Ngā Here - The Many Connections

Haerenga Tuarua - Part 3 - Humans Are Dirt

James Beck Season 2 Episode 3

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā rau rangatira mā, tēnā rā tatou katoa, and welcome to episode three of the second season of Ngā Here.

Nau mai, tauti mai, piki mai rā.

Last time on Ngā Here we had a deep conversation about the disconnection that many of us feel as a result of the many changes that have taken place in our world over the past 100 years. We also talked about how the Bible helps us to understand who we are, and our place in the world in light of the disconnection that some of us are feeling. 

We ended episode two, by being honest about the fact that while the bible can transform the way that people see themselves, others and the world, it can also be very strange. Especially some of the stories that we find right at the start of the Bible. So that is where we pick up the conversation. 

We also have a kōrero with a soil consultant called Canaan Ahu. He is passionate about healthy soil and he works with farmers to help them understand a regenerative approach to farming.

A massive mihi to Canaan and Tony for being a part of this kaupapa.

Ngā Here - Many Connections is a project funded by The Wilberforce Foundation in partnership with Scripture Union. Produced by me, James Beck, with Creative Direction from the Revered Spanky Moore.  Our Music was created by the astounding Chris Williams - check him out on Spotify. Don’t forget to listen to the whole 6 part series of Ngā Here.

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