Poly Pocket Podcast

PPP #084: 2024 New Years (Poly) Resolutions

Hunter & Butcher Season 1 Episode 84

Hope you've had a great holiday break... We are back with the sparkle of holiday cheer still lingering, spinning tales of sneaky gift-giving and sharing how our extended love networks bolster our spirits. And in this sprit we are making plans for 2024 and establishing what our new years resolutions are.

Navigating our unique landscapes, we've learned the art of balancing the day-to-day vanilla with the spice of our lifestyle—valuing heartfelt communication and solid boundaries. In moments of vulnerability, we've stumbled upon strength, transforming jealousy and fear into deeper intimacy and faster resilience. We've seen growth, both in ourselves and in our relationships, and with the new year on the horizon, we're setting structured goals, seeking equilibrium, and exploring the potential of coaching others along their non-traditional paths. Delving into therapy with a poly-friendly therapist, we're embracing the lessons these experiences have brought us.

Lots to unpack (along with an unhealthy amount of Harry Potter) so join us as we kick off 2024 in the most appropriately inappropriate way we can!

H & B x

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Poly Pocket Podcast, uk flagship podcast of polyamorous and C&M sex parties and epic Harry Potter marathons. That's what it's been about. That's where we've been at, we have watched all not all a lot and all four of Harry Potter. Four of ten thousand hours of Harry Potter has been consumed in the past few days. Hello, I'm Hunter, I'm your friend, I'm entertained because Butcher is also here and Butcher is very tired, not feeling great, are you?

Speaker 2:

I've just been defeated by Christmas, I think, and ten thousand hours of Harry Potter. Oh no, never defeated by ten thousand hours of Harry Potter.

Speaker 1:

I've got a photograph of you with our two children sat next to you, and you're all wrapped, you're all enraptured by pagan ritualisms. It's great. That's what we're here for. It's what you're getting there for Christmas Another pagan ritual. There we go Originally. Then the Christians do it. Let's controversial. We did go to church this week. We did go to church and. I felt judged.

Speaker 2:

The church was in the kids school, so do you feel judged every time you walk into the kids school? Pretty much Okay.

Speaker 1:

But let's be honest. One of the main reasons that we keep our anonymity is not friends Most of those know not. Family Don't particularly care what they think. It's the schoolrooms. We're terrified of the school rooms finding out, so we keep this to ourselves.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't take much for a school mum fall out to serve for a school gate saga.

Speaker 1:

Having been part of one, just because it wasn't the bloody PTA no, it doesn't. It's very easy to get them animated.

Speaker 2:

To be fair and ostracized having your careful. Yeah, I can't go into that particular saga, but yeah, I feel like it was more than just a basic drama with yours, but anyway, anyway, probably not be able to hear about. We haven't got a lot of key to talk about.

Speaker 1:

There's no football to talk about. We've got no poly filler to talk about. We did all last week. It's been Christmas. It's been lots of lovely time with family. What are the nice things that we'll say from a poly filler? Adjacent point of view is and this is something I think we both really felt it this year more than on previous years is having not having to sounds like the wrong word the joy of connecting with your other partners, knowing that you're not going to see them, knowing they're doing things with their families, but also lots of presents.

Speaker 2:

It's been quite nice. Yeah, you've got a lot of presents, which actually is quite nice for you because previously I think I've always the Texan. Tom was always very much of a gift giver and I think for the past few years you felt quite sort of out by that I was bereft. Twinkle toes is a gift giver. She loves a gift, so I have already had a couple of little gifts from her. One was actually. All of them have been stunning, very thoughtful. But Lady V is also quite quite thoughtful little gift. Thoughtful little gift.

Speaker 2:

It's really weird because I don't know if we're not massive gift, not between the two physical gift. People Are we?

Speaker 1:

It's all. You're not materialistic at all. I am only materialistic for techie, gadgety stuff. Yeah which is why we're now on our third set of microphone stands. Second set of microphones.

Speaker 2:

But I'm always very humbled by the fact when people do think to give you a gift, but for us we tend to even make them or do the gift of time. So things like memories and actually do you want to tell everybody what I've got you for Christmas?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no, because we can talk about them. Yeah you can give it a high level. Yeah, but just very, very efficiently bundled in my Christmas present with Valentine's Day and we're going to take some Valentine's Day but just promising to then take me to a show for dinner. Yeah, but I'm really looking forward to it because this is a show that you've already seen. I haven't seen and you've got with the book to go with the show. Yeah. So now I've got to read a bloody book. But why do you need audio book?

Speaker 2:

I just realized I was I don't think you can wrap an audio book, no, not. I think you'd be a bit bit bit out if I took your phone off you and wrapped, or Hunter his Amazon.

Speaker 1:

I've bundled the entire company in ribbon. Jeff's fine with it, it's okay. And, by the way, you're now a multi trillionaire Cool.

Speaker 2:

I think you'd be a bit happier if I told you that I'd be fine.

Speaker 1:

I'd be Jeff Bezos ex of that.

Speaker 2:

Noted, you are definitely more materialistic than I am. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, you say you're not, but you do love a boat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if I'm never going to actually get a boat, am I should work harder?

Speaker 1:

I'm going to get punched. Yeah, the next noise is me getting hit.

Speaker 2:

That's one thing. I do not need to do more of a knife, no, you need to you need to really know because you're tired.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so some of the gifts, some of the messages, it's actually been very nice like touching base metaphorically with all of the various ports of our extended network and you sort of realize how appreciative you are with people you have in your lives. So if you are in our life, thank you. You're lovely.

Speaker 2:

I definitely think the highlight of my Christmas period Christmas period, that sounds a bit weird. Anyway, for some reason it's not periods. Yes, yeah, it was a picture of the air Stuart In a lady's Santa out, but, and I mean he looked pretty good, didn't it?

Speaker 1:

I mean I wouldn't, but I wouldn't anyway. You were, you were uh darkly intrigued by that one.

Speaker 2:

I was darkly intrigued. I'm more darkly intrigued by what's legs. What the hell she was thinking when she bought it for him. I hoped it was her.

Speaker 1:

You know what? He's the kind of person he just buys for himself because he knows how funny he is and also has no level of shame. True that? True that that was Christmas. It's been lovely. By the time you hear this, it will be 2024.

Speaker 1:

So, happy new year. Happy new year, and kind of in response, or planning, because we've been doing a lot of planning for next year, haven't we? Because we are planners, we have like little planning questions to go right. Okay, what's happening in? We kind of establish. We have like a rule which is there's one big event per month. We've realized we've already got the first four months of the year booked out. I think we've already got a May sorted out as well. So it's like, okay, cool, we need to start planning. So we actually are going to sit down and look at our new year's poly resolutions Not sorry, dot what they are, but what are our poly new year's resolution? What are our aims, goals and amendments to our increasingly decreased number of rules in our rule book? You know, year ago, year and a bit ago, we did a 12 things for poly kind of rule book, our personal ones yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just like all of you of the world and I totally blame George and Peterson for me thinking of 12. And I realize we probably only have four or five of them left now because we've just moved on so much.

Speaker 2:

I think maybe, as part of this planning, we have got all of our episode titles and topics planned up until March, the 4th currently, so maybe the one after that can be a review of the rule book, Tearing up the rule book. Don't just go in and tear up the rule book straight away. People, no plan to do it. You can even plan to do it. Just go at your own pace, and if you get there, then you get there.

Speaker 1:

And that's fine too.

Speaker 2:

And if you find for me, like I keep saying, it's about the people that you find yourself within that space, I don't think we would trust one another and give each other the space if it wasn't for the quality of partners that we have now, and actually I think a huge part of the trust has probably come since about May this year, 2023. Yeah, it's coming from that what you will.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just coincidental. But if you find someone in your life is an agent of chaos, maybe maybe don't have that person in your life.

Speaker 2:

I don't think we can kick Charles to out just yet.

Speaker 1:

Next year's all year. It's nearly 2024. She'll be fine. She'll be fine.

Speaker 2:

She keeps telling me my next birthday I'll be five. I'm aware you're not coming to my birthday. Great, Good luck planning it on your own.

Speaker 1:

Don't set challenges like that, she'll just do it. True, and again, as I keep saying this, the child I hide my car keys from. Anyway, onto our resolution 2024, we have some things you want to do, some like and those are like planned event type things you want to do. We have some other resolutions, I think, in terms of where we want to go in our relationships. Do you want to get the ball rolling?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think the main thing about this Christmas that we've just had is that we've had time to stop and take stock and think about what we want. So I'd say, even a week ago we probably didn't have these plans firmed up in any way, shape or form. It was just ideas that have been floating around. And because we've made a point of spending it mainly the four of us, as in us and the kids for the past few days, with the odd bit of sprinkling a family here and there, that's sprinkling a family, extended family We've managed to kind of nail this down a bit more. So, yeah, I'd say, trying out of different events or different fantasies.

