The Amazon Strategist Show

Explore The World Of Geo-Ranking And Skyrocket Your Amazon Sales

December 06, 2023 The Amazon Strategist Show Season 2 Episode 54
Explore The World Of Geo-Ranking And Skyrocket Your Amazon Sales
The Amazon Strategist Show
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The Amazon Strategist Show
Explore The World Of Geo-Ranking And Skyrocket Your Amazon Sales
Dec 06, 2023 Season 2 Episode 54
The Amazon Strategist Show

evamp your Amazon marketing strategy with insights from Eddie Wheeler, the mind behind Guavalistings and Geo Rank. Explore Amazon's inventory distribution's impact on product rankings in various locations, learn to use geo-ranking data for targeted advertising, and weigh the pros and cons of Search Find By (SFB) strategies. 

Eddie introduces GeoRank, a tool for monitoring product rankings and adjusting marketing strategies. Discover the importance of focusing on specific regions for maximum sales, especially for seasonal products. Join us for this transformative conversation and start reaping the rewards of optimized Amazon marketing today!

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Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

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Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

evamp your Amazon marketing strategy with insights from Eddie Wheeler, the mind behind Guavalistings and Geo Rank. Explore Amazon's inventory distribution's impact on product rankings in various locations, learn to use geo-ranking data for targeted advertising, and weigh the pros and cons of Search Find By (SFB) strategies. 

Eddie introduces GeoRank, a tool for monitoring product rankings and adjusting marketing strategies. Discover the importance of focusing on specific regions for maximum sales, especially for seasonal products. Join us for this transformative conversation and start reaping the rewards of optimized Amazon marketing today!

Connect with Ben Smith:

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Connect  with Eddie Wheeler:

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Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

#amazonsellercentral #amazonsupport #ecommerce #amazonpodcast

Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

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Speaker 1:

All right, hello and welcome back to another episode of season two of the Amazon strategy show. My name is Ben, I'm your host and this is the show. That is all strategy no hacks, no silver bullets, no magic pills, but just real, practical strategy for Amazon sellers. All right, I just finished an awesome episode with Eddie Wheeler of Wauvalistings and Geo Rank. Today, we focused a lot on this really cool new solution that they've developed with Geo Rank, which is actually going to allow Amazon sellers to find out where buyers are coming from in terms of geography and all of the kind of cool opportunities that that opens up to you as a brand owner or seller. So things like being able to then see, oh, I'm selling more products in this state and then utilize that information to make informed decisions. So there's a lot of really cool things going on and this is a brand new service that they have coming out sometime within the next month or two. So we're going to dive right in. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions and, without further ado, let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

So today we have the pleasure of being joined by one of my good buddies, eddie. Eddie is here from both Wauvalistings and today he's got a really exciting new product or service to actually talk about. So real quick, eddie, I'm going to read in with your bio here. So Eddie's got two big passions in life travel and entrepreneurship I sure both of those. So I love that. Over the past few years, he's lived all over the world while running Wauvalistings and he helps Amazon sellers with all kinds of things organic traffic through ongoing SEO, higher click through rates, main images that stand out, higher conversion rates through emotion driving listings. But most recently he's dove into the world of geo ranks so we're going to hear all about that today to help your listings right, hi, nationwide, instead of just in certain areas. So, eddie, welcome to the Amazon strategy. Show Thanks for being here today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks.

Speaker 1:

Ben, Whereabouts in the world are you right now? I know you're into travel. We talked about it a little bit but yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I am currently in Medellin, colombia, and yeah, I haven't lived in the US for the last six years. Nice, it was in Vietnam for a while. Thailand, where you are, now Mexico, and now here in Colombia.

Speaker 1:

Love it. So are you planning to stay there for a while or do you think that you're going to potentially move in? Do you normally try to do like a year at a time in places or what's kind of At?

Speaker 2:

least. Yeah, at least like five to six months in each place, Cause if you move around too much, you know there's people who do the same type of thing but they're moving every month or two. I find it's not good for the routine and productivity to be moving around that much. So, yeah, I'll be here for definitely a few more months and then we'll see. We'll see from there.

Speaker 1:

Nice. It's an exciting part of the journey and it's funny too. I met actually I met up with one of our previous guests, vance Lee, who does a bunch and kind of the crowdfunding world, and he's been living here in Chiang Mai, which is where I am for, I think now coming up on a year, and we had the exact same conversation. It's like all of the seasons digital nomads are. They're like oh, I don't go anywhere for a month at a time. It's always like six months or a year. Now, first, I've just started, so for me it's like oh, a month is so long. I'm used to, like the traditional American, like one week at a time.

