The Amazon Strategist Show

Unlocking the Power of Customer Feedback for Amazon Businesses

January 08, 2024 The Amazon Strategist Show
Unlocking the Power of Customer Feedback for Amazon Businesses
The Amazon Strategist Show
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The Amazon Strategist Show
Unlocking the Power of Customer Feedback for Amazon Businesses
Jan 08, 2024
The Amazon Strategist Show

Unlock the secrets to cultivating a bounty of Amazon customer reviews without ever crossing the line of Amazon guidelines. In this insightful episode, we welcome Tom Piamenta from Lonesome Labs, the mastermind behind HighFive, as we explore his pioneering journey in revolutionizing the review process for Amazon sellers.

Episode Highlights:

The Significance of Positive Feedback:
Gain valuable insights into the role of positive feedback in boosting sales and enhancing visibility on Amazon, the world's largest online marketplace.

Balancing Act: Encouraging Reviews While Staying Compliant:
Navigate the delicate balance between urging customers to leave reviews and adhering to Amazon's guidelines. Tom and host Ben Smith dissect the finesse required for crafting product inserts that encourage honest feedback without explicitly soliciting positive reviews.

Whether you're a seasoned seller or just starting, this episode is a treasure trove of insights into the art of harvesting Amazon reviews. Tune in for a blend of expertise, practical tips, and an enjoyable conversation.

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Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

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Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Unlock the secrets to cultivating a bounty of Amazon customer reviews without ever crossing the line of Amazon guidelines. In this insightful episode, we welcome Tom Piamenta from Lonesome Labs, the mastermind behind HighFive, as we explore his pioneering journey in revolutionizing the review process for Amazon sellers.

Episode Highlights:

The Significance of Positive Feedback:
Gain valuable insights into the role of positive feedback in boosting sales and enhancing visibility on Amazon, the world's largest online marketplace.

Balancing Act: Encouraging Reviews While Staying Compliant:
Navigate the delicate balance between urging customers to leave reviews and adhering to Amazon's guidelines. Tom and host Ben Smith dissect the finesse required for crafting product inserts that encourage honest feedback without explicitly soliciting positive reviews.

Whether you're a seasoned seller or just starting, this episode is a treasure trove of insights into the art of harvesting Amazon reviews. Tune in for a blend of expertise, practical tips, and an enjoyable conversation.

Connect with Ben Smith:

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Connect  with Tom Piamenta:

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For content collaborations, please email us at:

Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

#amazonsellercentral #amazonsupport #ecommerce #amazonbusiness

Never Talk to Seller Support Again.

Seller Candy is the expert operations arm of your Amazon business. We provide outcome-driven support for time-consuming and challenging Seller Central issues so you Never Have to Talk to Seller Support Again! With Agency-Level security practices and an experienced team who’s been through the thick of it, we give sellers bandwidth on demand without the hassle of hiring, training, or managing.

#amazonsellercentral #amazonsupport #ecommerce #amazonbusiness

Speaker 1:

Very large percentage of sellers are afraid of reviews, and I understand why, but there's no reason to do so. Just do it. Just use the button. You are missing out on sales for no reason.

Speaker 2:

Hello, I'm your host, ben, and welcome back to another episode of season two of the Amazon Strategist show. The show that's all strategy, with no hacks, no silver bullets and no magic pills Just real, practical strategy for serious Amazon sellers. All right, I just finished an awesome episode with Tom of Lonesome Labs and today we talked a ton about getting reviews on Amazon. We're doing it the right way. This has changed, obviously, over the years, but Tom has got a lot of great insight into kind of what actually works today and how you can actually automate that process and make it more streamlined for your business, which nowadays every single Amazon seller doesn't matter who you are. You've got to focus on getting good reviews and consistently getting them. That's what Amazon's going to favor these days and how you're going to convert more shoppers into buyers. So make sure you listen to this one all the way through. Without further ado, let's hop into this episode with Tom.

Speaker 2:

Today, we've got the pleasure of being joined by the incredible, amazing, awesome Tom. You don't know Tom. He's a serial entrepreneur. He's well versed in marketing, growth and client development and harnessing these abilities to advance the business generally speaking, but also specifically within marketplace and app stores. So Tom actually turned a Y stamp, which I have previously used, profitable in a couple of years and grew it to be the leader in the respective field. And after that acquisition, he consulted a few companies with growth hacking until discovering the opportunity in the Amazon sphere which we're going to get into today and founding Lonesome Labs. So, tom, without further ado, welcome to the show. Thanks so much for being here. How are you?