Speaker 1:

That's a very good way of putting it, isn't it? So yeah, we're going to try some different events. If anyone's got any recommendations, let us know. We are going to start looking at what polypocket as a podcast can become, because we've been doing it for a while now.

Speaker 2:

We love doing it. Yeah. And I think, in order for us to continue being able to give up the level of energy and dedication that we do to it, we need to think of how it supports us in reverse, yeah, so about that?

Speaker 1:

The fantasy stuff like the. I don't know how much you want to go into this. No, we're not going to.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so yet, but I think we are in a place where we trust each other so much now that there's definitely things that two, three years ago.

Speaker 1:

Would it be? Fantasies that have been absolute, would have stayed as fantasy, and now we're looking at making this fantasy more of a reality, aren't we?

Speaker 2:

And I think, even if a fantasy stays a fantasy, I think you and I have such a better connection and I think we're going to have a better connection these days. As I was saying to you, we had sex a few days ago. We have had sex. We have had sex in between the enormous amount of mince pies that we've eaten.

Speaker 1:

Makes me sound like I'm going to have a mince pie bit of sex.

Speaker 2:

I'm a bit tired now I need a little mince pie, pick me up and then carry on the size of the mince pies that you made. I'm not sure I've managed anything I mean even walking from one room to the next but the fact that I can allow my head to go to these places and I think you're the same is so liberating. And so freeing when we are connecting or when we're having solo play, as in nobody else, just masturbating or Just sometimes daydreaming, but never feeling guilty about it, because I Don't feel uncomfortable sharing those with you anymore.

Speaker 1:

I Completely get that. We haven't actually talked about this. But, yes, like you, we've gone through all the sense checkers. Is it okay to say this? Is he to think this? And we've gone. Yes, yes, yes, right. And, as it's like you, we begin to be with each other.

Speaker 1:

And you've had a look on your face, you get a little smirk, what are you thinking about? And you'll tell me and it's like oh, that's cool, you'll do if you feel guilty. I don't judge you for it, because I usually think it's pretty hot oh wait, it's one of the two, but usually hot and yeah, but removing the guilt from that is actually, like you say, is really relieving. Mmm-hmm, you know, it's almost like I want to talk about it in specifics, but you want to be in a particular scenario where all of your Desires are being met, to put it in those broad terms, and I'll go cool, george, I was thinking about, yeah, and we sort of oh, actually just a little bit of riling each other up as well in a good way. Hmm, you're quite competitive, though I can't just get competitive fantasies, but I had sex bungee jumping in my mind.

Speaker 2:

But, like I say, even if they stay fantasies, the I've. I think a huge amount of the Frenetic and Um frantic energy that people get at the start of this journey comes from the unlocking of fantasies and the fear of Never being able to Actually tick any of the boxes. Fear of rejection, fear of being found out All these things combined with the fact that you're going against the grain of my god I'm thinking about being fucked by five guys and them coming over my face and blah, blah, blah. For example.

Speaker 1:

Have you been thinking about that?

Speaker 2:

Yes, From being honest. But, by the way, deal is that she's smirking carry on but.

Speaker 1:

If you'd like to volunteer for butchers bicarca then please email hunter at polypocket forecastcom taking numbers.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, you take your time I shall. Oh, this bucket of gin needs drinking. I'm glad it's just gin, but that's a bit too much. But it is. If you're keeping that as some sort of hidden away secret. I feel like that's where Things don't get fully communicated, because you feel like you are going to be judged or that you're gonna push it too far, or your partner's gonna say, no, I can't take it anymore, and it's all going to stop.

Speaker 1:

I have a little theory here Let me tell this one out which is that inability to communicate openly is the root of your jealousy of the person, because inside your head you're imagining something. You can't say it out loud. You don't know the person thinking you're shooing their thinking it. If you're shooing their thinking it, you can assume they're doing it, and that's where jealousy and Coveting comes from, doesn't it? And so you get through this and suddenly you no longer have Secrets, you no longer have guilt, which means you no longer have jealousy and everything's cool.