Speaker 2:

So for me it's a very nice change of pace.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, that's awesome, so I want to take it back Kind of. The question I ask everyone is to kind of tell us a little bit about how your journey into this Amazon or e-commerce world actually started. So I'm wondering if we can kind of go back to that early day maybe where you made your first sale or just how you found this whole space.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so it was while I was teaching English in Vietnam. That's how, like I originally started, like living and traveling abroad, and but I didn't want to be an English teacher forever. Just, you know, some people with their passion just wasn't, you know, wasn't something I wanted to keep doing. So I was well, but the good thing about teaching English in Vietnam is that you can you can pretty much just do part-time hours and still get a good salary, save some money, everything like that. So, whilst you know, in my, in my spare time, I did a few different things but eventually landed on, you know, amazon FBA.

Speaker 2:

Just, you know, through YouTube videos and the internet, launched my first product, totally failed, lost a bunch of money, launched a second product which did well, but I think in my, the beginning of my journey, I didn't have any sense of really like what kind of capital was actually needed to launch and then actually keep, you know, sustaining it.

Speaker 2:

So my second product did make money, but in that, while I was doing the second product, you know, I realized like, hey, like I'm really good at writing marketing, you know, I'm kind of like a natural affinity for those things. So, and I know all those things about Amazon SEO, so I'll become an Amazon SEO copywriter freelancer, so that's what I did. That got me away from English teaching, so I was super happy with that. And then still living in Vietnam and eventually, like just got to the point where I had so much clients, so many clients, that the next logical step was to create an agency Guapa listings and yeah, ever since then, yeah just been people helping people optimize their listings for both SEO, you know, ctr increases and CVR increases.

Speaker 1:

Nice. I'm curious. Can you tell us what your first product was? It's a you know I don't want to ask what your second one was, since I know you said it actually went well. But yeah, you talked about your failed product.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was artificial palm leaves. And like yeah, like the, the course I was taking on it about Amazon, fba, like the numbers, all kind of made sense. But it wasn't it wasn't a very like. It was only price at like 11 or $12. And it was the exact same as all the other. One, so it was really just yeah, it was just, you know, rid of with mistakes, trying to launch that, so I hope I did the exact same thing.

Speaker 1:

So I think when I first started in kind of the commerce world, I always say on the show, kind of this example, but my first product ever which I actually have one on this laptop still was a webcam cover and when I looked at it it was like it was like pre, it was right coming up and kind of the trending stuff and there were not that many competitors, so it was like a 10 out of 10 opportunity. By the time I ordered my first 500 units and they landed in the FBA warehouses it was like a two F10. It was like just one and it was also like a 699 product. So it was just like a total flop, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I've been there too, but it's always fun to like hear about how people first got started. So love that I kind of want to dive into. So obviously we can talk about Guava listings, but I actually want to talk about geo rank because I know this is a newer solution for you guys, but also it's a very unique solution in the space, and so I guess, just kind of the basics, can you tell us what exactly geo rank actually is?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So kind of my big tagline with this is that you've been lied to about keyword ranking right. So all the major tools with their keyword trackers, they're only showing you one rank right, but that's just simply not true. You were. There's actually 1100 different micro markets in the US where your product could be ranked differently depending on where it is in the US. So you could be ranked.

Speaker 2:

Let's say, you're selling this white water bottle. The main keyword is white water bottle and you might be ranked two in Miami and one of the keyword trackers might be showing you ranked two, but that's only in one, possibly only one location. You could be 27 in LA, you could be 100 in New York. So you're not really going to be getting any organic sales for white water bottle in LA or New York, which is a problem, right, you're missing out on tons of sales. And all this while you'll think you're ranked number two. You think you're doing great, but actually that's. I mean, it could obviously be in more than one location that you're ranked number two and number one or whatever, but if you're lacking, especially in these big population areas, you're missing out on potentially thousands of sales each month.

