Live and Let Drive

Drugged Driving in the Age of Legalized Cannabis

The New Mexico Department of Transportation Season 1 Episode 4

Cannabis is now legal in New Mexico for recreational use. This means we’re seeing more people driving high on our roads. Drugged driving is impaired driving. Many people are unaware they can be arrested for a DWI for marijuana, or they think they can drive safely high because they think they’re being more careful and driving slower. On this episode, we talk with an expert DRE officer and current Highway Safety Specialist at NHTSA, Deputy Chief Charles Files. He’s been at the forefront of this issue from even before cannabis was legalized in New Mexico. Deputy Chief Files explains what officers are seeing out on the streets. It’s complicated. He breaks it down for us and shares some amusing anecdotes.

Check out these videos from the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s awareness campaign on drugged driving.



AAA published a study on the alarming rise of fatal crashes involving drivers who test positive on THC: