Grief Talk w/ Vonne Solis

Ep. 90 Soul Healing

Vonne Solis/Brenda Rachel Season 5 Episode 90

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Are you intrigued by Soul Healing? Are you interested in spiritual growth, self-discovery, and personal transformation? Do you want to heal from past traumas, understand your life's purpose, and expand your consciousness?

In Part 10 on the Soul Sisters series, with my real-life sister @Brenda Rachel, we invite you to join us in this deeply personal, and meaningful discussion on soul healing, drawing from our personal experiences of loss, disability and suffering. 

We explore the nature of Soul. What we need to understand and reconcile past issues for soul healing. And the importance of harnessing our lessons from our current experiences and those from previous incarnations.

Episode chapters include a discussion on sisterly bonding, soul themes, consciousness, soul healing, healing from past traumas, spiritual growth, life themes and acceptance. It aligns well for those interested in personal empowerment, emotional well-being, and spiritual exploration.

ACTION ITEM:  Focus on healing oneself through awareness and gratitude to spread healing to other lifetimes.

Links to:
Ep. 80 Soul Sisters Part 6 “Beyond the Surface: Unveiling the Illusion of Pain”

Ep. 79 Divine Healing Coaching Principle 1 "Self-Responsibility: Navigating Life's Sacred Call

Connect with Brenda:

Brenda's book "Broken Spirit, Awakened Soul, My Journey of Healing with the Angels"

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Vonne's books:

Living Meditations on YouTube:

Coaching with Vonne:
Click on the link below to learn about my coaching services and to book a pre-coaching Zoom call if you are a serious student of life.


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Brenda Rachel  0:08  
Welcome to the Soul Sisters series, where you'll get thought-driven inspiring topics for your soul. With Vonne Solis and Brenda Rachel. (Music).

Vonne Solis  0:30  
So welcome again to Soul Sisters. Another surprise episode and we have a couple more coming your way. I'm Vonne.

Brenda Rachel  0:39  
I'm Brenda. And together, we are the soul sisters. 

Vonne Solis  0:46  
Oh, I keep saying, we never get tired of that, but we only do that for you guys. Okay. So as said, this is a bit of a surprise episode, and today we're going to be actually talking about soul healing. And that is, like a big topic sis.

Brenda Rachel  1:03  
It is.

Vonne Solis  1:03  
And I'm going to explain a little bit how our decision to do an episode on this topic for you came about. But I also want to say that it's going to be different for everybody. I'm not sure, sis, if there's a lot of work done on this. There probably is in like, sort of spiritual gurus. And if you go and look for it, there will be work on it. But just in my everyday travels, and, you know, in the business world and and looking for podcasts and things like that, I'm not really coming across this material. 

And so this is another huge reason I wanted to do Soul Sisters with you sis, is because you and I love these topics. 

Brenda Rachel  1:42  
We do.

Vonne Solis  1:42  
And as we've mentioned in the previous basically nine episodes, building a story for you to tell how we arrived at being spiritually evolved, on our mission. Living our purpose-driven life. Coming, you know, coming from completely different circumstances, personalities, experiences, everything. Yet we still arrived in a similar place spiritually. Hence, we are the soul sisters.

Brenda Rachel  2:11  

Vonne Solis  2:12  
Real life sisters, but also very much soul sisters, which I think the older we got, we really came to respect that, didn't we?

Brenda Rachel  2:19  

Vonne Solis  2:20  
Because we're very different.

Brenda Rachel  2:21  
Yeah, yeah.

Vonne Solis  2:21  
And so I'm not gonna lie, you know, we've had our differences over the years.

Brenda Rachel  2:25  

Vonne Solis  2:26  
But we made a decision, I would say, a couple years, two, three years ago. Maybe before the pandemic, I don't even know. And at the time of this recording, we're at Spring 2024, just to let stupid stuff go.

Brenda Rachel  2:38  

Vonne Solis  2:39  
And just respect our our journey, our our purpose, our being. Recognizing just because we're sisters, we don't have to be the same.

Brenda Rachel  2:49  
Right, right.

Vonne Solis  2:50  
And that's a huge lesson.

Brenda Rachel  2:52  

Vonne Solis  2:52  
And like, I don't know how many sisters are out there, and you know even well, mostly, I'm going to just say sisters, because with brothers, it's completely different that sort of want or expect their sister to be just like them, or if they are, you're too much like each other. And you know, so getting to that point where you recognize the individuality, and we're here for our own lessons. Our own reasons experienced through our own way. And then if you can just share and have that trust with your sister. And even though, like you may not really know exactly what I'm going through and vice versa, we still respect and honour that and find a common ground to kind of go, Hey, but I think I get I get it because I went through this, and maybe it's similar. And even if it isn't similar, just respect it. Because you never know how long you have with each other people. 

Brenda Rachel  3:42  

Vonne Solis  3:42  

Brenda Rachel  3:43  
Absolutely, absolutely. 

Vonne Solis  3:44  
You want to add to that at all?

Brenda Rachel  3:46  
Well, I guess for me, I would just say that I have found since we moved across the street from each other?

Vonne Solis  3:52  

Brenda Rachel  3:53  
That that's when I felt sort of a kinship. A closer kinship, because our proximity in real life

Vonne Solis  4:00  

Brenda Rachel  4:01  
was was closer. Even though we weren't and we don't live on each other's doorstep.

Vonne Solis  4:04  
No, no.

Brenda Rachel  4:05  
But I also from my own personal growth and going through my journey with writing my second book, which was all about my personal journey, it helped me really understand why I was here.

Vonne Solis  4:22  

Brenda Rachel  4:22  
And also what my purpose was.

Vonne Solis  4:24  

Brenda Rachel  4:25  
And even though I'm not really sure, you know, I don't have the answer as to even what a soul is, or all that kind of stuff, but I just feel very, very blessed that I'm learning what I'm supposed to do here each day. Even when I'm in my own crisis and my own emotional upheaveal, which I'm in right now with illness. Some stuff going on.

Vonne Solis  4:25  

Brenda Rachel  4:25  
With chronic fatigue and anxiety. 