Speaker 1:

Very well, thank you for having me. It's a real pleasure.

Speaker 2:

We were just joking right before we hit the record button, about all the different things that you guys do at Lonesome Labs, right the backstory, and I know you've come kind of from the Y stamp world and some of the other stuff, but now you've got so many really cool projects and we're going to dig into some of those today, so can you kind of take us back and, I guess, just maybe explain, like, how you got into the Amazon space, how you made that transition over from what you were doing previously?

Speaker 1:

Great question. So, as you said, I was a founder of a company called Ystamp. After it was acquired, I grew a larger and larger interest in the e-commerce world and I consulted an app for Amazon sellers and it hit me like there is so much to do. I mean, being a seller is so complicated. You can win big, but it's a very, very long way and it's very hard and as a seller you need all the help you can get and we wanted to make a dent to make life easier for sellers. I teamed up with a friend of mine and we just started doing it and we launched our first app called Hi5, and it really hit big and been going since.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. How long ago did you start Hi5? Was that, I think? I know we talked previously. Has it just been a year and a half or so? I can't remember when you started it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, two years ago we started very slowly but it caught up pretty quickly. So then we raised some money and we bought extra developers and we're going to get it full speed now.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. I love that. So is your background in actually and then we're going to get into Hi5 and some of this stuff a little bit more in depth. But is your background actually in web development and building apps and programs? What was your background prior to that with Ystamp and some of the other consulting you did? I know there's probably a lot of pieces.

Speaker 1:

I never wrote a line of code. I do all the rest, in a sense like marketing and go-thacking, and so this is what I did. In Ystamp, I was one of the founders. So you do whatever you can do other than write code, and over here I'm again a founder of Hi5, so I do what's needed basically.

Speaker 2:

Nice Love, that Cool, so yeah. So let's get into it. And we're going to talk about Hi5, which is kind of and correct me if I'm wrong really a service that's going to help sellers with the review portion of kind of the Amazon battle, I'm going to say, which we know has become like a very tricky review feedback kind of world. I know I get a lot of questions from sellers about, you know, first, if they're kind of newer to the Amazon space, like what's compliant and what's not, but also just like how do I get more reviews of my products, you know, how do I get rid of bad reviews, all those kind of things. So can you give us kind of just an overview first off of what Hi5 actually does and how it's beneficial to Amazon sellers? I suppose?

Speaker 1:

I would be happy to. So the way I like to think about it is I'll start with Amazon. Amazon is customer obsessed. They want the buyer to have the most supreme experience they can. The way it reflects on reviews. All reviews must be natural. In neutral, you can't really ask for good reviews. You can't do anything to get good reviews, because if you do, amazon will kick you out. We are seller obsessed, so we are trying to make it easier for you to comply with Amazon without wasting the time and effort. What i5 does is pretty simple to explain. If it's okay, I will share my screen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure Go for it.

Speaker 1:

Please let me know when you can see it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there it is. It's loading up here.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. Amazon has a very nice feature. Every order made between 5 to 30 days after it was delivered has a nice button. It's called the request review button. If you click it, amazon will send an email similar to this, to the customer, to your buyer. It says your opinion matters. You can just rate the item, an image of the item, and rate the seller, the feedback for the seller. What we do? We click the button for you in a very smart way. It's very, very complicated. Working with Amazon API is not an easy task but, simply put, this is what we do. We will press it for you. You can do it yourself manually. By the way, you can open each order page again 5 to 30 days after the delivery. You will see the button and you can click it. What Hi-5 lets you do is, first of all, it's fully automated. Second of all, there are a few other unique features that make it even more optimized and efficient. I will share my screen again, if it's okay, and I will show you, maybe, hi-5.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just real quick. I was just going to summarize too. So, for anyone who's not watching the video version, but audio is, you know the emails that you're receiving. If you have our shops on Amazon that are saying you know, hey, leave a review for your most recent order or this product, you know that you got those reviews are getting sent and they're sending when you click the request review button, which is something that Amazon allows you to do on each individual order, right? However, it's a very tedious process if you go through a one by one and have to go through and click that and you know do it every week or what have you, especially if you're really high volume.

Speaker 1:

Exactly right. First of all, the problem for your volume. But you also run the risk of forgetting and you don't want to forget. We'll discuss it in a second. But reviews are super important to your success. They're critical. So this is Hi-5. I will describe it as I show it because, as you said, some people might be listening rather than watching. So we bring you as soon as you plug the Hi-5 in, we bring a list of your asians. In this example it's 1,000 and 1,000 and 20 asians. You can activate them one by one, saying I wanted to request a review after five days For this one. I want after 21 days. We let you, we let you choose per asian, because some asians you might want to ask right away, because it's something with instant gratification, but if the other product is more complex, maybe wait three weeks before you ask for the review. As you can see, it's super simple. We have a group update button. If you click it, you can activate everything with a click.

Speaker 2:

So that's a really good point too, and not something that I don't think a lot of sellers that I've personally worked with have a strategy there in terms of like, hey, I've got this one product that's a impulse buy under $20, really simple, straightforward.

Speaker 2:

You can use the garlic pressed example, but you know, that's a product where you might want to ask for that review instantly versus. You maybe should consider having a different strategy for those products that someone's going to have to maybe unpack and set the thing up or read through like a manual. Maybe that's where you time it, so that it's two or three weeks after the fact, because then one I mean you're also, you're hopefully by that point they've gone through and done this setup right. I guess, in theory, they could also message you if you reach out and say like, hey, I'm having issues actually, rather than leaving a negative review, but yeah, do you have any kind of like other strategies like that? I've never really thought about that, which is might be a sad thing to say after all my years in working in the Amazon space.

Speaker 1:

You got it 100% right. Many sellers missed that and timing it allows you to optimize. We see 3 to 5% review conversion rate. So out of every 100 sales you made, you can expect 3 to 5 new reviews, which is a lot. This is another thing that relates to strategy, but it's automatic, so you don't really need to think about it. But we keep asking I mean always be asking because Amazon algorithm favors recent reviews compared to older reviews. So even if we sell the same product with the same number of reviews and your reviews are more recent, you'll be higher up and when you use it to like a high five, you always have fresh reviews and Amazon loves it and you will love it because you will sell so much more.

Speaker 1:

And for a second, the statistics tab. As I said, it's completely automatic. So once you set it up, you don't need to go in, check anything. You don't need to do anything. You can go to the statistics to see how many sales you made per day. How are the different items being sent, like you can see the. For example, this item was sent 71 requests 67,. You can see the top 20, etc. Etc. But you don't need to. It's completely automatic and more than that we actually let you. We send you a daily digest. These are the orders that were requested today. You can have it weekly, monthly, but we theoretically send it daily. So really you set it up once like for two minutes. I mean, if you have 100,000 days some of them, I don't know how they end, but some of our sellers do if you have 100,000 days it might take a while to load, but after it's loading, with a single click you're all set to go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, it's one of those things that just setting you know there's a few tools in the Amazon space I feel like that are kind of set it up once and then pretty much it's going to do all the heavy lifting more or less without your input anymore. You know there's other tools like I've used different alert softwares and things like that, right, and this is one of them. It's so easy to set something up where it's going to automate that request process for you and it just runs on autopilot. It sounds like what are kind of the risks associated these days with requesting reviews.

Speaker 2:

I've been in the Amazon world about six years now, so I've seen kind of some of the changes over the course of that time. Right Before they had the request to review button, right, you had to have like a piece of software that was sending messages out and you'd write the messages. You have to be careful there. And then I know they made the big change which was and I don't know if this is still how it is actually, but you cannot request a review more than one time on a single order, and that was a big update. And I think right after that was when, maybe, they added the request to review button.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure that timeline is 100%, but so those are just a couple of the changes. Right, I know there's been a ton of other stuff. You know now they have the critical review page where you as a brand owner can reach out to people that have left you a three I believe is three, two or one star review and try to rectify the problem. So Amazon's given sellers, I think, some more more features there, but I guess that was my long went away of asking you like what are the risks or dangers here that sellers nowadays, going into 2024, should kind of be aware of?

Speaker 1:

It's a good question because the question review is so simple, yet so frightening because of the things you said. Like Amazon can block your account like that If you get reviews in an non-compliant way, if you get fake reviews, amazon can simply shut you down, which is a huge risk. But the one thing they did that is serving sellers is allowing you to click the request to review button, which is 100% safe. We are actually being recommended by Amazon. We have the Amazon representative recommending i5 and Amazon actually sent an email recommending i5 to a few sellers. We know it's safe. It's as safe as can be.

