Grief Talk w/ Vonne Solis

Ep. 78 How to Unleash the Power and Presence of Angels in Your Life!

Vonne Solis/Brenda Rachel Season 4 Episode 78

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Welcome to Soul Sisters! A 9-part series on the Grief Talk Podcast, where with my real-life sister Brenda, we offer thought-driven and inspiring topics for your soul!
Brenda and I LOVE angels! We can't imagine living without them in our lives. In Part 5, you'll learn all about angels and how to unleash their power and presence in your life. We share how we first learned about angels in 2005, and transformed this early awareness into both a life-saving and professional practice amidst tragic loss and severe disability.

You'll hear about our real life experiences of angels presenting as humans and in other forms, and how you can easily work with the angels to experience their magic and miracles every single day! This is a fun conversation with a dose of seriousness in all the right places for those who believe in or are curious to learn more about angels.

This series is for anyone who is bereaved, struggling or wants to enhance their life with the help of angels, a spiritual practice and a deeper connection to your inner power.

Music Intro (0:00)
Angel intervention and miracles in life. (0:08)
Trusting angels and their role in personal growth. (5:57)
Angelic communication and spiritual growth. (10:46)
Angelic intervention after daughter's suicide. (14:52)
Angelic interventions and communication. (19:03)
Angelic interventions and daily requests. (26:43)
Trusting angels for healing and guidance. (31:02)
Angel therapy and protection against dark forces. (36:41)
Working with angels for healing and guidance. (44:45)
Angelic intervention and signs from loved ones. (49:17)
Closing. (54:11)

Connect with Brenda:

Brenda's book "Broken Spirit, Awakened Soul, My Journey of Healing with the Angels"

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Vonne's books:

Living Meditations on YouTube:

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Intro music 0:00

Brenda Rachel  0:08  
Welcome to the Soul Sisters series where you'll get thought driven inspiring topics for your soul! With Vonne Solis, and Brenda Rachel.

Vonne Solis  0:30  
Okay, so welcome to another episode of Soul Sisters. Today we are recording Part 5 for you. And we are going to be talking all about angels. How we work with them. How they can help you. So welcome. I'm Vonne. I'm Brenda. And together, we are the soul sisters. 

Vonne Solis  0:54  
So welcome sis. 

Brenda Rachel  0:55  
Hi, honey. I love you. 

Vonne Solis  0:56  
Love you, too. So today, let's get right to it. So today, so when I was reading in your in your book, and you can remind the folks what the title of your book is.

Brenda Rachel  1:09  
Okay. The book, my book is Broken Spirit Awakened Soul, My Journey of Healing With the Angels. 

Vonne Solis  1:16  
So and that's a very wonderful book. And so Brenda and I are doing this Soul Sisters, as I've said in previous episodes. One, as a legacy to ourselves. Two, as a commitment that we have to provide thought-driven, inspiring information to our audience. To whoever you are and however, you found us, we're all about provoking thought, and expanded consciousness so that you can live your absolute best life. Right sis?

Brenda Rachel  1:49  

Vonne Solis  1:49  
And by doing that. Inspiring you, we talk all about our trials and tribulations from family dysfunction that was quite severe in actual fact, growing up. And all the way to me losing my daughter to suicide in 2005, and the struggles that I have overcome to embrace a fantastic life. And Brenda's struggles, which she's written all about in her book, about overcoming many, many disabilities. As I acknowledge Brenda is not, you know, is is not unaffected by the loss of my daughter. But as we sort of reviewed our life and we saw that we have had complete opposite experiences. And as we like to say, and I've said in one earlier episode, when we buy something for each other, we make sure we hate it enough to give to the other person.

Brenda Rachel  2:40  
Because we know that I know that she will like it. 

Vonne Solis  2:43  
Yeah, same. We're, do like it? Yeah. Okay, I know I won't. So anyway, and vice versa. So, but the fun aside, we do cover some pretty serious topics. But today, we're going to lighten it up a little bit. 

Brenda Rachel  2:56  

Vonne Solis  2:56  
And we're going to talk about I think probably, which is one of our favourite, favourite things, the angels.

Brenda Rachel  3:03  
Absolutely 100%.

Vonne Solis  3:06  
And how they can actually bring miracles in your life. Crap, they brought miracles in mine. And I've actually had humans present as angels. Ah no. I've had angels present to me as humans a couple of times. And we've both had very, other powerful experiences that can be nothing but angelic intervention. But other you know, things where we can have, you know, and we'll expand on this but like warnings. Messages on a whole bunch of of different things and basically even being saved by them, you know, just in our near misses. Which we did talk about in an earlier episode. Our absolute near misses along with exit points. So they're pretty powerful. But let's let's get started. 

Brenda Rachel  3:57  

Vonne Solis  3:58  
So, okay, so I think the most cool thing was kinda how I gave you that book for your birthday. 

Brenda Rachel  4:06  

Vonne Solis  4:07  
And that kind of started our journey together, didn't it? 

Brenda Rachel  4:09  

Vonne Solis  4:09  
So how about you share that? What did I do? I gave you Angel Medicine. 

Brenda Rachel  4:14  
Angel Medicine.

Vonne Solis  4:15  
By Doreen Virtue.

Brenda Rachel  4:16  
Okay. No, it wasn't for my birthday. 

Vonne Solis  4:18  
Yes it was. Yeah, it was for your birthday in the December. Because I remember going to this bookstore. 

Brenda Rachel  4:24  

Vonne Solis  4:25  
And I knew you were working a little bit with angels. I already knew they were in your life. 

Brenda Rachel  4:28  

Vonne Solis  4:28  
I did know that. But I never otherwise thought of them. So I remember wanting to ship you a book for your birthday. And so I went to a little bookstore called Cole's. It wa in a mall. And you know the kind with dusty shelves?

Brenda Rachel  4:44  

Vonne Solis  4:45  
And had no idea what I was gonna get you. And it was like I was sort of driven. This is my part of the story. Sort of driven to this, this aisle. And there was this book, Angel Medicine. And it was by Doreen Virtue. And I went, I need to get that. And I remember sending that to you and I possibly sent you a deck of cards with it, but I'm not sure. 

Brenda Rachel  5:09  
Yes you did.

Vonne Solis  5:10  

Brenda Rachel  5:10  
But I thought it was also for I was off with my feet?

Vonne Solis  5:13  

Brenda Rachel  5:14  

Vonne Solis  5:14  
No. It was completely for your birthday. 

Brenda Rachel  5:14  
Oh okay. Okay. 

Vonne Solis  5:14  
Yeah. So you get it. And did you like it? You liked it?

Brenda Rachel  5:16  
Oh, I loved it. 

Vonne Solis  5:18  
So much you told me to go get it.

Brenda Rachel  5:27  
Oh, right. Okay. Yeah, sorry, I totally forgot. 

Vonne Solis  5:30  
It's okay. 

Brenda Rachel  5:31  
I forgot.

Vonne Solis  5:31  
That was what was impacting for me about that. Is being like, I have to get that for you. And then you read it. And you say, you have to get it.

Brenda Rachel  5:42  
Yes. I remember absolutely being so emp so empowered by the messages that the angels were actually there to help us out, and could be called on at anytime. There was no limitation for their availability. And I just had such a profound belief that my life was going to change completely. Because I now had this positive force in my life. 

Vonne Solis  6:17  
Yeah. Why did you think I needed it? 

Brenda Rachel  6:21  
Because I thought that you just, I don't know. It was just an innate thing that she needs this as much as I do.

Vonne Solis  6:27  

Brenda Rachel  6:28  
Because I knew that you were like, suffering. 

Vonne Solis  6:31  
I wasn't yet. Janaya was still alive. So this is what was so interesting. So from my end of it. I went out. When Brenda says, go get something I'm like, okay. So I went off and bought the same book. I found it at a bigger bookstore. And neither of us I think neither of us knew Doreen Virtue. 

Brenda Rachel  6:48  

Vonne Solis  6:48  
Doreen Virtue. 

Brenda Rachel  6:49  
No. We hadn't heard anything about her.

Vonne Solis  6:50  
No. So I go get the book and long story short, and the deck of cards, which were the I think it was Working with the Archangels. I still have that. I have all my decks. 

Brenda Rachel  6:59  
So do I.

Vonne Solis  7:00  
And why Yeah. And so I'm at this point, having fun. And I had an experience that Christmas. So this must have all happened in like very early December or something. And you got your your gift and I went out. Because at Christmas, I had a physical manifestation that could have been nothing but the angels. So I'd gone off really quickly, I'd gone off. Bought my husband a bunch of stuff for Christmas, a few hundred dollars. And back in 2004, this was in 2004 Christmas. That was you know, a fair bit of money. And I remember thinking at the time at the cashier, you need to hang on to these receipts in case anything doesn't fit. 

Vonne Solis  7:43  
So I wrapped everything maybe a week later, I don't know. Had the receipts tucked in my purse. Never took them out of my purse and here's the thing that's so interesting when you have a physical manifestation. Anyway, one day I went and I looked in those receipts were gone. Absolutely gone. And I tore the house apart, basically looking for them. And don't ask me why they were so important, because but in my mind, I was thinking, well, if one of these things doesn't fit, I'm out all that money. It was all that money basically at that time. But the important thing was I probably spent two or three days looking everywhere, right? But I knew. You ever have you ever had an experience where you know, you put something there? And it's not there. Right? 

Brenda Rachel  8:22  

Vonne Solis  8:23  
Like, so I asked the family, if any of them went and took these receipts as a joke out of my purse. Because somehow they must have known, I must have been basically going on about it with the family. So I thought someone had played a joke on me. And nope! They didn't even know. Like, no, nobody was that interested in my receipts. So anyway, on I can't remember if it was literally the second or third day, but it was pretty quick I decided one morning at 5:30 I got up early. And I just sort of have the personality that if something's not right, like I'm kind of obsessed with it. 

Brenda Rachel  8:58  
Me too. 

Vonne Solis  8:59  
I know. So I take my purse down and I you know, nobody's up in the house. And it's 5:30 in the morning. I put it on the counter and I open it up and all the receipts are there. 

Brenda Rachel  9:09  
Yeah, amazing. 

Vonne Solis  9:10  
I mean, it's kind of as interesting as a dry feather in a wet shower drain, which I've also had. But that's just, so that sold me. That sold me. And then the other thing that happened and my daughter was still alive at this point. Okay, I had no idea. No idea that just a few months later, I was going to be thrown into this spiral of bereavement and grief. And so about in February, I was playing with the cards. And I hadn't heard from my daughter for a couple of days, which was very unusual because we usually talked, you know, every day. And I was like, really worried. If you're a parent, you know that where's your kid and you just and she was living in the city attending university. And I had no idea where she was. So I did a reading with those cards. The Archangel deck. And they told me in no uncertain terms that I didn't have the complete picture. The complete story and not to worry, essentially.