Vonne Solis  4:31  
And I'm just going to pop in really quickly here, because part six of our series speaks specifically to the illusion of pain and understanding that suffering really is an illusion. But, when we're human and suffering that contrast and how to live with that and that episode has been released on April 24, 2024 and it is the part six of Soul Sisters. So if you do want to learn more about that struggle, and the reason I jumped in is because you're saying you're going through that right now, again.

Brenda Rachel  5:28  

Vonne Solis  5:28  
And that talks all about the perfection we expect ourselves to be because knowing that spiritually, that we are perfect, whole and complete inside. But then if your human body isn't demonstrating that, or your experiences are showing you ,No, I'm kind of like suffering. I'm kind of struggling. I'm kind of drowning here. You know, how do you keep that focus? How do you live that truth, regardless? So check out that episode, part six of the Soul Sisters series.

So yeah, and I also just want to say to the audience, it was very, sort of kismety how you moved in across the street, and very cool. And we are, I'm in entry, I've entered my late 60s. And sis here, you want to say how old you are?

Brenda Rachel  6:15  

Vonne Solis  6:15  
Yeah, she's 70. And so it took us a while to sort of appreciate everything I said in the beginning of this episode. And you know when, when circumstances kind of make things happen and they're out of your control, sort of? It just wow, all the doors just open. And it's like, I think I meant to do this. So we're respecting and honoring that, also that we have physical proximity now to each other, which makes getting together easier. More fun, and for, you know, and just respect and enjoy that for however long that lasts, because we never did this before in our life. Live as neighbours.

Brenda Rachel  6:51  
No. And I also think too, like making the decision to share our work.

Vonne Solis  6:56  

Brenda Rachel  6:56  
And from the two totally diverse polar opposites

Vonne Solis  7:03  

Brenda Rachel  7:05  
what we are physically, but also where we came from, spiritually and how that evolved. 

Vonne Solis  7:10  
Oh, yeah.

Brenda Rachel  7:10  

Vonne Solis  7:11  

Brenda Rachel  7:11  
So. And then to want to do the work and bring our our own experiences and finding the similarities in all of that. 

Vonne Solis  7:19  
Yeah, that was so cool. So Brenda's rooted in disability, physical disabilities. I'm largely rooted in child loss. So bereavement. The suicide arena. I lost my daughter to suicide in July of 2005 at the age of 22. And and so I've not experienced physical disabilities, and you've not experienced child loss. But yet we came to find, as you just said, sis.

Brenda Rachel  7:44  

Vonne Solis  7:44  
All these, these wonderful sort of epiphanies. And go, wow. And so for me, I think it just means and we're getting to the soul part, is as souls. And even when you said earlier, well, you don't know what a soul is. I don't know what a soul is. Is it colour? Energy? Like, I don't know. But everybody talks about soul, don't they?

Brenda Rachel  8:06  

Vonne Solis  8:06  
And, um, you know. And if you don't feel anything, you're soul-less and, you know. And if you're broken, you're, you know, your soul is, is, is, is sick, and, you know, all these things. So soul is something, but I guess if we looked at it as that, okay, I'm just going to say some kind of energy. Some kind of presence. Some kind of force. Some kind of something that as spiritual beings, I look at it as as sort of the soul, as just a tapestry. And I wrote about this in Divine Healing, my first book. It came to me as a tapestry, and that each incarnation was just sort of a little tiny patch of it, until it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And, you know, and it builds this, this picture towards what I don't know, but I've come to understand it in the spiritual sense, in my practice. My personal practice. That each incarnation I've chosen to learn more and more lessons to perfect the experience on Earth. And when I've perfected, which perfection I think to me, is consciously becoming aware of what those lessons are, number one. And why I've chosen them, number two. And then getting them and living them and and resolving the lesson. Because when we've got our lesson, we don't deal with that struggle anymore. And I would wager all lessons come through some kind of struggle would you say? I mean, how would you know it's a lesson if you're not in some kind of pain over it?

Brenda Rachel  9:44  
Well, exactly yes.

Vonne Solis  9:45  
Or illness?

Brenda Rachel  9:46  
Or, you know, some kind of negative something or other.

Vonne Solis  9:51  

Brenda Rachel  9:51  
Is when there's struggle. Yeah, like you say, pain, conflict,.

Vonne Solis  9:55  

Brenda Rachel  9:55  

Vonne Solis  9:56  
Like whatever and so, so I believe that they come to us in different lifetimes through themes. And I'm going to tell you a little bit about that if I remember. Write that down Vonne. Themes, because that's very, very important, soul themes. When we awaken, we may start, and hopefully do start to see a theme. A pattern running through our life of certain kinds of experiences, or, in your case, several disabilities. So disability, okay? You have a life where disability is forming a huge, I'll just say, backdrop for a lot of what you're going to be experience experiencing. Mine ended up being bereavement and suicide. And so while the child loss thing, thankfully, is not re-occurring. I hope I've only had to experience once, and nothing ever happens to my surviving child. That's my son. But some people do lose more than one child. And they need to find out what's going on in their life to do that.

But we grew up with a suicidal parent, and I, for the first time, spoke very publicly about how that impacted me as a child in a Divine Healing coaching episode. My principal one on self-responsibility, and I speak about that there. So the suicide, I could immediately see when Janaya took her life in 2005, Oh, my God. Well, mom's several attempts already had that context. Like that context isn't the word I want, but already had that knowingness of suicide. It was, it was just a constant in my blood, my bones, my my my DNA, that it could happen. 

That doesn't mean I thought it would happen, certainly not to a child of mine. But it did. And that's when I was able to start to put the pieces together, even more so of seeing how the suicide, even more so than the child loss. Although that's been really, really impacting, but the two together formed for me, a blueprint to get my lessons. Which I'll be quite honest, and this is why we're talking about soul healing today, became very clear for me, very clear. I was, as you probably remember, over the last couple of years, you know, maybe, well, maybe a few years, but kind of understanding, I know that suffering is an illusion. So what why am I here? Well, I know I also don't want to get trapped in it. So I just my work rooted right back to 2006 that, you know, culminated in Divine Healing, Transforming Pain into Personal Power speaks all about that and rising above it. 

