The Amazon Strategist Show

Boost Your Amazon Listing Traffic 10x More with these Expert Strategies

October 18, 2023 The Amazon Strategist Show Season 2 Episode 48
Boost Your Amazon Listing Traffic 10x More with these Expert Strategies
The Amazon Strategist Show
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The Amazon Strategist Show
Boost Your Amazon Listing Traffic 10x More with these Expert Strategies
Oct 18, 2023 Season 2 Episode 48
The Amazon Strategist Show

Join us as we dive deep into the world of Amazon listing optimization with our distinguished guest, Rafael Veloz, a three-time Telly award-winning entrepreneur, and co-founder of ShareIt Studio. With over 15 years of experience, Rafael has cracked the code to stand out in the competitive Amazon landscape and he's ready to share his secrets. 

Ever wondered why some Amazon sellers skyrocket to the top while others struggle to keep up? Rafael explains that the secret lies in the content. He paints a clear picture of how to create winning hero images, sponsor brand ads videos, and utilize Amazon Inspire and Amazon's premium A+ content. 

Book a call with Seller Candy. Your treat awaits!

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Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

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Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Join us as we dive deep into the world of Amazon listing optimization with our distinguished guest, Rafael Veloz, a three-time Telly award-winning entrepreneur, and co-founder of ShareIt Studio. With over 15 years of experience, Rafael has cracked the code to stand out in the competitive Amazon landscape and he's ready to share his secrets. 

Ever wondered why some Amazon sellers skyrocket to the top while others struggle to keep up? Rafael explains that the secret lies in the content. He paints a clear picture of how to create winning hero images, sponsor brand ads videos, and utilize Amazon Inspire and Amazon's premium A+ content. 

Book a call with Seller Candy. Your treat awaits!

Ben Smith's Social Media

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Rafael Veloz's Socials:

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For content collaborations, please email us at: 

Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

#amazonsellercentral #amazonsupport #ecommerce #amazonpodcast

Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

#amazonsellercentral #amazonsupport #ecommerce #amazonbusiness

Speaker 1:

The more you invest in content, the better it's going to return to you in the short, medium or long term.

Speaker 2:

All right. Hello, I'm your host, ben, and welcome back to another episode of season two of the Amazon Strategist show. The show that's all strategy, with no hacks, no silver bullets and no magic pills. Instead, we talk about real practical strategy for serious Amazon sellers. We have an amazing guest today, rafael. I just finished recording with him and this was a great episode. We talked about all things Amazon listings and content.

Speaker 2:

Rafael we didn't really get into this so I'm going to say it now, but he's a three times tele award winning entrepreneur in marketing and film. He actually started at Nickelodeon, which is a really cool backstory, but today he is the co-founder of ShareIt Studio. They do all things content for Amazon sellers, for their listings, store fronts, a plus content and so much more. So we talk a lot today about optimizing your listings, getting ready for Q4 in the holiday selling season, how to test kind of your listings to make sure they're doing well, and how to connect with more shoppers and so much more. So make sure you watch this all the way through. Let us know if you learned something, what it was. Comments, questions we like to hear all the feedback. So, without further ado, let's go ahead and dive right in.

Speaker 2:

Today we have the pleasure of being joined by the incredible Rafael. Rafael, I know you've got a long bio here, but I'm going to first dig into just kind of talking about your company really quick and then we can talk a little bit about your backstory. So Rafael is the co-founder of ShareIt Studio. So ShareIt Studio they are a partner in the Amazon advertising network, they're award winning, they're customer obsessed with marketing content creation and overall an agency for Amazon sellers with 15 plus years of experience in the space.

Speaker 2:

So, using their effective data driven method and their marketing first approach, they analyze clients listings, industry competition reviews, faq, among others, to create photos, videos and A plus content. And they can also help with all things storefront, amazon posts and general graphic design, branding, packaging, all of that jazz. So a lot of cool stuff, and we're. I'm really excited to dig into this because I am always very interested in the kind of topic of how to optimize listings right. So, without further ado, rafael, welcome to the show. Appreciate you coming on today, but how's the day going for you so far?

Speaker 1:

Ben Ben. Thank you so much, my friend. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great time in Cali. Here in Miami, as you can see out of my window, it's sunny and it's just Miami, so it's it's good. I can't could be more blessed right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's amazing. I've never been to Miami, but it's one of the places I've had on my hit list and I feel like it's one of those places. It's like California, which I'm just going to say the entire state of California, new York and then Miami specifically, I feel like, are always the hot beds for Amazon sellers, and I'm going to say Austin slash Texas as well, but separate from that Miami. I've heard amazing things so I definitely need to get out there, so maybe I'll come visit at some point soon.

Speaker 1:

Definitely. I'll take you down to the Wizards of Ecom, carlos Oliver's group he's a good friend of mine and there's a bunch of Amazon sellers. As we meet up every Saturday, it's like church before church, so definitely come down to it, I'll show you around. I live in Windwood and I'll just show you around Windwood man.

Speaker 2:

Cool. Well, I'll have to take you up on that. So, Rafael, I know you've been in the space for a while. I want to kind of just dive right in and, to you know, take it back to the beginning. Can you tell us a little bit about how you actually got started in this Amazon world, where you know, if you were a seller first or you dove right into kind of graphic design or everyone's got a different story. So what is your story about getting into Amazon?

Speaker 1:

Dude, it's such a good story. I think it's a good story. So I was actually working at Nickelodeon at the time. I was a post production coordinator for Nickelodeon. At that time I was working on a show called Club 57. And if anybody here is from Latin America listening, there's a guy right now very hot called Camilo. He's from Colombia and his wife, eva Luna, is. She's pretty big in the space, like her dad is huge, huge, huge, huge, and she was the main cast and actress in that show.

Speaker 1:

I was doing that, but the executive producer's best friend, I was selling a coffee machine in Amazon and he was doing very bad and he's like hey, I want to create a video for this coffee machine. He asked his friend, ricky, and Ricky asked me. He's like hey, dude, do you know how to shoot? I'm like, yes, I know how to shoot. So we created a commercial and the commercial did really good. He also asked me afterwards like hey, do you know how to do photos? I'm like yes, yeah, I know how to take photos. You hire me, remember? He's like oh, yeah, okay, cool. So we did that and his sales started increasing drastically. He was in the coffee space espresso. I think he sold the company I haven't talked to in years, honestly, and I did really well and I went to get out of the rat race.

Speaker 1:

You know, nine to five, what are we all? I mean, you're a digital nomad. I don't think you're in the rat race that much, right. You travel and stuff. So I was like I was in the same boat. I was trying to get out of that boat, get into the you know, the digital nomad life type boat and just do my own thing. And I met with I met a mentor and he told me you have to be the best at something specific and I already have my first music video. I did like in 2009, if I don't miss call. So I've been in this space already for a while. I just tried to do a bunch of things like you know restaurants, real estate, marketing. I've been doing filmmaking since 2009 and marketing since 2012.

Speaker 1:

And after that I figured out like, hey, none of these really get that emotion out of me until I went into the Amazon space and I was like, hey, I'm actually pretty good at this, maybe this is my calling. And I started doing more and more and more. I went on to my sign up for the Jungle Scout marketplace. We got over 100 reviews, five stars all of them. We were freelancers of the month for a bunch of, bunch of bunch of months and I was like this is it. This has to be it, because I'm actually very good at it. I found my call, I think, and it's been very good so far. We're up to 20 employees already. We've won many awards like this. This is a Telly Award, which is a very good award in the industry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then we just focused on creating content. We developed a bunch of little. I wouldn't call it little my team's got to kill me but I'll develop a bunch of workshop books. We've done a bunch of stuff. We presented a lot of places and the only thing we do right now is content, because I believe that content is listening. People are online buying products through the visual aspect. So if you get some sneakers online, they have to look pretty, and the way to make them look pretty is by transmitting that information and the way it transmits through visual content. So, yeah, I think that's about it.

Speaker 2:

Over those, yeah, that was an awesome backstory. I love the piece of advice you got from your mentor. First of all, I was just going to call that out about being the best at something. Right, that's like the best way to stand out, and a lot of times I was listening to a podcast I think my first million or one of these other entrepreneurial ones, like a week or two ago, and it doesn't necessarily what they were saying is.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be 100% better than your competition. Sometimes it's you're just five or 10% better, and that five or 10% gives you exponential returns. Right, because everyone wants to come work with you. They know you're better by five to 10%. They might not know that number, but it really goes a long way for you. And same is true for your Amazon listings, right. If you have main images or keywords that are optimized five to 10% better, that's going to do a lot of work. So I'm sure we're going to talk a lot about that today, man, but that's a I love the backstory there. Can you tell us a little bit more about what Sharet Studio, your agency, does? I know we're talking about content, but give us kind of the breakdown in terms of where your guys kind of areas of expertise are. And then from there I really want to dig into, you know, some of the different aspects of listings and what really the listeners can do right now, maybe if they want to optimize your listings or prepare for Q4 or what have you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah for sure. So the most important thing I would say is content, like the type of content we do. So the most important thing for me is having that every very good hero image that tracks people. So, for example, I would say first, is traffic right? Without traffic, there's no conversions. So you need traffic to drive conversions because if nobody goes through a listing, what are you going to sell Nothing. So the most essential piece of content I would say it's hero image, having a good strategy behind a good hero image. And, as well, sponsor brand ad videos.

Speaker 1:

So there's a bunch of videos you can upload on Amazon. You get the listing video. You have the Amazon storefront video. You've got the premium A plus video. You got the related videos. You got a bunch of videos. The most important video for me, the first one, is sponsor brand ads video, because that's like a Superbowl commercial. Right, that's the video that appears when you search for something. Let's just say watch, and then there's a bunch of watches there and then you'll see a video in the middle of the page, of the search result page or the bottom page. Okay, that video, that's why I call it a Superbowl commercial, because it has to be quick, has to be very, very quick. I have a bunch of YouTube videos talking about that if you guys want to go check it out, but the first three seconds is the most important. All right, so I would say hero images and sponsor brand ad videos.

Speaker 1:

Then when you start driving traffic to your listing is obviously getting that conversion, and there's a bunch of ways to do it. For example, the newest one quote unquote new because there's always something new coming out is having that premium A plus content. So if you guys didn't know, premium A plus content before was only through invite and you have to pay a lot of money. It's like $500,000, $200,000. Only big, big brands had it before. Amazon understood that there's a bunch of other services rolling out, other other marketplaces, platforms right now, and you got Walmart right. So the best way that Amazon can mix sure that people are coming back to them is offering a better service. That's it Right. So better prices, services, etc. Etc. Etc. So like, okay, shopping experience is very important. Let me roll out premium A plus content to everybody through some meticulous way, and the meticulous way is just having variations uploaded. Before was seven, now it's three. The three is like actually very recent, like a month ago, so now you can upload that. If you have A plus content, you should definitely bump up to premium. The cool about premium A plus content which is what we do at least is that you can upload two different versions. You can upload the desktop version and the mobile version. When we work at Sherwin studio, we make a strategy for both, because you shouldn't be using the same A plus content for both outputs.

Speaker 1:

It's not the same to be in your computer and to be in the phone. The way we perceive and analyze the information through the phone. It's completely different in desktop. Think TikTok, for example. Right, I mean, I've had you seen a bunch of TikTok videos and when you've been on LinkedIn, even though you're the same person, you're the same human. When you are on LinkedIn, your mindset is different than when you are on TikTok. So the same video that goes viral on TikTok not necessarily is going to go viral on LinkedIn. How that makes sense? I talk a lot, man Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

No, 100%, yeah, and that that I was just going to say like that was a really good point, because I you know I will back in my account management days when I was kind of in the agency side of things. Like one of the things that we would always ask the brand is have you looked at what your search results look like on mobile? And oftentimes the answer was no, like we've never really checked like or maybe we've checked once, but it was a year ago and I feel like that's such an overlooked piece is like just pull your phone out If you, if you're selling on Amazon, it's your brand. Go look at what your competitors look like and what you look like when you search for your main keyword, right, and oftentimes you're going to find you might not be optimized if you haven't thought about it, and I know that things have changed since I was really in that in that space, so, but that's a really good call out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, 100%. And also the traffic through mobile is like 70% for Amazon. So what would you want to have that piece that this is literally the third arm of a human Like you would. If you leave your house without this and you're like three blocks away, I am like 90% sure you're going to go back and get your phone, because that's it's that important for us right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah for sure. So obviously the two most important you've called that right the video, the hero image. Do you have any like just really high level tips for mastering those? And I'm curious specifically like if thing, what has kind of changed over the years, if anything? I know sponsored videos have been around for I don't know what. Has it been three years already, four years, I don't know, maybe it's been less than that. Time flies by quick. But and images, obviously hero images have not really changed much. But you know Amazon's gotten more stringent. Different things work and don't work. So have you noticed any specific trends that have changed in the last maybe year or so that you guys are seeing?

Speaker 1:

Wow. The only trend that I've seen is that people are investing more into content, and the reason is the following Like everything in life, things usually get more competitive, right. So everything goes up, right, prices, shipping, whatever goes up. So does competition. So before, in 2015, I remember that people started selling and they just uploaded whatever and they made a quick buck, which is great. But now Amazon's got it so competitive.

Speaker 1:

There's a bunch of people from outside of the US and within the US trying to sell within the US marketplace. Now you got a bunch of factors around the world that they are the ones creating their own brands and selling it here in the US. So you got people like Joe that comes in and he just he used to buy this water bottle from China and now the water bottle company that makes these things have the same water bottle is cutting him off by price. Joe can compete on price against the same factory that uses this. It's impossible for Joe, right. So, like Joe does, is he makes a brand. That's why Amazon is pushing brands.

Speaker 1:

If you look up closely what Amazon is doing, they're creating a culture around culture, literally. So you got Amazon Post right, which is like the Instagram like feature. You got Amazon Inspire, which is amazing. If you guys start using Amazon Inspire, please start using Amazon Inspire. And then in the Amazon Store you get the follow button. Do you remember when people used to be like, oh, you're an Instagram influencer and people got picked on like 2010,?

Speaker 2:

right, I think people still get picked on for that, but yeah but now it's a bunch of money.

Speaker 1:

Look how much money Logan Paul made based on Prime and a bunch of his followers, right, so that's because he drives attention. That's a lot of money. So imagine if your brand two years from now you know you sell the water bottles, you're the best water bottle agency out there Sorry, brand out there and you have a million Amazon followers how much you think that company's got to be valued for? Because you're bringing more to the table than your competition, right? So you're trying to develop. From my point of view, they're trying to develop more. I'll wrap it around they're trying to develop more, creating brands than just flipping products, so people come back to the platform. That's the biggest trend I'm seeing, and for that you need content, you need visual content.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's great. I definitely agree with that. You mentioned two kind of things that I've been very, very into recently, which Amazon Post obviously is not a new thing, right, but I have always been a big proponent of it, just because it's a free way to mainly display on your competitors listings but also get just more content out there. I'm curious kind of what you guys do in terms of strategy on posts, and I'm just going to wrap that into Amazon Inspire, which is obviously kind of the newer element here. You mentioned that and said we need to go get on that. So why is that such a big opportunity? Does that directly relate to posts? How are they different? Tell us a little bit about those two.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Amazon Post is more like Instagram and Amazon Inspire is more I'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible and Amazon Inspire is more like TikTok, right? So if you go to your Amazon app, you'll see the home button, a little star, which was before a light bulb, a little human and a card and the menu, right, and you see videos like this, right? So, for example, this person made a Gucci unboxing video and now this person goes from here and you can tag the product and you can add it to the card automatically. This is where TikTok and Instagram didn't really go that well, because people didn't have the trust to put in their credit card, their payment information, through that platform. But everybody trusts Amazon, like you trust Amazon blindly with your credit card because you know that whatever happens they'll be, they're customer-accessive, so they'll be happy to refund you, right? So you trust them a lot.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, this video got 2.4,000 likes. If this video went viral and, let's say, 5% of the people bought, at least you know, the Gucci strap, which is 50 bucks, you made a bunch of money already, right? So that's why it's so important that attention, grabbing that attention, and you can see posts that have 30 likes, 40 likes, 100,000 likes. So that's why it's important. So last time I checked you as a brand, you can upload to post and then the inspire algorithm grabs it from post and if you are an Amazon influencer, you can actually upload vertical videos and they could get featured here, but you can also upload to related videos. So it just depends what you're looking for. I personally, I we have an account as a seller because I also sell on Amazon, but also I have an account that is an Amazon influencer, right. So we try to do as much as possible because the competitions are working us and I'm out working my competition, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that. That's cool. I actually got approved for the Amazon influencer program too, from Liz. I don't know if you know her, but she, she got me to do it and yeah, it's been interesting. I've been messing around with it, so it's kind of cool.

