Inner Rebel

All Things Chat GPT: Simplifying Life and Boosting Creativity

Melissa Bauknight & Jessica Rose Season 1

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In this episode of the Inner Rebel podcast, hosts Melissa Bauknight and mindset coach Rachel Molenda dive into the world of Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and its role in simplifying life and enhancing creativity. Melissa shares her personal experiences of utilizing Chat GPT as a powerful tool to streamline her business and life. Together, they discuss common challenges faced by entrepreneurs and professional women, such as overwhelm, loneliness, and feeling stuck in a creative rut.

Melissa and Rachel emphasize the importance of community support and mindset shifts in overcoming these challenges. They highlight the value of connecting with like-minded individuals who can offer insights, ideas, and encouragement. Their discussion centers around the significance of collaboration over competition, debunking the belief that success must be achieved through struggle.

The hosts share practical tips and examples of how Chat GPT can be used effectively. They explore its applications in generating creative ideas, decision-making, and productivity enhancement. 

Melissa demonstrates how Chat GPT has become her go-to resource for 

  • naming her business,
  • developing vision and mission statements
  • streamlining branding and marketing efforts
  • social media content editing
  • sales page and email creation
  • creating job descriptions and interview questions
  • and even planning personal events like vacations and birthday parties. 

They address concerns about the tool removing authenticity from creative processes and offer perspectives on using Chat GPT as a supportive enhancement rather than a replacement for personal input.

The episode also provides a sneak peek into the upcoming workshop led by Melissa and Rachel. You can register for the July 25th class here. They discuss the topics they will cover, which include amplifying creativity, making effective decisions, and nurturing holistic well-being. Melissa's focus lies in leveraging Chat GPT to streamline processes and create efficiency, while Rachel dives into mindset techniques to reduce overwhelm and harness high vibrational energy for optimal productivity.

Register for the July 25th All Things Chat GPT Masterclass - Tune in live or catch the recording

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Speaker 1:

This is the Inner Rebel podcast. Welcome everyone to Inner Rebel. I am Melissa Bakne and I'm here with a very special guest for a mini episode on All Things Chat GPT. This is my dear friend Rachel Melinda. Welcome, rachel.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. I'm so pumped to be here and chatting with you and just what we're dreaming up here. This is kind of cool because I know you've invited me on your podcast, but I just want to ask you everything and share what I've had the pleasure of witnessing in you of how you use chat GPT to simplify your whole entire life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, thank you. Rachel and I have been in a sacred business mastermind together for most of this year. We've had an inside look at what each other are doing and this is a big tool that I used throughout the program to create what I was working on in the program, so you've had a unique view of how this has played out. We want to acknowledge some of the struggles that we see in our own lives, as well as the entrepreneur and professional woman that we work with around overwhelm, around getting stuck with not feeling like you are creative or feeling like you're working in a silo. Especially if you're a solopreneur, you can feel really lonely.

Speaker 1:

Bigger than just this tool that we're going to talk about today, these are the things that we care a lot about as women and as coaches, and things that we're deeply committed to supporting people all around. We're going to give you some practical tips around using chat, gpt, as well as your own body and your own mind and navigating these things. So we're very excited. We're teaching a workshop in a couple of weeks, so you're going to get a lot more information on this. I'm just going to give you a little bit of a taste around what is possible here I'm curious, as you've been navigating your entrepreneurial journey as well as supporting other people around this in your business and your membership. What are the most common challenges that you see people face or that you faced personally?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think overwhelm is definitely up there, I think, just as being a solopreneur, the loneliness, and that's why I'm just always so passionate about getting women in community together, because when you do get into community, you see that you're not alone and it's seeing that and releasing the judgment that you had of yourself that actually boosts your energy all over again. If you were just able to see that I have a program called the Well. It's a community and coaching platform to support the mental wellness of entrepreneurs. The women in there are incredible. We have such an amazing community.