Speaker 2:

And I think it's the testament of how far we've Come, come Not in distance, but metaphorically. Something happened with you recently and you told me about it pretty much straight away, probably too quickly because I was driving a car, but you told me it took me probably five, ten minutes to go. Okay, that's quite a big thing to hear on board process, okay. And you went to give me a hug and I said no, just give me, give me a minute, I'm not angry, I just need A little bit of time. And you walked off and you gave me that space. Five, ten minutes later it was okay again Once upon a time, days, weeks, maybe even months.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and anybody that's we but particularly, I find any Incling of distrust within. They still crop up as a problem yeah, they still. Or a talking point I'd say of Well, you know, it's a bit like this example that we've had in the past, that we've had this example in the past. Yeah, there's a lot of that. But this thing happened to you recently and it's okay.

Speaker 1:

And lessons have been learned, and you know, yeah, actions and the operating procedures have been written and. But yeah, it is. We've been longer on that front In terms of our other resolutions for the year.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna do like a rule check in at some point, but I think we're. So we're talking about things in terms of events we have so far, anyway in fantasies. In terms of our Relationships, yeah, we've talked a lot about. You know, we are not Really looking to add anybody to the list we have in our life right now, are we? We've got a nice group of people that we have Like bantery conversations with, who are part of the lifestyle group, and they're our friends.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, there's some couples we have occasional Interactions with and then we've got our partners and you know we just have a couple of people that we have and you know we just sort of settled with that, haven't we gone? This is really nice. Haven't really got more time in our life for that. But I think one of the resolutions is to I Didn't agree to raising, settle more into that.

Speaker 2:

Quality over quantity is the way that I yeah that's very nice opening it, few it, and I'm kind of lived by that, I think, generally these days, obviously I'm very early days with Twinkle toes, and it's all very new for both of us on many levels. So I'm Kind of don't want to get too over excited.

Speaker 1:

Although we are with with moderate levels of success.

Speaker 2:

Failing massively, but we are seeing, so when the day that we're seeing them, her and Partner yeah on New Year's Eve, which would be very nice. I Imagine We'll say it's just saying hi, isn't it I?

Speaker 1:

mean my banter is amazing, so be absolutely fine.

Speaker 2:

Yes, maybe, sure, she agrees. Don't ask me, just take my word for it, speak for her. Um, I completely lost my track. But, yes, quality over quantity and new relationships, and relationships where people take up a lot of time and headspace and in order to do them justice, considering we have children and jobs and sporting ventures and the fact that we're looking to build out on this podcast as well and we're both going to be doing a masters level qualification sometime this year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we really do have to be selective about who we spend our time with, and I think as part of that is enjoying the vanilla times as well. I feel like a lot of people that we've met within this lifestyle kind of lose their way. They become all about the lifestyle and nothing about, to the point that they can't deal with vanilla life and it's like for me, life is about balance and a bit of everything's good and, like I've said before, it's not the whole of me, it's just a part of me. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know, I completely agree. I wonder if some people you know that's possibly you judging other people by not judging, but you know you're viewing the world from your view of the world and I agree with you. Maybe they actually really like it and that's fine. What do you think?

Speaker 2:

I'm sure they do Like, say I'm not here to judge, I'm just saying for us if we're talking about what our resolutions etc are is that it's to enjoy the vanilla times as much as the rest of it. Yeah, okay, sorry, I I bought in there, but I just wanted to make sure that no one felt vindicated, vindicated, victimize, victimize, sorry Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Jen Mince Pies Charity. Harry Potter, quidditch. Is this word association? Is this a quiz round? Quite like it? Quiz round, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Dildo. I feel like I've lost that.

Speaker 1:

I think you're being more adventurous as time goes on, and not necessarily in a healthy way. The numbers 2000 look what it does Anyway. So you have, do you have, a bit of potter knowledge there? You just look at me, it's like those lustful highs. He knows potter.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, stop it, carry on, use your wand.

Speaker 1:

But also I think that, like you said earlier on, there's some people who like go all in when they're new to it, and it is very exciting and we did all that as well but then I think most people just get to the position we're at, where you have your people and you chill out, and I think that's not the right thing to do. It's that the majority will do that. Some people just sit there on the well, we're going to talk a few trips. There's a concept of people who just stay in that mode for longer and yeah, but we've doing that and obviously some people just go. This is not for me. I'm going to talk about that as well.

Speaker 1:

It's a few months ago now. We had Elizabeth London, and she was one of the people we interviewed or had a joint podcast, do you think with, and she said that people would get into the lifestyle after about three, three and a half years. They reach some sort of like, they have a moment, something happens, and then they reach a level of equilibrium for about another two to three years. I think we just got, we've hit that nice bit, which is interesting because by the time we hit that next milestone, it'd be approaching a big birthday for me. Maybe that's when I have a midlife crisis, maybe or maybe you will. Yeah, that's when you're going to buy a bus, isn't it? Boat or a boat, it depends. You're going to meet Jeff. This conversation is all over the shop. Strange things have happened, not that that is very strange, but, yeah, we've just reached this nice little stage. What are the resolutions have we got for the year, though? I think it's like, say, the quantity of quality, balance for quantity over quality.