Speaker 1:

You're not gonna do some TikTok twerking videos, right?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, we'll see what happens, whatever gets the attention. Rafael, I wanted to ask you one other question which I'm just curious about. But how important are storefronts these days? I mean, you know, they've always kind of been this thing, but they've always also been this thing. That's like maybe you know, maybe you're getting traffic. I've seen some of the bigger brands I personally worked with. It can be a significant amount of traffic, but what have you guys seen so?

Speaker 1:

we see that brands that invest in storefront sooner. They don't see the buck straight away, but in the future they do, because storefronts gather data. That data helps you in the long run, right? So if you have, let's say, one product, when you start your storefront, you start getting data how many people are clicking on it, how many people are converting? Once you start developing that brand even more and more and more, you start getting more loyalty from customers.

Speaker 1:

For example, I started shopping when I was in film school. I started shopping for lights with a brand called Neewer I don't know if that's how you pronounce it, right? So they have like a low end for like students and they have like a higher end for like professionals. I don't get all my stuff there, but the stuff that I do get because you know, like you know, once you approve, like once you get advanced in life, you like start getting better and better and better. But there are some things that I still get there. For example, my light stands and I became so attached to them as a consumer because I felt like they helped me in the beginning. Right, because they have very, very good low price products. I go into their page and I can browse it. It's easier for me than, instead of, like, just looking for whatever. Sometimes I find things that I didn't know they had right. So that's why Amazon storefronts are so, so important because it's not, it's given that extra shopping experience to the consumer. That's what Amazon wants.

Speaker 1:

I actually have a fun story. I let me get this for you. I quit Nickelodeon and I had to understand the beast. Right, I wanted to understand the beast within. So I looked for the first and quickest job I can get approved on Amazon and I started delivering packages for Amazon. Right, this is me.

Speaker 1:

Look at this, yeah, and the first thing, I, when I got to that warehouse, this was like 2018. When I got to that warehouse, customer obsession and I before I was just a driver and they would. I did that for like three months and they drilled in the values for Amazon, right, and one of them is understanding the customer customers always first. Thus, the shopping experience for the customer has to be super, super, like top notch. That's why Amazon gives all these tools. Yes, it's more money that you have to invest, for the algorithm picks that up. It's like, okay, this brand is actually good for this client. That's where the honeymoon phase come, which is actually a trial phase when you launch a new product. So yeah, I think I hope that answer your question. I wanted to have the time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's a good answer and that's cool. Do you think working at Amazon's helped you out in some way? I know that you know there's obviously many different aspects of Amazon, but has that been a cool part of your experience as well? Just curious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, honestly, this is one of the toughest jobs I have ever done in my life, delivering packages. That's why I see a delivery guy, I'm like I salute you, my friend, I salute you. Yeah, a lot of respect for those guys Especially.

Speaker 2:

Q4 is about to come around.

Speaker 1:

I actually you know what they hire me at that point? Because I applied in Q4. That's why and they always hire more people on Q4. And they hire me within like a day. So I was like, oh cool, let me just try it out. I did it for three months. I was going to do it for six. My goals was for six. I did it for three and I'm like I'm out. Thank you, thank you, guys. I already learned enough. Plus, the agency was getting out there through Jungle Scout at that time. So, yeah, but yeah, it helped me out a lot to understand more of the Amazon culture. And if you understand their culture more, the more you understand their culture, the better you can service their customers. Because at the end of the day, unless you're grabbing data, like my friend Sean Hart says if you're not grabbing their data, they are in the Amazon database. So they will only remain in the Amazon database, that's the Amazon customer, until you have control of that. I don't know if that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Yep, 100%. No, I love that and I just I think that's a good reminder for anyone that sees a delivery purse around the holidays, you know is be nice to them put water out or something, because they're probably having a rough time right now or about to start having some pretty long days. Raphael, I want to be, I want to be conscious of your time, so I kind of wanted to transition now into our controversial take section. My first question is always do you think pineapple belongs on pizza? Because that's the perfect warm up question. So I'm going to ask you that first.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's a tough one, my friend. That's a really tough one. I will say yes, and all my Italian friends that I went to school with, if they watched this, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get some death threats. Mateo, if you're watching this, I'm sorry, but yes, I do believe that pineapple belongs in pizza.