Speaker 3:

Just one woman posting saying I'm struggling with this, or only one person showed up for my masterclass, and other people being like, oh my God same, I'm not a loser. Just releasing that, because the opposite is that we end up going into this spiral of being like I'm a piece of crap and making all these judgments about ourself when really we don't even have to go down that path. If we don't, then we get to stay in this high vibration and that affects how we look at things, that affects how we continue to carry on and that keeps the momentum going. I think that alone helps to combat that feeling of loneliness and, I think, being on your own as you're building a team and having that trust in yourself, creative ideas. I've been in coaching programs and masterminds for the past couple of years and I truly don't know what I would do without it, because just having a business ally, someone to bounce ideas off of, is so important when you're just like in your head and you want to ask someone about what do you think of this pricing?

Speaker 3:

What do you think of this offer? Does this land with you? There's many challenges that entrepreneurs face, but I think those are at the top.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was present to a moment that you and I had when we were in Mexico together on our retreat and everyone was sharing their visions for their business or their lives. Oh, I think that's what you're going to say yeah, and I'm sitting there at the table judging my vision and being like I don't belong here. I can't believe I said that there's so much better than me and my mind is spinning. I just wanted to leave the table and go, and as soon as we left the dinner you're like.

Speaker 1:

you turn to me and you ask me if I was judging myself the way you were judging yourself around your end we had this beautiful mind.

Speaker 2:

I was like yes.

Speaker 1:

I felt like I needed to leave and I was so grateful that you said it out loud because I could have just said in that story of unworthiness, and meanwhile you were thinking it, and then we asked the whole cab and everyone was thinking it in their own unique way of the entire group and we're like, oh okay, well, this is totally normal.

Speaker 3:

Which is the benefit of being in community with people who are doing big things. You want to be in a room with people who might trigger you and might make you feel small. They're not. It's not them making you feel small, it's your own. It's your own stuff that you're bringing into it. But for sure we want to look at that and allow it to pull us into our expansion, not squash us back into this like small town Susie archetype that we talk about. There is a lot of stuff that happens and comes up when we are in community, especially with women. There's a lot of conditioning there and sister wounds.

Speaker 3:

But if you can just say open and present and aware of it and not actually give into it. There's so much room for that growth and that expansion there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's pure magic, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to throw a question at you because I want to put the spotlight on you. So, going back to our work together over the past several months, in our container it became like a running joke that you're the chat GPT queen. We would be in our container and spinning on things and be like what would be good for this person here and giving advice, and then you put the whole thing in chat GPT and it comes up with this brilliant answer. We would just laugh about it. But I want you to go into detail with what you did here, like the whole branding and messaging, and you basically turned several plus hours of work into like 30 minutes to an hour minutes yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, do you want to talk about how you did that?

Speaker 1:

Yes. So I didn't set out to be the chat GPT queen, it's just so at my core. I love efficiency and I'm obsessed with it in my entire life, and so I started to play around with chat GPT several months ago and I realized how efficient it was as a tool, and so the more that I started to recognize, the more I kept playing around with it and being like well, what else can this thing do and how else could I use this to really facilitate growing this business? So I have been building a membership based community that will be local and virtual for conscious, professional women, and I have a very, very big vision for this thing, and I have never been the CEO of a multimillion dollar company. So I don't know what I'm doing, even though I do know how to figure it out, and I think so often people get stopped by the how I'm sure you see this a lot in your coaching too is that you have this huge vision and the how is a breakdown point. Instead of getting stopped by that, that how.

Speaker 1:

I literally would turn to chat GPT and be like okay, I need a name for this thing, start there, and I would brainstorm with one of the other women that supported me in the business and we put down all the words of how we want it to feel and name ideas that we had, and we just created this whole Google doc about it.

Speaker 1:

And then I put it into chat GPT and I said help us, come up with a name for this company. Here are all the things that we wanted to feel, how we want it to look, some other ideas, and the first thing it's been out was Luma Nova, and it broke down what each word meant and when it broke down what Nova meant about being so bright, you basically burst into other stars. It meant an increase of consciousness, transformation. It was the perfect name and so in a moment I got the name for the business and then from there it's been everything from the vision, the mission, the brand values, pages, emails, launch strategies, event ideas. I mean you name it. I've used chat GPT to get the creative juices flowing and, honestly, what I have accomplished in two months could have taken me six months to a year at minimum, and like tens of thousands of dollars also, and I used a free tool to support me in it.

Speaker 3:

I love what you said there about the how, because that is such a sticky point for people, where they do get stuck and that's what stops the momentum. And it's unfortunate because the how actually isn't up to us. In the mindset world we talk about, you are responsible for the what and claiming the what and getting into energetic alignment of it. How it comes to fruition is not up to you.

Speaker 3:

That's where we let that mystery school of life and the magic come into play. So it's kind of like a double edged sword, because you're keeping yourself from experiencing the magic and you're not doing anything. So at the very least, chat GPT keeps the momentum going. It's our paradigms that are also going to keep us stuck. And you can just stay in the momentum of it and keep going. Consistency is the secret sauce of success.

Speaker 1:

Yep, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Consistency is also the most challenging thing, or can be because of all the blocks that stand in the way. So I love how you've used this tool to keep the momentum going and to keep you inspired. I think that was my blocker on chat GPT is that. I was like, oh, it takes the heart out of things, like it's just robotic and I don't want to just put computer generated things on a page. So how do you use that to inspire you and still continue to add your own flavor to it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I think what takes the longest is the first, second, third iteration of something, and you can sit and stare at a blank page hoping that this idea will come to you, and what I like to do is, you know, I just take whatever I've got. So if I have been sitting there brainstorming about the vision for Nova, for example, and I'm like I need a vision statement, but this feels really overwhelming to me of how to make it sound perfect, right, we can get stuck in perfectionism as well. So I just will copy what I've done, put it in there and be like help me cultivate a vision statement for this. And then I read it and I'm like, okay, well, I literally just type in what my brain thinks Like that sounds really cheesy.

Speaker 1:

Can you make it sound like a little bit of humor and sarcasm and have it have more of a bold, approachable feel to it? And then it'll come back with a tone. And then I'm like, okay, what I talk like that is that who I am. Then I would take that and maybe tweak it, move some things around, insert my voice into it, and then I would stare at a piece of paper for trying to figure it out or really judging myself or critiquing myself to try to get it right. It takes that time and cuts it into like five minutes.

Speaker 2:

So that's how I use it.

Speaker 1:

I work a lot with tone and then going back in and Shifting things around, it sound like I would actually speak like a real human being.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it is truly like you have a free team member right, just someone to bounce ideas off of. Like, okay, like, how could we make this sound more, more juicy and zesty? I think that's one thing that I Didn't really know before. I saw how you started using chat GBT.

Speaker 3:

It would spit something out and I'd be like this sounds boring, but I didn't know how to say make it less boring or make it more exciting. You can really use it to To to get it closer to what you want, and sometimes you just need that Beginning idea. You need to stay in that solution oriented energy to Reinspire right, because it's when you go, oh, that's not gonna work or I don't have any ideas, that you're now no longer available for ideas and creativity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it gives you so much space and Creativity needs space in order to thrive, and so I am a huge proponent of cultivating spaciousness in my life and business and growing my business in a very sustainable way.

Speaker 1:

I am not trying to overwork myself, I'm not trying to burn out, doing my sole project, and I have used this to facilitate those values and and I am able to spend more time with my son during the summer. So if I can come in in the morning and be like help me write the sales page and the first three emails of this nurture sequence, and I can take 30 minutes to do something that would have taken me probably all day to get it Right and then go play with my son or go to the pool or go for a hike, it's helping me maintain a really balanced lifestyle, which is something that's so important to me and, I think, something that every single ambitious woman struggles with. Whether You're in corporate or you're running your own business or you've got a side project that you're trying to get out of corporate and transition into, those are the main things that we struggle with. So I'm like, why wouldn't I use this it's giving me?

Speaker 3:

life. Yeah and, and I think you've also used it to plan your kids birthday party. Haven't you done that like? Give me theme ideas for a Jack's. I don't know how old Jack is, but he's like birthday party ideas, oh Everything.