Speaker 2:

Sorry quality of quantity, sorry, fuck.

Speaker 1:

Oh, fuck them all. Default into my. Tina, we should try and sing that song. You're going to put all the different names in no quality of a quantity. I've no longer 17. It's fine, but also balance for us.

Speaker 1:

So we are like planning things for us in there as well. No, you kind of always have, but it's been like what can you get in between everything else? And now we've been more thoughtful about it. Yeah, actually, this is very nerdly about us, so I apologize because this is an. It's all podcasts. We're going to talk about us, obviously, but before we had kids we were absolute losers because we would have like all plans and goals for the year and we didn't do that. We've not done that for six years, basically since our kids, and this is the first year that we've actually started to do that again for six years Because basically for six years the job was make sure the kids are alive at the end of the year, and if we did that we'd winning. Everything else was by the wayside. But now you can sort of we've got enough headspace to think about other things.

Speaker 1:

Think about, like you say, podcast work but also our sex lives, not just with our polypollis, but between you and I as well. Things that we can do, places we can go other things that we can try. So that's going to be sometimes the fantasies. Sometimes it's trying different events, Trying to travel a bit more if we can.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure this year will be the year of traveling, but maybe the year after.

Speaker 1:

Unless I get a job at Amsterdam, which case you're going to be there so fast. It's got a rat up a drain pipe, that's just generally.

Speaker 2:

I think on top of that I'm aiming because we're doing this master's course, it's made me really think about the coaching side of things, in the sense of helping people kind of get to their own resolutions by using their own brain power and their own thinking space but enabling that with them. As part of that, I'm starting some therapy to understand some background bits and pieces and to stop bringing them into my relationships. I think the conversation I had with him and he is actually a poly friendly therapist because my fear of a non-poly understanding therapist would be that being polyamorous is a result of your childhood and your neglect as a child and blah, blah, blah blah.

Speaker 1:

That's why you're fucking all these people. So just stop doing that and you'll be fine.

Speaker 2:

You're missing the point. So, yes, I'm speaking of a poly friendly therapist and, as I think, my thing with as I said to him, I'm quite good at setting my boundaries I want to understand why their boundaries in the first place. So coaching that sort of migrates into therapy and then coming out the other side of that, I think you and I would like to explore coaching of others as well, because I really bloody wish we had someone when we were starting out on this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it would have been. I'd like to think it was easier, although if it had been easier we probably would have just started a podcast. So you know it swings around a bit, which means you wouldn't be here listening to it.

Speaker 2:

Lucky buggers.

Speaker 1:

Really, what we all needed out of all of this is for a budget of a difficult childhood, so that we can get this journey together. Folks Welcome.

Speaker 2:

Hello, I'm here for it, hello.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to inside of Butch's mind. Please wear your special goggles down. Yeah, but yeah, by the way, just have a what if it turns out your interest in poly is a result of trauma.

Speaker 2:

Do you think that's the case, or do you think people are just made this way Because you didn't have a childhood trauma?

Speaker 1:

Not that I remember, but I'm not going to see a therapist. Maybe you're wrong. I don't think I had a traumatic childhood.

Speaker 2:

No, based on the last 10 years.

Speaker 1:

No, I think some people just like this. About 7 to 10% of people are just like into this I think it's actually probably more. But society friends on it yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, as my aunt was saying yesterday, she's like you live a very stepford wives life, but I get the feeling you're not very stepford wife.

Speaker 1:

That woman's. That woman is more insightful than someone in her like place and position and time of life should be able to be.

Speaker 2:

And she's just bent on.

Speaker 2:

By the way, if anybody caught the very tail end, of last week's podcast, the hello, that's my aunt walking into the house, just letting herself in. Because this is what our family do Family friends, everybody just lets themselves into our house. Yeah, so you know, the last one ended quite quickly, that's why, yeah, just wondering. And she also New Zealand resolution locked the door. Glad she didn't randomly wander in a few months back. Do you remember when French fancy and I were having some time together and you taking the kids swimming? Oh God, she sat outside for 20 minutes Away at it and that's, she did walk in and we didn't hear her and she walked back out again. And that's how she's come to the conclusion of you're not very stepford wife.

