker 2:

It's just exciting and there's all that energy and you're going like, yeah, I want to enjoy that and, like I say, a few minutes in, quite a few minutes into it, you spotted a lady by the edge of the bed looking at us and you just you know this isn't quite. Oh, that's what the walls go to. I'll talk about the informed consent side of things.

Speaker 1:

Oh right, okay, yeah, go, sorry, cause I feel like we skipped over a lot of stuff. We have skipped over a lot of stuff, yeah, so go on.

Speaker 2:

You saw her and then.

Speaker 1:

Because I'd we'd kind of started playing with another couple at this point. I was holding the woman's hand and we were kissing, and you know, you were kissing her over my shoulder, I was kissing her partner over her shoulder, and you know, and but it it was kind of obvious that they were more into women and I thought, you know, I'm kind of enjoying this, but I don't want you to be pushed out. And so I just happened to look up and there was this very beautiful woman stood at the edge of the room near the door, watching us, and I just caught her eye and wave to her and said do you want to come over? And she said yes, and she got onto the bed.

Speaker 2:

I introduced myself, kissed, her Very politely, very formally.

Speaker 1:

Very formally and then introduced you. Very formally, very formally, and then went from there.

Speaker 2:

But that was what I'd say is not necessarily the only way, but that was very good it was. There was no intrusion, everything was like spoken first, everyone said, is this okay and to be proceeded from there? And it just like had all the no one. Everyone knew what was going on. Everyone saw what was going on. Everyone's part of that process.

Speaker 1:

And there was lots of questions. So you know about certain aspects of play between you and her, her and I, because I got involved for a bit with the other couple but another girl came in to that at that point. So I was playing soft playing with him and I said to him do you and your partner full swap? And he said we do, but I need to obviously check with her and she. He asked and she said I'm not in the moment, right now.

Speaker 1:

They come back to me because she was enjoying what she was doing and for her enjoyment it was very much. She wanted to see what he was doing, or for to make her feel in control or whatever it was. That's what she stated and we were like cool. So I came back to you and the I just, but again, you were busy with her at this point and I just sat and waited. And then you said would you like to get involved? And I said her, is that okay? So I did that for a bit, but you've just reminded me on that. So we played, gained a certain result from playing, her and I, and then another woman basically jumped on her and was like can I touch your boobs? And there's poor girls just lying there like all right, like trying to catch a breath, but this is actually okay again, very, very instructive.

Speaker 2:

So this is what I think was unusual is people were either not following the rules or just generally. We're not reading the situation very well. We weren't reading the room very well and I felt that for that other couple of talks about the ones who did not seek consent and went, went about a bit like overly grabby kind of way. It was that you there's a whole thing going on here and you've just like invaded a little bit yeah.

Speaker 2:

Um, and it just felt awkward, didn't it? And again, like say, it sort of spoke the moment for you and Mr Mosquito and that was uncompleted and as a result of that it was. It didn't exactly interfere with my and to take with Mr Mosquito, but it yeah, it just sort of we had a nice little four way thing going on and then this came in and it kind of like broke it up, which is a shame.

Speaker 1:

And no one wants to be the person to say no, because actually there's the whole consent piece. But it's also you're part of a group and it's not like all four of you have gone right. We're only playing as a four for the next 10 minutes, or.

Speaker 2:

No, these things can be fluid, but they can be handled well. It's like an eye contact and asking a question, a some I'm going to be very me about it and some transmission of information. That means that everyone knows what's going on. And yet if someone just likes, if someone is like just had an orgasm and it's catching their breath and someone's gonna blow your boobs, it is just out of context and not very respectful. Yeah, it was very odd. Not very odd.

Speaker 1:

I mean it wasn't unpleasant, but it just it's just not how we quite do things as a not exactly.

Speaker 2:

And again we've been into, we're at Fatima, ghana.

Speaker 1:

But again, fatima, ghana, just all just flowed so well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like this and the one we said when we were playing and do the couple and there was the kissing and all that that, that flowed well. And when they got busy and you need to pause and you came back to myself and I didn't watch caller this lady, this lady, this lady, mrs International, that that flowed, that all worked because we were reading the room and communicating openly and then just some people just like blundered to go.

Speaker 1:

I'm here because actually the couple that I was playing with, when her head was sort of slightly more back in the game, she was like okay, I think I'm ready now If you're still, if you want to have sex with my husband like. I'm I'm ready for that. I just needed to be in the moment for it.

Speaker 3:

And then she got there, and then she got sex and you went off and did stuff with.