Speaker 1:

My friend planned her Disney's trip with it. I have, actually, my girlfriends want to go on a trip together and we haven't gone in 10 years. And I was like, okay, here's who we are, here's what we're looking for. Can you give me some great ideas of where we can go? I just put in really specific thing and I'm like okay, girls chat, gpt thinks we need to go to Roa tan, was that? See, please, roa tan and la fortuna, costa Rica. So cool, we're doing a three-week trip over Christmas. And so the other day I was just in there trying to figure out where we should go in the world, and I've been doing a lot of organic research. But I was like what if I took all the research that I've been doing through Google and put it in here? And it helped me plan a three-week trip to the Canary Islands. I was like this is the kind of hotel we like to stay at, this is how we want to feel, this is what our family is like, and it was like, boom, here's a hotel you should Wow.

Speaker 3:

I was like, okay, I didn't realize it would do that. Yeah, so you can plan your life if you move to Spain.

Speaker 3:

We love whoa yeah, but it helps you with everything, Okay is there any part of you that feels like chat GPT takes the magic out of things? I think that's my block, but I'm also for it. We're doing this master class together and why I want to learn from you and I want all of us to learn as well. But I really want to get into songwriting as well on the side. But my my block is melodies. Like I start thinking of a melody and then all of a sudden I'm singing a Taylor Swift song. I'm like, how did we think of original melodies?

Speaker 2:

And so I was gonna go to chat, gpt or or something.

Speaker 3:

Get an AI generated melody, because once I have a melody I can flow. But then there's part of me where I'm like, oh, it's not original anymore, because I just got it from AI.

Speaker 2:

Mmm I.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I see that and it's I mean when we talk about shifting your mindset around it. I think it helps me generate more magic in my life and it helps me do the things that I love the most. So, if the melody piece is the stuck piece and it's the hardest part for you, but once I get this thing, then all of this other stuff just flows out of my body and so it gives you access to your magic faster, because you're moving through the stuckness faster and maybe you don't even use that melody, but it's just the thing to get your brain to start thinking outside of Taylor Swift so that you can come up with your own, coming up with job descriptions and Very detailed launch strategies. Those are things I do enjoy, but it's not where I want to spend my time, and so if I can utilize a tool to do the pieces of my life in business that Take up a lot of time, like maybe the 80-20 rule, they might take up 80% of my time but bring me 20% of my joy. Or I want to be sending 80% of my time doing the things that I love by having efficiency in the things that I don't want to be doing.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I'd rather outsource them, and it would cost me Thousands and thousands of dollars to outsource the work that I have done. So it gets me to. I can build this community. I can put the women in the room so much faster because I Haven't sat around letting myself be stuck about something. I'm like, okay, I need a job description. I don't have any idea what jobs I need to launch a membership community. So I'm like, okay, chat, gpt. Here's everything that I know about this community. What are the first three hires that I should make Great? Can you give me job descriptions for them? That's wonderful.

Speaker 3:

What should?

Speaker 1:

they be doing. And then, literally so, my director of operations. She gave me her proposed job description. I put it in there and I was like here's what I think. And then I presented it to her and we went through line by line and she's like this doesn't really apply to me, but this section is really important to me and I'm like cool, I mean, I just made all this up as you do as an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

So why don't we give this to somebody else who is this for their zone of genius? But even that would have taken me so long. But instead I get to be with her and be in conversation with her and get into community and build what I love. So I'm curious if that shifts anything for you, just hearing that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and look, I can attest to this because so when Melissa and I were planning up this masterclass, we divided and conquer. Okay, I'm gonna put up the sales page, you're gonna, you're gonna do the copy for it. And Melissa got our tasks done. I could see on a Santa, they're just like tick, tick, tick like you did it all in like half an hour to an hour max. We said, actually, so this is kind of cool.

Speaker 3:

Almost everything for this, all things chat gpt to produce, overwhelm and boost creativity was generated through ai. So the, the sales copy, the questions for this podcast interview I think the intention was to do it for our the emails that we would send out. I took care of the emails and I didn't use chat gpt and I'm pretty quick with emails, but you saw, I sat on it for a while. I was like sorry, melissa, like I just run it, just running a bit behind on things, like Okay, I'm gonna get to it today. And as a result of you using chat gpt, you were done in seconds. Like I was like holy crap.