But as you know, rising above it and going okay, well, no matter what's happened, I can still be happy. I can have a great life, okay? And okay! And so, but you and I have had many conversations about this. Many conversations about this. And I'm just going to offer here, even if you know this? And sis I'll get your thoughts on this. Even if you know this? Okay, like I just said, and I won't repeat it, and then you still struggle with it? So the thought lesson doesn't really kind of go away. It's sort of there. And once you're awakened, by the way, you can't go back to sleep. Spiritually awakened? You cannot turn that off. But that struggle. That contrast. That conflict, right? The dichotomy? It actually could be one of the greatest things that we as humans are here to figure out on this planet Earth.

Brenda Rachel  13:36  
I absolutely agree with you. 

Vonne Solis  13:38  
I personally, I have come across many writings over the years where spiritual leaders, you know, in various you know, writings really talk about this is the toughest place to come to get our lessons. 

Brenda Rachel  13:54  
Oh I absolutely, well, not having any conscious memory of my other lifetimes.

Vonne Solis  14:00  

Brenda Rachel  14:00  
You know, knowing what I went through there.

Vonne Solis  14:02  

Brenda Rachel  14:04  
I would absolutely say, like, from my own experience?

Vonne Solis  14:08  

Brenda Rachel  14:08  

Vonne Solis  14:09  
And, you know, and even the conflict with how absolutely gorgeous this planet is.

Brenda Rachel  14:14  
I know, I know.

Vonne Solis  14:15  

Brenda Rachel  14:15  
I was just gonna say. 

Vonne Solis  14:17  

Brenda Rachel  14:17  
Pop in here and just say that, with it being such dense energy? Like when you look at the globe?

Vonne Solis  14:24  

Brenda Rachel  14:24  
And to me, when I look at the globe, or I look up at the sky.

Vonne Solis  14:29  

Brenda Rachel  14:29  
And stuff like that, and I think about what is surrounding, I mean, I don't know anything about what's in outer space other than what I see. But I'm just saying, like it feels like a shroud, almost like over Mother Earth.

Vonne Solis  14:41  

Brenda Rachel  14:41  
And it's like, how do we ascend beyond however many millions and millions of miles you know, we have to go to get into the lightness? 

Vonne Solis  14:50  
Trillions and trillions.

Brenda Rachel  14:51  
You know? Because it's not

Vonne Solis  14:52  
Likely not far, because it's energy, it's just boom.

Brenda Rachel  14:55  

Vonne Solis  14:56  
Kind of like the veil. So we could think of Earth, maybe, like, almost like the veil.

Brenda Rachel  15:00  

Vonne Solis  15:01  
And, and I always think of the universe as just infinity. And it's, it's mind boggling, so I can't go beyond. It's just infinity. But what I will say is, here's something. Ao when you lose someone particularly meaningful, impacting in your life. Because we can lose people and we love them, and some deaths are just not as impacting as others, you know? And that's for each one of us to sort of determine. But if you're blessed enough that they come to visit you? You know, I have yet to meet anyone as a parent, as a medium. BBut you know, but you know a person that is is able to have visits, myself, included with my daughter. I've had other deaths where those people do not come to me, but she does. And they they look nothing but radiant. Radiant.

And you know, and so I like to sort of think of this infinity and where we go. The afterlife, the oneness, the consciousness. And science, by the way, is starting to research, and I've got an article I'm going to be doing an episode on that they are looking into the scientific evidence of consciousness existing beyond the body. I I've known about this for years, and some scientists actually and medical doctors and stuff talk about this in books. But if they're actually taking it seriously enough to kind of go, okay, so, so ongoing consciousness. 

So that's kind of how I think about the afterlife, is ongoing consciousness. It could be energy, it could be light, it could be a whole bunch of different things. I don't think it matters what it is. The fact is, there's some kind of an existence, and for those of us that actually have our proof? Quote, our proof, unquote, with visits? And you just can't deny something so powerful has happened. And my daughter has taught me over the years, since 2005 through these visits, through these visits. And Brenda and I both work with angels, so that yet is another dimension of what I would consider infinity and and and a connection and a communication was something we don't necessarily understand, but we are able to do it with that part of our brain that allows us. Our consciousness, to rise right? Whatever. We're not talking about that today, necessarily. 

But I think it is a peaceful, beautiful place, but and so the human body, you know, feels as the human body is what feels like that denseness. And it is dense. All the gunk in us. And then we rise above it, right? And there are people that actually have talked about, you know, they they've literally died and hovered over their body.

Brenda Rachel  17:54  

Vonne Solis  17:55  
And then the reason we know is because they that, that they did this is because then they come back into the body and oops, they're revived, but they live to tell the story. And those are actual death experiences where a person has died and come back. And I think they're actually changing the terminology around that now, instead of calling it near-death? Which is kind of interesting. 

So all of that to say, so the soul in there so for me, it's kind of like this huge tapestry. And I'm in this experience. We're all in this experience and we've chosen Earth for our tough lessons and maybe the contrast. So that's what I want to say, of the beauty of this planet. Man, and the more you get to see it and just like whoa! Is in itself, the contrast for our perfection. You know, mirroring, like anything that we see that's awe-inspiring, and like the mountains and the oceans and the colour. Well, well, we can only see colour through the physical and apparently it's supposed to be absolutely different when you can see it that it's not constrained by these eyes and so on. 

But what I'm saying is that, in itself, the beauty of the planet might just be the reminder. I'm just getting this as I'm saying it. The reminder. The daily reminder we we can have and enjoy by looking at whatever we look at in nature or anything that brings us beauty that's outside of our physical, you know, experience and people. The planet. And just kind of go, okay, yes. That is my perfection. Because if you think about it, every single thing that works naturally on this planet. On this planet, and in this planet, in the oceans and so on. It's like a perfection that without one little, tiny thing wouldn't work in relationship to everything else that keeps us living and breathing here. 

Brenda Rachel  19:56  

Vonne Solis  19:57  
I mean that in itself is like mind-boggling. 

Brenda Rachel  19:59  

Vonne Solis  20:00  

Brenda Rachel  20:00  
Yeah, yeah. Well, just the harmonious, how do I want to say this? The harmonious sort of evolution of how everything has has been created on this planet to work in synchronicity with with everything. How I kind of see the soul, take a computer and whatever makes it work. The motherboard of a computer.

Vonne Solis  20:27  

Brenda Rachel  20:27  
And everything, when it's in perfect harmony, runs the computer. And everything is smooth. And an operator on the computer can do anything that they want within the parameters of that computer. But just take it as say it was the universe as operating within our consciousness. That is our soul, who which is the motherboard for our consciousness. So every piece fits together. And whatever we're going through in the conscious state? We're feeling? Are the five senses. And because the soul doesn't respond to the the physicalness.

Vonne Solis  21:21  
Let's assign it a consciousness. But I believe that we have the freedom and the will, willpower to connect, or not connect, to the greater reason we're on this planet, framed in I got to get this right for my soul, so I don't, most people say, so I don't have to come back and do that again. Most people, when they get their lessons that have been tough they say, I want to get my lessons so I don't have to repeat them. And spiritual leaders will talk about this in books and so on as well. I even say it. Get your lesson. I said it earlier. Get your lesson, you move on. So an example might be financial troubles, like over and over and over and over. And then maybe when you get the I, you know, the lesson that, oh, right, I came here to, you know, heal my fear of money. And then you just trust. And then within that there's loads of lessons. But just trust the universe is going to deliver and this, that and the other. And all of a sudden you realize you're living the most abundant life ever. And, okay, how can you tell that was one of mine? It kind of was one of mine? But anyway, I'm giving you an example.

So that wasn't my my purpose-driven, and my major like getting this right. The the seeing thee and and healing my my soul, my spirit, but my soul in this lifetime to not suffer because we don't need to suffer. That's the driving force and my purpose for being here. The financial one I just explained about, which I literally, really did go through, okay? And I still remember getting that guy's book. I forget his name, but it was The Abundance Book, and you did 40 days, and you're going to be wealthy. And so, you know, you try all of these things to not be afraid of money, when the root cause for me was just I was afraid of money. I had enough, but I was afraid of money for many, many, many years, which I think a lot of people are. And so when I got it, you can feel it and just go, oh, you know what? And it might take a few months, and it might take a few years to really trust and just live and breathe the experience of letting go and letting God, as we say. Letting the universe of which money and fear of money doesn't have to be part of it anymore. I can truly, honestly say, when I got that lesson, I remembered it. I remember I was done once and for all, I'm done. But it took me a few years to really learn to trust. And so money was never the problem. Trust was the problem. And so that was a huge lesson for the Incarnation, but it is one that I would wager a majority of people go through, whether they address it or not. A lot of people are afraid of money and experience money problems that demonstrate financial problems. And so I don't think there's anything sort of really unique and driving in that for me, but there could be for another person. So that's all I'm trying to say. 

So I don't think the soul is sitting there going there going, Are you getting your lesson yet? Come on. Are you getting your lesson? No. But it somehow, I think, for for understanding it, it's when we get the lesson you tick that one off. So if I get truly, authentically, get and live. Not just intellectually understand it, but really, I'm living it? I don't need to suffer. And how I would live that is I would be experiencing and presenting as joy as my absolute go to disposition, rather than pain. I always come back and do that.

Brenda Rachel  24:38  

Vonne Solis  24:38  
That's how I kind of feel about it. Tick. And then there are some people that just never want to come back to the planet. Names shall be not disclosed here. Right?

Brenda Rachel  24:53  
Never. This is my last trip. 

Vonne Solis  24:56  
Well, well, you want it to be your last trip.

Brenda Rachel  24:58  
One, one way ticket home. 

Vonne Solis  25:00  
Like, we don't know that for a fact.

Brenda Rachel  25:01  
No, but I'm just saying

Vonne Solis  25:02  
But you're

Brenda Rachel  25:03  
the angels

Vonne Solis  25:04  
right. But even in saying that, and even in saying that, we've done other episodes on that so I'm not going to talk about them. We've done like, I would say, if you would listen to the first say three or four of our

Brenda Rachel  25:17  
three or four of our Soul Sisters?

Vonne Solis  25:19  
Okay well all of them. When no, but I think it was episode part three where we really talked a lot about that struggle. Not wanting to be here, and so we're not going to talk about that today. And Brenda, you do love and appreciate, you can appreciate the planet and all its beauty can you not?

Brenda Rachel  25:35  
Oh absolutely. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that.

Vonne Solis  25:38  
I know. I'm just teasing. She was a rafter and a hiker and all of this stuff. So, yes, she loved nature. So we're not talking here at all about disrespecting the planet. In that episode it was more about knowing you fulfilled, or have come close to fulfilled, what you want to do here. What more is there to do? And then that struggle and dichotomy within those experiences. 

So but today, the reason you know, we're sort of, this is kind of long-winded to get to this idea of soul healing, but here's what happened to me recently. So I'm on this journey to actually just do what I said, represent as joy and really, truly, authentically mean it and live it. So where people look at my face and go, my God, you look really happy. I just went out with a friend the other day and she goes, You're glowing. And I went, thank you. Be healthy. Because I struggled with chronic illnesses. You know, pesky little illnesses as a result of living with bereavement. So I've kind of got those under control. And really, but the biggest thing really, is not about any of that. It's about losing that idea. Giving up that idea culturally that I'm not saying we're culturally taught it. But we feel it, that if we allow ourselves to be happy in bereavement, and certainly certain types of bereavement. So child loss would certainly be one of them. It could be partner loss from a suicide. And, you know, I have, I've actually had a couple of widows on that said, you know, they just felt like they could never get married again and move on. Move on, you know, etc. But in, I can only speak to mine, so in child loss, and it would be more that if I allow my if I allow myself to be happy, perhaps I didn't love my daughter enough or miss my daughter enough. Because that pain, and you'll see this, you know, grief is the you know I can't remember what they say, but grief is the, you know, amount of love that we had. So the more you love that person, the more you're going to grieve and suffer because they're now gone. 

And so I get it. And I and I think that's actually appropriate for a certain amount of time in bereavement, and for some people, that's a lifetime. For me, I didn't want it to be a lifetime. So anyway, just cut to today, it's been a journey. But I'm at a point today, in 2024 where I embarked on some acupuncture that deals with Chinese medicine. And so in one of the treatments for me, and I'm going to keep this really high level and brief, and this is where the idea for the soul healing episode came along. I was experiencing a because when I get the needles, I kind of go into infinity. And it's kind of bizarre, but it, you know, I can't help where my conscious mind takes me. And probably tapping into the subconscious and the reason for being here in the soul, and, like all of this stuff, that's even kind of a little bit scary, but not really. But, you know, because I don't know what's going to happen when I go to acupuncture. 

But at any rate, my last treatment, and I'm lying on the on on the bed, and, you know, just connecting with my, my mind, my body, and literally, it just like a real, like a movie. I was just getting these, one after the other, of these, these faces, and particularly eyes. It kind of mostly was eyes sort of really beautiful, and they would just meld into the just like, next one, next one, next one. They would just transition from one to the next to the next to the next to the next. And sometimes I saw a full face, but mostly it was just the different eyes. And I was like, What is going on? And like, what is going on? And I wanted it to stop, because it was beginning come, becoming a little bit overwhelming, but again, I knew I could handle it. And I understood immediately, well, not immediately, but I understood maybe this, this went on for a few minutes. And I maybe understood about a minute or so in, oh, my God, I'm seeing, I'm seeing my incarnations. I knew that. I knew I was seeing faces, and specifically the eyes of many, many, many, many life lifetimes that I have lived as soul. 

So I remember. So I came out of that, you know, and settled down. And there were a couple times I squeezed my eyes and and, you know, stop! Like I've seen enough. Because I was getting actually mentally very, very tired from this experience. And eventually it just petered out and went back to my third eye, which opened, oh, in 2006. And it went back into the eye, you know, and just sort of settled down. And it was sort of like your your little movie's finished. And so I remember telling you about it a day or two or later, I came out of there very woozy, and just like, Oh my goodness. And, and I did tell my acupuncturist, because, you know, so they can, you know, record what, what I'm experiencing, you know with this treatment. Anyway, that I remember telling you, I am here not to just heal me in this lifetime. I am here to heal all of the pent-up pain and suffering from numerous lifetimes that maybe I wasn't able to heal as part of this person. Okay, this ripple of the soul that I am presenting as Vonne in this lifetime. And I've taken on to heal as many of those you know, lifetimes that I believe do live within our DNA. In our spiritual DNA, if there is such a thing. But I like the word. I like the sound of that. Spiritual DNA. That it sound and, you know, like, listen, is it possible? I don't know. I don't know because I don't really feel like I have control over what I chose for. I mean, I do have control over what I do with what I chose, but not necessarily with the contract I made for the life as me. Little Vonne. Me consciously. You get what I'm saying? It's huge. So realizing that, I said to you, we went out for Chai, and I said to you, wow, like we need to do an episode on soul healing. But really, we're doing just, you know, doing it, just to sort of talk about it. We don't have answers, do we? Just what we think about it. But is it possible that we could heal, like many, the pain and suffering of many lifetimes?

Brenda Rachel  32:52  
Oh, I believe anything is possible, truly.

Vonne Solis  32:58  
And that concludes our episode. (Laughter).

You know. Anyway, I guess what it left me with is it's enough to kind of just take on the task, I'll say, of getting as much as you can for this lifetime, let alone piling on stuff from other lifetimes. So we're not going to talk about that. We're just going to talk about what we can do for this lifetime that we may feel we have a little bit more ability to manage and get lessons, and you know, and sort of think about soul just related to this one lifetime. What are your thoughts on, on just soul healing, just for this one incarnation? How is how important is it to you personally? And are you aware of it and and if you were aware of it, when did, how did you sort of connect this lifetime to soul healing?

Brenda Rachel  34:04  
I didn't. So this was when you brought it up?

Vonne Solis  34:08  

Brenda Rachel  34:08  
Like, it was like, Okay, that's a good topic. 

Vonne Solis  34:11  
Yeah, off the top of your head. 

Brenda Rachel  34:12  
So for me, I guess, like, what I was trying to say or do an analogy the angels were, for me, the soul it holds every single incarnation I've ever manifested.

Vonne Solis  34:25  

Brenda Rachel  34:26  
It holds everything I've ever done, thought, whatever, whenever it was. Whether I was, here. Not here, but wherever I was. 

Vonne Solis  34:38  
So it's like a container.

Brenda Rachel  34:41  
Like a container, and it holds every ...

Vonne Solis  34:43  

Brenda Rachel  34:43  
every way I chose to to be a being. Every because every incarnation, whether it was on earth or it was somewhere else. I'm not, I'm not talking just about Earth. 

Vonne Solis  34:58  
No, I know, but ...

Brenda Rachel  34:59  
I'm talking, anyway, maybe, well, maybe I should just talk about Earth. 

Vonne Solis  35:03  
Let's just talk about Earth. 

Brenda Rachel  35:04  
Let's talk about  Earth because I believe it holds absolutely everything I've ever lived as. 

Vonne Solis  35:10  
And I'll just jump in real quickly. Because, if you're wondering why we're saying let's just talk about Earth, is because I have certainly been around spiritual teachers and in training and stuff for, you know, mediumship and things like that. Where leaders in this industry do talk about this isn't the only place we can come to.

Brenda Rachel  35:31  

Vonne Solis  35:32  
Okay? And so add that in it's like ...

Brenda Rachel  35:34  
There are other galaxies and all that. But what I understand consciously. So anyway, my soul holds everything that I've ever been, done, whatever. Holds all of that

Vonne Solis  35:48  

Brenda Rachel  35:49  
somewhere deep inside of me. And so when we talk about soul healing, not only is it a very, very huge topic to talk about, but even to comprehend.

Vonne Solis  36:02  
I know.

Brenda Rachel  36:03  
Because I think that it takes a great deal of understanding, and I don't. I don't understand. All I can say is I think it's this core essence of me that holds everything I've ever been, you know. So.

Vonne Solis  36:21  
Here's a question for you because when you were saying that, I'm kind of thinking, and by the way, there's no comparisons in incarnations. It's like, like, you know, you have your lessons. I have my lessons. You all have your lessons. Whoever's watching this or listening to this. None. We respect it. Whatever. But I think for me awakening to that a couple weeks ago? It was like, really big.

Brenda Rachel  36:50  
Yeah. As soon as you said, What a great topic soul healing for for us to talk about. And I went, Yeah, it is. And then I went, Well, I understand about healing, but I don't know anything really about the soul. And so like that, I want to come across that I'm sort of like a ...

Vonne Solis  37:08  

Brenda Rachel  37:09  
not an expert. That I didn't have any knowledge, because I really don't. I've never ...

Vonne Solis  37:13  
Either, either do I.

Brenda Rachel  37:14  
I've never really talked with anybody about what the soul is. I can only say what I believe in my conscious mind that it is. So it's, it's this vessel, or this part of me. This inner workings inside of me that holds everything that I've ever been, done, what seen, whatever, whatever.

Vonne Solis  37:35  

Brenda Rachel  37:37  
And to, but to heal it at this time on this planet, my consciousness absolutely accepts that this is a possibility. But I think that it takes a great deal of understanding the the issues that a) I want to heal. That I feel really need to be healed. 

Vonne Solis  38:06  

Brenda Rachel  38:06  
Or that, you know, don't have, haven't just been a part of teaching me something when they happened to teach me the show me the bigger picture. You know what I'm saying? That something actually needs to be healed, as opposed to something that was teaching a teaching tool.

Vonne Solis  38:27  
 Yeah, yeah.

Brenda Rachel  38:27  
Okay? So there's a vast difference between healing and and just having a learning experience. The biggest issue that I'm having that I would love to heal within my soul is why I keep creating situations of ill-health.

Vonne Solis  38:27  

Brenda Rachel  38:31  
And I already understand the ramifications of ill-health, and been there, done that numerous times. Why again, with all of this knowledge? This spiritual awareness and an intrinsic belief system that I live by, is this happening all over again? So first of all, getting mad with myself that I had once again created ill-health. And when I say ill-health, it's not I'm definitely sick or anything like that. 

Vonne Solis  39:17  

Brenda Rachel  39:17  
It's just with chronic fatigue and anxiety, the two together are just one feeds the other because one is brain and one's body. And so we were talking about this the other day, right? Like, about with our mind and our body and how they're absolutely correlated. And then I keep saying to myself, beating myself up and saying, What lesson haven't I learned? And, so maybe it's not about any kind of a lesson? You know because I keep looking for all of the lessons that I still need to like, kind of like I need to open a book and go to page 55 and on this page deal with how you coped with this in 1996 or whatever. You know what I'm saying?

Vonne Solis  40:03  
Here's a question for you then. Why do you still think that you have lessons? Because maybe we do reach a point in our incarnation and our knowledge and our wisdom where we've gotten them all. And maybe I did, and that's why I awakened to this huge, what do I call it? It's more than a task, contract. So maybe, so I'm going to say two things. So maybe you don't need to look for the lessons, because maybe what you've done and how it all has culminated for you. Because you're living by and large, I think, are you living comfortably? And and?

Brenda Rachel  40:44  
Oh yeah, yeah. 

Vonne Solis  40:45  
So so, to look for the lesson ...

Brenda Rachel  40:47  
It's not that. It's, I think for me, what I'm trying to get at is that I feel that I failed spiritually.

Vonne Solis  40:52  

Brenda Rachel  40:53  
And so that there's something that I'm missing, right in the puzzle? 

Vonne Solis  40:56  
Well maybe you are.  Maybe you are.

Brenda Rachel  40:58  

Vonne Solis  40:59  
If you're feeling it, you're feeling it.

Brenda Rachel  41:00  
Yeah, yeah.

Vonne Solis  41:01  
I want to I want to come back. I want to circle back to that. So if you're feeling it, you're feeling it, so scratch that. Maybe you're going to come into a higher awakening, like I just did? And here's what I just got, writing it down. I know some of you watching this or listening to this might you know at this point kind of go, Yeah, I don't think so. And I get that. So be patient with us. If you're just, all we're doing is offering this as stimulating conversation here as we try and figure stuff like this out ourselves. But it came to me, they gave me a message. Whether it was the angels or my daughter, as you were talking, and just said, My healing that I am going to experience, right? Because there's a part two to this story is going to heal it for all the incarnations. I don't need to do anymore. It's, it's like a one, one shot deal. And I just feel like, with that, yes!

So if I took on the task the contract of, hey, you're going to go through the most, you know, painful suffering, that whether you've experienced this in other incarnations, you're you're not remembering that. You're not remembering that. You just only know what you're going through in this lifetime. And everyone can attest to that. When we come to this planet and when we, even, you know, come into a spiritual awakening, we don't remember everything else. Which is why a lot of people go to past life regression and try and tie, well, I was a this, and that's why I'm experiencing this. And I think those connections are really, can be, can be really, really helpful. This is something completely different. So I choose to have a child, my only daughter whom I loved absolutely dearly, like my son. They, I came to the planet also to experience motherhood. This was my, this was going to be my sort of like role. 

Brenda Rachel  42:59  

Vonne Solis  42:59  
My most important role is a mother. I love my children. Ugh. Just love them. And all you moms out there that feel the same, you get what I'm saying. You'd die for them. And then lose one and or more. But in my case, one. And poof! The world explodes and like, what the hell just happened, and why? So speaking to your, Did I get all my lessons? Did I get all my lessons? But at the same time, so years later. Almost 19 years later. This is transfor I'm going through a transformation. And as fate would have it, I'm embarking on an extended trip to Southeast Asia in December. Never thought I would go there again, and it's like a pulley pulling me along, and I've got to go. Okay. And some of the places I'll be travelling have a huge respect and honour many different religions. Buddhism, Muslim, Christian, and, you know, where else? Anyway, some and a few others, but the main religions. And so I have no idea what I'm going to be embarking on on that trip. I just know and I've been saying to you, I just have to go.