Speaker 1:

And then something that might worry some sellers is an old banner. Just activate it and go, grow your business. I mean, we'll take care of reviews for you. You will see yourself rising up in the search, in Amazon search, and you don't need to think about it anymore. We do not at all deal with a buyer seller messaging, as you said. It's another possibility. It's risky. I'm sure if you know how to do it right, maybe you can get an even higher conversion rate, although I doubt it if you can get more than 5%, which is very, very large. But maybe you can. But you should be very, very careful not to aggravate Amazon, because Amazon will win yeah they're very sensitive around this topic too.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I mean, I know there are a ton of tools just serving that one kind of purpose for years. I don't know what's become of a lot of them. I'm sure they've pivoted or added other features, but where that was what they, you did, you set up your messaging sequence and you still had to play by the rules. You can't say, leave me a five star review and I'll give you something, or you can't tell them what to leave in terms of the star rating. But if you're going to do the review thing, this is the easiest way to stay compliant, to do it by the books, and Amazon's going to be 100% behind this right. There's no way that you can do something wrong in this if you're just clicking the button that they've given you as a seller right. So it makes sense. I don't really know many sellers that are still doing messaging sequences anymore, but I'm sure there's some out there still.

Speaker 1:

Actually, as you said before, you can. For example, you can't even technically request more than once, like if you try to press the button and you're using i5, you'll see a message for once and saying it was already requested. You can technically do it, so you are in the safe zone by definition. Nothing can really go wrong.

Speaker 2:

Do you also help with seller feedback? Because so we have the distinction between obviously there's product reviews, which is really what we're talking about now and that's probably the more critical piece here. Right, that's what's going to show on the actual product, the listing, and have an impact on all your metrics. But there is that side of the equation, that is, the seller feedback, which is a totally different process. Do you guys also automate that in any way, or is your is Hi-Fi fissilution focused 100% on requesting the reviews on the order level for the product detail page?

Speaker 1:

So what once you click the button, or we click it for you. So the email has two components to it. The top post is asking you to leave the product review five stars and the bottom part is asking for seller feedback five stars. So a smaller percentage of the buyers will press the feedback part, but some of them will. So again, this is informal, but our internal testing show that three to five percent will leave you a review and about half a percent will leave you a feedback. So for every 200 sales you made, you'll get one feedback, but you'll get six to 10 reviews.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's actually a really interesting piece of info. I'm just curious now, how many review requests do you think have been processed through Hi-Fi? I'm curious how much Daddy you guys have seen kind of that's given you those kind of metrics.

Speaker 1:

So what we know. I have to break a bit. About a year ago we celebrated sending the one million review request. Today, nowadays, we're sending close to two million every month. So what we don't know is how many of them, transformed. The exact number of how many of them turned into actual reviews, because Amazon doesn't disclose this information in the API, but we did some internal testing that showed the three to five percent figure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, cool. So one other question to Tom is I'm just curious like do you have any input on the? So the non request review, like what the other options that now I would say are there's? Almost every other option for getting reviews is kind of gray slash black hat, which generally is not something you want to look at doing if you're building your brand on Amazon, but the one area that always comes up is putting inserts in your product packaging. Do you have any experience or work, have any kind of client stories there? Is that still something that you guys see as a successful strategy? Any kind of considerations around that?

Speaker 1:

So start with the disclaimer. I'm not a seller myself. I never sold anything online, but I mean the software of Weist and, but never a physical product. If I were a seller, I would be very cautious and with asking in any other way other than the requested review button. Product inserts seems to be very effective, but they carry a risk, like I don't. It depends, I think, on how much you like Risks. If you you're not like a risk taker, I would skip it because you are getting a high enough Percentages. It is like if you raise it from three percent to four percent, I mean it's not such a big change but it's a huge risk. But again, this is my personal view.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that makes sense. I mean, I believe you've got to be very, very cautious with it. I've heard again, if you're very direct and say like give me a five-star review or add an insert that's doing that which I still get products to this day that are like definitely sketchy, you know you got an insert in there. It's leave us a five-star review and then message us on what's happening. We'll send you another one of these products free. Don't do that right.