Speaker 3:

Yeah for me. Despite being excited about this, it was a thing I was like, oh, I really gotta get to, I really gotta get to it. But in my mind I was like this is work. I gotta sit down and write this email and I gotta set up this and it just it blocks that. So I can totally see what you're saying and it's a perfect example of. Yeah yeah, so let's let's jump into that. Maybe chat about what you're gonna be covering in the class and I'll talk about what I'm gonna be covering.

Speaker 1:

I've given some practical examples here today of ways that you can use it, so really specific ways that you can use this to move through these blocks, so we'll dive into this a little bit more. How to amplify your creativity.

Speaker 1:

Decision-making is a big piece of where we have slowdowns and blocks, even to your point of like. Okay, I'm going to have to make a lot of decisions about these emails, so I'm going to keep pushing it down the road because it's going to take a lot of time to get through my mental space, and so a lot of times, we avoid things that we know we have to make a decision about. That takes a long time, and so I'm going to also talk through how you can enhance productivity, enhance your efficiency and make more effective, efficient decisions which can move you through things a lot quicker, and ultimately tying it back into what you're going to talk about, and what I'm passionate about is holistic well-being. How do we use a tool like this to really enhance our lives so that we can thrive instead of feel like we're just barely having our heads above water?

Speaker 1:

I wear a lot of hats. I have a six-year-old son. I'm primary parent in my household, I work what I don't know if it's full time, but it's a full time gig that I try to do in his life.

Speaker 2:

You work full time. A few hours is possible, though.

Speaker 1:

And my husband works and I am responsible for the household. I have all of these roles and all of the hats in my business too. To tie it back into what I said earlier really utilizing this to help my whole life and help your whole life as a entrepreneur, professional woman, and what are some of the tools that we can use and pull from? This is more of what I would call like a masculine tool. That's very like the strategy and the how to, and knocking out the to do masculine stuff, which usually takes up most of our life, so that we can get to the more feminine parts of our life and the parts that bring us more joy.

Speaker 1:

So that is what I'm going to be diving into in more detail than the class, and so I'd love for you to share what you're going to be talking about as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah well, I'm so pumped to hear about that and the approach that I'm bringing is solving the same challenges around reducing overwhelm and decision making and but bringing in the mindset perspective, so really sharing about how we can really tune into the awareness of our thoughts to realize where we're getting in our own way and just how looking at a situation differently because we always have the opportunity to how looking at a situation can either increase your energy or drain your energy and how to stay in that sort of high vibrational and solution oriented energy so we can keep the momentum going and let things feel the way that we want them to feel. Overwhelm is a choice, right, and when we have the tools the mindset tools, the chat, the BT tools we can shift out of that state and get business and our life feeling the way that we always wanted it to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and as it ties into inner rebel, we want to do life and business in our own authentic way, and we talked about how does this take away your authentic voice? And it's like no, let it enhance your authentic voice. Let it help you get your authentic voice out there. Who says that we have to struggle so much to be quote unquote successful by a patriarchal, capitalistic standard? These are all different tools that we can pull together so that we can stop buying into this bullshit narrative that it has to be so hard and let ourselves create ease where it's possible and let ourselves get supported where it's possible, instead of being like I have to do it all on my own and it all has to be hard and this is how it has to go.

Speaker 1:

I'm calling bullshit on all of it and anything that I can bring into my life that has integrity. I want to use it because I'm trying to do things the hard way. I'm not trying to do things just because somebody else said that's how it has to go. I'd rather be innovative and I'd rather think outside the box and bring my voice to life and bring the people together that I know I want to have together. And if I can use an AI tool to help me do that, then apps are freaking loopy because I want to go for a hike today.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, my gosh, I love this so much. I'm so pumped to co-facility this with you, but also to learn from you. Yeah, start leaning into this. And part of my personal journey has been leading in my feminine. I love when I can be in my feminine in my business, yes, but the reality is that a lot of the time I'm a one-woman show with some contractors or team members, so I have to be in my masculine. I have to run the show, I have to hold the structure. But it's much more difficult to access that flow, the creativity, when you are having to be more predominantly masculine. So if I can pass that role off to my trusty chat GPTT member, I'm freaking pumped too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, let's just grow juicy feminine businesses as total badass women that do get a lot of. We do get a lot done.

