Ngā Here - The Many Connections

Haerenga Tuarua - Part 6 - A Sneaky Snake and Living Waters

James Beck Season 2 Episode 6

E aku nui, e aku rahi, e aku rau rangatira mā, tēnā rā tatou katoa, and welcome to episode six of the second season of Ngā Here.

In the last episode, we discussed proximity and relationship and how the human vocation depends on partnership. We pick up in this episode by jumping into Genesis 3.

We also have a kōrero with Ricky Ehau from Wai-Ora Trust.
Wai-Ora Trust is a faith-based community organisation that is dedicated to the restoration of people and the environment.

A massive mihi to Ricky and the whānau at Waiora Trust for being a part of this kaupapa.

Ko te whirika o te taura takata
Ahakoa uaina e te ua
Whitikina e te rā
Te taukaea o te aroha
Ka mau ake tonu e

The braid of humanity
Although it has been weathered by the rain, laid bare before the elements,
The interwoven connections of love
Will hold forevermore

Te Taukaea Aroha Nā Charisma Rangipunga rāua ko Paulette Tamati-Elliffe tēnei waiata i tito. Nā Komene Cassidy te whakapākehā

Ngā Here - Many Connections is a project funded by The Wilberforce Foundation in partnership with Scripture Union. Produced by me, James Beck, with Creative Direction from the Revered Spanky Moore.  Our Music was created by the astounding Chris Williams - check him out on Spotify. Don’t forget to listen to the whole 6 part series of Ngā Here.

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