Brenda Rachel  44:15  

Vonne Solis  44:16  
I have to go. And I'm not well, my husband's going with me. And I have no idea quite when we're coming back. We don't quite have a ticket home yet, but we're leaving in, you know, December, early December, and I really feel that that is connected to this epiphany of this massive healing. So what I'm saying is, so now I'm looking at it like, wow, girl. It wasn't just about you. And just healing you after Janaya died. It's about taking on the healing for many, many lifetimes where you went through this before in different ways. But certainly I did. I know I was a bereaved parent many other lifetimes, because I saw that with training with James Van Praagh in 2015 and he took us through past life, and that was pretty interesting for me. So I get it. It doesn't mean it's easy, and I understand it, but I do get the it's like, I get it. Okay, but now, how? Now how am I going to do this? So I'm just letting myself be guided. So that's kind of what I wanted to say, tied into you going, well, page, page 55.

Brenda Rachel  45:24  

Vonne Solis  45:25  
You know, did I get that lesson? Well, maybe if you just kind of, oh, just don't worry about that. Just trust that if and when you're supposed to answer for more. Because I think a lesson is calling us to answer for something. And what I mean by that is, in this life, I'm going to go in and here's what I'm going to attempt. I'm going to attempt to get a, b, c, d, e, and however long the laundry list is. And the more you get it, the more you feel at peace. You just when we get lessons, we just get, we just know we got the lesson, right? 

Brenda Rachel  45:58  

Vonne Solis  45:58  
We just know. It's complete. We feel changed, transformed, and we get it. But when something is still nagging at us? Me, it's the putting an end to all suffering, legitimately. Not just I'm done. No, it's legitimately making it okay my daughter left. I don't get stuck on how. That just said she left me and I'm okay with that. Like I'm okay with that. So that's a biggie for me. And for you, it could be the constant disability. I'm not going to speak for you, but what I'm saying is we know those things are still before us, right? But maybe this frustration is just kind of a, well, I'm readying you for something that maybe you're going to have your own epiphany. 

Brenda Rachel  46:44  
Well, I think, basically, yes, um, you know, as I, as I was mentioned, mentioning to you that the angels just gave to me, you know, like everything is in divine order. And so when I understand that. That I contracted to be here and go through the experiences that I did and have had an extremely wonderful spiritual development and unfolding.

Vonne Solis  47:13  

Brenda Rachel  47:13  
Through, through many, through grace and gratitude and everything that I can think of, with the angels' help. I don't think for me, it's about needing to have a whole bunch of other lessons. I think it's more of accepting where I'm at.

Vonne Solis  47:32  

Brenda Rachel  47:33  
And just saying that you don't, because I have felt, I guess, through everything, all the gifts I've been given, and wanting to help people?

Vonne Solis  47:43  

Brenda Rachel  47:44  
That there's something going by going through this, and I'm supposed to be learning something else, to give a gift to other people. And maybe it's just accepting that I'm where I'm at, and everything is in divine order, And I don't need to be looking for the the next thing I need to do for others. And just be, just be consciously in a place of gratitude that I'm I'm just at peace where I'm at. Instead of, you know, instead of like, okay, well, maybe I'll get some other wisdom or knowledge or tidbit that I need to share in some other way out there with other people and stuff like that. So ...

Vonne Solis  48:26  
And that folks right there is getting a lesson.

Brenda Rachel  48:28  

Vonne Solis  48:29  
Right? As you're talking. And sometimes we get the lesson just talking. The other thing I just want to briefly say. So I wanted, I want to say about lessons, is when we're struggling. So for me, it could feel, you know, I struggled with a pretty big lesson for many, many, many years that my sister helped me with. And I don't, I won't publicly speak about it. But when I finally get it, and it has to other people, you can't change other people. You can only change what you are wanting to experience inside. But the important thing to to get when so when you feel like it's a losing battle. You've heard it's a losing battle, okay? When you feel like there's just something like what you're saying, so living with this chronic fatigue is, you know, anything remnants of the Fibro. Me, I had another issue like that where I just I was at my wit's end, and I had done everything, everything. What am I not getting? What am I not getting? What am I not getting? It became more about you're getting everything you need to for you, but the critical piece for me in that situation is because you can't change other people. So if you're living in a situation where lessons have to do with another person or people, and they're not getting it for them, then you know, and you and I've talked about this as well, so just speaking very generally, then you have to really understand why you're staying in the situation. And if you do have an, if you do have the means to make a choice to not stay in a situation and you're choosing to stay, know your reasons why, and understand you've done enough for you.

So I think what I'm really trying to say is in and you can use that as an analogy, still for a disability and not being able to do you can't make fiber go away. You can't change another person. So understanding and accepting, well, these are all the reasons this relationship needs to be saved or nurtured, and I've done all I can. So in order to be in this relationship or be in these relationships, or be in this situation or live with this disability, it's out of my hands. I, well then it becomes, it becomes really more a change of consciousness, and how we're going to approach it. How we're going to live with it, understanding why we're making those decisions. Again, if it's something that you can change, but you you are choosing not to, why you're choosing not to. And in the case of something like disability, illness, where you simply just have to accept it and then understand that it's okay. It's okay, that it's that way. I will let you speak more a little bit to that. We're getting to the top of the hour, and we're not going to go on and on and on about this, but ...

Brenda Rachel  51:16  
I think we're, what I want to say, 

Vonne Solis  51:18  

Brenda Rachel  51:18  
I just want to throw in is that, I guess, basically, how I felt like I'm a spiritual failure because I'm, once again in a disability. And so I'm beating myself up because I feel like I missed, I missed something.

Vonne Solis  51:32  

Brenda Rachel  51:32  
And that and then I go, but look at all the beautiful gifts that you've been given ...

Vonne Solis  51:32  

Brenda Rachel  51:32  
through your disabilities. And you know, all the work, the beautiful work that you've been able to share with others. And so, like I said, it's a it's a conflict within myself that I should be doing something and promoting something inspirational out there that as a lesson. As a learning tool, like, like having me have my disability, that I will be be given some kind of gift that I can share with others. And I'm just saying that it's just, I just feel like it's just kind of a no-win situation right now, because I don't feel there's very much I need to give to other people and to be doing things. Basically, the bottom line was I was given, the angels very succinctly, just said, everything is in divine order. And I know because I choose to believe that I consciously create everything that happens in my life, and there's no, there is no wrong thing happening in my life. Everything is in absolutely divine order, so.