Vonne Solis  10:11  
When you do card readings, you know, you have to interpret the information. But I had done enough, years ago I played around with Tarot so I had had enough that I thought, Okay, I'm going to trust this. And later that day, she called me and just said she'd been with a friend. So whew! But what that did was, I'm going, Okay. I'm going to trust that the angels are real. So that's enough about me. What made you trust, really trust that the angels. You could work with them and that they were a real powerful force in your life?

Brenda Rachel  10:46  
Well, I for me, they started in the I think it was the spring of 2005. I had been off with my feet. I had bilateral plantar fasciitis, starting in the early 2004. And so when I got the book, and I was just laying on the couch all the time wondering why this was happening to me and what my purpose was. And so I'd look out the window and just say, angels like, what is it that you want me to do? Why am I here? What what message do you want me to bring to people? And they started channeling songs. Verses of songs and melodies. And sometimes I would get the melody. 

Vonne Solis  11:41  

Brenda Rachel  11:41  
And sometimes I would get the song in it didn't matter which order. And then when I went back to work in 2006, because it was I was off work for many months, but I suffered for two years with with my feet. I'd lay on the bus and sleep because it was a long ride. And they would just come out of the blue. The songs would just come out of the blue. And I would just be singing in my head bar by bar. And 

Vonne Solis  12:09  

Brenda Rachel  12:09  
You know?

Vonne Solis  12:10  

Brenda Rachel  12:10  
And just and it was just like, okay, so.

Vonne Solis  12:14  
So you just trusted them?

Brenda Rachel  12:15  
I just trusted them from that moment forward. 

Vonne Solis  12:17  

Brenda Rachel  12:18  
The angels. That was the very first experience in my life of them be becoming a reality in my life. 

Vonne Solis  12:24  

Brenda Rachel  12:25  
I you know, I guess myself from having been raised in a Christian home I was aware of angels, but in a religious sense.

Vonne Solis  12:32  
Yeah, me too. Like ornaments and

Brenda Rachel  12:35  
Christmas. You know.

Vonne Solis  12:36  
I once was in I once was in a Christmas play and played an angel and wore blue blue leotards. I thought that was cool. I still remember that. An ange with blue leotards, right? 

Brenda Rachel  12:48  
That's hilarious. 

Vonne Solis  12:49  
At the Baptist church okay. Remember when they used to do the Christmas concerts? 

Brenda Rachel  12:53  

Vonne Solis  12:53  
I still remember for some reason I needed to wear blue leotards. Me I chose them and they didn't say anything.

Brenda Rachel  13:00  
Ah that's hilarious. I found that so funny.

Vonne Solis  13:03  
One thing I'm sort of hearing when you're talking about learning to trust in the now we're talking about the reality of them in our life, that this was sort of like you as a messenger. 

Brenda Rachel  13:16  

Vonne Solis  13:16  
What more can I do? Whereas for me, it was, Please let me know, my child is safe. Mine was all about safety. And in looking back, it's easy to kind of see how we're going to then end up working with them. Purpose work, because we do very different things. But yeah. Mine was prepping me for as I said, the horrendous grief and bereavement. And by the time Janaya died. So five months. May June. Yeah, so she died in the July. So I had this awakening in the February. The card reading in the February. The receipts in the December. The card reading in the February. So by the time she when she took her life by suicide in the July. July 26 2005, my go to was the angels.

Vonne Solis  14:13  
I mean, now I wasn't so rational that I'm going to go, okay, now I'm going to work with angels. No, I was desperate, desperate for answers. And that I'm going to say forced me to now seriously embrace that as a reality in my life. And that was the moment I started working with the resources that Doreen Virtue offered. An online course. And listen, we had internet but it wasn't the same. 

Brenda Rachel  14:46  
Nothing like today. Yeah.

Vonne Solis  14:48  
It was offered probably through Hay House or something and you had to pay for it. And then you got a chapter a week, like a lesson a week. And then I had another one if unless it was the same one. I don't know, literally come by snail mail with all of these honestly, I want to say they were cassettes. I'm pretty sure. I don't think we had CDs back then. 

Brenda Rachel  15:13  
Probably not.

Vonne Solis  15:14  
In 2005? I don't think so. Okay, anyway. And I religiously worked with them. And I'm not going to go into detail about that, because in my book, Divine Healing, Transforming Pain Into Personal Power, not only do I write about the entire experience from the moment I learned of my daughter's suicide, to understanding like the afterlife. And then moving in Part Two of that book into a self-practice for healing that was directly channelled to me by the angels and Janaya. I can take very little credit for that. So if anybody is touched by suicide, or other very difficult loss. Losing your child. These principles will work for you know, any type of grief or adversity to help yourself move forward. That book is available globally, as is yours, available globally. Both in E format and paperback and I encourage you to check it out. You can also go to my site, which I'll have links below at And you know, and I'm saying this not to push the work, but to literally share resources that can be very difficult to find. 

Vonne Solis  16:35  
And I don't have time to talk about it today, which is why I'm encouraging people read that book if you want to, because the power and the presence of the angels, they never left me from the moment, they were always with us and me. But when I said, Okay, angels, I need you. Their first physical presence, other than the receipts, which was still kind of like, okay, that was weird. But I sort of tested it. And I went, okay, and I and I would go in my bedroom. And this was starting, I would say, a couple of months after Janaya took her life. When I could sort of wrap my head around, you know, working like, like a devoting a period of my day to study. And I would actually book an appointment with them. I think Doreen actually had said that in her book. If you want to work with them, like schedule a time. One o'clock or 10 o'clock or whatever, tomorrow or on, you know, whatever. For me, it was a daily thing. Please, I'm inviting you to come into my life. 

Vonne Solis  17:44  
I know some of you might think that's a bit weird, but I did that to structure some time when my life was otherwise out of control. And so one day I added automatic writing. And I went okay, I want to prove that the angels are with me. So I would ask that you show me that by allowing you know me to receive you through automatic writing. And honest to God. I sat there with my little journal, and pen in hand and closed my eyes. And it took what seemed like quite a long time and all of a sudden my hand started moving. And I thought I was just writing you know, the first or two pages of a novel. And it's and then it stopped and I was so and this is how you can tell. See if you agree and I know you do.

Brenda Rachel  18:40  
I don't know.

Vonne Solis  18:41  
No no no. Not with that. But when you're experience and and when you're experiencing an angelic intervention or experience, you know. Like it's so powerful you're just stunned by it. And so in this one, I was stunned! And I stopped. My hand stopped. And then I looked and there were just a few little tiny squiggles like this. But it was enough to show me they were there. And it's kind of like if you want this Vonne, here you go. What else? Because it did take me a few more years to kind of understand when they were you know giving me a message. Giving me like I don't really want to say warning. But say commuting. And I would have such a you know like loud message in my head, don't go that route. Skip the highway and go the back road. And I'm no, no, I'm going in the highway you know. And of course there would be not like but you know, cars backed up and delays and ahh! And it took me only a couple times to go okay, when that thought is coming boom in my head you're gonna listen to it in whatever way I'm getting that message. 

Vonne Solis  19:59  
But that did take me a while to figure out. Is that me? Is that me? You know, what do you want to say about that? Like, did it take you a while to kind of understand, like, if you ever had any sort of warnings or interventions that that was the angels, or you just knew when they were talking to you?

Brenda Rachel  20:17  
I just knew. I think once the once the songs came and I got six songs that I had no musical background as far as being trained for anything. And so once they came and once they were recorded and put into a CD, that was my, like, confirmation of like, they are working through me. And also bringing me messages that I never would have in a million years thought of by thought of thought up by myself. And

Vonne Solis  20:47  
So you just knew and trusted when you got something really just appear in your head. Something that message you knew it was the angels?

Brenda Rachel  20:56  
Well no I just started I didn't wait for them. I always 

Vonne Solis  21:00  

Brenda Rachel  21:00  
I was always in constant telephone contact with them.

Vonne Solis  21:05  

Brenda Rachel  21:05  
I talked to them all the time. Like

Vonne Solis  21:08  

Brenda Rachel  21:08  
you know?

Vonne Solis  21:08  
So I think for me, probably then my grief, listen, I was in trauma. I was in shock. I was in enormous pain. And you put a wall around you when when you're dealing, and all of that is like really dark energy. It just is. You know, you can go and take any book from you know, look at any book from any metaphysical, spiritual thought leader out there. And, and there is no denying that anything bad we feel is of a darker toxic

Brenda Rachel  21:45  

Vonne Solis  21:46  
heavier energy. And David Hawkins. A Dr. David Hawkins, he's written a book, Power Vs. Force. And that's scientific work about energy. He has something in there called the map of consciousness. And I relied on that book for many years. Because they assigned, my word, an energy score, if you will, to the lowest of, of energy, to the highest vibration, and which is you know, in your love realm. And then they did tests. Numerous tests with humans in various ways, in terms of being able to develop that system of, of basically giving a number, you know. I don't really want to say scoring but giving a number to energy. And anyway, it's a it's Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins. An amazing book, I'll put a link in the show notes here. 

Vonne Solis  22:47  
But when you understand. When you want to embrace, I think that's what I really want to say. .When you want to embrace, you know, this beautiful, higher energy into your life, at the worst of your suffering. Intention, in my opinion, from that Divine realm is acknowledged, received, embraced. And if you could really hear an angel speak? They just want us to have our best life and feel love. And that's it.

Brenda Rachel  23:31  
Well, and I'll just throw in there, and, and know that they're with us all the time in every moment. And they're accessible in every moment.

Vonne Solis  23:38  

Brenda Rachel  23:38  
It's not like they will only come like in an emergency. They are with us all the time.

Vonne Solis  23:46  
Yeah. And I'm not going to talk about my physical manifestations today. But I had two. And one came to me as an older lady. And all I'm gonna say is she came to me in a time of need in a very public place. And I was very unhappy and felt very out of out of place where I was. And, and she leaned into me because all I wanted to do was go home. Okay, it was a psychic fair. I was working at a Psychic Wellness Fair. And everybody else. All the other booths had all these people and it was my first foray into wanting to work with clients publicly as what we were called back then as Angel Therapy practitioners, coined by Doreen Virtue. And a lot of people were coming by the booth. It was like a a three and a half day from Friday to the Monday. And this was the opening Friday night and I was so excited. And everybody was like kind of walking past my booth and looking and you know, but not stopping. Not making an appointment for the weekend like for, you know, I was doing channel channeling readings for people back then. And all these other booths were regular and they were doing like tarot and numerology, and, you know, like, palm reading and all of this stuff. And they were, like, lined up. 

Vonne Solis  25:10  
And so I turned to my husband who was very patiently working with me. And I was I said, I want to go home. I was desperate. I just I wanted to go home. And this older couple walked by, and she stopped. What I assumed was her husband just sort of was in the background. And she leaned in the desk, and she leaned right into me, and she looked right in my eyes. And I said, Do I know you? And she said, Oh, we've been friends for a long time. And she said, your clients are going to come and you're going to be so busy the rest of the weekend. Actually, I got chills just saying that now. 

Brenda Rachel  25:53  
I did too. I did. 

Vonne Solis  25:55  
Did you? Oh my God, I'm still like, Oh, my God. 

Brenda Rachel  25:58  
Such a great venture, presence kind of role. 

Vonne Solis  26:01  
Yeah. Yeah. And it's either like it's cold in here or 

Brenda Rachel  26:04  

Vonne Solis  26:04  
she's, I feel, I'm still tingling with her. 

Brenda Rachel  26:07  

Vonne Solis  26:07  
And I just sat back. And my husband and I both looked at each other. What? She walks away. And I said to him, they walked away. And I said to my husband, I gotta go find her. I need to go see if because I didn't know what was going on. And they were nowhere to be found. And it was a relatively, a medium sized room. And gone! And there was only one way in and out of that room. And I think it took me a little while to understand that was an angel. Who else? Who else? Anyway, I had another one. I'm not going to talk about it today. But that is it's, it's it's, I can't even explain it. You'd have your own reaction. But Doreen did several books. Wrote several books, and actually had anthologies of, you know, an anthology at least one of them if not, two of people's experiences with angelic interventions. Saved from car accidents. You know, I don't know, there were so many that, right? And so when you experience them yourself, so you get beautiful music. I get reassurance largely, I think of my safety and belonging, and the courage to keep going. 

Vonne Solis  27:34  
But did so when you were saying earlier, like you didn't wait for them, did you ask them all the time to guide you? To heal you? Like, in what ways did you ask them to work with you?

Brenda Rachel  27:47  
Oh, yeah. After after they were present in my, after I acknowledged their presence in my life, because they were always present. I just wasn't physically and spiritually aware of them. Then I asked all the time. Like, once I, the songs were the actual, you know, beginning point for me to have a purpose. And from that point on daily, daily, daily, daily, and when I went through more, you know, other disabilities, and had other things happen in my life that I always turned to them. Always turned to them. They were like, they were like my big sister. You know, like a big sister. Like, they were just as natural to me being with me. And I do now. Like, it's like, I just live with the angels. The angels live with me and I live with them. 

Vonne Solis  28:36  

Brenda Rachel  28:37  
And there's just no division between us.

Vonne Solis  28:40  
The same. And, you know, one of the things I did, and this is a fun exercise. And I know you don't do it, but I started this maybe maybe three, four years ago. And I thought, You know what? I'm just going to track. I, I'm going to keep a Word document of the things that I ask them for and I just call it my daily request table. And I track what I've requested, and what the result was. And if there is an unresolved request, I leave that in red. And when it's resolved, it goes to green. Resolved. And then what the result was. The date and the action that that happened. How it manifested essentially. And I don't use this just for in, you know, like minor things. I'm talking about things that cause me anxiety. Things that I might, you know, even just worried about. You know, wanting things for my son to turnout. Things like that. Some things are really big, and we will get to it. You can ask stuff for other people. bujt, you know, you know it, they have to kind of want it. And angels just don't intervene, and we're gonna get to that in a second. But you know, it's more to calm me. And if I can't control something I wouldn't put on that request table, please help calm me. But I will say, you know, an important document, please make sure I get that. Please, you know, make sure that, you know, my payment goes through, but I will put by date, just for fun. And I can tell you on probably one hand. Probably two or three fingers out of I'm up to 38 or 39 pages now. They've all been resolved. In the timeframe I asked and some of these are really, really big. 

Vonne Solis  30:51  
And so it's really like, I remember doing it for you to to help you when you were moving from your country, I'm going back to live in the country. Okay, sis. 

Brenda Rachel  31:07  

Vonne Solis  31:07  
And the bears scared her away. 

Brenda Rachel  31:08  
Yeah. Yeah.

Vonne Solis  31:09  
And so and so try, you know and so I remember putting that one on the list for you, for example. Because I knew that you wanted to find your perfect home. And the angels delivered her to the building next door. And that 

Brenda Rachel  31:23  

Vonne Solis  31:24  
Isn't that cool? So we can ask for things, and they'll bring and deliver us stuff that is better than what we you know, intended or even thought we deserved or we just didn't think about it at all, right? 

Brenda Rachel  31:38  
So for me, I constantly ask them for things so I don't put it in a journal. So just in that way we're just 

Vonne Solis  31:46  

Brenda Rachel  31:46  
different. But I do ask them. I actually today, I asked them to keep me calm, or to bring me calm. I ask them all the time if I'm in anxiety, or if some part of my body is hurting or whatever. And so yeah.

Vonne Solis  32:03  
Here's a question. 

Brenda Rachel  32:04  
I'm happy about it. 

Vonne Solis  32:05  
Yeah. So um, this is a bit of a touchy, tricky subject, especially when we don't see results. But have you asked them, I'm not talking about the bigger Fibro stuff. Brenda lives with fibro. We talked about that in an earlier episode as well. But have you ever asked them for healing for something where you've actually seen a result and something's gone away? Because I have. I had a little like a little teeny weeny growth on my on the side of my knee. I don't know what it was. It was years and years ago. And it really was bugging me. And I just asked them, Rafael's the angel you can ask for that but you can just work in general, to get rid of it. And within a week or two, one day I looked, and the thing was just gone after a few years of having it. So there are instances right that the angels can heal us, right? 

Brenda Rachel  32:55  
Oh, yes. I believe they can heal us in all instances. Like right now I'm going through a situation where I'm deciding if I'm postponing my surgery for my knee surgery. And so I've been asked the angels to guide me. To, to show me if this is the right direction I should go. So today actually, I saw a video and an article online about the different things that are happening to my knee and how many seniors. Percentage of seniors that experience some kind of knee pain. Anyway, what I learned for myself today is that I'm not the only one. And it's given me more clarity anyway and the direction I'm going to go. And so and I'm asking them to help me with a complete healing for both my knees.

Vonne Solis  33:46  
So that's like a really big decision and that's a great example. And thank you for bringing it up because I'm supposed to be her carer.

Vonne Solis  33:56  
No. No I will be your carer. I will be your carer. But anyway, I'm just teasing. I like to have fun a little bit. But that is a really really big example of like, trusting that you can say no to surgery. You know, where you were telling me a couple weeks back that you were a candidate for it, it's not urgent. So I want to make the difference here. But even though some people have actually had something that could feel life threatening to them, and they have said no. And they're trusting another process divine from the belief in this higher power. So, but so choosing and and I remember when you told me this couple of weeks ago that you're leaning more now to not having the surgery and I was like whoa! Because you did spend quite a bit of of time. Several months invested in prepping as if you were going to have the surgery.

Brenda Rachel  34:58  
Almost a year now. So I just wanted to say that I had a discussion with my doctor yesterday. I said, I'm thinking about this. So there were a number of options. It was I could postpone the surgery, or I could postpone slash delay, or cancel it completely, or go ahead with it. And so anyway, he just suggested I call my surgeon's office and set up a follow up call to tell him where my head is at. And when talking to the doctor, I said to him, my knees from when I went to the surgeon, they're 90% better from how I was. So at that time, I was very, very, very, in a lot of discomfort.

Vonne Solis  34:58  
So have you been asking the angels The point, so have you been asking the angels in the last year to heal your knees? 

Brenda Rachel  35:51  
No. In the last month.

Vonne Solis  35:52  
Just the last month? Okay, interesting. So it's really, so when we talk, so I think we've given you a lot of context in terms of how they entered our life. For me, it was definitely to prepare me for the support I was going to need when I I lost my daughter a few months later. And I will not ever say that they did not save my life. They for sure for sure, for sure saved my life. And you in terms of of moving into your purpose work and and really becoming the messenger for them and prepped you for that in the midst again of pain. Absolute pain and disability. And they showed themselves. 

Vonne Solis  36:37  
So in terms of you working with them, if you want to start working with them, well, there's tons of books out there. And we just both ended up having the the experience. Beautiful experience of going down to work, train with Doreen, in California in the April of 2006. I was called after I did the online course and stuff, I was called very much to go down and certify as an Angel Therapy practitioner, where there were several hundred of us there at the event and too much to talk about today. We'll talk about that another time maybe. I had hoped to get to it today. But anyway, Brenda went with me as my support. 

Brenda Rachel  37:25  

Vonne Solis  37:25  
You know? And we spent a wonderful, beautiful, two weeks down in total in California. I wass scared to get, terrified to get on a plane. I could barely feel the ground under my feet when I was walking, moving. I was just going through the motions. So I remember you telling me, I'm going with you to sort of take care of me. But then you certified too. And and you didn't just certify there. You came home and you had to you know, do some stuff to actually certify through Doreen. And we did all that. And we made a commitment. Both of us made a commitment. We did that. Went through that. Made a commitment. And you know, never looked back. So if you and it was Doreen that kind of taught us anybody can work with angels.

Brenda Rachel  38:07  

Vonne Solis  38:08  
Right? What do they have to do, sis?

Brenda Rachel  38:09  
And in our course also, too, we had to part of the cor well, most of the course was everything was fly by the seat of your pants. And you just sat down across from another person that you didn't know. And she'd give us an exercise and we'd have to do something. Like do a reading for that person or do something and that always was around the angels. And with no preliminary practice or anything. And it was amazing how each of those sessions, I think we both found out that we were natural Angel healing practitioners. 

Vonne Solis  38:49  

Brenda Rachel  38:49  
Now, at that time through Doreen's practice, it was Angel Therapy practitioner that we were certified as but now I call myself and I think Vonne does too, an Angel Healing practitioner.

Vonne Solis  38:49  
Correct. Yeah. 

Brenda Rachel  38:49  

Vonne Solis  38:50  
Yeah. And I did, it turned out that I think I ended up sort of being really good at it. I mean, obvious

Brenda Rachel  39:08  
You were very, very, very good at it.

Vonne Solis  39:10  
Right. But let's, let's be clear. Two things. I think when we're in pain, severe pain, and in our vulnerability, that is the perfect time to be a vessel for higher energy.

Brenda Rachel  39:23  
I agree.

Vonne Solis  39:24  
If we want it in our life.

Brenda Rachel  39:26  

Vonne Solis  39:26  
It's equally possible, you can invite a lot of dark energy into your life in that same vulnerability. So Doreen taught us to white light ourselves. And I would do that. I no longer really do that. But in those early years I did because I did feel the presence once at least of what I can only call it super dark and really scary energy.

Brenda Rachel  39:52  
Okay, I never did.

Vonne Solis  39:53  
And I did. And I'm like, just get away. I remember sayng that. Get away from me. And it was, you know, in in the night, and when I would wake up. And I'm going to just say, and I knew people that were very curious. They weren't my friends or anything. I just knew about them. Met them at, you know, different events and stuff that they were working and sort of tempting, kind of darker forces that I was not comfortable around. But those people also had sort of followings because some people are just really curious about negative and darker forces. They just are. Not us. 