Speaker 2:

Okay, good stuff. All right, now we'll take it away from the dangerous, dangerous Italian mafia friends that you have and just ask you what's kind of the most debatable or controversial idea or opinion that you holds when it comes to kind of the Amazon or e-commerce industry, if you do have one, and this could be just something where maybe the general industry believes this thing and you know you instead believe this other direction. I think last week our guest Mon was saying that from AO2 was saying that ACOS should not be really a core marketing metric that you look at. There's so many other more important metrics beyond that, but most of the industry is kind of like oh, acos is very important, so could be something like that, but do you have something that you think of in that way?

Speaker 1:

I like to be as simple as I can.

Speaker 1:

I believe that the thing that makes the most amount of money for you not revenue, because that's just vanity the thing that can put the most amount of money in your pocket is what matters, and, from my perspective, what I've seen since 2017-2018 is that the more you invest in content, a lot of people don't see this as valuable.

Speaker 1:

But the most you invest in content not because you can do it with whatever other studio you want, but just make sure you have a plan the better it's going to return to you in the short, medium or long term. A lot of sellers that have been on the game for maybe a long time or they don't see the value in it they don't think content is important. They just think it's just, oh, ppc, it can depend on price reviews. There's a lot of things that go into it, yes, but I would say that content is actually one of the most important aspects to it, even more than PPC, because if you are driving traffic with PPC either way, your PPC depends on your hero image. If you have a very bad hero image or you have a very bad video, maybe you're not going to drive traffic because there's a bunch of other people bidding for that keyword, so it's not necessarily the TV's pockets. That's my take on it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I mean, that makes sense. If your main image or any of the other imagery or anything else on the listing isn't good, your conversion rates are lower, your click-through rates are lower. All that stuff means that your ads are going to cost more to run to get a sale. So totally understand that. And that's changed, I think, probably since you and I both got into the Amazon world. You used to be able to take your manufacturer's photo and throw it up and then that would kind of work, and then it was like now it's like you have to invest, and that's right.

Speaker 2:

I think everyone's kind of of that same mindset these days is really that it should be one of the core things you need to spend money on and invest upfront. One last question there If I'm a new seller and I'm launching, let's say, my first product or my first couple variations, what are the kind of first things? What's the waterfall, so to speak, of how I should invest my money into the content? Is it going to be the main and secondary images, then a plus content, then video, then Amazon posts inspire when do you kind of see that fitting in?

Speaker 1:

That's a great question. So if you're a new buyer, depending on your budget, let's just say you have, I am scrapping the pot with this budget. Like this is my life savings. Like this is right or die. This is it. This is literally it. I have like sense. I'm counting the pennies. I would say do take at least a course to take photos with the best camera you can find. Let's just say it's your iPhone. We're actually developing a course on that. I'm not trying to plug my course in, but just in case we're developing that, let's just say your iPhone.

Speaker 1:

Have a strategy. The most important thing you can have is a strategy. Understand your buyer persona, actually understand your buyer persona. What do they like? What are this like? What makes them nervous? What makes them edgy? What can spark attention? What can touch a pain point? What can give them pain? Actually, what can give them pleasure? All these things. Try to understand it and execute the strategy based on that.

Speaker 1:

The first thing I would focus would be the hero image. We usually do at least minimal. Three hero images, three different hero images, and one of those hero images is not TOS compliant, it's not terms and service compliant. Go out there, check your competition out. I'm pretty sure they are using props in their hero images. That's not TOS compliant, so make sure it's. You know you're trying to push the boundaries right. That's how we got to the moon push the boundaries, so make sure you push the boundaries for the hero image. Test that out. We personally use Pickful Use whatever you guys want.

Speaker 1:

Afterwards, I would say, focus on your lifestyle images, then infographics Okay, have all your images for your listing ready. Focus on getting that BBC in drumming traffic, as well as your sponsor brand ads, video. After you focus on those two things, I would focus on A plus content. It's very important. I would minimum if I'm launching a brand right now and I have, like just you know, very limited budget I would do photos, sponsor brand ads, video and A plus content, and then I would do a listing video. I would at least tell the agency I'm working with okay, do two cuts to edit. One's going to be more lengthier talking about the product and one's going to be quick and easy talking about the. Just a key feature. That answers the question. That's where I would start and then I will go down the pipeline. You know I must post all these other things.