Speaker 1:

Yeah for sure. So I remember Amazon's obviously changed quite a bit. But so in my days working for kind of the agency world, we would always check our clients' products listings right, as any good account manager should be doing. And if you put in ZIP codes in different parts of the US, you start to see exactly what you're talking about. Some of the ranking stuff starts getting a little wonky, or you see just the other side of the coin. As you can see very clearly, if I check my products using a New York ZIP code and then I maybe go and check using a California ZIP code, you can see that the shipping times on the listing are completely different. So you obviously know that Amazon has your products closer to maybe the West Coast and hasn't distributed, which of course then is going to affect if you have a slower delivery time. Obviously your conversion rates are probably gonna be worse in that side of the country or that micro region, as you said. So that totally makes sense from that perspective.

Speaker 1:

The second piece I was gonna say and I don't know how much you can tell us about the tech stack that you have, but I remember back years ago when Amazon still gave us a lot of information I could go and look at through my orders at the FBA or FBM.

Speaker 1:

Obviously you have shipping information, but even the FBA orders you used to be able to go and actually look through and it would show progressively less information over the years, but you used to be able to see the city, the state, the ZIP code and have some of that geo information. I don't know if there was a report you could export that on. I think there was, but now they've kind of done away with that. So I know it's become a very challenging thing for the average seller to be able to just go and log into their account and do on their own. I don't know if you could tell us any of your secret sauce there, but obviously you guys have figured out a solution to kind of give us some of that information again as sellers. What can you, I guess, like actually do with that information? Like, what are some examples?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, yeah, the tracking tool that's going to be releasing very soon I mean this is being recorded in early November 2023. It'll be released fairly shortly, hopefully by the end of the year, just kind of fixing some bugs and stuff, but yeah, so it will show you. It'll show you where your products are ranking nationwide. So it gives you and there's a few different views, of course, that help you kind of like slice and dice data and get an idea right. There's a view that kind of shows the map of the US and like different little bubbles of where you are, what your ranks are for that keyword and other various views to kind of help you slice. There's a view that gives you like the range, right, so if you're trying to rank for white water bottle, it'll give you like, hey, like for white water bottle, actually you're doing really good you are. Your range is one through 10 across the whole country, right? So like that's probably not gonna need much more work. But let's say, like water bottle for hiking is another one of your target keywords, let's say, and actually there's a range of three to 107, which we've seen right. So like, okay, now you gotta figure out. Okay, where am I? You know, and it could be something where, like, you're focusing on the ones that are like more mid range, like, let's say that you know, you look in Texas and, for whatever reason, you are ranked 20 to 40 through all the different places in Texas. Well, now you can say, okay, I wanna try to get Texas to obviously that one through five, one through 10 range, and so what you could do now, now that you have the data right, you can't do anything if you don't have the data. But now that you have the data, okay, we need to focus on Texas and we need to focus on New York. So what you can do is geo target your marketing campaigns Now, before you know anyone says anything.

Speaker 2:

Yes, like you cannot geo target with Amazon PPC at the moment right, hopefully that's something that will change in the future, but but pretty much every other PPC platform allows you to geotarget. You know locations, right, so you can target people in Dallas. So if you run a Facebook ad or a Google ad or TikTok, pinterest, whatever, whatever that you were doing, anything that you were doing with outside traffic before, it still applies and it can still help you rank. So it's just kind of like, whatever your preferred method is. It still works, but it's just targeting it to a specific location, and so what that's going to do, right, is so essentially like the reason that these, these ranks are showing differently, is based on inventory levels. Right, because Amazon wants to get it to the customer quickly and as cheaply as possible for them. So it's kind of like a chicken and egg thing, right?

Speaker 2:

You know, if there's, for whatever reason, let's say and this isn't as applicable when you're launching, necessarily right, it's usually for a product that's already been selling a bit. So, for whatever reason, let's say that there was just more demand in general for your white water bottle in Miami. So Amazon sent a bunch of inventory there. And because it's going to get there to the customer within a day and it's cheaper for them, your product will be higher and the key rate ranks there. But whatever, for whatever reason, in Texas there wasn't as much generated demand. So Amazon says, okay, this pop, this product, is in as popular in Texas, we're not going to have that much inventory there. And then, but if you can generate the demand, then whatever algorithms they're using for their inventory, okay, we need to send more inventory to Texas.

Speaker 2:

And then what's? The inventory is there. So it's just kind of like over time kind of thing. So that's right if you are. I mean, there's two ways to do that right. If you are just trying to rank your product better in Texas in general, you can just do like a Facebook ad or whatever, to right directly to the, to the listing. Now that's going to be a third order impact because it didn't ranking impact because it didn't originate on Amazon. Now, of course, you know I'm not necessarily advocating this, but if you still do search, find by type of things, I'm not again, this is not me telling you to do this right, because it is very, very area. However, if it is something that you are risking, ready, willing to risk, if you you can write, you can do a search, find by, you know you can run those, can you know Facebook through a Facebook ad in that location and then you're going to get a first order ranking impact rate for whatever keyword it is now.

Speaker 1:

Can I, just for the sake of the audience, is safe search fund by like is a strategy that essentially you're using. Are you using a deep what they I think they call it a deep link? So it's like the link that you're sending the traffic to would have essentially go directly to a specific search term. So you can then, in theory, game Amazon system to start driving traffic to, like, let's say, one of your top search terms specifically, which pushes you up in the ranking for that specific search term, which?

Speaker 2:

yeah, is that?

Speaker 1:

right. Is that what it is?

Speaker 2:

I think that's what people used to yeah, that's it, like that's. I think that was like using hyperlinks. I don't. I don't think that actually really works anymore.

Speaker 1:

I'm not, I'm on expert on that.

Speaker 2:

I think it's just like you know marketing method that I familiar with, and I think it's more like you know running it. Like where you are prompting the person to go type in the keyword and Amazon find you and then then they get a rebate, and then they get a rebate again. Like it's not. It's definitely not, oh, I mean, I think it's, I think it's beyond gray or yeah, especially now, and I'm not. So I'm not, I'm not advocating that, right, that's obviously a personal risk, but that that you would get a first order.

Speaker 2:

You know that's what's going to. You know, if you're on page 100, people were not a break 100 and people start buying it directly. Right, that's going to launch you up to page one For the other one for, like the more safer method of just doing ace. You know, definitely totally white hat of just you know, running a Facebook ad going directly to your ace and but making sure that it's like, let's say, just Dallas, right for the Dallas area, and a bunch of people start buying it. Right, your keywords are going to, like all the keywords are going to have, you know, less than it would be somebody directly typed it in an Amazon, but you know it's going to start raising them up. And then, of course, because there's more inventory now in Dallas after a little bit of time, right, just naturally, your products are going to start wrecking better, because now they can send it to people in Dallas within one day and cheaply and everything like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, there's I feel like there's so many like interesting ways that you can utilize that information, right. So the I mean the obvious one is obviously exactly what you said, like if you know that in well, I mean there's a couple obvious ones, right? If you know, oh, texas, in general, my product sells better than you know, maybe you want to go and run some external traffic to drive even more you know juice into Texas, or, conversely, you might want to say, hey, I want to work on improving my other places that are not doing as well. So there's that kind of side. The other thing I was thinking is, you know, I don't know how, if this is, I guess, is geo-ring just going to be for FBA related order data, or FBM, I would assume, is actually probably the easier one to pull the data on because you have the customers, you know information. So it's for both right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean you can definitely use it for both, I think with for FBM. I'm not sure because, like it's not, it's not stored in.

Speaker 1:

Amazon's warehouses, or yeah, because the reason I'm asking, like on the FBM side, you know, for those people that are using FBM or, in some cases, seller fulfilled prime.

Speaker 1:

But another thing benefit of using something like this is you, you know, not not everyone wants to ship FBM to every location in the US, like I know, when I was working previously with a brand, we set up FBM but we would only do FBM to, let's say, if we were in California, only to, let's say, the kind of West Coast states, otherwise the cost to ship gets exorbitant, and so that's another potential use of this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just to have that information. And then the other one I was going to say that I'm just was thinking about while you're talking is the there's the whole side of this which is actually not sending the traffic to Amazon. If you know that your product does better in Texas or New York or whatever, in theory you could probably that might tell you some kind of you know, insight or information. Hey, I should run ads in just New York to drive back to my direct to consumer site, because it looks like I'm getting better conversion for some reason in that area, and so that's kind of another. I don't know if that's going to be a use case, but that's definitely where my mind goes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think, like you know, for me right now I'm like just trying to get like the general concept out there, and then you had like the tool right, and then I think you know people are going to come up with a hundred different ways to use. Use this tool right. It's just. It's just better, You're just getting better information than if you're just using one of the bigger tools single keyword tracker, that's only, or only like using data from one location, Right.