Vonne Solis  52:52  
I think, what I think, what I want to just, sort of, you know, conclude with here. As I said a few minutes ago, this is more just offering a conversation. And just kind of hmm. As, as I learn about this and think about soul healing, and like a huge, huge, huge, that's a huge, huge, huge topic. Like, whoa, ohohoh. I'm not sure I'm grateful for the awareness, but I think I am. But and just like you're sort of kind of in this situation where something's niggling at you. Gnawing at you. Kind of is there more? What am I missing? What am I missing? I would say that, look, I'm going to do the best I can with the knowledge I have at any given point in this incarnation. 

Brenda Rachel  53:35  

Vonne Solis  53:35  
And I'm going to be okay with that, because, like we've said many times, we're just in a human body, and, you know, like, I don't even think our brains. Well, they say they don't work at, you know, more than a fraction of our capacity. And I actually read many, many years ago. Many, many years ago, that one of the reasons that we, you know, sort of can't have more knowledge, is because we wouldn't be able to handle it. 

Brenda Rachel  53:36  
Yeah. I 

Vonne Solis  53:36  
We wouldn't able to handle it.

Brenda Rachel  53:37  
I agree with that. And I think we're only given anything 

Vonne Solis  53:55  
right that we can sort of handle. And look at that experience I had on that acupuncture table and I and it was so much for me, even just for a few minutes, and I was like, no, stop. It's too much. And eventually it just sort of faded out. So it's it, you know, it's kind of like the wise master. You know, the wise master. You know, the universe. Like infinity, kind of going, you just a little bit more. You can handle this, you can handle this. And then, you know, and then you're sort of, you're and then you're back in your you're back in your body, and you're back in your mind, and you're kind of going, Okay, well, that was like freaking me out. And now what? So, but I can't deny that there is something to soul healing. 

Brenda Rachel  54:55  

Vonne Solis  54:56  
And neither can you. And now you can't either! 

Brenda Rachel  54:59  

Vonne Solis  55:00  
So, well, that was kind of interesting. 

Brenda Rachel  55:04  
It was. It was. 

Vonne Solis  55:04  
And I guess all we can do is, just like I said, be aware of it. And I think that every every bit of healing we get in this body. Your body. Your corporeal, heavy, dense body, however you choose to look at it. Which is beautiful in any way on the outside and the inside, right? Any amount of healing we do for ourselves, I believe, does sort of sprinkle it on the tapestry of the soul. And I think that whatever we consciously awaken in this lifetime, right? As it says here, automatically heals it for all others.

Brenda Rachel  55:46  

Vonne Solis  55:46  
That are aligned for this purpose.

Brenda Rachel  55:48  
Right. I totally agree.

Vonne Solis  55:50  

Brenda Rachel  55:50  

Vonne Solis  55:51  
And they're kind of, you know, saying that to me. So I can feel better, like my responsibility doesn't have to be too big. I just need to heal me. Focus on healing me, because that's what I want to do. Not because I think everybody should do that. Just because I want to do that and and I know it's going to wipe the wipe the debt for for every other incarnation where one part of me, anyway, as this personality. One part of me did not manage to achieve it for whatever reason. 

Brenda Rachel  56:20  
Yeah, and I guess what I just want to close with, too, is what the angels are telling me is I didn't fail as a spiritual being because I'm going through this yet again because that's my biggest thing? And that all comes from ego. 

Vonne Solis  56:33  
Yes. Yeah.

Brenda Rachel  56:33  
So you know it's like if I just stay in each moment and live each moment with the grace and gratitude that I have for being on the planet? And having the gifts that I that I've given, to be able to have shared with people. And continue to share with people, and just saying, Thank you angels like that I'm still here. And I'm able to do this no matter if my body and mind are in physical depletion at that particular moment, but this too shall pass.

Vonne Solis  57:03  
And we're gonna give Bren an extra big thanks for being here feeling completely depleted in energy. 

Brenda Rachel  57:12  
Love you, honey. 

Vonne Solis  57:13  
Love you too, because it takes a lot sometimes to show up and continue to do work. Purpose work, just even to help you know, a few people out there at this point. 

Brenda Rachel  57:23  
When I would normally be resting on my couch right now.

Vonne Solis  57:25  
She would, but she she scheduled this in and and we both get, well, another thing is, well, we both have said to each other that we get energized when we'll talk to one another. And we'll just have a message for one another. And it'll completely turn the energy of depletion, tiredness, fatigue, you know, pain, whatever, we just get completely rejuvenated, rejuvenated and invigorated by that higher vibration energy, which even actually expresses in words, doesn't it? 

Brenda Rachel  57:59  

Vonne Solis  58:00  
And yeah, so I hope that you've enjoyed this. I'm going to be editing this and going back and going, hmm we said that? We said that? Interesting. But we'll throw it out there in mostly its complete format, because I believe these words are meant to reach certain people. 

Brenda Rachel  58:19  
I do too.

Vonne Solis  58:20  
And we're with ya! And so for anybody watching again or listening to this and you want to connect, I have a means for you to connect on my website through a newsletter. Anybody feels that you want to email me, go ahead at And you have your beautiful website filled with so many inspirational quotes,

Brenda Rachel  58:43  
Humanity with heart. 

Vonne Solis  58:44  
Humanity with heart. We'll have links below to our websites where you can be directed to all the resources that we offer. Our books. And of course, stay tuned for more interesting episodes, because we decided not to stop at nine. 

Brenda Rachel  58:58  
We sure did. We liked it so much. Do you want to continue now? 

Vonne Solis  59:02  
We do. Because why?

Brenda Rachel  59:04  
Because we get really energized. Look at us. we're getting energizeded. Look at my face now from when I started this.

Vonne Solis  59:10  
Ah, look at that cute little face. 

Anyway thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Together, we are the soul sisters. 

Brenda Rachel  59:22  
Love you sis.

Vonne Solis  59:24  
Love you too. See you next time.

Brenda Rachel  59:26  

Transcribed by