Amiga, Rise UP! Walk In Your Calling and Career The Way God Intended!

S1 Ep 7 What should you expect in the midst of transition of what God is calling you too?

Sophia Estrella, Career & Business Coach, faith based Season 1 Episode 7

Hola Amiga,

Have you been thinking about changing jobs or careers? Are you a stay at home mom who's transitioning back into the work force? Or maybe you are a student about to graduate and you not sure what to do next?  Regardless of which of these transitions you are in, you are still saying good bye to one thing and hello to another which is uncomfortable.

This is why transition is very often a scary word. I believe you see it as scary because you are most often going from the comfortable, what you know & expect to the uncomfortable & truthfully who likes being uncomfortable.  Another way to put it is transition forces you to let go of the familiar and face the future feeling vulnerable.  I don’t know about you, but feeling vulnerable to me is not fun but it is a necessity for growth.  

Listen in on this episode as we face transition head on!  You'll understand that every emotion you go through in transition is normal and that you can embrace those emotions and  walk in the calling God has for you. 

If you are in a season where you want to know how to transition into your God-given calling and career, reach out to me on instagram @
or facebook @
and I'll send you the link to my upcoming free Masterclass.  

Let's do this!!