Speaker 1:

So how do you I know this is a kind of a loaded question but like, how do you prove that like this, this works, like that you actually are? I don't know if you guys are extrapolating on data, that you do have to make assumptions or, and I know you can't give us all your, you know secret sauce here, but like how do you actually kind of validate to, to to you know, potential customers that this is something that is real and actually works for them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean, like you know, just in general, right, like geo rank itself.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, it's easily proven by, like you said, like going on, like just switching the zip code when you're searching on Amazon and you'll see, like different, you know, products ranked differently based on on zip code.

Speaker 2:

I mean Amazon itself. They don't use the term geo rank, right, but they, you know there's multiple, you know there's a CNBC article, a routers article that's pretty much state like, hey, this is what we're doing, we are showing customers, you know, products that are closer to them, right, essentially, yeah, for sure, paraphrasing so, and yeah, so, essentially right, I mean there, there, we do have like there's several, you know, case studies that show that, like, focusing, like geo targeting on certain locations, you know, does, does raise the rank. But, yeah, essentially right, it's just like you know, because Amazon is saying all this right, anyway, right, it's. Only, you know it's also just very logical, like, okay, if I generate demand in this area, amazon's going to send more inventory to this area, and because they say they're showing customers products that are closer to them, like my products are going to start showing up higher, higher ranks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally makes sense. So I'm curious, like you know, especially with your you know background and kind of walking your other, your other business guava listings, with like a lot of the SEO related stuff going on, do you kind of see like is there a good crossover and I know this again loaded question. I know there's crossover, but like what? What is the crossover that you see, using potentially geo rank to kind of help with some of that information that you're going to use to optimize listings or kind of tailor them, maybe to I don't know, actually change what you're displaying on the listing based on this information or not?

Speaker 2:

Again, maybe it's generally like a safe yeah, so I mean for, for definitely, like there's things that you can do with the SEO that will help, I think, with. So, for example, right in my guavas, like ongoing SEO subscription, we have this thing called SEO level three, which will need to be tweaked for this right, because that was developed using just, you know, one like a keyword tracker that is just showing one location ranks. So we do need to. You know we are working on tweaking that. However, the concept right. So the SEO level three in that is essentially right. You're finding, you know, keywords that you're ranked like 20 to 50 on that are that would be valuable to be ranking higher on, and then you're repeating them through the listing. So you know, having white of course you're not going to have every single one in the title because there's only so much room, but having white water bottle in the title, in the bullet points, in the product description, in the A plus content, plain text, in the A plus content, alt text, just as many places as you can have, and then repeating them right, which is different from launch, of course, right when you want to have as many unique keywords as possible, but once you hit a certain SEO level and there's other requirements for this to be able to have an effect, but that's that's kind of in a nutshell.

Speaker 2:

So, but but what? I'm the way I'm going. I'm looking at modifying this as we get this tool rolled out and more people start using it. Would be just okay. Let's say, you know you're focused on Texas and then it's these six keywords that are ranked 20 to 50 in Texas that you want to get up to. You know one through 10, hopefully. So then then using that. So, of course, like you know, I don't want to like say that just doing SEO is going to be the only thing that's going to help it. Right, of course you need to do, definitely need to generate demands with various geo targeted marketing techniques, but the SEO could be that next little, the next little boost that helps you. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

For sure. Yeah, no, that's really cool. So will the GeoRank. It's going to be a dashboard style view where you can actually see the GeoRank for a specific keyword level, or is it going to? I would assume is it at the keyword level or is it for just like a product level? You'll be able to see where you have the best ranking.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, it'll be like so, essentially there's going to be like a desktop application and then there's going to be like a site that you will get the keyword reports from in CSVs. You upload that to your application and then the CSVs are based on keyword, but then, yeah, you input your ASIN, these keyword reports, and then it kind of shows you all these different ways to view and slice and dice the data.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's really cool. I love that. What about on the, I guess, on the areas where there's well, where you might be ranked lower, or the keywords that you're ranked lower, do you foresee that as being like a bigger overall gain, versus focusing on the areas where you are ranked higher, like, I guess? Do you know what the 80-20, well, like the 80-20 is?

Speaker 2:

in terms of that.

Speaker 1:

If I'm using just signed up, should I be using it immediately to go and target those areas where I'm ranking poorly, or maybe in the mid-range, or do you think I should go and utilize it on the other side?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

So I think you know it really depends, like, if you're ranking, you know, and these, just like you know, rank changes, you know, has you know, obviously it changes like day to day.