Speaker 2:

Mrs International. Indeed, so yeah no, no, this is criticism. It's more that even when it's going really well, there is still opportunities to learn or just have different experiences and the rest of it.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and I think that's what it is is that we had a really, really, really good night. But yeah, like you say, there's still learning opportunities. And okay, how? If I was to do that again, how would I handle that situation? I think I would have still ended up playing with the boulder lady, but I think there was just a way of handling it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but their approach to things Like it would have been down to us because they didn't change, because we saw it was, it was kind of funny but, kept on bumping into them after that and the last time we saw them they were saying goodbye to some friends of ours.

Speaker 2:

We'd already said goodbye to them this is the couple who's talking about and then they, they were talking to some friends of ours, so we were going to try and say goodbye to our friends, but this other couple thought we're trying to say goodbye to them again. It's like no, no, no, I want to say goodbye to them. They just thought it was about them.

Speaker 2:

They wanted to be the center of where it was going on Seems to be very them centric, not. It was for them, not for whoever else was? There, it's how I read it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, because at one point I think the new lady started describing everything to our friend and our friend was like yes, I know, yes, I know, like I'm aware what she does. Yes, I'm also aware of that. She's sort of looking me about 30 centimeters away, just like this, look into my eye and I'm like, yeah, I'm feeling as awkward as you right now. Funny.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so some of them has had people spoken to. Everyone got tricked out of the playrooms at half one, which I just think worked out well for us. I think we were done by that anyway, weren't we?

Speaker 1:

I mean, that was the poor security guard that had to come in and write everybody for those getting the 125 bus. You've got 20 minutes. Everyone just went, stopped in the middle of what they were doing and just went. It's just so small car. I was like oh yeah, and I was like don't worry, I'm driving home. I have more than 20 minutes.

Speaker 2:

Because everyone was lining up. They weren't. Should have been give it time, is it as much as much water, say, was a bit of a key to get out, because people need to get their bags out. Like I said, that was like only real criticism was, and it's not even big one, it was just just what it is.

Speaker 1:

It's just volumes, isn't it, and numbers and stuff, but they again, far better than last time.

Speaker 2:

Because really good time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'm just like I'm actually really proud of KK for taking on the feedback and the advice. You know feedback is a gift.

Speaker 2:

It is I agree, yeah, I have no comedy around that, you know. I believe that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and no, I'm just. I'm really. I'm genuinely really happy for them and grateful that we could go and yeah and see off when sex ones. So yeah, so thank you and congratulations. It's a big deal running a company for 18 years. Yeah, yeah Cool.

Speaker 2:

That probably works. Everything we're going to talk about Talk about, wasn't it? Yeah, do you think I was going to say? Though, is one of the things I like about this lifestyle is the variety of people you meet. Hmm, we went from every in our life. Now there is everything from people who, for complicated reasons, work in international stuff.

Speaker 1:

Through to people who have gone mortgage free, given up a career that they've done their whole lives and have gone down to working two days a week and enjoy retirement at the age of 40.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's not bad and through to people who are obsessed about mosquitoes. People work in it Singers, writers, people who play musical instruments.

Speaker 1:

I think and we did say that on the night, didn't we just the breadth of people you meet and the interest, the majority of people that we meet very intelligent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, and I'm biased in thinking that or saying that. Does it make us all out well? But yeah, no one's Everyone's smart. Everyone's got a either a career or a purpose. No one's ambling through life.

Speaker 1:

Or they're either very IQ intelligent or EQ intelligent. It's just such a wonderful combination. And, yeah, I think people in our vanilla lives you don't know the handful of people that are left now who actually matter Must wonder where do you find all these eclectic friends from?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how do you, how on earth do you hunt? You work in it with a bunch of, like you know, stereotypically boring men in Beards like, how do you know? Like a professional musician, Just stay and someone whose entire job is complicatedly something to do with the politics of maps, which I find. Yeah, I could talk to that guy for ages. Yeah, yeah, it's really cool.

Speaker 1:

I find that my job sounds a bit mediocre these days.

Speaker 2:

We're both into a game. I'm probably going to get a job.

Speaker 1:

It's very recording this at 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon. Yeah, I'm working hard.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to say it. No, that's it.

Speaker 1:

You've done a great job recently of child care and house sorting and all the other stuff that makes the attending tuning.

Speaker 2:

There's 22 minutes until your phone call Gatenchi, you need some more people.

Speaker 1:

Go on them All. Right On that note, keep us and your protection in your pocket.

Speaker 2:
