The Amazon Strategist Show

Unveiling a Thrilling New Season: Amazon Strategist Show Welcomes Ben Smith and Arvin Teano as Hosts

August 02, 2023 The Amazon Strategist Show Season 2 Episode 38
Unveiling a Thrilling New Season: Amazon Strategist Show Welcomes Ben Smith and Arvin Teano as Hosts
The Amazon Strategist Show
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The Amazon Strategist Show
Unveiling a Thrilling New Season: Amazon Strategist Show Welcomes Ben Smith and Arvin Teano as Hosts
Aug 02, 2023 Season 2 Episode 38
The Amazon Strategist Show

🎉 Get ready for an electrifying new season of the Amazon Strategist Show that is set to transform your Amazon business with a fresh format and dynamic approach.🎙️

Host John Cavendish introduces two brilliant new hosts, Ben Smith and Arvin Teano, who are geared up to transform the Amazon game. 

These expert voices bring a wealth of experience, covering multiple topics ranging from the nitty-gritty operational details to the cutting-edge technical aspects of the Amazon ecosystem. 🚀

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Amazon Strategy Show is changing its format to shorter episodes with more direct questions and practical strategies for Amazon businesses.
  2. Arvin Teaño will focus on the technical aspects of Amazon, including catalog management, FBA, and inventory projections.
  3. Ben Smith will interview guests and provide insights from successful sellers and industry experts.
  4. The show aims to deliver value to the audience by sharing real-world experiences and actionable strategies for Amazon businesses.

0:00:00 Introduction of new hosts and format changes
0:01:22 Introduction of Arvin Teaño
0:02:15 Introduction of Ben Smith
0:03:11 Arvin's journey in the Amazon space
0:05:08 Ben's journey in the Amazon space
0:06:50 Ben's focus on conversations with industry experts
0:08:20 Arvin's focus on technical elements of Amazon

Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

#amazonsellercentral #amazonsupport #ecommerce #amazonbusiness

Show Notes Transcript

🎉 Get ready for an electrifying new season of the Amazon Strategist Show that is set to transform your Amazon business with a fresh format and dynamic approach.🎙️

Host John Cavendish introduces two brilliant new hosts, Ben Smith and Arvin Teano, who are geared up to transform the Amazon game. 

These expert voices bring a wealth of experience, covering multiple topics ranging from the nitty-gritty operational details to the cutting-edge technical aspects of the Amazon ecosystem. 🚀

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Amazon Strategy Show is changing its format to shorter episodes with more direct questions and practical strategies for Amazon businesses.
  2. Arvin Teaño will focus on the technical aspects of Amazon, including catalog management, FBA, and inventory projections.
  3. Ben Smith will interview guests and provide insights from successful sellers and industry experts.
  4. The show aims to deliver value to the audience by sharing real-world experiences and actionable strategies for Amazon businesses.

0:00:00 Introduction of new hosts and format changes
0:01:22 Introduction of Arvin Teaño
0:02:15 Introduction of Ben Smith
0:03:11 Arvin's journey in the Amazon space
0:05:08 Ben's journey in the Amazon space
0:06:50 Ben's focus on conversations with industry experts
0:08:20 Arvin's focus on technical elements of Amazon

Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

#amazonsellercentral #amazonsupport #ecommerce #amazonbusiness

Speaker 1:

We're going to be changing up the format.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be making shorter episodes, more direct questions, that we answer more things to the point, and we're going to have many more guests, and part of that is having some amazing new hosts.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm your host, john Cavendish, and welcome to the Amazon Strategist show. The show that's all strategy, with no hacks, no silver bullets, no magic pills, just real, practical strategies for your Amazon business. So today is a short episode and a very special episode as I'm going to introduce our new hosts for the Amazon Strategist. So we are one year into the show now. It's, as recordings, live 26 2023. And I think our first episode was pretty much a year ago, around that that it went live and over that time the show is growing. We've run the Amazon strategy summit and lots of exciting things have been happening with us at seller candy and at the Amazon strategy show.

Speaker 1:

So what was going to happen? We're going to be changing up the format. We're going to be making shorter episodes, more direct questions, that we answer more things to the point, and we're going to have many more guests, and part of that is having some amazing new hosts. So who are we going to have hosting us. We have two amazing new hosts I'm going to bring up onto the screen right now. So if you're watching, if you're not watching, imagine that someone's popping up in front of you. So first I'd like to introduce Mr Arvin Tiano. He is a friend of mine and a colleague of mine.

Speaker 1:

We've been working together seller candy and a previous companies for the last eight years seven and a half years a lot for a long time and Arvin is based in the Philippines, so for me he's just popping up. Arvin, welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Hey John. Yep, I'm so excited to be part of this new strategy show. I'm just really excited to be here and to be part of this journey. Thank you, John.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for being here and yeah, we're going to be called the Amazon strategy show, still going forward, but we will have different themes and different series, which is really cool. So, as Arvin, I'd like to also introduce Mr Ben Smith, another colleague of mine. Ben is our head of partnerships at seller candy and Arvin is our chief delivery officer. So, ben, welcome to the show. Hello.

Speaker 3:

Hello, hello. Thanks, john. Really excited to be here finally. I've been watching in the background for the first many episodes and now I'm finally on the show, so this is awesome.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm so glad to have both of you on the show and I know that the audience is really going to enjoy getting to know both of you in different episodes over the next many years. Hopefully we'll see how he goes. All right, Now there's all of us here. I thought we could do a little bit where you each introduce your journey, kind of in the Amazon space, just so we have a little bit of background. So, just so everyone knows I don't have ever shared my full journey, but you know I was a seller. We had an agency actually in that agency, Ecom DNA. Five years ago both me and Arvin and Ben all worked together. Maybe nearly five years ago, around five years ago we all worked together and now we're together and sell a candy, four and a half years later. So I'm going to pass you over first to Arvin and Arvin. Tell us a little bit about your journey in the Amazon space.

Speaker 2:

Hey, john, yeah, so I first started my journey in about 2015. Yeah, I can see myself now 2015,. I met John, so I started as a bookkeeper for John. He was a seller back then and then a year and a half later, I was invited to actually come in during full time to run the operations of his Amazon account in the UK and so we're selling there in the UK and also started launching products in the USA. And, as John mentioned, we also launched agencies about five years ago where John, where I actually met Ben, the guy over there.

Speaker 2:

So the journey for me is really fun. It's always challenging to work with Amazon. I saw how it changed from where you can just do things really easily manually on the back end and then to having difficulty just updating a simple title and you know, that journey along the way kind of made me be, I would say, an expert, but still a lot to learn with all of the reports, with all of the things that you can do about seller central account strategies, ppc recording, bookkeeping and reimbursement. So, yeah, that's been my journey with Amazon. Right now I am also a chip delivery officer of Seller Candy, where I am focusing more on dealing with technical issues, talking to our clients also guiding and supporting our team, process improvements and such. So thank you, john. I think that's enough for me today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thanks for sharing Arvin. So Arvin is the technical expert. So any technical problems and all the other stuff You'll be leading through, I'm very excited for the audience to experience your experience, experience squared. So, arvin, all right, hand over to Ben For a bit of your background cool, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I think I kind of got into the Amazon space in about 2015 and I've, you know, since then been in a bunch of different roles. But my first kind of big thing was I started working for a guy who's a big wholesaler at the time when it was still, I guess, kind of the Wild West days, and then I also on the side, built a little eBay business With him around that and then from there kind of just gradually moved into different roles in the Amazon ecosystem. So you know, managing brands and then ultimately meeting John and Arvin I actually remember meeting you guys I think it was in Chiang Mai, I don't remember what year that was, but working as an account manager At the agency that they started, and that was a really awesome experience. And I continued on a little bit after that business. John sell sold that business off and started seller candy and then regrouped with them here and then on the side, you know, I've also always had my own Amazon businesses.

Speaker 3:

I've done private label products, I've done retail arbitrage, online arbitrage, and today I still keep kind of my toes dipped in the water, so to speak. I still have a KDP business and I still also have a merch by Amazon business. So I'm still running ads, I'm still doing some stuff on the platform, but I just like to kind of, you know, keep some touch points and kind of always be in the know. So, yeah, really excited to be here and it's been cool. So now working, you know, full circle back at seller candy, back with some familiar faces that now We've worked together over the years, so it's been really fun.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, ben. So what's coming up like? Let's go a little bit into how it's gonna be different what each of you are gonna be covering for the podcast. So first, ben, what are you really gonna be covering and diving into with the, with the Amazon Structure show?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I'm really excited about kind of the new structure in the upcoming episodes that we have, because Arvin and I are both gonna take slightly different approaches. So I'm gonna kind of continue a little bit in what you were doing, john, which is, you know, having kind of these conversations with partners and service providers and sellers and just People in the space that are in the trenches, they're testing things, they're successful sellers, they've had failures and just really delivering that value to the audience to really learn from. And so I'm kind of gonna be continuing down that route and I'm really excited because we have some really cool people from all across the board, so kind of giving you that breath in terms of areas that maybe you have not really heard about, even within the Amazon space, like you know, talking about Amazon influencers or some of these other things that are kind of up and coming on the horizon and just trying to deliver as much of that value.

Speaker 3:

And the other thing I just wanted to mention there is, you know, I like to kind of consider myself almost a Specialized generalist like I know a lot about Amazon from a high level, enough to be dangerous, but I don't know how to, you know, run DSP campaigns. I don't know the nitty-gritty of all the things, and so what I'm really excited about is I'm just curious to bring these people on because I want to learn about this, these various tactics and things that they're doing and I think that's my goal for the upcoming episodes that I'm gonna be doing with Some of our guests is really trying to kind of put you in my shoes as someone who really is asking this person, so that you can tease out the best things you could implement in your business, right, if you're an Amazon seller or looking to become one, so that's kind of on my side, and then Arvin will let you kind of take, take it from here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks, ben. Yeah, that sounds really exciting. On my side, I will be focusing more on the technical element of like how we do things here in seller candy. The things like most of the questions I'm getting whenever I'm having catch up calls with our clients is how you do, how are you doing this? How are you fixing these kind of issues? So we're covering issues like how we work on flat files, how we are doing reimbursements, how we are doing inventory projections, making our listeners be familiar with Amazon reports and how they can take advantage of it, because I've been wanting and I've been really, really wanting to share all the things that I know about Amazon right now, from the catalog, from the FBA and all of these things that I've gained throughout the years, and I will be using this medium to actually share it, not only to our team, but also to our listeners out there. So, yeah, I'm so excited with that. So, yeah, that would be my focus. Thanks, ben and John, back to you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. So thanks Ben, thanks Arvin, and yeah, that's actually the end of our agenda for this short little episode. All that is left on my agenda is one million new subscribers in the next 24 hours. So if you would like to share this episode with someone who you think might get some value at what's going forward, please do share it. You can subscribe on Spotify. You can subscribe on Apple Podcasts. You can subscribe on any other platform you may use. Recently, I've been using Spotify because I like having everything in one place. So thank you so much, everyone who's listening, and we will see you at the next episode very, very soon.