Speaker 2:

There is going to be some variance, right. But if you are ranking, you know, one through five, you know, consistently, in a certain location you're probably like there's not much more else that you can do. Maybe if you are like 10 through 15, that's kind of where you can like, okay, let's get the 10 through 15s or 10 through 20s, let's get them into the top 10, the top five first, right, and then focus on, you know, the, then maybe the 20 through 30s, like trying to get all those into you know. So, yeah, you can kind of like, of course, like, yeah, your marketing budget is not infinite and you know you definitely have to kind of pick and choose, like what you're doing. But I think, like that's overall, like what we're recommending is, yeah, like okay, first try to double down on ones that are really close to being in the top 10, top five, and then kind of just systematically, trickle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense, well, and it's going to be cool, I think, too, for you guys. I know you're just kind of getting a launch here, but just seeing what your users end up actually doing with it, right, because, like you said, I'm sure that there's a lot of things that we're not even well at least I'm not thinking about yet that are probably going to be amazing strategies with with these.

Speaker 2:

Like items that are seasonal. Right, let's say, you're selling a bathing suit. So instead of just, I mean obviously like yeah, you know, places like Texas and Florida, California, can still be buying during the winter, but getting super great, because it's not just you know, I'm just using those like you know your ranks not the same across all of Texas. It could be different in Austin and Dallas and Houston. So it's like really getting like super, super hyper focused on you know. Okay, like well, we're doing really good in Dallas, but we're not doing so great in Houston and we're doing amazing in Miami, but Orlando is still kind of in rank, you know.

Speaker 1:

So it's like just like I'm really really really.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be much more likely to sell, like boat products in Florida versus if I'm in Oklahoma. You know what I mean. Like, or gardening. Gardening is obviously going to be different and different types of plants and different parts of the country. Yeah, that's. I mean. There's so many ways that you can look at that. Okay, I'm going to have to think about this too, because it's making me think about some of the products I still sell. That's really cool. So I want to kind of transition into what is like known to be our controversial take direction. I normally ask to kick this off. Eddie, do you think that pineapple belongs on pizza, or is it a trap.

Speaker 2:

I'm from New Jersey man, so yeah, no, Okay nice.

Speaker 1:

So it's a New Jersey and then the other one is. Anytime I talk to have an Italian on this, it's like no, I cannot even say the word pineapple on this.

Speaker 2:

Pineapple not should not be close to pizza, I mean people enjoy what they enjoy, but no, it's not for me. Okay, and I like crazy toppings buffalo chicken, chicken, bacon, ranch, that kind of stuff. That's all good, but pineapple is like yeah.

Speaker 1:

Nice Well, thanks for answering. So the reason I'm asking, obviously, is I normally like to ask all of our guests what's a debatable or kind of a controversial topic, maybe something that you have a contrarian view to the rest of the industry on. Yeah, where do you zig that other people might zag?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do think that I mean and we've seen it a little bit already but I do think there's going to be a lot of thought leaders that may dismiss geo rank and it's, you know, I don't want to get many enemies or anything, but it's because their tools are not, you know, they haven't found an economical way to display all the different ranks for the different parts of the country, so they have no real incentive to get behind it.

Speaker 1:

You know it's very very yeah, so it's.

Speaker 2:

and then you know, and then, like other people, you know they're, you know you're going to have to rethink your, your strategies here, right? So you know, all of these people that have been teaching it one way for so long, you know to go back and, you know, redo their, their systems and their SOPs and what they're teaching. It's got to be a lot of work and effort, and so, therefore, I anticipate some people kind of dismissing it or, you know, even getting angry with me.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Well, I won't get angry with you, but yeah, I get what you're saying it's. You know changes sometimes hard and it's sometimes easier to try to be dismissive of ah, that's not going to work out. But the reality is like you should. You know, just like I always talk to people about, like if a new Amazon program comes out, don't dismiss it. You should immediately jump on it because, like either it's going to become a lot harder to get into. You know, like when we see sponsored videos come out or Amazon posts is a thing, it's like you should be there and like go test it out. It might not be for your type of products in the long run, but like it's better to test it and at least validate it for yourself and make sure that it works or doesn't work for you, rather than just dismissing it, because then you're you might be missing out on a huge opportunity. But yeah, you know what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

I think this is. I mean, I think this could be like the biggest thing from sliced bread in the Amazon world. Honestly, it's just um and it's not um people. There are people who've known that you know it's been around since 2018. It's just been. There's like been a real practical way to get all of the you know across the country.