Speaker 1:

I would not put it, I think you would hear she would like make herself known Unless you were so noisy that you didn't hear her, but she heard you. God, that's awkward, but you don't have like that thought. That's the back of your head and really messes with your mind. Thanks for that. Yeah, you can have that with your problem, not mine. Hmm, okay, the deal is to imagine someone who's having like an existential crisis in real time while trying to do a podcast that's what she looks like now and drinking a bucket of gin and anything else from 2024? Any goals, anything you want to target, that hasn't got a name on it.

Speaker 2:

Not from a poly perspective.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's something more than what we've said. Lots of other bits and pieces.

Speaker 1:

Moving up to Dive 2.

Speaker 2:

Moving up to Dive 2. But that again in itself is just. You've made me think about the friends that we have. It's just so easy to be casual around my friends now. One of them was moaning about her partner the other day and one of them texts the group saying but you're, and now you've got a husband, a boyfriend and a potential new girlfriend. Do you want a second girlfriend? Because it feel, I feel like they're pending. I was just like I'd treat her well.

Speaker 1:

So messed up.

Speaker 2:

And it's just you know. Like I say, it's not all the time, it's every so often. Every so often they'll ask questions, but, as they've all said, you're just you and part of you is this thing that you do or these people that you see, and that's fine by us.

Speaker 1:

The funny thing is, none of my friends who live around here know. Only my friends from back home know, and they ask questions if it's face to face. They never ask questions via WhatsApp, which is how we normally communicate. So I mean, in terms of resolutions, is there? Sorry, just want to wrap this up, but is there anyone else you feel like you would like to tell or need to tell?

Speaker 2:

There's a few more friends I'm considering telling family this year, at least my side of the family. My sister was talking about a close friend of hers on Christmas Day when we saw them who is shagging the majority of Bristol whilst they're in an open relationship.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you live in Bristol, get in touch. You can do someone. Tall and slim, very arty, very arty, bisexual and In a relationship. At it. Then you know, let us know. I keep thinking about telling my sister, talking to the date I just did, I think it would just like be a be like yours. It'd be like a. So what? Yeah? Made my mum and aunt.

Speaker 2:

It's just my dad. He changes his mind every time the wind blows and I wouldn't tell my dad, my mum and dad wouldn't understand.

Speaker 1:

Your dad wouldn't understand. I think everyone else is fine. I think your best friend from back in the day would also not get a head around it at all, and that's the only people. I think. Everyone else is fine.

Speaker 2:

And there's two other friends that are close here. One of them has a friend who is a bit of a fan of mine. One of them has the kids regularly and yeah, I don't know. I don't know Because I'm getting to the point now where I'm so casual about it that I'm going to trip myself up with it anyway. That's my problem. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I nearly said to the running guys. Yeah. Like I can't, that's. That's one of the ones I'll. What's one of the band-aids I want to rip off is not having to keep it from them, because it's so hard to get what you do the weekend, I did nothing they didn't care, but it's.

Speaker 2:

The thing is, the running club is kind of so closely associated with the school and the gossip goes around.

Speaker 1:

Running clubs like Well, two of the teachers from the school are members of the running club.

Speaker 2:

Exactly yeah, so it's a tricky one.

Speaker 1:

Not a resolution for 2024 and something for onward conversation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay For consideration, but I think if we're expanding the services of the podcast, it's going to come to light anyway. At which point you move house, yeah, but then there'll be a whole new set of people to. That's one with a no from the start.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, true, there you go. Yeah, as always, another anvil through, not really a list of resolutions. We actually ended the year in a pretty good place and we're going into next year with plans in a pretty good place.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's the difference to last year is that we went into 2023 on such a high. If you remember, yeah, and then you, we talked about last week, we talked about last week and then I think, off the back of that, that's when you had your polywobble, yeah, and it, because it was such a high, it was so severe the drop off and I do get. I do understand why people who live on that high want to keep it. It's like any addiction. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You're always looking for your next fix.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and that's why I'm happy to work on having the quality, of quantity and the balance in life as a resolution, because I think everything's just as important as everything else, yeah, and if it's important to you, you make time for it.

Speaker 1:

Nailed it. Good place to finish, I think.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So keep us and you 2023.

Speaker 2:

And now you're 2024.

Speaker 1:

As of now.

Speaker 2:

As of as I'm saying this In your pocket and your protection, don't forget that, yeah, that too.

Speaker 1:

Happy New Year, everyone Happy New Year.