Speaker 2:

The the things that I've seen, like our, if you've got an insert that's already in your packaging, whether you're selling that unit on Amazon or elsewhere, like I've seen, and it's not saying give us a five-star review. It's like you know we love your feedback. Your feedback makes a difference to us as a small business and that's maybe it or something very carefully worded. I can see those, that kind of work. But, yeah, definitely got to be careful there. Which, on Amazon, I don't think anyone should be taking, taking risks these days. It's it's too easy for them just to shut down your account or do something. You got to play whether rules.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, especially if it's your live view. I mean, if it's a side answer and, worst case scenario, amazon will shut me down, you can take a risk, but if you, if you, are dependent on your Amazon business, I wouldn't take a risk with them. By the way, one thing I remember that it was to some use a part of our vision in a. We didn't mention something that is a Favorite of our users. High five is completely free. This is the question I get asked the most. Why are you free? We're free because it's our first product. We are get building our brand. We want you to know who. Learn some labs to see that our products are superior, and then you will give a chance to our other products that some of them might be free, some of them might be paid. So we're building a brand. So if I will be free for ever, free for life, so no is here. And another thing that is important to us is that I Thank you.

Speaker 1:

I reps are Simple, like super simple, like it's one app for one Objective. High five asks for reviews. That's it I rather have. For example, we have an app called a pulse will not about it now, but Pulse is a real-time sales dashboard. That's it. I mean, every app does one thing compared to other apps. That does 507 things and you need to understand and install it. And it's cluttered and cumbersome. No, without products. What you see, what you get. It's simple, it's affordable or even free. It's very easy to manage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's simple. I feel like specialization in apps is gonna become a bigger and bigger thing in coming years, because it's like every Software I pay for these days, it's just, it's nice that they're trying to like, serve their customers and take requests, but there's like, there's overwhelming, like some of them you know. It's like you know, no, I love helium 10, but and so and I use it quite a bit, but like helium 10, it's like I open the tools like category nowadays I'm just like, oh my gosh, like I can't even find the tools that I use because there's so many like and they're they're good tools. Right, don't get me wrong, but it's like that's just common, like there's so many tools within the tool that you're paying for, which I get it. Yeah, they're trying to serve their customers, but there is something to be said about what you guys do Specializing.

Speaker 1:

You know exactly what you're getting for sure I mean ideally, like, let's say, when we speak in a few years from now, I will give you all the tools you get for helium 10 or jungle scuttle, wherever, but you only pay for the ones you use and they'll do only what they are used to do. You don't need to think of how do I set this up? How do I set this up? Are these two colliding? No, it's a simple One-to-one tools.

Speaker 2:

That's cool. So tell us real quick what else are you kind of working on right now with Lonesome Labs and and what like, what's the next product that you guys are building out, or if you can tell us.

Speaker 1:

So actually, our biggest thing is about to launch, hopefully within a couple of months. I would prefer not to mention it now I'd love to talk to you about it later Because it's still under cover, but after that we plan on releasing a new app that will Bring a whole new perspective to keyword tracking a completely new way and Very, very laser focused. All right, there we go. We can now, we can say for anyone who's listening or watching.

Speaker 2:

Now you have a reason to come back and subscribe and all that stuff, because we'll have Tom back on to announce the thing he's now hyped up but not told us what it is. So, without planning out, how do you come back, tom? I want to turn the conversation a little bit and ask you the question I ask every guest, which will lead us into the next section here. But does pineapple belong on pizza? You are currentlyties.

Speaker 1:

Anything belongs on anything, everything belongs on everything. Much worse things than a pineapple, if it was up to me.

Speaker 2:

All right, fair enough. So the reason I ask is that's our controversial, take kind of starter question. I just like to ask again every guess something controversial that maybe they believe, that maybe the rest of the industry does not believe or might not have the same thoughts about it. So do you have something debatable or controversial or just an opinion that you kind of stand on that might be a little bit different from other people in the space?

Speaker 1:

I'll stick with the subject of reviews. I think many sellers like surprisingly very large percentage of sellers are afraid of reviews, and I understand why, but there's no reason to do so. Just do it. I hope Nike will not sue me, but just do it Like just plug high five or do it manually if you want, but just use the button. You are missing out on sales for no reason whatsoever.

Speaker 2:

Just piggybacking off that. I feel like the and I'm saying this because I've been in there before but the only time you should be, as a seller, afraid of reviews, asking for reviews is when you're maybe worried your product's not good enough, which might be the might be really hard, like you know. I don't even like saying that because I know that that might be hard to hear. If you've just come out with a product, right and it's like you know it's pretty good, maybe it's your first launch, but you're really worried that it's just not good enough, right, and that's, I feel like, the only time like and I'm saying that from personal experience because I've gone through that where I've launched like my first private label products ever launched, which I've mentioned a couple of times.