Speaker 1:

Get all of them you know, get all the data um you know until now, um you know, through my partner who's developed the tool, yeah, I mean, if you ask, you know you're able to bring, like you said at the beginning, if you have that data, it gives you a whole new vector to kind of attack the market off from right and do all kinds of cool new things. So yeah, of course you're going to shake things up and, you know, probably annoy a couple of people while doing that. But if you guys have a good product and it sounds like you do, then it's you should be like that's. I mean, that's what the world's all about. So I love that.

Speaker 1:

Um, I want to just first of all this you know, kind of brings us to the end of the show, eddie but I wanted to say first thanks for coming on the show. Um, it's been, you know, for me. I've gotten to know you over the last, I guess, six months, eight months, I don't even know how long it's been but it's awesome to have you on the show. So thank you so much for taking the time. I want to kind of turn things around to you, obviously, and just give you a chance to kind of tell people, for anyone who's interested in either geo-ranked or guava listings or something else, where can they connect to you, what's the best place to get in touch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um. So yeah, just go to guavalistingscom. Um, we have a geo-ranked newsletter that we're doing, so, um, I do believe that the link might be on somewhere applicable on this episode, but we'll also have it on on the site. Uh, geo-ranked news. So I'm still kind of updating the site with with that kind of stuff. Um, so yeah, guavalistingscom. Or you can just email me directly, eddy at guavalistingscom. And, uh, yeah, so just check out our site. Um, you know, get signed up for the geo-ranked newsletter which will give you, and then, like, I'll be using that right, like for anything new that people come up with with this. This is what I'm going to. You know, I'm going to use that, that, uh, that newsletter to kind of just give you all the latest updates on it. Um, and then, yeah, you will get a by signing up for that newsletter.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'll also be hosting a webinar at some point. All the information for that will be, you know, distributed through the newsletter. And yeah, of course, we also do, um, you know, the classic like listing, optimization and SEO thing, so you can check those product, uh, those, those services out as well, because, yeah, you don't want to throw a bunch of money in a marketing campaign. If your conversion rate is, you know, if you're click through rate or your conversion rate is not as high as it could be, so we can help you with that and, as well, all the SEO stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we focused on the uh, the sexy new thing which is geo rank. But obviously geo rank and the all the insights and benefits are only going to help you if your listing is out to my. So you know that should be kind of ground ground zero. So, uh, yeah, I just want to tell anyone who's listening or watching this any in the golf listings team are great, so definitely reach out to those guys and really excited to see what happens in geo rank. We're definitely going to have to have you back in like six months or something like that, so you kind of give us a status report to him. Really excited to see what happens.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, definitely, hopefully I have a whole bunch of new things and strategies that I can talk about in relation to the geo rank.

Speaker 1:

Love it Cool. Well, um, that's going to be it for the episode. Thanks to everyone who is watching, listening. What have you? Go check out geo rank. Go check out while the listings and again, all of the notes, um, or sorry, any of the kind of things that we brought up, any links, ways to get in touch with Eddie, we'll put down below in the show notes or links, description, et cetera. So that is it. Thanks again, eddie, for being here and, uh, cheers everyone signing off. Thank you All right.

Speaker 1:

So that brings us to the end of this episode today, joined by Eddie from wavalistings and geo rank. Really, really cool episode. I hope that you guys got some kind of value out of this episode and I know that we're all kind of waiting on pins and needles for the new release of geo rank, so make sure you stay tuned. All of the links, everything we mentioned, can be down below in either the show notes, if you're listening to this podcast somewhere, or in the description, if you're watching this on YouTube. And, as always, if you did find some kind of value in today's discussion, we kindly request that you rate, review this podcast or leave a thumbs up or some kind of comments on YouTube as well. All that feedback really does help us reach more e-commerce and Amazon enthusiasts just like yourself.

Speaker 1:

Last but not least, don't forget to follow us on social media. You're going to get behind the scenes content, updates from our team and a lot more there, so you can find all the links again down below. And that's going to bring us to the end of today's episode. So hope you enjoyed it. Mark your calendars will be back next week for another awesome one. Until then, my name is Ben Smith. Again, I'm your host, signing off here and wishing you all happy selling.

Introducing Geo Rank
Using Geo-Targeting to Improve Amazon Rankings
SEO and GeoRank in Amazon Marketing
Feedback and Social Media Engagement