Live and Let Drive
A podcast that focuses on driving safety.
Live and Let Drive
Pedestrian Safety: A Two-Way Street
Our guests for today’s episode are Rosa Kozub and Shannon Glendenning from the NMDOT Multimodal Planning & Programs Bureau. We talk about why New Mexico has the highest rates of pedestrian fatalities, how NMDOT is addressing this issue, and what we can all do keep our roads safe. They discuss key findings from the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. Here’s the link: nmpedplan.altaplanning.cloud/storage/app/media/Final%20Plan_August_2021.pdf
Shannon mentions the very cool AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit: aarp.org/livable-communities/getting-around/aarp-walk-audit-tool-kit.html, and the Walk Bike and Roll to School (for international walk to school day October 12th): walkbiketoschool.org/
Look for Me, NMDOT’s campaign for pedestrian safety, has state-wide statistics, tips for drivers and pedestrians, and local statutes: lookformenm.com/
If you’re outside of New Mexico, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is a good resource: www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/pedestrian-safety, as well as the Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA) where you can find see where your state ranks on pedestrian safety: https://www.ghsa.org/resources/Pedestrians22