Speaker 2:

Cool, love that. And my last, last question, raphael, is so for the main images, we know what the hero image is supposed to generally look like, but what are you going to do with those other secondary images? Do you have like a general formula for like, hey, you should have two lifestyle showing you know, benefits, features, benefits, whatever and then two that are showing. I don't know something like what's your kind of formula there, because I've seen so many different things over the and maybe it probably depends on the type of products in the category. But do you have any rough formula for that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So the most important thing is understanding the buyer and the product. Another same thing to sell a baby product, a newborn product, then to sell, let's say, this carburetor for your mac, right? So this is more technological. I will use more for backers for this Because, as I asked my question, hey, you have three USB three, you have an SD carburetor, microsd carburetor, you have HDMI.

Speaker 1:

You tell more about the benefits for a baby, though parents usually I'm not going to ask you all because I'm a student, you know depending on your biopersona, but usually they don't go low on their babies or newborns cost of goods. They care more about the end result. For example, this is not going to give your babies allergens, right? So you put a mom and or dad holding the baby and telling like, this is a great of all, this is organic, etc. Etc. So it will depend on the product, will depend on the biopersona and make sure you just touch in that emotional fiber. That's what marketing is, guys. Marketing is just your manipulating, basically the consumer. Which is that what? That's what you want. It sounds bad, but it is bad and obviously the better your product, the better you can serve the world and that's what we're here for Right. So just do good and try manipulating a good way.

Speaker 2:

All right, manipulated a good way. I like that. Rafael, I know you're. You're crunched for time and I want to be respectful today, so we might have to have you back for a second round here. But I just wanted to say, first of all, thanks again for coming on the show and I want to turn it around to you for a second, for anyone who's listening or watching this, you know, to learn where they can find you. You know if it's linked in your website, tell us real quick where people can connect with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, guys, just go to Google and type share it studiocom. That's share. Like you share a post on social media, share it studiocom and you can find all the information there. On Instagram, linkedin Well, you know, for my LinkedIn there that's a lot Instagram, youtube where you can watch our videos. Contact us. We do give listing audits. That's for free. Basically, you jump on a call and you tell us hey, this is my listing, this is my competitors. What do you think can do better? You can take our ideas and go execute with somebody else or you can execute with us. It really depends up to you. We're just. If you win with that idea, even with another student, you're going to come back to us in a second time. So it's a win-win situation every way possible.

Speaker 2:

Nice, love it, and especially going into Q4. Now is a really good time, at the start of Q4, you know which this? Hopefully this will come out in the next week or two, but is now. You should definitely be looking at this stuff, and that's not for now. Hey, the new year is right around the corner too, so I encourage you guys to check that out for anyone listening or watching, and we will put all the links, everything down below in the show notes or the description, if you're watching on YouTube. So, raphael, any other parting words? Otherwise, I think that's going to bring us here to the end of the episode.

Speaker 1:

Guys, god bless, have fun and make money, man. That's all about.

Speaker 2:

All right, that brings us to the end of this episode. Thanks again to Raphael from ShareIt Studio. Those are an amazing talk and we hope, for those of you listening or watching today's episode, that you got some kind of insight or strategy from this show. So, as always, thanks again for tuning into the Amazon Strategist show. If you did find some value from this discussion, we definitely appreciate it. If you left us a rating or review on either Apple, spotify, google wherever you're listening to this or if you're on YouTube, smash that thumbs up button. Let us know in the comments, if you have questions, what you learned from this episode.

Speaker 2:

It helps us reach more e-commerce enthusiasts just like yourself. Besides that, don't forget to follow us on our social media pages. You're going to get access to behind the scenes content, updates from our team and a lot more. You can find links to anything we talked about in the show notes or, if you're watching on YouTube, the description below. So that's it for today's episode. Be sure to mark your calendar. We're going to be back next week for another episode. We've got a lot more really amazing guests lined up this season, so looking forward to that. But until then, I'm your host, ben, and I'm going to be signing off, so happy selling as we enter Q4. Let's do it.

Optimizing Amazon Listings and Content
Video Content's Importance on Amazon
Content's Importance in Amazon Selling
Strategies for Optimizing Product Listing Images
Insights and Strategies on Amazon