Speaker 2:

On the show is a little webcam cover and, to be honest, it was a very cheap. Like this is the back in the day. So I got my Alibaba like sample and then ordered like my first 500 units. Product was not that great and I was worried about asking for reviews, and that's why, because as soon as I got the first couple reviews, it was like I got a couple that weren't like three star ones in there and that made me feel like, oh my gosh, like, and so I feel like when you know your product is really, really good, then you're not going to even have that same kind of friction point or fear. You know, in some of it's also the experience, right, maybe you're just, if it's your first launch, you're probably always worried about certain components of that. But yeah, just some, just my kind of two cents on it as well, you should ask for reviews. I echo that Like you need to ask for reviews.

Speaker 1:

Makes sense what you say about, arguably, if you don't get better views but you don't get reviews at all, no one will discover you anyway. You'll be better down here Amazon search. It doesn't really matter if it's better reviews or none. No one will see you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%. I mean, you got to get your first reviews.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the one thing we don't do is we do not see the requested review for refunded orders. It's important to note. We do not, so no worries here.

Speaker 2:

Got it, and when you say that, do you mean that the order shipped and then the customers returned it? So are we talking about returns, or it's they canceled it before, like right after ordering it, for example?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so if it was refunded for whatever reason, hi-fi will not request a review. To make sure your reviews stay high.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's important Cool.

Speaker 1:

It's just like something I get asked about and you reminded me with a lower rating reviews, or we do not do it. We just don't send to refunded orders.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the worst thing, that worst thing you can do as a seller, is request a review and someone's just returned your item because it was broken or they didn't want it, or it was a bad product or something, and you're definitely asking, hey, can you please leave me a one-star review? You more or less said that, right? So, yeah, that is an important note. Yeah, there you go. Well, tom, I want to turn it around to you for a second, and this is going to bring us a little bit to the end of our show here and I know we're going to have to have you come back on as you get closer to the secret project that you're working on. But before we turn it to the end of the show, I just wanted to give you some space and some time to just share with the audience where they can learn more about you or connect with you or get started with Hi5 if they're looking for a tool to help automate this review request process.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. So I will start with the install link for Hi5. So it's bitlybyly, bitly slash candy reviews. We did a bitly link to direct the install Hi5. As I said before, it's free for life. No result, right, you don't like it? You can always disable it. So bitly slash candy reviews. You can even meet directly. I'm super fast in answering and replying, so feel free. My direct email is tom T-O-M at lonsonglabscom.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. Thanks, Tom, and we'll put for anyone listening or watching. We'll put the notes down in the show notes or in the description as well, but both the link you mentioned and your email as well, so people can get in touch. That's awesome, Tom. I just wanted to ask is there anything else I should be asking you about Hi5 or this review process or anything else? Are there any questions? I'm sure you missed that. You think the audience needs to know, or did we get?

Speaker 1:

everything covered today. I think we covered everything and if anyone has any questions, feel free to email me, and I really appreciate again the opportunity and I hope many sellers will join us. I mean, as I said, we are going very, very fast. We are developing more interesting tools and products. Be a part of it. We are obsessed with you. The seller enjoy it, benefit for it.

Speaker 2:

Love it. That's awesome. Well, tom, thanks so much for coming on the show today. Really appreciate it. And yeah, we'll set something up to have you back to to hear what you guys are working on next. But that's going to bring us to the end of the show. So, for everyone who's watching, thank you so much for being here. Remember everything links, anything, emails, getting in touch with Tom All that stuff is going to be in the show notes or in the description if you're watching this on YouTube. All right, that brings us to the end of this episode. Thanks again to Tom of Lonesome Labs for joining us today.

Speaker 2:

We hope that this episode pulled some kind of insight or strategy out for you that you can turn into valuable, actionable information to implement with your Amazon business. As always, we thank you for tuning into the Amazon Stratatious Show. You did find some kind of value in today's discussion. We kindly request leave us a rating, a review, leave us a comment if you're watching this on YouTube or if you have any questions. That stuff does help us reach more and more e-commerce enthusiasts just like yourself. And don't forget to follow us on our social media channels. We post updates there, behind the scenes stuff, content and a lot more. So check us out. All the links to everything mentioned from today's episode will be found in either the show notes or the description, if you're watching this on YouTube. That's it for today's episode. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us again next week for another captivating discussion where we're going to bring you some more expert insights and game-changing tips for your Amazon business. So again, I'm your host, ben Smith, signing off. Happy selling Finished. Then Railsx� you.

Tom's Journey Into the Amazon Space
Understanding Hi5
Considerations for Product Reviews on Amazon
Pineapple Pizza and the Importance of Reviews