Vonne Solis  40:39  
I actually had somebody asked me and this is actually really good for us to sort of answer and see if you've ever come across this. Someone asked me, Well, do you work with Dark Angels? I think she called them. And I'm like, what? So in my world, there's only good and loving white angels, if you will. And that might be a callback to some people who religiously understand Satan as a fallen angel. Listen, I can't speak to that. Just know, it's never happened for me. And I can tell you working with that realm that we had worked for with for by nine years. I'd been working and doing channelling readings for people regularly, and largely by phone. Which works really just as well. And so I after a few years, I was like, okay, like, I guess I you know, I guess I'm pretty, I'm pretty decent at this. And you know, and really my work was all about working with the archangels specifically, and zeroing in for people to give them the tools that they can sort of, you know, work with the angel themselves or angels themselves. Or just have the, the tools and the knowledge within that they could solve this problem or that problem. But most of my clients were people that were struggling with a decision and or two and life guidance and things like that. So the angels always delivered. They always told me who was there. And so you can't doubt that. You do it enough you can't doubt it, right? 

Brenda Rachel  42:17  

Vonne Solis  42:19  
But what I did want to say is that surrounding yourself with white light, if you're scared, cause let's talk about that. Okay, maybe it sounds like you didn't really experience that. But the more that I got in touch with this, the direct channelling of these powerful, powerful beings. And again, this was only the Archangels. That's because I had been doing Doreen 's work. And she worked largely with all angels. But she did specialize in archangels, right? And there's different opinions about how many they are and all that kind of stuff. So I'm not going to get into that there. I let that just develop for me on my own. But it was kind of guided by Doreen's stuff. But when an angel presented to me and I'm not saying they presented physically. No. In my my mind, and where you meet. At that point where you're meeting at a certain level of vibration? I let them show me or allow me to see them the way I needed to. And that as colour. Maybe as an image. You know, whatever. And so that's, they appear to me in my own in my own way. But the white light and they could be scary. It could be scary for me. Because I'm inviting something in that's just so much greater than me. Right? 

Brenda Rachel  43:35  
I didn't have that experience. 

Vonne Solis  43:36  
Oh okay, so I did. And so I had to be careful. But that suffering, but also at I'd had a metaphysical and spiritual practice for 23 years when Janaya died. So I was already an open vessel. But this was just like now really, really opening myself up. And really a large part of what drove that was wanting to know where Janaya was and that she was okay. And she was coming to me too, for many years, regularly, regularly, regularly. And as I said, those visits and that messaging that they each delivered to me. Angels, the angelic realm and Janaya, formed the basis of the self-practice I offer in Divine Healing. So you can't, you can't question information that is being channelled to you by a higher source unless you want to. And I just basically trusted it. I just trusted it. So what would you offer people who want to get into, start working with the angels in any way. What should they do? 

Brenda Rachel  44:44  
Well, my experience with doing my angel readings and any anytime I had messages for people, it it was a very loving experience and I never white lighted myself. I just sat down at the table and my client would be there. And often what the issue was for them didn't turn out to be the issue. And so the messages would just come. And it was just a very natural, it was a very natural experience. I would just, I used the cards, and I read for them. But I also had other experiences. I've had three experiences where the angels had messages for people for me to deliver. And one in particular, was in my back rehab clinic. And a lady had come in, and I saw her. I was laying on my table resting. And they said, You need to give this message to her. So I just got up off the table. I didn't even know what the message was yet. So I walked over to her and started speaking and gave her the message. And she started to cry. 

Vonne Solis  45:47  

Brenda Rachel  45:47  
And it was just like, so they just use me in a very natural way. Very loving way, and very gentle way. And so I was luck. I didn't have the same experience that you did.

Vonne Solis  46:01  
Yeah. So I never I never had to white light when I was doing working for clients. It was it was those early early days.

Brenda Rachel  46:07  
No no, but also too, in those early days, you were filled with such, you were in a very dark place. 

Vonne Solis  46:14  
Oh,, oh, the sadness, the trauma, the shock. I was a walking wounded open book of come into my space. 

Brenda Rachel  46:26  

Vonne Solis  46:27  
And that's why I think that one experience that one night where it did feel, I'm not gonna lie. I'm gonna say evil.

Brenda Rachel  46:32  

Vonne Solis  46:32  
Holy. It was kind of like peeking in. Can I get in there? And I still remember lying in bed waking up, like this almost force I think woke me up. And I was scared. I am not gonna lie. I was scared. And I was sort of like, Get away. Get away. And they just faded out and were gone. And it was sort of like, Oh, my God. My heart was pounding. And I was like, and I never forgot it. 

Vonne Solis  46:58  
So but what I'm trying to say, is so if you're going and you're scared, or you're like, Oh, my God, but I don't know what to expect, right? That's when you can just say, Angels, please just protect me with the white light. Work with Archangel Michael. Please protect me with a white light. But I actually have a, a YouTube channel Living Meditations, I call it and I actually have video on that channel. I'll put a link to the YouTube channel below. But I have How to Work with Angels in Grief Specifically. I'm gonna say, Listen, I recorded that a few years ago. And so it probably doesn't sound the same as my podcast today. But nevertheless, the information stands. So that will give you a lot of help if you are watching this and in grief. I give you the specific angels to work with, and how you can work with them. What you can ask them for etc, etc. 

Vonne Solis  47:50  
In general, it really is kind of as simple as asking them just angels. And I think it takes practice. Don't you think it's sort of we need to practice. And the more we practice, and I'm not talking about, you need to go out and become a practitioner. Although a lot of people do. But just in your daily life. What do you think? Is it just as simple as trusting? Asking for a little help and see if they kind of deliver? 