Speaker 1:

We need to get a lot done and it feels really good too, but it's the how we're getting things done and it's the why underneath the doing. That is everything, and so if we can start to shift how we're looking at our doing and why we're taking the actions we're taking, or why we're not utilizing certain tools, and what's our foundational belief about those things, then we can start to live a life that we actually want to be living and feel the way that we actually want to be living. So I'm pumped and I'm excited to collaborate with you. This is also a feminine way of doing business is collaborating and honestly, I'm going to speak to the sister wound quickly. We could look at each other as having competitive businesses because we do serve similar audiences, but at no point have I felt like Rachel's gonna take my people away or I'm gonna take her people. I look at our skill sets and we have such complementary skill sets. Plus, I love you and I'm like can I please work with my friends?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love you I think this is a really beautiful example of cross-collaboration, when you could consider somebody a competitor, but there's so many people out there right Totally who's gonna resonate with you might not resonate with me, and vice versa. I also want us to use this as a model of how we can come together in life and business and really lean on one another instead of viewing one another as competition. So I think that's a beautiful side thing that working with you is making me really present too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love that you mentioned that and I've been doing a lot of my work and offerings on my own for several years and it's funny because this just goes to show that once you decide that something, it happens. I was like I want to collaborate, I want to create with someone, like I don't want to do this thing alone anymore. Even when I was putting together our sales page, I was like business alignment coach and you have a community membership of women and me as a mindset coach for entrepreneurs and I have a community of women and I think, just for anyone listening that feels like, oh, the market's saturated, there's no place for me, or how am I going to stand out you will stand out because you are you and no one can ever be you, and I know that sounds like stupid things that your mom tells you, but it's true.

Speaker 3:

It's so true though it is true. If you want a free, liberated, nude, predominant dancing queen of an approach, come hang out over here. And actually, like you do relate to that in many ways too, but you've got your flavor and I've got my flavor.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Why not create more virtual and IRL homes for people and entrepreneurs in the community, so then they can find where they belong? It's not about oh, I got more people or you got more people. It's about creating a home for everyone so they can feel like they belong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and multiple homes. As I'm growing Nova, several people have said to me like why would you choose to launch a community in Colorado? That's one of the most saturated communities and there's already all these communities that are thriving for women in networking groups and I was like because I want to partner with them and I want to promote them.

Speaker 1:

And I know that we belong to multiple communities and that no one really just belongs to one. We're belong to multiple. We're always trying to find our people. I was like that's such an interesting thought that you have about this?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, totally yeah, it's real. So, yeah, yeah, so Okay. So I'm tempted to be the podcast host here, because that's my former persona too, and to close this off and tell people how to get involved in Masterclass, but I'm going to let you do the honors, so when is our Masterclass. How do people sign up?

Speaker 1:

So we are doing this on Tuesday, july 25th, at 12 pm Eastern Standard Time and 10 am Mountain Standard Time. We'll be promoting it through our social media channels and we'll also put the link to sign up in the notes for this podcast so you can click on the landing page to sign up, and we promise it's going to be epic because you get to hang out with us for an hour, if nothing else.

Speaker 3:

To be really friends.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, and we're just so excited. Obviously, we love being together and we love sharing our magic with as many people as we can, so we hope this speaks to you and can't wait to see you there.

Speaker 2:

Hey there, rebels. If you enjoyed this podcast, we would love your support in a few quick ways. You could like, follow or subscribe on your preferred platform to help others discover us too. You could also leave us a review. We also have a Facebook group, and you can find us at facebookcom Slash groups slash Interrebel podcast, and you can find us on Instagram at Interrebel podcast. Your support means everything to us and we can't wait to continue this journey together.

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