Brenda Rachel  48:16  
I, for me, it's just ask and you shall receive. So

Vonne Solis  48:19  

Brenda Rachel  48:20  
Simple as that. 

Vonne Solis  48:21  

Brenda Rachel  48:21  
It's, there's nothing in my mind at all that will sway me from they will deliver. They will deliver. You know, it's not like maybe they will. Maybe they'll hear me, Are they there? You know that kind of thing.

Vonne Solis  48:34  
Right? But thinking of it as a brand newbie to it, you know. When you know, like it does. It does test our 

Brenda Rachel  48:43  
Well I think 

Vonne Solis  48:43  
our ability to trust.

Brenda Rachel  48:45  
Yeah, no. So I think a really good thing is just like what Vonne did is set a journal. Set like if you have a specific thing that you're really needing help with is start with a whatever you want to call your journal. And write down what it is you want to want to receive. And the date you want to receive it by. That's awesome.

Vonne Solis  49:06  
Yeah. Oh yeah and I do it for fun. And um I do it for fun. And that's just the thing I have with with them. And it is fun to go back and just say, here's pages and pages and pages and pages. Now, I'm not going to get into it today with with you sis, but there's the inevitable you know, there's going to be the person who inevitably is going to go eh. You know what? We're not here to convince you of anything. 

Brenda Rachel  49:39  

Vonne Solis  49:40  

Brenda Rachel  49:40  
We're specifically talking about our own journeys.

Vonne Solis  49:43  

Brenda Rachel  49:44  
And how the angels are working in our lives.

Vonne Solis  49:46  
Right. And they can work in yours to if you give them a chance. And I would say this. That the more you give them a chance, the more you're going to see the presence of them. The gifts and the miracles they give us is, if not even an actual manifestation in some way. Maybe through a human. Maybe through an animal. It could be anything. I don't know. If it feels like an angel, it's an angel. And if it feels like angelic intervention, it was angelic intervention. And it is not something to be afraid of. It's something to embrace to the, to the, to the degree that you're interested. We just ended up doing it as our work, and in writing our books, and so on and so forth. But I couldn't get a day, go a day without them. 

Brenda Rachel  50:43  
Oh, absolutely not. So just one fun thing I'll put, I'll just say to you folks today, is I needed to find a date in my book before I left to say something to my sister after we're finished here. And so I just went over to my book, and I opened the book, and there was a date. 

Vonne Solis  51:03  

Brenda Rachel  51:03  
The exact page. 

Vonne Solis  51:05  

Brenda Rachel  51:05  
It was a totally closed book. 

Vonne Solis  51:07  

Brenda Rachel  51:07  
And I opened it and there was a date. And I went, Oh, my gosh. Thank you.

Vonne Solis  51:11  
Yeah. So a lot of like, signs. People might start by asking for signs. You know, and that's fair. You know, so you might see, I know that a lot is like feathers coins, just, but that can get mixed up a little bit too, with if you have a loved one gone. And or is that them from the afterlife? So you end up learning, it depends who you ask. If I ask my daughter to come visit me? I'm not getting an angel visit. I'm getting a visit from Janaya. If I ask you know the angels to deliver something for me? Then you know, they're gonna deliver it for me. I don't personally ask for visitations. And I never did ask for visitations. I want to be really clear about that. Show yourself so I can believe. No.

Brenda Rachel  51:59  
 I never did either.

Vonne Solis  52:00  
No. But I am going to just leave you with the idea that I think they will intervene in a situation where we're still supposed to be here. 

Brenda Rachel  52:14  
Oh, absolutely.

Vonne Solis  52:15  
I believe that. And we don't know enough to know they might might be split second. Like the time that I saw my daughter almost nearly get hit and would have been for sure killed. And it felt felt like time stopped for that split second that she could get the bike across before the car came. And it really felt I felt that was absolute, absolute Divine, angelic intervention. So I mean, I can't stop time. They probably can, right?

Vonne Solis  52:45  
So again, I hope you found this interesting about the angels. If you want to learn more, as we've said, there's lots and lots of books. I want to say. I no longer do one on one channeling for people. Are you still working and doing any readings with folks or?

Brenda Rachel  53:04  
No. Not right now. 

Vonne Solis  53:05  
Right. So neither of us are offering that that I'll call it a service, anymore. But you will see and feel the angels and in your case hear them with the music in everything we have written and on Brenda's site Humanity With Heart. We'll have the links again in the show notes. You've got your music up there, right?

Brenda Rachel  53:32  
Yeah. I have my music and there's over 2000 posts of all videos. Music videos.

Vonne Solis  53:38  
You do quotes.

Brenda Rachel  53:39  
Photos, yeah, articles all angelically driven.

Vonne Solis  53:42  
Yeah, Brenda's very gifted in, in writing these quote like messages that are direct messages the angels give her and sort of sort of very poetic and, and stuff. And so you'll find all that on her site. And you'll find resources I offer through many channels. You know, YouTube, my books, podcast for the resources I continue to offer on other subjects largely rooted in bereavement, grief, child loss and suicide. 

Vonne Solis  54:11  
So thank you very much for watching or listening to this episode. Sis, thank you so much for the time again. 

Brenda Rachel  54:19  
Oh, hey, I love you dear and so glad to share this time with you. 

Vonne Solis  54:22  
Yeah. And I was gonna say you ready for a latte but we sort of switched to herbal tea. Are you ready for your herbal tea?

Brenda Rachel  54:28  
I sure am  

Brenda Rachel  54:29  
 sis. I sure am. 

Vonne Solis  54:30  
So anyway, until next time, we are the soul sisters!

Vonne Solis  54:37  
Love you too.